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The face of Library and Information centers are changing to the paperless society by the use of Information Communication Technology. ICT has changed the real space in unlimited cyber space. This technology has put the global knowledge within certain keys and clicks on the URL. ICT has changed the print knowledge in to Electronic form and made it easy to access through the means of INTERNET. Due to this change, the traditional libraries are converting to Virtual Libraries. ICT has revealed new different reality of displaying broadest range of information and has made resource sharing possible without any formalities of rules and other barriers. ICT has not only changed the face of Library but also changed the class rooms to digital classrooms. In the forthcoming years Academic institutions are not away from becoming digital institutions. This article discuss about the needs and influence of ICT on Libraries, major issues and challenges faced by library professionals and how the challenges can be achieved.

IMPACT OF ICT ON LIC'S OF N.E. INDIA: ISSUES AND CHALLENGES WITH REFERENCE TO ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS Mrs Jaymala Patil , Librarian Medi-caps Institute of Technology and Management Indore ( M.P.) ABSTRACT: The face of Library and Information centers are changing to the paperless society by the use of Information Communication Technology. ICT has changed the real space in unlimited cyber space. This technology has put the global knowledge within certain keys and clicks on the URL. ICT has changed the print knowledge in to Electronic form and made it easy to access through the means of INTERNET. Due to this change, the traditional libraries are converting to Virtual Libraries. ICT has revealed new different reality of displaying broadest range of information and has made resource sharing possible without any formalities of rules and other barriers. ICT has not only changed the face of Library but also changed the class rooms to digital classrooms. In the forthcoming years Academic institutions are not away from becoming digital institutions. This article discuss about the needs and influence of ICT on Libraries, major issues and challenges faced by library professionals and how the challenges can be achieved. KEYWORDS: ICT, Internet, Knowledge management, custodian, virtual library, paperless society, Information Center. INTRODUCTION: Information and Communication Technology is the means in which people interact with their colleagues around the world, exchange their ideas, information, messages and coordinate with each other through variety of technological means. ICT includes communication devices and applications like computer, hardware network, software, mobile technology, satellite communication, videoconferencing, RFID technology, Wi-Fi zone, pen drives etc. Though the image of traditional Library has changed to Virtual Library but the fundamental 5 Laws of Library Science propounded by Late Shri. Ranganathan are still perfectly followed by ICT. Internet is one of the greatest technological achievements of 21st century. ICT has its impact on every part of every field. Mainly it has its influence on Banking, Railway, Health care, and Education and Research sector. When ICT stepped inside the Library, the scenario of traditional library changed and mode of information gathering, storage, retrieval and dissemination of everything became advanced day by day and now a paperless Library has come to existence. Academic Libraries play vital role in the development of Nation. Library is the central place of institution which provides necessary information when and where ever needed. ICT has brought revolutionary change and forced for paperless society. It has widened the imagination, expectation and level of satisfaction. Global knowledge has shrunken in to electronic portals due to blessing of ICT. It has changed the management of resources, housekeeping operations as well as information dissemination. It has changed the traditional image of Library as “Store House” to “Information Centers” and “Custodians” to “Librarians” and “Librarians” to “Information Officer”. Computers made the old task best and result oriented. Library Automation improved the services like cataloging, circulation, reference service searching bibliographies etc. Library automation needs high degree of mechanization of various routine work and day-to-day task performed in Academic Libraries. Library automation includes use of computers and other semi-automated devices like printer, scanner, bar code, RFID chip, reprography CD writer etc. Advanced use if ICT in Library provides every possible requirement to its advanced users. Journey of Library started from “Traditional Library” to “Automated Library” and then to “Digital Library” and now turned to “Virtual Library” i.e. paperless society. The Digital Library has access points as well as the records are in electronic forms connected via various networks particularly with INTERNET called Virtual Library. Digital Library is the collection of Digital objects along with method for access, organization and maintenance and retrieval. NEED OF ICT IN LIBRARIES. For good administration and better services of Library, computers are used for various functions. Information Boom/ Blast: The need of Information is multidimensional also, it is a puzzle for a Librarian which information is Useful to one and which is useless to other. Bulk of information being generated and demanded in different forms by different users in different time compelled the library professional to use computers . Economic Feasibility: Information Explosion has made the publishing and distributing cost expensive and some times out of stock. So to cope up with this problem use of ICT is felt compulsory for sharing resources with one another. Routine/ Repeated Jobs: To save the time of professionals by repeating the work like filing, sorting, typing along with routine work and to minimize the mistakes, use of computer is appreciated. Statistical growth in Library users: In recent times, educational awareness is at its high, as government is also motivating and promoting scholarships, educational loan and other schemes for education. Therefore, in Academic Libraries users are increasing day by day in various faculties. Again, use of ICT proved beneficial and