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Experimental and Molecular Modeling Study of the Three-Phase Behavior of ( n -Decane + Carbon Dioxide + Water) at Reservoir Conditions

2011, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B

Experimental and molecular modelling study of the three-phase behaviour of (n-decane + carbon dioxide + water) at reservoir conditions Esther Forte, Amparo Galindo, and J.P. Martin Trusler ∗ Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK. Abstract Knowledge of the phase behaviour of mixtures of oil with carbon dioxide and water is essential for reservoir engineering, especially in the processes of enhanced oil recovery and geological storage of carbon dioxide. However, for a comprehensive understanding, the study of simpler systems needs to be completed. In this work the system (n-decane + carbon dioxide + water) was studied as a model (oil + carbon dioxide + water) mixture. To accomplish our aim, a new analytical apparatus to measure phase equilibria at high pressure was designed with maximum operating temperature and pressure of 423 K and 45 MPa, respectively. The equipment relies on recirculation of two coexisting phases using a two-channel magnetically operated micro-pump designed during this work, with sampling and on-line compositional analysis by gas chromatography. The apparatus has been validated by comparison with published isothermal vapour-liquid equilibrium data for the binary system (n-decane + carbon dioxide). New experimental data have been measured for the system (n-decane + carbon dioxide + water) under conditions of three-phase equilibria. Data for the three coexisting phases have been obtained on five isotherms at temperatures from (323 to 413) K and at pressures up to the point at which two of the phases become critical. The experimental work is 1 complemented here with a theoretical effort in which we developed models for these molecules within the framework of the statistical associating fluid theory for potentials of variable range (SAFT-VR). The phase behaviour of the three binary subsystems was calculated using this theory and, where applicable, a modification of the Hudson and McCoubrey combining rules was used to treat the systems predictively. The experimental data obtained for the ternary mixture are compared to the predictions of the theory. Furthermore, a detailed analysis of the ternary mixture is carried out based on comparison with available data for the constituent binary subsystems. In this way, we analysed the observed effects on the solubility when the third component was added. Introduction Carbon dioxide has been used as an injection gas for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) purposes since the early 1970’s. The project at the SACROC unit (Kelly-Snyder field, Scurry County, West Texas) initiated in 1972 was one of the first; pressures below 17 MPa 1,2 were used in a water-alternating-gas project. Since then, it has become an attractive alternative in cases in which a relatively low-cost source of CO 2 is available. In most of the cases naturally occurring CO2 is used. 3 But because of their known geologic seal, oil reservoirs are also a favourable option for sequestering anthropogenic CO 2 . 4 In an ideal scenario, CO2 that has been captured from a power plant would be used for EOR first and then stored in the reservoir afterwards. The first project involving both CO 2 -EOR and also the storage of CO2 of anthropogenic origin commenced at the Weyburn field 5–7 (Saskatchewan, Canada) in 2000. The miscibility of carbon dioxide with oil plays an essential role in both CO 2 -EOR and CO2 storage processes. In EOR, the objective of the CO 2 injection is to mobilise the residual oil by dissolution; this oil is in the form of drops that remained trapped in the pore structure of the reservoir rock after secondary oil recovery. The interfacial tension between oil and water also plays an important role in such trapping mechanism. The CO 2 injected 2 is likely to form two phases with the existing oil at reservoir conditions, and a third phase will typically coexist due to the presence of water. Water may also be added at this stage to improve the efficiency of the sweeping process in alternating injection steps with the CO2 . The CO2 -rich phase contains some light hydrocarbons and flows easily; a considerable portion of the CO2 will also dissolve in the oil-rich phase. In general, dissolution of the CO2 reduces the interfacial tension of the oil against water, 8 promoting coalescence of the drops; the viscosity of the oil is reduced 9 and its mobility is increased. Ideally, however, total miscibility is pursued, and the minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) obtained from experiments at laboratory scale is an important parameter in optimizing the efficiency of the extraction. Characteristic reservoir conditions are commonly understood to be in the order of T =(330 to 470) K with pressure conditions of (10 to 200) MPa. The essential input for CO2 -EOR processes from phase equilibria measurements is however limited to pressures below the bubble curve including the critical locus along which miscibility of CO 2 with hydrocarbons in the presence of water is achieved at reservoir temperatures. Regarding the sequestration of CO2 , although structural and capillary trapping are known to be the primary forces, dissolution of the CO 2 is one of the long-term mechanisms for sequestering CO2 in the reservoir. Acquiring a comprehensive understanding of the behaviour of carbon dioxide mixtures under reservoir conditions is essential for optimizing usage and developing sequestration schemes. Because of the complexity of oil mixtures, a necessary step is the completion of a database comprising simpler systems that may represent certain characteristics of the real ones. In so doing it is necessary to account for the presence of water in the reservoir. In spite of the attention that binary combinations of alkanes, carbon dioxide and water have received, experimental data concerning ternary mixtures are sparse. Among the published data for ternaries of the type (n-alkanes + carbon dioxide + water), mixtures of (methane + carbon dioxide + water) have been the most widely studied, not only regarding fluid-phase equilibria 10–13 but also fluid-hydrate equilibria. 14–16 Other studies have concerned the systems 3 (ethane + carbon dioxide + water), 11 (propane + carbon dioxide + water) 17 and (butane + carbon dioxide + water) 17 at low temperatures and pressures. Most of these studies for fluidphase equilibrium in ternary mixtures focused on vapour-liquid equilibrium (VLE) and only one phase composition was typically measured. Only in the study of Song and Kobayashi 13 were measurements made along the three-phase equilibrium locus, although again only one phase was analyzed. Regarding heavier hydrocarbons, there is one experimental study of ( nhexadecane + carbon dioxide + water); 18 mainly VLE was measured at pressures between (10 to 30) MPa and temperatures between (473.15 to 573.15) K, although one experimental point was reported in the three-phase equilibrium region at 473.15 K and 20 MPa. In this study it was reported that, although typically a sampling technique based on capillaries and on-line chromatographic analysis was used, for n-hexadecane a method based on cold traps was required to avoid condensation during transport to the chromatograph. 18 In this work, the system (n-decane + carbon dioxide + water) was studied as a model (oil + carbon dioxide + water) mixture. To our knowledge, this system has been the subject of only one previous experimental study 19 involving a rather complex technique based on PVT measurements with a fiber-optic scope to locate interfaces. The composition of the equilibrium phases was not directly measured but rather calculated based on the overall density at the conditions of study and the use of a thermodynamic model. The data reported however disagree with the nature of the interactions between the components of the mixture. The immiscibility of the subsystems (water + CO 2 ) and (water + n-decane) at the conditions of the experiments indicate that a three phase region occupies an important part of the diagram. However, three-phase equilibria were not observed at all in the mentioned study, nor predicted, and high compositions of water were reported for the single mixed liquid phase. Consequently the experimental results reported by Okafor 19 do not appear to be meaningful. The extreme phase behaviour and consequent low solubilities of alkanes and CO 2 in water for large temperature ranges up to the critical temperature of water (647 K) makes 4 these aqueous systems extremely complex to measure. Both (carbon dioxide + water) and (n-decane + water) exhibit type III phase behaviour in the classification of Scott and van Konynenburg; 20,21 this is characteristic of very immiscible systems with a wide region of liquid-liquid equilibria that extends to high temperatures. The complexity is apparent from the scatter found in the literature data for (carbon dioxide + water) (see reviews 22,23 ). The phase behaviour is even more extreme in the case of (alkane + water) systems, where there is also a significantly smaller amount of data for the binary (n-decane + water). 24 A special experimental difficulty is achieving reliable sampling and subsequent analysis; precautions are needed with n-decane to avoid condensation, and also with water to avoid adsorption problems during transport to the gas chromatograph. Experimental measurements of these aqueous systems published in the literature are in many studies focused on one of the phases using a synthetic-type apparatus, thus avoiding sampling. The different volatility of the components of interest in this study also affects the reliability of the sampling technique. A new experimental apparatus has therefore been developed for this work incorporating micro sampling and on-line chromatographic analysis. Re-circulation of two phases is performed by a new magnetically-coupled reciprocating pump, designed and built during this work. From a modelling perspective, it is common practice in reservoir engineering to use cubic equations of state such as the Peng-Robinson (PR) 25 or Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) 26 equations. These equations are based on the same model as that of van der Waals. 27 The latter constitutes a sound basis for describing spherical molecules interacting though longrange dispersive interactions; unfortunately, such models may not be appropriate for systems which exhibit hydrogen bonding or for highly asymmetric molecules. A number of equations of state which specifically include a treatment of directional interactions (association) at the molecular level have been used to study hydrogen bonding fluids. One of these treatments is the cubic plus association (CPA) EOS, 28 which combines the SRK EOS with the thermodynamic perturbation theory of Wertheim. 