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    Exploring the content of company-specific plant role models in international manufacturing networks
    Purpose-This study explores the phenomenon of company-specific plant role models. Following the establishment of distinct lead factories, recent studies imply that multinational companies are now using more detailed plant roles to manage manufacturing networks. While multiple plant role typologies can be found in literature, this is, to our knowledge, the first article to systematically analyze the content of such companyspecific plant roles. Design/methodology/approach-We rely on a multiple-case study design of 29 plant role models primarily belonging to multinational companies headquartered in German-speaking countries. Coding is performed to analyze the models for similarities and differences. Findings-The content of company-specific plant role models seems highly dependent on a company's context; hence, there is no one best way to build them. Companies appear to be pursuing different priorities with the application of plant roles, for example, the reorganization of manufacturing networks, the systematic allocation of products or the definition of decision-making autonomy. Compared to the primarily twodimensional models from theory, companies rely on more dimensions to make their plant roles practical. Similar to models from literature, competence bandwidth, inter-plant knowledge/information flow and location advantage are the most relevant dimensions to differentiate plants from a headquarters' perspective. Practical implications-Plant role models are a powerful management tool that enables delayering the complexity and allows for proactive management of manufacturing networks. Managers fit the content of their plant role models to their company-specific context and the intended application for manufacturing networks. Managers aiming to build company-specific plant roles can use the conceptual framework based on the empirical findings as a benchmark. Originality/value-This study complements prior research on plant roles by acknowledging that companies might develop their own version of plant role models rather than copying the ones from the literature. By doing so, we explore how plant roles look like in a real-world setting.
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    4 Typen von Technologien zur Unterstützung von personalisierter Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung
    (Luchterhand, 2024)
    Christoph Meier
    Guettler, Rainer; Peters, Otto;
    Zur Unterstützung von zielgenauer, personalisierter Aus- und Weiterbildung können vier Typen von Technologien eingesetzt werden. Erfahren Sie im Folgenden, wie Skill-Tech-Lösungen personalisierte Entwicklungspfade unterstützen, wie Learning-Experience-Plattformen eine individuell gefilterte Sicht auf relevante Lernmaterialien ermöglichen, wie intelligente tutorielle Systeme Lernende im Verlauf der Bearbeitung von Lerninhalten individuell unterstützen können und schließlich wie ChatGPT als Plattform für Wissens-Dialoge genutzt werden kann. Dabei soll aber immer auch bewusst bleiben, dass für die erfolgreiche Umsetzung von Personalisierung in der Aus- und Weiterbildung technische Lösungen um eine Befähigung der verschiedenen Beteiligten ergänzt werden müssen.
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    Information asymmetry and insurance brokers
    ( 2024-09-30)
    Dingchen Ning
    We study the role of brokers in addressing information asymmetry in selection markets. Using detailed risk and insurance data from a large broker in the cyber insurance market, we present empirical evidence supporting the presence of selection and moral hazard based on independent cybersecurity ratings and actual cyber incident records of firms with and without insurance over time. We also find that clients who have worked with the broker longer, thus allowing the broker to collect more information, exhibit significantly less ex-ante moral hazard compared to new clients, though there is less evidence of reduced selection bias. In a model, we show that the empirical pattern can be rationalized when the broker is premium-maximizing and insurers have partial information.
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