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Table of Contents PLAGIARISM CLAIM (Letter) .............................................................................................................................. 2 REQUEST for HEARING by BOARD OF DIRECTORS............................................................................................. 3 SEGMENTAL (Sentence by Sentence) COMPARISON OF TWO ARTICLES .......................................................... 4 PLGAIARIZED CONTENT – EVIDENCE OF PLAGIARISM..................................................................................... 36 APEENDIX 1: Word frequency Table............................................................................................................... 45 APPENDIX 2: Word Cloud ............................................................................................................................... 49 APPENDIX 3: Website Suspicious Activity Report (The United States) .............................. 50 APPENDIX 4: Evidence of my continuous interest on the topic / My Earlier Public Drafts .......................... 54 APPENDIX 5: COPYRIGHT PUBLIC WARNING ON MY MATERIAL .................................................................. 77 PLAGIARISM CLAIM (Letter) To January 28, 2022 Antalya, Türkiye : Dear Madam, dear Sir, As presented in the attachments, I have been following news updates, scientific articles, magazines, publications and broadcasts minutely, reading and studying on the topic of “interstellar voyage” and “language issue” since as early as 2015; and I have been continuously sharing my finds, comments and draft or final articles on the subject topic increasingly and publicly on the Internet ever since. I assure you that I have carefully worked on the suspected document before arriving to this decision of writing a letter to your office. I believe I have been victim of a plagiarism crime which is unfortunately pointing out to one of the faculties in your university. May I kindly ask your valuable time for a careful look at my letter and its attachments before organizing a hearing with Mr. who is a faculty / staff member in University. I will wait for your counsel and would like to underline that I take this issue seriously for I have spent a lot of time and efforts on creating my original article. I would very much appreciate your earliest return before February 15, 2022. With my kind regards, Kamil Kartal Cellular Nr E-mail : +90 532 461 6052 : Claimant REQUEST for HEARING by BOARD OF DIRECTORS : Kamil Kartal ( Claiming / Original Doc.: Mars'ın veya Proxima B'nin Dili / Language of Mars or Proxima B (and of vessel) Suspected Doc. Title : Language Development during Interstellar Travel Suspected Doc. Location: Author (Co-Author) : Unit : Web Address : Request for Hearing : Please ask the following to Mr. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 Did he sign a contract against Plagiarism with your University? Did he experience any other plagiarism allegation / accusation before; if yes, what happened at the end? Please ask a short story of the idea leading him writing this article; when and how did he come up with the idea? When and where did he first publish his article? When did he apply to obtain the DOI number for his article? What is the reason for time difference between first publishing the article and applying for the DOI? When was the DOI number registered and assigned? Was it prior to first publishing or after - obtaining the DOI? Did he make any updates on the article and if yes, when? To what other magazines and newspapers did he deliver his article for publication and when? Does he know Kamil Kartal’s profile in any of the social media platforms such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, or Academia, and also his personal website at (The Article) Did he know Kamil Kartal’s article any time before or after his publication; is there any possibility that he was inspired by Kamil Kartal’s article? Other explanations, clarifications, justifications or mitigations - if there is any, and his acceptance or denial on the allegation. SEGMENTAL (Sentence by Sentence) COMPARISON OF TWO ARTICLES KAMİL KARTAL Published on December 09, 2019 1 2 4 And thus, new words would enter the language due to the voyage. But it is also certain that these would consist of very narrow terminology. 6 For sure, some new concepts would emerge during those 6,500 years. 5 3 1 2 This problem may compound as later vessels bring new crews with their own changed languages to mix with those from earlier crews. 4 Languages drift apart as communities grow more isolated from each other, so the long isolation of a traveling community may lead to enough difference to render its language unintelligible to the original community it left. 5 Whichever language is to be used for both formal communication and dialogue, that language would most likely undergo almost no change between the 1st and 50th generations, even on a voyage anticipated to last for 6,500 years and 350 generations. It is highly possible to envision that a voyage originating from the Earth and conducted in English would experience little, if any, change in terms of language or dialect, and for that vessel to arrive at Proxima B with its passengers continuing to use the same language and dialect. This paper explores the consequences that language change might trigger in the languages of crew members during a long journey in space or interplanetary settlement. 6 3 Let’s continue to discuss the idea of which language should be spoken in an interstellar voyage that would last for many generations together with its reasons… NOTES NOTES Published on March 2020 DOI: We discuss various aspects that contribute to language change, through comparison to historical Earthbound cases involving some of these aspects, such as the Polynesian settlement of far-flung Pacific islands, and dialect development in relatively isolated European colonies. We also weigh the effects of multilingualism amongst the crew, with or without a common lingua franca in use, as well as the effects of time and the role that children play in language change and creation. As we lay out possible outcomes, we also suggest possible methods of shaping this development within limits. 7 8 9 10 11 These facts raise an important linguistic question for any longterm project, especially if colonization is the goal. 12 Since humans would not hear new sounds, they are limited to using other senses to define new movements in outer space, conceptually. Our languages are always changing, no matter what we do, and the necessary conditions for interstellar travel are precisely those that promote significant language change. For if a trip takes several generations to complete, the language of the vessel community may differ significantly at arrival from that of the passengers at departure. 13 A voyage of 6,500 years or 65,000 years would not change the situation. However, it is no less crucial to consider what will happen to the humans’ language on a long interstellar voyage. Also, every vessel afterward will see its own language and dialect development, leading to every new arrival speaking a different dialect and perhaps a different language from the others. 14 Here, the importance of time is minimal, if it exists at all. When we think of language in space, our minds usually imagine how intelligent non-humans might communicate [1]. This question needs to be considered for any mission containing generations-long travel or development. 15 7 8 9 10 11 12 No linguistic and dialectical change can take place in a space where no sound waves exist. 13 The formation and development of language skills are based mainly on the ability to hear. 14 However, language comes into existence as a function depending on more than 80 percent of the sense of hearing. 15 All movement in space is silent. 1 Introduction In this paper we discuss the nature of language change, and look at history to show how much a language can evolve when a part of a speech community isolates itself from other parts for years or even generations. Heading / Subheading I hypothesize that the language would not undergo a natural change due to the nonexistence of sound in space: those individuals on a 6,500-year, 350-generation adventure of interstellar travel are unlikely to experience any new sounds. As we know, there is no sound in space, for there is no atomic environment and conditions at the density where sound mechanics can take place; thus, there are no circumstances where sound waves would occur and spread, progressing by jumping from atom to atom. 16 24 The most significant measure necessary to secure this important detail is to keep the Catholic church and its missions away from the vessel. 17 23 Under normal circumstances, formal language in a space vehicle would not be altered. 18 22 Concerns regarding changes in the language that could occur between generations, and that might render effective communication and dialogue impossible, are idle and unnecessary from this point. 19 21 The necessary circumstances for the maintenance of the language between the beginning and the end in a 6,500-year voyage is guaranteed by the soundless void of space. 20 20 Without sound waves themselves, and the effective use of the auditory sense, a language cannot be established, developed or altered. Thomason (2003) addresses some of these questions [2], but makes specific assumptions about crew size and journey length, and makes specific proposals for them. For instance, Thomason suggests that English-language crew would be ideal to achieve genetic diversity within the crew, and given a journey of 200 years, we might not expect major change. 21 19 Thus, the formation and development of a potential “new language” or dialect can only emerge via concepts perceived through the visual sense; however, the role of sight in building a language is very low. We do not focus on any single set of voyage parameters in this paper, because our goal is to introduce readers to broad linguistic issues that might arise. However, we will point out that 200 years is long enough for significant changes to occur, especially if the crew is physically and socially disconnected from Earth. 22 18 Space conditions outside the shuttle are not able to carry the senses of smell, hearing, taste and touch, due to the scarcely atomic rarity (1 atom in a 1 cm3 area). Finally, we explore some additional considerations that emerge from multilingual environments. These changes might not render the crew language unintelligible to English speakers, but can lead to a new dialect that creates social issues for the crew and any other crews arriving after them. 23 17 Language is an exceptional technical mechanism formed by listening and imitating within our environment and circumstances, and is a fundamental need for existence. We then look at the facets of modern life that affect language variation, though they cannot stop it. Moreover, these changes will continue during a colonization phase after the vessel’s arrival. 