What are dynamic ads?

What are dynamic ads?

A dynamic ad is a versatile advertising format used in mobile app advertising to automatically tailor content to individual users based on their interests, behavior, or other relevant data. Unlike traditional ads, which require advertisers to select keywords and create ad copy manually, dynamic ads automatically generate ad content and match it to users' search queries.

Dynamic advertising formats by channel

A diverse range of dynamic digital ad formats is at your disposal, tailored to your app's specific requirements. These formats include the following.

Dynamic search ads (DSAs)

Used in search engine marketing, this format displays ads based on the content of a website or web pages. Instead of manually selecting keywords and creating ad copy, DSAs use dynamic keyword insertion to generate relevant ad content in real time to match users' search queries. With dynamic search ads, the advertiser provides a list of web pages to crawl.

For example, Google Dynamic Search Ads (Google DSA) display ads based on the content within your entire website or specific categories or pages, as well as prevent ads for out-of-stock items from running. Google also offers dynamic remarketing ads. These ads retarget users who have previously visited a website or interacted with specific products but didn't make a purchase. These dynamic remarketing ads encourage users to return and complete their purchase.

Expanded dynamic search ads (eDSA) are a more advanced version of dynamic search ads. While they, too, leverage dynamic keyword insertion, expanded dynamic search ads provide more customization and control. You can create ad templates with specific headlines, descriptions, and path fields to shape the ad's structure. This dynamic ad format strikes a balance between automation and control, giving you more influence over ads for comprehensive A/B testing and optimization.

Dynamic search ads vs. responsive search ads

Both ad formats are used in search engine marketing, but they serve slightly different purposes and have distinct characteristics. Here's a breakdown of the key differences between the two:

| | Dynamic search ads | Responsive search ads
| Content | Advertisers write a description line that appears in all ads. AI then generates headlines and display URLs based on the content of a website or specified web pages. | Advertisers create multiple headlines and descriptions that can be mixed and matched by AI to create different ad combinations.
| Customization and testing | Advertisers have limited control over ad content and testing, as ads are primarily generated from website content. They can provide a description and set specific targeting parameters, but the headlines and display URLs are mostly automated. | Advertisers have more control and flexibility in crafting ad content. They can write multiple headlines and descriptions, allowing them to test various ad combinations to find the most effective ones.
| Automation and targeting | More focused on automating the ad creation process and targeting relevant keywords based on website content. | Provide less automation, but more control over ad content and the creative process.
| Use cases | Often used for broad keyword coverage and dynamic content by businesses with large or frequently changing websites. | Beneficial for advertisers looking to test and optimize ad messaging and for those who want more control over the creative process. |

Dynamic display ads

Display ads that automatically tailor ad content to individual users based on their preferences, behaviors, and other relevant data. Using complex algorithms and real-time decision-making, dynamic display ads select and display the most relevant content, including images, text, and offers. These ads can be in the format of dynamic banner ads, dynamic video ads, and dynamic native ads.

Dynamic social ads

Available on social media platforms, these ads display personalized content to suit the interests, behaviors, and demographics of individual users. Facebook dynamic ads, LinkedIn dynamic ads, Instagram dynamic ads, Snapchat dynamic ads, Pinterest dynamic ads, dynamic YouTube ads, and TikTok Dynamic Showcase Ads are all designed to provide a highly engaging advertising experience for viewers of each respective platform, boosting conversion rates.

Dynamic video ads: Particularly relevant to social media platforms, dynamic video ads are made of interchangeable elements such as scenes, product images, overlay text, and CTAs to make the ad relevant to the viewer.

Dynamic product ads (DPAs): Primarily used in e-commerce and retail to display products to users based on their browsing history, previous interactions, or items left in their shopping carts, DPA ads can dynamically update product information, such as price and availability, making them highly relevant to the user.

Dynamic social ad examples

Dynamic podcast ads

A type of dynamic audio ad that dynamically inserts advertisements into podcast episodes based on user data, interests, and the context of the content. This may include personalized greetings, location-specific offers, and content that aligns with the podcast's theme. Dynamic podcast ads can adapt in real time to changes in listener behavior, context, and current events, ensuring the content remains up-to-date and pertinent.

Adjust and dynamic ads

Measuring the success of your app’s dynamic ads with attribution is the cornerstone of a successful marketing strategy. This allows app marketers to gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their dynamic advertising campaigns by measuring user engagements and attributing them to specific touchpoints in the marketing funnel.

With Adjust’s robust attribution, marketers can pinpoint which dynamic ads, channels, and user actions contribute most to app installs, conversions, and overall success. This data-driven approach empowers marketers to make informed decisions, optimize their ad spend, and refine their strategies to ensure the highest possible return on investment.

To learn more about how to measure your mobile app marketing, check out Adjust’s Mobile Attribution solution, or request a demo.

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