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JOINVILLE IN DATA 2013 ABOUT THIS REPORT In this institutional profile you will know, in a concise and objective manner, the full potential, magnitude and differentials of Santa Catarina and Joinville, its largest city, with this quick reference guide. In a simplified report format, we seek to update official data annually, with the goal of creating, from now on, a template with a historical perspective of the main regional indicators - something rare to find in a single source. We thus hope to share with our various stakeholders useful, relevant and strategic information, that will make us, each time more, the focus of attention for new ventures. JOINVILLE I SANTA CATARINA I BRAZIL 2013 3 CONTENTS SANTA CATARINA • SANTA CATARINA IN NUMBERS ................. • Area, population, GDP, Economy • AMONG THE RICHEST ................................... • Facts and regional wage by category 6 7 8 • ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT .................... 10 • ECONOMIC SEGMENTS BY REGION......... • IFDM, Industrial Park and Foreign Trade 2013 4 12 • INFRASTRUCTURE....................................... • Ports, roadways, railways, airports, energy, natural gas, telecommunications, water/sanitation 14 • HUMAN DEVELOPMENT ........................... • HDI and other indices, Health and Education • IMMIGRANTS IN SANTA CATARINA ..... • History, tourism potential, geography and climate 15 JOINVILLE • WHY JOINVILLE................................. • Key indicators 16 • HISTORY .......................................................... • History, population trends, education, religion, motor vehicles, geography and climate 18 2013 5 21 • ECONOMY ...................................................... 22 • DISTANCES FROM JOINVILLE.................. • Companies by economic sector, main products, exports x imports, formal labor market, taxes, bank branches 24 • INDICATORS .................................................. • Reference costs in Joinville, meal prices and population distribution by income 26 • INFRASTRUCTURE....................................... • Electricity, water & sanitation, public cleaning, urban public transport, railway, road & highway network, taxi service, hotel network and tourism, events & leisure infrastructure, major fairs and events, media and business organizations • LOGISTICS ...................................................... • Highways, railways, ports and airports 32 34 • HUMAN DEVELOPMENT ........................... • Health structure, quality of life indices, culture, tourism, leisure and events, sports and security • PROFESSIONAL TRAINING ...................... • Institutions of higher education and professional technical training 39 41 • INDUSTRIAL CONDOMINIUM ................ 42 • TAX BENEFITS ............................................... • MAP OF THE REGION ................................. 46 • IMPORTANT CONTACTS ........................... 48 JOINVILLE I SANTA CATARINA I BRAZIL Santa Catarina in numbers 2013 The municipality of Joinville is located in the state of Santa Catarina, one of the most developed in Brazil. Situated in the center of the southern region, Santa Catarina is strategically positioned in relation to Mercosur and to key Brazilian markets. 6 AREA 65.6% 95,703.50 km2 POPULATION is the percentage of economically active people in Santa Catarina. 6,317,054 (IBGE 2011 estimate) The population density is 66 inhabitants per square kilometer, distributed in 295 municipalities. SC GDP 8.2% Agricultural R$ 152.4 billion, occupying the 7th position in the Brazilian ranking PARTICIPATION OF ECONOMIC SECTORS IN SANTA CATARINA’S GDP GDP PER CAPITA R$ 24,300, the largest in the southern region and the fourth largest in Brazil. The national average is R$ 19,700. 32.8% Industry 59% Trade and services SOURCE: IBGE - 2010 CENSUS SC among the richest states in Brazil The percentage of people in the income classes A and B also makes SC one of the richest states in the country, according to Exame magazine (29/06/2011). Additionally, Santa Catarina’s cities have registered growth above the national average. (Diário Catarinense – 13/12/2012) •340% is how much Santa Catarina grew in the last three decades, well above the national average. •Brazil’s 7th richest state, its GDP accounts for 4.04% of the national wealth. •It is among the top ten exporting states, with a share of 3.54% of the total in 2011. •Seventh state of Federal Revenue in 2011, accounting for 3.09% of the Brazilian total. •Average monthly household income: R$ 3,015.10 (SC) X R$ 2,535.31 (Brazil) •It has the third highest average household income Regional minimum wage by worker category Since March 2011, a regional minimum wage has been in place in SC. In 2012, the average increase was 9.3%. According to Dieese-SC estimates, a million workers are benefited by Catarinenses regional wage floor level. (A Notícia, 01/16/2013) VALUE IN 2012 CATEGORIES R$ 765 Workers in agriculture and livestock production, processing and extractive industries, fisheries, construction, musical instrument and toy industries, equestrian establishments, motorcycle couriers and transport drivers in general, domestic workers. R$ 835 Chemical and pharmaceutical, film, food industries, general trading, employees of autonomous trade agents. R$ 793 Clothing and footwear industries, spinning and weaving, leather, paper, cardboard and cork articles, newspapers and magazines distributors and sellers, management of companies owning newspapers and magazines, health services, and furniture industries. R$ 875 Metal mechanical and electrical material, graphics, glass, crystals, mirrors, ceramics industry, rubber products, insurance, capitalization and credit, buildings and condominiums, jewelry industry, school administration assistants, culture, data processing workers and drivers. in the country, behind Distrito Federal (R$ 5,473.24) and São Paulo (R$ 3,308.97). •It has the lowest proportion of low-income in the country: 2.12% have a monthly income of up to R$ 127.50. • Six in ten Catarinenses (people from Santa Catarina) of the economically active population work in micro and small enterprises. JOINVILLE I SANTA CATARINA I BRAZIL 2013 7 North Furniture West 2013 8 Food Furniture Highland Plateau Pulp and paper Economic segments by region MAP OF THE STATE OF SANTA CATARINA Forestry Northeast Plastic Products Motor vehicles / auto parts Machinery and equipment Fishery Electrical equipment and materials Metallurgy and metal products Itajai Valley Fishery Ceramics Naval Industry Textiles and Clothing 2013 Motor vehicles / auto parts 9 Southeast Fishery Technology / IT Naval Industry South Fishery Textiles and Apparel Metallurgy and metal products Ceramics Plastic Products Mining JOINVILLE I SANTA CATARINA I BRAZIL Third most developed in the country Santa Catarina is undoubtedly a promising state. Each year, there’s a growing interest of companies investing in this region, and it’s not by chance. The Firjan Municipal Economic Development Index (IFDM) brought in its latest edition Santa Catarina’s advancement in the ranking of the country’s most developed states. From its former fourth position, SC jumped to third, ahead of Rio de Janeiro and only behind São Paulo and Paraná. The Index also showed that of the 295 cities in Santa Catarina, 26 showed high development, five of them placing among the 100 municipalities with the highest index in the country: Blumenau, Brusque, Florianópolis, Joinville and Chapecó. SANTA CATARINA’S LEAP The State is now the third most developed in the country, ahead of Rio de Janeiro. (* IFDM variation between 2009 and 2010) 2013 10 STATE 2009 2010 São Paulo Paraná Santa Catarina Rio de Janeiro Minas Gerais Rio Grande do Sul Espírito Santo Distrito Federal Goiás Ceará 0.87 0.82 0.79 0.80 0.79 0.78 0.75 0.76 0.73 0.71 0.89 0.84 0.82 0.82 0.81 0.81 0.77 0.77 0.75 0.73 * The Firjan Municipal Economic Development Index ranges from 0 to 1. The closer to 1, the greater