24 16 Among our five senses – sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing the task of building language skills falls to our sense of hearing. We also do not propose much in terms of preventative solutions. 25 26 27 28 29 30 33 Otherwise, survival and development are not possible. 31 32 The grammatical structure, vocabulary, syntax and morphology should definitely respond to the acoustic atmosphere and circumstances of the new planet. 2 The Nature of Language Change 32 31 Yes, this should be an enduring and constant language and utmost care should be taken to ensure that the language shall bear acoustic values appropriate to the nature of the new planet. The most famous case of this process are the “dialects” of China including Cantonese, Hakka, or Wu, which are not mutually intelligible with Standard Mandarin. We begin by introducing readers to what occurs when languages change, focusing on English when possible for the sake of convenient exposition. 33 25 26 27 28 29 30 And this would also drive a rapid divergence in language, a new and persistent language creation altogether. Conversely, some people consider distinct languages to be merely dialects of one language, usually to promote a unified social identity. For this discussion, it is helpful to think a language as a system, or rather, a complex of systems. Heading / Subheading All of these sound waves will belong to the same different and diverse movements of the same different circumstances; and requirements would be such that they must be named and defined, from scratch, with meticulous observation. Serbian-Croatian-Bosnian and Hindi- Urdu are the most well-known instances. Footnote Audible sound waves would be present, and these would be entirely unfamiliar and unknown to the newly arrived humans. 1 Non-linguists generally employ social factors when distinguishing languages and dialect, with the result that some varieties that linguists generally consider dialects of one language are considered by their speakers as distinct languages, especially if doing so helps maintain distinct social identities. Footnote In a different atmospheric environment, the most important and shocking change that the human race will immediately face are disparate acoustic conditions. We are nowhere near the point of making concrete policy proposals, except for the necessity of sign languages, and an appeal for greater linguistic awareness among crewmembers so they can handle issues as they arise. Footnote Upon arrival at Proxima B, where atmospheric conditions are suitable for establishing a colony, if the language of the destination is English, it is unlikely that the human race can survive in this new home. Language change is not fully predictable, so there will be a lot of necessary vagueness in a voyage that has to be prepared for. Footnote Problematic, on the other hand, is the end of 6,500 years and 350 generations; in other words, the time of the arrival at the destination. 34 35 36 2.1 Aspects of Language Change We begin by simply discussing what happens when a language changes. One of the oldest observations about language change is that much of it is systematic: Changes do not merely affect individual words or sounds, but can affect the grammatical system [4]. A sound /p/ will not only be replaced by /f/ in one word but will be replaced throughout the grammar, in particular systematic environments (for instance, the beginning of a syllable). Text enhancement The English used by Chaucer in the 1400s and by Shakespeare in the 1600s is almost two completely different languages. 37 41 The English that is used in science, art, politics, education and culture in our current world has transformed into an entirely different language in nearly every 200-year period. 38 40 And this seems impossible to avoid. 1 Modern linguists tie the systematicity of languages and dialects to elements of cognition or society, but we set that question aside to focus on the nature of changes within these systems. 39 39 In this case, it is not the vessel’s passengers who are responsible for a loss in the two-way communication (Earth-Vessel, colony) due to language changes, but Earth itself. Less so, and we are more likely to distinguish two related languages. 40 38 In any case, due to the reason that I explained in my previous article, the language spoken in the vessel 200 years later cannot be different than the language spoken 200 years before. The more the regions are socially close, and the more they are mutually intelligible, the more likely linguists are to call two variations dialects of the same language. 41 37 If this language, namely the formal communication and dialogue language of the vessel or the colony, is English, the English language spoken on the planet Earth in 2319 will absolutely differ from the English language spoken on the vessel departing from Earth in 2019. As such, dialects of the same language exhibit mutual intelligibility: Speakers of one can generally understand speakers of the other and vice versa. 42 34 35 36 The reason for this is not a probable divergence in the vessel or colony language but, on the contrary, the Earth-bound languages' addiction to change. 42 On the other hand, as the distance and time between the vessel or colony and the Earth increase, two-way communication may be precluded. A dialect is a variation of a language tied to a socially significant geographic region [3]. Heading / Subheading A new planet may not be as tolerant and forgiving as our present world, which we have ruined with the so-called Towers of Babel. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 These three structures are exemplified below by tweaking a grammatical modern sentence (no. (1)) to show what kinds of structures used to be possible. Text enhancement Because all of them, just like English, have consistently undergone enormous changes within 200- to 300-year periods, and none of those changes are natural; they are artificial! For instance, Early Modern French underwent a series of significant concomitant changes in syntax, which all occurred due to a slight difference in how case is assigned to subjects in the syntax [6]. Text enhancement None of the existing 6,500 languages can even be nominated to this important mission. Sometimes the change occurs in the underlying processes that build linguistic structures, and is reflected in a series of phenomena. Match This language, as Kamil Kartal always says, must be the Turkish language: the Turkish language is the most resistant to change but also the most flexible and resolute to development. Again, this was a language-wide shift [5]. Match A language that exists on Earth and has never changed is the language that must be used to facilitate effective communication between the vessel or colony and the Earth. In Modern English, verbs precede objects. Text enhancement The place where language will change is not a space vessel or colony, but the Earth. For instance, English once put objects before verbs, producing sentences like The man his cat fed instead of The man fed his cat. Text enhancement The picture is obvious. Language systems also changed in syntax. Exact Match In other words, only 300 years later, Shakespearean English is completely out of common use, and yet this also happened in the same way, as a result of the Jesuit touch. Most European languages are notable for inflectional systems simplifying over the medieval period; this process did not apply to just one word, but throughout the system. Text enhancement The 15th-century Shakespearean English cannot be read, spelled or written by English speakers of the 21st century; it is another language filled with a forgotten thousand words. Systematicity also applies to changes in other modules of language systems, like word structures (morphology) and sentence structures (syntax). Exact Match In just 200 years, the Great Vowel Change – among other changes - engendered a total shift from one language to another - both called English; and this is a purely artificial change – not natural! The Jesuits have touched the English language. 52 53 54 55 56 57 French also allowed simple verb-subject inversion in questions (4), but now only allows it with pronouns (Comment allezvous?). 58 (1) La fille porte les livres the girl wears the books (2) porte les livres wears the books (omitted subject) (3) [Les livres] porte la fille The books wears the girl (verb-second) (4) Porte la fille les livres? Wears the girl the books (verb-subject inversion) 59 2 Modern German and Dutch still employ verb-second structures in main clauses. 60 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 In Modern French, the subject must precede the verb. English also used to have all of these features. Footnote If humanity so desires, it may present this apology and may avoid the horrible and unavoidable end awaiting all of us in the near future. The word or phrase could be the subject, object, or any other phrase (3). Footnote Humanity owes planet Earth, life and the #SUNLANGUAGE, i.e. TURKISH, a very big apology. French had a “verb-second” structure that requires one word or phrase before the verb. Text enhancement So we do not have to run away without a backward glance and return to square one by taking very dangerous risks. Before this one syntactic change, French speakers could omit subjects, while Modern French ones cannot (2). Text enhancement While there is still time, mankind may return to the knowledge of the #SUNLANGUAGE only within the next 300 years: humanity can manage this with determination and common sense, and our planet may again make peace with us. The tweaks (2-4) are all strongly ungrammatical in Modern French. Text enhancement Today, the main reason that humanity is seeking a new home is its addiction to confusing, anagramming and wrapping the original model #SUNLANGUAGE, and then fabricating nonacoustic, artificial languages. Text enhancement The myth of the tower of Babel, emerging from biblical literature and maintained by the Catholic Church, has made our world an unliveable place in just 4,000 years, and has driven the great and beautiful planet crazy. Text enhancement It is an extremely critical decision to take. Text enhancement The language for communication and dialogue that will be used in the communication between Earth, the vessel upon departure, and the colony to be established at Proxima B after arrival, must be TURKISH, as a natural and sound-reflected language, for the interest and sake of both the Earth and the colony. Text enhancement If we connect with my previous article and crosscheck: 