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Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Pigeon Pea


Knowledge on population genetic structure is essential for effective managements of plant genetic resources on farm. Eight varieties of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.) including landraces, released varieties and promising lines of Nepal were compared for the amplitude of polymorphism at the loci of four enzyme systems: alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH), malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and peroxidase (POX). Polymorphism

Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Pigeon Pea Bal Krishna Joshi1*, Hari Prasad Bimb1, Devendra Gauchan1, Jwala Bajracharya1, Pitamber Shrestha2 and Madhusudan Prasad Upadhyay1 1 Nepal Agricultural Research Council, PO Box 1135 Kathmandu, Nepal Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and Development (LI‐BIRD), Mahendrapul, PO Box 324, Pokhara 2 Corresponding author: Biotechnology Unit, NARC, Khumaltar, PO Box 1135 Kathmandu Email: Tel: 5539658 Fax: 5545485 Running Title: Genetic Structure of Pigeon Pea ABSTRACT Knowledge on population genetic structure is essential for effective managements of plant genetic resources on farm. Eight varieties of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.) including landraces, released varieties and promising lines of Nepal were compared for the amplitude of polymorphism at the loci of four enzyme systems: alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH), malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and peroxidase (POX). Polymorphism was observed among the populations and a total of 25 alleles and 9 loci occurring with different frequencies were recorded for 4 enzymes. Different combination of banding patterns of these enzymes led intra‐ and inter‐variation with an understanding of genetic structure of populations under study. Cluster analysis of isozyme data with 4 enzymes grouped pigeon pea varieties into two distinct groups. Landraces (Chanki and Pajawa populations) were genetically different from improved varieties (Bageshwori and Rampur Rahar 1). ICPL‐84072 and Chanki possessed highest number of alleles per locus (2.6). ADH‐1 was highly diverse (Ht=91) with highest mean gene diversity within populations (Hs=0.82). IDH‐1 showed high coefficient of gene differentiation with highest gene diversity among the populations (Gst=0.54; Dst=0.29). On an average, genetic variation within populations (0.47) was higher than among populations variation (0.17). Landraces and promising lines were most diverse with high values of diversity parameters and they clustered together. Chanki, a commonly grown landrace exhibited high gene diversity and they were genetically identifiable from homogenous improved varieties. Key words: Cajanus cajan, genetic diversity, gene differentiation, polymorphism, isoenzymes Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Pigeon Pea INTRODUCTION Leguminous crop is important as a source of protein and it is also cropped to increase soil fertility. Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.) is a multipurpose legume crop grown as a sole or intercrop in Nepalese farming systems with diverse use values as dhal (dehusked seeds as soup), feed (leaves for livestock), firewood, huts and baskets making by dry stem. The crop is well adapted even in marginal lands. High diversity in morphological traits of pigeon pea grown in Kachorwa has been reported by Bajracharya et al (1999), Sherchand et al (1999), Rana et al (2000). Diversity in pigeon pea varied with respect to wealth category and production environments (Joshi et al 2007). Chanki and Pajawa are common landraces and Chanki is grown widely in large area by many households. Begeshwori and Rampur Rahar‐1, the two improved varieties were released by Nepal Agricultural Research Council for Central and Western Nepal (NARC 2000). In addition to many landraces, 5 wild species are found in Nepal (Neupane 1999). Diversity is being