the city’s development in three basic areas - education, employment/income and health. SOURCES: AMANHÃ MAGAZINE, JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2013 AND A NOTÍCIA NEWSPAPER, DECEMBER/2012 INDUSTRIAL PARK Santa Catarina’s industrial park is a reference in Brazil. The processing industry is prominent in the country. The food sector is the largest employer, followed by articles of apparel and textile products. This does not impede, however, the development of new vocations. An example is the technology sector, which in recent decades has been gaining strength in the cities of Florianopolis, Joinville and Blumenau. FOREIGN TRADE • Santa Catarina’s main product markets in 2011 (US$ million). • Main countries of Santa Catarina’s imports in 2011 (US$). United States - 992 China - 3.9 bi Japan - 684 Chile - 1.5 bi Argentina - 678 Argentina - 1.2 bi Netherlands - 640 United States - 987 mi China - 410 Germany - 685 mi UK - 369 Peru - 546 mi 2013 11 South Korea - 445 mi India - 407 mi SOURCES: IBGE, MINISTRY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT/ RAIS 2010 AND MINISTRY OF DEVELOPMENT, INDUSTRY AND FOREIGN TRADE / SECEX JOINVILLE I SANTA CATARINA I BRAZIL Infrastructure PORTS AIRPORTS Santa Catarina has five major maritime ports - Itajaí, Itapoá, Imbituba, Navegantes and São Francisco do Sul - which handle over 25 million tons per year and maintain regular routes between the state and the world’s main ports. Santa Catarina’s northern region, including the Paranaguá Port, form the largest port and logistics hub in Latin America. Santa Catarina is served by three airports with capacity to receive large aircrafts: Florianópolis, Joinville and Navegantes, plus regional airports, heliports and airfields for charter flights. ROADWAYS 2013 12 The state roadway network is comprised of more than 62,000 km of federal, state and local roadways, giving access to all municipalities. BR-101 is SC’s main connection with other states and also with major ports, setting up a strategic corridor for Mercosur. RAILWAYS The railway network has approximately 1,360 km and is used for cargo transport. It is divided into three main branches: two from North to South and one from East to West, the latter serving the São Francisco do Sul Port. ENERGY The state invests in energy selfsufficiency, with more than 80 power generation projects in operation and more than 15 works forecasted in the Ministry of Mines and Energy Ten Year Plan, which ensure self-sufficiency until at least 2015. The state has the highest rate of rural electrification in Brazil. Distribution to Santa Catarina’s households with electricity is 99.80%. 12.6% 5.6% TELECOMMUNICATIONS Other classes Rural 44.2% 15.5% Industrial Commercial 22.1% Distribution of Santa Catarina’s households Residential NATURAL GAS Santa Catarina counts on a piped distribution network that carries natural gas from the Bolivia/Brazil Gas Pipeline to the end consumer. There are 679 km of networks under the responsibility of the Santa Catarina Gas Company (SCGÁS). Natural gas consumption in SC in m3/day (2011) 14,515 Virtually all municipalities in the state have fixed and mobile telephone services and there is easy access to broadband Internet in major cities. Santa Catarina is connected to anywhere in the country or abroad through image, text, voice or data. Connection to the maritime mobile service enables telephone contact or message with vessels worldwide. 1,084 Residential Commercial 368,612 With phone - 94.08% Only mobile- 47.11% 2013 Only fixed - 6.57% 13 Mobile and fixed - 40.44% With microcomputer - 50.33% With Internet access - 38.59% WATER/SANITATION Automotive (GNV) 1,450,363 Industrial TOTAL – 1,834,574 Almost 100% of Santa Catarina’s households receive treated water and there’s heavy investments to improve sanitation levels. Nevertheless, the core network is deficient: only 16% of municipalities treat sewage properly. Distribution of Santa Catarina’s households With water supply – 99.20 % With sewage through network collection system (general or pluvial) – 29.05% With sewage through septic tank – 47.52% JOINVILLE I SANTA CATARINA I BRAZIL 2013 14 Human Development The economy’s positive numbers reflect directly on the population’s life quality and life expectancy. • Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.840 is the second best in the country, only behind of Distrito Federal. • Average life expectancy of 76 years, the same as Distrito Federal. • Lowest murder rate in the country: 12.9 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants, according to the Violence Map 2012. • One of the lowest infant mortality rates in the country - 11.8 per thousand live births HEALTH With more than 200 hospitals, mostly SUS accredited, it has available approximately 15,000 hospital beds for Santa Catarina’s population, an average of 2.4 beds per thousand inhabitants. EDUCATION Education and development go hand in hand in Santa Catarina. • 92.4% finish high school. • Over 99% of children between 6 and 14 are in school • Second lowest illiteracy rate in the country: 4.1%, second only to Distrito Federal (3.5%). The national average is 9.6%. • Population in a state of poverty is 11.4%. The national average is 28.8%. SOURCES: PNUD, IBGE, IPEA AND GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE OF SC Immigrants in Santa Catarina Italians Austrians Swiss Ukrainians Norwegians Syrians Germans Poles 2013 15 Portuguese Tourism vocation The geographical diversity, with over 560 km of coastline, fields, valleys and mountains, enchants visitors and all who choose SC to live in. The peak season for tourism is summer, when more than 6 million visitors pass through the state, according to Santur’s Tourism Demand Study. Throughout the entire year, the number of visitors exceeds 8 million. Japanese HISTORY Santa Catarina’s official settlement dates back to the 16th century, when the Portuguese built the first villages in the region of Florianópolis. In the 19th century, the first German, Swiss and Italian immigrants arrived in SC. Thereafter, other migratory waves marked the region with the arrival of Japanese, Poles, Ukrainians and Syrians, among others. The ethnic and cultural diversity is now a major feature of SC’s wealth. Geography and climate HIGHEST POINT: Morro da Bela Vista (Urubici), with 1827 meters AVERAGE TEMPERATURES: between 13 and 25 degrees centigrade. CLIMATE: Humid subtropical RELIEF: Over 75% of the area is 300 meters above sea level and 50% above 600 meters. SOURCE: SANTUR JOINVILLE I SANTA CATARINA I BRAZIL WHY JOINVILLE? • With more than 515,000 inhabitants, Joinville is the state’s largest city by population 2013 16 • Strategically located within 100 km of the region’s four major ports and with easy access to highways that interconnect the country and Mercosur • It is the state’s most important economic, technological and industrial center • Santa Catarina’s largest industrial area, with approximately 1,600 industries and 13,400 businesses • GDP of R$ 18.4 billion • GDP per capita of R$ 35,800 • Presents the 13th best HDI (Human Development Index) of Brazil: 0.857 • It is the sixth fastest growing city in Brazil in the last 10 years • Leader in Santa Catarina in the number of export companies and second municipality in export volumes (US$ 1.676 billion) and imports (US$ 1.648 billion) in 2011 • Third largest ICMS tax collector in 2011 • More than 209,000 registered workers SOURCES: IBGE/2010, ONU/PNUD, MTE/RAIS 2010 AND IPPUJ FOUNDATION - JOINVILLE CITY IN DATA 2010/2011 2013 17 JOINVILLE I SANTA CATARINA I BRAZIL History Settled by European immigrants - predominantly German in its first historical cycle - and by workers from across the country over the past 40 years, Joinville has ethnic and cultural diversity as one of its key characteristics. In 1843, the Portuguese royal family offered a dowry in Northern Santa Catarina to the French Royal Family, the union of Prince François Ferdinand Philippe Louis Marie d’Orléans with princess Francisca Carolina de Bragança, daughter of Dom Pedro I. On March 9, 1851, the Dona Francisca Colony was founded - by European immigrants (Germans, Swiss and Norwegian). These lands were negotiated in 1849 with the Hamburg Colonization Society. 