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Instead of simply making more ambiguity, the person might now say the old bet as butt /E/ ! /2/, and onwards, so butt sounds like bought /2/ ! /O/, and bought moves closer to the original bat /O/ ! /a/. Text enhancement It is likely that not only life but also an established civilization may be found on Proxima B; it could be similar to that of Earth, or even more advanced, and its language might very well be TURKISH… For instance, a person might say bat in a way that sounds like bet (The /æ/ sound moves to /E/, so /æ/ ! /E/). Text enhancement And the crew should be open to great surprises. A common change of this type is the chain vowel shift, wherein vowels move around the mouth in the language system. Text enhancement IN TERMS OF the PROXIMA B LANGUAGE, any and all plans and perspectives should be performed according to the acoustic, natural vibrational, recursive, reflective, infrasonic-ultrasonic circumstances of Proxima B nature. Some changes work together. Text enhancement Whether or not they apologize or duly compensate, they would have to speak TURKISH to survive at Proxima B. These expressions are idiomatic and thus protected from systematic shifts. Text enhancement Yet, it doesn’t seem that the Jews and the Catholic Church have any intention to apologize from the TURKS, the #SUNLANGUAGE, our Earth, and life nor to seek for any way of compensation. English even retains a handful of archaic object-first expressions like one swallow does not a summer make, with this ring I thee wed, or till death do us part (considering do as an auxiliary rather than the main verb). Text enhancement Before doing this, while the same Babel Tower addiction chronically continues here, no one should consider a brand new start from scratch as a solution. English maintains case marking on pronouns like he/him/his, a few relic irregular plurals like children, and its peculiar series of ‘strong’ verbs like ran instead of runned. Text enhancement It is an effective solution; permanence can be achieved. As with any human process, exceptions abound, notably in highly common expressions whose frequent use shields their lexical entry from grammatical change. Text enhancement Such an apology and its necessities, i.e. compensation can be discussed. The verb-subject inversion was common until past Shakespeare’s time, hence questions like Why comest thou? from Julius Caesar. Footnote We may continue to live in our own home as we did throughout the eons, and in peace and serenity. 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 Suspicious 78 Suspicious Languages do not develop or evolve in any particular direction or with any particular end-stage to approach. Suspicious Language change is not teleological. Exact That does not mean we can predict exactly which direction these processes will take. Highly Suspicious Systematic language change is inevitable. Text enhancement The /e:/ vowel in teem (like tame) became /i/ (like team) and so on.3 Text enhancement A word like tame saw its vowel move from /a/ (like father) to /e/ (like fame). Exact Match From 1400 to 1600, the vowels of English nearly all changed in pronunciation. Match The most well-known vowel shift is simply called the Great Vowel Shift, and also occurred in English. Text enhancement You might think we invented this example but it’s real: Around the Great Lakes region in North America, the Northern Cities Vowel Shift is currently taking place, and spreading [4, 7]. 79 80 81 It usually occurs piece by piece, impercetibly to most speakers. Suspicious 82 Change made by adults and teens is often subtly triggered by social factors, while children acquiring a language can push significant change as well. Suspicious 84 The manner of language change is often systematic, but even when it is, the rate of change is not. Suspicious 85 It is not possible to predict exactly how fast a language will change. Suspicious 86 Not only do we not know which changes will occur, but there is not a regular rate to measure. Suspicious 87 2. 2 The Rate of Language Change Heading / Subheading 83 Language use is generally subconscious, and so is language change. Suspicious Suspicious Nor are grammatical systems designed or planned. Linguists in the 1950s tried a glottochronological approach seeking general consistent rates of language change [8], in analogy to radioactive decay, but language change is more like a biological process than a fully predictable chemical one. Suspicious 88 89 We even see this speed in larger communities. 90 In English, it is increasingly common for speakers to end statements with a rising intonation. Text enhancement 91 This phenomenon, called uptalk (or sometimes High Rising Terminal), is often mistaken for a question tone by those without it in their grammars, but it actually sounds quite distinct [9] and indicates politeness or inclusion [10]. Text enhancement 92 Uptalk has only been observed occurring within the last 40 years, but has spread from small groups of young Americans and Australians to most of the English-speaking world, even to many Baby Boomers Text enhancement 93 Given more time, new grammatical forms can completely replace current ones. Suspicious 94 About two hundred years ago, the English sentence My house is currently being built, which employs the progressive passive, was ungrammatical. Highly suspicious 95 To describe this scenario one only said My house is currently building, which is stoutly ungrammatical to modern speakers [11]. Text enhancement 96 An even more recent development is the get-passive (My child got promoted, my house is getting built), which has a subtle meaning difference from the be-passive. Text enhancement Suspicious We can be certain, though, that just one lifetime suffices for significant differences to emerge, especially in a smaller community. Suspicious 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 Exact Match Even Shakespeare in 1600 could not have heard it without learning a different language— and Shakespeare’s dialect is quite different from modern ones as well [13].4 Exact Match If it’s read aloud, few would recognize it at all. Exact Match Chaucer in print is extremely difficult for modern English speakers to make out. Exact Match Most of the Great Vowel Shift took place in less than 200 years, between Chaucer’s time and Shakespeare’s. Suspicious In addition, some systematic changes can render a language nearly incomprehensible to past speakers in short order. Suspicious These changes to language are grammatically significant, and while no single change would make a vessel’s language incomprehensible to us back on Earth, each little change to the system adds up until the system no longer obviously resembles the original. Footnote 3 The spelling of English remained mainly the same despite these developments, and that is largely why English vowel spelling is so odd. Text enhancement Likewise, the ubiquity of get in use with other predicates (e.g., meaning ‘become’ as in get angry) is younger than the Enlightenment 12]. Text enhancement The get-passive is a common and cemented feature of modern English, but its widespread use is actually new— it postdates the first heavier-than-air flight. Suspicious 108 That requires a look at cognition, but it also requires examination of social factors. Suspicious 109 Our species is a social one, and language as a trait permits us to communicate in ways that other animals simply cannot, to our general benefit. Suspicious 110 The main reason that languages diverge is that their speaking communities cease speaking to one another. Suspicious 111 Each little change adds up over time, until two communities speak distinct dialects. Suspicious 112 As divergence continues, mutual intelligibility is reduced to the point that speakers no longer understand one another, and their varieties are now distinct languages. Text enhancement 113 106 107 We cannot consider language systems without also considering the people who know them. Languages also change when they come into contact with new languages, and show convergence. Text enhancement 114 Heading / Subheading 2.3 Social Factors in Language Change Words get borrowed (like football from English), and grammatical features leak over. Text enhancement 115 In some regions, so many features are shared that the region forms a distinct linguistic area (or Sprachbund). Text enhancement 116 The Balkans are a well-studied Sprachbund, due to features including postposed definite articles [14]. Text enhancement 117 In most European languages with definite articles, articles precede their noun phrases: the woman, la femme, die Frau. Text enhancement 118 However, many languages and dialects of the Balkan region, no matter what language family they’re from, have articles that follow the noun phrase and are morphologically attached to it, as if English had woman-the. Text enhancement 119 Notably, some Baltic Slavic languages (like Bulgarian) have this construction, even though other Slavic languages (like Russian or Czech) lack definite articles altogether. Text enhancement 120 These factors can be accelerated when a community is small. Text enhancement 121 Divergence accelerates because it is easier for a small community to cut off contact with others. Text enhancement 122 As divergence from other communities takes place, convergence towards one another accelerates because small communities allow for a change to rapidly become the norm, and because a small community might be greatly affected by a larger community’s language. Text enhancement 123 Another social factor affecting change is language identity. Text enhancement 124 Text enhancement 125 As a language variety becomes distinct from others, community members accentuate the differences, and the differences become the norm as a badge of belonging. Text enhancement 126 4 A reviewer points out that in 200 years, it is not terribly likely that a language will change to the point of non-intelligbility. Footnote 127 However, some changes affect intelligbility more than others, and a vowel shift— which often takes less than 100 years— affects it greatly. Footnote 128 These social factors are well observed occurring around the world, in all types of societies, so we can predict that they will apply to any crew on an interstellar vessel, even if we cannot predict exact changes. Highly Suspicious 129 The physical isolation of an interstellar voyage fosters divergence from Earth varieties, especially as social isolation grows without any no other communities to grow convergent toward. Highly Suspicious 130 This isolation also offers an ideal environment for a speech community to form, with crew members’ speech converging [15]. Highly Suspicious In this section we will discuss a few historical instances that are analogous to the interstellar scenario. Text enhancement 132 3 Language Change in Exploratory Contexts Heading / Subheading 131 People often use language or dialect as a method of belonging within a community (the one that speaks that way), and will unconsciously adjust their own speech to more closely match their peers. 