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Impact of Motivation Strategies on Employee Performance (Ranipet

2021, International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods

Every organization has rewards and reward system to attract and retain their high performing employees. This study examined the influence of training and development, recognition and reward, working environment and leadership on employee satisfaction in Private Company in Ranipet districts Tamilnadu the study adopted descriptive research design by taking the primary data that is collected directly from main sources by survey method. Primary data are usually collected from the source-where the data originally originates from and are regarded as the best kind of data in research. The study targets 120 employees this study investigate the relationship between motivation and the level of employee performance. This study is conducted on the employee's from the top level to the bottom level of the company. The study has one primary objective and three secondary objectives: (Primary objective) To study the important factors which are needed to motivate employee, (Secondary objectives) To study the effect of promotion in job, To measure the employee satisfaction on the interpersonal relationship exist in the organization, To study relationship between rewards and performance. For employees to work efficiently curtain strategy need to be implemented this is where Strategic human resource management (SHRM) plays an important role this concept helps to determine what kind of skill set is needed to complete the task in hand, this helps to determine the availability of the skill set its just like keeping a stock of materials for future use and recruiting the employee with the required skill set if necessary. Employee not only get motivated solely by money but also from the non monetary benefits as well, the term movement of work means completion of given task that is given to the employee while motivation is when the employee goes an extra mile to complete the work and do extra work that was given to them this extra efforts of employee is very much appreciated by the organization and those who do this are setting an example for other employee to work hard and achieve what they have done by raising the bar higher and higher the employee create a competitive environment in the work place, all this is possible only through motivation

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211 Volume 9, Issue 4, April -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: Impact of Motivation Strategies on Employee Performance (Ranipet) Mohammed Ismail J. N1, N. Kumar2 1 Student, School of Business Administration, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai 600119, Tamil Nadu, India 2 Assistant Professor, School of Business Administration, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai 600119, Tamil Nadu, India ------------------------------------------------------------------*****************----------------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT Every organization has rewards and reward system to attract and retain their high performing employees. This study examined the influence of training and development, recognition and reward, working environment and leadership on employee satisfaction in Private Company in Ranipet districts Tamilnadu the study adopted descriptive research design by taking the primary data that is collected directly from main sources by survey method. Primary data are usually collected from the source—where the data originally originates from and are regarded as the best kind of data in research. The study targets 120 employees this study investigate the relationship between motivation and the level of employee performance. This study is conducted on the employee’s from the top level to the bottom level of the company. The study has one primary objective and three secondary objectives: (Primary objective) To study the important factors which are needed to motivate employee, (Secondary objectives) To study the effect of promotion in job, To measure the employee satisfaction on the interpersonal relationship exist in the organization, To study relationship between rewards and performance. For employees to work efficiently curtain strategy need to be implemented this is where Strategic human resource management (SHRM) plays an important role this concept helps to determine what kind of skill set is needed to complete the task in hand, this helps to determine the availability of the skill set its just like keeping a stock of materials for future use and recruiting the employee with the required skill set if necessary. Employee not only get motivated solely by money but also from the non monetary benefits as well, the term movement of work means completion of given task that is given to the employee while motivation is when the employee goes an extra mile to complete the work and do extra work that was given to them this extra efforts of employee is very much appreciated by the organization and those who do this are setting an example for other employee to work hard and achieve what they have done by raising the bar higher and higher the employee create a competitive environment in the work place, all this is possible only through motivation Key words: Employee motivation, performance, satisfaction, SHRM, bench mark INTRODUCTION For an organization to run efficiently it must have people, process technology this three from a wheal and are dependent on one another if any one of the factors fail to fulfil is purpose the entire process will collapse. An organization has to establish a good relationship with people who are working for it for this to happen it must know the employee needs and wants it must be through with the pulls beat of the employee. Employees are the people working in the organization, for the work in the organization to run smoothly employee play a very important role. Employee act as a life stream for the organization. For every relationship to be successful it is important they communicate the communication between the employee