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Int Urogynecol J (2009) 20:1445–1449 DOI 10.1007/s00192-009-0964-0 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Is ultrasound estimation of bladder weight a useful tool in the assessment of patients with lower urinary tract symptoms? Demetri C. Panayi & Vikram Khullar & G. Alessandro Digesu & Caroline Hendricken & Ruwan Fernando & Paris Tekkis Received: 10 March 2009 / Accepted: 8 July 2009 / Published online: 3 September 2009 # The International Urogynecological Association 2009 Abstract Introduction and hypothesis The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between ultrasound estimation of bladder weight (UEBW), symptoms and urodynamic diagnosis. Methods Women with lower urinary tract symptoms underwent urodynamics studies and measurement of UEBW at a fixed bladder volume. Results Women with overactive bladder symptoms had a median UEBW of 48.3 g (95% CI 44–52), with stress urinary incontinence a median UEBW of 35.1 g (95% CI 30–41) and with mixed urinary incontinence a median UEBW of 40.0 g (95% CI 37–43) (p<0.001). Women with detrusor overactivity had a median UEBW of 48.0 g (95% CI 46–51), with urodynamic stress incontinence a median UEBW of 30 g (95% CI 29–31) and detrusor overactivity and urodynamic stress incontinence a median UEBW of 37.3 g (95% CI 33–41) (p<0.001). Conclusions UEBW is higher in women with overactive bladder and detrusor overactivity. UEBW may be a useful tool in women with lower urinary tract symptoms. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00192-009-0964-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. D. C. Panayi (*) : V. Khullar : G. A. Digesu : C. Hendricken : R. Fernando : P. Tekkis Department of Urogynaecology, St. Marys Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, Praed Street, London W2 1NY, UK e-mail: Keywords Detrusor overactivity . Ultrasound estimation of bladder weight . Urodynamic stress incontinence . Urodynamics studies Introduction Women who have lower urinary tract symptoms undergo a range of assessments and investigations to obtain a diagnosis and initiate treatment. Urodynamics may form part of the investigation of women with lower urinary tract symptoms; however, urodynamic findings do not always correspond with the patient symptoms. In a study of a large number of women attending urodynamics clinic, approximately 55% of women with overactive bladder symptoms had a diagnosis of detrusor overactivity and of the women with a urodynamic diagnosis of detrusor overactivity, only 30% gave symptoms of overactive bladder [1]. Women with a history of overactive bladder symptoms and urodynamics that are inconclusive provide a challenge to the clinician, and the application of other diagnostic tools has been the subject of recent research. Ultrasonography has been used increasingly in the assessment of women with lower urinary tract symptoms. Two-dimensional ultrasound has assessed bladder neck mobility in women with stress urinary incontinence, investigated the aetiology and extent of pelvic organ prolapse, and in three dimensions, measurement of urethral sphincter volume and the levator hiatus [2–6]. Ultrasound imaging has also been used to assess the thickness of the bladder wall and its correspondence with detrusor overactivity based on the principle that involuntary detrusor contractions in an inappropriate situation where urinary leakage does not occur leads to isometric contractions 1446 producing detrusor muscle hypertrophy and an increased thickness of the bladder wall. Measurement of detrusor wall thickness has been previously demonstrated as being strongly associated with detrusor overactivity [7–9]. However, a recent large study of 686 women demonstrated that whilst women with detrusor overactivity had a statistically significantly higher mean detrusor wall thickness than those without detrusor overactivity using translabial ultrasound measurement, receiver operator characteristic analysis gave a low sensitivity (37%) for diagnosing detrusor overactivity [8]. Yang and co-authors, in a study of 1,049 women with lower urinary tract symptoms, found a statistically significant difference between women with detrusor overactivity and a control group but no difference between women with detrusor overactivity and urodynamic stress urinary incontinence [10]. Ultrasound estimation of bladder weight (UEBW) has already been reported as a measure of bladder outlet obstruction in conditions such as benign prostatic hyperplasia as this condition can also result in hypertrophy of the detrusor muscle which would manifest as an increase in bladder weight [11, 12]. Kojima and co-workers have estimated bladder weight by measuring the bladder wall thickness on high-resolution B-mode ultrasound images at fixed volumes of bladder filling [12, 13]. From this data, using a complex mathematical formula, the bladder weight is determined but it is an estimate as it assumes the bladder to be a sphere. Further studies have improved accuracy of bladder weight measurement by categorising the bladder into one of five different shapes and applying different correction coefficients to the formula depending on the shape of the individual’s bladder [14]. Subsequent to this work, the BladderScan 6500 BVM device (Diagnostic Ultrasound, Bothell, WA, USA) has been developed (see electronic supplementary Fig. s1). The device uses a 3.7-MHz probe and takes 24 ultrasound planes over 5 s through 130°. It estimates the bladder weight in a different manner to the original method because the device uses three-dimensional ultrasound as opposed to the two-dimensional ultrasound originally used to calculate bladder weight and also calculates the surface area of the bladder rather than assuming the bladder is a sphere. The ultrasound estimation of bladder weight is arrived at by the following calculation: UEBW ¼ S  t  p(S=bladder surface area, t=distance between the outer and inner wall of the bladder and p=the bladder muscle specific gravity) [11]. The aim of the study was to assess whether ultrasound estimation of bladder weight could be correlated to lower urinary tract symptoms or urodynamic diagnoses and therefore whether it would be a useful tool in assessing women with lower urinary tract symptoms. We believe this is the first study investigating the role of UEBW in lower urinary tract symptoms in women. Int Urogynecol J (2009) 20:1445–1449 Materials and methods Women were recruited from attenders to a urodynamics clinic and were direct referrals from primary care or from the urogynaecology clinic. After obtaining a symptom history using the Kings Health Questionnaire and examination, the women would undergo urodynamic studies. Women who gave a history of voiding difficulties, poor stream or straining to void were excluded from the study. Women were asked to attend urodynamic studies with a comfortably full bladder and the first part of the test consisted of voiding on a flowmeter in private. Women were included in the study if their uroflowmetry was normal, that is, showed a normal flow pattern and had a Qmax of greater than or equal to 15 ml/s after voiding at least 150 ml. Urinalysis was then carried out and if there was no evidence of urinary tract infection; filling cystometry was then performed. This consisted of insertion of a 10F filling catheter and 4.5F pressure catheter into the bladder and a 4.5F pressure catheter into the rectum. After quality control was checked using voluntary coughing, filling was commenced at a rate of 100 ml/min unless slower filling was indicated. At a bladder volume between 200 and 400 ml, filling was stopped and the woman underwent an ultrasound scan of her bladder using the BladderScan 6500 BVM UEBW Scanner according to manufacturers’ guidelines. The scanner was placed approximately 2 to 3 cm superior to the symphysis pubis with the scan head aimed slightly towards the coccyx with the woman supine. The 3D ultrasound data are collected upon pressing the scan button on the scanner. Once the scan is complete, the LCD on the device displays accuracy of scan taken in the form of arrows which may indicate repositioning of the scan head. A flashing arrow indicates to the operator to reposition the aim of the probe in the direction of the arrow and rescan. If this occurred, the scan was repeated until the device displayed a solid arrow or no arrow. The LCD on the device also displayed the calculated bladder volume. The scanner was inserted into a cradle and ultrasound data was uploaded to the manufacturer’s server and a report was obtained. For accurate UEBW measurement, the required bladder volume is between 200 and 400 ml [11]. Filling would continue until the sensation of maximum bladder capacity was reached. The filling catheter was then removed and the women underwent provocative manoeuvres such as coughing or running on the spot and listening to running water [15]. Women voided on a flowmeter with the pressure lines in place to obtain pressure/flow studies. Women with pressure/flow studies that had abnormal flow pattern and/or a Qmax of less than 15 ml/s were also excluded from the study. Twenty two women were recruited and scanned by two independent blinded operators using the BladderScan BVM Int Urogynecol J (2009) 20:1445–1449 1447 Table 1 UEBW inter- and intra-operator data Table 3 UEBW according to women’s symptoms N=22 History Operator 1 Operator 2 Operator 1 (visit 2) Mean UEBW in grams (standard deviation) 39.0 (10.5) 40.9 (10.6) 41.4 (11.4) 6500. This was repeated by one of the operators after at least a 2-week interval by means of validating the technique before recruitment