fruitful. AREAS UNDER THE ICT INFLUENCE: ICT has brought a new dynamic look to Library and a reputed name to librarian as “Knowledge Manager”. Library function under the influence of Computer use are as follows: Acquisition: This system maintains various records like Data files, Book order, Budget and other time consuming routine jobs, which are now under the control of Computer system. Acquired contents are in digital forms and can be used for n number of times in various search able formats. Cataloging: It is an information retrieval tool, which locates the Library holdings. Well-organized record gives access to Library collection. Traditional cataloging needs many hours of professionals staff for making catalog , but automation made the production of catalog very easier, faster cheaper and durable. Circulation: It is the service center of Library which do not need any professional talent but the work is exhausting and time consuming. This system involves charging and discharging of library materials, reservation, reminders against over due material, fine collection etc. Computerization of libraries made the task of this area easier, accurate and time saving. Information retrieval/ reference service: Information dissemination or retrieval has become very faster, quicker and chipper. Maximum information can be provided in minimum time. E-mails, gateways, FAQS, interactive tools like chat room, community, groups, ask me, facebook, blogs etc has changed the traditional way of reference services. Now the doors are open for 24 hours and 7 days. All print is replaced by digital text and the library buildings will disappear in the coming years Thus the ICT lead to the new image of libraries i e “Library without Walls”. All the information centers, Publishers newsroom, library who need to communicate or disseminate complex Print knowledge in users friendly way will be able to profit the user by using ICT and can make the knowledge world wall free. Resource Sharing: No library can satisfy all the needs of its user which gave the concept of resource sharing by using ICT in libraries. ICT gave new way for best result of sharing knowledge among the libraries by using INTERNET which further gave birth to Consortia. By the existence of consortia promising challenges were able to be achieved and maximum knowledge sharing became possible. 1.3 CHALLENGES FOR LIBRARY PROFESSIONALS: Developing libraries need lot of professionalism, proper management, resources, dedication and adaptability of learning new trends,equipment and facilities. Development of the library can not be achieved if the librarian and the supporting staff are not involved whole heartily. In present technological age development of library is not an easy task where library services are expected at the top. In present times books are not only the source of information, librarian have to go beyond the extent to assist the users,to fulfill the users information needs and to satisfy the user and to solve their problem. The major issues and challenges for librarian are focused here. Inadequate Technical support a) Inadequate Technological Infrastructure to support the integration of Information Communication Technologies. b) Inadequate supply of electricity force the institution to procure alternative for power supply which prohibits initials financial outlay and running cost. c) Inadequate number of PC's and lack of knowledge. d) Low band Width for access of INTERNET and technical faults and other network configuration problems. Lack of Funding: The major non technical barrier is funding for libraries. Most of the Academic Institution decry the issue of under funding for most of its function. For using the hi tech /recent technology it needs lot of funds which are not sanctioned by top management. Most of the time management support or favor for the most affordable system for institutions development and fulfillment of the norms and routine functions. Due to the negligence and curtailing in funds by the management, perfect development of libraries and use of Information Communication Technologies are effected. Inadequate Technical Knowledge in Professionals: It is observed that library staff has less knowledge of ICT. Some time subordinate staff is appointed without any computer knowledge which creates problems in day to day work. Lack of Staff: When recruitment is done for library, management never provide staff as per the norms as well as in the proportion of work and services of Academic Libraries. SUGGESTIONS: The staff has to be given proper training by the in house technical division. The management must allow their library professional to attend refresher course / workshops/ seminar/ conferences conducted by universities and by various organizations. Management must use the best Technological Infrastructure for development of libraries . Government at the state and central level must develop more active and progressive attitude for the implementation of ICT infrastructure and facilities in Academic Institutions. Government should make it compulsory to convert all the universities libraries holdings in digital forms and then the information may be centralized for access. Economically this will save the grants given to the various universities for purchasing the repeated reading materials. CONCLUSION: The remarkable use of ICT and INTERNET has made significant revolutionary change in all the areas of Science and technology. Internet is commanding on the knowledge world. ICT has made it possible to access virtual information and built a virtual library to provide quality service to the users. Library professionals must change their role to information manager and to meet the challenges of the global information. The virtual paperless society has revealed to e production, e services and e-business. Therefore Library professionals must enrich their knowledge with special skills of the latest ICT developments to browse, access and retrieve informations globally. References: Satyanarayana, N.R. A manual of Library automation and networking. Lucknow: New Royal Book comp. Lancaster, F.W. Toward paperless information systems. New York: Academic Press, 1978. Tank, Elsebeth and Frederiksen, Carsten. The DAISY Standards: Entering the global virtual library. Library Trends. Wiederhold, Gio(1995). Digital Libraries : Value and Productivity. Communication of the ACM, 38(4). Http://