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European Scientific Journal March 2015 edition vol.11, No.8 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 INTERPROFESSIONAL EDUCATION MODEL FOR SPORT SECURITY PROFESSIONALS IN TURKEY Halil Ibrahim Mil, PhD Social Security Institution, Turkey Savas Sanli, PhD Turkish National Police Academy, Turkey Ali Yildirim, MPhil De Montfort University, England Sezer Domac, PhD University of Leicester, England Abstract Sport Security Professionals are entrsuted with maintaining peace, security and protecting human rights and freedoms in the sport areas. In pursuance of this, security agencies and professionals are to prevent crime and fight against it in cooperation and coordination with both local and international – level security agencies. To achieve this, they need practical training rather than theoretical one in not only prevocational training, but also in on- the- job training. In this study, it is recommended to apply interprofessional educational method commonly used in health science to training of the security professional in security science. In this context, it is pointed out how to apply interprofessional education model to prevocational formal education and on-the-job training of security professionals in sport security. Keywords: Interprofessional Education, Sport Security Introduction The emergence of interprofessional notion first coincides with the foundation of Ministry of Health ‘National Healthcare Service’ (NHS) in England around 1948. Since then, it’s been observed that The UK has determined its policies on health care and social services in accordance with interprofessional educational approach (Day, 2006:12). The development of IPE (Interprofessional Education) has been supported with a number of changes in law and regulations. In early 1980s, The English Professional 88 European Scientific Journal March 2015 edition vol.11, No.8 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 Center shortly CAIPE was founded. The other international developments on IPE out of England are foundations of: Canadian Interprofessional Health and Cooperation Institution (CIHC); National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education in the USA; European Interprofessional Practice and Education Network (EIPEN); Australasian Interprofessional Practice and Education Network (AIPPEN); Nordic Interprofessional Network (NIPNET); Japan Association for Interprofessional Education & Japan Interprofessional Working and Education Network (JAIPE & JIPWEN); Eastern Countries Interprofessional Education Networking (ECIPEN); Turkish Interprofessional Practice Education (TIPE). The World Health Organization also recommend the interprofessional educational method to be applied in universities' curricula in the reports revealed in WHO 1973, 1978, 1988, 2000, and 2010. In 2010, the institutions conducting researches on interprofessional training stipulated above are gathered under the same roof of the World Coordination Committe (WCC). It aims to bring together academicians and researchers carrying out investigation in this field with a series of conference arranged biennially first of which is organized in London titled ‘All Together better Health’ in 1997. Interprofessinal education (ipe) As of the first half of the nineteenth century, there has been significant progress in occupations concerning ‘professionalization’, ‘specialization’ and ‘division of labor’ in uk as a natural consequence of social changes and developmental process in the developed countries. During this process, there does appear a number of new professions that unprecedented before as well as diversities and sub-specialization in classical professions. This process necessitates to find new solutions to problems faced in training and practices of medical, social care and health sciences. In this context, a necessity for medical and health care professionals such as doctor, nurse, physiotherapist, midwife, laboratorian, radiologist, psychologist working seperately in the process of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of illnesses to work together emerges. So a new educational approach is created to organize the interprofessional cooperation between medical and health care professional, to be more efficient in preventing, diagnosis and treatment of illnesses. As a solution to this problem, there have been arrangements in developed societies with new laws, regulations including legal statutes. This new education approach called IPE model that brings up the updating of the prevocational and on-the-job training of medical and health care professionals within a new paradigm. To achieve this, a wide range of reforms is put into effect with a large spectrum of regulations and changes in politics. 89 European Scientific Journal March 2015 edition vol.11, No.8 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 Many developed countries like England, America, Canada contribute to the creation of new educational model by promoting collaboration in education and working of health care professionals by new law and regulations. That there has been an ongoing rise in the number of patients and the disabled recently paves the way for a new service and education system in the fields of health care, medicine and social service around world. This causes a renewal of pre-professional curricula with interprofessional perspective for the purpose of health care professionals to cooperate and work in coordination. The duties of those who provide security and justice service in Turkey are increasing, diversifying and getting harder day by day. The improvement of the quality of security, justice services and satisfaction of citizens depend on professionalization of those responsible for providing service and their attitudes towards interprofessional culture. The major impediment faced in security training