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Neutral oligosaccharides of bovine submaxillary mucin. A combined mass spectrometry and 1H-NMR study

1992, European Journal of Biochemistry

zyxwvutsrqpo zyxwvutsrqpo zyxwvutsrqpo Eur. .I.Biochem. 203,257-268 (1992) @) FEBS 1992 Neutral oligosaccharides of bovine submaxillary mucin A combined mass spectrometry and 'H-NMR study Wengang CHAI , Elizabeth F. HOUNSELL' , Geoffrey C. CASHMORE' , Jerzy R. ROSANKIEWICZ ', Christopher J. BAUER ', James FEENEY Ten FEIZT and Alexander M. LAWSON ', Section of Clinical Mass Spectrometry and ' Section of Glycoconjugates, MRC Clinical Research Centre, Harrow, Middlesex, England MRC Biomedical NMR Centre, NIMR, Mill Hill, England (Received June 12/September 17,1991) - EJB 91 0769 Twenty-two neutral 0-linked oligosaccharides ranging from monosaccharides to octasaccharides were identified in bovine submaxillary-gland-mucin glycoprotein by a combination of liquid secondary-ion mass spectrometry, methylation analysis and 'H-NMR. Only five of these have been previously detected in bovine submaxillary-gland mucin although several have been described from other sources of mucin. The structures include short linear sequences 3-linked to N-acetylgalactosaminitol (GalNAcol) and branched structures based on either a GlcNAc(p1- 6)[Gal(p1- 3)IGalNAcol or GlcNAc(B1 - 6)[GlcNAc(pl- 3)IGalNAcol core region. Oligosaccharides not previously characterised from any source were the disaccharide GalNAcal - 6GalNAcol (GalNAc, N-acetylgalactosamine and the hexasaccharide GlcNAc(p1- 6){GalNAc(al- 3)[Fuc(al-2)]Gal(~1-4)GlcNAc(fil3))GalNAcol (Fuc, L-fucose). Oligosaccharides of the blood-group-A type have not been detected previously in bovine submaxillary-gland mucin although their occurrence on bovine gastric-mucosal glycoproteins has been established by classical immunochemical studies. Bovine submaxillary-gland mucin (BSM) was among the first mucin glycoproteins to be purified and studied [l - 51. Early structural investigations of its 0-linked carbohydrate chains (E 70% of the mass) indicated a predominance of the acidic disaccharide NeuAc(a2 - 6)GalNAc [6 - 81. Later, the presence of galactose, L-fucose (Fuc) and/or N-acetylglucosamine [9] was detected in addition to N-acetylneuraminic acid and N-acetylgalactosaminitol, consistent with the occurrence of longer chains and more complex oligosaccharides in BSM. This has been confirmed by studies on acidic oligosaccharides [lo- 131. Neutral oligosaccharides comprise approximately one fifth of the total oligosaccharides and five structures have been characterised previously [lo]. In the present study a more comprehensive analysis of neutral oligosaccharides released from BSM by Carlson degradation [14] has been made by a combination of liquid secondary-ion mass spectrometry (LSIMS), GC-MS and 'H-NMR, to establish the range of structures present and allow comparison with other mucins. The results show greater diversity of chains than previously reported, among which are a series of oligosaccharides with blood-group-A-rela ted sequences. MATERIALS AND METHODS Preparation and isolation of BSM neutral oligosaccharide alditols BSM, prepared by a procedure essentially as described by Tettamanti and Pigman [3],was purchased from Sigma Chemical Co., Dorset, England (Type 1-S). Oligosaccharides were released from BSM by the digestion procedure of Carlson [14]. In brief, BSM (450 mg) was incubated with 0.05 M NaOH/1.0 M NaBH, (20 ml) for 16 h at 45°C. After acidification to pH 5 by addition of acetic acid/ H 2 0 (1 : 1, by vol.), the reaction mixture was passed through a column of ion-exchange resin (Bio-Rad) with a 15 ml lower bed containing AG 50W-X2 (H' form) and a 20 ml upper bed containing AG 50W-X8 (H' form), and washed with four column volumes of HzO. The combined effluent and washes were lyophilized and the boric acid removed by co-evaporation with several additions of methanol. The residue was dissolved in 2 mM pyridine/acetate buffer (pH 5.0, 2 ml) and applied to a Bio-Rad AG 1-X2 (acetate form, 2 0 ml bed volume) anion-exchange column equilibrated in the same buffer. The column was eluted with 50 ml buffer and the effluent lyophilized to give neutral oligosaccharide alditols (designated as N fraction; 23 mg dry mass). Further elution with aqueous 0.3 M formic acid gave acidic sialylated oligosaccharide alditols which were not analysed in the present study. The neutral oligosaccharides were chromatographed on a Bio-Gel P-4 (200-400 mesh, 1.6 x 100 cm) column at 55°C with elution