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PLANT SCIENCE TODAY ISSN 2348-1900 (online) Vol x(x): xx–xx HORIZON e-Publishing Group RESEARCH ARTICLE Phenological documentation of Lantana camara L. using modified BBCH scale in relation to climatic variables Abhishek Kumar1*, Sanjay Singh2 Harish Bahadur Chand1 & Rahul Kumar1 1 2 Forest Ecology and Climate Change Division, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, 248 006, India Biodiversity and Climate Change Division, Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education, Dehradun, 248 006, India *Email: OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE HISTORY Received: 16 September 2021 Accepted: 16 December 2021 Available online Version 1.0 (Early Access): 09 February 2022 Additional information Peer review: Publisher thanks Sectional Editor and the other anonymous reviewers for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Reprints & permissions information is available at journals/index.php/PST/open_access_policy Publisher’s Note: Horizon e-Publishing Group remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Indexing: Plant Science Today, published by Horizon e-Publishing Group, is covered by Scopus, Web of Science, BIOSIS Previews, Clarivate Analytics, etc. See https:// PST/indexing_abstracting Copyright: © The Author(s). This is an openaccess article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited ( by/4.0/) CITE THIS ARTICLE Kumar A, Singh S, Chand H B, Kumar R. Phenological documentation of Lantana camara L. using modified BBCH scale in relation to climatic variables . Plant Science Today (Early Access). Abstract Lantana camara L. (Verbenaceae) is cultivated as an ornamental and hedge plant in many countries which is native to American tropics. It’s introduction to the Indian subcontinent dates back around 200 years ago. It is an invasive alien species that has a negative impact on native biodiversity. It is evident that management of L. camara is crucial for the conservation of biodiversity. Studying its phenological characteristics as they adapt to environmental circumstances through time and space will aid in the development of management goals and strategies. This study uses BBCH scale firstly to describe the phenology of L. camara, which is represented by nine Phenological Growth Stages (PGS) in response to environmental conditions during a 32-months period in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, representing its growth. To standardise morphological traits and the phenological observation, photographs of certain significant developmental stages in addition to the descriptions have been illustrated. Researchers can utilise this uniform labelling method as a tool to help with weed management efforts. Phenological studies of this invasive weed species may be employed for tracking the gradual impact of climate change on biodiversity and its effect on the key phenological events in the lifecycle. Keywords BBCH scale, invasive species, phenological growth stages, phenology, Lantana camara Introduction Invasive alien plant species (IAPS) like Parthenium hysterophorus, Lantana camara, Hyptis suaveolens, Eichhornia crassipes and Prosopis juliflora are amongst the most critical reasons for biodiversity loss. L. camara is listed in world’s most aggressive invasive species. They change the ecosystem's structure and function, affecting ecological services (1). Invasive species are opportunistic and have higher phenological sensitivity, allowing them to change their phenologies in response to environmental changes (2); thus, IAPS has a broad ecological amplitude. These characteristics enable invasive species to expand their distribution range (3), while the native species may suffer from changes in climatic conditions. Phenology is the study of the patterns of periodic occurrences in the life cycle of a species (4). Phenology influences the number of distribution of species, ecological services, food webs, global water and carbon cycles (5). Phenological study in the biological sciences is concerned with transitions Plant Science Today, ISSN 2348-1900 (online) 2 KUMAR ET AL between organisms recurring developmental or behavioural stages (6). Changes in temperature and precipitation, in turn, can affect phenology (7, 