is application of theory-centered education rather than practice-oriented methods and techniques in education (Sunger, 2013). One of the methods and techniques to put professional knowledge and skills into practice in a professional way and attitude is interprofessional educational model. IPE is applied in universities in many countries in the field of medicine and health science in associate, undergraduate, and postgraduate degrees (CIPW, 2007). Interprofessional training is an application based on continuity and permanent learning integrated with multi-disciplinaries. When interprofessional education is analyzed, it has been clear that a wide range of concepts such as multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, crossdisciplinary, teamwork, partnership, collaborative relationships, coordination, integration, interprofessionality, interprofessional practice substitute the term ‘interprofessional education’ by different academicians (Leathard, 1994, 2003; Reeves et al, 2010). It is obvious that those professionals working in this field have adopted the terminology commonly used in medical and health science (Leathard, 2003). The prefixes ‘multi’ and ‘inter’ are used alternately with the words ‘professional’ and ‘disciplinary’ (Oandasan and Reeves, 2005:23), which causes terminological complexity from time to time (Leathard, 2003). The definition and terminology of interprofessional education is quite complex. Barr (2010) defines interprofessional education emphasizing adult learning, group learning and collaborative learning. This definition is understood with comprehension of interprofessional identity and relation. 90 European Scientific Journal March 2015 edition vol.11, No.8 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 Figure 1: Patient-Oriented Interprofessional Education Model Nurse Cardiologist Doctor Patient Internist Surgeon Oculist Psycholog Source: Balcioglu, Yildirim and Pala, 2014. According to definition by Barr and others in 2005, IPE is a collaborative learning process of two or more professionals in medical and health care field. In IPE approach, instructors guide learners and promote their cooperation, cooperative learning skills. In return, they expect them to fulfill their responsibilities; to improve research and problem solving skills. IPE is an application that grounds on continous learning and sustainability blended with different cultures and disciplinaries. It is an educational approach enabling students to study in health care through solution oriented way and by setting criteria to provide better service to patients (Domac et al, 2014). Professionals working in the field of sport security and interprofessional education and study practise Historical Process of Legal Regulation in Prevention of Irregularity and Violence in Sports “European Convention on Spectator Violence and Misbehaviour at Sports Events and in Particular at Football Matches” was submitted to EU member countries for signature on 19.08.1985. Turkey signed this convention on 1986 and it was published on 26.08.1990 Official Journal No. 20617, Decree No.90/676. Some regulations were made in some provisions of “Law on Prevention of Irregularity and Violence in Sports Events” (Official Journal, No.25455), No. 5149 dated 28.04.2004, enacted on 07.072004, 14 years later and some regulations were done in some provisions of it, by means of the Law No.5340, enacted on 05.05.2005. 91 European Scientific Journal March 2015 edition vol.11, No.8 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 Regulation, regulating procedures and principles regarding application of law enacted on 28.08.2004 (Official Journal No.25567). It was seen that Law No.5149, formed to encourage expansion of regulation in sports events and organisations, became insufficient to prevent violence and irregularity in sports events since 2004, when it was enacted. And “Law on Prevention of Violence and Irregularity in Sports Events” No.6222, approved by Grand National Assembly of Turkey on 31.03.2011 to make up the deficiencies, enacted on 14.04.2011 with Official Journal No. 27905. In its general preamble, the Law No.6222, which is stated to be paralel to international developments and agreements, which are prepared, considering regulations and practices of other countries and international sports organisations, regulated crimes and punishments, speacial to this field, to protect the rights of fans and people, interested in sports, irregulations and violence. Professionals Working in the Field of Sports Events Police departments and gendarmerie are charged to provide safety services in the field of sport security, in “Law on Prevention of Violence and Irregulation in Sports Events” No.6222. Also, private security forces take place, as well. Definitions on police, private security, gendarme and sports attorney are in the following. Police is “uniformed and armed public official, authorised with legal responsibilities and power to remove threats to people’s rights and freedom, to protect, sustain and promote life quality, peace and reliance in public” (Cerrah, 2012:31). Gendarme is “the armed and military security and police force, fulfilling the duties of other law and regulations, providing sustaining public order by safety and security of Gendarmerie of Turkish Republic” (Article No.3 of Law on Duties and Authorities of Gendarmerie No.2803). Private security guard is “authorised to arrest a criminal, to prevent crime, to pick up and determine the defendant and to deliver crime scene and criminal evidences to general police forces” (Article No.16 of Regulation on Law Practice of Private Security Services No.5188). Sports Attorney is the person, serving for justice and security as a prosecution, authorised Public prosecutor for prohibition of watching, administrative fine and other administrative sanctions in sports events, with the duties and authorities, taken by Law No.6222. According to these provisions, security services are provided by given forces in the field of given sports. Even though it is certain what they are charged with, their operations and duties are legally regulated in these fields. As our subject, duties and authorities of these fields were regulated by the law No.6222. 