Welcome to codex@biblical-studies.ca. This site contains various resources for Biblical Studies, Old Testament Hebrew, religion & popular culture, theology, film, and more. It is maintained by Tyler F. Williams, Chair of the Religion & Theology Department
From Brian Benzinger comes a comprehensive list of 50 websites that will help you write, take notes, and organize your life. Some real gems here, check them out. I used a couple of these plus a timeline tool to create an easy-to-update task-reporting tool
The Experienced Emblem: A Study of the Poetry of Emily Dickinson
Monteiro, George; St. Armand, Barton Levi
Prospects: An Annual Journal of American Cultural Studies (Prospects) 1981; 6: 187-280. [Journal Detail]
Peer Reviewed:
General Subject Areas:
Subject Literature: American literature;
Period: 1800-1899;
Primary Subject Author: Dickinson, Emily (1830-1886);
Genre: poetry;
Subject Terms:
imagery; sources in emblem book
Document Information:
Publication Type: journal article
Language of Publication: English
Update Code: 198101
Sequence Numbers: 1981-1-6486
Accession Number:
"How to set up for usage with yum (minimum required version: yum 2.4.x): RHEL5, CentOS, Scientific Linux, RHEL4 yum, SLES yum Note: The version of yum distributed on CentOS 3 by default is too old (yum 2.0.8). You will need to upgrade to a yum 2.4.x version in order to use these repositories. The older version of yum does not support plugins or mirrorlists, which are required for these repos to work. "
ABA uses educational techniques to change certain antisocial behaviors in autistic kids. By working with these children on a one-on-one, daily basis, therapists can increase children's skills in language, play and social interaction. They can also help them get over behavior that interferes with learning. Much of the therapy is repetitive in nature, which is why sessions need to be ongoing, without interruption. Health Library * MayoClinic.com: Autism But it's controversial. Some health plans consider it experimental or say it is not medically necessary. But many experts say that ABA does show promise, especially in children whose autism was diagnosed at an early age. According to the Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, a highly respected autism research and treatment center, studies have shown 60 percent of high-functioning children can lose their diagnosis of autism by age 8 by using ABA.
Um sich über die Ergebnisse des ersten Delphi "Wie kommunizieren wir im Jahr 2020?" zu informieren, kann man sich zum einen den dritten Band der FAZIT-Schriftenreihe herunterladen. Zusätzlich gibt es die Möglichkeit sich durch die wichtigsten Ergebnisse zu klicken.
D. Moraal, B. Lorig, D. Schreiber, and U. Azeez. BIBB Report: Forschungs- und Arbeitsergebnisse aus dem Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung, (Jan 26, 2009)
X. Chen, and L. Chong. Process Safety and Environmental Protection (Transactions of the
Institution of Chemical Engineers, Part B), 73 (2):