Effective cost per install (eCPI) is a vital metric that acts as a compass for your app’s marketing success. In today’s fluctuating and competitive global economy, having a firm grasp on eCPI is not just beneficial—it’s essential. For developers, advertisers, and marketers, eCPI offers a clear picture of the cost to acquire each new user, measures return on investment (ROI) of marketing efforts and guides budget allocation and campaign strategies. By understanding eCPI, you can ensure every marketing dollar is well spent, driving more value and efficiency in your campaigns.

**In this fourth entry of our metrics series, we pivot from **** retention rates**, sessions and lifetime value (LTV) to dive into eCPI. We'll delve into its importance, analyze industry benchmarks across different platforms, regions, and verticals, and share proven, actionable strategies to lower your eCPI and enhance your marketing campaigns.


What is effective cost per install (eCPI)?

eCPI represents the true cost of acquiring a new user after a campaign has run. Unlike the traditional cost per install (CPI), which is a fixed rate an advertiser pays to an ad network before a campaign once an app is installed, eCPI reflects the actual expenses incurred, including organic variances and the viral effects of a marketing campaign.

eCPI factors in the "K-factor," a measure of an app's virality. The K-factor assesses how many additional users each existing user brings to an app, highlighting the organic growth potential that CPI might overlook. This inclusion of viral components makes eCPI more complex to calculate, but provides a more accurate representation of the cost per install.

eCPI's value

The importance of eCPI

Understanding eCPI allows advertisers to allocate their budgets more efficiently, optimize campaigns for a lower cost per install, and compare the performance of various user acquisition (UA) channels. Compared to cost models like cost per mille (CPM), where charges are based on ad impressions regardless of user action, eCPI ensures that advertisers pay only when an app install occurs. This is particularly beneficial as it indicates a higher level of user intent and reduces the risk of spending on uninterested audiences.

However, while eCPI is a more reliable measure of acquisition cost, it does not guarantee that users will engage with the app beyond the initial download. High install rates do not necessarily translate into high engagement or monetization. Therefore, eCPI should be considered alongside other key metrics like LTV and return on ad spend (ROAS). LTV measures the total revenue generated from a user over time, providing insights into the long-term value of acquiring that user. ROAS calculates the revenue earned from advertising relative to the amount spent, offering a direct measure of campaign profitability. By integrating these metrics, marketers can better assess the overall impact of their campaigns and make more informed decisions. 

Additionally, advertisers and marketers must regularly review and adjust their strategies to maintain cost-efficiency based on market conditions, competition levels, and seasonal demands, as eCPI can fluctuate with these variables.

eCPI calculation

How to calculate eCPI

To understand eCPI, we first need to look at the traditional CPI, which is calculated by dividing the total marketing spend by the number of installs generated from a campaign. Here’s the formula to calculate CPI:

CPI = Total marketing spend / Number of installs

For example, if you spend $5000 on mobile ads and gain 2000 installs, your CPI would be $5000 divided by 2000, which equals $2.5 per install. This metric helps determine the immediate cost of acquiring users through paid channels.

eCPI refines this calculation by, for example, including the K-factor, a viral coefficient that accounts for the organic spread of the app, offering a more holistic picture of the true UA cost. The formula for eCPI is:

eCPI = CPI / K

If the CPI is $5 and every 10 new users bring in one additional user, the K-factor would be 1.1. The K-factor is calculated by dividing the number of new users brought in (1) by the number of users needed to bring them in (10). However, since the calculation refers to the additional users as a fraction of the total new users, it is expressed as:

K-factor = 1 + (1/10) = 1 + 0.1 = 1.1

Using this K-factor, the eCPI would be:

$5 / 1.1 = $4.55

Another straightforward method to calculate eCPI is by dividing the total ad spend by the total number of installs, including both paid and organic:

eCPI = Total ad spend / Total installs

While eCPI offers valuable insights, it's important to note that accurately measuring  K-factor can be challenging without the right tools. Additionally, the effectiveness of eCPI as a metric can vary depending on factors such as  app type, industry, and target audience.

