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Frequent Subgraph Mining from Streams of Uncertain Data

2008, Proceedings of the Eighth International C* Conference on Computer Science & Software Engineering - C3S2E '15

Proceedings of the Eighth International C* Conference on Computer Science & Software Engineering Keio University Hiyoshi Campus (Yokohama) July 13 – 15, 2015 Proceedings of C3S2E15 Yokohama, Japan 2015-07-13 - 2015-07-15 General Chair Bipin C. Desai (Concordia University, Canada) Program Chair Motomichi Toyoma(Keio University, Japan) Local Chair Motomichi Toyoma(Keio University, Japan) Editors Bipin C. Desai(Concordia University) Motomichi Toyoma(Keio University) Sponsors Concordia University Keio University and with the cooperation of ACM & The Database Society of Japan The Association for Computing Machinery 2 Penn Plaza, Suite 701 New York, New York 10121-0701 ACM COPYRIGHT NOTICE. Copyright © 2008 by the Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. 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ISBN: 978-1-4503-3419-8 Editorial production by: BytePress Cover Artwork by: photo (C) Yokohama Convention & Visitors Bureau : Back Photo (C) BytePress Table of Content Full Papers Short Papers Poster Papers Preface Reviewers from the Program Committee External Reviewers Organizers Full Paper Specification and Analysis of a Relationship Based Access Control Model Phillipa Bennett(Colorado State University) Indrakshi Ray(Colorado State University) Robert France(Colorado State University) 1 Mining High-Utility Itemsets with Multiple Minimum Utility Thresholds Jerry Chun-wei Lin(Harbin Institute of Technology) Wensheng Gan(Harbin Institute of Technology) Philippe Fournier-viger(University of Moncton) Tzung-Pei Hong(National University of Kaohsiung) 9 Frequent Subgraph Mining from Streams of Uncertain Data Carson K. Leung(University of Manitoba) Alfredo Cuzzocrea(University of Calabria) 18 Big social network mining for following patterns Fan Jiang(University of Manitoba) Kyoji Kawagoe(Ritsumeikan University) Carson K. Leung(University of Manitoba) 28 User Agent and Privacy Compromise Jianhui Zhu(Concordia University) Bipin C. Desai(Concordia University) 38 Context-Aware Cloud Service Brokerage: A Solution to the Problem of Data Integration among SaaS Providers Touraj Laleh(Concordia University) 46 Full Paper(Continued) Serguei A. Mokhov(Concordia University) Joey paquet(Concordia University) Yuhong Yan(Concordia University) Performance Evaluation of MySQL InnoDB and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 for Decision Support Environments Rafael Correia Almeida(Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra) Pedro Furtado(Universidade de Coimbra) Jorge Bernardino(Instituto Politecnico de Coimbra) 56 Personality traits, Learning Preferences and Emotions Ana Raquel Faria(Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto) Ana Maria Almeida(Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto) Constantino Martins(Instituto Politecnico do Porto) Ramiro Gonçalves(Universidade de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro) Lino Figueiredo(Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto) 63 Semantics-Assisted Deep Web Query Interface Classification Chichang Jou(Tamkang University) 70 Premises of an algebra of Japanese characters Antoine Bossard(Kanagawa University) 79 A Graph Transformation Approach for Automatic test cases generation from UML Activity Diagrams Abdelkamel Hettab(Université Mentouri 2) Elhillali Kerkouche(Centre Universitaire de Jijel) Allaoua Chaoui(Universite de Constantine 2) 88 Short Paper Clustering-based Approach for Categorizing Pregnant Women in Obstetrics and Maternity Care Sónia Pereira(Universidade do Minho) Filipe Portela(Universidade do Minho) Manuel Filipe Santos(Universidade do Minho) José Machado(Universidade do Minho) António Abelha(Universidade do Minho) 98 REST API Management and Evolution Using MDA Marek Polák(Charles University Prague) Irena Holubova(Charles University Prague) 102 Detecting Representative Tweets of Microblogging Users Shuangyong Winter Song(Fujitsu R&D Center) Yao Meng(Fujitsu R&D Center) 110 Pragamana: Performance Comparison and Programming Alpha-Miner Algorithm in Relational Database Query Languageand NoSQL Column-Oriented Using Apache Phoenix Kunal Gupta(Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology) Astha Sachdev(Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology) Ashish Sureka(Software Analytics) 113 Efficient Skyline Itemsets Mining Vikram Goyal(Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology) Ashish Sureka(Software Analytics) Dhaval Patel(Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee) 119 A Framework for Big Data Analytics 125 Short Paper(Continued) Verena Kantere(University of Geneva) Maxim Filatov(University of Geneva) Reliable virtual channels over VPN for cloud Suthee Sirisutthidecha(Rangsit University) 133 A New Approach for Generating LOTOS Specifications from UML dynamics models Salim Djaaboub(Universite de Constantine 2) Elhillali Kerkouche(Centre Universitaire de Jijel) Allaoua Chaoui(Universite de Constantine 2) 138 Poster Paper Social Media Blogs: A Special Blog Search Engine João Simões(Instituto Politecnico de Coimbra) Frederico Azeiteiro Jorge Bernardino(Instituto Politecnico de Coimbra) 144 Generating Test Cases for Android Applications through GUI Modeling, Usage Modeling, and Change Analysis Jose Lorenzo Adaya San Miguel(Keio University) Shingo Takada(Keio University) 146 External Event-Based Test Cases for Mobile Application Siena Aspe Yu(Keio University) Shingo Takada(Keio University) 148 Forward These are the proceedings of the 8 th annual event of C3S2E. The