92 European Scientific Journal March 2015 edition vol.11, No.8 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 Duties and Authorities of Security Professionals in Sports The aim of the Law No.6222 is to prevent violence and and irregularity on return routes, where the sports events will be held, or where the fans are temporarily or continuously in groups around sports areas, before sports events. In this chapter, duties and authoritites of police, gendarme and private security in sport security within the frame of this aim. a) Duties, Authorities and Responsibilities of Provincial Security Directorate, District Police Department, Provincial and District Gendarmerie Command  Sport Security Department is formed within Provincial Security Directorate, District Police Department, Provincial and District Gendarmerie Command. This department: -Presents an opinion to Provincial or District Sport Security Board about removing or placing of physical barriers such as wires, walls between spectator and the sports area. -Prepares statistical data and assess documents and information on international or national events in sports competitions and people getting into it. -Supports the works of sports club in order to prevent entrance of people, who are banned to watch the competitions. -Follows whether these spectators give notice to the closest police station or gendarmerie command and denunciates the ones, not giving notice. -Saves people, who are banned to watch sports competitions, into electronical data bank with their photos. -Determines violating people, all evidences with photos, videos or gets them determined, using developed cameraelectronic ticket system and information in data base. -Is responsible to inform their chiefs of sport security and follows information, published by fans on mass media on security of competition.  “Competition Security Chief” is charged by local authority among police commanders. -Provides necessary coordination with all institutions and people for security of competition, to take and control security measures in sports events. -Police forces and private security guards carry out duty together in command and under the control of Competition security chief. This department makes decision on increasing the number of police forces in tribunes. -Controls other physical measures and whether security camers in sports are works. Informs deficiencies to sport security board, reporting all of them. 93 European Scientific Journal March 2015 edition vol.11, No.8 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 -Helps interfering in events when private security guards are insufficient to interfere in the event of risky competitions and throwing out hellraiser people out of the sports area. -Does necessary procedural act for violating people and takes the photos of people, who are banned to watch sports events and informs sport security board about individual data, saving all in data bank. -Takes action according to law related to residence and travel of foreigners in Turkey No.5683, dated 15.07.1950, in case of the fact that foreigners are deported. -Charges traffic escort and security team on passing course of teams and fans, if necessary. -Stands up police forces in appropriate places such as sports areas, waiting rooms to interfere in events in shortest time. -Is responsible to charge police forces in the highest leagues of basketball and Professional football leagues ot of sports areas.  Also, observer police is charged for the highest league of football. Observer police, -carries out duty in the command of competition security chief. -Sends relevant forms to sport security department via e-mail system formed by central sport security board, before outdoor competitions. Provides information on trip, accommadation, number and programme of the team through sports club he is responsible for. -Workes with observer police, who is responsible for rival team. -Does necessary works with the representatives of the club, responsible for the fans in entrance to prevent entrance of fans, who are banned to watch sports events, into sports area. Does security works in public areas, where the fans can gather before competition. -Deliveres fans or fan groups, having the possibility of committal, to authorised person to do procedural act and determines people, who committed an offense through camera, photo and similar devices. b) Duties, Authorities and Responsibilities of Private Security Guards Private security guards are people, who are responsible for internal security from the first security cordon of sports area, who took the intended education about sport security within the frame of relevant procedure. -They are charged in sports area, according to job definition, stated in sports area security plan. -They take necessary security measures and prevent watching of competition from potentially dangerous places for human life around the sports area. 94 European Scientific Journal March 2015 edition vol.11, No.8 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 -They make security controls before accepting spectators into area and provide internal security of sports area until the competition finishes and spectators completely leave the sports area. -They make ticket controls before and during competition and prevent entrance of people without ticket or with electronic card of another person. They provide that people set according to the seat number in the ticket and that evacuation stairs stay free. -They prevent entrance of people except for officers, foreseen