of women into the main study. Women’s lower urinary tract symptoms were subdivided into overactive bladder symptoms, stress urinary and mixed urinary incontinence (MUI). Urodynamics diagnoses were subdivided into detrusor overactivity (DO) and urodynamic stress urinary incontinence (USI). These terms were according to standard definitions established by the International Continence Society (ICS) [16]. Women with both urodynamic stress incontinence and detrusor overactivity were described as having urodynamic mixed urinary incontinence, which is not a standard ICS definition. Symptomatic women without a urodynamics diagnosis are described as having negative urodynamics. The lower urinary tract symptoms were compared with the ultrasound estimation of bladder weight as determined by the scanning device. Urodynamic diagnosis and UEBW was compared in each patient. Median values and 95% median confidence intervals were quoted for each group and statistical significance was determined using the Kruskal–Wallis test. Bland Altman analysis was used to determine the validity of the technique by comparing the mean difference between operators and between two separate visits by the same operator. The bladder volume was determined by the scan report generated from the data uploaded from the scanner and the infused volume. Results Twenty two women were scanned by two blinded operators and on a second visit by one operator. The mean, standard deviation as well as the mean difference and 95% Table 2 UEBW inter- and intra-operator mean difference and 95% confidence interval of the mean N=22 Mean difference in grams (95% CI of the mean difference) Inter-operator −1.90 (−0.31 to −3.51) Intra-operator −2.41 (−4.33 to −0.35) SUI OAB MUI Mean UEBW (95% CI) 35.1 (30–41) 48.3 (44–52) 40.0 (37–43) confidence intervals of the mean difference are shown in Tables 1 and 2. One hundred and twenty nine women were recruited and were scanned and had urodynamics carried out. Seventeen women were excluded from the study on the basis that they gave a history of voiding difficulties or had an abnormal uroflow pattern with or without a reduced Qmax or had a Qmax of less than 15 ml/s. The mean age of the women was 59 years (41–79). Of these women, 118/129 (91%) were successfully scanned and in 11 women, despite several attempts, the scanner was unable to successfully obtain an image that could be used to produce an UEBW. This problem most commonly occurred in women with an increased body mass index, but in two cases there was no clear explanation as to why a successful scan was not obtained. Of the 118 women who were successfully scanned, 33/118 (28%) reported a history of overactive bladder symptoms, 35/118 (30%) reported a history of stress urinary incontinence and 50/118 (42%) gave a history of mixed urinary incontinence. Of the 118 women who underwent urodynamic studies, 36/118 (31%) had detrusor overactivity, 48/118 (41%) had a urodynamic diagnosis of urodynamic stress incontinence and 24/118 (20%) had urodynamic mixed incontinence. The remaining ten women had negative urodynamics. When considering UEBW according to patient history, the 33 women with a history of overactive bladder symptoms had a median UEBW of 48.3 g (95% CI 44–52), the 35 women with stress urinary incontinence had a median UEBW of 35.1 g (95% CI 30–41) and patients with mixed urinary incontinence had a median UEBW of 40.0 g (95% CI 37–43). There was statistical significance between the groups (p<0.001; Table 3). UEBW according to urodynamic diagnosis showed that the women with detrusor overactivity had a median UEBW Table 4 UEBW according to urodynamic diagnosis Urodynamics USI DO USI and DO Inconclusive urodynamics Median UEBW (95% CI) 30.0 48.0 37.3 45.5 (29–31) (46–51) (33–41) (38–49) 1448 of 48.0 g (95% CI 46–51). Women with urodynamic stress incontinence had a median UEBW of 30 g (95% CI 29–31), and those with both detrusor overactivity and urodynamic stress incontinence had a median UEBW of 37.3 g (95% CI 33–41). There was statistical significance between the groups (p<0.001). The ten women who had negative urodynamics had a median UEBW of 45.5 (95% CI 38–49) (see Table 4). UEBW was unrelated to bladder volume between 200 and 400 ml and mean bladder volume was 298 ml (SD=55) (see Fig. 1). Discussion Our technique of measurement of UEBW demonstrated good inter- as well as intra-operator repeatability. We demonstrated a statistically significant difference between ultrasound estimated bladder weight in women according to symptoms. Women with overactive bladder symptoms have a higher UEBW than women with stress urinary incontinence, and those women with mixed urinary incontinence are in between the other two groups. The same pattern is reflected when comparing urodynamic diagnoses. Women with detrusor overactivity have higher