Bylaws of Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference
(Approved: January 24, 2008)
(Revised: January 28, 2008, January 28, 2011, January 23, 2014 and January 25, 2018)
(Revised: January 28, 2008, January 28, 2011, January 23, 2014 and January 25, 2018)
Section 1. Rules of Order
- These bylaws describe the basic rules which govern the organization and operations of the Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (hereafter referred to as ASP-DAC). In all matters not covered by this document, the conference shall be governed by the Steering Committee. The said matter can be delegated to the Organizing Committee or to the Technical Program Committee by the Steering Committee.
Section 2. Steering Committee
- Section 2-1. Roles of Steering Committee
- The Steering Committee (SC) is responsible for: 1) the policies which regulate the conference, and 2) scheduling of future series of conferences. Specifically, the role of the SC as follows:
- 1. Schedule the future series of ASP-DAC: The date, the location, the General Chair and the Technical Program Chair of the conference should be approved by the SC at least 3 years before the conference.
- 2. Supervision of the Organizing Committee (OC): The members and the organization of the OC shall be announced to the SC at least 2 years before the conference. The General Chair shall report a plan and a summary of the conference to the SC. The SC may give suggestions and recommendations to the OC on the planning and operations of the conference.
- 3. Supervision of the Technical Program Committee (TPC): The Technical Program Committee Chair and Vice Chairs of the TPC shall be announced to the SC at least 2 years before the conference. The TPC Chair shall report a plan and a summary of the conference to the SC. The SC may give suggestions and recommendations to the TPC on the organization and operations of the conference.
- 4. Cooperation with sister conferences: The SC shall maintain a relationship with the following sister conferences: Design Automation Conference (DAC); International Conference on CAD (ICCAD); Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE); and Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK).
- 5. Relationship with sponsoring organizations: SC shall maintain a relationship with academic and industrial organizations, which sponsor ASP-DAC.
- 6. Directions and policies of the conference.
- Section 2-2. Steering Committee Chair
- The chair of the SC shall be elected from past General Chairs of ASP-DAC.
- Section 2-3. Steering Committee Members
- The SC shall consist of the following members.
- 1. SC Chair
- 2. Vice Chair and Secretaries, who are designated by the SC Chair
- 3. Past SC Chairs
- 4. International Members who are appointed by the SC
- 5. General Chairs of the present and the immediately preceding ASP-DAC.
- 6. Representatives of regularly sponsoring organizations
- 7. Representatives of Sister Conferences
- 8. Advisory Members who are appointed by the SC
- 9. Individuals who are approved by the SC
- All changes of members shall require the approval of the SC.
- Section 2-4. Voting
- The SC Chair shall call a vote in a committee meeting, if it is necessary. The voting rights are assigned to the following members.
- 1. SC Chair
- 2. Vice Chair and Secretaries, who are designated by the SC Chair
- 3. Past SC Chairs
- 4. International Members
- 5. General Chairs of the present and the immediately preceding ASP-DAC.
- 6. Representatives of IEEE and ACM, which are regularly sponsoring ASP-DAC.
Section 3. Organizing Committee
- Section 3-1. Roles of Organizing Committee
- The Organizing Committee (OC), chaired by the General Chair, shall be organized for every conference and shall operate the conference. The OC shall be fully responsible for the conference of the year.
- Section 3-2. General Chair
- The General Chair, who is designated by the SC, shall organize the OC and assign chairs of the conference, except for the Technical Program Committee Chair. The General Chair shall invite the Technical Program Chair, who will be designated by the SC, to the OC.
Section 4. Technical Program Committee
- Section 4-1. Roles of Technical Program Committee
- The Technical Program Committee (TPC), chaired by the Technical Program Committee Chair, shall be responsible for the technical sessions, and paper selections of the conference for the year. The TPC shall be organized independently from the OC. The TPC shall make an effort to improve the technical quality of the conference, and keep the continuity of the series of ASP-DAC.
- Section 4-2. Technical Program Committee Chair
- The TPC Chair shall be designated by the SC from Technical Program Committee Vice Chairs of the previous year. The TPC Vice Chairs shall be elected from the subcommittee Chairs of the previous years. The TPC and SC shall negotiate with each other on the rotation of the TPC Chair and the TPC Vice Chairs.
- Section 4-3. Organization of the Technical Program Committee
- The Technical Program Committee shall consist of subcommittees chaired by the Subcommittee Chairs. Technical Program Committee members, except the TPC Chair, the TPC Vice Chairs and the Subcommittee Chairs, should not stay more than three consecutive years in the committee. A member can stay at most five consecutive years, when he/she serves as a subcommittee chair two or more years in these five years. The TPC Chair and the Vice TPC Chairs are out of the rule of the term in TPC. More than half the TPC members shall be assembled from the members of the previous year. The counting of the term years starts from 2007.
- Section 4-4. Role of Technical Program Committee Member
- The committee member shall review all papers assigned to the subcommittee to which he/she belongs and should attend a paper selection meeting. The subcommittee Chair shall lead a process of paper selection in the subcommittee. TPC Vice Chairs shall be responsible for special sessions, the best paper selection, communications with the OC and other technical events planned for the conference.
Section 5. Location of the Conference
- The location of the conference shall alternate between Japan and other countries or areas in the Asia South Pacific Region. The location shall be decided by the SC. The SC Chair may call for proposals from the hosting country or area, if necessary. Any proposal for the location and organization of a conference should include information regarding the sponsorship arrangement. The hosting country or area shall be decided at least three years before the conference.
Section 6. Sponsorships
- The conference shall be sponsored by IEEE and ACM. IEEE consists of Circuits and Systems Society (IEEE CASS) and Council on Electronic Design Automation (IEEE CEDA). ACM consists of Special Interest Group on Design Automation (ACM SIGDA). The OC may add other local organizations, if necessary, under the following principle:
- 1. If the sponsors of the conference are IEEE and ACM, they share sponsorship equally.
- 2. If the conference includes one more sponsor other than IEEE and ACM, IEEE and ACM each hold at least 1/3 sponsorship.
- 3. If the conference includes two or more sponsors other than IEEE and ACM, IEEE and ACM hold at least 1/4 sponsorship.
- As both IEEE and ACM are non-profit organizations, it is necessary that co-sponsors also be non-profit organizations. Co-sponsors should have the financial backing to provide their share of any requested loans and absorb their share of losses, should they occur. "Technical co-sponsorship" or "in support status", which do not involve financial involvement, are not restricted.
Section 7. Revision of the Bylaw
- These bylaws shall be enacted and revised through discussions and an approval process by the SC. These bylaws shall be effective from January 25, 2008.
January 24, 2008: Approved
January 28, 2008: Expressions in Section 5 were revised according to the international custom
January 28, 2011: Section 5 and 6 were revised
January 23, 2014: Section 2 and Section 6 were revised
January 25, 2018: Section 2-1 and Section 2-3 were revised
January 28, 2008: Expressions in Section 5 were revised according to the international custom
January 28, 2011: Section 5 and 6 were revised
January 23, 2014: Section 2 and Section 6 were revised
January 25, 2018: Section 2-1 and Section 2-3 were revised