Together with 37 organisations from across Europe, CEO launched the #StopGlyphosate European Citizens Initiative (ECI) this morning. We're jointly trying to collect signatures from at least one million EU citizens before the summer - an ambitious but urgent goal we are hoping to reach as the European Commission and national governments will likely take their final decision on glyphosate then. The petition is hosted by
the re-launched website for the European Society for Rural Sociology (ESRS). Founded in 1957, the ESRS is the leading European association for researchers, policy makers and scientists interested in the study of rural issues
Critique of CAP and WTO. "It is the EU’s responsibility to decide to shift from the current situation of a 75% deficit in vegetable protein used for animal feed to one of self-sufficiency. This is entirely possible, given the available farmland, and is al
"Radical Homemakers uncovers a hidden revolution quietly taking hold across the United States. It is the story of pioneering men and women who are redefining feminism and the good life by adhering to simple principles of ecological sustainability, social
Rachel Smolker : "We chose that particular spot, under the shadow of the Chicago Climate Exchange's offices, and caddy corner to the Chicago Board of Trade, to denounce the marketing of carbon as a fraud, an ineffective and unjust response to the crisis o
Dr. Jayati Ghosh is Professor of Economics and currently also Chairperson at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Educated at Delhi University, Jawaharlal Nehru University and the
Ce n’est pas le fruit de l’imagination du Colombien Gabriel García Márquez, prix Nobel de littérature. Le massacre d’environ mille cinq cents ouvriers, le 6 décembre 1928, et la répression qui s’ensuivit pendant trois semaines, qu’il raconte dans son roma
Aamulehti 20.2.2012: "Keinolihaa jo vuosia kehittänyt hollantilaistutkija Mark Post kertoi sunnuntaina, että ensimmäinen keinolihasta leivottu hampurilaispihvi on tarkoitus nauttia lokakuussa. Missä ja milloin tämä tapahtuu, on vielä tarkkaan varjeltu salaisuus. Myöskään sitä Post ei kertonut, kuka saa ensimmäisenä maistaa synteettistä lihaa. Mark Post puhui toimittajille sunnuntaina Vancouverissa Kanadassa järjestettävällä Yhdysvaltain tiedeviikolla."
David Liittschwager's book, called A World In One Cubic Foot is a photographic collection of all the plants and animals that turned up in his various cubes, as you see in my post. But the book takes you to many more places, coral reefs, streams, rivers, backyards. Craig Childs' account of his long weekend in the cornfield comes from his book, Apocalyptic Planet; Field Guide to the Everending Earth. Craig writes like a dream; he uses the cornfield as a metaphor for what a mass extinction might be like, where the Earth becomes "lots of one thing and not much of any other."
DN 2014-02-21 Vi i Sverige producerar numera bara hälften av det vi äter. Höga krav på miljö förväntas kombineras med global frihandel, samtidigt som jordbruksstöden kritiseras. Vi måste tänka om och ta ansvar för vår del av matproduktionen på en jord som ska försörja allt fler, skriver tre forskare på SLU.Anders Wästfelt, docent i kulturgeografi, SLU och Stockholms universitet Camilla Eriksson, fil dr i landsbygdsutveckling, SLU Erik Westholm, professor i landsbygdsutveckling, SLU
"Ukraine is also one of the 10 pilot countries in the World Bank's new Benchmarking the Business of Agriculture (BBA) project," Mittal told IPS, referring to a brand new initiative, still in the development stage, which is connected to the Bank's controversial Doing Business rankings. But the OI [Oakland Institute] report's co-author Frédéric Mousseau says initiatives like the BBA and others exist primarily to pry open Ukraine's doors, hitherto sealed by its socialist traditions, to foreign capital.
CSA, Community Supported Agriculture Herttoniemen ruokapiirin perustajan Olli Revon mukaan viime satokaudella oman maan tuotteiden hinta oli viidenneksen halvempi kuin kaupasta ostetun. Nykymallisen yhteisöviljelyn historian katsotaan juontuvan 1960-luvulle, Saksaan, mutta myös Japaniin, jossa tehotuotannosta huolestuneet kotiäidit perustivat Teikeinä tunnetun version CSA:sta.
L. Gasperini, and S. Mclean. (0301 2001)NT: Paper presented at the Global Junior Challenge (Rome, Italy, December 3-4, 2000).; LV: Available online; EM: 2003.