by water and fractionated to give: N I , 8.8 mg; N2,4.3 mg; N3, 3.2 mg; N4, 2.6 mg; N5,0.4 mg; N6, 0.2 mg (Fig. 1). zyxwvutsrqp zyx Correspondem. to A. M. Lawson, Section of Clinical Mass Spectrometry, Clinical Research Centre, Watford Road, Harrow, Middlesex HA1 3UJ, England Ahhreviutions. GalNAcol, N-acetylgalactosaminitol; GalNAc, N-acelylgalactosaminc; dHex, deoxyhexose; Hex, hexose; HexNAc, N-acetylhexosamine; HexNAcol, N-acetylhexosaminitol; Fuc, Lfucosc; LSIMS, liquid secondary-ion mass spectrometry; BSM, bovine submaxillary-gland mucin. zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrqp 258 HPLC purification tor operated at 206 nm. Elution was performed with a linear gradient of CH3CN/H20, 85:15 (by vol.) (solvent A) to CH,CN/H20, 50:50 (by vol.) (solvent B) at a flow rate of 1 ml/min (for N2: 10% B to 60% B in 35 min; for N3: 20% B to 70% B in 50 min; for N4 and N5: 30% B to 80% B in 50 min; for N6: 40% B to 90% B in 50 min) (Fig. 2). The unresolved subfractions, N2-2/N2-3 and N3-3/N3-4, were further fractionated by the same system using shallower gradients. Fractions N2-N6 were chromatographed on an APSHypersil2 column (NH2, 5 pm, 5 x 250 mm, Shandon Scientific Runcorn, UK) using a Varian 5000 Liquid Chromatograph system with Varian UV-100 variable-wavelength detec- Preparation of partially methylated alditol acetates and GC-MS analysis I 4 Permethylation was carried out essentially by the method described by Ciucanu and Kerek [15]. The permethylated oligosaccharide alditols were hydrolysed, reduced and acetylated as described [16]. GC-MS analysis was performed on a JEOL JMS-DX303 mass spectrometer using a DB-1 (30 m x 0.244 mm internal diameter x 0.25 pm) capillary column with helium as a carrier gas. The initial column temperature was 50°C programmed to 150°C at 25"C/min, to 250°C at 5"C/min and to 280°C at 10"C/min. Mass spectra were recorded at 70 eV electron energy and 300 PA, at a source temperature of 240°C. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba 5 B 7 6 10 9 11 12 Time (h) Fig. 1. Bio-Gel P-4 chromatogram of neutral oligosaccharide alditols released from BSM by alkaline horohydride degradation. The five fractions N2 - N6 were further fractionated by HPLC. Calibration of the column was carried out using a hydrolysate of dextran. Glucose units are indicated by numbers (1 - 11). Liquid secondary-ion mass spectrometry LSIMS analysis was carried out on a VG ZAB-2E mass spectrometer fitted with a caesium ion gun operated at 25 keV (for negative-ion detection) or 35 keV (for positive- 0.20 0.20 1 5 1 -R 0 M 2 N3 0 p5 0.11 e 4 2b Ib O''O I0 30 20 0.15 I 30 0.15 N4 2 1 zyxwvutsrqpo I 50 40 Time (minl Time (min) N6 -zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg 0.10 (D 0 0 s % 4 0.05 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfed J I 10 20 30 Time (mid 40 , 50 I 10 20 30 Time (mid 1 A0 50 1 I0 20 30 40 50 Time Imtn) Fig. 2. Elution profiles of oligosaccharide fractions N2 - N6 chromatographed on an APS-Hypersil 2 column. Fractions were collected for compositional and sequence analysis. z zyxwvutsrq 259 zyxw zyx zyxwvutsrq Table 1. LSIMS data of native and perrnethylated BSM neutral oligosaccharide alditol fractions. Oligosaccharide Native (M-H)- Saccharide composition Permethylated MH m1z + fragment ions mlz N1 222 HexNAcol N2-1 N2-2 N2-3 N2-4 N2-5 N2-6 42 5 42 5 384 530 587 733 HexNAcHexNAcol HexN AcHexNAcol HexHexNAcol dHexHexHexNAco1 HexHexN AcHexNAcol dHexHexHexNAcHexNAco1 553 553 512 686 757 93 1 2601228 2601228 29412761262 294/276/262 2601228 2601228 N3-1 N3-2 N3-3 N3-4 N3-5 N3-6 N3-7 587 628 733 587 733 749 89 5 HexHexNAcHexN Acol HexNAczHexNAcol dHexHexHexNAcHexNAco1 HexHexNAcHexN Acol dHexHexHexNAcHexNAco1 Hex,HexNAcHexNAcol dHexHexZHexNAcHexN Acol 757 798 931 757 931 961 1135 464/432 2601228 260/228,638 2601228 2601228 4641432 464/432 N4-1 N4-6 N4-7 790 (936 936 936 (895 1041 1082 (1041 1244 1187 HexHexNAc2HexNAcol dHexHexHexN AczHexNAcol dHexHexHexNAczHexNAcol dHexHexHexNAczHexN Acol dHexHexzHexNAcHexNAcol dHex,Hex2HexNAcHexNAcol dHexZHexHexNAcZHexNAcol dHexzHexzHexNAcHexNAcol dHex2Hex2HexNAczHexNAcol dHex,Hex2HexNAcHexNAcol 1002 1176 1176 1176 1135 1309 1350 1309 1554 1483 2601228,4641432 883) 2601228 260/228,638/606 4641432) 638/606 260/228, 812 6381606) 260/228,883/638 8 121606 N5-2 N5-3 N5-5 1139 1244 1244 dHexHexHexNAc3HexNAcol dHex2HexZHexNAczHexNAcol dHexzHexzHexNAc2HexNAcol 1421 1554 1554 2601228, 883j851 260/228, 8831638 638 N6-2 1447 dHex2HexzHexNAc3HexNAcol 1799 260/228,883/638 N4-2 N4-3 N4-4 N4-5 zyxwvu zyxw ion detection) with an emission current of 0.5 pA. Full mass spectra were acquired at 30 s . decade- using the VG Analytical 11 - 250 J data system in continuum acquisition mode. Spectra of native oligosaccharides (1 - 3 pg) were recorded in negative-ion mode and permethylated derivatives ( x 1 pg) in positive-ion mode. Thioglycerol was used as the liquid matrix. 