Factors affecting eCPI

What is a good eCPI?

Before determining what a good eCPI is, it’s critical to understand the nuances behind it. Here are some key elements affecting eCPI:

  • Geographic location: Users from different regions bring varying levels of value based on socio-economic status and spending habits. Typically, more affluent regions have higher eCPI due to greater spending potential.
  • Advertising channels: Major platforms like Meta and X may have higher costs due to their extensive reach. However, niche channels can provide more targeted and cost-effective UA. The key is to balance broad reach with precise targeting to optimize eCPI.
  • App vertical and genre: The app's category and genre greatly affect eCPI. Competitive categories, especially within gaming, tend to have higher eCPI due to increased user engagement and monetization potential.
  • Ad unit costs: The type and placement of ad units also influence eCPI. Premium placements generally lead to higher eCPI but can drive more installs and potentially higher-quality users. Balancing ad unit costs with expected user engagement is crucial.
  • Platform differences: eCPI varies between iOS and Android platforms, with iOS often being higher due to a user base with a greater propensity for in-app spending (especially outside of gaming). This requires different budgeting and targeting strategies for each platform.
  • Market dynamics: Market conditions, including competition and overall demand for mobile apps, also affect eCPI. Highly competitive markets typically increase the cost of UA, making it essential to stay updated on market trends and adjust strategies accordingly.

A “good” eCPI balances cost with the quality and long-term value of users. It’s not just about minimizing costs but ensuring that acquired users are valuable in terms of engagement and monetization. Integrating eCPI with LTV and ROAS ensures a comprehensive view of campaign effectiveness, enabling marketers to optimize their strategies for sustainable growth.

Overall data

Global eCPI: Android vs. iOS

We've analyzed the global eCPI across all platforms for 2023 and the first half of 2024. Use this data to assess how your app's eCPI aligns with global industry benchmarks.

In 2023, the median eCPI across all platforms was $1.27. For Android, the eCPI was $0.69, much lower than iOS, which had a higher eCPI of $1.86. This is consistent with  iOS users generally having a higher spending capacity and greater competition for installs, necessitating the increased acquisition costs.

In the first half of 2024, there has been a noticeable decline in eCPI across all platforms, with the overall median dropping to $1.15. Specifically, Android's eCPI decreased to $0.56, maintaining its trend of lower costs, while iOS saw a reduction to $1.74.

Regional data

eCPI by region

Analyzing eCPI by region reveals significant differences in UA costs across global markets. North America consistently leads with the highest eCPI, at $2.2 in 2023, slightly decreasing to $2.12 in H1 2024. This high eCPI reflects the competitive nature of the market and the generally higher spending capacity of users, making it a region where marketers must invest more to acquire valuable users.

In APAC, eCPI remained relatively steady, rising from $0.64 in 2023 to $0.67 in H1 2024. Europe's eCPI showed a slight decline, from $0.69 in 2023 to $0.66 in H1 2024. This consistency provides marketers with a predictable landscape for planning and optimizing their campaigns.

LATAM and MENA have the lowest eCPIs, with LATAM increasing slightly from $0.16 to $0.18 and MENA remaining at $0.15. These regions offer some of the most cost-effective opportunities for acquiring users, although the lower costs may also correlate with lower overall user spending.

Global vertical data

eCPI by vertical

We analyzed eCPI trends across various app verticals for 2023 and the first half of 2024, revealing notable differences in UA costs. Entertainment and utilities apps maintained low eCPIs, with entertainment apps decreasing slightly from $0.46 to $0.44, and utilities dropping from $0.21 to $0.11. The low costs highlight the consistent demand and broad appeal of these app categories.

Finance and shopping apps also saw reduced eCPIs, with finance apps decreasing from $1.21 to $1.09 and shopping apps from $0.99 to $0.82. These categories can further improve acquisition costs by enhancing personalization strategies to boost user engagement and retention.

Food and drink apps, despite the highest eCPI, decreased significantly from $2.69 to $2. Publications apps followed, dropping from $2.15 to $1.71. Introducing exclusive deals or loyalty programs can help maintain this positive trend and minimize churn. Travel apps also showed a decline, from $0.97 to $0.77, possibly due to seasonal trends.