and the employer should clear only then the idea of the employer could be transitioned into the finished product or services. For an organization to achieve its objective, it must have certain planned human resources in a uniform manner this is where the concept of strategic human resources is used it helps the company to reach its target. By influencing the behaviour of the employee through organization culture and norms organization accomplish what it wants. For a machine to work efficiently it must be serviced and maintained from time to time for its long life ahead same goes for the employee working in the organization they must update them self for the changing environment and the new technology that is entering into the market for this to happen employer must conduct proper training program and keep on monitoring their growth and areas of improvement, the frequency of the training must be decided based on the employee work experience and how well he/she implements on their work IJARESM Publication, India >>>> Page 355 International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211 Volume 9, Issue 4, April -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: For a dissatisfied employee to get satisfied and increase their performance is through reward system, bonus, incentives and promotion in terms of financial aspect. Non financial aspect include award, recognition, reassignment etc in order for the organization to have a comparative edge in the market in must be able to retain quality employee that set a bench mark in terms work they do, it is a important character of a leader for further development of this character proper training must be provided the employee must be given chance to grow it could be in terms of higher education or developing certain skill the goal is to development of employee, it is the commitment of the top management towards there employee for their development it could occur in terms of the way they treat their employee when they come with their issue and the way they solve their problem OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Primary Objective To study the important factors which are needed to motivate employee Secondary Objective  To study the effect of promotion in job  To measure the employee satisfaction on the interpersonal relationship exist in the organization  To study relationship between rewards and performance REVIEW OF LITRATURE Kreitner, R (1995) Money was considered an important aspect of production of goods and services in the early 20 th century. But after a series of researches done by Elton Mayo in (1924-1932) at the work place of “Hawthorne works of the American Western Electric Company in Chicago” which is called (Hawthorne studies), it was perceive that money is not only the sole motivating factor for the employee but the employee behaviour with one another also play a vital role. The human relationship approach was begun by “Hawthorne”, Bedeian in 1993 had said motivation and needs of employee become the primary focus of managers. This helped in formation of many other theories’s that was coming in future as this theory acted as a base for it. Kreitner, R., & Kinicki, A (1998) There are different definition of motivation by many disciplines in the community ranging from the field of management, psychology to allied sciences which is said by Kreitner and Kinicki in 1998, motivation is a derivation of a Latin word “Movere” which means to move. Mole, A (1992) Movement and motivation term has been differentiated by However Mole in 1992. He described movement as carrying out a task for compensation while motivation is described as voluntary involvement for carrying out the task. Huczynski, A.A & Buchanan, D.A (1991) In the words of Huczynski and Buchanan motivation has been defined as a decision making method in which individual choose desired outcomes and sets in motion the behaviours suitable for it, in the words of Linder (2004) motivation is a psychological that gives behaviour its purpose METHODS AND MATERIALS Research Methodology The process of investigating the chosen topic is called research methodology. At first problem is known carefully by conducting research, there should be a proper plan for the research no research is possible, after all this analysis is made to derive solution. Primary data The data that is collected directly from the source that is from people from interviews and questioner is called primary data Secondary data The data that is collected from the research of others and from the books that is published is called secondary data Statistical Tool The collected data has been created using Google forms and Microsoft Excel that shows the result in a pie chart format and percentage. In excel the following methods are used IJARESM Publication, India >>>> Page 356 International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211 Volume 9, Issue 4, April -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at:  Correlation  Chi-square  ANOVA test RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table no. 1 Gender of the respondents GENDER Male Female NO. OF RESPONDENTS 70 50 PERCENTAGE 50% 42% 42% Male Female 58% Chart no.1: Gender of the respondents Interpretation From the above table it is interpreted that out of 120 respondents 58% of the respondents are male, 42% of the respondents are Female. Table no. 2 Reward system Reward System No. Of Respondents Percentage Pay rise 53 44.2% Benefits 10 8.3% Incentives 23 19.2% Recognition 34 28.3% IJARESM Publication, India >>>> Page 357 International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211 Volume 9, Issue 4, April -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: 50.00% 45.00% 44.20% 40.00% 35.00% 28.30% 30.00% 25.00% 19.20% 20.00% 15.00% 8.30% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% Pay rise Benefits Incentives Recognition Chart no. 2 Reward system Interpretation From the above table it is interpreted that out of 120 respondents 44.2% of the respondents have choose a) Pay rise, 8.3% of the respondents have choose b) Benefits, 19.2% of the respondents have choose c) Incentives, 28.3% of