2013 18 The colony then received a French name, now being called Joinville, in honor of the French Commune of which Ferdinand François was Prince. The first 191 immigrants came from Germany, Switzerland and Norway to settle this land on board the Vessel Colon. POPULATION Average annual population growth of 1.69%, above the national (1.17%) and state (1.55%) average (IBGE 2010 Census) Total population: 515,288 Total urban population: 497,788 Total rural population:17,462 Total men: 255,763 Population density: 453 hab/km2 (49.63%) Total women: 259,487 (50.36%) (Florianópolis, State’s capital with approximately 420,000 inhabitants) From the 90s, this profile has been extended to the services and technology sectors, with the decentralized commercial development of the neighborhoods, increasingly independent from the city’s center. In the mid-90s the city’s first major shopping malls began to be inaugurated and with the advent of globalization, the region’s largest companies were able to consolidate their national and international leadership. In 30 years, from the second half of the 19th century, more than 17,000 European immigrants settled in the colony, among them Germans, Swiss, French, Austrians, and especially Italians. Precisely in this period appeared the first metallurgical and textile industries in the region. Among the landmarks of entrepreneurship in the 21st century, installation of Brazil’s largest multisectoral industrial condominium stands out, generating in one place no less than almost 3% of Santa Catarina’s wealth. Between the 50S and 80s the city transformed itself into one of Brazil’s major industrial centers, attracted workers from all over the South to work in companies that were already becoming national and international references, coming to be known as the “Manchester of Santa Catarina” in the 70s. JOINVILLE’S POPULATION EVOLUTION 515,288 429,604 Municipality total 346,224 235,612 SOURCE: IBGE CENSUS 1980, 1991, 2000 AND 2010 1980 1991 2000 2010 ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE POPULATION EVOLUTION BY SECTOR SECTORS 2009 2010 Primary Secondary Tertiary Total 610 64,528 97,616 162,754 560 87,793 121,106 209,459 Note: We consider as the second sector: industry and construction. And as the third sector: trade and services. SOURCE: MTE/CAGED/ RAIS – 2011, 1ST SEMESTER. CONSIDERED ONLY FORMAL JOBS DECLARED IN THE RAIS POPULATION BY AGE GROUP – 2010 6.67% 4.75% 0 to 5 years 6 to 9 years 8.12% 5.94% 13.54% 13.51% 14.94% 19.82% 4.57% 8.14 10 to 15 to 18 to 25 to 35 to 45 to 60 to More than 14 years 17 years 24 years 34 years 44 years 59 years 64 years 64 years SOURCE: IPC – INSTITUTO DE PESQUISA CATARINENSE LTDA – ORIGIN DESTINATION SURVEY 2010 JOINVILLE I SANTA CATARINA I BRAZIL 2013 19 EDUCATIONAL LEVEL OF JOINVILLE’S POPULATION 1.01% 4.83% 5.43% 23.32% 10.03% 14.08% 32.48% 1.88% 6.94% Postgraduate UnderUnderCompleted Incomplete Completed Incomplete Not Masters graduate graduate primary primary Illiterate high school high school applicable Doctorate complete incomplete education education Note: The item “Not applicable” is equivalent to children 0-6 years of age. No children who attended daycare were considered. SOURCE: IPC – INSTITUTO DE PESQUISA CATARINENSE LTDA – ORIGIN DESTINATION SURVEY, 2010. POPULATION DISTRIBUTION BY RELIGIOUS BELIEF Other/not reported 6.2% Lutheran Catholic 4.1% 65.5% Evangelical SOURCE: IBGE 2010, 2002/2003 24.2% 2013 20 MOTOR VEHICLE INDICATORS YEAR LICENSED FLEET VEHICLES POPULATION 2000 2010 2011 136,992 286,162 307,162 429,604 515,288 520,905 INDICATOR (Population/Licensed Vehicles) 3.14 1.80 1.69 SOURCE: DETRAN SC/ STATISTICS / IBGE STATISTICS / IPPUJ – 2012 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS 26º 18’05” S (SOUTH LATITUDE) 48º 50’38” W (WEST LONGITUDE) 4.5 M (SEAT ELEVATION) Total area of municipality: 1,135.05 km2 (212.6 km2 of urban area and 922.45 km2 of rural area). Equivalent to almost three times the territorial size of the capital Florianópolis. Highest point: Serra Queimada peak, with 1,325 meters above sea level Climate: tropical and super humid subtropical. The average relative humidity reaches over 78%. Average monthly rainfall: 190.08 mm in 2012 Average annual temperature: 22 degrees Celsius Average maximum temperature: 27 degrees Celsius Average minimum temperature: 19 degrees Celsius SOURCES: IBGE AND UNIVILLLE’S WEATHER STATION DISTANCES FROM JOINVILLE Curitiba 110 km 134 km Mafra Joinville São Bento do Sul 68 km Jaraguá do Sul 126 km Chapecó 46 km Blumenau 535 km 93 km 310 km Itapoá São Francisco do Sul 80 km 45 km Navegantes 75 km Camboriú Itajaí 87 km Nova trento Florianópolis 117 km 163 km São José 183 km São Joaquim 353 km Imbituba Tubarão 97 km Lages Paranaguá 312 km 262 km Criciúma 355 km 2013 21 BRAZILIAN CAPITALS Aracaju-SE Belém-PA Belo Horizonte-MG Boa Vista-RR Brasília-DF Campo Grande-MS Cuiabá-MT Curitiba-PR Fortaleza-CE Goiânia-GO João Pessoa-PB Macapá-AP Maceió-AL Manaus-AM Natal-RN Palmas-TO KM 2,725 3,326 1,134 4,901 1,548 1,121 1,809 125 3,671 1,393 3,318 2,924 3,001 3,728 3,495 2,166 Porto Alegre-RS Porto Velho-RO Recife-PE Rio Branco-AC Rio de Janeiro-RJ Salvador-BA São Luiz-MA São Paulo-SP Teresina-PI Vitória-ES NEARBY FOREIGN CAPITALS Asunción (PAR) Buenos Aires (ARG) Montevideo (URU) Santiago (CHI) 635 3,265 3,208 3,819 982 2,515 3,360 533 3,273 1,430 KM 1,085 1,938 1,530 3,362 FLIGHT TIME Major cities hours Florianópolis-SC Belo Horizonte–MG Brasília–DF Campo Grande–MS Cuiabá–MT Curitiba–PR Fortaleza–CE Porto Alegre–RS Recife–PE Rio de Janeiro–RJ Salvador–BA São Paulo–SP Asunción (PAR) Buenos Aires (ARG) Montevideo (URU) 25min 2h 2h25 1h10 1h35 25min 4h20 50min 3h50 1h40 2h50 50min 1h50 3h40 3h20 SOURCES: SECRETARY OF DEVELOPMENT AND REGIONAL INTEGRATION, QUATRO RODAS GUIDE 2010 AND JOINVILLE’S SECRETARY OF COMMUNICATION - CITY IN DATA 2010/2011. JOINVILLE I SANTA CATARINA I BRAZIL Economy NUMBER OF COMPANIES BY ECONOMIC SECTOR 3,202 1,673 MEI Industry 6,152 Autonomous 21,182 Total 45,663 13,454 Services Trade Note: MEI - Micro Individual Entrepreneur SOURCE: MUNICIPAL SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY - TECHNICAL REGISTRY 2012/01. DATA UP TO DECEMBER 31, 2011. 2013 MAIN PRODUCTS OF JOINVILLE’S INDUSTRIES 22 METAL MECHANICAL PLASTICS WOODWORKING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Air conditioners, boat engines, centrifugal pumps, steel plates, engines and motor pumps, cast & malleable iron, aluminum castings, boat propellers, bolts, nuts & washers, rolled iron & steel, copper faucets, metal fixtures and motor compressors PVC fittings, plastic fittings, plastic packaging, plastic parts for refrigerators, hoses, house wares Bathroom accessories, toys, wooden truck beds, frames, foundry molds, furniture, pieces for interior decoration, floor and wall coverings Solutions in Integrated Systems ERP, ICT - Information and Communication Technology, System Via Internet and new Communication Platforms, Industrial and Commercial Automation Systems TEXTILE Outerwear and uniforms, sportswear, shirts, socks in general, bed accessories, knitted fabrics and articles, raw and dyed cotton yarn OTHERS Copper, tobacco, boats, pickled foods, household appliances, beverages and soft drinks, bus bodies, sweets and jams, editorial and graphic, foliage and seeds, pasta and food in general, perfumes, soaps and candles, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, iodine salts SOURCE: CITY IN DATA - 2010/2011 - IPPUJ (FOUNDATION INSTITUTE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF JOINVILLE) SANTA CATARINA AND JOINVILLE TRADE BALANCE IN FOB US$ 2011 Santa Catarina Joinville EXPORTS IMPORTS 9,051,041,000 1,676,489,970 14,840,947,000 1,652,288,964 SOURCE: MDIC / SECRETARY OF FOREIGN TRADE - SECEX/2012 MAIN EXPORTING