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HOCK PING GUEK & PANTALEONI R. A., 2014. – The genus Ankylopteryx Brauer, 1864 (Neuroptera Chrysopidae). – Biodiversity Journal, 5(1): I-II.

• • • < • Ankylopterix sp .. Semenyih. Selangor. Malaysia (forest) BIODIVERSITY JOURNAL 20 14, 5 (I), 1-92 Quaternly scientific journal edited by Edizioni Danaus, via V. Di Marco 41,90143 Palermo, Italy www.biodiversityjournal .com biodiversityjournal@ Official authorization no. 40 (28. 12.20 I 0) ISSN 2039-0394 (Print Edition) ISSN 2039-0408 (Online Edition) The genu s A"kylopteIY.Y Brauer, 1864 (Neuroptera C hrysopidac). In 1864, Braucr established the new genus AII/"J'{opteryx for five species of green laccwings from Mozambique, India, China, Sumatra and Ceylon (i.e. Sri Lanka), furthcnllorc he described three new ones from Nicobarc Islands, Ambon Island (Moluccas), and Van Dicmclls Land (i.e. Tasmania), already reflecting the cUlTently known distribution oflhe genus, which shows 11 continuous presence in the Palaeotropics from Africa (South of Sahara), Madagascar, Arabian Pcninsula, Islands of Indian Ocean, India, South China, Ryukyu Islands, Indonesia, Australia, New Hebrides, About 50 species are known but many others are surely waiting for description because this interesting, large, genus needs to bc rcvised. Brauer namcd the gcnus after the curvcd costa (the external vein of the wings), deriv ing it from the Greek cャvkIaセ@ [ankylos] crooked, bent, curved, hooked and rrn:pov, iA ョZーセ@ [pteron, pteryx] wing. Manifest characters of the genus are the highly sctosc wings, forewings with very broad costal ficld , narrow hind wings, and, strangely, tarsi with black tips. Alive specimens show an unusual resting position, with the wings flattened and not foldcd in a roof-li ke position. Tjedcr( 1966, The Lace-wings of Southem Africa, S. Famil y Chrysopidae. South African Animal Life, Vat 12.) suggested that this peculiarity is probably due to the broad costal area. Presumably, the resting position, in connection with the broad and setose wings, allows to improve the adhesiveness to the large and smooth leaves of the tropical plants, on which these species find shelter. As far as is known, the adults are not predaceous an d the larvae are trash-carrying, i.e. they cover themselves with debris, resembling small packets of fragments than ks to the large setose tubercles and long body hairs. Allky{opteryx species were cited as predators in crops and orchards, indeed applied studies suggcstthcirpotcntial rolc as biological control agents. Hoek Ping G uck, Kuala Lurnpur, Malaysia, e-mail: Robc rto A. Pantalconi, Istituto per 10 Studio degli Ecosistcmi, Consiglio Nazionaledcllc Ricerche (lSECNR), Traversa la Crucca 3, Regione Baldinca, 107100 Li Punti SS, haly& Sezione di Entomologia e Patologia Vegeta1c, Dipartimento di Agraria, Universita degli Studi, via Enrico Dc Nicola, 1071 00 Sassari SS, ha ly, c-mail: r.pantalconi@ セ@ セ セ N@ Up: Ulu Yam, Selangor, Malaysia (forest); middle: Nilai, Negeri (open area); down: Bcntong, Pahang, Malaysia (montane Forest,