Secretary Marco Rubio with Megyn Kelly 30 Jan, 2025. Transcription.
"return to programatism" To multipolarity.
"... the dishonesty that has existed is that we somehow led people to believe that Ukraine would be able not just to defeat Russia but destroy them, push them all the way back to what the world looked like in 2012 or 2014, before the Russians took Crimea and the like."
While TikTok is taking up much oxygen in our media ecosystem, another Chinese app provides a more interesting point of departure from which to discuss Sino-American relations. That app is Xuexi Qiangguo.
JENNY CLEGG sets out and then responds to eight key doubts about the Brics+ alliance in light of the developments at Kazan, arguing it represents a significant challenge to US hegemony and provides a path towards a multipolar world.
"Stabiliteten i Kina, med dess enorma marknad, investeringsresurser och utbud av prisvärda tekniska produkter, är avgörande för Brics+ framgång, och Kinas stabilitet vilar i sin tur på att landets socialistiska projekt lyckas."
By Hui Zhang | October 16, 2024, Bull. Atom. Sci. "The rare public ICBM test seems to have been specifically aimed at dissuading Washington from using nuclear weapons in a potential conflict across the Taiwan Strait. The unusual transparency surrounding the test shows how China is becoming increasingly confident vis-à-vis the United States. It also could offer a rare opportunity for engaging in risk reduction talks. ----Since then, China has expanded its nuclear arsenal at unprecedented speed and scale. It has increased its total warhead count from about 260 in 2016 to about 500 in 2024. Most of the increase has come in the shape of ICBMs capable of reaching the continental United States—from about 65 in 2016 to about 240 in 2024. The US Defense Department projected that China would possess over 1,000 warheads by 2030"
Die Zahl der weltweiten Arbeitsplätze im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien hat ein neues Rekordhoch erreicht. Doch der Jobboom konzentriert sich auf wenige Länder – und benachteiligt Frauen.
Foreword August 25, 2024 The Board of The Transnational Foundation in Sweden has decided to publish an easy-to-read, scholarly anthology that addresses
Friday Every Day I
The international media is stunningly biased against China, data from a multi-year study has confirmed.
Out of 133 lengthy analyses of China in the Financial Times “Big Read” column over a four-year period, only two articles presented China positively, researchers in Hong Kong and London discovered.
Separate studies of the Guardian and the BBC showed that 90% of China stories were negatively framed.
n the researched period to July 2021, there were 576 reports on China in the UK Telegraph, of which only 2.5% took a positive stance.
By WARWICK POWELL | China Daily Global | Updated: 2024-07-29
The ongoing chaos that seems to be the defining characteristic of US domestic politics sets the backdrop for the attempts of the United States to reassert its hegemony across the world through the global expansion of NATO. US political chaos reflects a political economy that is failing to meet the aspirations of the US people, let alone enable the US to recover its position as the unparalleled global military hegemon.
Anduril's Manifesto: "Since World War II, America and its allies’ lead in military technology has been the pivotal factor in preventing World War III. The incumbent defense companies are unable to build the technology we…"
Young, hot upstarts want to shorten the kill chain with AI weapons
William Hartung
Jul 03, 2024 [earlier: ]]
...the approach advocated by Brose and his acolytes is going to make war more likely as technological hubris instills a belief that the United States can indeed “beat” a rival nuclear-armed power like China in a conflict, if only we invest in a nimble new high-tech force.
Matéria de capa da revista britânica The Economist esmiúça o que levou o país asiático a acelerar o desenvolvimento tecnológico e a inovação que preocupa Washington Por Iara Vidal - Revista Forum - 16/6/2024 Em meio à escala da rivalidade entre duas superpotências, a China e os Estados Unidos, há algo em comum entre elas:…
Is de-dollarization finally here? (Juni 2024) "A Russian commodities exporter told Reuters: "We don't care, we have yuan." According to the report, China's yuan has ousted the dollar to become MOEX's most traded currency, accounting for 53.6% of all foreign currency traded in May."
Will America and China heed the warnings of twentieth-century catastrophe?
Kirj. Odd Arne Westad, "Odd Arne Westad (s. 5. tammikuuta 1960 Ålesund, Norja) on norjalainen historioitsija. Hän on erikoistunut poliittiseen historiaan. Hän on julkaissut tutkimuksia Kiinan historiasta ja kylmän sodan historiasta. Westad on toiminut historian professorina Yalen yliopistossa vuodesta 2019 lähtien