MUNICIPALITIES OF SC MUNICIPALITY 2011 – US$ FOB Itajaí 3,465,582,056 Joinville 1,676,470,307 Jaraguá do Sul 826,427,433 São Francisco do Sul 712,711,847 Blumenau 573,064,698 SOURCE: MDIC/SECEX MAIN IMPORTING MUNICIPALITIES OF SC MUNICIPALITY 2011 – US$ FOB Itajaí 6,782,131,697 Joinville 1,647,805,856 Florianópolis 1,117,857,551 Blumenau 676,859,823 São José 586,461,137 SOURCE: MDIC/SECEX TAXES 2011 ICMS IPI ICMS/IPI/IPVA Joinville 294,465,203 4,710,087 342,692,169 Santa 3,132,698,468 49,940,577 3,670,259,569 Catarina SOURCE: STATE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY - GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF ACCOUNTING - 2012 FORMAL LABOR MARKET 2010 Joinville Santa Catarina Brazil 209,459 2,095,571 36,272,747 SOURCE: TEM / CAGEDEST - 2011, 1ST SEMESTER. CONSIDERED ONLY THE TOTAL NUMBER OF FORMAL JOBS. BANKING BRANCHES NUMBER OF *ATM’S BRANCHES INSTITUTION Banco do Brasil Casa do Empreendedor Banco Santander Brasil Banco Rio Grande do Sul S/A – Banrisul Caixa Econômica Federal – CEF Banco Bradesco S/A Banco Itaú S/A Banco Mercantil do Brasil S/A – Bancantil Banco HSBC S/A Banco Safra S/A Banco Comercial do Uruguai S/A Sicoob/Coopercred (Corporate Service Desk) Votorantim S/A Banco Renner S/A Total branches 21 01 07 10 03 01 - 08 02 17 09 11 02 01 - 02 01 06 - 01 - - 08 01 01 71 42 * ATM’S: Automated Teller Machines. Note: there was a fusion of the following banks: Santander/Real/ABN, Banco do Brasil/BESC, Itaú/Unibanco. With this, the banks were incorporated and extinguished and/or merged their brands. SOURCE: JOINVILLE’S REGION BANKING UNION 2011, 1ST SEMESTER. JOINVILLE I SANTA CATARINA I BRAZIL 2013 23 Indicators The indicators described herein show the evolution of various indices relevant to Joinville’s economic and social growth. REFERENCE COSTS IN JOINVILLE ACTIVITY CONSTRUCTIONS REAL ESTATE* TRANSPORT 2013 24 WATER** UNIT AVERAGE COST R$ Residence (3 rooms/finished) CUB m2 1,038.16 Industry (prefabricated) CUB m2 527.06 Industrial land m2 60.00 to 1500.00 Residential land m2 100.00 to 1500.00 people 2.90 to 3.30 Taxi Base fare 4.00 Residential “A” 1 (social) 0 a 10 m3 9.55 Residential “B” 1 0 a 10 m3 2.23 Commercial/Industrial/Public 1 0 a 10 m3 32.66 10 a 5,000 m3 5,12 m3 m3 80% of water rate Industrial B3 Low Voltage kWh 0.32499 Residential B1 Low Voltage 30 up to 80 kWh (low income) kWh 0.18054 Public (bus) Industrial Special* SEWAGE ELECTRIC ENERGY*** Residential B1 Low Voltage above 220 kWh (low income) 0.30087 Rural B2 0.19311 Rural B2 – rural electrification cooperative kWh 0.15184 Commercial B3 Low Voltage kWh 0.30808 SOURCES: SINDUSCON-JLLE-SC/PMJ/GIDION/ JOINVILLE WATER COMPANY/CELESC 2011, 1ST SEMESTER (COLLECTIVE/BUS TRANSPORT RATES UPDATED TO 2013). * Real Estate average price varying according to city region and terrain features. **Water Rate: values corresponding to the minimum consumption rate of up to 10m3 *** Electric energy rate: unit values per kWh without taxes - 2013 25 AVERAGE MEAL PRICES – TOTAL Self-Service-Total 15.29 A La Carte 29.96 Commercial 15.06 Executive 23.56 Industrial 6.00** ** Average from queries to Joinville’s companies. SOURCE: ASSERT MEAL SURVEY (FOOD AND NUTRITION BUSINESS ASSOCIATION AGREEMENT FOR THE WORKER) – AVERAGE PRICE 2012. * In restaurants open to the public inside Perini Business Park, meal values vary from R$25.00 to R$29.00 per kilo and R$9.15 in the open buffet, with juice and dessert. URBAN POPULATION OF JOINVILLE BY INCOME CATEGORY INCOME (IN MS*) PARTICIPATION % Less than 1 MS 3.9 1 MS 14.8 From 1 to 3 MS 51.4 From 3 to 5 MS 17.3 From 5 to 10 MS 8.2 From 10 to 20 MS 1.8 From 20 to 30 MS 0.3 More than 30 MS 2.3 SOURCE: IBGE ESTIMATES – SEBRAE – SC HOUSEHOLD CENSUS –IPPUJ ESTIMATES – HDI INCOME – 0.776 (AVERAGE * HDI) *MS – MINIMUM SALARY Big Mac Index R$ 10.00 (US$ 5.11 – dollar of 12/3/2013) JOINVILLE I SANTA CATARINA I BRAZIL Infrastructure Joinville has a comprehensive network of urban infrastructure, which has been growing each year according to demand - and being improved in its various aspects and equipment. ELECTRIC ENERGY There are nine substations responsible for power distribution in Joinville, with 99.3% of the population having access to public electric energy. ELECTRIC ENERGY CONSUMERS CLASS NUMBER OF CONSUMERS CONSUMO – KWH 2010 Residential 157,889 435,071,295 Industrial 6,723 1,688,935,197 Commercial 14,218 289,342,208 Rural 1,609 7,057,573 Public Power 695 27,140,563 Public Lighting 20 31,495,820 Public Service Companies 68 34,651,654 Own Consumption 18 578,679 Total 181,240 2,514,274,999 2013 26 SOURCE: CELESC 2011 WATER AND SANITATION More than 98% of Joinville’s population has drinking water. The network Expansion Plan for wastewater treatment coverage foresees a 39.54% increase in the current number of the population served with network and wastewater treatment, increasing the current coverage of only 16.55% to 53.54% over the next years. PEOPLE ATTENDED BY WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM AND SEWAGE COLLECTION IN PERCENTAGE YEAR RESIDENTIAL WATER % RESIDENTIAL SEWAGE % 2009 2012 492,358 519,000 99.00 99.00 226 km 550 km 15.17 20.00 SOURCE: JOINVILLE WATER COMPANY PUBLIC CLEANING Household waste collection covers 100% of the urban area and includes eight routes in rural areas, with special attention given to environmental preservation areas and springs. In addition to collection, the public cleaning services in the municipality of Joinville provide transportation, treatment and disposal of solid urban waste. The separate collection of recyclables attends the central area on a daily basis, and the other neighborhoods once a week, covering 100% of the urban area. On average, 531 tons of materials are collected per month, forwarded to five screening centers: three recycling associations and two cooperatives. (SOURCE: SEINFRA - PUBLIC CLEANING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATION 2011). SOLID WASTE REPORT BY TYPES IN TONS / MONTH TYPE COLLECTIVE URBAN TRANSPORT Household Collection Sweep Collection Hospital Collection Industries and Private Individual Collection Total The bus transit system is operated by two concessionary companies, Gidion and Transtusa, divided by two major areas (North and South). The Integrated Transit System has electronic ticketing and integration stations. Joinville also has a fleet of 165 charter vehicles that mainly serve companies in the region. 2010 9,490 781 43 1,798 12,112 SOURCE: ENGEPASA ENVIRONMENTAL - 2011, 1ST SEMESTER. COLLECTIVE TRANSIT SYSTEM DATA OF JOINVILLE (AVERAGE) Nº OF ROUTES 235 Nº OF TRIPS OPERANT (WORKING DAYS) FLEET 9,182 320 RESERVE FLEET AVERAGE FLEET AGE Nº OF USERS (DAILY AVERAGE) Nº OF USERS/ MONTH 35 5.7 128,106 3,896,561 SOURCE: GIDION / TRANSTUSA / SEINFRA / IPPUJ, 2011, 1ST SEMESTER. JOINVILLE I SANTA CATARINA I BRAZIL 2013 27 MODES OF TRANSORTATION BREAKDOWN IN JOINVILLE 1.94% 14.06% Other Bicycle 0.16% Special Bus 30.35% 2013 By foot 28 26.48% Municipal Buses 23.28% Automobile 3.73% Motorcycle ROAD NETWORK Joinville has 1,706,778 meters of roads interconnecting the center and the districts, of which 56.14% are paved. Currently, the city has 86 km of bicycle paths and bike lanes - installation of more than 64 km is scheduled for the coming years. SOURCE: JOINVILLE CITY IN DATA - 2010/2011 - IPPUJ BUS STATION Joinville’s Bus Station, one of the main areas of arrival in the city, includes 6,000 m2 of built area, with 24 platforms and 20 service providers. In 2010, the bus station registered a total of 1,306,057 passengers (embarking / disembarking) and a turnover of 94,911 buses. SOURCE: CONURB - BUS STATION TAXI SERVICES 2010 Number of vehicles Number of taxi stands 216 56 SOURCE: SEINFRA - TRANSPORT SERVICE 2011, 1ST SEMESTER HOTEL NETWORK AND TOURISM INFRASTRUCTURE HOTEL MANAGEMENT SERVICES IN JOINVILLE 2011 Promotur/Santur surveys (2009) show that 59.25% of visitors come to the city for business, 12.67% for tourism , and 28.08% for other reasons. Leisure infrastructure is composed of