Green Gin Bottega is a Distilled Dry Gin produced using water from the Alps and botanicals from different regions of the Italian peninsula: the balsamic notes that can be derived from the mountain landscape, the hints of fresh and dry vegetables characteristic of flat areas, and the typical notes of the Mediterranean scrub. The botanicals are left to macerate separately and for a long time in a hydro-alcoholic solution; a double distillation is then carried out, which cleanses the liquid of any undesirable scents and produces an elegant distillate with a complex bouquet. A gin with an unmistakable character, whose uniqueness comes from the selection of wild plants together with the freshness and aromaticity of lemon and mandarin.
Veneto, Italy
Bottles per carton: 6
Cartons per pallet: 80
Bottle weight (gross): 1.4 Kg
Bottle size: 9.4 x 22.6 x 9.4 cm
Carton weight (gross): 9.8 Kg
Cardboard dimensions: 29.6 x 24.8 x 20 cm
ABV: 40%
70 cl
Color and Appearance
Colourless and crystalline.
Intense, with distinct notes of sweet citrus and herbaceous hints of myrtle berries, wild fennel and spring flowers.
Dry and smooth, with vegetal notes of wild herbs. It warms the palate gently, leaving a harmonious aftertaste.
8-10 °C
Excellent both pure and as an ingredient for cocktails and long drinks. Ideal mixed with Mediterranean tonic water, which enhances its herbaceous notes.
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