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Journal of Molecular Structure 922 (2009) 83–87 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Molecular Structure journal homepage: Microwave spectra and structural parameters of equatorial-trans cyclobutanol Wei Lin a,b,1, Arindam Ganguly c,2, Andrea J. Minei b, Glen L. Lindeke b, Wallace C. Pringle b, Stewart E. Novick b, James R. Durig c,* a Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Saint Mary, Leavenworth, KS 66048, USA Department of Chemistry, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT 06459, USA c Department of Chemistry, University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas City, MO 64110, USA b a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 26 December 2008 Received in revised form 18 January 2009 Accepted 19 January 2009 Available online 30 January 2009 Keywords: Microwave spectroscopy r0 structural parameters rs structural parameters Ab initio calculations Cyclobutanol a b s t r a c t The microwave spectra of the three singly substituted 13C isotopomers and 18O isotopomer of equatorialtrans cyclobutanol, c-C4H7OH, have been observed in natural abundance by a pulsed-jet Fourier transform microwave spectrometer. The fit for the normal species was improved from the previous study. The rotational constants for the a-13C, b-13C, c-13C and 18O isotopic species were determined. The five quartic centrifugal distortion constants were determined for the first time. These experimental values are compared to those obtained from ab initio and density functional theory calculations. By utilizing the previously reported microwave rotational constants for the O–D species along with the 15 constants determined from this study combined with the structural parameters predicted from the MP2(full)/6-311+G(d,p) calculations, adjusted r0 parameters have been obtained. The determined heavy atom distances in Å are: r0(C1–C4,5) = 1.547(3), r0(C6–C4,5) = 1.556(3), r0(C–O) = 1.412(3) Å and angles O2 C1 C4;5 ¼ 120:2ð5Þ, C4 C1 C5 ¼ 88:9ð5Þ and puckering angle sC6C5C4C1 = 31.3(10)°. The parameters are compared to the similar ones for some other monosubstituted cyclobutanes as well as to those for cyclobutane. Ó 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction The geometry of four-membered rings is governed by the competition between ring strain that favors a planar ring, and the torsional force, which drives the molecule towards non-planarity. Cyclobutane, c-C4H8, is a puckered molecule of D2d symmetry with a microwave determined [1,2] puckered angle r0 of 28.32 ± 0.23° and theoretically predicted values of 29.59° [3] and 29.68° [4]. Monosubstitution of cyclobutane can, therefore, lead to both axial and equatorial conformations. Initially there was controversy regarding the presence of the axial form for the cyclobutyl halides. The initial analysis of the microwave spectra of the chloride and fluoride [5] failed to detect the axial form even though there was vibrational data [6] for the chloride which clearly showed the presence of the second conformer. From more recent microwave investigations of the fluoride [7] and chloride [8] the axial forms have been identified so the substitution of a group with an asymmetric rotor such as OH, SH, NH2, PH2, etc., could lead to the presence of four conformers. However, in both the previous microwave investigations of the cyclobutanol [9] and the cyclobutylamine [10,11], * Corresponding author. Tel.: +01 816 235 6038; fax: +01 816 235 2290. E-mail address: (J.R. Durig). 1 Taken in part from the thesis of Wei Lin, which has been submitted to Wesleyan University in partial fulfillment of the Ph.D. degree. 2 Taken in part from the thesis of Arindam Ganguly, which will be submitted to UMKC in partial fulfillment of the Ph.D. degree. 