approximately 900 bars, restaurants, nightclubs and similar. Rated hotels and other establishments Beds Occupancy rate (average %) Hotel stay (day) 52 42563 51.67 1.80 SOURCE: JOINVILLE TOURIST FOUNDATION - SANTUR – UNION OF HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, BARS AND SIMILAR OF JOINVILLE AND REGION 2012. TOURISM, EVENTS AND LEISURE INFRASTRUCTURE DESIGNATION NATURE NUMBER Private Private Public 893 75 2 Public Public Private Public 1 2 27 15 Private Public Private Private Private Public Private 9 1 16 2 25 81 21 Private Private Private Private Public Private Private Public Private Private 1,540 1 8 11 1 36 31 2 9 2 Tourism Bars, Restaurants and Similar Hotels Ecological Parks Public Events Centreventos (Theater and Multipurpose Arena) Convention Centers Convention Centers Mini Events Centers Leisure Cinemas (rooms) Cinema Clubs and Class Recreational Entities/Nightclubs Marinas Motels Squares and Leisure Areas Dance Halls Sports Dance and Gymnastics Academies Golf Clubs Shooting Clubs Soccer Clubs and Stadiums Soccer Stadiums Soccer Fields Sports Arenas Sports Arenas Track and Field Bowling Alleys SOURCE: VARIOUS INFORMATION AGENCIES / PMJ PERMIT SECTOR 2011, 1ST SEMESTER. Note: The number of hotels includes the establishments that are not linked to the sector’s trade associations. JOINVILLE I SANTA CATARINA I BRAZIL 2013 29 EVENT LOCATIONS Currently there are two large venues suitable for fairs, congresses and events. EXPOVILLE COMPLEX – an area of 360 thousand square meters, along BR-101, with structure geared towards leisure, business or events tourism. It contains two pavilions: Nilson Bender Events Pavilion (inaugurated in 1972), currently with 9,200 m2, and Megacentro Wittich Freitag (expansion inaugurated in 2006), with 14,000 m2, being 11,400 m2 exclusively for events. An ecological woodlands and commercial center with local products are part of the complex. • Capacity: 36,000 people, depending on configuration • Constructed area: 20,300 m2 exclusively for events • Parking: 1,500 spaces 2013 30 CENTREVENTOS CAU HANSEN – inaugurated in 1998, it is a multipurpose arena that brings together the Juarez Machado Theater (500 people), the Convention Center Alfredo Salfer, and beside it, an exhibition center, the Expocentro Edmundo Doubrawa. Its versatility allows it to receive concerts, theatrical and musical performances, sports activities, large festivities, conventions, congresses, fairs etc. The venue also houses the headquarters of the Bolshoi Theatre School in Brazil, Joinville Cultural Foundation and the School of Music. • Capacity: up to 5,000 people in the audience, grandstands and in its 32 boxes, this number may be increased depending on the configuration • Constructed area: 25,000 m2 • Arena: 15,000 m2 • Stages, institutional and educational support areas: 10,000 m2 • Parking: 400 spaces • Location: Avenida Beira Rio, 315 MAJOR EXHIBITIONS EXPOGESTÃO (National Congress of Management Improvement and Management Products & Services Fair) – Know more: INTERMACH (International Fair and Congress of Technology, Machines, Equipment, Automation and Services for Metal-Mechanical Industries) – Know more: METALURGIA (International Fair and Congress of Technology for Foundry, Steel Mills, Forging, Aluminum and Services) – Know more: www.feiras. INTERPLAST (National Trade Fair and Congress of Plastic Technology Integration) – Know more: www. INTERCON (Civil Construction Fair and Congress) – Know more: intercon/ POWERGRID BRASIL (Energy Trade Fair and Congress - Technology, Infrastructure and Energy Efficiency) Know more: EXPOSUPER (Fair of Products, Services and Equipment for Supermarkets) – Know more: www.exposuper. SHOPPING CENTERS The city has 3 shopping centers: Mueller Joinville, Joinville Garten Shopping and Cidade das Flores along with several other commercial centers. MEDIA In Joinville there are 16 radio stations, 10 open TV and cable broadcasters and 12 newspapers of which two are daily. CONSULATES Joinville houses honorary consulates of Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Slovakia, Czech Republic among others. 2013 MAIN BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS ACIJ – Joinville Business Association, has more than 1,400 members from the industrial, commercial and service sectors. AJORPEME – Joinville and Region Association of Small, Micro and Medium Enterprises, with more than 2,000 members. CDL – Joinville Chamber of Retailers, has more than 1,700 associates, integrating and promoting information exchange in the commercial segment. ACOMAC - Association of Building Materials Retailers, promotes integration of the group, offers lectures and courses. AMCHAM BRASIL - American Chamber of Commerce brings together nearly 4,500 members from small, medium and large enterprises, counts on a regional unit in Joinville. Also installed in Joinville is the World Trade Center (WTC) regional office. JOINVILLE I SANTA CATARINA I BRAZIL 31 Logistics HIGHWAYS 2013 32 Joinville is connected to the state and the country’s main points through a network of highways including BR-101, SC-301 North and South and SC-413. • BR - 101 - northbound to Curitiba and São Paulo, and southbound to Itajai, Florianopolis and Porto Alegre. • SC - 301 (North) – originating from the access clover of the Pirabeiraba District along BR-101 it connects Joinville and North Plateau of Santa Catarina through the municipalities of Campo Alegre, São Bento do Sul, Rio Negrinho and Mafra. • SC - 301 (South) - originating from the southern limits of the municipality’s urban area, it extends to the junction of BR-280, linking Joinville to the municipalities of Araquari, Barra do Sul and São Francisco do Sul • SC – 413 - connects the municipality of Joinville, from the Vila Nova district, to the municipality of Guaramirim at the junction with BR-280. • South Access Axis - originates in the south within the limits of the municipality’s urban area and extends to the junction of BR-101. RAILWAY TRANSPORT The company América Latina Logística do Brasil has a rail spur connecting São Francisco do Sul to Mafra, and from this national connection, to Porto Alegre, São Paulo and all of Paraná. The loads carried are soybean meal, wheat, scrap metal, ceramic and bentonite, soybean, degummed oil, sorghum, oats, corn, fertilizer, iron ore, steel coils, pig iron and refrigerators. Average commercial trips/day: 4 Average railcars per train: 77 Network extension: 212.00 KM SOURCE: AMÉRICA LATINA LOGÍSTICA DO BRASIL, 2009 PORTS Joinville is a strategic logistics reference for being less than 100 miles from the four major ports in the region. • • Itapoá (SC) – One of the most modern private ports in Latin America for handling containers, it has 630 meter long piers and an initial installed capacity to move 300,000 containers/year. It is included among the world’s major shipping routes and cabotage in Mercosur countries. With a 16 meter natural draft, it is capable of receiving large vessels (with capacity for 9,000 TEUs or more). It also serves as a hub port, concentrating cargo, enabling service of both long distance transport as well as cabotage. Catarina’s total exports. Its facilities occupy more than 15,000 m2 of covered area for product storage and 38,000 m2 uncovered for container storage. • Navegantes (SC) - Portonave has been in operation since 2007, with a total area of 270,000 m², 900 meter quay structure with three berths, being considered one of the country’s most modern ports. It has an 11.3 meter draft and an annual handling capacity of 1 million TEUs. • São Francisco do Sul (SC) – This port is Santa Catarina’s main grain port and 80% of its movement is geared for export. It features a 780 meter berthing pier and 13 meter draft. Integrated with Mercosur Atlantic Consortium, it also offers a rail spur interconnected to the town of Mafra, and from this is connected to the national railway system. Itajaí (SC) - The Itajai Port Complex leads maritime transport in the state and occupies second place in the national