133 Text enhancement 134 Given just a few hundred years, these communities’ language developed into new dialects and into completely new languages by diverging from other varieties and converging on a new one. Highly Suspicious 135 The paths of divergence and convergence depended on the social conditions of the voyagers as well as the environments they landed in. Highly Suspicious 137 Austronesian expansion and settlement, particularly Polynesian settlement across the southern Pacific, provides an ideal mirror to space exploration for a number of reasons: It includes human exploration and settlement into the unknown, and the groups undertaking this journey experienced isolation from external human influence. Text enhancement 138 Polynesian languages are descended from a single hypothesized common language, or protolanguage, called Proto-Polynesian. Text enhancement 139 Linguistic, genetic, and archeological evidence provides somewhat different answers to the origin site of this language [16, 17]. Text enhancement 140 Polynesian deep-sea settlement likely began between 1500– 1000 BCE [?, 16, 18]. Text enhancement 141 3.1 Isolated Oceanic Settlement Heading / Subheading 136 Crews of intrepid voyagers travelled long distances to form new communities cut off from others who spoke their language. Settlers reached distant and hard-to-reach locations such as Hawai’i and Easter Island around 400-500 CE and New Zealand around 1000 CE. Text enhancement 142 Text enhancement 143 Krupa [18, 19] notes that this isolation impacts the linguistic situation. Text enhancement 144 “First, the Polynesian languages are notable for an extraordinary transparence of their phonemic systems and phonotactic structures, and second, Polynesia is, due to an almost total lack of external influence, a sort of linguistic laboratory where hypotheses on various linguistic changes can be verified” (Krupa 1973:15). Text enhancement 145 Recent research finds that far-flung Polynesian settlements were not fully cut off, and that many conducted exchanges between each other [20]. Text enhancement 146 Nonetheless, the various speaking communities were largely isolated from other ones, and new, mutually unintelligible varieties emerged. Suspicious 147 A spatial crew or colony would also not be fully cut off from other speakers, because of long-distance communication tools, so we can expect over time that the language(s) of our space explorers will undergo a similar shift relative to the Earthbound language users they left behind. Highly suspicious 149 The relative isolation of Polynesian settlements stands in contrast to the history of Malagasy, which is spoken in Madagascar. Text enhancement 150 3.2 Non-Isolated Oceanic Settlement Heading / Subheading 148 Being the first humans to live in these places, the Polynesian settlers were largely isolated from other languages. Despite its location near mainland Africa, Malagasy is a cousin of the Polynesian languages, as both belong to the larger Austronesian language family. Text enhancement 151 Madagascar was settled by Austronesian settlers from the East Indies around 500 CE, and their language would develop into modern-day Malagasy. Text enhancement 152 However, Madagascar’s proximity to southern Africa has shaped the language’s development via contact-induced change with nearby speakers of Bantu languages [21, 22]. Text enhancement 153 This shaping has affected both vocabulary and grammatical structure, including Malagasy’s full-fledged tense system, and the introduction of word-final vowels [23]. Text enhancement 154 For instance, Malagasy `ulunˇa ‘person’ derives from ProtoMalagasay *ulun. Text enhancement 155 In related Borneo languages like Maanyan, these words still generally end in consonants (ulun). Text enhancement 156 Vowel-final words are a well-known feature of Bantu, and Malagasy is the only language in its historical group where they are prevalent. Text enhancement 157 The exact history and timing of this influence has been a matter of debate [24], but it is clear that neighboring languages have significantly affected Malagasy development. Text enhancement 158 As a whole, we may expect that a multigenerational crew’s language would shift in the ways common in internal-changes within a language. Text enhancement 159 The lack of consistent, external pressures or influences on the crew language would make this very similar to the case of Polynesian exploration and language change, while the presence of any external influences at the point of arrival would predict a development more like Malagasy. Highly Suspicious 162 Text enhancement 163 English speakers of various dialects emigrated to New Zealand in large numbers the mid-1800s. Text enhancement 164 160 161 Text enhancement More recent examples offer a record to examine, and also shed light on dialect development through contact. There, they built a relatively small colony largely isolated from other English dialects [25]. Text enhancement Once this divergence occurred, the various dialects quickly converged to make a new tandard within three generations, in a levelling process that Kerswill calls koin´eization [26]. Text enhancement 167 168 Text enhancement Nonetheless, Texas German became fairly distinct from other varieties of German spoken back in Europe. Text enhancement A similar situation occurred when German settlers from a variety of regions emigrated to Texas in the United States, forming communities that remained mainly German-speaking until World War I. In three generations, the dialects of these German speakers had begun to coalesce [27], but the koin´eization was not as complete as it was in New Zealand, perhaps due to the minority status of the German communities being surrounded by English-speakers. Text enhancement 166 We have no historical record tracing how Polynesian or Austronesian languages changed, and must trace their development through the present-day descendant languages. 165 Heading / Subheading 3.3 19th-Century Colonization 169 Text enhancement 170 And the process of dialects leveling and merging began on the months-long sea voyage. Text enhancement 171 For a years-long voyage, we can expect the dialects to begin to merge, and for a generations-long mission, we can expect a new dialect distinct from all others to become solidified. Highly Suspicious 172 Given enough generations, we can expect the crew and colonists to have formed a distinct language altogether— without even taking into account changes back on Earth. Highly Suspicious 174 Text enhancement 175 However, several crucial aspects of human culture relating to language have arisen since those times, and these changes induce significant effects on the outcomes of language change. Text enhancement The three we shall discuss are language policy, universal compulsory education, and telecommunications. Text enhancement 4.1 Language Policy Heading / Subheading 177 The examples of historical exploration demonstrate what is likely to happen to an isolated crew’s language over a long interstellar voyage. 176 4 Considerations for Modern Exploration Heading / Subheading 173 The time periods in these cases have only been long enough to allow the development of distinct dialects rather than languages, but they merely involved a few decades of relative isolation. 178 179 180 181 182 183 English serves in science as well, though Latin served that purpose for many years. 184 French was the lingua franca of Western diplomacy; Chinese that of the Far East. 185 In space missions, the choice is localized based on context: English is used aboard the ISS, while Russian is used in the Soyuz craft to reach it, although a lack of clear policy has led to some confusion [28]. 186 Language policies that promoted national languages formed a key component of nationalism throughout the 20th century, but in the 21st, policies have shifted toward the preservation and promotion of endangered minority languages. Highly Suspicious In international aviation that language is generally English. Highly Suspicious Highly suspicious Consequently, in many domains, interested parties agree to employ a lingua franca, a language chosen to be the common one for the mission. Highly Suspicious Highly suspicious A common language or set of languages is generally crucial to cooperation, and on a mission, cooperation is crucial to success. Text enhancement Text enhancement When it comes to international cooperation and professional communication, that choice becomes practically constrained. Highly Suspicious Text enhancement In ordinary lives, people can speak any language they please, and it suits them well. 187 Highly Suspicious 188 The oldest form of language policy is mandating the use of an official language in government business. Text enhancement 189 Over the years, as government functions have spread into more and more aspects of life, so the effect of one or more official languages has grown. Text enhancement 190 The most important one for language development has proven to be education. Text enhancement 192 Text enhancement 193 Recall that children are a significant driver of language change. Text enhancement 194 During the course of acquiring languages, they figure out the systems they are exposed to from their peers and from adults. Text enhancement As they figure out a language system, they adjust it slightly. Text enhancement One key distinction of modern times from the past is that nearly all children go to school. 195 4.2 Education Heading / Subheading 191 Any colony or long-term voyage will need to set a course in terms of language policy that takes these trends into account. 196 As the children age into adolescence, their innovations often endure [29]. Text enhancement 197 After the older have speakers passed on, the changes become part of the language or the dialect— Koin´eization of an immigrant dialect begins among adults, but kicks off in earnest once children begin to acquire it as native speakers. Text enhancement 198 The role of children in language acquisition has grown more prominent in language policy since school is now the main locus of child socialization, and thus of language development [30]. Text enhancement 199 Consequently, language policies often focus on education, taking advantage of the need for some language or dialect to serve as the medium of instruction. Text enhancement 200 Many governments have employed education to enforce the use of a dominant language [31], to defensively protect a minority one [32], or to deliberately eradicate minority languages [33]. Text enhancement 201 Forcing children to use one language can contribute to the end of acquisition of others. Text enhancement 202 A multilingual vessel will have to set its education policy carefully. Text enhancement 203 Although education plays a role in promoting or eradicating language varieties, it does not greatly affect the change of languages that continue to be acquired. Suspicious 204 In fairly monolingual jurisdictions, education tends to promote a prestige dialect above others, rather than a prestigious language. Text enhancement 205 206 207 In Finland, nobody does. 208 In both cases, everyone learns the prestige variety in school. 