maintained by farmers to meet their diverse needs in diverse environments. Maesen (1990) has grouped all cultivars under primary gene pool. The tertiary gene pool of pigeon pea consisting of wild species is not crossable with primary gene pool. Mallikarjuna and Moss (1995) have studied barriers between wild and cultivated species. Isozyme band was used to confirm the hybrid nature of the plants. Diversity measures based on farmers' local variety names and morphology is often used in on‐farm conservation to relate actual genetic diversity available on farmers' fields. However, morphological diversity measures often underestimate or overestimate the actual amount of genetic diversity, as they are based on observable morphological and phenological characteristics rather than actual population genetic structure of the crop varieties. Thus previous studies on farmers' variety choice and decision are poorly linked with genetic diversity information. An understanding of genetic diversity of landraces and varieties grown by farmers is essential to link the farmers' needs and improvement works and developing incentives and strategies for in situ conservation programmes. Information on which populations are genetically diverse or contains rare alleles and which households or communities are maintaining such genetically diverse crop populations, could be linked and it will help in identifying the crop populations or landraces with high diversity and group of households to target for on‐farm conservation. Population structures along with genetic relationship and diversity are useful for developing strategy of conservation and utilization of crop genetic resources. Diversity study at biochemical level is one of the reliable techniques. Isozyme has been used in many crops for study of genetic diversity and population structure eg barley (Bajracharya et al 2003a), flax (Mansby et al 2000), grass pea (Chowdhury and Slinkand 2000), chickpea (Kazan et al 1993), broad bean (Torres et al 1995). Isozyme was also used to verify farmers’ naming that was used describing landraces (Bajracharya et al 2003b). Isozymes are inherited non‐ dominantly at individual loci therefore it is possible to assign a genotype as an individual from its electrophoretic profile (Brown 1979, Wendel and Weeden 1989). This approach is relatively simple that allows data to be collected quickly from large sample sizes, low cost compared to other molecular techniques and recognized and made available early in the history of genetic marker development. Pigeon pea is often self‐pollinated and biannual crop. Because of its different breeding system we can relate population structure and breeding system with maintenance of diversity on‐farm. Farmers grow BSN E‐Bulletin Vol. 1. Oct. 2009 Page 1 Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Pigeon Pea pigeon pea in small area. Population genetic structure in such a small population if there is diversity could help in policy formulation for on‐farm management of agricultural biodiversity. Pigeon pea is one of the mandated crops of the project strengthening the scientific basis of in situ conservation of agro biodiversity on farm‐Nepal. But it was studied least (Joshi et al 2005). Present study has thus used isozymes to assess genetic diversity, population structure and genetic relationship among eight pigeon pea populations with specific objectives: to measure the extent and distribution of genetic diversity, to relate genetic diversity and farmer division making, to measure intra/inter varietal diversity, to study genetic diversity between landraces and modern varieties and consistency between farmer names and genetic distinction. MATERIALS AND METHODS Plant materials Eight populations of pigeon pea comprising 2 landraces from Bara (Central Tarai), 2 released varieties for Central and Western Tarai regions of Nepal and 4 promising lines introduced from India were included in the study. Each variety/line was considered as a population and 10 samples for each population were collected from 10 farmers for