ranking for container handling. Its 750 meter pier structure, with a 14 meter draft, are responsible for 80% of Santa PORTS – SC/SP/PR DISTANCE FROM JOINVILLE/KM Imbituba–SC Itapoá–SC Itajaí–SC Navegantes–SC Paranaguá-PR Santos–SP São Francisco do Sul–SC 262 80 87 80 134 607 45 2013 AIRPORTS SOURCES: SECRETARY OF DEVELOPMENT AND REGIONAL INTEGRATION, AND QUATRO RODAS 2010 GUIDE, JOINVILLE SECRETARY OF COMMUNICATION - CITY IN DATA 2010/2011 33 Lauro Carneiro de Loyola Airport is one of the largest in the South. It is located 13 km from the city center, 75 km from Navegantes Airport, 110 km from Curitiba Airport and 185 km from Florianópolis Airport. Companies that operate are Gol, TAM, Azul and Trip. In 2004 it inaugurated a new 4,000 m2 passenger terminal with capacity to attend up to 500,000 passengers a year. From Joinville airport daily flights depart to São Paulo (Congonhas, Guarulhos and Campinas) and Rio de Janeiro (Galeão). MOVEMENT IN JOINVILLE AIRPORT YEAR DEPARTURES PASSENGER ARRIVALS 1990 2000 2010 41,430 113,792 143,916 42,256 118,031 145,216 TOTAL AIR CARGO (KG) 83,686 231,823 289,129 1,906,743 1,007,075 1,101,241 SOURCE: INFRAERO, 2011, 1ST SEMESTER. JOINVILLE I SANTA CATARINA I BRAZIL 2013 34 Human development SERVICE UNITS • Families in Joinville are composed, on average, of three or four people. • Over 300,000 people have health insurance in Jo- inville HEALTH Longevity in Joinville is one of the highest in the country corresponding to 74.97 years on average, while the infant mortality rate is 9.3 per thousand live births. HOSPITAL NETWORK INSTALLED PHYSICAL CAPACITY BEDS BY CLINIC Surgical Medical Pediatrics Psychiatry Obstetrics TOTAL General Hospital Specialized Clinics / Ambulatories Maternities PA - Emergency Care Health Units Reference Centers Family Health Units Outreach Family Health Units Polyclinics General Emergency Room Pharmacies and Drugstores Laboratories (Collection Stations) Separate Dental Offices Ground units – Mobile-Dentistry Ambulances (SAMU) 06 08 02 03 56 14 36 02 09 04 17 25 10 03 05 SOURCE: DATASUS AND SECRETARY OF HEALTH - GUP, CONTROL, EVALUATION AND AUDIT / CNES 2012/01. QUALITY OF LIFE INDEX DECEMBER 2009 SUS PRIVATE TOTAL 239 289 64 31 77 74 138 31 37 313 427 95 31 114 33 14 17 20 - 53 14 17 25 08 33 08 21 28 06 06 08 27 34 846 320 1,166 COMPLEMENTARY ICU Adult ICU Infant ICU Neonatal Intermediate Neonatal Unit Isolation unit Surgical AIDS Total Clinical and Surgical Hematology and Hemotherapy Center Transfusion Agency HEALTH STRUCTURE 01 - 01 01 - 01 SOURCE: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH - MANAGEMENT PLANNING, CONTROL, EVALUATION AND AUDIT UNIT / CNES 2010, 1ST SEMESTER. Ambulatory units Specialized clinics Municipal Doctors* Municipal Dentists (150 SUS) Hospital beds Medical consultations Health agents (APS I and ACS) Longevity (in years) Low birth weight (≤ 2.3 kg) General mortality Hospitals/PA Laboratories Municipal Nurses* Nursing Technicians Nursing Assistant Family Health Program – PSF Life expectancy at birth (years) Infant mortality 61 215 2,140 580 2.29/1000 489,941 925 0.85 7.8 5.2/1000 10 35 414 1254 825 33 74.97 9.3/1000 SOURCE: DATASUS, 2009. MUNICIPAL SECRETARY OF HEALTH- PLANNING, CONTROL, EVALUATION AND AUDIT MANAGEMENT. HEALTH SURVEILLANCE MANAGEMENT OF PRIMARY CARE UNITS MANAGEMENT 2010, 1ST SEMESTER. * Considering only those that are attended through SUS. Note: Ambulatory Units: 56 in Primary Care and 4 Reference Specialties. In PSF, three units are extension. JOINVILLE I SANTA CATARINA I BRAZIL 2013 35 CULTURE, TOURISM AND LEISURE EVENTS 2013 36 Due to its predominantly worker and entrepreneurial profile, Joinville has a natural vocation for business tourism, holding fairs and exhibitions as well as being the city that hosts culture becoming an international reference. Among the titles by which the city is historically known are International Dance Capital, City of Flowers, City of Bicycles and Manchester of Santa Catarina. The city is home to the world’s largest dance festival, the Joinville Dance Festival. For being the Capital of Dance, Joinville attracted to its region the Bolshoi Theatre School of Brazil, the only branch of the Bolshoi Theatre of Moscow outside Russia, which currently serves approximately 250 students from the community, of which 90% are scholarship holders. The Cultural Foundation of Joinville is responsible for maintaining, promoting and developing cultural activities in the municipality and maintaining the history preserved in museums, notably the National Museum of Immigration and Colonization which is housed in the old Palace of the Princes, and the Sambaqui Archaeological Museum, providing an overview of the region’s prehistory. The city also has venues to disseminate culture, such as the Cultural Antarctica Citadel (an old revitalized brewery), the Historical Archive and Memory House, besides maintaining its traditions through themed festivals (Festival of Flowers, October festivals) throughout the year, especially in the rural tourism area. MAIN TOURIST AND CULTURAL ATTRACTIONS OF JOINVILLE • Rua das Palmeiras (alameda Brüstlein) • National Museum of Immigration and Colonization • Sambaqui Archaeological Museum • Art Museum of Joinville • Foundry Museum • National Fire Fighter Museum • “Fritz Alt House” Museum • Culture House Municipal Art Gallery Victor Kursancew • Germano Kurt Freissller City Public Market • Historical Archives of Joinville • Diocesan Cathedral of Joinville • Church of Peace • Deutsche Schule Cultural Center • Sacred Heart of Jesus Shrine • Memory House / Immigrants Cemetery • Joinville Arena • Expoville Park • Antarctica Cultural Citadel • Boa Vista Observatory • Memory Station • Karting Track • Centreventos Cau Hansen • Joinville Dance Festival • Juarez Machado Theater • Bolshoi Theater School in Brazil • Geovah Amarante City Gate • Zoobotanical Park • Finder Hill Ecological Park • Caieira Park • Amaral Hill • Babitonga Bay Saguaçu Lagoon • Prince of Joinville III Boat • Beautiful Road Region • Piraí Region • Pirai Waterfall and Hydroelectric Station Piraí • Quiriri Region • Dona Francisca Region • Krüger House (tourist center) - Dona Francisca SOURCES: PROMOTUR / CULTURAL FOUNDATION OF JOINVILLE, 2011, 1 SEMESTER. Joinville still keeps its traditions by maintaining cultural societies such as: Lyra Harmony, Gymnastics Society of Joinville, Lyric Society of Joinville, Dona Francisca Society, Rio da Prata Society, German Cultural Society, Esmeralda Sports and Recreation Society, Joinville Floresta Society, Cruzeiro Joinvilense Sports and Cultural Society, XV de Novembro Sports Cultural Recreational Shooting Hunting Society, among others. MAIN EVENTS IN JOINVILLE Week of Museums May Rice Festival March Carnaval Saturday in the Station May Fresh Water Fish Festival September Bandoneon Festival May Spring Festival September February/ March King Shooting Festival June March to December (once a month) Cassava Festival King Shooting Festival February Week of Joinville On Sunday Morning concerts mornings Anniversary of Bolshoi Theatre School in Brazil Tooling + Modeling and Machining Fair Electro Electronics and Industrial Automation Fair March March Handcrafts Fair October June Intercon October Folkloric Gathering June Sustainable Fair June Pork/Shooting Festival October Expogestão June October Colonial Festival July Stammtisch of Joinville Dance Festival July October Solidarity Festival July Festival of Traditions Interplast August Logistics Fair October Yam Festival August Harvest Festival September Hemerocallis Brazilian Festival October to February Joinville Jazz Festival November Spring in Museums September April Farroupilha Week September Open Games September Flower Festival November Intermach September Garden Home & Leisure Fair November School Olympics December Dream Christmas December Creole National Rodeo April Anthurium Festival April Polenta Festival September Duck Festival May Metalurgia Fair September Pack & Print Brazil September Fair SOURCES: PROMOTUR / CULTURAL FOUNDATION OF JOINVILLE, 2011, 1ST SEMESTER. JOINVILLE I SANTA CATARINA I BRAZIL 2013 37 SPORT IS NATIONAL HIGHLIGHT Joinville has teams in three modalities competing in national championships. JEC - Joinville Sports Club - the soccer team has been competing, since 2012, in the Series B of the Brazilian Championship. It has 12 state titles, including 8 consecutive (1978 to 1985). Since 2005 Joinville’s futsal team has competed in the sport’s major championships, with many athletes from the Brazilian national team. Joinville’s basketball also has national prominence. A great sport strength in Santa Catarina (9 times state champion), participating in the most important Brazilian league, the NBB (New Basketball Brazil). SPORT EVENTS IN JOINVILLE EVENTS PERIOD HELD Child Fishing Gymkhana March Beach Soccer Inter-district Games April/May Joinville Student Games April/May Day of challenge Kurt Meinert Soccer Cup May (Community) June to November Swimming Festival for Non Federates August/ November Golden Age Olympics August Joinville Rustic Race October Futsal Cup October to December Joinville Open Games October Joinville Para-Sports Open Games October Sports Initiation Program Every day AMI – Golden Age Academy Every day 2013 38 SOURCE: FELEJ, 2010. Note: in 2010 there were 31 Golden Age Academies installed in various districts of the city, with a forecast of installing another eight, still in 2011. SAFETY Joinville’s public safety relies on civil and military police forces, federal police and army units (the 62nd Infantry Battalion), as well as civil defense, fire department, traffic agents and community safety councils (Conseg), present in 15 regions of the city. Based in Joinville, the 8th Military Police Battalion represents the Military Police in the northeastern region of Santa Catarina. The city is also the seat of CPNorte, which exercises strategic level operational command in 16 counties in Santa Catarina’s north-northeast region. The Civil Police is composed of a regional police station, a central police station, specialized precincts and Ciretran. The Joinville Volunteer Fire Department has 11 operating units (plus an administrative and communication unit), with a team of 1,884 people. Professional education HIGHER EDUCATION Nine public and three private institutions offer the population of Joinville a range of higher education courses at undergraduate, postgraduate, masters and doctorate levels. HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS IN JOINVILLE NUMBER OF SEATS/YEAR ENROLLED STUDENTS NUMBER OF COURSES State University of Santa Catarina– Udesc 370 2,476 8 Federal Institute of Santa Catarina – IFSC Joinville campus* - 80 80 2 Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC Joinville campus* Engineering Center for Mobility - 400 577 1 HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS PRESENTIAL Public Private 2013 Regional University of Joinville – Univille 2,100 7,440 32 and 36 degrees Santo Antônio – Inesa Higher Educational Institute - 200 315 2 Cenecista College of Joinville – FCJ 940 1,549 9 ACE – Guilherme Guimbala College 820 1,456 6 Bom Jesus/lelusc Lutheran Education Association - 185 771 5 Tupy Superior Institute – IST 5,260 5,683 28 Senai Technology College 120 259 4 Assessoritec - 380 213 4 Anhanguera College of Joinville 2,300 4,300 20 Total 13,155 25,119 121 SOURCES: UDESC, IFSC, UFSC UNIVILLE, INESA, FCJ, ACE, IELUSC, IST, SENAI, ASSESSORITEC, ANHANGUERA 2010, 1ST SEMESTER. Note: The Catholic University of Santa Catarina ( began offering undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education in Joinville in 2012, not yet computed in the above table. JOINVILLE I SANTA CATARINA I BRAZIL 39 HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS IN JOINVILLE: DISTANCE LEARNING AND / OR SEMI-PRESENTIAL COURSES NUMBER OF SEATS Public HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS EAD – Federal University of Santa Catarina Joinville Pole* ENROLLED STUDENTS NUMBER OF COURSES 150 120 3 60 60 3 300 170 6 1,000 2,000 13 750 1,500 10 2,260 3,850 35 Private Assessoritec* - Exathum – Interactive College* Pedagogical Advisory Continuing Education University – (Uniasselvi and ECB) - Brazilian Institute of Graduate Studies and Continuing Education = Total SOURCES: EAD-UFSC, EXATHUM, AUPEX, IBPEX 2010, 1ST SEMESTER. 2013 40 * Technical Course PROFESSIONAL TECHNICAL EDUCATION Even with its industrial and commercial characteristic Joinville offers a range of specialized and vocational courses at the following institutions. • José Elias Moreira Cenecista School - CNEC: 24 technical courses: sales, foreign trade, business management as well as property security. • Asessoritec – Technology Institute: 20 courses from construction management, information technology, industrial maintenance to automotive electromechanical. • Cedup – Dario Salles: 8 courses, from trade and mechanical manufacturing to accounting. • Educaville: 23 courses, from administrative processes, logistics, financial strategy to marketing strategies. • Educare – Vocational Training Center: 4 courses, massage therapy, aesthetic, nursing and professional qualification. • Senac – National Service for Business Learning: 9 courses, radiology, networks, human resources and supermarket services. • Senai – National Service of Industrial Learning: • • 28 courses, from industrial automation, mold tooling, clothing, computers, as well as industrial baker and confectioner. IFSC – Federal Institute of Santa Catarina: 3 courses, nursing, industrial mechanics and electronics. Tupy Technical School - 21 courses from graphic design, construction, metallurgy to telecommunications; and 14 distance learning courses, from environment, public services, sales to mechanical design. SOURCE: JOINVILLE CITY IN DATA 2010/2011. In addition to these institutions, Fundamas Albano Schmidt Municipal Foundation, a municipal agency, focuses on qualifying and retraining as well as social and digital inclusion. The Foundation develops and teaches training courses for youths and adults in ten educational facilities in the central and peripheral areas of Joinville, qualifying the city’s workforce in various sectors. Fiscal benefits INVESTMENT BANKS SEBRAE In Santa Catarina, two investment banks are prepared to meet the needs of entrepreneurs. Both operate as on-lending for the National Bank Economic and Social Development (BNDES) and other funding sources. The Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Enterprises’ mission is to stimulate the emergence of new businesses and support existing ones. The institution identifies and offers solutions to Santa Catarina’s entrepreneurs and trains, guides and enables entrepreneurs in the pursuit of results, growth and social development by generating jobs and income. Sebrae/SC operates in the areas of education, market, technology, information and public policy with three market approaches: Individual, sectorial and territorial assistance. A) Agência Catarinense de Fomento S/A (Badesc) Lending capacity: approximately R$ 1 billion. Beneficiaries: virtually every sector of Santa Catarina’s economy. BADESC’s priority is micro and small enterprises, which have absorbed between 80% and 85% of transactions and 55% of the amounts invested. B) Southern Regional Development Bank (BRDE) Beneficiaries: industry, trade, agriculture, infrastructure, individuals. services, What can be funded: construction, facilities’ expansion or renovation, equipment purchase, program and product development, training and qualifying human resources, energy consumption rationalization, working capital associated with the investment to be made, among others. The Special BRDE Microenterprise Program offers special conditions and simplified documentation for small businesses with over two years of operating activity or the entrepreneur’s work experience. Another special program finances working capital to produce goods for export. Terms: up to five years, with a grace period of up to two years included within the total period. There is flexibility in the timeframe, according to the enterprise’s profile. SOURCE: WWW.SANTACATARINA.BRASIL.COM.BR JOINVILLE – INCENTIVE POLICY The municipality applies Complementary Law nº 272/2008, which addresses tax incentives for companies that want to have operations in Joinville. In this regard, art. 4 foresees the following exemptions: • I - Exemption from municipal taxes • II - Refund on part of the ICMS tax return • III – Others, in the form of specific law FISCAL BENEFITS IN SANTA CATARINA !"