A St. Anthony, N.L., mother who says she was told assisted suicide is an option for her 25-year-old daughter wants an apology from Labrador-Grenfell Health.
European Association for Palliative Care submission to the Commission on Assisted Dying on the quality of palliative care in countries that have legalised euthanasia and/or assisted suicide in Europe.
[...] the Panel was persuaded that the law in Canada [...] should be changed to allow some form of assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia. Putting the philosophical analysis together with the lessons learned from [a] review of the paths taken in other jurisdictions that have moved to more permissive regimes, the Panel considered the options for the design of a permissive regime and suggests the following legal mechanisms for achieving the reform and the core elements of the proposed reform.
Sir Terry Pratchett, the fantasy writer who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2008, said yesterday he had started the formal process that could lead to his own assisted suicide at the Dignitas clinic in Switzerland. Pratchett, whose BBC2 film about the subject of assisted suicide is to be shown on BBC2 tomorrow, revealed he had been sent the consent forms requesting a suicide by the clinic and planned to sign them imminently. "The only thing stopping me [signing them] is that I have made this film and I have a bloody book to finish," he said during a question-and-answer session following a screening at the Sheffield documentary festival Doc/Fest. He said that he decided to start the process after making the film Terry Pratchett: Choosing to Die, which shows the moment of death of a motor neurone sufferer, millionaire hotel owner Peter Smedley.
Today's sentencing of a 50-year-old Mt Nebo man to three years' jail for assisting the suicide of an elderly friend is a significant milestone in Queensland's criminal legal history, a Queensland University of Technology (QUT) law expert has said. Associate Professor Ben White said Merin Nielsen was the first person in Queensland to be convicted of assisting a suicide. He was convicted of assisting the suicide of 76-year-old Brisbane man, Frank Ward, who died in 2009 after taking the drug Nembutal which Mr Nielsen procured for him in Mexico. In the Supreme Court this morning Justice Jean Dalton ruled Nielsen would serve six months of the three year sentence in prison. "The case will be used in future by judges considering how they should sentence similar cases," Professor White said. "It will be significant not only in Queensland but also in sentencing nationally as there are only relatively few cases of this type in Australia."