1/4" Dyneema rope
Superwinch synthetic ropes are genuine AmSteel-Blue with Samthane, a special coating to help resist abrasion. The raw material in AmSteel-Blue is made from genuine Dyneema SK-75 HMPE fiber, "which is the worlds strongest fiber" made by Samson Rope Technologies.
AmSteel-Blue is a torque-free 12-strand single braid that yields the maximum in strength-to-weight ratio and, size for size, is the same strength as steelyet it floats. AmSteel-Blue outlasts wire 3:1, making it an excellent wire rope replacement. It has extremely low stretch and superior flex fatigue and wear resistance. Average strength is 8,600 lbs. and minimum strength is 7,700 lbs. Elastic elongation is only 0.96% at 30% of the break strength.