AI companies have tried to improve the performance of chatbots like ChatGPT by increasing the size of the large language models that power them. But the chatbots have actually gotten more unreliable as they've gotten bigger, and still sometimes give incorrect answers to easy questions.
In this post, the Netflix Performance Engineering team will show you the first 60 seconds of an optimized performance investigation at the command line, using standard Linux tools.
Talk from SREcon2016 by Brendan Gregg. Video: . "There's limited time for performance ana…
Fleiss' kappa is a statistical measure for assessing the reliability of agreement between a fixed number of raters when assigning categorical ratings to a number of items or classifying items. This contrasts with other kappas such as Cohen's kappa, which only work when assessing the agreement between two raters. The measure calculates the degree of agreement in classification over that which would be expected by chance and is scored as a number between 0 and 1. There is no generally agreed on measure of significance, although guidelines have been given.
The "International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems" (IJCCBS) is a quarterly research journal by Inderscience Publishers. It focuses on engineering and verification of complex computer-based systems (where complex means large, distributed and heterogeneous) in critical applications, with special emphasis on model-based approaches and industrial case-studies. Critical computer-based systems include real-time control, fly/brake-by-wire, on-line transactional and web servers, biomedical apparels, networked devices for telecommunications, environmental monitoring, infrastructure protection, etc.
T. Erdmann, J. Mast, and M. Warrens. Statistical methods in medical research, 24 (6):
920-35(December 2015)Mesures de concordància; Kappa; ICC; Exemples; Online.