0022-2860/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.molstruc.2009.01.040 only one conformer was identified. For the cyclobutanol the spectrum of the equatorial-trans form was predicted from the previously reported parameters for the cyclobutyl chloride [5] and methanol [12]. Since only the normal and O–D isotopomers were investigated [9] very little structural information was obtained in this initial microwave investigation of cyclobutanol. In fact, there is limited structural information on the monosubstituted cyclobutanes which could be part of the reason why the second or even the third conformers of monosubtituted cyclobutanes containing an asymmetric rotor have not be identified in the microwave spectra. Jonvik and Boggs [13] calculated the structure parameters by ab initio Hartree–Fock gradient calculation with a 4–21 basis set augmented by d-functions on the O and N atoms. Gunde [14] et al. attempted to analyze the pucker-internal rotation modes of cyclobutanol using a semi-rigid two-dimensional model. Due to the lack of structural information, they used the results from the extended SCF computations (4-31G level) to fit the experimental rotational constants from the previous microwave investigation. Recently, Durig [15] et al . studied the temperature dependent infrared spectra of cyclobutanol in xenon solutions and carried out ab initio calculations combined with the previously reported [9] rotational constants to obtained the r0 structural parameters. In order to determine more detailed structural information on the four-membered ring of cyclobutanol, a microwave study was initiated using a pulsed-jet Fourier transform spectrometer where the three 13C isotopomers and 18O isotopomer should be identifiable in natural abundance owing to the high sensitivity of FTMW. 84 W. Lin et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 922 (2009) 83–87 To assist in obtaining the complete structure for cyclobutanol, ab initio calculations have been carried out particularly to predict the carbon–carbon distances. The results of this spectroscopic and theoretical study are reported herein. 2. Experiment and ab initio calculations The cyclobutanol sample was purchased from Aldrich Chemical Co., Milwaukee, WI with a stated purity of 99%, and the sample was used without further purification. The microwave data were obtained on the pulsed-jet Fourier transform microwave spectrometer [16,17] of the Southern New England Microwave Consortium located at Wesleyan University. The Fourier transform microwave spectrometer consists of two large coaxial concave mirrors in an evacuated Fabry–Perot cavity which allows gas to be pulsed from a nozzle (about 1 ms pulse width) and forms the supersonic expansion. The rapid adiabatic expansion of the gas allows the molecules to be cooled to very low effective temperatures where only the lowest vibrational states and rotational levels are populated. One advantage of the FTMW spectrometer is time averaging of signals from many pulses on the same molecules. This increases signalto-noise ratio and allows weak intensity transitions to be successfully measured. The frequency range of the FTMW spectrometer is 5–25 GHz and the frequencies for the measured transitions are listed in Table 1. The ab initio calculations were performed with the Gaussian-03 program [18] by using Gaussian-type basis functions. The energy minima with respect to nuclear coordinates were obtained by the simultaneous relaxation of all the geometric parameters using the gradient method of Pulay [19]. Calculations were carried out with full electron correlation by the perturbation method [20] to second order and only the 6-311+G(d,p) basis set was utilized for predicting the structural parameters. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations utilizing the B3LYP method were also carried out with the 6-311+G(d,p) basis set. 3. Results In order to assign the microwave spectra of the four singly substituted 13C (1.1%) and 18O (0.2%) isotopomers (Fig. 1), the rotational constants from the parent species were utilized. Rotational spectra of the parent and OD isotopomers were reported by Macdonald et al. [9]. We first improve the fit of the normal species (all 12C atoms) by remeasuring the reported transitions more precisely due to the high resolution of FTMW spectrometer and measuring some new transitions. From these data, we improved the values of the rotational constants and determined the quartic centrifugal distortion constants. By utilizing the data from the normal species the rotational constants for each of the 13C isotopomers were calculated by recalculating the center of mass and principal axes based on the masses of all of the atoms. It was assumed that the centrifugal distortion constants of the isotopomers would be nearly the same as those of the normal isotopomer. Since the intensities of b-carbon transitions are twice that of the other two Table 1 Measured rotational frequencies (MHz) and rotational constants of five isotopomers of cyclobutanol. Transition 12 212 312 111 827 524 312 101 726 413 202 523 625 514 515 524 110 212 423 303 202 413 211 322 221 616 615 624 220 404 313 303 211 322 321 312 5063.514 5165.607 5836.838 6392.824 6701.391 6747.231 7703.999 8483.269 8579.000 8620.681 9475.276 10666.826 12770.710 12775.064 12777.203 14402.731 14546.089 14678.565 15114.491 15319.411 15631.318 16269.867 16276.082 17510.444 17524.224 17636.694 18819.672 20184.689 20749.493 21766.327 22763.686 22968.596 23111.888 23460.141 24346.251 202 313 101 817 432 220 000 716 414 110 431 615 515 423 514 000 111 413 211 101 321 110 312 211 524 616 532 212 312 212 202 101 221 220 211 C 10119.793(1) 4282.9531(5) 3421.0510(4) A B C a O–Ca a-13C O–Ca b-13C 0 5 1 4 3 0 2 2 1 0 1 3 8 4 3 1 1 2 7 0 2 1 0 2 3 4 4 5 7 4 1 2 0 0 1 5055.448 0 5821.801 0 5616.469 7684.843 0 8607.270 O–Ca c-13C O–Ca 18 O–Ca 7336.604 3 O 5180.025 0 1 5928.161 0 7662.803 1 7554.863 0 1 8727.855 1 8271.347 1 14360.117 14516.192 14659.755 1 1 0 14164.024 14440.827 13955.505 0 2 1 14312.191 14280.540 15050.353 1 1 0 14176.305 13890.994 15580.650 1 2 0 15282.547 15581.712 16223.136 16242.625 17465.336 1 0 3 1 1 15229.075 16145.027 16210.328 15586.161 16849.338 0 0 1 2 2 15028.678 14705.564 15938.869 16594.008 17784.411 2 0 0 0 0 14602.235 1 15455.381 17045.661 18172.431 2 2 3 19600.106 0 21603.862 22609.688 22711.551 22988.287 23366.939 24251.469 1 1 0 0 0 1 21372.395 22345.409 22696.198 22664.488 22983.611 23854.891 0 0 0 1 0 0 20793.959 21729.709 1 1 23136.484 4 21722.333 22711.841 22898.406 23054.419 23397.048 24277.132 10090.9682(8) 4269.1624(8) 3415.6832(7) Observed minus calculated frequencies in kHz. 0 0 1 0 0 0 9890.2553(9) 4273.7829(8) 3389.0218(6) 10120.1857(5) 4192.0196(5) 3362.8462(3) 10116.9112(8) 4059.4080(4) 3277.2019(4) 85 W. Lin et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 922 (2009) 83–87 Fig. 1. Equatorial-trans cyclobutanol showing atomic numbering and the plane of symmetry for the Cs molecule and for the two equivalent C1 equatorial-gauche forms the \C1 O2 H7 is rotated approximately ±120°. isotopic substitutions due to the plane of symmetry (molecular symmetry Cs) the search for its transitions based on the predicted spectrum was made first. Scans of 10 MHz from which many pulses of each increment were obtained over the expected frequencies and candidates with appropriate expected intensities were identified. Four transitions that were exceptional strong for the normal species were used for the search of the isotopomers. Based on the assignments for the b-carbon, the a-carbon and ccarbon isotopomers the transitions for the 18O isotopomer were identified and assigned. The intensities of the 13C transitions are about 1% of the corresponding transitions of the parent species. Within the frequency range of 5–25 GHz, thirty five transitions, both a-type and c-type, were measured for the parent isotopomer. These transitions