The system-to-administrator ratio is commonly used as a rough metric to understand administrative
costs in high-scale services. With smaller, less automated services this ratio can be as low as
2:1, whereas on industry leading, highly automated services, we’ve seen ratios as high as 2,500:1.
Within Microsoft services, Autopilot [1] is often cited as the magic behind the success of the Windows
Live Search team in achieving high system-to-administrator ratios. While auto-administration
is important, the most important factor is actually the service itself. Is the service efficient to automate?
Is it what we refer to more generally as operations-friendly? Services that are operationsfriendly
require little human intervention, and both detect and recover from all but the most obscure
failures without administrative intervention. This paper summarizes the best practices accumulated
over many years in scaling some of the largest services at MSN and Windows Live.
Licq is a multi-threaded ICQ (originally; now it supports AOL and MSN as well) clone written mostly in C++. It uses an extensive plugin system to manage many different functions.
Multi-Protokoll-Clients haben das Chatten bereichert: Für ICQ, GoogleTalk und AIM muss nicht jeweils ein eigenes Programm installiert werden. Mit Meebo ist überhaupt keine Installation mehr nötig: Über eine Web-Applikation melden Sie sich bei Ihren Messengern an. Meebo bietet darüber hinaus Chaträume.
A mídia está tocando fanfarras em torno do "novo concorrente do Google", o Cuil.
Para começar, preciso registrar minhas impressões após experimentar o serviço, que posso resumir em uma palavra: decepcionante.
Para derrotar uma liderança como a que o Google tem hoje, você precisa de mais do que um "produto melhor". Você tem que criar um produto avassaladoramente melhor.
J. Xu, C. Chen, G. Xu, H. Li, and E. Abib. WSDM '10: Proceedings of the third ACM international conference on Web search and data mining, page 171--180. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2010)
G. Salton, and C. Buckley. SIGIR '88: Proceedings of the 11th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval, page 147--160. New York, NY, USA, ACM Press, (1988)