by international or national federations, by any means, during the period from acceptance of people into area to evacuation of people after completion of the sports event. -They control and search things of spectators in the entrance by means of technical equipments and by hand, if necessary. -They prevent use and acceptance of liqours, drugs, stimulants, guns (even though they are certified), crushive, driller, burnable and burner substantives against the bases of relevant federation. -They throw out the fans under the influence of alcohol, drug and stimulants. -They prevent passings between spectators of home team and guest team. -They inform the nearest police force about people, acting and talking in public, considered as an insult by other people. -They inform the nearest police force about audicences, disturbing the order in sports area (Law on Prevention of Violence and Irregularity in Sports No.6222). c) Duties, Authorities and Responsibilities of Sports Attorney - They rule on the ban of watching, - Administrative fine and other administrative sanctions (Law on Prevention of Violence and Irregularity in Sports No.6222). Existing Education Model of Professionals Working in Sport Security and Its Inadequacy Educational Status of Professionals in Police Department: junior and senior managers take education in Faculty of Security Science in Police Academy for 4 years, police officers take education in Police Vocational High School in Police Academy for 2 years and also, bachelors take education in Police Vocational Education Centers for 9 months. On the other hand, in service trainings continue through Professional life (Gundogdu, 2008; Alac and Balci, 2012:19-63). For example, there are some lessons such as sociology, weapons and shooting techniques, police ethiques, criminal law, human rights and social psychology in Police Vocational High Schools (, 2014). 95 European Scientific Journal March 2015 edition vol.11, No.8 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 Educational Status of Gendarmerie General Command: Officers take education in Turkish Military Academy (Harp for 4 years. Also, regular/contractual personnel as external source and promoted sergeants to officer meet personnel deficit. This personnel take education in Officer Candidate School, where legal, civil, military and other duties are taught, within Gendarmerie Schools Command for 1 year. After graduation, they take courde for 4 months in Gendarmerie Commando School. Sergeants take education in Gendarmerie Sergeants Vocational High School for 2 years, afterwards, they take core course of Gendarme Sergeant. The need of noncom and soldier is met according to military Law No.1111 among the armed obligators, assigned to Gendarmerie Genaral Command (Dogan, 2010). For example, there are some lessons such as behavioral sciences, weapon, public relations and communication in Gendarmerie Vocational High Schools (, 2014). Educational Status of Private Security: There are two categories including primary education and refresher training. Primary education consists at least 120 hour education including 100 hour education without weapon and 20 hour education with weapon. Refresher training is at least 60 hours 5 years later after primary education is completed. Educations are both theoretical and practical and certificate is given after the exam is given successfully. Security educations in sea ports and airports are seperated in law. Besides companies and education institutions, giving private security education, there are some departments such as “Defense and Security”, “Private Security and Guard” and “Security” programmes, giving 2 year education in universities (Ozarslan, 2010). For example, besides these lessons, there are some lessons such as crowd management, effective communication, security measures, security system and devices, drugs. Educational Situation of Sports Attorneys: Sports attorneys are assigned among graduates of law faculties with exam. Prosecutors are trained by practical educations in institutions such as notaries, supreme court, administrative court, tax court after theoretical education under the coordinatorship of Justice Academy. Afterwards, they are seperated into judges and prosecutors. The Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors assigns sports attorneys among prosecutors. Above stated forces aim to satisfy public, struggle with crime and criminals, prevent crime. Thus, both Police and Gendarmerie Departments and Prosecutors, and private security guards should be seperated into service and support branches to better struggle with crime and criminals. Having deep information on a subject, instead of having little information in every subject should be one of our aims in internal security management. These departments, helping branching out in some fields (Law Enforcement Agency, “department of anti-smuggling and organised crime”, 96 European Scientific Journal March 2015 edition vol.11, No.8 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 “Security Intelligence”, “Counterterrorism” and “fortress, communication, transportation, supply” of Gendermarie.), will increase specialisation in other service branches. Otherwise, which assigned position continually changes, will undergo learning process in every department he is assigned to. And this may lead to delay or failure of service. Branching out of personnel, who will take place in sports events, may be provided. Information on techniques of interference in social events in existing educational programme. But this may lead to point of view, which sees social events and spectator events in the same way. Thus, existing education may be regulated through some lessons like stadium security, spectator psychology, sociology. The Demand in Interprofessional Education and Studies in Training of Professionals Working in Sport Security Field As stated in