landraces, 10 production fields for improved varieties and 10 different research trials for promising lines (Table 1). Samples of improved varieties were obtained from Regional Agriculture Research Station (RARS), Nepalgunj. Isozyme analysis Equal proportions of plumules of 3‐5 seedlings of each sample raised over moistened filter paper in controlled condition of 30oC for 7 days in dark were used for enzyme extraction in L‐Ascorbic acid buffer (0.1 mol/L Ascorbic acid, glycerol, and pH 7.4) following the methods of GEVES (GEVES, 1993). The extracted leaf samples were electrophoresed in tris buffer (0.400 mol/L Tris, pH 8.0 with 105 mol/L citric acid) using 12% starch gel (potato starch S‐4501, Sigma company, USA) for overnight at 4oC and at constant 4 watt power supply. After electrophoresis, the gels were sliced horizontally and stained for enzymes: alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH, EC, isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH, EC, malate dehydrogenase (MDH, EC and peroxidase (POX, EC dipping the slices in respective enzyme trays and enzymes for staining were prepared following the manual developed by Biotechnology Unit, 2000 (BU 2058). Isozyme banding pattern were scored based on zone of activity and number of bands developed for respective enzyme. Genetic interpretation of banding pattern could not be done but each enzyme activity presumed as locus and numbers of bands were recorded for each zone of activity/locus (Plate 1) and individual band seen for the active zone was scored as presence (1) and absence (0) for further numerical analysis of the genetic similarity and distance (Wendel and Weeden, 1989). Most anodal active zone for each enzyme system is coded as locus 1 and based on the migration of band in gel, the most anodal band of each locus is coded alphabetically as “a”, “b” so on. A locus with two or more alleles is considered as polymorphic (Chang and Kang 1996, Nei 1975). BSN E‐Bulletin Vol. 1. Oct. 2009 Page 2 Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Pigeon Pea Table 1. Pigeon pea populations used in the study Population Source Sample size Code Description Bageshwori RARS, Nepalgunj 10 Ba Improved. Plants with spreading growth habit, SMD resistance, thin pods with small grains and scented on cooking Chanki Kachorwa, Bara 10 Ch Landrace. Tall plants with spread branching habit, yellow flower, thin pods with small and light brown grains ICP‐7035 RARS, Nepalganj 10 IC7 Promising variety ICPL‐84072 RARS, Nepalganj 10 IC8 Promising variety Pajawa Kachorwa, Bara 10 Pa Landrace. Short statured plants with erect branching habit, Yellow flower, thick and spotted pods with bold and brown grains Pusa 14 RARS, Nepalganj 10 P14 Promising variety Pusa 9 RARS, Nepalganj 10 P9 Promising variety Rampur RARS, Nepalganj 10 RR Improved. Tall plant with high branching, bold and white grains Rahar‐1 RARS, Regional agriculture research station. SMD, Sterility mosaic disease. Plate 1. ADH isozyme pattern in pigeon pea Data analysis A total of 16 bands were used as isozyme characters. Based on combination of the bands and their banding pattern zymogram were developed. Genetic variability in each population was assessed for alleles per locus/zone (A), alleles per polymorphic locus/zone (Ap), percentage of polymorphic loci/zones (P) and BSN E‐Bulletin Vol. 1. Oct. 2009 Page 3 Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Pigeon Pea mean gene diversity, variation within (Hs) and among (Dst) populations and coefficient of gene differentiation (Gst) according to the unbiased method of Nei (1973) using Genestat software (Lewis, 1992). Further, genetic variations among the populations were measured in all possible pair‐wise comparisons using Nei’s genetic distance (1973) and cluster analysis (UPGMA). The resulting dendrogram depicted variation and affinities among the populations. The analytical findings were expedited following the computer program, NTSYS (Rohlf 1998). RESULTS A total of 8 populations comprising of 10 samples of each were assayed for 4 