'H-NMR spectroscopy 500 MHz 'H-NMR spectra were obtained using a Bruker AM500 spectrometer operating in the Fourier transform mode and equipped with an Aspect 3000 computer. Chemical shifts were measured in ppm from the signal for internal acetone and given with reference sodium 4,4-dimethyl-4silapentane 1-sulphonate taken as 2.225 ppm from acetone at 295 K. The spectra were interpreted with the aid of a computer program [17] designed to match signals in the spectra with those reported in the literature. The spectrum of the disaccharide in fraction N2-2 was completely assigned by decoupling in a one-dimensional difference experiment. The oligosaccharides N2-2, N5-2 and N6-2 were analysed by 600 MHz 'H-NMR spectroscopy on a Varian Unity 600. Spectra were obtained using a shifted Gaussian weighting function. Phasesensitive dou ble-quantum-filtered correlated spectroscopy was carried out at 600 MHz on N6-2. RESULTS The released neutral oligosaccharide alditols from BSM were fractionated on a Bio-Gel P-4 column (Fig. 1) and the peaks N2 - N6 were re-chromatographed separately on an HPLC column of alkylamine-bonded silica (APS-Hypersil 2). HPLC subfractions were analysed by LSIMS to establish composition and purity (Table 1). Fractions N2-1 -N2-6, N3-1 -N3-7, N4-1 -N4-7, N5-2, N5-3, N5-5 and N6-2 (Fig. 2) contained sufficient amounts of carbohydrate material for structural elucidation. LSIMS was carried out on native and permethylated fractions providing evidence of the composition and partial sequence (Table l),with methylation analysis giving linkage information (Table 2). Homogeneous oligosaccharide fractions having a composition not previously reported for BSM carbohydrate chains were analysed by 'HNMR. Each Bio-Gel P-4 fraction was initially screened by negative-ion LSIMS to determine its homogeneity. As a representative example, the spectrum from fraction N3 (Fig. 3) indicates the presence of at least five oligosaccharide molecular species ([M-HI- ions: m/z 587, 628, 733, 749 and 895). The relative abundance of these ions and the ultraviolet detection response at 206 nm obtained from individual components by HPLC of N3 (Fig. 2) were in good agreement. 260 zyxwvutsrqp II 3 i n1 zyx zy (7) 1:49 895 Fig. 3. The negative-ion LSI mass spectrum of native oligosaccharides in fraction N3 from Bio-Gel P-4 chromatography. The peaks in the HPLC chromatogram of N3 (see Fig. 2) containing the assigned [MHI- ions are shown in parenthesis. Table 3. BSM oligosaccharides with unbranched core GalNAcol. Abundance was based on the dry mass of Bio-Gel P-4 fractions and the subsequent HPLC profiles determined by ultraviolet absorbance at 206 nm. Approximate abundance of fraction N (by mass) Fraction Structure N1 N2-1 N2-2 N2-3 N2-4 N3-1 N3-3 GalNAcol 44 GlcNAc(1- 3)GalNAcol 11.5 GalNAc(a1 - 6)GalNAcol 3.0 0.8 Gal(1 - 3)GalNAcol Fuc(l-2)Ga1(1-3)GalNAcol 5.0 Gal(l-4)GlcNAc(l-3)GalNAcol 0.3 GalNAc(1 -3)[Fuc(l-2)]Ga~(I -3)GalNAcol 1.0 % 0 I I I i,l I I I I I I I l + Z l I I I IS1 I zyxwv zyxwvu I The major ohgosaccharides identified were categorised into three groups; those having an unbranched core GalNAcol (Table 3), those having a trihexosamine core (Table 4) and those with a branched GlcNAc(1- 6)[Gal(l- 3)IGalNAcol core (Table 5). The relative abundance of oligosaccharide components were determined by HPLC. I 0 I I S 1 I h Oligosaccharides having unbranched core regions (fractions N l , N2-1- N2-4, N3-1 and N3-3) I I zyxwvuts As expected from its elution position on Bio-Gel P-4 and from its liquid secondary-ion (LSI) mass spectrum, fraction N1 contained the monosaccharide GalNAcol identified previously amongst the oligosaccharides released from BSM [lo]. Oligosaccharides in fractions N2-1 and N2-3, identified by mass spectrometry (Tables 1 and 2) as GlcNAc(1-3)GalNAcol and Gal(1- 3)GalNAcol, respectively, were presumed to be the major oligosaccharides identified earlier [ 101 and were not analysed further. The LSI mass spectrum of permethylated fraction N2-2 (Fig. 4) and methylation analysis (Table 2) indicated the pres- z zy 261 Table 4. BSM oligosaccharideswith core type: GlcNAc(1- 6)(GlcNAc(l- 3)jCalNAcol. Fraction Structure Approximate abundance of fraction