29–32 This perturbation theory was first incorporated in the foundations of the statistical associating fluid theory (SAFT) 33,34 which 5 explicitly takes into account not only directional interactions 29–32 but also the non-sphericity or chain-like nature of many molecules. 35,36 There are numerous versions of the SAFT treatment, such as the SAFT-VR 37,38 (variable range) equation used in this work, soft-SAFT 39 and PC-SAFT 40,41 (see reviews 42–46 ). Mixtures of alkanes and/or carbon dioxide with water have received attention in the literature not only because of their practical interest but also because of the theoretical challenges presented in attempting to model such systems accurately. Both types of system are known to form highly non-ideal mixtures due to the strong association of water. In spite of the difficulties, the global phase behaviour of (alkane + water) has been successfully modelled using associating theories. 47–55 One of the latest techniques used to model the phase behaviour of (alkane + water) systems is the SAFT-γ approach; 56 this is a recast version of the SAFT-VR equation of state with a group contribution formalism that enables successful predictions for these systems based on transferable interaction parameters. All these procedures can provide a reasonably good level of agreement with experiment but the accurate prediction of both the aqueous-rich and the alkane-rich phases with a single interaction parameter is not easily achieved. Recently new combining rules have been proposed based on those of Hudson and McCoubrey, 57 which predict different values of the common kij binary interaction parameter of each phase depending on differences in the dielectric constant of the phases and dipole moment of the molecules; these differences are relevant in mixtures including strongly polar components such as water. 58 Another interesting feature of these systems not easily reproduced by models adjusted to describe the global behaviour of the mixtures is the solubility minima found experimentally 59,60 for hydrocarbons in water. Studies with different SAFT equations have shown good agreement when tuned in the region of interest. 61,62 Mixtures of (carbon dioxide + water) have not lacked attention either. CO 2 has no net dipole moment and it is typically modelled as a non self-associating molecule. However it is strongly quadrupolar and in water partially dissociates to form carbonic acid; this has led a number of authors to model the interactions between the two components as associating. 6 A cross-associating model of this type has been found useful to reproduce with the CPA EOS the change in curvature that characterises the solubility curve of water in the CO 2 -rich phase; 63,64 this model has also been applied recently to multicomponent mixtures, such as (methane + carbon dioxide + water). 65 Similar cross-associating interactions for (carbon dioxide + water) were suggested by Valtz et al. who used the SAFT-VR equation, 66 this time considering the possibility of CO 2 as a self-associating compound; however a value close to zero was found for the resulting bonding energy leading to the conclusion that the additional interaction is not needed. Later studies of the same system with the SAFT-VR equation have resulted in similar findings: the properties of (carbon dioxide + water) can be predicted accurately without incorporating association between the two species. 67–69 More rigourous models for CO2 can additionally be considered by incorporating the contribution of the molecular quadrupole into the equation of state. 70,71 Regarding the study of ternaries and, in general multicomponent mixtures, a question arises. Because all equations of state are based on pair-potential formalisms there is the question as to whether or not binary parameters can always predict the phase behaviour of multicomponent mixtures; the answer may be that this is not always successful. The underlying difficulties emphasize the need for experimental data on these systems. In the remainder of this paper, we describe the apparatus in detail and we present validation measurements and a comparison with published vapour-liquid equilibrium data for the system (n-decane + carbon dioxide). We present a large body of new liquid-liquid equilibrium (LLE) and vapour-liquid-liquid equilibrium (VLLE) data for the system (n-decane + carbon dioxide + water). We compare our experimental findings with the predictions of SAFT-VR. 37,38 We use this method as it has already been shown in a number of studies 67–69,72–74 to provide an accurate description of the phase behaviour of mixtures consisting of alkanes, CO2 and water, for wide ranges of thermodynamic conditions. Finally, where possible, further comparisons with data for the binary subsystems are also presented. 7 Experimental Apparatus A new static-analytical apparatus was designed for the purpose of analyzing phase behaviour at conditions of temperatures and pressures ranging from (253 to 423) K and (0.5 to 45) MPa, respectively. The main components, seen in Figure 1, are a high-pressure view-cell, a magnetically coupled reciprocating pump (both fabricated in-house), electronically-actuated sampling valves (Cheminert, model C2-2206EH3Y, and Valco, model DCI4UWT1Y, VICI AG International) and a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu, model GC-2014, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc.). A manual syringe pump (Sitec model 750.1100, SITEC-Sieber Engineering AG) was used for loading liquid components; an automatic syringe pump (Teledyne Isco, model 100DM, Teledyne Technologies Inc.) was used for loading carbon dioxide. The syringe of this pump was maintained at a temperature of 283 K by means of a cooling jacket through which water was circulated by a chiller unit (Huber minichiller-NR, Huber Kältemaschinenbau GmbH). The remaining circuits shown in Figure 1 were used for purposes of venting, flushing and draining the system. The vessel, the reciprocating pump and the sampling valves were located inside a temperature-controlled oil bath. Main body The main component in the setup was an equilibrium cell, described previously, 75 made from type 17-4PH martensitic stainless steel. It had a nominal internal volume of 35 cm 3 . The cell held two diametrically-opposite sapphire windows that enabled visual observation of the interior. This not only made the measurements easier to perform, but was essential for observing the formation of phases, especially with more than two phases. The windows were also useful in this work for observing critical opalescence. O-rings made of hydrogenated nitrile (elast-O-Lion 101, James Walker and Co.) were used to seal the windows to the vessel and these proved to be robust in contact with CO 2 . Threaded rings retained the sapphire 8 windows while direct contact was avoided by annular gaskets of PTFE. Apart from common connections for 6.4 mm diameter high-pressure tubing, the cell was also equipped with plugs 75 that permitted a zero-dead volume connection of capillary tubing and these were used for the sampling lines in this work. Hydrogenated nitrile o-rings were used here also. One plug, at the top of the cell, accommodated 1.6 mm o.d., 0.1 mm i.d., capillary tube for the withdrawal of the lightest phase. The three remaining plugs were used to accommodate 1.6 mm o.d., 1 mm i.d., stainless steel tubing linked to the re-circulation pump: one at the bottom for the withdrawal of the heaviest phase and the other two for returning fluid back to the cell. The fact that these plugs were longitudinally off-center made it possible to withdraw a third middle phase. This was achieved by a tilting mechanism operated by a pneumatic cylinder linked to the cell by a push rod. This facility was also used to promote mass transfer inside the cell by rocking the vessel with a range of ± 40◦ . The remaining high-pressure connections, four in total, were used with reducers to fit 1.6 mm o.d. tubes for the liquid (0.25 mm i.d.) and gas inlet (0.25 mm i.d.), the rupture-disc safety head (HiP model 60-61HM4, High Pressure Equipment Company) and the inlet for the vapour re-circulation loop (1 mm i.d.). This and the previous connections are shown in Figure 1. The pressure transducer (Digiquartz model 410KR-HT-101, Paroscientific Inc., full scale range 69 MPa) was connected to the liquid inlet line. This transducer was regulated at a fixed temperature of 313.15 K and was calibrated against a pressure balance (Desgranges et Huot, model 26000) fitted with a piston-cylinder unit having a full-scale range of 50 MPa and expanded relative uncertainty of 0.01%. The calibration was done in a range of pressures from (0.1 to 50) MPa and the final uncertainty of the pressure measurements was estimated to be 10 kPa. In order to account for any sensor drift over time, the pressure readings of the transducer were periodically compared at ambient pressure against a digital barometer located in the same laboratory, and small additive corrections were made to account for the observed differences. The cell was placed inside a purpose-built temperature regulated stainless steel bath. It 9 contained two double-glazed windows, at the front and back, which were aligned with the sapphire windows of the cell. Back illumination (with an LED light source fitted with a diffuser) and a camera in front mounted on an optical rail facilitated the observation of the inside of the cell. The space in between the double glazing was filled with argon to avoid condensation of water vapour from the air at low temperatures. The bath was fitted with a commercial stirrer and temperature-controller unit (Grant model GR150, Grant Instruments Ltd.). Silicon oil (Dow Corning Corporation, type 200-10) was used as the thermal fluid inside the bath, limiting the maximum operating temperature to about 433 K. The temperature was measured by means of a platinum resistance thermometer (PRT) located in the bath close to the equilibrium cell. The PRT was calibrated on ITS-90 at the temperature of the triple-point of water and by comparison with a standard platinum resistance thermometer in a constant temperature bath at temperatures up to 473 K. The uncertainty of the PRT was 0.02 K, but fluctuations of the bath temperature could be as much as ± 0.05 K. Consequently the overall uncertainty of the cell temperature was taken to be 0.05 K. A coil connected to an additional external circulating bath (Huber model CC1, Huber Kältemaschinenbau GmbH) was used to provide refrigeration