8). Plant invasion is inextricably linked to phenology, a critical contemporary topic in the biological sciences (9, 10). Understanding weed phenology helps us better understand its impact on the environment. Exploring the phenological patterns exhibited by IAPS is essential to determine their range of spread and develop better management techniques for their control (11–13). The acronym BBCH scale (Biologische Bundesanstalt, Bundessortenamt and CHemishe Industrie) is a phenological coding system that is simplified, standardized and generally acknowledged. Plant development phases using the decimal code was provided for the first time (14) and later it was suggested and characterized in (15). A book detailing the phenology of twenty-seven plant species was published using the expanded BBCH scale (16). The BBCH scale has already been approved as a standard for species protection and phenological monitoring by the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPOC), the Global Phenological Monitoring Network, and the European Phenology Network, encouraging its usage globally. The BBCH scale is a two- or three-digit decimal code that describes a plant's full life cycle in a methodical manner. The BBCH scale uses decimal coding to divide a plant's growth into 9 Principal Growth Stages (PGS). PGS and Secondary Growth Stages (SGS) are indicated by the first and second digits of the two-digit code, with ordinal values ranging from 0 to 9. Previously the BBCH scale was only limited to be used for agricultural purposes. However, it is currently being used to track invasive alien plant phenology like Sapium sebiferum, Parthenium hysterophorus (17, 18). L. camara is a major IAPS of the Verbenaceae family with over 650 cultivars found in more than 60 countries (19, 20). The species is spreading in the forests worldwide due to canopy opening from deforestation and forest degradation (21, 22). The species is known to have a significant influence on agriculture and natural habitats. It spreads quickly in the fallow land, producing dense clusters. It can grow in any soil (sandy, clayey, loamy and rocky soils). Although it is also found at middle altitudes up to 600 m or more, it is common in the plains. Invasive weed like L. camara has a tremendous competitive ability. They outcompete native species by having great dispersion capacity, fast reproduction and the ability to adjust physiologically to new circumstances. In addition, L. camara also releases allelochemicals that play a crucial role in promoting its invasiveness (23, 24). The species release allelochemicals like "sesquiterpenes, flavonoids, triterpenes and phenolic compounds" in the rhizosphere of soil which may alter the growth of native species. Allelochemicals can change the content of growth regulators or trigger aberrations in numerous phytohormones, inhibiting plant growth and development, such as seed germination and seedling growth (25, 26). It is evident by some studies that allelochemicals affect the growth of various crops; mainly inhibiting roots. L. camara was introduced to India as an ornamental species in many hybrid forms, and it has developed into an enigmatic complex during the last 200 years (27). The species grows as a woody bush, forms a dense thicket, and spread as a scrambling shrub on the forest floor. The Adaptive plasticity of L. camara is helping the species to expand its niche and infiltrate biogeographically diverse places in a short period raising concerns for biodiversity conservation and habitat management (28). Moreover, traditional approaches to tackle this weed have failed over time. Mechanical control provides a temporary solution to this problem, while biotic and chemical control methods have drawbacks. Mechanical control with crop competition through native species was proposed as a control measure for L. camara (29). To select the species for crop competition, understanding the phenology of the invasive and native species becomes very important (30). Plant population biology research is essential where traditional weed science techniques have failed to control weeds. This study investigates the phenological stages of L. camara following the BBCH scale in response to climatic factors over 32 months. However, the plant is a perennial species and would have