N (by mass) ~~ Yo N3-2 GlCNAc(P1- 6) \ GalNAcol 3.9 GlcNAc(P1- 3) / Gal(P1- 4)GlcNAc(Pl - 6) N4- 1 ' Fuc( 1 -2)Gal(1 -4)GlcNAc(l- 6) N4-3 1.2 \ GalNAcol 2.6 GlcN Ac( 1 - 3) / F~~(~-~)G~(~-~)[Fuc(I-~)]G~cNAc(~ -6) N4-5 \ GalNAcol GlcNAc(1- 3) / N5-2 0.5 zyxwvutsrqpon zyx ClcNAc(/ll- 6) GalNAc(al-3)[Fuc(al-2)]Gal(/lI N5-5 zy zyxw GalNAcol GlcNAc(P1- 3) / ' GalNAcol 0.5 \ GalNAcol 0.2 / -4)GlcNAc(/?1-3) Fuc(a1- 2)Gal(PI -4)GlcNAc(/l1-6) / Fuc(al-2)Gal(~1-4)ClcNAc(~1-3) zyxwvutsr zyxwvutsrqponm zyxwvutsrqponmlk 260 I MH + 88 2 B 553 68 I 4 48 d 28 8 m z 8 Fig. 4. The positive-ion LSI mass spectrum of permethylatcd fraction N2-2, GalNAc(a1- 6)GalNAcol. - HB'GalN - H4GalN - HlGalN H2GalN H201 H5GalN I . . m - y i l v - T - , < - 4 1 I d i a , H6GalN z -- H501 H3GalN Ha01 H6'ol Hlol m - H401 H601 Hl'Ol 7 1 , 4 " 3 J 3 0 9 7 Chemical Shift (ppm) Fig. 5.600-MHz 'H-NMR spectrum of oligosaccharide fraction N2-2, GalNAc(a1- 6)GalNAcol. 3 6 3 5 3 4 262 zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvuts z Table 5. BSM oligosaccharideswith core type: GlcNAc(1- 6)[Gal(l- 3)]GalNAcol. Fractions containing the same oligosaccharide are listed together. ~ ~~ Approximate abundance of fraction N (by mass) Structure Fraction Yo GlcNAc(P1- 6) N2-5/N3-4 \ GaiNAcol 1.0, 3.2 \ GalNAcol 0.2, 5.9 Gal(B1- 3) / GlcNAc(P1-6) N2-6/N3-5 Fuc(al-2)Gal(Pl- zyxw 3) / N3-6 G ~ I ( / ~ ~ - ~ ) G I C N A 6) C(~~I\ GalNAcol Gal(jl1- 3) / N3-7 Gal(P1- 4)GlcNAc(P1-6) 1.O \ GalNAcol 0.7 \ GalNAcol / 1.5 \ GalNAcol 6.6 \ GalNAcol 0.5 Fuc(a1-2)Gal(B1 - 3) / GlcNAc(P1- 6) N4-2 GalNAc(al-3)[Fuc(al -2)]Gal(P1-3) Fuc(a1- 2)Gal(/?1-4)GlcNAc(fi1-6) N4-4 / Fuc(al-2)Gal(Bl-3) Fuc(a1-2)Gal(jl1 -4)[Fuc(al-3)]GlcNAc(P1-6) N4-7 Fuc(al-2)Gal(~1 - 3) / GalNAc(a1- 3)[Fuc(al- 2)]Gal(B1-4)GlcNAc(jll- 6) N4-6/N5-3 Fuc(al-2)Gal(BlGaINAc(a1- 3)[Fuc(al-2)]Gal(/?1-4)GlcNAc(P1- N6-2 6) zy zyx \ GalNAcol 3) / ' GalNAc(a1- 3)[Fuc(d- 2)]Gal(al- 3) / 0.1,0.7 0.3 GalNAcol Table 6. Comparison of the 'H-NMR chemical shifts and coupling constants for disaccharide a-wGalNAc(1- 3)-~-GalNAcol1 (data from [HI) and a-D-GalNAc(l-6)-D-GalNAcol 2. Coupling constants given to one decimal place are k0.3 Hz and those given to two decimal places are kO.01 Hz. Disaccharide Residue Chemical shift zy H1 H1' H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H6' NAc 2 2 GalNAc GalNAcol GalNAc GalNAcol 5.103 3.810 4.916 3.739 3.718 3.676 4.235 4.395 4.186 4.256 3.921 3.888 4.075 3.872 4.043 3.680 3.992 3.397 4.073 3.749 4.084 3.990 3.791 3.647 3.750 3.565 3.768 3.647 3.779 3.797 2.049 2.060 2.046 2.055 Disaccharide Residue Coupling constant J1,z Ji,,z J2.3 J3.4 4.07 5.60 3.9 6.10 8.22 1.94 11.32 2.32 10.99 10.99 3.11 8.00 2.95 1.83 1 1 Jt.1. zyxwvut J4.5 J5.6 j5,6' J6,6' 1.20 2.08 1.2 9.77 5.36 7.00 11.74 4.88 4.88 1.30 7.37 11.9 10.37 Hz ~~ 1 1 2 2 GalNAc GalNAcol GalNAc GalNAcol 11.45 11.3 z zy zyxwv 263 Table 7. 'H-NMR chemical shifts of oligosaccharide fractions having the GlcNAc(l-6)[GlcNAc(l-3)~GalNAcol core. D-GalNAcol, (0); p-Dgalactose, (0); j-D-N-acetylglucosamine,(0);u-L-fucose,( A ) ; a-D-N-acetylgalactOSamine,(H). The superscripts at the name of the sugar indicate the linkage positions of the subsequent monosaccharides in the sequence. Residue GalNAcol Gal(l43) ,2)4.3 Signal H2 H3 H4 H5 NAc HI H2 H4 HI H5 Chemical shifts of fraction N3-2 N4- 1 N5-2 4.285 3.989 4.238 2.045 4.283 3.987 3.518 4.242 2.045 4.282 3.985 3.514 2.044 N5-5 zyxw CH3 GlcNAc (1-6) GlcNAc (1+3) Gal (1 -+4) Fuc (I -21496 Fuc(1-3) Fuc( 1 -2) Blood group A GalNAca HI H6 NAc HI H6 NAc H1 H2 H4 HI H5 CH3 HI 145 CH3 HI H4 H5 CH3 HI NAc 4.538 2.064 4.599 - 2.082 ence of a novel disaccharide GalNAc(1- 6)GalNAcol. Small amounts of the partially methylated alditol acetates for GlcNAc(1 -) and (- 3)GalNAcol were due to carry over from the previous HPLC fraction N2-1. The 'H-NMR spectrum (Fig. 5) showed a downfield a-anomeric signal o f J l . z = 4 Hz and chemical shift 4.916 ppm, characteristic of a GalNAccl residue. Comparison of the signals of GalNAcol with the related oligosaccharides GalNAc(a1- 3)GalNAcol (Table 6) and Ga1(~1-4)GlcNAc(~1-6)GalNAcol[IS, 191 gave confirmatory evidence for the assignment GalNAc(al-6)GalN Acol. LSIMS analysis of the native fraction N2-4 ([M-HI-, m/z 530, Table 1) and of the permethylated fraction (MH', m/z 686) together with methylation analysis (Table 2) showed that the sequence Fuc(1- 2)Ga1(1- 3)GalNAcol commonly found in mucins is also present in BSM. 4.562 3.998 2.060 4.597 3.952 2.082 4.412 4.542 2.066 4.597 3.949 2.080 5.598 4.280 3.510 4.225 2.043 5.31 1 