enzymes and 9 zones of activity as loci were resolved with a total of 16 bands (alleles). One to four loci were resolved for enzymes over the populations with the maximum 4 loci for POX and all loci were polymorphic. However, two improved varieties, Bageshwori and Rampur Rahar‐1 were found without a zone of activity for ADH and MDH but all loci were found in two landraces. Two populations, ICP‐7035 and ICPL‐84072 have alleles with more homogenously distributed than other populations. Frequency of alleles ranged from 0.06 to 1 (Table 2). All loci except Idh‐1 were polymorphic in two landraces, Chanki and Pajawa. Pusa‐9 has least number of polymorphic loci. Promising lines, ICPL‐84072 and ICP‐7035 have all polymorphic loci. Except Idh‐1 in Chnaki and Adh‐2 and Mdh‐2 in Pajawa all other loci were polymorphic. Some of samples across the populations were observed with no activity and this is assumed as null allele effect. Therefore a total of 25 alleles including the null alleles of respective enzymes were used in analysis for genetic similarity and distances among populations. Isozyme variation One to four zones of enzyme activity were detected. Zymograms based on allelic combination of these polymorphic loci were sketched and are shown in Figure 1. Minimum 3 (IDH) to 29 zymograms and maximum 7 different bands (POX) were observed. None of the bands were observed common over the populations of pigeon pea under study. In ADH, two zones of enzyme activity were detected and 7 zymograms and 4 different alleles were observed in 8 populations of pigeon pea (Figure 1). Zymogram A was common in Bageshwori and Pusa 9. Pajawa was most diverse for this enzyme with maximum of 6 zymograms (Table 3). IDH detected a single zone of activity with two alleles and 3 zymograms were observed (Figure 1). Zymogram A was again common in Bageshwori and Pusa 9, whereas B was in Chanki and ICPL‐84072. Others occurred in low frequencies (Table 3). BSN E‐Bulletin Vol. 1. Oct. 2009 Page 4 Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Pigeon Pea Table 2. Frequency of allele for 4 isozymes in 8 pigeon pea populations Locus Allele Populations Bageshwori Chanki ICPL‐84072 ICP‐7035 Pajawa Pusa‐9 Pusa‐14 Adh‐1 Adh‐2 Idh‐1 Mdh‐1 Mdh‐2 Pox‐1 Pox‐2 Pox‐3 Rampur/Rahar‐1 a 0.00 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 b 0.00 0.31 0.38 0.23 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 n 0.00 0.46 0.38 0.54 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 a 0.00 0.64 0.43 0.54 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 b 0.90 0.29 0.29 0.23 0.33 1.00 0.90 1.00 n 0.10 0.07 0.29 0.23 0.07 0.00 0.10 0.00 a 0.20 1.00 0.83 0.67 1.00 0.20 0.00 0.10 b 0.70 0.00 0.17 0.33 0.00 0.70 1.00 0.80 n 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.10 a 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.80 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 n 0.00 0.00 0.70 0.20 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 a 1.00 0.23 0.47 0.56 0.53 0.63 0.50 1.00 b 0.00 0.23 0.47 0.44 0.41 0.38 0.50 0.00 n 0.00 0.54 0.07 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 a 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.30 0.10 0.00 0.30 0.50 b 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.10 0.40 0.90 0.40 0.00 n 0.20 0.40 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.10 0.30 0.50 a 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 b 0.60 0.70 0.50 0.30 0.50 1.00 1.00 0.20 n 0.40 0.30 0.40 0.60 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.20 a 0.30 0.70 0.40 0.80 0.90 1.00 0.90 0.00 n 0.70 0.30 0.60 0.20 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.00 BSN E‐Bulletin Vol. 1. Oct. 2009 Page 5 Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Pigeon Pea Pox‐4 a 0.30 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.00 1.00 0.90 0.60 b 0.30 0.70 0.40 0.60 0.