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Ross's Gull

Ross's Gull
Rhodostethia rosea
Gull-like Birds | Family: Gulls and Terns, Laridae

An estimated 54% of the species' North American breeding range lies within the Boreal Forest.



This beautiful Siberian gull winters mainly above the Arctic Circle, only rarely visiting places where it can be seen by most birders. The appearance of a Ross's Gull in settled areas attracts hundreds of observers and often makes headlines in newspapers.


12-14" (30-36 cm). A very rare visitor from the Arctic. Breeding adults have narrow black collar; pale gray back and wings, including underwings; pinkish tinge on underparts; and wedge-shaped tail. Winter adults lack collar and pinkish tinge. Flight graceful and tern-like.


A harsh miaw; usually silent in winter.


2 or 3 deep olive eggs, spotted with brown, in a grass-lined depression.


Breeds on swampy tundra; winters near pack ice. Rarely visits river mouths and coastal beaches.


Breeds mainly in Old World Arctic, but a few nest in Canada. Appears as migrant off northern Alaska. Winters very rarely south to British Columbia and mid-Atlantic Coast. Also in Eurasia.