4.249 1.234 4.540 2.066 4.602 2.082 4,54014,526 3.89213392 5.305 3.925 1.234 5.348 3.837 4.320 1.251 5.177 2.039 zyz zyxwvu N3-1 contained a trisaccharide with a Hex/HexNAc/ HexNAcol (Hex, hexose; HexNAc, N-acetylhexosamiae; HexNAcol, N-acetylhexosaminitol) composition, [M-HI- at rnjz 587 (Table 1). Permethylation gave a MH' at m/z 757 with a strong fragment doublet at m/z 464/432 indicative of the Hex(1- 4)HexNAc sequence. Methylation analysis was consistent with the sequence ga1(1 - 4)GlcNAc(l- 3)GalNAcol. Fraction N3-3 was of limited amount but could be partially characterised. LSIMS of the free and permethylated oligosaccharide indicated the dHex/Hex/HexNAc/HexNAcol (dHex, deoxyhexose) composition (Table 1). The approximate 1 : 1 : 1 :1 ratio of Fuc(1 -)/GalNAc(l -)/( -2,3)Gal(l-)/ ( - 3)GalNAcol linkages by methylation analysis was consistent with two possible structures but most likely to represent the scquence GalNAc(1- 3)[Fuc(l- 2)]Ga1(1- 3)GalNAcol. 264 zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg - -- - - HlGaN H 1Fuc / 5.4 I , I H2ol HlGlN HlGal , l , , , , , l , j1 / , , , ,> , 5.3 5.2 ppm - H501 n HlGlN H301 - HSFuc H2GaN m H5GaN ( 4.5 , , , , 1 4.4 , , , , , 4.3 / 1 , 1 ( , , , 4.2 , 4.1 / , , ~ ( 1 4.0 1 - H401 H4FuC rl H6GlN I l l , 3.9 , I I l l I I 7 8 1 , 3.7 3.8 I 7 I ) 3.6 ' , I ' , 3.5 " ' I / 3.4 Chemical Shift (ppm) Fig. 6. 600-MHz 'H-NMR spectrum of oligosaccharide fraction N5-2, GlcNAc(B1- 6)(GalNAc(ul- 3)[Fuc(al- Z)]Gal(Bl- 4)GlcNAc(B1- 3)) GalNAcol. zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrqponm zyxwvutsrqponm xi0 '0 'XIO'O P 2 3 0 2 zyxwvutsrqponm zyxwvutsr 883 68. MH+ 1421 5 48- ,228 2 B 851 MNa' 1443 Fig. 7. The positive-ion LSI mass spectrum of permethylated fraction N5-2, GlcNAc(B1- 6)(GalNAc(ul- 3)Fuc(al- Z)]GaI(B1-4)GlcNAc(/?l- 3)) GalNAcol. Oligosaccharides based on the trihexosamine core GlcNAc(p1- 6)[GlcNAc(jl- 3)]GalNAcol (fractions N3-2, N4-1, N4-3, N4-5, N5-2 and N5-5) The minimum structure of this series, the trisaccharide core, was present in fraction N3-2 as indicated by its LSI mass spectrum ([M-HI-, m/z 628) and 'H-NMR analysis (Table 7). The latter gave a spectrum having chemical shifts typical of GalNAcol linked at C6 and C3 by GlcNAcP [16,17] and two additional N-acetamido methyl signals and two p-anomeric doublets of coupling constant J1, = 8.3 Hz, indicative of the two GlcNAc residues. LSIMS and methylation analysis agreed fully with this interpretation (Tables 1 and 2, respectively). The saccharide composition ([M-HI-, m/z 790) and 'HNMR analysis (Table 7) of fraction N4-1 were consistent with its major component being a tetrasaccharide having GalPl -4 linked to the GlcNAc on the 6 branch of the core (Table 4), the 'H-NMR data for which has been described previously for an oligosaccharide of bronchial mucins [20]. The LSI mass spectrum of the permethylated fraction (MH', m/z 1002) had fragment ions, mjz 260/228 and 4641432 corresponding to GlcNAc and Gal-GlcNAc sequences, respectively and were in accord with this assignment. Additional ions in the spectrum at nz/z 1176 (MH') and mlz 883 (fragment ion) indicated the presence of a less-abundant component which from methylation analysis (Table 2) showed minor amounts of linkages Fuc(1 -), GalNAc(1 -), (-2,3)Ga1(1-) and (-3)GalNAcol and suggested the structure GalNAc(1- 3)[Fuc(l-2)]Gal(1-4)GlcNAc(l- 3)GalNAcol. LSIMS of the native fraction N4-3 ([M-HI-, m/z 936 and 895) was consistent with the presence of two components with compositions dHex/Hex/HexNAc2/HexNAcol and dHex/ Hex2/HexNAc/HexNAcol.The ratio of partially methylated alditol acetates produced from fraction N4-3 representing the linkages Fuc(1 -)/Gal(l -)/GlcNAc(l -)I( - 4)GlcNAc(l-)/ (- 2)Gal(1-)/( - 3,6)GalNAcol in the approximate ratio of 1 :0.3 :0.8 : 1 : 1 : 1 (Table 2), were interpreted as indicating an 80: 20 mixture of the blood-group-H-containing structure Fuc(1 - 2)Ga1(1 - 4)GlcNAc(l - 6 / 3)[GlcNAc(l - 6 / 3)]GalNAcol and Gal(l-4)GlcNAc(l- 6)[Fuc(l-2)Ga1(1- 3)]GalNAcol (Tables 4 and 5). Fragment ions in the LSIMS permethylated spectrum, mlz 2601228 (HexNAc), mlz 4641432 (Hex/HexNAc) and rn/z 6381606 (dHexlHexlHexNAc) were in agreement with these assignments. Subsequent microscale sequence analysis based on TLC-MS of neoglycolipid derivatives [21] confirmed the presence of the major component with Fuc-Hex-HexNAc on the 6 arm of GalNAcol and HexNAc on the 3 arm (data not shown). Fraction N4-5 was a mixture of several components with carry over from fraction N4-4 and consequently could not be completely