ultrasound estimated bladder weights when compared to those women with urodynamic stress incontinence with the mixed group falling between the two. This is consistent with the hypothesis that women who suffer with involuntary detrusor contractions and the symptoms associated with this have bladders with higher weight. This may occur Fig. 1 Scattergraph showing the relationship between UEBW and volume of filling at which the UEBW was obtained Int Urogynecol J (2009) 20:1445–1449 secondary to isometric detrusor contractions against a closed sphincter leading to hypertrophy of the detrusor muscle and a resultant increase in bladder weight [7]. At present, there is no published study of UEBW in women with lower urinary tract symptoms or in women with no lower urinary tract symptoms. The value of UEBW in 216 asymptomatic men has been at 42 g. This value is lower than the women with overactive bladder symptoms and those with detrusor overactivity but data on asymptomatic women is still required to ascertain the relationship between our results and normality. It may be the UEBW in women with urodynamic stress incontinence is lower than in asymptomatic normals. Other proposed markers of detrusor overactivity have shown a similar pattern to our results. Opening detrusor pressure (ODP) has been demonstrated as a urodynamic finding that may have further clinical application. In women with urodynamic stress incontinence, the ODP is lower than in women with normal urodynamics studies and women with detrusor overactivity have a higher ODP when compared to women with normal urodynamics studies [17]. This pattern is reflected in our data comparing UEBW and urodynamics diagnoses. Women with stress urinary incontinence and urodynamic stress incontinence have a lower UEBW when compared to the mixed groups or the OAB and DO groups. This may be explained by a small urethral sphincter in women with urodynamic stress incontinence [18]; this results in a lower outlet resistance. Women with urodynamic mixed incontinence have both pathologies of detrusor overactivity and low urethral outlet resistance and this may produce an Int Urogynecol J (2009) 20:1445–1449 UEBW that is lower than the pure DO group but higher than the pure USI group. As with other diagnostic markers or tools, it is important to ascertain the clinical application of UEBW. It may be useful to follow the progression of symptoms, the severity of a diagnosed condition or the response to treatment. UEBW was related to overactive bladder symptoms and detrusor overactivity. Presence of preoperative detrusor overactivity is associated with poorer outcomes after continence surgery [19], thus it may also have a role in predicting the outcome of continence surgery and therefore preoperative counselling of patients. Conclusion UEBW is related to urodynamic diagnosis. It is elevated in detrusor overactivity and lower in urodynamic stress urinary incontinence, and in women with urodynamic mixed incontinence the UEBW is between the other two pure diagnoses. Although we have provided a test–retest series in this paper, this technique has not been formally validated prior to our work. The use of UEBW as a useful parameter would be further strengthened by means of comparing it to twodimensional measurement of bladder wall thickness as well as comparing it to actual bladder weight in bladders obtained from cadavers. Further study is required to ascertain its application to women with lower urinary tract symptoms in line with other diagnostic tools and urodynamic parameters. Conflicts of interest D.C. Panayi: funded by Pfizer travel and accommodation: International Continence Society Cairo 2008. V. Khullar: paid consultant to Astellas, Lilly, Allergan, Pfizer, Gynecare, Cook, Bioxell. G.A. Digesu: paid consultant to Astellas, Bioxell. C. Hendricken: no disclosures. R. Fernando: paid consultant to Astellas, Pfizer. P. Tekkis: no disclosures References 1. Digesu GA, Khullar V, Cardozo L, Salvatore S (2003) Overactive bladder symptoms: do we need urodynamics? Neurourol Urodyn 22:105–108 2. DeLancey JO, Miller JM, Kearney R, Howard D, Reddy P, Umek W, Guire KE, Margulies RU, Ashton-Miller JA (2007) Vaginal birth and de novo stress incontinence: relative contributions of urethral dysfunction and mobility. Obstet Gynecol 110:354–362 1449 3. Dietz HP, Pang S, Korda A, Benness C (2005) Paravaginal defects: a comparison of clinical examination and 2D/3D ultrasound imaging. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol 45:187–190 4. Dietz HP, Steensma AB (2006) The prevalence of major abnormalities of the levator ani in urogynaecological patients. BJOG 113:225–230 5. Dietz HP (2007) Does bladder neck descent increase with age? Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 18:665–669 6. 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