were fit to a Hamiltonian in an Ir representation, Watson A reduction using SPFIT program developed by Pickett [21]. The rms of the fit is 2 kHz, approximately same as the experimental error. Transitions for each of the singly substituted isotopomers were then fit to the same Hamiltonian. The measured transition frequencies of all five isotopomers, the differences from the calculated frequencies, and the fitted rotational constants are collected in Table 1. Including the normal species there are total of 15 rotational constants all from the substitution of the ring carbons and oxygen, which should provide excellent structural parameters for the ring. The earlier microwave study on cyclobutanol [9] did not determine the centrifugal distortion constants for this molecule. With measurement of the new transitions and the improved precision of the previously measured transitions, it is possible to include the five quartic centrifugal distortion constants in the fit. Since there are 18 transitions for each of the 13C isotopomers measured, made it possible to obtain meaningful values for the distortion constants for these isotopomers. The fitted centrifugal distortion constants are listed in Table 2. In the fit of the 18O isotopomer, we utilized the five quartic centrifugal distortion constants of the normal species to obtain the value for the rotational constants. From the force constants obtained from the ab initio MP2(full)/ 6-31G(d) and MP2(full)/6-311+G(d,p) calculations the values of the centrifugal distortion constants have been predicted. The values of the predicted constants are in very good agreement with the experimentally determined values for the parent species. Also, the results from the B3LYP/6-31G(d) predicted force constants for obtaining the values for the centrifugal distortion constants are within a few percentages to the experimental values for the normal species. Thus, the B3LYP calculations were used to predict the centrifugal distortion constants of the other isotopomers. The natural abundance of the isotopomers are about 1.1% and 0.2% for 13C and 18O, respectively. Consequently only the low K transitions with the relatively large predicted intensities could be measured for these singly substituted species. Thus, the low concentration of the 18O isotope restricted the number of transitions that could be measured so that meaningful distortion constants could not be determined from these small numbers. As can be seen from the small predicted differences of the distortion constants for the various isotopomers, the distortion constants for these isotopomers must be nearly the same as those for the normal species. The calculated values are listed for each of the isotopomers along with the experimental values for the normal species in Table 2. Overall the measured centrifugal distortion constants are of small magnitude, which indicates fairly rigid structure for cyclobutanol. The DJ value for the parent species of cyclobutanol is 0.692(2) kHz, whereas the corresponding value for cyclobutane-d1 (equatorial) [1] is 6.8(25) kHz. Substituting the hydrogen in the equatorial position by hydroxyl group reduces the centrifugal distortion constant by almost one order than substituting by deuterium atom. A similar effect can be found for chlorocyclobutane [22], where the reported DJ value is 0.391(8) kHz. Since we have measured the rotational constants the normal isotopomer of cyclobutanol along with those of the three singly substituted 13C isotopomers and one 18O isotopomers, we calculate a heavy-atom Kraitchman substitution structure, rs, for the molecule using the structure program first written by Schwendeman and modified by Hillig [23]. In this calculation we also included the previously measured cyclobutanol-OD constants. We fit only the parameters that concerns the substituted species, while keeping the remaining ones (the parameters of the other