characterised. The LSI mass spectrum of permethylated fraction N4-5 indicated its major component to have a composition dHexz/Hex/HexNAc,/HexNAcol (MH' at m/z 1350, Table 1) and fragment ions m/z 260 (terminal GlcNAc) and mlz 812 (dHexz/Hex/HexNAc).Together with the methylation analysis (Table 2) N4-5 was deduced to contain an analogue of N4-3 (Table 4) having an additional fucose residue linked 1-3 to GlcNAc giving Fuc(lh2)Gal(l-t4)[Fuc(1 +3)]GlcNAc sequence on the 1-6 arm. zyxwvutsrq z zyxwvut zyxwvuts zy zyxwvutsr 26 5 Confirmation of this was obtained by microsequencing analysis [21]. The [M-HI- at m/z 1139 obtained from LSIMS of native fraction N5-2 implied a hexasaccharide composition of dHex/ Hex/HexNAc,/HexNAcol. Results of H-NMR analysis (Table 7 and Fig. 6) indicated N5-2 to be a novel structure and were consistent with the trihexosamine core extended on the 3-linked GlcNAc by the blood-group-A sequence GalNAc(a1- 3)[Fuc(ctl-2)]Gal(/31-4). The composition was confirmed from the permethylated LSI mass spectrum which indicated the GlcNAc and GalNAc-(Fuc-)Gal-GlcNAc branching sequences from fragment ions at m/z 260 and 883, respectively (Fig 7). Linkage information from the partially inethylated alditol acetate derivatives was also consistent with the hexasaccharide structure showing Fuc(1- )/GlcNAc(l -)/ GalNAc(1 -) /(-4)GlcNAc(l-)/(-2,3)Ga1(1-)/(-3,6)GalNAcol in the approximate ratio 1 : 1 :1: 1: 1: 1 (Table 2). N5-5 had a monosaccharide composition of dHex2Hex2HexNAc2HexNAcol ([M-H]-, m / z 1244) and an NMR spectrum consistent with that of a heptasaccharide, previously identified in bronchial mucins [20], having two blood-groupH-containing chains, Fuc(a1- 2)Gal(p1- 4)GlcNAc(/31-), on the core GalNAcol. The LSI mass spectrum of permethylated N5-5 showed an M H t at mjz 1554 and an intense fragment ion at m/z 638 indicative of the dHex/Hex/ HexNAc. Methylation analysis confirmed the linkages Fuc(1 -)/( - 2)Ga1(1 -)I( -4)GlcNAc(l-)/( - 3,6)GalNAcolin an approximate ratio 2: 2: 2: 1 (Table 2). - 3.5- ' 1 zyxwvutsrqpon H5GaN g; H4G HBGaNIol H2GaN H201,- so .;f H3Gal . .. ' -e fg -:0004: HGGaN -HGGaN ;.. H3GaN H5Fuc HlFuc H 1 GaN HlGal HlGlN zyxwvuts Oligosaccharides having a GlcNAc(b1- 6)[Gal(bl- 3)]GalNAcol core (fractions N2-5/N3-4, N2-6/N3-5, N3-6, N3-7, N4-2, N4-4, N4-6/N5-3, N4-7 and N6-2) The trisaccharide core structure GlcNAc(/YI - 6)[Gal(/313)]GalNAcol (fractions N2-5/N3-4) and its analogue fucosylated at C2 of galactose on the (2-3 branch (fractions N2-6jN3-5) were identified by Tsuji and Osawa [lo] and have been characterised previously from other sources by 'H-NMR [18, 20, 22-25]. Their structures were fully established in the present study (Tables 1, 2 and 8). Oligosaccharides representing a Gal(1- 4) extension of the 6-linked GlcNAc of the above structures were found in fractions N3-6 and N3-7. The tetrasaccharide N3-6 gave an [M-HI- at mjz 749 in negative LSIMS indicating the Hex2/ HexNAc/HexNAcol composition and an 'H-NMR spectrum (Table 8) in accordance with this commonly found mucin oligosaccharide [18, 20, 22, 24-26]. LSIMS of the native ([M-HI-, mjz 895) and permethylated (MH', m/z 1135) fraction N3-7 indicated a pentasaccharide structure (Table 5) and 'H-NMR data were consistent with previously reported data [23-271 (Table 8). Fragment ions, m/z 464/432, in the permethylated spectrum indicated the Gal-GlcNAc- branch while a small ion at mjz 961 may have arisen from fucose loss from the MH' ion or from the tetrasaccharide in N3-6 due to some overlap in fraction collection. The composition of N4-2 was established as dHex/Hex/ HexNAc2/HexNAcol from LSIMS of the native oligosaccharide ([M-HI-, m/z 936). The NMR spectrum (Table 8) was consistent with the previously characterised blood-group-Acontaining pentasaccharide [28]. LSIMS of the permethylation product MH' m/z 1176 and the partially methylated alditol acetates (Table 2) were consistent with this interpretation, the latter clearly showing the GalNAc(1 -) and (-2,3)Gal(l -) features. 