E. Owusu-Ansah. portal: Libraries & the Academy, 7 (4):
415-429(October 2007)M3: Article; Owusu-Ansah, Edward K. 1 Email Address: owusu-ansah@kingsborough.edu; Affiliations: 1: Chief Librarian and Chair of the Robert J. Kibbee Library, Kingsborough Community College, City University of New York, Brooklyn, New York; Source Information: Oct2007, Vol. 7 Issue 4, p415; Subject Term: ACADEMIC libraries; Subject Term: INFORMATION literacy; Subject Term: ACADEMIC librarians; Subject Term: PUBLIC libraries; Subject Term: SCHOOL libraries; Subject Term: EDUCATION, Higher; Subject Term: LIBRARIES & education; Subject Term: ASSOCIATION of College & Research Libraries; Subject Term: UNITED States; NAICS/Industry Codes: 519120 Libraries and Archives; People: BREIVIK, Patricia Senn; Number of Pages: 15p; Document Type: Article.
R. Mustapha. (0806 2000)NT: Paper presented at the IVETA International Vocational Education and Training Association Conference Hong Kong, China, August 6-9, 2000). For related papers from the conference, see CE 080 842-850. This paper does not appear in the conference proceedings.; LV: Available online; EM: 2001.
E. Mentz, and K. Mentz. (0401 2002)NT: Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (New Orleans, LA, April 1-5, 2002).; LV: Available online; EM: 2003.