survived under natural conditions. Materials and Methods Experimental Site The experiment was conducted in Forest Research Institute (FRI) campus, located at Dehradun district (30° 20'10.8"N 77°59'24.3"E, and altitude of 644 m) of Uttarakhand, India. Dehradun valley lies in the north-western part of Uttarakhand (Garhwal region), located in the Himalayas and Shivalik's foothills. The climate of Dehradun is subtropical, humid with four distinct seasons: Winter (December to February) (High/Low: 22/7.33) in (°C); Summer (March to May) (High/Low: 32.33/17) in (°C), Monsoon (June to September) (High/Low: 32/22.5) in (°C), and Postmonsoon (October-November) (High/Low: 28/13.5) in (°C), with an average yearly rainfall of about 2051 mm. The climate in Dehradun is mild and moderate. Summers receive significantly more rainfall than winters. Dehradun receives 70-80 % of precipitation between June to September. Dehradun has fertile alluvial soil with sandy, clayey and rocky components. During the study, meteorological observations were acquired from the climate-observatory of Forest Ecology and Climate Change Division, FRI. Methodology/ Experimental Design Mature fruits of L. camara were harvested from the blooming branches of fully developed plants growing in the Doon valley at different altitudes from 35 different locations (Fig. 1). Fresh seeds weighing 100 gm (approx.) were gathered from each site and planted in separate pots (Diameter: 24 cm, Depth: 27 cm). The seeds weighed around 12-15 mg each. The pots were kept weed-free and watered at regular intervals. For further studies, only four individuals from each site were maintained in the pots. After germination, these seedlings were tagged to record the phenological phases. The number of plants decreased to 67 by the time the plants reached the flowering stage. Observations were 3 6.5, total nitrogen = 0.08-0.13% and phosphorus = 0.0010.006%. Meteorological data for humidity, rainfall, temperature, rainy days and average sun duration was recorded. The monthly average for the meteorological parameters was determined and arranged as per seasons for analysis. BBCH scale is depicted by two-digit numerical coding i.e. PGS (0–9). PGSs correspond to 10 plant development stages with designated codes. Germination/ vegetative bud development is denoted by (0), leaf development is denoted by (1), shoot development is denoted by (3), inflorescence emergence is denoted by (5), flowering is denoted by (6), fruit development is denoted by (7), fruit and seed maturity is denoted by (8), and senescence or beginning of dormancy is denoted by (9). Photographs of L. camara (shot by Nikon D750, Nikkor 24-120 mm) with unique identifiable phenological growth stages were chosen and arranged to represent the year-round phenological events of the species. We recorded qualitative and quantitative changes in plant growth and development, as well as the onset, duration and end of phases, before finalizing a phenophase. Table 2 shows a list of L. camara phenological phases arranged by number codes in ascending order, and Fig. 2 shows a pictorial guide with codes. Fig. 1. Map showing locations from where seeds were collected in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India. recorded at every alternate day, along with photodocumentation of various phenophases. The modified BBCH scale proposed (12, 13) was used to create a phenological chart that followed 0-9 PGS. Results and Discussion We utilised sightings and recordings of L .camara phenological phases to figure out how the plant progressed during its life cycle (Fig. 2). The two-digit BBCH coding system was used to characterize the phenology of L. camara. ExterSoil parameters for the pots used for experiment is nal morphological characteristics that may be easily as follows: water holding capacity = 35.65- 53.5%, pH = 5.9Table 2. Description of the phenological growth stages of L. camara as per modified BBCH scale Code Description Principal Growth Stage 0: Germination, Sprouting, Bud Development 00 Dry seed (seed dressing takes place at stage 00) Principal Growth Stage 1: Leaf Development (Main Shoot) 12 Two true leaves, leaf pairs, or whorls unfolded 13 Three true leaves, leaf pairs, or whorls unfolded 14 Four true leaves, leaf pairs, or whorls unfolded 15 Five