4.5 Fig. 8. The double-quantum-filtered correlated spectrum at 600 MHz of oligosaccharidefraction N6-2 GalNAc(a1- 3)(Fuc(al- Z)1Gal(/31- 4)GlcNAc(B1- 6){GalNAc(~l-3)Fuc(al- 2)1Gal(!l- 3)]GalNAcol. The monosaccharide composition of fraction N4-4 was m/z 1041). The 'H-NMR spectrum (Table 8) matched previously recorded data [23,24,26] for a hexasaccharide having a terminal bloodgroup-H determinant on both arms. Its permethylated LSIMS MH' ion at m/z 1309 and intense fragment ions m / z 638/606, together with methylation analysis (Table 2), were in accord with this assignment. An analogue of N4-4 having an additional fucose residue was identified in fraction N4-7 (dHex,Hex,HexNAcHexNAcol; [M-HI-, m/z 1187). The NMR spectrum (Table 8) showed the presence of a heptasaccharide previously characterised in bronchial mucin [24]. The LSI mass spectrum of the permethylated fraction yielded mjz 1483 (MH') and fragment ions mjz 812, produced from cleavage of the GlcNAc(1-6) glycosidic bond, and m/z 606 from subsequent elimination of the 3-linked fucose from mlz 812 [29]. Methylation analysis confirmed this linkage with the presence of the partially methylated alditol acetate from (- 3,4)GlcNAc(l-) as well as substantiating all other linkages (Table 2). The NMR spectra of N4-6/N5-3 and N6-2 (Table 8) showed the presence of blood-group-A-containing heptasaccharides and octasaccharides previously characterised in blood-group-A-active human ovarian mucins [28]. Chemical shifts were assigned by reference to the literature [28] and the two-dimensional correlated spectrum shown in Fig. 8 for fraction N6-2. Their structures were confirmed by mass spectrometry as follows: fractions N4-6/N5-3 contained a heptasaccharide of composition dHex2Hex2HexNAc2HexNAcol ([M-HI-, m/z 1244). The permethylated LSI mass spectrum was in agreement with this composition ( M H + ,m/z 1554) and showed the 6-linked oligosaccharide chain from the fragment ion mjz 883, HexNAc(dHex-)HexHexNAc, and m/z 2601228 for the terminal HexNAc. Methylation analysis gave an approximate 2: 1 : 1: 1 : 1 : 1 ratio of partially methylated alditol acetates representing Fuc(1 -)/GalNAc(l -)/( - 2)Ga1(1-)/ dHex2/Hexz/HexNAc/HexNAcol ([M-H]-, zyxwvutzz N Table 8. 'H-NMR chemical shifts of oligosaccharide fractions having the GlcNAc(l-+6)1Gal(l- 3)1GalNAcol core structure. Abbreviations and superscripts as used in the legend to Table 7. ~~~~~~ Residue Signal GalNAcol Gal( 1--t 3) GlcNAc ~~ Chemical shifts of fraction N3-4 N3-5 N3-6 N3-7 N4-2 N4-4 N4-6/N5-3 N4-7 N6-2 4.395 4.061 3.466 4.282 2.067 4.464 3.560 3.899 4.403 4.084 3.503 4.257 2.058 4.573 3.538 3.92 5.222 4.277 1.244 4.550 3.94 2.054 4.398 4.063 3.460 4.287 2.067 4.465 3.560 3.897 4.30 3.579 4.161 2.036 3.529 4.209 4.406 4.084 3.499 4.263 2.054 4.514 3.922 5.221 4.278 1.243 4.551 3.997 2.060 4.404 4.080 3.498 4.271 2.053 4.573 3.923 5.221 4.227 1.240 4.549 3.985 2.060 4.405 4.082 3.489 4.255 2.055 4.573 3.584 - 4.558 3.999 2.065 4.404 4.084 3.498 4.255 2.055 4.579 3.538 3.925 5.223 4.277 1.245 4.566 4.001 2.055 4.081 3.584 2.036 4.696 3.898 4.225 5.184 4.319 1.228 4.567 4.410 3.537 3.924 4.471 3.538 3.926 4.539 3.922 5.331 4.229 1.233 4.598 - 4.051 zyxwvutsrqponm Fuc( 1-+2) (1 -4 H2 H3 H4 H5 N Ac HI H2 H4 H1 H5 CH3 HI H6 NAc H1 H6 NAc H1 H2 H4 H1 H5 CH 3 HI H5 CH3 HI H2 H3 H4 H5 HI H2 H5 CH3 o\ o\ GlcNAc (1-3) Gal (1 +4) Fuc (1 +2)4,6 Fuc(1+3) GalNAcx Fuc(l+2) Blood group A 4.535 3.932 2.067 4.554 3.935 2.055 - 2.057 4.596 3.906 4.216 5.283 1.236 5.104 1.272 5.178 5.176 3.999 2.047 5.372 3.996 2.039 5.319 4.316 1.232 4.319 1.252 - 5.219 4.276 1.243 4.556 2.050 - 5.174/5.184 4.244 3.9 - 2.04512.045 5.349 3.8 4.318 1.247 z zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvut zyxwvutsr 267 + xi0 '0 I88 XiO'O 260 883 MH+ zyx 638 I P 4 48 2 zi? 228 I 1799 28 E 288 Fig. 9. The positive-ion LSI mass spectrum of permethylated fraction N6-2, GalNAc(a1- 3))IFuc(al-2)jGal(/?1-4)GlcNAc(~1- 6)(GalNAc(a1- 3)[Fuc(al- 2)jGal(B1- 3))GalNAcol. zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrqp (-4)GlcNAc(l-)/( -2,3)Gal(l-)/( - 3,6)GalNAcol, supported the assigned linkages (Table 2). For fraction N6-2 a [M-HI- ion at m/z 1447 of the native oligosaccharide indicated a composition of dHex2/Hex2/HexNAc3/HexNAcol. The permethylated LSI mass spectrum (MH+, m/z 1799) gave rise to fragment ions from the 6-linked and 3-linked sequences that provided evidence for the blood-group-A-containing sequences at n ? / 883, ~ GalNAc(Fuc-)Gal-GlcNAc- and m/z 638, GalNAc(Fuc-)Gal-, the latter arising from a less common glycosidic cleavage at galactose (Fig. 9). Methylation analysis substantiated the composition and monosaccharide linkages of N6-2 (Table 2) and its assigned structure (Table 5). DISCUSSION This study highlights the complexity of neutral 0-linked oligosaccharides present in BSM in contrast to the previously perceived simplicity of chains from this source. Of the 22 oligosaccharides identified, ranging from monosaccharides to octasaccharides, only five have been detected previously in BSM [lo]. A combination of LSIMS of native and permethylated