when working at temperatures near or below ambient. A motorized elevator was used to raise and lower the oil bath. Reciprocating pump and sampling system During this work a magnetically coupled reciprocating pump (see Figure 2) was designed and built, which was able to work at conditions of high-pressure and temperature. It was based on a previous design 76 implemented on a smaller scale and with two separate flow channels. The latter characteristic was used to recirculate two of the equilibrium phases simultaneously; i.e., liquid was pumped through one channel, while vapour was sucked through the other. The circulation of both liquid and vapour was advantageous to promote mass transfer between the phases. The vapour was bubbled from the bottom of the cell, passing through all the coexisting liquid phases. The liquid dropped from the top of the cell through the vapour 10 and, where present, the second liquid phase. The re-circulated liquid was used for sampling. The position of the pump was such that the liquid passing through the sampling valve was subjected to a slightly elevated pressure; i.e., the sampling valve was located downstream of the pump. The vapour phase was sampled directly from the equilibrium vessel using a small-bore capillary of minimum internal volume, with the dimensions previously given, independent of the re-circulation loop. The liquid valve was a 4-port valve with an internal sampling loop of volume 1 mm 3 . A 6-port valve fitted with a 5 mm3 external sample loop was used for the vapour. The valves were electronically actuated and were kept at the same temperature as the cell to avoid condensation. The pump, shown in Figure 2, was magnetically coupled. To ensure sufficient magnetic coupling between the external permanent magnet and the internal magnetic piston, the magnetic circuit design was optimized by means of finite element analysis. Where possible, the pump was fabricated from parts that were commercially available. The body of the pump consisted of a type AISI 316L stainless steel nipple of 6.4 mm external diameter and length 100 mm that was gun drilled and honed to an i.d. of 3.00 mm. The internal piston, of 15 mm length and 2.95 mm diameter was fabricated from a magnetic stainless steel, AISI type 431, chosen for its corrosion-resistant properties. Elastomeric seals, which may easily swell in contact with CO2 , were avoided. Since vapour sampling was not made in the re-circulation loop, leakage from the liquid side to the gas side was not a problem. In the liquid loop, the sampling valve provided sufficient back pressure as to prevent gas leakage into the liquid stream. The external magnet comprised an annular ring of Neodymium N45SH (outside diameter 35.6 mm, inside diameter 8.60 mm, length 3 mm) placed between two mild-steel pole pieces (outside diameter 35.6 mm, inside diameter 7.00 mm, length 5 mm). Each side of the nipple was attached to a reducing “tee” union (Sitec custom made, SITEC-Sieber Engineering AG) to connect to 1.6 mm o.d. high-pressure tubing. Four check valves (Sitec model 620.4311 and 620.4312, SITEC-Sieber Engineering AG) ensured unidirectional flow in each channel. To enhance the efficiency of the pump, we reduced the dead 11 volume within the check valves with a cylindrical insert of our own design and replaced the poppet with a type 316 stainless steel ball of 3.0 mm diameter. We also dispensed with the internal spring, to reduce the cracking pressure, and relied instead upon gravity to close the check valves. To drive the external magnet, a double-acting pneumatic cylinder was used. This was operated in conjunction with a double solenoid valve and flow and pressure regulators. Microswitches were used at the ends of travel to activate the solenoid valve and hence reverse the direction of the pneumatic drive. A framework was designed and built to hold the pump components. The necessity of keeping the body of the pump immersed in the oil bath with the pneumatic cylinder outside led us to design a mechanism based on rods and bearings (as shown in Figure 2) to provide a smooth and precise movement of the components. The performance of the pump was tested using decane at ambient conditions in the same fashion as described previously. 76 Adjusting the length of the travel to its maximum (31 mm), a displacement per cycle of 0.16 cm 3 was obtained measuring only the flow obtained through one channel. This equates to 76% of the theoretical displacement and so, operating at a typical reciprocation frequency of 1 Hz, a flow rate of about 10 cm 3 ·min−1 was achieved. No initial priming of the pump was necessary and a maximum pressure head of 0.4 MPa was measured at zero flow. Initially, a simpler system was used to take liquid samples based on a capillary connected directly to the cell. Liquid stored in the sampling capillary between analyses was prone to flash upon actuation of the valve, which caused poor reproducibility of the measurements. This was overcome by incorporating the re-circulation pump. Analytical system A Gas Chromatograph (Shimadzu, model GC-2014) consisting of two parallel analytical lines was used for composition measurements. Figure 3 is a schematic diagram of the GC arrangement and the connection to the sampling valves. The GC oven accommodated two 12 columns that were used in parallel. This was a benefit for separations involving components with greatly differing volatility and polarity, as in the present case, for which it is difficult to find a suitable single column. In this work we used a HayeSep Q column with 80/100 mesh (2 m × 3.2 mm o.d. × 2 mm i.d., silco lined to reduce adsorption) for the separation and analysis of water and carbon dioxide. The n-decane however was trapped on this column at the temperature of the analysis and only eluted in a reasonable time at high temperatures (T ≥ 470 K). For the quantification of n-decane, a second packed column was used consisting of 5% OV-1 on C-WHP, with 80/100 mesh (2 m × 3.2 mm o.d. × 2 mm i.d.). Although two columns, and two injections, were required to analyze a sample, this arrangement was considered optimal for minimizing the analysis time as it permitted the use of an isothermal programme in the oven. Note that for the system (n-decane + carbon dioxide) only the OV-1 column alone was necessary. The chromatograph was equipped with three detectors in series, a dual channel thermal conductivity detector (TCD), spanning both lines, and two flame ionization detectors (FID), one in each analytical line. The TCD is commonly restricted to detection of permanent gases, CO2 and water, which do not provide a signal on the FID. The FID is more sensitive to hydrocarbons and has a larger linear response range, and is the preferred one in the case of organic compounds, such as hydrocarbons, which ionize in their transit through a flame. The use of an isothermal programme in the oven of the GC, as mentioned earlier, is especially beneficial in case of the TCD, as its baseline response is affected by carrier-gas temperature and/or flow variations. The operating conditions of the GC are summarised in Table 1. In order to minimize adsorption, the lines downstream the sampling valves leading to the gas chromatograph were siltek/sulfinert treated tubing (1.6 mm o.d., 0.8 mm i.d.) of the minimum possible length (∼ 0.8 m). These lines were heated by low-voltage mineral insulated heater cables of 2.3 mm diameter (custom made, Tempco Electric Heater Corp.) that were bound to the tubing with heat-shrinkable PTFE sleeving. K-type thermocouples were also bound to the tube to permit temperature monitoring. The tube-heater assemblies 13 were insulated with layes of PTFE and glass fibre sleeving and encased in an outer Vitonrubber tube (11 mm o.d., 8 mm i.d.). The lines were typically operated at a temperature of about 500 K or greater. However, the short section of each line, where it passed beneath the bath fluid to join the sampling valve, was cooler at typically (430 to 490) K depending upon the bath temperature. Lowering the temperature of these lines to around 430 K (400 K locally) did not seem to have any effect on the reproducibility of the chromatographic peak area, as checked for the water-rich phase, but a poorer peak shape in the chromatogram was observed. The carrier gas was also preheated upstream of the sampling valves. The same treated and heated tubing was used here because of the expected expansion of the pressurized sample in the low pressure flow of carrier gas. As a consequence of the arrangement of the GC in two analytical flow lines, additional multi-port valves were required at the inlet of the chromatograph, as shown in Figure 3. One valve (Valco model DC6WE, VICI AG International) allowed the selection of the appropriate chromatographic column for the analysis of a sample. The second one (Valco model DC10WE, VICI AG International) provided the flexibility to flush the sampling system with an appropriate gas or solvent, or to create vacuum in the sampling loops before sampling, if needed. These selection valves were heated in a separated temperature-controlled enclosure operated at typically 463 K. The GC was calibrated by an absolute method using two different procedures. The first was to use one of the multi-port sampling valves. To vary the amount of carbon dioxide loaded, the equilibrium vessel was filled with the pure substance and the conditions of pressure and temperature were varied. The amounts of water and n-decane were each varied separately by filling the sampling loop with a solution of the pure substance in a suitable solvent. The n-decane was diluted with hexane whereas the water was diluted with tetrahydrofuran. The amount of the desired component was measured gravimetrically and the dilution prepared in a volumetric flask so as to prepare solutions of known concentration. These measurements of the liquid components were carried out at ambient temperature. 14 The density of the different pure components was obtained from NIST standard reference database 69. 