true leaves, leaf pairs, or whorls unfolded 16 Six true leaves, leaf pairs, or whorls unfolded Principal Growth Stage 2: Formation of Lateral Shoot 21 First lateral Shoot Visible Principal Growth Stage 3: Stem elongation/shoot development (main shoot) 30 Beginning of Stem Elongation 31 One visibly extended internode Principal growth stage 5: Inflorescence emergence (main shoot) / heading 51 Inflorescence or flower bud visible 55 First individual flowers visible (still closed) 59 First flower petals visible (in petalled forms) Principal growth stage 6: Flowering (main shoot) 60 First flowers open (sporadically) 65 Full flowering: 50% of flowers open 69 End of flowering: fruit set visible Plant Science Today, ISSN 2348-1900 (online) 4 KUMAR ET AL Principal growth stage 7: Development of fruit 71 Fruits begin to develop 79 Nearly all fruits have reached the final size standard for the species and location. Principal growth stage 8: Ripening or maturity of fruit and seed 81 Beginning of ripening or fruit colouration 89 Fully ripe Principal growth stage 9: Senescence, the beginning of dormancy 97 End of leaf fall, plants or above-ground parts dead or dormant viewed, numbered, or quantified and expressed in ordinal its first genuine leaves 20 to 40 days following emergence. values were used in the description (Table 2). There are pair of inflorescences at the leaf axils, with larger The primary developmental phases of the plant did leaves at the base becoming larger and smaller, younger not follow a predetermined order and may be unrelated or leaves emerging in the centre. coincidental. As stated by PGS 0, the life cycle began with hypogeal seed germination (Stage 00; Fig. 2) and emergence of seedling through the soil surface (germination). It usually germinates in two weeks, exhibiting 86% germination. Because this activity took place underground, it was not possible to capture or document it. The seedling grows The average temperature during the years 2019 and 2020 was 21.94 °C and 20.57 °C. S2 season of 2019 and 2020 showed an average of 29.27 °C and 26.95 °C, whereas relative humidity was the lowest, i.e. 58.66 % and 56.66% respectively in the same season (Table 1). The average temperature during S2 of 2019 was 00 12 13 14 15 16 21 30 31 51 55 59 5 60 65 69 71 71 79 81 89 97 Fig. 2. Different Phenological Growth Stages (PGS) were observed in L. camara according to the modified BBCH scale. Images of different stages are based on selection of a particular stage (best-suited) from the 67 pots under observation. 29.27 °C (the warmest of all seasons) and 26.95 °C was recorded for 2020. Humidity in the same season was 58.66 % for 2019 and 56.66 % for 2020 (Table 1). S3 showed variation in humidity from S2 with 86 % and 78 % for subsequent years, i.e. 2019 and 2020. S1 recorded minimum temperature viz. 9.35 °C in 2019 and 6.12 °C in 2020. The rainfall pattern in 2019 was slightly more (1623.31 mm) when compared to 2020 rainfall data (1448.12 mm) (Table 1). The Table 1. Mean monthly climatic data observed during the study period Months Max. Temp. Min. Temp. Avg. Temp. Humidity Rainfall Rainy Days Sun Duration 2018 September 28.40 20.31 24.36 82 174.11 19 8.9 October 25.40 13.72 19.56 76 28.44 1 10 November 22.61 8.35 15.48 72 11.43 1 10.2 December 21.44 5.63 13.54 91 5.32 2 10.8 2019 January 21.74 5.32 13.53 83 28.71 7 8.5 February 25.73 8.91 17.32 69 49.46 13 10.1 March 33.21 13.82 23.52 53 50.31 7 11 April 35.90 16.11 26.01 49 26.81 5 11.3 May 35.80 28.82 32.31 74 49.54 7 8.4 June 35.51 23.49 29.50 82 159.31 6 7.9 July 29.80 22.41 26.11 89 535.70 29 8.2 August 28.63 21.61 25.12 85 503.74 30 9.5 September 27.46 19.88 23.67 76 195.70 28 9.4 Plant Science Today, ISSN 2348-1900 (online) 6 KUMAR ET AL October 25.95 12.62 19.29 60 14.64 9 8.3 November 21.31 7.39 14.35 50 9.572 5 9.1 December 20.48 4.62 12.55 50 8.561 3 7.8 2020 January 19.32 3.61 11.47 85 37.75 17 8.4 February 22.40 5.65 14.03 76 64.50 11 9.3 March 26.21 9.12 17.67 60 45.55 14 10.8 April 32.53 13.33 22.93 50 28.50 12 11.5 May 35.53 16.82 26.06 50 42.53 12 11.8 June 34.40 29.41 31.91 70 137.40 15 10.6 July 30.50 22.64 26.57 75 399.54 28 8.1 August 29.70 22.33 26.02 70 494.53 31 7.5 September 25.20 19.72 23.56 89 167.80 20 8.6 October 22.80 12.37 18.79 80 19.46 0 9.7 November 21.90 7.61 