Games and social apps reported decreases in eCPI, with mobile games apps dropping from $1.15 to $1.07 and social apps from $1.53 to $1.22. Refining ad creatives and leveraging next-gen analytics can further optimize these costs.

Health and fitness apps had a stable eCPI, with a slight decrease from $0.74 to $0.72, while lifestyle apps saw a more significant reduction from $1.23 to $0.99.

Regional vertical data

eCPI by region and vertical

North America recorded the highest eCPIs in H1 2024, with games at $2.14 and social apps at $2.15. Health & fitness apps had an eCPI of $1.19, while lifestyle apps were at $1.43. Utilities apps had a lower eCPI of $0.64.

In APAC, the eCPI for mobile gaming was $0.64. For health and fitness apps had an eCPI of $0.45, while lifestyle apps were slightly lower at $0.44. Social apps showed a moderate eCPI of $0.51, whereas travel apps had a higher cost at $0.72. Utilities apps had the lowest eCPI at just $0.04.

In Europe, the eCPI for games was $0.59, with health & fitness apps at $0.82 and lifestyle apps slightly higher at $0.84. Social apps experienced a higher eCPI of $1.72, with travel apps topping the chart at $2.13. Utilities apps remained lower at $0.19.

In MENA, games had a very low eCPI of $0.13, with shopping apps at $0.47 and social apps at $0.64. Utilities apps again showed a low eCPI at $0.06. LATAM exhibited notably low eCPIs, particularly for games ($0.17) and utilities ($0.06).

Strategies for improvement

Best practices for optimizing eCPI

Optimize ad networks and creatives

Selecting the right ad networks and optimizing ad creatives are essential steps. Use A/B testing to find the most effective ad copies, images, and videos. Engaging and relevant creatives can greatly increase user interest and installs.

Target specific audiences

Focus on targeting audiences likely to be interested in your app. Use demographic, geographic, and behavioral data to refine your target audience. Precision targeting reduces wasted ad spend on uninterested users and improves campaign efficiency. Retargeting users who have shown interest but haven't installed your app yet is also a cost-effective strategy to boost installs and reduce eCPI.

With Adjust's Automate, you can create custom audiences, automate segmentation, and update audiences in real-time, improving user engagement and retargeting success.

Explore the power of retargeting to enhance user engagement and conversions, especially crucial in today's privacy-first era. Discover essential strategies and insights in our latest guide.

Leverage machine learning

Use machine learning algorithms to analyze data and optimize campaigns, ensuring your ads reach users most likely to install your app. 

Adjust's InSight utilizes advanced machine learning to measure incrementality and optimize campaigns. It helps identify the true impact of your ads, ensuring cost-effective UA by preventing organic cannibalization and avoiding unnecessary ad spend.

Implement a diversified marketing mix

Don't rely solely on UA campaigns. Enhance your app's visibility and attractiveness by optimizing app store listings, leveraging social media, and using influencer partnerships. A well-rounded marketing strategy can increase organic installs, lowering overall eCPI.

With Adjust's Datascape, you get a comprehensive view of your marketing performance across all channels. It allows you to integrate data from various sources, including traditional  attribution as well as SKAdNetwork (SKAN)/AdAttributionKit  installs. This unification lets you measure key metrics, create customized dashboards, and gain real-time insights for quick adjustments.

Utilize social proof and time-sensitive promotions

Incorporate social proof, such as positive reviews and user ratings, in your ads to build trust and encourage installs. Additionally, time-sensitive promotions can create urgency and boost install rates.

Focus on high-quality users

Prioritize acquiring high-quality users who are more likely to engage with and spend money in your app. Use metrics like LTV and ROAS to assess the long-term profitability of your UA efforts. This focus helps optimize eCPI and ensures sustained growth and profitability.

Find out more on how you can scale your app with targeted user acquisition strategies. Discover key insights to drive installs and maximize ROI here

To learn how to measure your app’s success and how users interact with your app, request a demo with Adjust today.

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