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 n 0.40 0.30 0.50 0.20 0.30 0.00 0.10 0.40 Table 3. Frequency of zymograms in 8 pigeon pea populations Population Bageshwori Isozymes ADH IDH MDH POX A (0.8) A (0.7) A (1) A (0.2) NA (0.2) B (0.2) B (0.2) NA (0.1) C (0.1) D (0.1) E (0.1) F (0.1) G (0.2) Chanki B (0.5) B (1) C (0.1) B (0.3) B (0.2) NA (0.7) O (0.1) D (0.3) P (0.3) NA (0.1) Q (0.1 R (0.1) S (0.1) T (0.1) ICPL‐84072 B (0.1) B (0.8) A (0.2) B (0.1) C (0.1) C (0.2) B (0.3) E (0.1) D (0.3) C (0.2) O (0.1) G (0.1) D (0.1) P (0.1) BSN E‐Bulletin Vol. 1. Oct. 2009 Page 6 Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Pigeon Pea NA (0.4) E (0.1) V (0.1) NA (0.1) W (0.1) Y (0.1) Z (0.1) NA (0.2) ICP‐7035 B (0.4) B (0.5) A (0.1) P (0.4) D (0.3) C (0.5) B (0.1) S (0.1) C (0.7) V (0.1) F (0.1) AB (0.1) NA (0.4) AC (0.1) AD (0.1) NA (0.1) Pajawa B (0.3) A (0.2) B (0.2) C (0.1) B (0.2) O (0.1) D (0.3) C (0.5) R (0.1) E (0.1) NA (0.1) U (0.1) B (1) F (0.1) V (0.3) NA (0.1) W (0.1) X (0.1) Pusa 14 A (0.9) A (1) B (1) NA (0.1) K (0.4) L (0.3) M (0.1) N (0.2) Pusa 9 A (1) A (0.7) A (0.4) K (0.9) B (0.2) B (0.6) L (0.1) NA (0.1) BSN E‐Bulletin Vol. 1. Oct. 2009 Page 7 Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Pigeon Pea Rampur/Rahar‐1 A (1) A (0.8) A (1) F (0.1) B (0.1) G (0.1) NA (0.1) H (0.4) I (0.2) J (0.2) NA, Null allele Figure 1. Zymograms of 4 isozymes in eight pigeon pea populations. MDH resolved two zones of activity and 6 zymograms with 3 different alleles were resolved (Figure 1). The most common zymograms were A (100%) in Bageswori and C (70%) in ICP‐7035. ICPL‐84072 was most diverse for this enzyme with 6 zymograms (Table 3). Zymograms A and B were common in Bageshwori and Rampur Rahar ‐1 and C in ICP‐7035 with 70% frequency. POX observed 4 zones of activity and was observed with highest variables of zymograms. Twenty‐nine zymograms and 7 different alleles were detected. Zymogram K was common in Pusa 9 with 70% frequency. This enzyme exhibited high variation within and among populations each with 2 to 8 zymograms. Genetic diversity and structure The number of alleles per locus ranged from 1.2 (Pusa 9) to 2.7 (ICPL‐84072) with mean 1.9 across the populations (Table 4). The percentage of polymorphic loci (P) ranged from 33% (Pusa‐9) to 100% (ICPL‐ BSN E‐Bulletin Vol. 1. Oct. 2009 Page 8 Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Pigeon Pea 84072 and ICP‐7035) and averaged 71%. The average diversity index (H) among populations ranged from 0.345 (Pusa‐9) to 0.542 (Rampur Rahar‐1) with an average 0.473. Four populations with the greatest diversity were Bageshwori, Chanki, ICPL‐84072, ICP‐7035 and Rampur Rahar‐1. The highest genetic diversity was observed in ICPL‐84072 as indicated by the higher values for A (2.667), P (100%) and H (0.518). The gene diversity at the locus level summarized in Table 5 reveals the consequence of diverse genetic structures within among pigeon pea populations under study. The average total genetic diversity (Ht) over eight populations was 0.65 and Mdh1 showed the highest (0.93). Adh‐1, Mdh‐1 and Pox‐4 showed marked total diversity with values higher than the mean value. The mean intra and inter populations diversities over eight populations were 0.47 (Hs) and 0.17 (Dst) with range of 0.25‐ 0.82 and 0.09 – 0.29 respectively. Likewise the mean coefficient of gene differentiation (Gst) was 0.27. It is obvious that the diversity in pigeon pea is resulted due to the within population variation rather than the variation among the populations. 27% of the total genetic diversity (Ht=0.65) was accounted by the inter‐population variation and 73% was due to within‐population variation. It indicated that each population of pigeon pea under study was composed of divergent individuals with different genetic structures. Table 4. Descriptive statistics of alleles and loci in eight pigeon pea populations based on 9 loci studied in 10 samples per population Population Alleles per locus (A) Alleles per polymorphic locus (Ap) Proportion of polymorphic loci (P) Mean gene diversity (H) Bageshwari 1.778 2.500 0.667 0.529 Chanki 2.111 2.571 0.778 0.516 ICPL‐84072 2.667 2.667 1.000 0.518 ICP‐7035 2.556 2.556 1.000 0.491 Pajawa 2.333 2.500 0.889 0.435 Pusa‐9 