first chapter, interprofessional education is a model, mostly used among health professionals. This education model produces common solutions, gathering professionals. For example, a person, having chest pain can be obliged to get an appointment from different speacialists such as cardiology, internal diseases and chest diseases. Surely, health professionals namely doctors, tackle the problem from their point of view. However, maybe the patient is having heart attack at this moment and can be faced with danger of death. This situation may lead to different complications or expansion of treatment. These given situations are valid for security professionals in sports. For example, in case of injury or stampede in sportive organisations as a result of throwing foreign material, professionals interfere in it. It would be wrong to consider spectator events as social events. Because, spectator seperates into fans, fanatics and hooligans. In these spectator groups, defenceless women, children and people take place as well as drug users, who don’t know what they do. Even, there are some tribune leaders, who make spectators swear and destroy the stadium. Spectator groups, sportsmen may be in fanatism in the direction of explanations before matches, news in social media, results of previous matches. When the event is considered from this point of view, security measures should be taken before, during and after sportive organisations. Only charging sufficient number of security professionals isn’t efficient in taking these security measures. Intelligence, narcotic, crime scene investigation, riot control vehicle should take place, too. Security weakness can be prevented in sportive organisations by all professional’s working smiltaneously. In short, it is not enough to charge sports office workers and private security in sportive organisations. 97 European Scientific Journal March 2015 edition vol.11, No.8 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 Thus, it is an inevitable obligatory to make cooperation in sports in terms of security. Interprofessional education model, taking place in health sector, too, is a necessary model in pre-professional and in service trainings for security professionals in sports. Therefore, its preparation will be useful. Figure 2: Security Centred Interprofessional Education Model in Sports Police Sports Attorney Sport Security Gendarmerie Private Security Professionals, working in sport security have to work in coordination and cooperation to provide peace and security of spectators in sportive organisations. Application Model of Interprofessional Education Model in Education and Studies of Professionals Working in Sport Security Security professionals take education in different institutions in Turkey. Curriculums of these institutions are different from each other. For example, prosecutors are chosen among graduates of law faculties and sent to Justice Academy; police chiefs take education Faculty of Security Science in Police Academy, police officers take education in Police Vocational High Schools or Police Vocational Educational Centers; gendarmerie officers take education in Turkish Military Academy, sergeants take education in Gendarmerie Sergeant Vocational High School, private security guards take education in private security education institutions. 98 European Scientific Journal March 2015 edition vol.11, No.8 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 Figure 3: Existing System in Education of Sport Security Professionals Police Academy Police Vocational High School Police Vocational Education Center Turkish Military Academy Gendarmerie Vocational HigH School Existing System in Education of Security Professionals in Sports Law Faculties Justice Academy Private Security Education Institutions Professionals, completing their educations in different education institutions, having different curriculum, try to provide security of sportive organisations. However, this different education situations prevent their working in sufficient coordination and cooperation, it is seen that it creates many problems in practice. At this point, it is seen that interprofessonal education and study programme should be applied in working orders, especially education for professionals in sport security to fill this gap. Professionals in sport security can prevent security weakness by this way. Interprofessional education model is a system, providing empathising with different profession groups and taking education with them. Professionals/specialists get prepared for professional life better, more rapid and more coherent by means of this model. 99 European Scientific Journal March 2015 edition vol.11, No.8 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 Figure 4: Two Phased For Interprofessional Education Model Presentation Prevocational Education Team Work Field Work Two Phased For Interprofessional Education Model Assessment Vocational training Case Study Interprofessional education model includes two topics. First of them is prevocational education, and the second one is vocational traning. a) Prevocational Education: The first stage of interprofessional education is prevocational education. In prevocational education, Professional candidates firstly take education of presentation and then field study. aa) Presentation Stage: At this stage, Professional candidates gather together with people, with whom they will work hierarchically and consecutively. They inform each other about their professions, Professional id and information, authorities and responsibilities, working procedures and pronciples, experiences and according to which legislation they act. So, candidates learn which professions are responsible for which tasks and they try to empathise with each other. Professiomal candidates take theoretical primary education. At this stage, especially practical and theoretical lessons