77 Both the TCD and the FID (for decane) showed linear responses to the components of interest in the range of study. The calibration was checked from time to time by a similar procedure, filling the equilibrium vessel with each pure component, and also using direct injections from gas-tight syringes and a precision digital syringe for the liquid components. Although it is not necessary to know accurately the volume of the sampling loop according to the first methodology used for the calibration, the complementary method using syringes was used to estimate it for subsequent comparison. Materials The CO2 used in this work was CP grade supplied by BOC with a mole-fraction purity higher than 0.99995. The n-decane was of a mole-fraction purity higher than 0.990 provided by Sigma-Aldrich (Dorset, UK). The water was deionized to an electrical resistivity > 18 MΩ·cm at T = 298 K and was degassed immediately prior to use. The carrier gas used was CP-grade helium from BOC, with > 0.99999 purity. Experimental procedure The usual procedure was to clean the apparatus with appropriate solvents (typically hexane and 2-propanol) followed by flushing with gas. Then the cell was put under vacuum for a few hours to dry it. The loading of the components into the evacuated cell would typically start with the n-decane (using PG1 and valve V1 in Figure 1), followed by carbon dioxide (using PG2, V3 and V4), and finally, for the ternary system, water (using PG1 and V1). Since the exact amounts of each component loaded were not required, it was not necessary to clean and dry the manual syringe pump between injection of decane and water. The measurements were isothermal. Usually the bath was left overnight to stabilise at the desired temperature. Additional injections of one of the components were used to raise the pressure, while fluid could be vented through valve V5 or drained through V2 to 15 lower the pressure. At a chosen pressure, using only the actuation of the circulation pump (MRP in Figure 1) to promote the mass transfer, constant aqueous-phase compositions were typically measured after 10 min, although an equilibration time of ∼ 1 h was normally allowed. In cases of three phase equilibria, it was usual practice to start sampling first from the vapour phase (using GSV in Figure 1). The first vapour sample was always ignored, as it contained the stagnant fluid stored inside the sampling capillary. The water-rich phase was sampled next by means of the liquid sampling valve (LSV), and finally the cell was tilted to allow sampling of the middle alkane-rich phase with the same valve (LSV). For this usually a few minutes were allowed to ensure the water phase had been flushed out of the body of the pump, although due to the small dimensions and dead volume of the pump, the alkane phase could be distinguished at the outlet of the pump after just a few strokes. As a general procedure, at least three or four samples from each phase would be taken to ensure reproducibility when there was no evidence of cross contamination or entrainment of one phase in the other during sampling. If entrainment did occur those samples would be discarded. Each measurement was performed by sending two consecutive samples, one to each column, as previously described. The time lag between consecutive chromatographic analyses for each composition measurement, consisting of two samples, was approximately 15 min. Due to the small volume of the sampling loops, the pressure drop and entrainment of low-pressure helium imposed by actuation of the sampling valves have minimal effects on the equilibrium of the system. Validation of the apparatus The mixture (n-decane + carbon dioxide) was chosen to validate the apparatus through comparison with published experimental data. 78–84 Among these experimental data, the first experimental study was that of Reamer and Sage 78 , who reported VLE composition and density data for various isotherms from T = (277.59 to 510.93) K and pressures up to critical conditions using a combination of both a synthetic technique for bubble point analysis and a 16 sampling technique mainly used for the coexisting gas phase. The reported standard error in the mole fractions was of ± 0.0039. 78 Nagarajan and Robinson 79 reported composition, density and interfacial tension measurements on two isotherms at T = 344.3 K and T = 377.6 K at pressures up to the critical point of the mixture using an analytical-type apparatus with recirculation of either vapour or liquid through sampling valves and on-line chromatographic analysis. In the study of Chou et al. 80 composition measurements at T = 344.25 K and T = 377.55 K were reported; an analytical-type apparatus with recirculation of the vapour phase and off-line GC analyisis was used with a reported reproducibility between samples within ± 0.04 x for liquid and ± 0.02 y for vapour and estimated uncertainties of ± 0.005 and ± 0.002, respectively, for liquid and vapour mole fractions. Han et al. 81 presented composition and density measurements for this system at T = 310.95 K and up to the critical pressure using an analytical technique with circulation of the gas and off-line analysis using sample cells as in the previous study; only the saturated liquid-phase compositions were reported. A few composition measurements were also presented by Iwai et al. 82 at T = 311.0 K and T = 344.3 K using an analytical apparatus in which both liquid and vapour were recirculated through their respective sampling valves. They reported a standard deviation in composition lower than 0.000082. Jennings and Schucker 83 reported composition measurements at T = 344.25 K with a reproducibility for liquid and vapour mole fractions of ± 0.0013 and ± 0.00007, respectively using an analytical flow-type apparatus. The same equipment as Nagarajan and Robinson 79 with some modifications was used by Shaver et al. 84 to obtain composition, density and interfacial tension data at T = 344.3 K and pressures up to the critical point with a reported accuracy in mole fraction of ± 0.003 and an estimated precision of 0.0005 for both phases. Experimental VLE measurements on the same system were obtained by us on two isotherms at T = 311.0 K and T = 344.3 K. The results are collected in Table 2 and the comparison with the literature is presented in Figure 4. Good agreement is found at both temperatures for liquid and vapour phases, although some discrepancies are seen among the 17 vapour phase data reported by different authors. This is seen at T = 344.3 K, where the mole fraction of decane in the vapour phase at pressures of about 4 MPa varies from a minimum of y = 0.001 80 to y = 0.005. 84 In this latter study, Shaver et al. 84 reported difficulty in replicating vapour sampling analysis at low pressure, but it was said to be overcome at pressures higher than 3.5 MPa. Similarly, higher mole fractions of decane in the vapour phase were also reported by Nagarajan and Robinson 79 as seen in Figure 4, using the older version of the same equipment where the minimum pressure reported was about 6 MPa. Our measurements on the binary system were obtained using direct sampling of the liquid phase through a capillary. Recirculation had not been implemented at that stage and the rocking mechanism was the means to promote mass transfer. A large number of samples (typically more than ten) was needed in this arrangement to obtain a satisfactory standard deviation in the liquid-phase mole fraction. The typical standard deviations for the liquid were: σx = 8 × 10−3 and σx = 1 × 10−2 for the liquid phases and σy = 3 × 10−5 and σy = 4 × 10−4 for the gas phases at T = 311.0 K and T = 344.3 K, respectively. The improvements in the repeatability of the liquid-phase measurements after incorporating the circulation pump are discussed in the next section for the ternary system. Experimental results for (n-decane + carbon dioxide + water) The experiments performed during this work for (n-decane + carbon dioxide + water) were mainly focused on regions of three-phase VLLE equilibria. In Table 3, we report the experimental three-phase data measured at T = (413, 393, 373, 353 and 323) K. At each temperature we have also observed and measured the critical point between the decane-rich and the CO2 -rich phases. These data appear in Table 4 and the measurements will be discussed in detail in the next section. The standard uncertainty in the composition measurements was calculated based on estimations of the contributions corresponding to calibration of the chromatograph, pressure and temperature measurements, as 85 18 u2c (xi ) = ∂xi ∂p !2 ∂xi u (p) + ∂T 2 !2 3 X 2 u (T ) + ∂xi ∂nj ∂nj ∂Aj j=1 !2 u2 (Aj ) (1) where uc (xi ) is the combined standard uncertainty in the composition, u(Aj ) is the standard uncertainty related to the calibration of the chromatograph for component j, u(p) = 10 kPa and u(T ) = 0.05 K. The relative standard uncertainties from the chromatographic calibrations were below 2% for each of the three components. In practice, the combined standard uncertainty in the composition measurements varied depending on the component and the phase in question; the results are summarised in Table 5. A second class of uncertainty is that derived from the repeatability of the measurements as a result of random sources of error. This has been quantified in terms of standards deviations, σxi = PN 2 i=1 (xi − xi ) N −1 !1/2 , (2) calculated for every state point and then averaged. These standard deviations in composition are also presented in Table 5. The overall uncertainty obtained combining equations (1) and (2) is also considered and denoted as u(xi ) in Table 5. Models, theory and calculations The choice of the states to be measured was guided by theoretical calculations. Accurate equations of state allow such a procedure, and this was one reason we used SAFT-VR in this work. To model the components of interest, a number of intermolecular potential parameters need to be determined. Within the SAFT-VR formalism, 37,38 molecules are modelled as associating chains of segments interacting through attractive potentials of variable range. In this work we consider chains of m tangent spheres of diameter σii that interact through 19 square-well potentials of well-depth εii and range λii . Hydrogen bonding interactions are mediated by adding short-range off-center associating sites to the molecules. These interact HB through attractive square-well potentials of energy εHB ii and cut-off range r c ii ; each of these sites is placed at a distance rd /σ=0.25 from the centre of the segment. Pure components The models used here for the pure components are based on previous work. Decane was modelled as a homonuclear chain comprising four segments based on a previous parametrization for the alkane family, 86 CO2 was modelled as a non-associating molecule comprising two spherical segments 72,73 and water is modelled as a single sphere with four off-centre squarewell association sites, as this was found to be the most appropriate model to describe the hydrogen bonding based on spectroscopic data. 87 The optimized SAFT-VR parameters for the pure components are presented in Table 6 for completeness. These intermolecular parameters were determined by comparison to experimental vapour pressure and liquid density data for the pure components in the region from the triple point temperature to 90 % of the critical temperature. Mixtures To study the behaviour of mixtures, a number of unlike interactions, or cross parameters, need to be determined. In the simplest analysis, arithmetic and geometric-mean rules using the pure components parameters can be applied. The unlike diameter is given by σij = σii + σjj 2 (3) and is exact for hard-core potentials such as the square-well used here. Unfortunately, the application of simple combining rules for the unlike depth εij and the range λij of the squarewell potential rarely lead to good predictions of the mixture phase behaviour. Adjustable 20 parameters need to be included as follows: λij = (1 − γij ) λii σii + λjj σjj σii + σjj (4) and q εij = (1 − kij ) (εii εjj ). (5) These parameters γij and kij typically need to be estimated by comparison with experimental mixture data. In this work a common arithmetic-mean rule is used for λij , so that γij = 0 in equation (4). The strong non-ideality of the systems studied here, together with differences in molecular size, makes it necessary to go beyond the simple geometric-mean or Berthelot rule for εij . This combining rule can be extended by including the effects of differences in ionization potentials and molecular sizes through consideration of the London theory of dispersion interactions. This was done originally by Hudson and McCoubrey for the Lennard-Jones potential. 