1.222 2.333 0.333 0.345 Pusa‐14 1.444 2.200 0.556 0.411 Rampur Rahar‐1 1.333 2.500 0.444 0.542 Mean 1.931 2.478 0.708 0.473 SE 0.200 0.052 0.089 0.025 Number of alleles unique to these populations was zero. BSN E‐Bulletin Vol. 1. Oct. 2009 Page 9 Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Pigeon Pea Table 5. Gene diversity in 4 isozymes of eight pigeon pea populations Locus Total gene Within Percentage mean Among Coefficient of gene diversity population gene gene diversity within populations gene differentiation (Gst) (Ht) diversity (Hs) population (Hs/Ht, %) diversity (Dst) Adh‐1 0.912 0.820 89.85 0.093 0.102 Adh‐2 0.532 0.330 62.06 0.202 0.380 Idh‐1 0.535 0.248 46.40 0.287 0.536 Mdh‐1 0.929 0.78 83.93 0.149 0.161 Mdh‐2 0.524 0.395 75.53 0.128 0.245 Pox‐1 0.644 0.515 79.96 0.129 0.200 Pox‐2 0.540 0.385 71.30 0.155 0.287 Pox‐3 0.547 0.375 68.57 0.172 0.314 Pox‐4 0.660 0.413 62.47 0.248 0.375 Mean 0.647 0.473 71.32 0.174 0.268 SE 0.054 0.066 * * * Clustering and relatedness Cluster analysis results depicted as dendrogram in Figure 2 illustrates the genetic relationships and divergence among the pigeon pea populations of different origin. Clustering of eight populations using UPGMA and Nei’s genetic distance resulted two distinct groups. Two promising lines Pusa 9 and Pusa 14 were identical and clustered together with improved varieties Bageshwori and Rampur Rahar‐1. On the other hand two landraces (Chanki and Pajawa) and two promising lines (ICPL‐84072 and ICP‐7035) aligned together into a cluster. The cluster reflected the sharing and frequencies of alleles and magnitude of genetic relatedness among these diverse populations of pigeon pea. Two landraces were genetically different from each other, although they were clustered into the same group. Isozyme profiles Profiles of isozymes for each variety are useful for varietal identification. Bands along with their mobility for a loci of eight populations are given in Figure 3. We can clearly distinguish these populations. Bands were traveled faster in Chanki, and Pajawa and ICPL‐84072 have higher number of bands. Each cultivar has their own distinct isozyme profile. Many researchers have developed isozyme profiles of crop species (Romero et BSN E‐Bulletin Vol. 1. Oct. 2009 Page 10 Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Pigeon Pea al., 1993; Joshi and Bimb, 2004; GEVES, 1993). Distinct esterase pattern in pigeon pea was reported (Mallikarjuna and Moss, 1995). This profile can be used to identify variety, however further research on stability of this profile is necessary. Bageshwari RampurRahar-1 Pusa-9 Pusa-14 Chanki ICPL-84072 ICP-7035 Pajawa 0.02 0.19 0.36 0.52 0.69 Coefficient Figure 2. Dendrogram of eight pigeon pea populations based on Nei’s genetic distance. DISCUSSION Knowledge about genetic structure and relationships among the populations provides information on population divergence, which is important from conservation and exploitation of genetic resource for crop improvement. The values measured for diversity parameters based on allelic information exhibited the differences in pigeon pea populations and helped to quantify the extent of genetic variation in each of the population for studied enzymes. This preliminary study was successful to establish allozyme variability in pigeon pea of Nepal for the first time. Genetic diversity in pigeon pea demonstrated to be due to the high within population variation and therefore each population was composed of different individuals, which is a desirable variability for selection and improvement in a breeding programme. Relatively null allele was higher. This may be due to sick samples or there was non‐genetic variation. In some populations a zone of activity was not resolved which resulted in the zero frequency of allele. These cases are probably why Ht is so high for Adh‐1 and Mdh‐1. It needs analysis of F2 progeny of crosses to verify locus and banding patterns. In Nepal farmers have many landraces indicating high diversity. One hundred local germplasms of pigeon pea have