oligosaccharides, 'H-NMR and methylation analysis was used as appropriate to define the oligosaccharide alditols released from BSM under the conditions employed by Carlson [14]. Alternative conditions of alkali/borohydride hydrolysis used to liberate oligosaccharides from the glycoprotein [ 10, 111 were found by LSIMS screening of released oligosaccharides, to yield lower amounts of the larger oligosaccharides and give rise to small amounts of unidentified but degraded oligosaccharides (results not shown). The source of BSM and preparation method used might also be expected to affect the final proportions of individual oligosaccharides determined. The chromatographic isolation strategy to obtain relatively pure fractions of oligosaccharides was based on gelfiltration chromatography and subsequent HPLC as this provided the best means of optimizing separation of components differing in molecular mass and concentration. Negative-ion LSIMS screening of Bio-Gel P-4 and HPLC fractions proved of particular value for estimating the approximate distribution of molecular species present. The relative intensity of [M-HIions representing each component in a mixture agreed closely with their HPLC profile from ultraviolet detection at 206 nm. This is likely to be dependent upon the dHex, Hex and HexNAc composition of the oligosaccharides analysed and the balance of HexNAc to Hex or dHex in relation to greater surface activity in the LSIMS matrix and ultraviolet absorbance of HexNAc. The commonly observed suppression of LSIMS signals of one component by another in a mixture (e. g. peptides) is not as apparent for native oligosaccharides due to structural similarity. Of the oligosaccharides characterised with short linear sequences linked to GalNAcol, the disaccharide GalNAc(a16)GalNAcol has not been previously identified in BSM or, to our knowledge, on any other mucin glycoprotein. In 0-linked oligosaccharides of glycoproteins, N-acetylgalactosamine, when found as a chain-terminating monosaccharide, is usually linked a1 - 3 to galactose or N-acetylgalactosamine. This new disaccharide suggests the existence of an N-acetylgalactosaminyl transferase which facilitates cll - 6 linkage of GalNAc to GalNAcal-protein. The majority of structures elucidated contained the branched (- 3,6)GalNAcol core, based either on GlcNAc(j1- 6)[Gal(P1- 3)IGalNAcol or GlcNAc(~1-6)[GlcNAc(PI - 3)IGalNAcol. In the latter series a novel hexasaccharide, GlcNAc(P1- 6)(GalNAc(al- 3)Fuc(clI-2)]Gal(PI -4)GlcNAc(PI - 3))GalNAcol, was identified. The blood-group-A structure has not been found previously in BSM although it has been detected by immunochemical methods in bovine gastric-mucosal glycoproteins by Kabat and associates [30]. In the present study an additional three oligosaccharides were identified with the blood-groupA sequence in structures with a GlcNAc(P1- 6)[Gal(Pl- 3)]GalNAcol core region. The anomeric configurations were not assigned in an unbranched oligosaccharide, GaINAc(1- 3)[Fuc(l - 2)]Ga1(1- 3)GalNAcol, but it may also have the blood-group determinant. In its structural diversity of 0-linked oligosaccharides, BSM resembles other mucin glycoproteins and indeed, together with the acidic structures present, which represent some 80% of total oligosaccharides in BSM, it is a readily available source of oligosaccharides for structural and functional studies. The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of C.-T. Yuen in gel-filtration aspects of the work. REFERENCES 1. Gottschalk, A. (1960) Nature 186, 949-951. 2. Tsuiki, S., Hashimoto Y. & Pigman, W. (1961) J. Bid. Chem. 236, 2172-2178. 3. Tettamanti, G. & Pigman, W. (1968) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 124,41- 50. zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrq 4. Tanaka, K., Bertolini, M. & Pigman, W. (1964) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 16,404-409. 5. Tanaka, K. & Pigman, W. (1965) J . Biol. Chem. 240, PC14871488. 6. Gottschalk, A. & Graham, E. R. B. (1959) Biochem. Biophys. Acts 34, 380 - 391. 7. Bhavanandan, V. P., Buddecke, E., Carubelli, R. & Gottschalk, A. (1964) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 16, 353-357. 8. Ozeki, T. & Yosizawa, Z. (1971) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 142, 177 - 183. 9. Bertolini, M. & Pigman, W. (1970) Curhohydr. Res. 14, 53-63. 10. Tsuji, T. & Osawa, T. (1986) Carbohydr. Res. 151, 391 -402. 11. D’Arcy, S. M., Donoghue, C. M., Koeleman, C. A. M., van den Eijnden, D. H. & Savage, A. 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