ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL, Ill. - First Army held a Military Spouse Appreciation Ceremony June 21 to show gratitude to the wives and husbands who love and support their Soldier and civilians spouses stationed at First Army headquarters.
"It's a lot easier to leave than to stay behind," First Army Commanding General Lt. Gen. Michael Tucker, told the First Army staffers.
"You go to the field, you go (on travel) and when you come home, they are always there. You thank them for keeping the home fires burning because they are always there."
"Military Spouse Day was established in 1984 by President Ronald Reagan to honor the contributions made by military spouses," said Denise Hudson, First Army Family Programs Manager. "(First Army's) ceremony recognized the personal sacrifices of both military and civilian spouses who support First Army's mission.
During the ceremony, more than 20 spouses were personally thanked and acknowledged by Tucker and his wife, Teresa Tucker, for their love and keeping their commitment to support the Soldiers and civilians of First Army.
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