15.21 74 10.54 7 9.4 December 20.46 4.23 12.64 84 23.70 2 8.6 2021 January 25.31 4.82 12.64 75 51.54 4 7.3 February 34.53 9.35 17.33 73 60.43 3 9.3 March 36.91 12.45 23.49 59 54.51 6 10.7 April 30.57 15.37 25.34 42 23.60 10 8.9 May 36.91 26.46 31.69 47 48.35 19 12.3 June 30.57 24.63 27.60 64 139.53 20 11.9 plant restarts its vegetative and reproductive growth when favourable environmental conditions are in place. Humidity showed variation in S4 of 2020 (26.98 %) compared to 2019 (68.33 %). The study period lasted for 32 months in which S4 data was recorded in 2018, which didn't show much variation compared to 2019 and 2020 S4 data. However, humidity and average sun duration were comparatively lower, i.e. 53.33% and 8.4 hrs. The data collected in 2021 was for S1 and S2, which only showed significant variation in humidity (26.98 %) when compared to the 2019 (68.33 %) and 2020 (53.33 %) data. The average sun duration was 8.4 hrs in 2019 and 9.23 hrs in 2020 (Table 1). Many phenophases can be seen in the same plant simultaneously, as presented in Fig. 3. Dry seeds (00) are shown in PGS Stage 0 (Fig. 2). PGS 1 exhibits five-leaf development stages viz. 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 (Fig. 2). The earliest genuine leaves (12/ 13) were opposite and elliptical. The average shoot growth rate was 19 cm /year and leafing period lasts for 5-6 months in L. camara. Fig. 3. Phenophases of L. camara in different seasons S1, S2, S3 and S4 respectively. tained between the leaf axils at the end of the stem. The primary stem grew longer as the terminal umbel grew larger. Secondary inflorescences began to grow in the axils of the lower leaves of the stem, resulting in lateral branches. In the same way, when secondary inflorescence grew, lateral branches became longer, resulting in higher-order inStage (21) of PGS 2 elucidates the initial lateral florescence and branches. Because the plant does not replishoot. Stages 30 and 31 of PGS 3 revealed the start of stem cate vegetatively, PGS 4 (vegetative propagation) was reelongation as well as one clearly lengthened internode. The moved. primary inflorescence started as a terminal umbel con 7 Fig. 4. (a) Graph showing average Rainfall (mm), Number of Rainy days and Sun duration (hrs) in each month. Fig. 4. (b) Minimum, Maximum and Average Temperature during the study period of 32 months. Fig. 4. (c) Humidity in percentage (%) during the study period. Stages 51 (inflorescence or flower bud visible), 55 (first individual blooms seen (still unopened), and 59 (first flower petals visible) are illustrated in PGS 5. (Fig. 2). As a result, subsequent growth proceeds in a basipetal way along the stem and lateral branches, resulting in more lat- eral and larger branches, and also the formation of a terminal umbel. Flowers were observed on the plants throughout the year, with some gaps as presented in Fig. 2. The relevance of photoperiodic phenomena in flowering initiation, the average day length (in hrs) was 9.86 in S1, 9.2 in Plant Science Today, ISSN 2348-1900 (online) 8 KUMAR ET AL chanical control practices for L. camara suggest uprooting of the individuals before the onset of seeds. Though germination of the species is observed only during monsoon, it was observed that the plant produces seeds throughout the year. Hence, there will be sufficient seed-bank in the soil even after uprooting to generate a new population. TherePGS 7 (Development of fruit) has 2 Stages 71 and 79 fore, revegetating the reclaimed land from L. camara with (Fig. 2) followed by 81 and 89 of PGS 8 that shows the be- native species is essential to control the re-emergence of L. ginning of ripening in fruits (81) and fully ripened fruits (89) camara (35, 36). (Fig. 2). PGS 9 (senescence) was the last stage of the scale, when the leaves, stem and branches began to yellow and Conclusion dry at the plant's base. Although the plant is an evergreen perennial, it was observed that the development of new This research established a standardized method for charleaves is inhibited at this time, and the plant undergoes in acterizing the phenology of L. camara. Morphological facdormancy stage for a brief period. The plant is a perennial tors were used to code essential phenological features respecies and continues to survive after the