57 Recently, a method for generalizing the combining rule obtained by Hudson and McCoubrey to a square-well intermolecular potential has been presented. 58 The use of this combining rule leads to a temperature- and phase-independent value for the kij binary-interaction parameter only when dispersion interactions alone are considered. Extended expressions for kij applicable to polar molecules are also given in ref. 58 including interactions such as dipole-dipole and dipole-induce dipole, as well those arising from the permanent quadrupole moment of the molecules. In the absence of dipole and hydrogenbonding terms the kij is given by 58 kij = 1 −    3  mi mj σ 3 (λ3 ij ij − 1)    Ii Ij 1 1 3 2 ∗ ∗ ∗ 2 ∗ q 1 (6) , α + α + Q α ) α ×  3 (Q 0,i 0,j i 0,j j 0,i 5 (4πǫ ǫ )2 2 2σij (4πǫr ǫ0 )2 (Ii + Ij ) 5σij r 0 (εii εjj )  21 where ǫ0 is the permittivity of vacuum, ǫr is the relative permittivity (or dielectric constant) of the media, Ii and Ij are the ionization potentials of the molecules, α0,i and α0,j are the electronic polarisabilities and Qi and Qj are the total quadrupole moments. The electronic ∗ and α∗ are obtained using an equivalent expression for the like-like polarisabilities α0,i 0,j interactions. The resulting combining rule for polar molecules 58 leads to a value for the kij parameter that is temperature-dependent and also phase-dependent based on differences in the dielectric constant of each phase and the dipole moments of each species. Here we avoid considering a temperature-dependent kij , thus simplifying the use of the theory. We also consider a unique phase-independent kij to be able to predict critical points. (n-Decane + carbon dioxide) The extension of the Hudson and McCoubrey combining rules 58 was used here to calculate an appropriate value for the kij of the system (n-decane + carbon dioxide) with SAFT-VR. The CO2 molecule because of its symmetry does not have net electrical dipole moment, but it has an important quadrupole moment. The effect of considering the quadrupole moment for the CO2 modifies slightly the value calculated for the kij , making it phase and temperature dependent through terms involving the dielectric constant of the media. However, the dielectric constant of both liquid decane and liquid CO 2 are close to that for the vapour (∼ unity) for the temperatures of study 88 (as a comparison, the dielectric constant for liquid water is ∼ 80 at T = 293 K 88 ) which leads to a negligible effect of temperature and density. A value for the dielectric constant ǫr = 1 was used in this work leading to kij = 0.1276 using equation (6). This was calculated using a value for the quadrupole moment of CO 2 89 Q = −1.4×10−39 C·m2 and ionization potentials 88 I = 1.5×10−18 J and I = 2.2×10−18 J for decane and CO2 , respectively. 22 Aqueous systems To model aqueous systems we have opted to fit to mixture data for the range of temperatures and pressures of interest with a single temperature- and phase-independent parameter. The fitted parameter, kij = −0.06, for the (carbon dioxide + water) system taken from a previous work 69 was obtained using experimental data over a temperature range of (273 to 373) K and pressures of (0.007 to 10) MPa. For the (n-decane + water) system, the value kij = 0.2725 was obtained by fitting to compositions belonging to the vapour-liquid region and the saturated decane-rich phase in the liquid-liquid region at temperatures of (473 to 523) K and pressures of (0.1 to 75) MPa based on the availability of data. 90,91 Study of the three-phase equilibria of (n-decane + carbon dioxide + water) The calculations of the phase behaviour for the ternary system were carried out using the (p, T ) flash algorithm of Pereira et al., 92,93 a reliable algorithm able to provide the number of stable fluid phases at equilibrium along with their properties without the need of initial guesses. The calculated critical point overpredicts the experimental one, as with any classical equation of state based on mean-field theory. Although crossover treatments have already been applied to SAFT-VR to correct for this behaviour 94–97 here we do not make use of such methods. The immiscibility of the binary systems comprising the (n-decane + carbon dioxide + water) mixture dictates that a large part of the diagram will be occupied by a region of three phase equilibria. This is observed in Figure 5 where calculations at T = 393.15 K performed with SAFT-VR and the chosen models are presented. Large regions of two- and three-phase equilibria are observed and only very small regions of single-phase equilibria which appear in the margins of the diagram are seen. As can be observed, the area of threephase coexistence decreases as the pressure increases. There is a limiting pressure or critical 23 pressure at which the carbon dioxide-rich and the decane-rich phases become miscible and two coexisting phases are observed from there on. At low pressure, the subsystem (n-decane + water) exhibits a point of three-phase equilibria, which is also depicted in the diagram. In Table 3 the experimental three-phase VLLE measurements are compared to the calculations performed with SAFT-VR. The temperature for the calculations is within experimental uncertainty; the choice of pressure is an average of the experimental measurements at each equilibrium state. To offer a visual comparison with the theory, we have collected some of the data for four isotherms and plotted them in Figure 6. These triangular diagrams are projections onto a plane of isobaric slices through a prismatic diagram such as Figure 5. As can be seen in Figure 5, the three-phase region for a given pressure diminishes as the critical point between the CO2 -rich and decane-rich phases is approached. Comparing the plots in Figure 6, the reduction of these regions of immiscibility with temperature is also apparent. Data at the lowest temperature of 323 K, which shows the poorest miscibility from all the five isotherms studied, is not represented in this figure for the sake of brevity. As the pressure of the system is increased, if the three phase coexistence area of the diagram is followed, a single critical point between the CO 2 -rich and decane-rich phases in the presence of a water-rich phase can be found. This point can be observed visually in the experiment as a colorful critical opalescence changing from yellow to an intense red, finally becoming opaque at the critical point. The composition at this point was measured at a very slightly higher pressure, achieved by injecting water. In Figure 7 we plot the observed critical locus as a function of temperature (cf. Table 4). These results are not compared here with the calculations performed with SAFT-VR since at the experimental critical pressure three phase regions are predicted by the theory. This is a result of the already mentioned overestimation of critical points. 94,98 24 Discussion As seen in the previous section, mixtures of (n-decane + carbon dioxide + water) present a large regions of three phase equilibria. This is a consequence of the type of phase behaviour observed for each binary subsystem. Mixtures of (carbon dioxide + water) and (n-decane + water) both have a large region of LLE that extends to high temperatures, typical of type III phase behaviour in the classification of Scott and van Konynenburg. 20,21 The system (ndecane + carbon dioxide) exhibits type II behaviour, where the region of LLE is restricted to temperatures below 250 K. 99 The extreme immiscibility of the components of the mixture at the conditions measured results in ternary phase behaviour that is relatively close to that of each binary subsystem. The existing literature data for the binaries have been compared with the experimental data of the ternary measured here. In this way, the effect of adding a component on the phase behaviour of the other two can be analysed. Influence of water on the phase behaviour of (n-decane + carbon dioxide) The experimental data collected for the CO 2 -rich and the decane-rich phases of the system (n-decane + carbon dioxide + water) can be compared to data for the binary system (ndecane + carbon dioxide). A comparison at T = (373 and 413) K is shown in Figure 8. The presence of a third water-rich phase modifies slightly the diagram and the differences may be noted in the region of highest pressures. The pressure at which n-decane and carbon dioxide become miscible for a given composition decreases if water is also present. The theory follows the trend obtained experimentally. The same behaviour is observed when we compare the critical locus for the CO2 -rich and decane-rich phases with the critical data for (n-decane + carbon dioxide) published in the literature (see Figure 7). This may be of interest for EOR techniques in which the minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) is a design parameter for miscible flooding processes. The conclusion from this analysis is that water acts as a 25 weak co-solvent at high pressure. Influence of n-decane on the phase behaviour of (carbon dioxide + water) Similarly, we study the effect of n-decane on the phase behaviour of (carbon dioxide + water) comparing our experimental data to available binary data. We address here the study of the CO2 -rich and the water-rich phases separately. A comparison of the water content of the CO 2 phase for the ternary system with that for the binary is shown in Figure 9. The solubilities for the ternary system overlap with those for the binary to within experimental