seven hydrogen atoms) at the values from the ab initio values. The fitted puckering angle is 29.8(8)°. The resulting structure is listed in Table 3 along with the other structural parameters. Durig et al. [24] have shown that ab initio MP2(full)/6311+G(d,p) calculations predict the ro structural parameters for more than 50 carbon–hydrogen distances better than 0.002 Å compared to the experimentally determined values from isolated CH stretching frequencies which were compared [25] to previously determined values from earlier microwave studies. Thus, all of the carbon–hydrogen distances can be taken from the MP2(full)/ 6-311+G(d,p) predicted values for cyclobutanol. Also, we have found [26] that we can obtain good structural parameters by adjusting the structural parameters obtained from the ab initio calculations to fit the rotational constants obtained from the microwave experimental data. In order to reduce the number of Table 2 Comparison of the quadratic centrifugal distortion constants (kHz) for isotopomers of equatorial-trans cyclobutanol. c-C4H7OH DJ DJK DK dJ dK a a-13C cyclobutanol b-13C cyclobutanol c-13C cyclobutanol 18 O cyclobutanol MP2/ 6-31G(d) MP2/ 6-311+G(d,p) B3LYP/ 6-31G(d) Exp. this study B3LYP/ 6-31G(d) Exp. this study B3LYP/ 6- 31G(d) Exp. this study B3LYP/ 6-31G(d) Exp. this study B3LYP/ 6-31G(d) This studya 0.637 2.22 2.69 0.112 1.69 0.646 2.29 2.66 0.113 1.71 0.670 2.04 3.60 0.119 1.66 0.692(8) 2.08(3) 3.68(8) 0.127(2) 2.05(20) 0.662 1.98 3.69 0.112 1.62 0.620(3) 2.13(7) 3.60(2) 0.144(1) 1.09(31) 0.665 2.05 3.47 0.121 1.66 0.679(3) 2.22(7) 3.48(2) 0.134(1) 1.68(29) 0.641 1.92 3.76 0.112 1.60 0.598(4) 1.90(4) 4.32(3) 0.156(7) 1.02(19) 0.620 1.93 3.82 0.106 1.61 0.692 2.08 3.68 0.127 2.05 The values were held constant to the values obtained for the normal species. 86 W. Lin et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 922 (2009) 83–87 Table 3 Structural parameters (Å and degree), rotational constants (MHz) and dipole moment (Debye) for cyclobutanol equatorial-trans (Cs) conformer. Structural parameters rC1–O2 rC1–C4, C5 rC6–C4, C5 rO2–H7 rC1–H3 rC4–H8, C5–H10 rC4–H9, C5–H11 rC6–H12 rC6–H13 O2 C 1 C 4 ; C 5 C4 C1 C5 C6 C4 ðC5 ÞC1 C4 C6 C5 C 1 O2 H 7 H3 C1 C4 ; C5 H3 C1 O2 H8 C4 C1 ; H10 C5 C1 H8 C4 C6 ; H10 C5 C 6 H9 C4 C1 ; H11 C5 C1 H9 C4 C6 ; H11 C5 C6 H8 C4 H9 ; H10 C5 H11 H12 C6 C4 ; C5 H13 C6 C4 ; C5 H12 C6 H13 sH7O2C1H3 sC6C5C4C1 A (MHz) B (MHz) C (MHz) |la| |lb| |lc| |lt| MP2(full)/6-311+G(d,p)a Eq-trans MWb Eq-trans Ab initio/MWc rs parameters Adjusted r0 parameters for Eq-trans 1.408 1.542 1.548 0.961 1.093 1.096 1.092 1.091 1.093 120.6 88.3 86.8 87.9 107.0 110.2 105.9 109.8 110.1 118.8 119.6 109.6 118.0 111.1 109.3 180.0 28.5 10246.7 4290.1 3438.8 1.69 0.00 1.00 1.96 1.420* 1.416 1.547 1.552 0.961 1.093 1.095 1.091 1.091 1.093 120.2 88.9 86.6 88.5 107.2 110.4 105.9 109.8 109.2 118.8 120.7 109.6 118.1 110.6 109.3 180.0 30.8 10119.6 4284.0 3422.7 1.410(4) 1.547(3) 1.554(2) 0.956(6) 1.412(3) 1.547(3) 1.556(3) 0.961(3) 1.093(2) 1.096(2) 1.092(2) 1.091(2) 1.093(2) 120.2(5) 88.9(5) 87.1(5) 88.3(5) 107.8(5) 110.4(5) 105.9(5) 109.8(5) 107.9(5) 118.8(5) 121.4(5) 109.6(5) 118.6(5) 110.0(5) 109.3(5) 180.0(10) 31.3(10) 10120.1 4283.1 3421.2 1.525 1.550 0.956 1.100 1.085 1.085 1.100 1.100 121.7* 90.8 82.3 89.2 108.0 112.3 97.0* 114.0 114.0 114.0 115.1 112.0 120.1 108.3 110.0 180.0 19.9 10119.6(10) 4282.9(4) 3421.0(4) 1.39(5) 0.0 0.81(5) 1.62(5) 119.5(4) 88.8(1) 87.6(2) 88.3(1) 108.3(6) 29.8(8) a Calculated using MP2(full)/6-311+G(d,p). All parameters were assumed except the CO distance and two angles indicated with an asterisk with other parameters transferred from the corresponding ones in cyclobutyl chloride and methanol [9]. c Ref. [15]. b independent variables, the structural parameters are separated into sets according to their types. Bond lengths in the same set keep their relative ratio which results in only two heavy atoms