The final session in this unit focuses on traditional dance steps from India.
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4. Indian dance
The main focus of this dance session is precise, fine gesture and controlled movement. Again, the children are working in groups, in circles. Once they have learned the steps they can, if you wish, work in travelling lines.
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Teacher's Notes
Guidance on using the dance sessions in this unit with your group (pdf)
Lesson summary:
1 Traditional travelling step (with optional arm movements).
2 Turn on the spot - bringing hands up above head, as if holding a big water pot.
3 Flutes - skipping, with hands in traditional flute-playing gesture.
4 Put the whole dance together.
This is the most complex of the four dances in the unit, but once the children have learned the steps, the dance will be ‘called’ by Howard, making it easier to follow. The children learn a dance specially devised for them using folk-dance steps and gesture from Northern India.
More from this series
1. African dance. audio
Pupils learn simple steps from traditional dances from Senegal and The Gambia in Africa.
2. Greek dance. audio
Pupils explore simple steps from traditional Greek dances - in particular the Greek circle dance called the Khastorias.
3. Irish dance. audio
Includes simple dance steps inspired by traditional Irish dance - straight posture with arms by the side.