uncertainty. The predictions of the theory are consistent with experiment: those for the binary are not shown here as a different curve because they lay over those for the ternaries and only a very small increase in solubility can be seen at the highest pressures of study. The measurements of water in the gas phase can also be tested as in previous work 100 to check whether adsorption of water in the transfer lines to the gas chromatograph may have occurred. The solubilities of water in the gas phase are plotted versus the inverse of temperature in Figure 10 for selected pressures. Note that our experimental data are not precisely isobaric, but we are plotting data taken at relatively close pressures. For low compositions of water in the gas phase the dependency of composition is assumed to be based on the vapour pressure of water so that for a given pressure a linear behaviour is seen in this kind of plot. As seen in the figure, also different isobars exhibit parallel trends. Because this linearity is followed, adsorption of water may be considered negligible. The solubilities of CO2 in the water-rich phase are plotted in Figure 11 for the five isotherms measured and compared to the predictions with SAFT-VR. In general there is a reasonable level of agreement, although deviations increase with increase in pressure. These solubilities obtained for the ternary system at conditions of three phase equilibria agree well with the literature data for the binary system, as is shown in Figure 12(a) for the isotherm at T = 393.14 K. Such close agreement was expected due to the low solubility of the third 26 component, n-decane, in the water phase. This is also shown by the theory: in the same figure, the predictions for the binary and the ternary system are compared. Small deviations only appear at the highest pressures. Better agreement with the theory can be seen at lower temperatures as shown in Figure 12 (b) for T = 353.11 K, although at this temperature there is a greater scatter between different literature sources. Concluding the analysis of the effect of n-decane on the phase behaviour of (carbon dioxide + water), it has been shown that the phase equilibrium is practically unaltered when n-decane is also present and only minor differences are seen at the highest pressures of study. It is known that the dissolution of carbon dioxide in water takes place not only by physical equilibrium but also chemically according to the following reaction CO2 (aq) + H2 O = H+ (aq) + HCO− 3 (aq), neglecting the second dissociation to carbonate, which is only important at high pH. The fraction of carbon dioxide dissociated in the aqueous phase is however negligible compared with experimental error. An estimation can be made using the first constant of dissociation, which varies with temperature as 101 log10 K ⊖ = −3404.71 (K/T ) + 14.8435 − 0.032786(T /K). (7) Neglecting non-ideality (i.e., setting the activity coefficients to unity), the fraction α of CO2 molecules dissociated in the liquid phase is given approximately by α≈ q m⊖ K ⊖ /mCO2 , (8) where m⊖ = 1 mol·kg−1 is the standard molality. For example, at T = 413 K and p = 1 MPa, K ⊖ = 1.1 × 10−7 and mCO2 ≈ 0.06 mol·kg−1 so that α ≈ 1.4 × 10−3 . The fraction dissociated is in any case between 3 × 10−4 and 3 × 10−3 at all temperatures and pressures in the range of study. No further consideration was given to chemical equilibria in the aqueous phase. 27 Influence of carbon dioxide on the phase behaviour of (n-decane + water) Next, we study the effect of carbon dioxide on the phase behaviour of (n-decane + water). Again we refer first to the water-rich phase and then to the decane-rich phase. The measured mole fractions of n-decane in the water-rich phase are of the order of ppm as recorded in Table 3. Although they present some scatter (see Figure 13) the order of magnitude may be approximately ten times higher than that reported for the solubility of n-decane in pure water at T = 374.15 K and T = 424.65 K and low pressure. 59 Our predictions with SAFTVR and the chosen binary parameter to model the interactions between water and n-decane underestimate considerably the solubility of n-decane in the water phase (e.g. 2.2 × 10−15 at T = 373.1 K and p = 15 MPa) as shown in Table 3, but the predicted compositions are slightly higher than for the binary (1.6 × 10−15 at the same temperature and pressure). This effect could be corrected using a different kij value for this phase, but this was out of the scope of this work. The measurements of water in the decane-rich phase are plotted in Figure 14. In general experimental values for the ternary system show a higher water concentration than that for the binary (n-decane + water). 59 However, experimental data for this binary system at the conditions of the present study are scarce. The SAFT-VR EOS also predicts higher solubilities of water in n-decane when the third component is present, although this effect is more noticeable at higher pressures; in fact, the solubility of water in n-decane for the binary system decreases with pressure, whereas it is enhanced with pressure in the case of the ternary. Experimentally, it is difficult to avoid completely contamination of the decane-rich phase with the water-rich phase and larger water peaks may randomly be measured during the sampling procedure. These peaks were however discarded during the analysis. Finally, regarding the effect of carbon dioxide on the mutual solubility of (n-decane + water), we may conclude that it acts as a mild co-solvent. This effect of co-solvency is consistent with the reduction of interfacial tension that is observed between the two saturated phases of 28 (n-decane + water) with additions of carbon dioxide to the system. 8 Having a global theory is advantageous to extend the study to temperatures beyond the limits of our experimental technique. For example, Figure 15 shows an isotherm at a reduced temperature 0.95 times the calculated critical temperature for n-decane (or T = 582 K considering the experimental critical temperature for this component). At this higher temperature a markedly different behaviour is observed. Whereas, at low temperature, the phase diagram was dominated by regions of three-phase equilibria, here VLE regions and critical states are the main features. The temperature chosen lies below the critical temperature of both water (647 K) and n-decane (617 K) but the critical line for the mixture (carbon dioxide + water) and one of the two critical lines present in (n-decane + water) are crossed. This is observed in the diagram by means of the closed envelopes; these are VLE regions which finish at the critical pressure of each binary mixture at the temperature of study. As is common at lower temperatures there is also a critical pressure for (n-decane + carbon dioxide) at this temperature. In the case of the binary (n-decane + water) when the vapour pressure of water is exceeded a LLE region appears and extends to higher pressures (open envelope). But below that pressure and above the vapour pressure for n-decane it is interesting to note that areas at which the three components are miscible in every proportion can be distinguished. This could be of interest for processes where the three components, water, CO2 and n-decane were required to form a unique phase. Conclusions We have developed a new experimental apparatus for measuring phase equilibria at reservoir conditions. In the design of this analytical apparatus, special care was taken to ensure that the sampling system was reliable. Our approach to this problem involved the incorporation of a magnetic recirculating pump that yields good reproducibility of the analysis of liquid samples. 29 The apparatus has been validated against literature data for the system (n-decane + carbon dioxide) at temperatures of T = 311.02 K and T = 344.31 K. New data for the system (n-decane + carbon dioxide + water) has been gathered at conditions of three-phase equilibria. Five isotherms from T =(323.08 to 413.16) K and pressures from ∼ 0.9 MPa up to the critical pressure between the carbon dioxide-rich and the decane-rich phases which is at (9.38 to 18.12) MPa have been measured for this system. The analysis of the system has been complemented with calculations performed with SAFT-VR using three temperature-independent binary interaction parameters. An extension of the Hudson and McCoubrey combining rules was used to calculate one of these parameters, while the others were obtained by fitting to data for the binary system. We have compared the experimental VLLE data for the ternary system (n-decane + carbon dioxide + water) with literature data for the corresponding binary subsystems and carried out comparisons of the phase equilibria predicted with SAFT-VR. Overall, the comparison between the mutual solubilities of the three components at conditions of three phase equilibria for the ternary system and the solubility of the components in the corresponding binary subsystems shows small differences. The solubility of water in n-decane and that of n-decane in water seem to increase slightly with respect to the binary (n-decane + water) when CO2 is present, at the same conditions. The solubility of carbon dioxide in water decreases slightly in the presence of n-decane at the highest pressures of study and that of water in carbon dioxide shows no appreciable change, if we compare to the binary system (carbon dioxide + water), although the theory predicts a very small increase. A similar comparison with the binary (n-decane + carbon dioxide) system shows that, whereas the content of n-decane in the carbon dioxide phase is not affected, that of the carbon dioxide in the n-decane phase decreases when water is added. As a result, the solubility of the carbon dioxide in the decane-rich phase increases but that for the water-rich phase decreases. In general these effects are small at low pressure but more significant as pressure increases. 30 Acknowledgement The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of Shell International Exploration and Production B.V. in sponsoring this project and further support from EPSRC (Grant no. EP/E016340/1) to the Molecular Systems Engineering group. References (1) Kane, A. V. J. Petrol. Tech. 1979, 31, 217–231. (2) Langston, M. V.; Hoadley, S. F.; Young, D. N. Definitive CO 2 Flooding Response in the SACROC Unit. Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1988. (3) Blunt, M.; Fayers, F. J.; Orr Jr., F. M. Energy Convers. and Mgmt. 1993, 34, 1197 – 1204, Proceedings of the International Energy Agency Carbon Dioxide Disposal Symposium. (4) Orr, F. M. J. Petrol. Tech. 2004, 56, 90–97. (5) Malik, Q. M.; Islam, M. R. 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Data 1989, 34, 355–360. 