completion of the lated to vegetative development and flowering. The phestudy. It's possible that if the right environmental circum- nology of L. camara changed in response to shifting temstances are in place, the respective plant's life cycle will perature and humidity conditions, but no obvious climatic condition inhibited its germination or flowering, according extend beyond. to the findings. Variability in L. camara phenological feaThrough purposeful imports by Europeans almost tures in response to changing environmental circumstanctwo centuries ago, L. camara expanded beyond its geoes reflect the weed's acclimatisation capacity, which allows graphical limits: The West Indies and Central and South it to grow widely in non-native locations. Comparison beAmerica. L. camara's wide tolerance of edaphic and climattween native and invasive flowering phenology will be helpic conditions has also contributed to its naturalization and ful in controlling invasiveness. This paper reports the first invasiveness in its introduced habitats (29). The presence of use of the BBCH numerical coding scheme to L. camara, adequate moisture and light aids the growth of L. camara which could be useful to scientific investigators. It may ease and duration of the life cycle changed with respect to cliresearch problems amongst L. camara researchers in differmatic factors. This shade-tolerant woody scandent shrub ent areas of the world. More significantly, this description is may scramble up into trees and reach a height of 6 m. The relevant to L. camara growing in tropical and subtropical decimal codes generated for L. camara corresponded to zones pan India (mainly pasture lands), temperate regions BBCH developmental stages except for the PGS 4 stage, i.e. and India's protected forest regions. This system of convegetative reproduction. sistent labelling will be a useful tool for designing scientific Studies on the L. camara germination ecology reveal eradication experiments for this invasive plant. that no clear environmental conditions may prevent it from germinating (23). As a result, the plant may thrive in plenty throughout the year, giving it a significant competitive edge Acknowledgements against natural species. The study revealed that Season S3 Authors acknowledge the support of lab members from comprises four Principal Growth Stages, i.e. Leaf formation, Biodiversity and Climate Change Division, ICFRE that flowering, fruiting and shoot development. In the same helped performing the experiments in different seasons. way, the plant reached its maximum height (173.58 cm) and number of branches i.e. 7 in S4. S2, 9.03 in S3 and 8.4 in S4 for 2019 and 9.56 during S1, 11.36 during S2, 8.06 during S3, and 9.36 during S4 in 2020. PGS 6 depicted three Stages 60, 65 and 69 related to flowering, as illustrated in Fig. 2. Generally, fruit ripening occurs two weeks after flowering, and mature fruits can be seen until November. The findings may hold important implications for studies of IAPS and invasion biology (32). Knowledge of the ecology of invasive plant species, as well as timely interventions to suppress them, is often required for the restoration of damaged areas (33, 34). Changes in climatic circumstances, particularly temperature, have a significant impact on phenological growth patterns. It may be inferred that the weed prefers the optimal temperature and high humidity for growth, although it can live in almost any climate at the study site. The present study provides data for the observed phenology of L. camara under humid subtropical conditions of Dehradun. Comparative phenology of L. camara across its distribution area can give insight into the species phenotypic plasticity, as well as assist to explain variations in the species invasive potential in response to environmental variables. Studies on comparative phenology of the species will also help forecast the impact of changing climatic variables on species distribution. Me- Authors contributions AK performed the experiments, and prepared the manuscript. SS designed the experiments and helped in drafting the manuscript. HB and RK participated in helping with the experimental setup and data collection. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. 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