209 The promotion of a dialect is generally accompanied by prescriptive stylistic rules, which slow the rate of change in the written language, but do not significantly slow the less prestigious local dialects from continuing to change. 210 If the process continues unchanged, the two forms will diverge. Text enhancement 211 For instance, written/literary French is strictly preserved by linguistically conservative language academies, and still employs forms that fell out of use in spoken language over two hundred years ago, like the pass´e simple. Text enhancement 212 It also employs question forms that speakers use only in a few dialects. Text enhancement 213 Contrast the written Quand arriva-t-il le vaisseau? ‘When did the vessel arrive?’ to the spoken Il est arriv´e quand, le vaisseau? The growing distinctions have led many linguists to consider spoken and written French to be distinct dialects [34], before even considering regional variations. Text enhancement Text enhancement In some cases, like Standard German, few people use the prestige dialect natively. Text enhancement Text enhancement However, it rarely causes that dialect to supplant local ones. Text enhancement Text enhancement 214 Highly Suspicious 215 Even if the onboard schools rigorously maintained the teaching of “Earth English,” the children would develop their own Vessel English dialect, which would diverge from Earth English over time. Highly Suspicious 216 The divergence would be aided by isolation, since the children would not need to enter the wider workforce. Text enhancement 217 Convergence towards a unique variety would be aided by the sense of identity the dialect would offer to the vessel’s occupants. Text enhancement 218 Indeed, after several generations, the mission participants might have almost no need to learn the Earth English dialect except to read operation and maintenance documentation and other historical documents. Text enhancement 219 In a multilingual crew, this process might unfold for every language involved. Text enhancement 221 Since the Industrial Revolution, communities have grown less isolated from one another. Text enhancement 222 4.3 Telecommunications Heading / Subheading 220 On a long voyage, or in a colonization situation where everyone spoke a single language (say English for the sake of example), we would probably see the same situation unfold. This interconnection has exploded during the Information Age, as telecommunications and air travel expose people to other accents and languages more than ever before. Text enhancement 223 Contact slows or prevents divergence, and national media promotes a single identity with a neutral dialect, so one might conclude that dialects are blending together over time now. Text enhancement 224 Contrary to that conclusion is actual observation, which finds a more complex picture. Text enhancement 225 While some dialects are levelling off toward a standard dialect promoted by education and mainstream media, other dialects are diverging as a marker of socioeconomic identity— a way to stay distinct amid a homogenized culture [35, 36]. Text enhancement 226 Many cases involve novel regionalizations of standard varieties (e.g. Estuary English, Poldernederlands), while others involve maintaining or accentuating non-standard varieties. Text enhancement 227 Such identity marking may become a critical early factor in linguistic divergence when two-way communication is possible between Earth and the ship or colony at relatively short time lapses. Exact Match 228 As the crew forms a ‘regional’ identity separate from the Earth-bound support team, we would expect to see reflexes of this separation in their language use. Text enhancement 229 Also, if the crew is large enough, tasks may be divided in ways similar to socio-economic strata in Earth-bound societies. Text enhancement 230 It is therefore possible that multiple ship-based varieties would emerge as markers of identity. Text enhancement 231 These emerging dialects would develop despite continued communication with Earth, at least for relatively near missions. Text enhancement 232 Text enhancement 233 As the distance grows between Earth and the crew, we might instead see the development of fossilized, older forms of the Earth languages in specialized or even ritualistic use. Text enhancement 234 As time and distance increase between Earth and the ship or colony, direct two-way communication will become impossible, as messages may be received years after transmission. Exact Match 236 Text enhancement 239 237 238 For the purposes of exposition we have mainly assumed a monolingual crew, but in the modern era of international cooperation, a multilingual crew is almost certain. Reliable universal automatic translation that can keep up with the full breadth of language use still resides in the distant realm of science fiction, so communication policies will need to be set. Suspicious 240 Heading / Subheading 5 Multilingualism on Board Highly Suspicious With the divergence of languages on the ship relative to Earth, and with the Earth-bound languages still changing, such messages are likely to employ a preserved form of the common, pre-change version of the languages in a standardized, ritualized way. Such preservation may be viewed as analogous to the preservation and use of dormant languages in liturgical or other religious settings, like the use of Latin by the Catholic Church, Biblical Hebrew in Jewish traditions, Classical Arabic in Islam, or Sanskrit in the religions of India. Highly Suspicious 235 However, Earth languages might not be forgotten, even if only a few people used them. Every question previously discussed will occur for each of the languages on board. Text enhancement 241 Text enhancement 242 However, as of the 21st century, linguistic diversity and the corequisite preservation of cultural identity also require important consideration [37]. Text enhancement 243 Even if one language predominates, it will also be practical to select crew in part for skills in multiple languages. Text enhancement Heading / Subheading 245 Obviously, the entire crew will need to communicate with one another, unless the vessel can hold several hundred people. Text enhancement 246 This is the problem faced by international organizations like the United Nations, the European Union, or OPEC. Text enhancement 247 Some groups choose a single lingua franca spoken by the nation at ‘heart’ of the organization (English for the British Commonwealth, or Russian for the CIS), while others choose one that is common amongst members, like Modern Standard Arabic for the Arab League. Text enhancement 248 5.1 Ensuring Crew Communication Some economic organizations like OPEC use English as a lingua franca due to its status in international business. Text enhancement 249 244 Thomason’s suggestion of a monolingual-English crew is aimed at promoting communication first and foremost [2]. Others rely on simultaneous organizations with legal force. Text enhancement translation, especially 250 Text enhancement 251 Simultaneous translation takes up valuable resources that a spaceship likely cannot spare, so the crew members will need to be multilingual. Text enhancement 252 This solution has proven helpful for current ISS missions, but can it be scaled up to a mission where ten different languages are spoken? Text enhancement 254 Even if one nation sent a monolingual crew on a long voyage or to form a colony, there would end up being some kind of multilingualism due to the birth of congenitally non-hearing children. Irrelevant Text 255 Congenital hearing loss occurs at a rate of over two per thousand births [38]. Irrelevant Text 256 These children can acquire sign languages, which any child can acquire as easily as hearing children can acquire spoken ones. Irrelevant Text 257 Sign languages are as complex and complete as spoken languages, but completely distinct from them. Irrelevant Text 258 5.2 Sign Languages Heading / Subheading 253 The EU famously translates into the official languages of all its members, while the UN limits itself to six of most commonly spoken ones around the world. American Sign Language, for instance, is completely unintelligible with British Sign Language, and is actually more like French Sign Language. Irrelevant Text 259 260 261 In order for a child to acquire a sign language, there must be signers signing to and around them. Irrelevant Text 263 This paper has considered some of the outcomes concerning language during a long interstellar voyage, or a colonization scenario. Match 264 While crisp predictions are impossible due to the nature of language change, we can predict that significant changes will likely occur within a single generation. Text enhancement 265 Eventually, the language or languages of the crew will diverge from those on Earth. Highly Suspicious 266 If they start out with multiple languages, those will perhaps converge towards each other. Text enhancement 267 6 Conclusion Heading / Subheading 262 The certitude of congenital non-hearing will entail the requirement of signers participating in the mission, to ensure that nonhearing children are not deprived of language acquisition. Irrelevant Text Irrelevant Text Sign languages also change over time. After enough time we will consider the crew’s speech to have formed new languages. Highly Suspicious Match 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 Highly Suspicious There will be need for an informed linguistic policy on board that can be maintained without referring back to Earthbased regulations. Highly Suspicious Will they be discriminated against until their children and grandchildren learn the local language? Can they establish communication with the colony ahead of time to learn the local language before arrival? Given the certainty that these issues will arise in scenarios such as these, and the uncertainty of exactly how they will progress, we strongly suggest that any crew exhibit strong levels of metalinguistic training in addition to simply knowing the required languages. Highly Suspicious Either way, every new vessel will essentially offload linguistic immigrants to a foreign land. Match Perhaps they will have formed a new language altogether. Highly Suspicious However, if the voyage is years or generations long, each new vessel will have its own dialect and dialect community, unlike that of the colony they arrive at. Text enhancement For those who don’t assimilate, their children certainly will. Highly Suspicious + Match History shows that a months-long voyage is not enough time for a new variety to develop, so after a colony has established its own dialect or language, most new arrivals will assimilate to the colony’s speech. Text enhancement If we send multiple crews to a colony, the problem could compound upon each crew’s arrival. 