39 Table 1: GC conditions for the analysis of the mixtures used in this work. Injector V̇ / cm3 ·s−1 T /K 40 483.15 Oven T /K 373.15 TCD T /K I/mA 503.15 90-95 FID T /K φ 503.15 1:10 a TCD = Thermal Conductivity Detector, FID = Flame Ionization Detector, V̇ = He flow rate, I = current, φ = H2 : Air flow ratio. Table 2: Experimental VLE data for (n-decane(1) + carbon dioxide(2)) where I and II denote the decane-rich and carbon dioxide-rich phases, respectively. Phase I Phase II p/MPa xexp p/MPa y1exp 1 T =311.02 K 2.72 0.7157 2.71 0.00047 4.05 0.5833 4.04 0.00044 6.15 0.3417 6.13 0.00055 6.83 0.2417 6.82 0.00080 7.26 0.1582 7.26 0.00095 7.69 0.0650 7.68 0.00148 T =344.31 K 2.51 0.8088 2.53 0.0016 3.66 0.7179 3.68 0.0024 4.44 0.6634 4.43 0.0014 6.44 0.5343 6.44 0.0017 9.04 0.3798 9.03 0.0028 10.49 0.2792 10.46 0.0061 11.52 0.2186 11.51 0.0116 40 Table 3: Experimental VLLE data and SAFT-VR calculations for (n-decane(1)+carbon dioxide(2)+water(3)) where I, II and III denote the decane-rich, carbon dioxide-rich and water-rich phases, respectively. Phase p/MPa xexp 1 xexp 2 xexp 3 p/MPa T = 323.08 K xpred 1 xpred 2 xpred 3 T = 323.10 K I 2.09 0.8177 0.1802 0.0021 2.10 0.7351 0.2628 0.0020 II 2.12 0.0011 0.9940 0.0049 2.10 0.0006 0.9925 0.0069 III 2.11 4.4×10−7 0.0069 0.9931 2.10 3.6×10−18 I 4.77 0.5813 0.4153 0.0035 4.77 0.4990 0.4986 0.0024 II 4.78 0.0010 0.9963 0.0028 4.77 0.0005 0.9956 0.0039 III 4.77 4.0×10−7 0.0134 0.9866 4.77 4.0×10−18 I 7.05 0.3824 0.6135 0.0041 7.05 0.3357 0.6613 0.0030 II 7.05 0.0039 0.9937 0.0023 7.05 0.0006 0.9960 0.0034 III 7.05 5.0×10−7 0.0173 0.9827 7.05 4.0×10−18 I 8.46 0.2326 0.7627 0.0047 8.50 0.2303 0.7658 0.0039 II 8.50 0.0041 0.9934 0.0025 8.50 0.0008 0.9958 0.0034 III 8.54 5.3×10−7 0.0190 0.9810 8.50 3.7×10−18 T = 353.11 K 0.0058 0.0124 0.0170 0.0195 0.9942 0.9876 0.9830 0.9805 T = 353.13 K I 0.94 0.9259 0.0640 0.0101 0.94 0.9046 0.0895 0.0059 II 0.94 0.0054 0.9594 0.0352 0.94 0.0047 0.9427 0.0526 III 0.95 1.9×10−6 0.0021 0.9979 0.94 1.5×10−16 I 1.98 0.8535 0.1398 0.0067 2.01 0.8109 0.1832 0.0059 II 1.99 0.0031 0.9713 0.0256 2.01 0.0026 0.9709 0.0265 III 2.05 1.5×10−6 0.0043 0.9956 2.01 1.6×10−16 I 4.62 0.6776 0.3151 0.0072 4.64 0.6258 0.3680 0.0062 II 4.64 0.0024 0.9851 0.0124 4.64 0.0018 0.9843 0.0139 III 4.66 1.0×10−6 0.0091 0.9909 4.64 1.8×10−16 41 0.0019 0.0042 0.0093 0.9981 0.9958 0.9907 Table 3: Experimental VLLE data and SAFT-VR calculations for (n-decane(1)+carbon dioxide(2)+water(3)) (continued). p/MPa xexp 1 p/MPa xpred 1 I 6.99 0.5324 0.4595 0.0082 7.02 0.4944 0.4988 0.0068 II 7.02 0.0038 0.9870 0.0092 7.02 0.0019 0.9869 0.0112 III 7.04 9.0×10−7 0.0125 0.9875 7.02 1.9×10−16 I 9.58 0.3796 0.6073 0.0132 9.62 0.3740 0.6183 0.0077 II 9.62 0.0055 0.9869 0.0076 9.62 0.0024 0.9873 0.0103 III 9.64 8.6×10−7 0.0157 0.9843 9.62 2.0×10−16 I 12.13 0.2325 0.7534 0.0141 12.15 0.2683 0.7224 0.0092 II 12.17 0.0133 0.9795 0.0072 12.15 0.0037 0.9856 0.0107 III 12.16 7.1×10−7 0.0184 0.9816 12.15 2.0×10−16 I 13.34 0.1442 0.8426 0.0132 13.35 0.2178 0.7718 0.0104 II 13.36 0.0288 0.9629 0.0083 13.35 0.0050 0.9837 0.0113 III 13.34 1.2×10−6 0.0192 0.9808 13.35 1.9×10−16 Phase xexp 2 xexp 3 T = 373.07 K xpred 2 0.0134 0.0172 0.0203 0.0215 xpred 3 0.9866 0.9828 0.9797 0.9785 T = 373.10 K I 1.06 0.9148 0.0639 0.0213 1.06 0.9095 0.0795 0.0110 II 1.06 0.0138 0.8940 0.0922 1.06 0.0097 0.8904 0.0998 III 1.06 1.7×10−6 0.0018 0.9982 1.06 1.6×10−15 I 1.99 0.8575 0.1269 0.0156 2.00 0.8393 0.1497 0.0110 II 2.00 0.0074 0.9410 0.0516 2.00 0.0059 0.9380 0.0561 III 2.00 1.2×10−6 0.0035 0.9965 2.00 1.7×10−15 I 2.96 0.7965 0.1898 0.0137 2.98 0.7735 0.2154 0.0111 II 2.98 0.0049 0.9557 0.0394 2.98 0.0046 0.9554 0.0400 III 2.98 8.3×10−7 0.0053 0.9947 2.98 1.74×10−15 I 3.88 0.7387 0.2459 0.0154 3.89 0.7180 0.2709 0.0112 II 3.90 0.0054 0.9677 0.0269 3.89 0.0041 0.9635 42 0.0018 0.0036 0.0054 0.9982 0.9964 0.9946 0.0325 Table 3: Experimental VLLE data and SAFT-VR calculations for (n-decane(1)+carbon dioxide(2)+water(3)) (continued). p/MPa xexp 1 p/MPa xpred 1 xpred 2 xpred 3 III 3.88 1.3×10−6 0.0066 0.9934 3.89 1.8×10−15 0.0070 0.9930 I 5.02 0.6718 0.3083 0.0199 5.03 0.6547 0.3339 0.0114 II 5.01 0.0051 0.9680 0.0269 5.03 0.0038 0.9692 0.0271 III 5.05 1.4×10−6 0.0085 0.9915 5.03 1.9×10−15 I 6.51 0.5933 0.3860 0.0207 6.49 0.5821 0.4062 0.0117 II 6.49 0.0062 0.9741 0.0197 6.49 0.0037 0.9731 0.0232 III 6.47 8.6×10−7 0.0105 0.9895 6.49 2.0×10−15 I 7.90 0.5196 0.4592 0.0212 7.91 0.5188 0.4691 0.0121 II 7.93 0.0062 0.9769 0.0169 7.91 0.0039 0.9751 0.0210 III 7.91 1.4×10−6 0.0128 0.9872 7.91 2.1×10−15 I 9.15 0.4641 0.5150 0.0209 9.14 0.4687 0.5188 0.0125 II 9.14 0.0119 0.9719 0.0162 9.14 0.0041 0.9759 0.0199 III 9.13 1.0×10−6 0.0136 0.9864 9.14 2.1×10−15 I 10.96 0.3792 0.5985 0.0250 10.95 0.4010 0.5856 0.0134 II 10.97 0.0144 0.9693 0.0163 10.95 0.0048 0.9760 0.0192 III 10.94 7.3×10−7 0.0154 0.9846 10.95 2.2×10−15 I 12.72 0.2956 0.6777 0.0267 12.74 0.3396 0.6460 0.0144 II 12.75 0.0146 0.9709 0.0144 12.74 0.0059 0.9749 0.0191 III 12.76 6.2×10−7 0.0165 0.9835 12.74 2.2×10−15 I 14.70 0.1975 0.7747 0.0278 14.72 0.2752 0.7088 0.0159 II 14.75 0.0330 0.9517 0.0153 14.72 0.0080 0.9721 0.0198 III 14.74 5.3×10−7 0.0177 0.9823 14.72 2.19×10−15 I 15.26 0.1628 0.8087 0.0285 15.28 0.2574 0.7261 0.0165 II 15.29 0.0431 0.9413 0.0157 15.28 0.0089 0.9709 Phase xexp 2 xexp 3 43 0.0089 0.0112 0.0133 0.0151 0.0174 0.0195 0.0215 0.9911 0.9888 0.9867 0.9849 0.9826 0.9805 0.9785 0.0202 Table 3: Experimental VLLE data and SAFT-VR calculations for (n-decane(1)+carbon dioxide(2)+water(3)) (continued). Phase III p/MPa xexp 1 15.27 7.0×10−7 xexp 2 xexp 3 0.0183 0.9817 p/MPa xpred 1 xpred 2 xpred 3 15.28 2.2×10−15 0.0220 0.9780 T = 393.14 K T = 393.15 K I 0.88 0.9314 0.0401 0.0285 0.88 0.9325 0.0483 0.0192 II 0.88 0.0259 0.7812 0.1929 0.88 0.0239 0.7442 0.2319 III 0.88 6.0×10−6 0.0013 0.9987 0.88 1.4×10−14 I 2.08 0.8626 0.1100 0.0275 2.08 0.8534 0.1274 0.0192 II 2.09 0.0129 0.8963 0.0908 2.08 0.0119 0.8833 0.1048 III 2.08 3.1×10−6 0.0030 0.9970 2.08 1.5×10−14 I 3.29 0.7960 0.1752 0.0288 3.30 0.7818 0.1989 0.0193 II 3.32 0.0095 0.9295 0.0610 3.30 0.0088 0.9205 0.0707 III 3.31 1.9×10−6 0.0047 0.9953 3.30 1.57×10−14 I 4.70 0.7153 0.2552 0.0295 4.71 0.7081 0.2725 0.0195 II 4.73 0.0081 0.9463 0.0456 4.71 0.0075 0.9389 0.0537 III 4.72 1.9×10−6 0.0068 0.9932 4.71 1.7×10−14 I 6.03 0.6477 0.3191 0.0332 6.02 0.6466 0.3337 0.0197 II 6.02 0.0097 0.9542 0.0361 6.02 0.0070 0.9477 0.0453 III 6.02 4.5×10−6 0.0086 0.9914 6.02 1.7×10−14 I 7.54 0.5859 0.3795 0.0346 7.58 0.5807 0.3992 0.0201 II 7.64 0.0078 0.9605 0.0317 7.58 0.0069 0.9535 0.0396 III 7.57 2.7×10−6 0.0107 0.9893 7.58 1.8×10−14 I 9.54 0.4857 0.4821 0.0322 9.59 0.5051 0.4740 0.0209 II 9.63 0.0112 0.9636 0.0252 9.59 0.0073 0.9572 0.0355 III 9.59 2.6×10−6 0.0127 0.9873 9.59 1.9×10−14 0.0146 0.9854 I 11.78 0.4006 0.5660 0.0334 11.81 0.4308 0.5473 0.0220 44 0.0012 0.0033 0.0053 0.0076 0.0096 0.0119 0.9988 0.9967 0.9947 0.9924 0.9904 0.9881 Table 3: Experimental VLLE data and SAFT-VR calculations for (n-decane(1)+carbon dioxide(2)+water(3)) (continued). p/MPa xexp 1 p/MPa xpred 1 II 11.87 0.0184 0.9569 0.0247 11.81 0.0084 III 11.80 8.3×10−7 0.0145 0.9855 11.81 2.0×10−14 I 14.78 0.2880 0.6752 0.0367 14.83 0.3409 0.6351 0.0240 II 14.88 0.0299 0.9474 0.0227 14.83 0.0110 0.9562 0.0328 III 14.85 1.0×10−6 0.0169 0.9831 14.83 2.1×10−14 I 16.65 0.1895 0.7736 0.0369 16.70 0.2894 0.6849 0.0257 II 16.72 0.0542 0.9218 0.0240 16.70 0.0137 0.9527 0.0335 III 16.74 1.0×10−6 0.0181 0.9819 16.70 2.2×10−14 Phase xexp 2 xexp 3 T = 413.16 K xpred 2 xpred 3 0.9583 0.0333 0.0174 0.0208 0.0226 0.9826 0.9792 0.9774 T = 413.15 K I 0.95 0.9275 0.0312 0.0414 0.96 0.9323 0.0358 0.0319 II 0.95 0.0443 0.6203 0.3354 0.96 0.0426 0.5716 0.3859 III 0.96 7.0×10−6 0.0010 0.9990 0.96 1.1×10−13 I 3.19 0.8095 0.1483 0.0422 3.20 0.8066 0.1617 0.0317 II 3.20 0.0170 0.8778 0.1052 3.20 0.0166 0.8540 0.1294 III 3.21 5.5×10−6 0.0042 0.9958 3.20 1.2×10−13 I 4.91 0.7220 0.2337 0.0442 4.93 0.7238 0.2443 0.0319 II 4.94 0.0136 0.9131 0.0734 4.93 0.0133 0.8951 0.0916 III 4.94 4.3×10−6 0.0064 0.9936 4.93 1.31×10−13 I 7.43 0.6102 0.3449 0.0449 7.47 0.6192 0.3483 0.0324 II 7.51 0.0161 0.9213 0.0626 7.47 0.0119 0.9190 0.0691 III 7.52 5.8×10−6 0.0097 0.9903 7.47 1.4×10−13 I 10.24 0.4981 0.4532 0.0486 10.30 0.5204 0.4461 0.0335 II 10.29 0.0188 0.9343 0.0469 10.30 0.0123 0.9293 0.0584 III 10.30 4.3×10−6 0.0129 0.9871 10.30 1.6×10−13 45 0.0009 0.0046 0.0073 0.0110 0.0149 0.9991 0.9954 0.9927 0.9890 0.9851 Table 3: Experimental VLLE data and SAFT-VR calculations for (n-decane(1)+carbon dioxide(2)+water(3)) (continued). p/MPa xexp 1 p/MPa xpred 1 I 13.30 0.3859 0.5675 0.0465 13.30 0.4301 0.5346 0.0353 II 13.26 0.0263 0.9334 0.0404 13.30 0.0141 0.9322 0.0537 III 13.29 2.7×10−6 0.0156 0.9844 13.30 1.7×10−13 I 17.07 0.2282 0.7190 0.0528 17.10 0.3299 0.6316 0.0385 II 17.16 0.0600 0.9043 0.0357 17.10 0.0189 0.9286 0.0526 III 17.08 1.6×10−6 0.0180 0.9820 17.10 1.8×10−13 Phase xexp 2 xexp 3 xpred 2 0.0186 0.0226 xpred 3 0.9814 0.9774 Table 4: Experimental LLE data for (n-decane(1) + carbon dioxide(2) + water(3)) at the critical point between the decane-rich and CO 2 -rich phases (the combination of both phases is referred here as CO2 -rich phase). The phases are labelled as II and III for the CO 2 -rich and the water-rich phases, respectively. T /K 323.10 353.12 373.11 393.13 413.15 p/MPa 9.62 13.79 15.81 17.30 18.12 xexp 1 0.0226 0.0759 0.0944 0.1209 0.1132 Phase II xexp 2 0.9701 0.9089 0.8781 0.8414 0.8323 xexp 3 0.0073 0.0152 0.0275 0.0378 0.0545 46 Phase III xexp xexp 1 2 1.3×10−6 0.0204 1.6×10−6 0.0198 5.0×10−7 0.0187 8.1×10−7 0.0187 8.4×10−7 0.0195 xexp 3 0.9796 0.9802 0.9813 0.9813 0.9805 Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the static-analytical apparatus. The following components are depicted: view-cell, VC; magnetic recirculation pump, MRP; liquid sampling valve, LSV; gas sampling valve, GSV; gas-chromatograph, GC; temperature controller, TC; pressure transducers, PI; pressure generators, PG1 and PG2; bursting-disc, BD; liquid reservoir, LR and gas cylinder, GS. 47 PNC C MS PR TP CV EM PB PP Figure 2: Three-dimensional view of the magnetic recirculation pump. The following components are depicted: pump body (including internal piston), PB; magnet assembly including the external magnet, EM, and the pole pieces, PP; check-valves, CV; “tee” unions, TP; push-rod, PR, and carrier for the magnet, C; micro-switches, MS; pneumatic-cylinder, PNC. 48 Table 5: Combined standard uncertainty uc (xi ), standard deviations σxi and overall uncertainty u(xi ) for the composition measurements of the system (n-decane(1)+carbon dioxide(2)+water(3)) in mole fraction. The phases are labelled as I, II and III for the decane-rich, CO2 -rich and water-rich phases, respectively. 