distances for cyclobutanol. Also, the bond angles, and torsional angles in the same set keep their differences in degrees. This assumption is based on the fact that the errors from ab initio calculations are systematic. Therefore, it should be possible to obtain ‘‘adjusted r0” structural parameters for the equatorial-trans conformer of cyclobutanol utilizing the microwave rotational constants from the reported values for these five isotopomers. Additionally the microwave spectrum of the O–D isotopomer, c-C4H7OD, was reported earlier and the three rotational constants determined. Thus, 18 rotational constants were used to determine r0 the structural parameters of cyclobutanol. The determined parameters are listed in Table 3 along with those previously assumed for initially assigning the microwave spectrum [9] of normal species. The puckering angle in the adjusted ro structure is 31.3(10)°, which agrees with the value determined from the structure within the experimental uncertainties. These values are close to the reported puckering angle of 28.58(9)° for cyclobutane, as expected. The fitted dihedral angle sH7O2C1C6 is 0° in the adjusted ro structure. The adjusted ro structure reproduces the rotational constants of the observed isotopomers to within 0.6 MHz except for the A constant of the b-13C isotope which differs by 1.5 MHz. The observed and calculated rotational constants for all the isotopomers and their differences are listed in Table 4. There have been interesting discussions about the effects of different substituents on cyclopropane in terms of the r and p electrons withdraw and donation between the substituent and the ring [27–30]. It has been shown that the C–C bond length adjacent to the site of the substituent and that of the opposite bonds are sensitive indicators of these effects. Nevertheless, for the four-membered rings, there will be little change of the structural Table 4 Comparison of the fit of the rotational constants from the r0 parameters obtained from ab initio MP2(full)/6-311+G(d,p) predicted parameters adjusted with the 18 microwave determined rotational constants. Conformer Isotopomer Rotational const. Obs. Calc. |D| Eq-t c-C4H7OH Eq-t c-C4H7OD Eq-t a-13C Eq-t b-13C Eq-t c-13C Eq-t 18 A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C 10119.8 4282.9 3421.1 9911.8 4132.7 3347.3 10090.9 4269.2 3415.7 9890.3 4273.8 3389.0 10120.2 4192.0 3362.8 10116.9 4059.4 3277.2 10120.2 4283.2 3421.3 9911.6 4132.4 3347.6 10091.1 4269.2 3415.7 9888.8 4273.8 3389.0 10120.2 4192.1 3363.0 10117.5 4058.8 3276.9 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.6 0.6 0.3 O W. Lin et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 922 (2009) 83–87 Table 5 Structural parameters of the ring for a few four-membered ring molecules (Å and degree). Structural parameters Cyclobutanola Cyclobutaneb rCa–Cb (Å) rCb–Cc (Å) Puckering angle (°) 1.547(3) 1.556(3) 31.3(10) 1.5555(2) 1.5555(2) 28.58(9) a b c Chlorocyclobutanec Equatorial Axial 1.539(3) 1.558(3) 30.7(5) 1.547(3) 1.557(3) 22.3(5) This study. Ref. [1]. Ref. [31]. parameters of the ring by substitution [9,31]. Particularly, the earlier microwave work on cyclobutanol had used the ring structure of chlorocyclobutane from Kim and Gwinn [5] in their structural fit. Table 5 lists the puckering angles of cyclobutane, chlorocyclobutane, and cyclobutanol as determined by microwave spectroscopy. There is a small shortening effect on the bond lengths of the carbon atoms that are adjacent to the substituent atom. The bond lengths were reduced by 0.009 and 0.017 Å for cyclobutanol and chlorocyclobutane, respectively. However, the bond length of the carbon atom that are not adjacent to the substituted carbon atom remains unchanged. Hoffmann [30] suggested that for substituted cyclopropane, the lengthening C–C bond geminal to the substituent and a corresponding shortening of the C–C bond not involving the