277 Not to mention, the voyage would provide a significant natural experiment for linguistic science, if crew members are capable of conducting it. Exact Match! 278 Metalinguistic awareness would not only crucially aid the mission but would add to its scientific value as well. Match KAMİL KARTAL PLGAIARIZED CONTENT – EVIDENCE OF PLAGIARISM Published on and opened to discussion. Delivered to TUBITAK for publication. Prof Dr. December 07, 2019 January 20, 2020 , & Prof. Dr. … University and … University March 2020 DOI: TITLE AND MAIN SUBJECT OF THE ARTICLE Line Nr. in the Article Outlining the general aspects of language problem between space vessel and the Earth during a generations-long interstellar voyage and also the colony and the Earth and suggesting a solution to the problem. Prof Dr. , & Prof. Dr. 2 1 Let’s continue to discuss the idea of which language should be spoken in an interstellar voyage that would last for many generations together with its reasons… 3 1 Let’s continue to discuss the idea of which language should be spoken in an interstellar voyage that would last for many generations together with its reasons… 4 2 Whichever language is to be used for both formal communication and dialogue, that language would most likely undergo almost no change between the 1st and 50th generations, even on a voyage anticipated to last for 6,500 years and 350 generations. 2 Languages drift apart as communities grow more isolated from each other, so the long isolation of a traveling community may lead to enough difference to render its language unintelligible to the original community it left. 5 1 This paper explores the consequences that language change might trigger in the languages of crew members during a long journey in space or interplanetary settlement. 2 Whichever language is to be used for both formal communication and dialogue, that language would most likely undergo almost no change between the 1st and 50th generations, even on a voyage anticipated to last for 6,500 years and 350 generations. 5 We also weigh the effects of multilingualism amongst the crew, with or without a common lingua franca in use, as well as the effects of time and the role that children play in language change and creation. 6 1 QTY. Outlining the general aspects of language problem between space vessel and the Earth during a generations-long interstellar voyage and also the colony and the Earth and suggesting a reliable solution to the problem. Lin e Nr. KAMİL KARTAL in the Article 1 Let’s continue to discuss the idea of which language should be spoken in an interstellar voyage that would last for many generations together with its reasons… 6 As we lay out possible outcomes, we also suggest possible methods of shaping this development within limits. 263 This paper has considered some of the outcomes concerning language during a long interstellar voyage, or a colonization scenario. 2 Whichever language is to be used for both formal communication and dialogue, that language would most likely undergo almost no change between the 1st and 50th generations, even on a voyage anticipated to last for 6,500 years and 350 generations. 12 For if a trip takes several generations to complete, the language of the vessel community may differ significantly at arrival from that of the passengers at departure. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3 It is highly possible to envision that a voyage originating from the Earth and conducted in English would experience little, if any, change in terms of language or dialect, and for that vessel to arrive at Proxima B with its passengers continuing to use the same language and dialect. 3 It is highly possible to envision that a voyage originating from the Earth and conducted in English would experience little, if any, change in terms of language or dialect, and for that vessel to arrive at Proxima B with its passengers continuing to use the same language and dialect. 4-5-6 For sure, some new concepts would emerge during those 6,500 years. And thus, new words would enter the language due to the voyage. But it is also certain that these would consist of very narrow terminology. 4-5-6 For sure, some new concepts would emerge during those 6,500 years. And thus, new words would enter the language due to the voyage. But it is also certain that these would consist of very narrow terminology. 7 I hypothesize that the language would not undergo a natural change due to the nonexistence of sound in space: those individuals on a 6,500-year, 350-generation adventure of interstellar travel are unlikely to experience any new sounds. 8 As we know, there is no sound in space, for there is no atomic environment and conditions at the density where sound mechanics can take place; thus, there are no circumstances where sound waves would occur and spread, progressing by jumping from atom to atom. 10 However, language comes into existence as a function depending on more than 80 percent of the sense of hearing. 12 No linguistic and dialectical change can take place in a space where no sound waves exist. 20 For instance, Thomason suggests that English-language crew would be ideal to achieve genetic diversity within the crew, and given a journey of 200 years, we might not expect major change. 22 These changes might not render the crew language unintelligible to English speakers, but can lead to a new dialect that creates social issues for the crew and any other crews arriving after them. 110- The main reason that languages diverge is that their speaking communities 111 cease speaking to one another. Each little change adds up over time, until two communities speak distinct dialects. 100 These changes to language are grammatically significant, and while no single change would make a vessel’s language incomprehensible to us back on Earth, each little change to the system adds up until the system no longer obviously resembles the original. 159 The lack of consistent, external pressures or influences on the crew language would make this very similar to the case of Polynesian exploration and language change, while the presence of any external influences at the point of arrival would predict a development more like Malagasy. 8 When we think of language in space, our minds usually imagine how intelligent non-humans might communicate [1]. 9 However, it is no less crucial to consider what will happen to the humans’ language on a long interstellar voyage. 9 However, it is no less crucial to consider what will happen to the humans’ language on a long interstellar voyage. 13 Here, the importance of time is minimal, if it exists at all. 14 This question needs to be considered for any mission containing generations-long travel or development. 15 Since humans would not hear new sounds, they are limited to using other senses to define new movements in outer space, conceptually. 15 In this paper we discuss the nature of language change, and look at history to show how much a language can evolve when a part of a speech community isolates itself from other parts for years or even generations 17 18 22 Concerns regarding changes in the language that could occur between generations, and that might render effective communication and dialogue impossible, are idle and unnecessary from this point. 111 Each little change adds up over time, until two communities speak distinct dialects. 19 22 Concerns regarding changes in the language that could occur between generations, and that might render effective communication and dialogue impossible, are idle and unnecessary from this point. 112 As divergence continues, mutual intelligibility is reduced to the point that speakers no longer understand one another, and their varieties are now distinct languages. 20 22 Concerns regarding changes in the language that could occur between generations, and that might render effective communication and dialogue impossible, are idle and unnecessary from this point. 129 The physical isolation of an interstellar voyage fosters divergence from Earth varieties, especially as social isolation grows without any no other communities to grow convergent toward. 23 Under normal circumstances, formal language in a space vehicle would not be altered. The most significant measure necessary to secure this important detail is to keep the Catholic church and its missions away from the vessel. 128- These social factors are well observed occurring around the world, in all 129- types of societies, so we can predict that they will apply to any crew on an 130 interstellar vessel, even if we cannot predict exact changes. The physical isolation of an interstellar voyage fosters divergence from Earth varieties, especially as social isolation grows without any no other communities to grow convergent toward. This isolation also offers an ideal environment for a speech community to form, with crew members’ speech converging. 23 Moreover, these changes will continue during a colonization phase after the vessel’s arrival. 24 25 Language change is not fully predictable, so there will be a lot of necessary vagueness in a voyage that has to be prepared for. 30 And this would also drive a rapid divergence in language, a new and persistent language creation altogether. 113 Languages also change when they come into contact with new languages, and show convergence. 25 25 Problematic, on the other hand, is the end of 6,500 years and 350 generations; in other words, the time of the arrival at the destination. 27 In a different atmospheric environment, the most important and shocking change that the human race will immediately face are disparate acoustic conditions. 49 Sometimes the change occurs in the underlying processes that build linguistic structures, and is reflected in a series of phenomena. 30 And this would also drive a rapid divergence in language, a new and persistent language creation altogether. 146 Nonetheless, the various speaking communities were largely isolated from other ones, and new, mutually unintelligible varieties emerged. 26 23 22 21 17 Language is an exceptional technical mechanism formed by listening and imitating within our environment and circumstances, and is a fundamental need for existence. 