49 uc (xi ) σxi u(xi ) x1 4×10−3 3×10−3 5×10−3 Phase I x2 4×10−3 2×10−3 4×10−3 x3 1×10−3 3×10−3 3×10−3 x1 4×10−4 5×10−4 6×10−4 Phase II x2 x3 −3 2×10 2×10−3 −3 2×10 2×10−3 3×10−3 2×10−3 x1 2×10−7 7×10−7 8×10−7 Phase III x2 x3 −4 2×10 2×10−4 −4 2×10 2×10−4 3×10−4 3×10−4 Table 6: SAFT-VR parameters a used for modelling the behaviour of the pure components. Reference m σ/Å 72,73 2.0 2.7864 86 4.0 3.9675 87 1.0 3.0342 CO2 n-decane H2 O λ (ε/kB )/K 179.27 1.5157 247.08 1.5925 250.00 1.7889 (εHB /kB )/K rcHB /Å 1400.00 2.10822 a (m is the number of square-well segments in the molecule, σ is the hard-core diameter, λ and ε are the range and the depth of the square-well potential, and εHB and rcHB are those of the hydrogen-bonding interaction.) Gas Chromatograph FID A FID B H2 Air Sampling System Sampling Valve 2 Column B Column A TCD Sampler 2 Inflow Carrier Gas (He) Sampler 2 Outflow Vacuum Equilibrium Cell Sampler 1 Outflow Sampling Valve 1 Column Selector Carrier Gas (He) Sampler 1 Inflow Flow Selector System Figure 3: Schematic diagram of the connections between the gas chromatograph and the sampling system. 50 14 12 12 8 p / MPa 10 4 8 0 0.000 p / MPa 0.005 x1 0.010 0.015 6 4 2 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 x1 0.6 0.8 1.0 Figure 4: Isothermal pressure-composition (p, x) phase diagram for the (n-decane (1) + carbon dioxide (2)) system at T = 311.0 K and T = 344.3 K. The filled symbols represent the data gathered during this work (N at T = 311.02 K and _ at T = 344.31 K). The open symbols correspond to published experimental VLE phase equilibria at the isotherms: , T = 310.93 K; 78 ×, T = 310.95 K; 81 +,T = 311.0 K; 82 ▽, T = 344.3 K; 78 , T = 344.26 K; 79 ^, T = 344.25 K; 80 ⋆, T = 344.3 K 82 ; ∗, T = 344.25 K 83 and △, T = 344.3 K. 84 51 Figure 5: Isothermal pressure-composition (p, x) prismatic diagram for the (n-decane + carbon dioxide + water) system at T = 393.15 K calculated with SAFT-VR. Regions of three-phase equilibria appear coloured in light red. Regions of two-phase equilibria appear delimited by continuous thick red curves with some tie-lines traced with thin dashed red lines. Small regions of one-phase equilibria appear in the outer regions delimited by the continuous thick red curves. The two phase coexisting regions for the binary subsystems appear in the lateral sides of the prismatic diagram with a continuous blue line. Insert: detail showing the isobar at p = 5 MPa 52 Carbon Dioxide (a) Carbon Dioxide (b) 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.8 n-Decane 0.8 Water 0.2 0.2 (d) 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.4 0.8 Water 0.2 0.6 0.6 n-Decane 0.8 0.6 Carbon Dioxide 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.2 Carbon Dioxide (c) 0.6 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.6 Water 0.2 0.8 n-Decane Water 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 n-Decane Figure 6: Isothermal composition diagram for the (n-decane + carbon dioxide + water) system at (a)T = 353.11 K, (b)T = 373.07 K, (c)T = 393.14 K and (d)T = 413.16 K. The symbols represent VLLE data points measured in this work at average pressure: (a)_, p = 0.94 MPa; , p = 2.01 MPa; N, p = 4.64 MPa; , p = 9.62 MPa; H, p = 13.32 MPa and ⋆, p = 13.79 MPa; (b)_, p = 0.94 MPa; , p = 2.01 MPa; N, p = 4.64 MPa; , p = 9.62 MPa; H, p = 13.32 MPa and ⋆, p = 13.79 MPa; (c)_, p = 0.88 MPa; , p = 2.08 MPa; N, p = 4.72 MPa; , p = 9.59 MPa; H, p = 16.72 MPa and ⋆, p = 17.30 MPa; (d)_, p = 0.95 MPa; , p = 3.20 MPa; N, p = 4.94 MPa; , p = 10.29 MPa; H, p = 17.08 MPa and ⋆, p = 18.12 MPa. The continuous line is the measured tie-line between the two coexisting phases remaining after the critical point between the CO 2 -rich and the decane-rich phases. The discontinuous curves are SAFT-VR predictions of the three-phase equilibrium region for every pressure data point plotted. 53 20 15 p / MPa 10 5 300 350 T/K 400 450 Figure 7: Experimental (p, T ) critical locus. The filled triangles, N, correspond to the critical states between the CO2 -rich and the decane-rich phases in the presence of a third water-rich phase visually observed in this work. The open symbols correspond to critical data points for the binary system (n-decane + carbon dioxide): ^, ref. 102; , ref. 103; ∗, ref. 104 and , ref. 79. The curve represents a polynomial fit to our data. 54 20 15 p / MPa 10 5 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 x 0.6 0.8 1.0 1 Figure 8: Isothermal pressure-composition (p, x) phase diagram for the (n-decane (1) + carbon dioxide (2) + water (3)) system. The filled symbols represent data gathered during this work for the decane-rich and the carbon dioxide-rich phases at conditions of three phase equilibria and temperatures: , T = 373.07 K and N, T = 413.16 K. The open symbols correspond to measurements for the binary (n-decane + carbon dioxide) at: , T = 372.94 K; 105 ^, T = 410.93 K 78 and ∗, T = 411.20 K. 106 The continuous curve correspond to the SAFTVR predictions for the decane-rich and the carbon dioxide-rich phases in the ternary system at conditions of VLLE equilibria and the temperature of our measurements, increasing from bottom to top. The discontinuous curves correspond to the SAFT-VR predictions for the binary system (n-decane + carbon dioxide) at the same temperatures. 55 15 10 p / MPa 5 0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 x3 Figure 9: Isothermal pressure-composition (p, x) phase diagram for the (n-decane (1) + carbon dioxide (2) + water (3)) system showing the water content in the CO 2 -rich phase under VLLE conditions. The filled symbols represent data gathered during this work: _, T = 323.08 K; , T = 353.11 K; N, T = 373.07 K;  T = 393.14 K and H T = 413.16 K. The open symbols correspond to published data for the solubility of water in the CO 2 -rich phase in the binary system (carbon dioxide + water): , T = 323.15 K; 107 , T = 323.15 K; 108 ^, T = 353.1 K; 109 △, T = 373.15 K; 110 ∗, T = 373.15 K; 107 +, T = 393.15 K. 110 The continuous curve correspond to the SAFT-VR predictions for the CO 2 -rich phase in the ternary system at conditions of VLLE equilibria and the temperature of our measurements, increasing from left to right. The discontinuous curves (laying underneath) correspond to the SAFT-VR predictions for the binary system (carbon dioxide + water) at the same temperatures. 56 10-1 x3 10-2 10-3 2.4 2.6 103 K/T 2.8 3.0 Figure 10: Water content in the CO 2 -rich phase for the system (n-decane (1) + carbon dioxide (2) + water (3)) under VLLE conditions as a function of inverse temperature. The filled symbols represent data gathered during this work: _, p = 0.96 ± 0.10 MPa; H, p = 2.05 ± 0.06 MPa; , p = 4.82 ± 0.19 MPa; , p = 7.43 ± 0.49 MPa; N, p = 9.67 ± 0.60 MPa. The lines are obtained from a linear fit to each isobar. 57 20 15 p / MPa 10 5 0 0.0005 x2 0.005 Figure 11: Pressure-composition (p, x) phase diagram for the (n-decane (1) + carbon dioxide (2) + water (3)) system showing the solubility of CO 2 in the water-rich phase under VLLE conditions for five isotherms. The filled symbols represent data gathered during this work: , T = 323.08 K; , T = 353.11 K; N, T = 373.07 K; _, T = 393.14 K and H, T = 413.16 K. The continuous curves correspond to the SAFT-VR predictions for the water-rich phase in the ternary system at conditions of VLLE equilibria for the five isotherms, where the temperature increases from bottom to top. 58 (a) 20 15 p / MPa 10 5 0 0.000 (b) 0.005 0.010 0.005 0.010 x2 0.015 0.020 0.015 0.020 15 10 p / MPa 5 0 0.000 x2 Figure 12: Isothermal pressure-composition (p, x) phase diagram for the (n-decane (1) + carbon dioxide (2) + water (3)) system showing the solubility of CO 2 in the water-rich phase under VLLE conditions. The filled diamonds, _, represent data gathered during this work at (a)T = 393.14 K and (b)T = 353.11 K. The open symbols correspond to published data for the solubility of CO 2 in the water-rich phase for the binary (carbon dioxide + water): (a), T = 393.17 K; 111 ^, T = 393.15 K; 110 ∗, T = 393.15 K 112 and , T = 393.19 K; 113 (b)△, T = 353.11 K; 111 , T = 353.5 K 113 and ▽, T = 353.1 K. 109 The continuous curve corresponds to the SAFT-VR predictions for the water-rich 59 phase in the ternary system at conditions of VLLE equilibria. The discontinuous curve corresponds to the SAFT-VR predictions for the water-rich phase in the (carbon dioxide + water) binary system. 20 15 p / MPa 10 5 0 10-7 10-6 10-5 x1 Figure 13: Isothermal pressure-composition (p, x) phase diagram for the (n-decane (1) + carbon dioxide (2) + water (3)) system showing the n-decane content in the water-rich phase under VLLE conditions. The filled symbols represent data gathered during this work: , T = 323.08 K; _, T = 353.11 K; N, T = 373.07 K; , T = 393.14 K and H, T = 413.16 K. The open symbols correspond to published data for the solubility of n-decane in the water-rich phase in the binary (n-decane + water) at △, T = 374.15 K 59 and ▽, T = 424.65 K. 59 60 15 10 p / MPa 5 0 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 x3 Figure 14: Isothermal pressure-composition (p, x) phase diagram for the (n-decane (1) + carbon dioxide (2) + water (3)) system showing the water content in the decane-rich liquid phase under VLLE conditions. The filled symbols represent data gathered during this work: , T = 323.08 K; _, T = 353.11 K; N, T = 373.07 K; , T = 393.14 K and H, T = 413.16 K. The open symbols correspond to published data for the solubility of water in the decanerich phase in the binary (n-decane + water) at △, T = 374.15 K 59 and ▽, T = 424.65 K. 59 The continuous curves correspond to the SAFT-VR predictions for the decane-rich phase in the ternary system at conditions of VLLE equilibria at the same temperatures, increasing from left to right. The discontinuous curves correspond to the SAFT-VR predictions of the decane-rich phase in the (n-decane + water) binary system. 61 60.0 50.0 40.0 p / MPa 30.0 20.0 10.0 Water n-Decane 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Carbon Dioxide Figure 15: Isothermal pressure-composition (p, x) prismatic diagram for the (n-decane + carbon dioxide + water) system at a reduced temperature of 0.95 times the calculated critical point for n-decane (T = 582.2 K calculated with the experimental critical temperature for n-decane) calculated with SAFT-VR. Regions of two-phase equilibria appear delimited by continuous red thick curves with some tie-lines traced with thin dashed red lines. The two phase coexisting regions for the binary subsystems appear in the lateral sides of the prismatic diagram delimited by continuous blue lines. The remaining are homogenous onephase regions. 62 25.0 20.0 15.0 p / MPa 10.0 5.0 n-Decane 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Carbon Dioxide 63 Water