the respondents have choose d) Recognition. Table no. 3: Age of the respondents Age 20-25 years 26-30 years 31-35 years 36-40 years Above 40 No. Of Respondents 63 41 4 8 4 Percentage 53% 34.4% 3% 6.6% 3% 60% 53% 50% 40% 35% 30% 20% 10% 6% 3% 3% 0% 20-25 years 26-30 years 31-35 years 36-40 years Above 40 Chart no. 3 Age of the respondents IJARESM Publication, India >>>> Page 358 International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211 Volume 9, Issue 4, April -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: Interpretation From the above table it is interpreted that out of 120 respondents 53% of the respondents choose (a) 20-25 years, 34.4% of the respondents choose (b) 26-30 years, 3% of the respondents choose (c) 31-35 years, 6.6% of the respondents choose (d) 36-40 years, 3% of the respondents choose (e) above 40. Table no. 4 Educational qualification Educational Qualification Below HSC HSC Diploma UG PG No. Of Respondents 2 5 17 79 17 Percentage 1.7% 4.2% 14.2% 65.8% 14.2% 65.80% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 14.20% 14.20% 4.20% 1.70% 0.00% Below HSC HSC Diploma UG PG Chart no. 4 Educational qualification Interpretation From the above table it is interpreted that out of 120 respondents 1.7% of the respondents choose (a) Below HSC, 4.2% of the respondents choose (b) HSC, 14.2% of the respondents choose (c) Diploma, 65.8% of the respondents choose (d) UG, 14.2% of the respondents choose (e) PG. Table no. 5 Salary per month Salary Per Month 80000-15000 15000-25000 25000-35000 Above 35000 45.00% 40.00% 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% No.Of Respondents 23 46 38 13 Percentage 19.2% 38.3% 31.7% 10.8% 38.30% 31.70% 19.20% 10.80% 8000-15000 15000-25000 25000-35000 Above 35000 Chart no. 5 Salary per month IJARESM Publication, India >>>> Page 359 International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211 Volume 9, Issue 4, April -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: Interpretation From the above table it is interpreted that out of 120 respondents 19.2% of the respondents choose (a) 8000-15000, 38.3% of the respondents choose (b) 15000-25000, 31.7% of the respondents choose (c) 25000-35000, 10.8% of the respondents choose (d) above 35000. Chi -Square Test: CHI-SQURE TEST is taken for Gender and Rewards system between the employee HO= There is no significance difference between satisfaction of the service provided the period of guarantee offered, H1= There is significance difference between satisfaction of the service provided the period of guarantee offered Theoritical Table 1 Rewards Pay rise Benefits Incentives Recognition Total Male 38 2 10 20 70 Female 16 8 9 17 50 Total 54 10 19 37 120 P value 0.45 0.08333333 0.15833333 0.30833333 Experimental Table 2 Rewards Pay rise Benefits Incentives Recognition Column 2 31.5 5.83333333 11.0833333 21.5833333 Column 3 22.5 4.16666667 7.91666667 15.4116667 P value 0.02036676 Inference: P value: 0.02036676< 0.05 From this chi square analysis we conclude that there is no significant amount of difference with respect to rewards given to male and female. So we except (H0) Correlation Test: Correlation test is taken for the Age of the respondents and there Education qualification HO= There is no significance difference between satisfaction of the service provided the period of guarantee offered, H1= There is significance difference between satisfaction of the service provided the period of guarantee offered Theoretical Table 3 Age 63 41 4 8 4 Below HSC 2 0 0 0 0 HSC 5 0 0 0 0 Diploma 14 3 0 0 0 UG 39 33 2 4 1 PG 3 5 2 4 3 Experimental Table 4 Column 1 Age Below HSC HSC Diploma UG PG Age 1 0.814482 0.814482 0.919141 0.983547 0.311275 Below HSC HSC Diploma UG PG 1 1 0.97680296 0.697530667 -0.19611614 1 0.976803 0.697531 -0.19612 1 0.83428805 -0.0289157 1 0.42926 1 IJARESM Publication, India >>>> Page 360 International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211 Volume 9, Issue 4, April -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: Inference: From this Correlation test we conclude that there is no significant amount of difference with respect to rewards given to male and female. So we except (H0) Anova Test: ANOVA test is taken for Gender and Income of the employee HO= There is no significance difference between satisfaction of the service provided the period of guarantee offered, H1= There is significance difference between satisfaction of the service provided the period of guarantee offered Table Values 5 Income 8000-15000 15000-20000 25000-35000 Above 35000 Male 20 21 19 10 Female 3 25 19 3 Single Factor 6 Summary Groups Male Female Count 4 4 Sum 70 50 Average 17.5 12.5 Variance 25.6666667 126.333333 Anova 7 Source of variation Between Groups Within Groups Total SS DF MS F P-value F crit 50 1 50 0.65789474 0.44827527 5.98737758 456 6 76 506 7 Inference: 0.44827527 > 0.05 We reject the null hypothesis there is significant difference in the table. So we need more data to interpret the result. So as a result (H1) CONCLUSION For an organization to establish itself in the long run and compete with others it must have a good foundation, for this to happen quality employee must be recruited and retained. This paper shows factors that influence employee satisfaction and the training given to them for further development of employee that benefits the organization as well Promotion, job Satisfaction and Reward have a positive influence over the employee. Motivated employees not only do their work efficiently but also have encouraged others to do as so this improves performance of the business and productivity. They set the standard of work by doing work more than expected from them. REFERENCES [1]. [2]. [3]. [4]. Kreitner, R. (1995). Management. 6th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company Kreitner, R., & Kinicki, A. (1998). Organisational Behaviour. 4th ed. Boston: Irwin McGraw-Hill. Mol, A. (1992). Motivating subordinates. IPM Journal, 11(2), 19-22. Huczynski, A.A., & Buchanan, D.A. (1991). Organizational Behaviour-An introductory text. 2nd ed. Prentice Hall (UK) Ltd. 436-466. IJARESM Publication, India >>>> Page 361