31 Yes, this should be an enduring and constant language and utmost care should be taken to ensure that the language shall bear acoustic values appropriate to the nature of the new planet. 49 Sometimes the change occurs in the underlying processes that build linguistic structures, and is reflected in a series of phenomena. 27 28 31 Yes, this should be an enduring and constant language and utmost care should be taken to ensure that the language shall bear acoustic values appropriate to the nature of the new planet. 135 The paths of divergence and convergence depended on the social conditions of the voyagers as well as the environments they landed in. 32 The grammatical structure, vocabulary, syntax and morphology should definitely respond to the acoustic atmosphere and circumstances of the new planet. 32 The grammatical structure, vocabulary, syntax and morphology should definitely respond to the acoustic atmosphere and circumstances of the new planet. 43 Systematicity also applies to changes in other modules of language systems, like word structures (morphology) and sentence structures (syntax). 32 The grammatical structure, vocabulary, syntax and morphology should definitely respond to the acoustic atmosphere and circumstances of the new planet. Otherwise, survival and development are not possible. 45 Language systems also changed in syntax. 32 The grammatical structure, vocabulary, syntax and morphology should definitely respond to the acoustic atmosphere and circumstances of the new planet. 32 The grammatical structure, vocabulary, syntax and morphology should definitely respond to the acoustic atmosphere and circumstances of the new planet. 33 Otherwise, survival and development are not possible. 45 Language systems also changed in syntax. 37 36 35 34 33 30 43-44 Systematicity also applies to changes in other modules of language systems, like word structures (morphology) and sentence structures (syntax). Most European languages are notable for inflectional systems simplifying over the medieval period; this process did not apply to just one word, but throughout the system. Language systems also changed in syntax. 41 One of the oldest observations about language change is that much of it is systematic: Changes do not merely affect individual words or sounds, but can affect the grammatical system [4]. 31 32 The grammatical structure, vocabulary, syntax and morphology should definitely respond to the acoustic atmosphere and circumstances of the new planet. Otherwise, survival and development are not possible. 87 Linguists in the 1950s tried a glottochronological approach seeking general consistent rates of language change [8], in analogy to radioactive decay, but language change is more like a biological process than a fully predictable chemical one. 32 29 31 Yes, this should be an enduring and constant language and utmost care should be taken to ensure that the language shall bear acoustic values appropriate to the nature of the new planet. 93 Given more time, new grammatical forms can completely replace current ones. 180 A common language or set of languages is generally crucial to cooperation, and on a mission, cooperation is crucial to success. 35 On the other hand, as the distance and time between the vessel or colony and the Earth increase, two-way communication may be precluded. 227 Such identity marking may become a critical early factor in linguistic divergence when two-way communication is possible between Earth and the ship or colony at relatively short time lapses. 35 On the other hand, as the distance and time between the vessel or colony and the Earth increase, two-way communication may be precluded. 234 As time and distance increase between Earth and the ship or colony, direct two-way communication will become impossible, as messages may be received years after transmission. 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 36 The reason for this is not a probable divergence in the vessel or colony language but, on the contrary, the Earth-bound languages' addiction to change. 10 Our languages are always changing, no matter what we do, and the necessary conditions for interstellar travel are precisely those that promote significant language change 36 The reason for this is not a probable divergence in the vessel or colony language but, on the contrary, the Earth-bound languages' addiction to change. 16 We then look at the facets of modern life that affect language variation, though they cannot stop it. 36 The reason for this is not a probable divergence in the vessel or colony language but, on the contrary, the Earth-bound languages' addiction to change. 75 Systematic language change is inevitable. 36 The reason for this is not a probable divergence in the vessel or colony language but, on the contrary, the Earth-bound languages' addiction to change. 147 A spatial crew or colony would also not be fully cut off from other speakers, because of long-distance communication tools, so we can expect over time that the language(s) of our space explorers will undergo a similar shift relative to the Earthbound language users they left behind. 36 The reason for this is not a probable divergence in the vessel or colony language but, on the contrary, the Earth-bound languages' addiction to change. 172 Given enough generations, we can expect the crew and colonists to have formed a distinct language altogether— without even taking into account changes back on Earth. 36 The reason for this is not a probable divergence in the vessel or colony language but, on the contrary, the Earth-bound languages' addiction to change. 235 With the divergence of languages on the ship relative to Earth, and with the Earth-bound languages still changing, such messages are likely to employ a preserved form of the common, pre-change version of the languages in a standardized, ritualized way. 37 If this language, namely the formal communication and dialogue language of the vessel or the colony, is English, the English language spoken on the planet Earth in 2319 will absolutely differ from the English language spoken on the vessel departing from Earth in 2019. In any case, due to the reason that I explained in my previous article, the language spoken in the vessel 200 years later cannot be different than the language spoken 200 years before. 37 If this language, namely the formal communication and dialogue language of the vessel or the colony, is English, the English language spoken on the planet Earth in 2319 will absolutely differ from the English language spoken on the vessel departing from Earth in 2019. 20 For instance, Thomason suggests that English-language crew would be ideal to achieve genetic diversity within the crew, and given a journey of 200 years, we might not expect major change. However, we will point out that 200 years is long enough for significant changes to occur, especially if the crew is physically and socially disconnected from Earth. These changes might not render the crew language unintelligible to English speakers, but can lead to a new dialect that creates social issues for the crew and any other crews arriving after them. Moreover, these changes will continue during a colonization phase after the vessel’s arrival. 94 About two hundred years ago, the English sentence My house is currently being built, which employs the progressive passive, was ungrammatical. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 37 If this language, namely the formal communication and dialogue language of the vessel or the colony, is English, the English language spoken on the planet Earth in 2319 will absolutely differ from the English language spoken on the vessel departing from Earth in 2019. In any case, due to the reason that I explained in my previous article, the language spoken in the vessel 200 years later cannot be different than the language spoken 200 years before. 39 In this case, it is not the vessel’s passengers who are responsible for a loss in the two-way communication (Earth-Vessel, colony) due to language changes, but Earth itself. And this seems impossible to avoid. 100 These changes to language are grammatically significant, and while no single change would make a vessel’s language incomprehensible to us back on Earth, each little change to the system adds up until the system no longer obviously resembles the original. 39 In this case, it is not the vessel’s passengers who are responsible for a loss in the two-way communication (Earth-Vessel, colony) due to language changes, but Earth itself. And this seems impossible to avoid. 234 As time and distance increase between Earth and the ship or colony, direct two-way communication will become impossible, as messages may be received years after transmission. 41 The English that is used in science, art, politics, education and culture in our current world has transformed into an entirely different language in nearly every 200-year period. 182 In international aviation that language is generally English. 41 The English that is used in science, art, politics, education and culture in our current world has transformed into an entirely different language in nearly every 200-year period. 183 English serves in science as well, though Latin served that purpose for many years. 42 The English used by Chaucer in the 1400s and by Shakespeare in the 1600s is almost two completely different languages. In just 200 years, the Great Vowel Change - among other changes engendered a total shift from one language to another - both called English; and this is a purely artificial change - not natural! The Jesuits have touched the English language. 42 The English used by Chaucer in the 1400s and by Shakespeare in the 1600s is almost two completely different languages. In just 200 years, the Great Vowel Change - among other changes engendered a total shift from one language to another - both called English; and this is a purely artificial change - not natural! The Jesuits have touched the English language. 42 The English used by Chaucer in the 1400s and by Shakespeare in the 1600s is almost two completely different languages. In just 200 years, the Great Vowel Change - among other changes engendered a total shift from one language to another - both called English; and this is a purely artificial 227 Such identity marking may become a critical early factor in linguistic divergence when two-way communication is possible between Earth and the ship or colony at relatively short time lapses. 67 A common change of this type is the chain vowel shift, wherein vowels move around the mouth in the language system. 71 The most well-known vowel shift is simply called the Great Vowel Shift, and also occurred in English. 72 From 1400 to 1600, the vowels of English nearly all changed in pronunciation. 