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Alamy API

Integrate your platform with the world’s most inclusive content collection

Drive user creativity and increase efficiency by integrating millions of high-quality stock images directly into your platform.

Benefits for partners

Accelerate workflows to create a frictionless user experience

Scale and proactively improve your product

High quality images directly available to your users

Optimise platform stickiness

Boost engagement and improve customer retention rates

Drive revenue growth

Why work with Alamy?

Our aim is to build world class frictionless user experiences with Alamy stock content and technology. We’re passionate about developing growth strategies aligned with your unique goals and needs. Whether you’re a developer building an early-stage application or an established global brand, tap into Alamy’s REST API and build a scalable partnership with us.

Inspirational content. When users need it. Where they need it.

  • 2F2YY2D.jpg2FNGA68.jpg
  • EKG1M2.jpg2CM0EJ3.jpg
  • 2DPTCFY.jpgMHF2W7.jpg
  • 2AAM00M.jpg2B03HM4.jpg
  • FC7B6X.jpgimage-1.jpg
  • 2B4E7K6.jpg2DCA5TG.jpg
  • FK2E26.jpgP4D9C5.jpg
  • 2B623D7.jpgP70X98.jpg



Find what you need quickly with advanced filters and accurate metadata to deliver relevant and robust search experiences and end to end solutions.


Explore flexible licensing and pricing options to suit your needs.


We take the risk so you don’t have to. Download royalty free content audited for copyright compliance.


Personalise with curated collections tailored to your audience.


Secure access to production quality images, videos and vectors with embedded metadata and download on demand.

Easy integration

Built with developers and users in mind, Alamy’s stock photo API come’s with concise documentation to streamline integration.

Fast onboarding

We’re your strategic partner for integration support and faster onboarding.


Alamy’s REST API supports OAuth 2.0, built for developers and trusted by global enterprises to secure billions of logins every year.

Using Alamy’s API is simple

Platform integration

Integrate millions of Alamy images directly into your platform through our REST API.

DAM and CMS integration

Directly search, preview and license Alamy content within your Digital Asset Management and Content Management Systems.

Access your agreement

Make your workflow more efficient by accessing your Alamy agreement directly within the platform.

Earn affiliate revenue

Make money through your website by joining Alamy’s affiliate program and boost your revenue potential with exclusive offers and competitive commission rates.

You have access to all our images, illustrations and vectors, but we’re still working on our video API. If you’re interested in using video, get in touch.

Who we work with

  • Reuters logo
  • Pearson logo
  • Sky logo
  • Smint logo
  • Capture logo
  • Pickit logo

Frequently asked questions

What is an API?

What is an API platform integration license?

What is the anticipated integration time and resources needed?

Why can I find an image on but not through the API?

Developer community

We love helping developers get the most out of our platform and sharing expertise.

We also value feedback because it helps us stay ahead of the needs of our customers and evolve through market trends.