rate of development in computing science and use of software in all types of applications and devices making up the internet of things is increasing. Computer science and its offspring software engineering is, hence, facing more challenges. Privacy, security and the related issues of data, job displacements would have to be of concern to this community. This is the first time that C 3S2E has been co-located with another event; thanks to the hard work of Prof. Toyoma and his team, this has been made possible. Acknowledgment: I would like to take this opportunity to thank Motomichi Toyama and his team at the host institute for making C3S2E'15 possible. He was responsible for selecting an excellent set of papers for this meeting after a review process which distributed the submitted papers to four reviewers. The meeting would not have been possible without the help and effort of many people and organizations. Thanks are owed to ACM(Anna Lacson, Craig Rodkin, Deborah Cotton), BytePress/, Concordia University(CSE, ENCS, Financial services), and Keio Univesity, for their support of this conference. Many other people, who contributed selflessly have been involved in organizing and holding this event: I appreciate their efforts and dedication. Bipin C. Desai General Chair, Montreal, July 2015 Preface C3S2E'15 is the eighth annual meeting in this conference series and is hosted by Keio University, Yokohama, Japan between July 13and 15 2015; it is co-located with IDEAS'15. The objectives of the C 3S2E series is to address the current and future needs of the academic community in computer science and software engineering. It has served over the last eight years as a platform to present new findings on theoretical and/or practical aspects of many aspects of computing science. They include engineering reliable software engineering, sharing experiences on integrating new technologies into products and applications, discussing the work on applying computing and software engineering to real-life situations, updating the development and operations of challenging computing related systems, and identifying unsolved challenges. C3S2E'15continues to keep to the tradition of inviting international experts in various areas of computer science and software engineering to join our program committee. This committee has done an excellent job in completing the single, double and triple blind review and online double-blind debate processes in record time. The paper selection process was thorough and competitive. On average, each paper was refereed by at least three reviewers. About 84% of reviews were submitted by the due date and about 3.3 reviews were received for each paper. From the submissions, 11 papers were selected as full and 8 as short papers. This allowed us to maintain a standard of high quality with full paper acceptance of 24% and a further 17% for the short papers. In another stream of submissions for graduate posters, we selected 50% of the submitted posters. Acknowledgment: we would like to take this opportunity to thank Keio University, our host institute for making C 3S2E'15 possible. We would also like to thank the authors, members of the program committee and external reviewers whose diligent work was a great help in fselecting excellent papers for this program. We would also acknowledge the support of BytePress, Concordia University and The Database Society of Japan. We are honoured to have three excellent speakers: Sihem Amer-yah, Hiroyuki Kitagawa and Masaru Kitsuregawa who took time out of their busy schedules to be with us. Bipin C. Desai IDEAS General Chair, Montreal, Motomichi Toyoma Program and Local Chair, Yokohama Reviewers from the Program Committee * Gilbert Babin(HEC Montreal, Canada) * Hubert Baumeister(Technical University of Denmark, Denmark) * Orlando Belo(Universidade do Minho, Portugal) * Luigi Buglione(ETS/Engineering.IT SpA, Italy) * Alina Campan(Northern Kentucky University, United States) * Cagatay Catal(Istanbul Kultur University, Turkey) * Allaoua Chaoui(Universite de Constantine 2, Algeria) * Yuting Chen(Shanghai Jiaotong University, China) * Xin Chen(University of Hawaii - Manoa, United States) * Bipin C. Desai(Concordia University, Canada) * Zongming Fei(University of Kentucky, United States) * Benjamin C. M. Fung(McGill University, Canada) * Ziad Kobti(University of Windsor, Canada) * Carson K. Leung(University of Manitoba, Canada) * Cuauhtemoc Lopez-martin(Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico) * Michele Loreti(University of Florence, Italy) * Yun Lu(Florida International University, United States) * Dwight James Makaroff(University of Saskatchewan, Canada) * Richard Mcclatchey(University of the West of England, Bristol, United Kingdom) * Serguei A. Mokhov(Concordia University, Canada) * Daniel Moldt(Universitat Hamburg, Germany) * Sudhir Mudur(Concordia University, Canada) * Wilfred Ng(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong) * Olga Ormandjieva(Concordia University, Canada) * Joey Paquet(Concordia University, Canada) * Kalpdrum Passi(Laurentian University of Sudbury, Canada) * Alexandre miguel Pinto(Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal) Reviewers from the Program Committee (Continued) * Peter Z. Revesz(University of Nebraska - Lincoln, United States) * Christopher Rouff(Near Infinity Corporation, United States) * Paulo Rupino da cunha(Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal) * Anabela Simões(Instituto Politecnico de Coimbra, Portugal) * Motomichi Toyama(Keio University, Japan) Organizers General Chair Bipin C. Desai (Concordia University, Canada) Program Chair Motomichi Toyoma(Keio University, Japan) Local Chair Motomichi Toyoma(Keio University, Japan)