The Australian Plants Society Tasmania Inc. (formerly the Society for Growing Australian Plants) is part of an Australia-wide organisation made up of people interested in the propagation, cultivation and conservation of plants native to Australia – Groups are located in all regions of Tasmania.
APST has three Groups which are located across Tasmania, local activities & meetings are based in Devonport, Kingston and Launceston.
Regular excursions to places of interest provide opportunities to go to special botanical places with other people with an interest in our native flora. Meetings have excellent speakers plus a ‘plant of the month’ presentation and great supper!
Both the working bees, at the Tasmanian Native Garden, Mowbray each month and the plant propagation sessions are social and educational gatherings.
We always welcome people who share an interest in or want to find out about Australia’s native plants. Come to our meetings in Devonport or visit us at our nursery propagation sessions at the Arboretum to learn about growing native plants.
Our group often visit members’ lovely native gardens or go on bush walks to appreciate and photograph Tasmania’s diverse flora.
Wonderful walks through Tasmania’s unique bushlands led by knowledgeable members and garden visits are a feature of our group. Members learn how to propagate and grow native plants at the Hobart Group nursery which are sold to the public at biannual sales. Monthly, day and evening meetings are held in Kingston and welcome guest speakers giving talks on a range of interesting subjects.