Liberal democracies are today confronted with a wave of popular distrust in their ability to serve the majority of their citizens and solve the multiple crises that threaten our future. This threatens to lead us into a world of dangerous populist policies exploiting the anger without addressing the real risks, ranging from climate change to unbearable inequalities, or major global conflicts. To avert major damages to humanity and the planet, we must urgently get to the root causes of people’s resentment.
For 60 years, successive German governments sought a more European Germany; but now, Chancellor Angela Merkel’s administration wants to reshape Europe's economies in Germany’s image. This would be a disaster: Far from being Europe’s most successful economy – as German officials boast – Germany’s economy is dysfunctional.
Que faire face au chômage et à la déflation ? Le gouvernement a choisi de clore tout débat. Pourtant, l’échec des politiques d’austérité en Europe est patent. La politique d’argent facile, menée par les États-Unis, est en train d’aboutir à la même impasse. Alors que l’économie européenne s’enfonce, il est urgent de poser toutes les questions et de rouvrir le débat avec la société.
Roger Strassburg hatte die Gelegenheit, sich in Berlin mit James Galbraith zu unterhalten. Galbraith war kurz zuvor in Griechenland und traf sich dort mit Yanis Varoufakis und Alexis Tsipras. Seine Erfahrungen in Griechenland, die Gefahren für die Eurozone und transatlantische Missverständnisse sind Thema des Gesprächs.
The Global Labour University (GLU) network is offering the Masters Programmes 'Labour Policies and Globalisation' (Germany), 'Labour and Development, Economic Policy, Globalisation and Labour' (South Africa), 'Social Economy and Labour' (Brazil) and 'Globalisation and Labour' (India) on sustainable development, social justice, international labour standards and trade unions, economic policies and global institutions.