of sport security such as behavioral sciences, social psycology and sociology, interference in social events are given. ab) Team Work Stage: At this stage, professional candidates try to practice theoretical information as team work. They try to approach, solve and analyse events as a team. They try to deduce from some team practices. ac) Field Work Stage: 100 European Scientific Journal March 2015 edition vol.11, No.8 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 At this stage, Professional candidates are asked to do some practices with interprofessional understanding as a team. They go to events, they do analyses assessments, reporting statistics, documents and information. They print them and use them as a source and experience. This prevocational stage is very important as it is the last stage to learn and practice interprofessionally. With this stage, Professional candidates find possibility to practice theories and the information they got through the first two steps of interprofessional education. b) Vocational Education The second stage of interprofessional education model is vocational study. In vocational studies, professionals do assessments again, within the frame of the data and information they had through the field. Afterwards, faults and deficiencies are met according to case studies. Ir is aimed to minimize the faults in practice through these educations in certain periods. It will be useful to use e-learning techniques at this stage. ba) Assessment Stage: At this stage, professionals inform each other about their experiences and knowledges they had in a certain period in interprofessional education way. Deficiencies, differences in working procedures and principles of role sharing are tackled again. bb) Case Study: At this stage, video presentations of ideal and case studies are tried to be anaysed. They find the opportunity to find their differences and faults while watching their bearing during events and finally, many important experiences are gained for Professional life. The Weakness of Security Professionals in Interprofessional Educational Model According to Hardy (1992), there are 5 weaknesses working as a team. These are: (1) structural differences of security units among them (2) differences in their working procedures (3) seperate allocation of funds among institution and units (4) diffirences in management (5) obstacles in payment of communication and organization expenses. In addition to these, we may confront ideologies, values, desires, abilities and varieties in specialities of professionals as blind side. To Pietroni (1992), differences in Professional language, jargons, diverse Professional backgrounds, various professional perception and approach in professional branches and unity are weaknesses of IPE while others claim leadership and corporate structure as weakness point of IPE (Marshall and others 1979, McGrath,1991). Different income levels among security professionals may be a hindrance. That Educational institution training security professionals have 101 European Scientific Journal March 2015 edition vol.11, No.8 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 different understanding of educational model and curricula may result in over- specialization, which leads incompetency of professionals especially in cases where general information and skills are needed. The Application of Interprofessional Education in Sport Security Educational Field in Turkey In traditional educational methods, security professional are trained to carry out two taskes: the judiciary and the executive. In some cases both of duties may be met. The traditional education of security professional is based on monoprofessional/uniprofessional. Security professionals may face problems of lack of coordination and miscommunication in multiprofessional cases, which requires the educational institution to internalize interprofessional educational model rather than uniprofessional one through training of security professionals. In professional education, it is aimed to provide vertical and horizantal communication and coordination both at intra-agency and inter-agency level for the administrative function of crime prevention of the security professionals (Balcioglu et al, 2014). Conclusion The coordination of internal security agencies, defined as threshould of criminal justice system has an indisputable importance to provide security, peace of society and maintain it. That security professionals do their duties in mutual cooperation and coordination plays an indispensable role not only for their individual dignity, but also ensuring peace and security as well as efficient implementation of criminal justice system. What the Security Professionals do and how they carry out their duties has an important effect on how society comprehend the criminal and justice system (Barker and Carter, 1986:3). On the implementation of law and security policies, security professionals have power of discretion to constraint individual/social rights and freedoms more than other professions. Security professionals have obligation to prevent and fight crime in cooperation and coorination with both national and international level security agencies fulfilling their duties. To do that, they need practical training rather theory in both prevocational and on-the-job training programmes. Interprofessional education gets the security professionals to work practically with professionals in different specialities. 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Ankara: Polis Akademisi Güvenlik Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Law on Duties and Authorities of Gendarmerie No.2803. Regulation on the Implementation of the Law of 5188 about Private Security Service. Law related to Residence and Travel of Foreigners in Turkey No.5683 Law on Prevention of Violence and Irregularity in Sports Events No.6222. 104