54 56 43 In just 200 years, the Great Vowel Change – among other changes - engendered a total shift from one language to another - both called English; and this is a purely artificial change – not natural! The Jesuits have touched the English language. 78 Languages do not develop or evolve in any particular direction or with any particular end-stage to approach. 43 In just 200 years, the Great Vowel Change – among other changes - engendered a total shift from one language to another - both called English; and this is a purely artificial change – not natural! The Jesuits have touched the English language. 79 Nor are grammatical systems designed or planned. 57 77 Language change is not teleological. 43 In just 200 years, the Great Vowel Change – among other changes - engendered a total shift from one language to another - both called English; and this is a purely artificial change – not natural! The Jesuits have touched the English language. 80 58 55 102 Most of the Great Vowel Shift took place in less than 200 years, between Chaucer’s time and Shakespeare’s. Chaucer in print is extremely difficult for modern English speakers to make out. If it’s read aloud, few would recognize it at all. 43 In just 200 years, the Great Vowel Change – among other changes - engendered a total shift from one language to another - both called English; and this is a purely artificial change – not natural! The Jesuits have touched the English language. 81 59 42 The English used by Chaucer in the 1400s and by Shakespeare in the 1600s is almost two completely different languages. In just 200 years, the Great Vowel Change - among other changes engendered a total shift from one language to another - both called English; and this is a purely artificial change - not natural! The Jesuits have touched the English language. 43 In just 200 years, the Great Vowel Change – among other changes - engendered a total shift from one language to another - both called English; and this is a purely artificial change – not natural! The Jesuits have touched the English language. 62 43 The Jesuits have touched the English language. 44 The 15th-century Shakespearean English cannot be read, spelled or written by English speakers of the 21st century; it is another language filled with a forgotten thousand words. 63 61 60 43 The Jesuits have touched the English language. 44 The 15th-century Shakespearean English cannot be read, spelled or written by English speakers of the 21st century; it is another language filled with a forgotten thousand words. Language use is generally subconscious, and so is language change. It usually occurs piece by piece, impercetibly to most speakers. 107 We cannot consider language systems without also considering the people who know them. That requires a look at cognition, but it also requires examination of social factors. Our species is a social one, and language as a trait permits us to communicate in ways that other animals simply cannot, to our general benefit. 108 That requires a look at cognition, but it also requires examination of social factors. 48 Again, this was a language-wide shift [5]. 105 Even Shakespeare in 1600 could not have heard it without learning a different language—and Shakespeare’s dialect is quite different from modern ones as well. 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 45 In other words, only 300 years later, Shakespearean English is completely out of common use, and yet this also happened in the same way, as a result of the Jesuit touch. 47 The place where language will change is not a space vessel or colony, but the Earth. 133 Crews of intrepid voyagers travelled long distances to form new communities cut off from others who spoke their language. Given just a few hundred years, these communities' language developed into new dialects and into completely new languages by diverging from other varieties and converging on a new one. The paths of divergence and convergence depended on the social conditions of the voyagers as well as the environments they landed in. 235 With the divergence of languages on the ship relative to Earth, and with the Earth-bound languages still changing, such messages are likely to employ a preserved form of the common, pre-change version of the languages in a standardized, ritualized way. 51 Because all of them, just like English, have consistently undergone enormous changes within 200- to 300-year periods, and none of those changes are natural; they are artificial! 147 A spatial crew or colony would also not be fully cut off from other speakers, because of long-distance communication tools, so we can expect over time that the language(s) of our space explorers will undergo a similar shift relative to the Earthbound language users they left behind. 53 The language for communication and dialogue that will be used in the communication between Earth, the vessel upon departure, and the colony to be established at Proxima B after arrival, must be TURKISH, as a natural and sound-reflected language, for the interest and sake of both the Earth and the colony. It is an extremely critical decision to take. 53 The language for communication and dialogue that will be used in the communication between Earth, the vessel upon departure, and the colony to be established at Proxima B after arrival, must be TURKISH, as a natural and sound-reflected language, for the interest and sake of both the Earth and the colony. It is an extremely critical decision to take. 55 The myth of the Tower of Babel, emerging from biblical literature and maintained by the Catholic Church, has made our world an unlivable place in just 4,000 years, and has driven the great and beautiful planet crazy. 65 Yet, it doesn’t seem that the Jews and the Catholic Church have any intention to apologize from the TURKS, the #SUNLANGUAGE, our Earth, and life nor to seek for any way of compensation. 187 Any colony or long-term voyage will need to set a course in terms of language policy that takes these trends into account. 66 Whether or not they apologize or duly compensate, they would have to speak TURKISH to survive at Proxima B. 181 Consequently, in many domains, interested parties agree to employ a lingua franca, a language chosen to be the common one for the mission. 214 On a long voyage, or in a colonization situation where everyone spoke a single language (say English for the sake of example), we would probably see the same situation unfold. 236 Such preservation may be viewed as analogous to the preservation and use of dormant languages in liturgical or other religious settings, like the use of Latin by the Catholic Church, Biblical Hebrew in Jewish traditions, Classical Arabic in Islam, or Sanskrit in the religions of India. 236 Such preservation may be viewed as analogous to the preservation and use of dormant languages in liturgical or other religious settings, like the use of Latin by the Catholic Church, Biblical Hebrew in Jewish traditions, Classical Arabic in Islam, or Sanskrit in the religions of India. 72 68-69 And the crew should be open to great surprises. It is likely that not only life but also an established civilization may be found on Proxima B; it could be similar to that of Earth, or even more advanced, and its language might very well be TURKISH… 277 Not to mention, the voyage would provide a significant natural experiment for linguistic science, if crew members are capable of conducting it. APEENDIX 1: Word frequency Table This table was generated after removal of irrelevant texts and text enhancements in the suspected document. KAMİL KARTAL Word arrival biblical catholic century change chaucer church colony communication completely concerns conditions conducted consider consist continues creation crew critical culture dangerous decision define departure development dialect dialectical differ different discuss disparate distance divergence diverse Frequency Frequency A 3 8 B 1 1 C 3 1 2 2 11 22 1 2 3 1 9 8 8 7 2 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 1 1 1 1 D 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 3 9 1 9 1 1 6 4 1 1 1 3 1 5 2 2 1 1 Prof Dr. Prof. Dr. Word arrivals biblical catholic century change chaucer church colony communication completely concerning conditions conducted considered consistent continue creates crew critical culture decades decay demonstrate departure development dialect dialects differ different discussed distance distinct diversity divided earth earthbound education effective emerge emerging engendered english environment established experience explained extremely 15 3 1 4 2 1 1 13 3 3 2 1 1 forgotten 1 generation generations grammatical great 1 5 1 3 hear human 2 2 idea imitating impossible increase individuals interstellar 1 1 2 1 1 3 jews 1 knowledge 1 language let’s linguistic literature 47 1 1 1 maintained maintenance measure mission modern (21st century, today) 1 1 1 2 E 16 5 2 1 2 1 1 5 3 2 1 1 1 F 1 G 1 6 2 1 H 1 1 I 4 1 2 1 1 7 J 1 K 1 L 59 1 8 1 M 1 1 1 3 1 5 earth earthbound education effect emerge emerging endangered english environments established experiment exploration extremely forgotten generation generations grammatical grow heard human identity imagine impossible increase individual interstellar jewish knowing language lead linguistic liturgical maintained manner measure mission modern morphology 1 nature necessary necessities 7 2 1 observation occur original 1 2 1 passengers period permanence politics precluded present problematic progressing 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 rarity read reason reflective requirements 1 1 4 1 1 science seek seeking shakespeare shift shuttle sight significant solution sound space speak speakers spelled spoken spread start structure syntax 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 9 9 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 task 1 1 N 3 1 1 O 1 2 1 P 1 1 1 5 1 2 1 1 R 1 1 1 1 1 S 2 1 3 1 3 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 T 5 morphology nature necessity needs observations occurs original passengers period permits policy precisely predictable problem progress rates read reason reflexes regulations science see seeking shakespeare shift ship show significant solutions sound space speak speaking speech spoke spread strata structures syntax tasks transformed travel turkish turks two 1 1 6 1 3 undergone unknown used 1 1 5 values vehicle vessel visual vowel voyage 1 1 12 1 1 6 way words world 4 4 3 1 1 2 1 1 U 1 2 2 V 1 1 6 2 1 1 W 16 2 1 transmission travel triggered trip two undergo unintelligible users value variety vessel viewed vowel voyage way words world APPENDIX 2: Word Cloud KAMİL KARTAL’S ARTICLE ’S & ’S ARTICLE This word cloud was generated after removal of irrelevant texts and text enhancements in the suspected document APPENDIX 3: Website Suspicious Activity Report (The United States) APPENDIX 4: Evidence of my continuous interest on the topic / My Earlier Public Drafts APPENDIX 5: COPYRIGHT PUBLIC WARNING ON MY MATERIAL