been collected and characterized in Nepal. Begeshwori, a variety developed from the local selection is highly resistant to sterility mosaic disease (Neupane, 1999). Agromorphological variation within BSN E‐Bulletin Vol. 1. Oct. 2009 Page 11 Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Pigeon Pea Chanki and Pajawa was reported by Bajracharya et al (1999). Sherchand et al (1998) reported 12 different farmer named landraces in Bara and Rana et al (2000) reported 5 landraces in Kachorwa. Farmers were consistent in naming pigeon pea in Kachorwa (Bajracharya et al 1999). Two farmers named landraces Chanki and Pajawa are genetically different. Farmer’s descriptors for pigeon pea are plant type, seed color, size, raceme type and taste. In Kachorwa 27.2% households grow pigeon pea and Chanki was the dominant. Pigeon pea growers have one landrace per household (Rana et al 2000). Pigeon pea was one of the crops grown under least external inputs and its pulses fetches highest price in market among the pulses. However, only limited households from resource poor grow the crop (Rana et al 2000). In Kachorwa it is prestigious crop and grown either in Khet land or in marginal bari land as a sole or mix. Because of its importance at household levels, crop improvement works should be initiated utilizing existence diversity. Figure 3. Isozyme profiles of eight pigeon pea populations for 4 isozymes BSN E‐Bulletin Vol. 1. Oct. 2009 Page 12 Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Pigeon Pea Two promising lines of pigeon pea introduced from India were the most closely related. The major branch of the genetic distance dendrogram separated landraces from improved varieties. Similarly Pusa series were separated from ICP series. These series are promising lines being evaluated in Nepalgunj. Bageshwori is Nepal origin and Rampur Rahar‐1 is Indian even though these varieties were grouped in the same cluster. Two landraces were found diverse as much as that of the most diverse population of promising lines of pigeon pea. Chanki and Pajawa exhibited higher diversity than Bageshwori and Rampur Rahar‐1. It indicates that landraces are genetically more diverse than improved varieties. No private alleles were detected in any of the populations. Genetic statistics were computed based on bulked samples, which is not correct to say individual genotype. Here all farmers’ plots under each variety were considered as a population and each farmer’s plot were treated as a sample. Therefore bulked samples were used to make more representative of concerned plot. For in depth isozymes analysis, large sample size with individual sample treating a single field, as a population should be further studied. Pigeon pea being a often self‐pollinated and biannual crop, the individual plants from which seeds were collected may be heterozygous. Details study including progeny analysis is necessary to verify the banding patterns and to know the nature of enzyme (either monomeric or dimeric) in pigeon pea. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was financially supported by DGIS, IDRC. We thank J Shresth, B Dongol, GB Bajracharya for their lab works and F Chaudhary, DL Karna, SS Biswokarma and BN Chaudhary for their helps in samples collection from Kachorwa. Farmers of Kachorwa, and VK Datta, RB KC and DN Paudel, RARS Nepalgunj are highly acknowledged for providing seeds of pigeon pea. REFERENCES Bajracharya J, PR Tiwari, DM Shakya, BK Baniya, MP Upadhyay, BR Sthapit and DI Jarvis. 2003a. Farmers’ management and isozyme variation in barley landraces, Jumla, Nepal. In: On farm management of agricultural biodiversity in Nepal. Proceedings of a National Workshop, 24‐26 April 2001 Lumle (BR Sthapit, MP Upadhyay, BK Baniya, A Subedi and BK Joshi, eds). NARC, LIBIRD and IPGRI. Pp. 87‐94 Bajracharya J, DK Rijal, BR Sthapit and DI Jarvis. 2003b. Genetic diversity of farmers’ named taro cultivars of Kaski ecosite, Nepal. In: On farm management of agricultural biodiversity in Nepal. 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