substituted carbon is due to the conjugation between the unsaturated substituents and the delocalized electron system of the ring. From a theoretical study [29] it has been shown that the substituents on cyclopropane ring introduces significant modifications of the C–C bond lengths. In general, the larger C2–C3 and the shorter C1–C2 bonds correspond to the more electronegative substituents. Additional data are required for more conclusive discussions on these effects for four-membered rings. Durig et al. [15] recently measured the temperature dependent infrared spectrum of cyclobutanol in xenon solutions. Combining the experimentally observed transitions with ab initio calculation, they were able to derive the potential function for the internal torsion of cyclobutanol. The enthalpy difference is considered to be at least 150 cm-1 between the most stable equatorial-trans and the second most stable equatorial-gauche form. There is strong indication from the low frequency pair that the DH is about 200 cm-1. The predicted dipole moment components [9] for the gauche form are |la| = 0.6 D, |lb| = 1.2 D, and |lc| = 0.1 D. From the observed OH torsional frequencies, the two wells corresponding to the gauche form are predicted to be about 233 cm-1 higher in energy. The barrier between these two wells is 704 cm-1. This will possibly split each of the vibrational energy levels in these two wells into a pair of torsional states. The b dipole moment is antisymmetric to the torsional motion around the C–O bond. Thus, the b-type transitions will be the ones connecting the two torsional states. If the barrier is sufficiently high so that the energy difference between these two 0+ and 0 torsional states is small, these b-type transitions will appear as doublets. The microwave spectrum of this conformer, although more difficult because of the coupling of possible splittings in the ground state, could help improve the potential function. The possibility of the even higher energy axial forms can not be completely ruled out either. The initial analysis of the microwave spectra of the cyclobutyl chloride and fluoride [5] failed to detect the axial form even though there was vibrational data [6] for the chloride which clearly showed the presence of the second conformer. From more recent microwave investigations [7,8] of these 87 molecules, the axial forms have been identified. To aid in future search of this equatorial-gauche conformer, we calculated the structure as well as the rotational constants using the same basis set. The calculated rotational constants for the gauche form are A = 10285.9 MHz, B = 4338.9 MHz, and C = 3448.5 MHz. If we assume the same scaling factors for both the trans and gauche forms, the proposed rotational constants for the gauche form are A = 10158.5 MHz, B = 4331.7 MHz, and C = 3430.6 MHz. Hopefully someone will identify and assign the transitions for the gauche form which should provide interesting scientific information on the structural parameters and the potential governing the internal rotation of the conformer. Acknowledgements JRD acknowledges the University of Missouri-Kansas City, for a Faculty Research Grant for partial financial support of this research. WL thanks University of Saint Mary for support from Professional Development Fund. References [1] B. Vogelsanger, W. Caminati, A. Bauder, Chem. Phys. Lett. 141 (1987) 245. [2] W. Caminati, B. Vogelsanger, R. Meyer, G. Grassi, A. Bauder, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 131 (1988) 172. [3] E.D. Glendening, A.M. Halpern, J. Phys. Chem. A 109 (2005) 635. [4] T.A. Blake, S.S. Xantheas, J. Phys. Chem. A 110 (2006) 10487. [5] H. Kim, W.D. Gwinn, J. Chem. Phys. 44 (1966) 865. [6] W.G. Rothschild, J. Chem. Phys. 45 (1966) 1214. [7] W. Caminati, L.B. Favero, A. Maris, P.G. Favero, J. Mol. Struct. 376 (1996) 25. [8] B. Velino, L.B. 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