What is reattribution?

What is reattribution?

The definition of reattribution

Reattribution is the attribution of a re-install (or opening event) to a user who hasn’t used an app in an extended period of time. A reattribution signals that a user has returned to your app due to a retargeting campaign.

Often, users leave an app for good by uninstalling or simply never reopening the app. These users often make good targets for re-engagement campaigns due to their previous signal of intent (showing interest in the app). Reattribution is the term to describe those who install or re-open once more, making the distinction between this pre-existing user and a new user.

So, why is this defined as a ‘reattribution?’ This is because there is already an originally attributed source. In the case of a reattributed user, you have the original attribution (where that user came from in the first instance) and then you have reattribution, a secondary source (your retargeting campaign.)

Why is reattribution important?

Reattribution allows app marketers to see what campaign or creative caused a user to return. This can then be used to optimize re-engagement campaigns and bring more users back to your app after a period of inactivity.

Reattribution is also important for marketers because it evaluates the performance of their retargeting campaigns. When users are not as active as they should be (based on industry benchmarks and the ideal user journey for that app) marketers run retargeting campaigns.

What is a reattribution window?

When looking into retargeting (and therefore reattribution) it’s important to understand how the attribution window works. This is the period of time in which inactive users can be reattributed once they have re-opened your app. If a user returns to your app from a different campaign to the original install, it is important to ensure that this source receives credit.

By default, a user can be defined as ‘inactive’ after seven days. The reattribution window then opens for another seven days. However, both of these windows are configurable depending on the individual needs of the marketer. To learn more about the reattribution window, take a look at our glossary definition, here.

Reattribution and Adjust

Universal Reattribution gives our users clarity on the users returning to their app and where they came from. The tool ensures that any re-engagement will be tracked, recorded and analyzed regardless of the context in which it happens. With this, you’ll find the most compelling messages for inactive users and know with great accuracy whether they’re coming back.

To learn more about how Adjust can help you with retargeting campaigns, take a look at our documentation.

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