!#$%&'()#&(%*&()!+)(*",*)%*,*-&"* ./01234567897/ 9::;<55;4=>1>?@.>14..;0=A2/B32?=5.>:45>1/41:>CB.DE>./0>.D43D.01:0D/0:0=>102;9; FISCAL BENEFITS IN JOINVILLE !"!#$%&'()#&(%*&()!+),'&"-&..! /0123456789:2; <77=>66=5?@2@AB/@25//=1?C30D43A?6/@756@20527@ED/FG@/01@/F54F8D@2E@HH53=<= JOINVILLE I SANTA CATARINA I BRAZIL 2013 41 Industrial Condominium 2013 42 In seeking innovative solutions that result in competitive market advantages, one strategic solution is to install the enterprise in an industrial condominium since the company doesn’t tie up capital in property and gains more financial breath. Many benefits transform this choice into more productivity and assertiveness, allowing the company to have greater focus on the business itself. As the most important economic center of Santa Catarina and third in the southern region, Joinville has the largest multisectoral business condominium in Brazil, Perini Business Park. In 2.8 million m2 of land and 270,000 m2 of constructed area (50% of the projected capacity), the condominium located in Joinville’s industrial district houses 112 companies from diverse segments such as metal mechanic, plastics, logistics, chemical, construction, automotive, metallurgy, electronics, agribusiness, nautical, trade and services. LOCATION 5 minutes from two accesses to the BR-101 highway, which connects Brazil from North to South 4 km from the newest shopping center in Joinville 4 km from Univille and Udesc university campus and from two units of the fire department 9 km from the city center Within a radius of 150 km there are five ports BRAZIL’S LARGEST MULTISECTORAL INDUSTRIAL CONDOMINIUM 7,500 employees More than 100 companies, being 27 multinational companies, from 10 nationalities R$ 2.53 billion is Perini’s GDP Represents 2.65% of Santa Catarina’s GDP and 19% of Joinville’s GDP Forecasted for 2024: 16,000 employees; 230 companies; 550,000 m2 of constructed area BUSINESS SEGMENTS / OCCUPIED AREA 78% Industry 18% Trade 4% Services 2013 43 CONSTRUCTED AREA IN M2 TOTAL AREA IN M2 2012 | 270 thousand 2012 | 2.8 million 2005 | 84 thousand 2005 | 2.1 million 2001 | 37.5 thousand 2001 | 1.9 million JOINVILLE I SANTA CATARINA I BRAZIL A TRUE CITY TOTAL ACCESSES AT THE GATE PEDESTRIANS VEHICLES TRUCKS 2008 156,814 618,892 34,508 2009 208,124 643,164 56,902 2010 332,395 770,177 53,597 2012 346,524 889,908 68,016 TRAFFIC PER MONTH 2012 2013 44 28,000 72,000 5,600 Pedestrians Automobiles Trucks DIFFERENTIALS IN INFRASTRUCTURE OFFERED BY PERINI BUSINESS PARK International building standard Piled floor with high load capacity Prefabricated structure Building closure with thermoacoustic panels Structure for bridge-cranes Roof with natural lighting and ventilation Ceiling height standard of 8.5 m Execution of special projects on demand Docks for loading and unloading Gas, water and electric energy networks Offices with customized architecture Fiber-optic and radio frequency telecommunications 600,000 m² of permanent preservation area SERVICES AND AMENITIES OFFERED BY PERINI BUSINESS PARK Controlled access to the condominium Road weigh station Surveillance 24 hours a day, seven days per week Urbanized avenues Internal and external collective transport Parking lots Private parking lots Building maintenance Conservation, cleaning and gardening Landscaping that favors pedestrians: sidewalks, benches and flowering hedges Selective waste collection Restaurants and bakery Car wash Bank branches and correspondence distribution Many advisory services (advocacy, information, insurance...) Telecommunications operators Volunteer brigade for fires and emergencies Medical/dental clinic Sports courts Library Training room Centralizing hub for forums, lectures and business meetings Education program for youths and adults Future Athlete Program Environmental Education Center CONTACT Industrial , 8300 – Distrito ca cis an Fr na Do a Ru Brazil – Joinville – SC – CEP: 89219-600 6 +55 47 3028-860 e-mail: contato@pe r .b om k.c spar www.perinibusines 2013 45 JOINVILLE I SANTA CATARINA I BRAZIL 19 17 16 07 08 15 06 14 13 03 02 12 01 04 20 21 09 11 JOINVILLE AND REGION 01 Expoville 02 Expocentro Edmundo Doubrawa 03 Centreventos and 05 Juarez Machado Theater 04 Lyra Harmony 05 Airport 06 Federal University of SC 07 Univille 08 Udesc 09 Sociesc International School 10 Tupy Technical School 11 São José Hospital 12 Dona Helena Hospital 13 Unimed Hospital 14 Infant Hospital 15 BR-101 16 Perini Business Park 17 Joinville Country Club 10 18 (golf course and equestrian club) 18 Joinville Yacht Club 19 Leme Equestrian Center (horse riding) 20 Military Police Battalion 21 Armed Forces Battalion Important contacts MUNICIPAL AGENCIES / INSTITUTIONS JOINVILLE CITY HALL (main building) Av. Hermann August Lepper, 10 - Centro 55 47 3431-3233 Fax: 55 47 3433-2480 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Mayor Udo Döhler Main Building 55 47 3431-3221 SECRETARY TO THE MAYOR’S OFFICE 55 47 3431-3345 2013 48 OFFICE OF THE VICE-MAYOR Vice Mayor Rodrigo Coelho Main Building 55 47 3431-3277 Fax 55 47 3431-3295 MUNICIPAL REGULATORY AGENCY FOR WATER AND SEWAGE SERVICES OF JOINVILLE Rua Paraná, 420 Anita Garibaldi 55 47 3433-1158 ITTRAN Transit Institute Rua XV de Novembro, 1383 América 55 47 3431-1519 55 47 3431-1512 CULTURAL FOUNDATION OF JOINVILLE Av. José Viera, 315 América 55 47 3433-2190 Fax 55 47 3433-0021 25 DE JULHO MUNICIPAL RURAL DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION Rodovia SC 301, KM 0 55 47 3424-1188 JOINVILLE SPORTS, LEISURE AND EVENTS FOUNDATION Rua Inácio Bastos, 1084 Bucarein 55 47 3433-1160 FUNDEMA Municipal Environment Foundation Rua Otto Boehm, 100 América 55 47 3433-2230 Fax 55 47 3433-5202 FUNDAMAS Albano Schmidt MUNICIPAL FOUNDATION Rua Monsenhor Gercino, 1040 Itaum 55 47 3436-0033 55 47 3436-0035 IPPUJ Institute Foundation of Research and Planning for Sustainable Development of Joinville Main Building 55 47 3431-3446 Fax 55 47 3422-7333 IPREVILLE Social Security Institute for Public Servants of the Municipality of Joinville Praça Jardim Nereu Ramos, 372 Centro 55 47 3423-190 ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE MUNICIPALITY Main Building 55 47 3431-3227 Fax 55 47 3431-3237 FOUNDATION FOR TOURISM PROMOTION AND PLANNING OF JOINVILLE Rua XV de Novembro, 4543 Glória 55 47 3453-2663 Fax 55 47 3453-2644 SECRETARY OF ADMINISTRATION Main Building 55 47 3431-3219 Fax: 55 47 3431-3276 SECRETARY OF INTEGRATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Main Building 55 47 3431-3217 SECRETARY OF EDUCATION Rua Itajaí, 390 Centro 55 47 3431-3006 Fax 55 47 3433-1122 SECRETARYOF HEALTH Rua Itajaí, 51 Centro 55 47 3481-5100 SECRETARY OF SOCIAL ASSISTANCE Av. Procópio Gomes, 749 Bucarein 55 47 3802-3705 55 47 3423-1309 SECRETARY OF COMMUNICATION Main Building 47 3431-3202 SECRETARY OF URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE Rua Saguaçu, 265 Saguaçu 55 47 3431-5000 Fax 55 47 3422-7237 SECRETARY OF PLANNING, BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT Main Building 55 47 3431-3418 Fax 55 473422-7333 SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY Main Building 55 47 3431-3228 SECRETARY OF PEOPLE MANAGEMENT Rua Luiz Niemeyer, 54 – 10ª Andar - Centro 55 47 3431-3142 Fax 55 47 3422-1148 SECRETARY OF HOUSING Rua Marechal Deodoro, 138 Centro 55 47 3802-3600 55 47 3433-2329 OMBUDSMAN OF CITY HALL Rua Anita Garibaldi, 79 Anita Garibaldi Telephone: 156 SEPROT Secretary of Civil Protection and Public Safety Rua Anita Garibaldi, 79 Anita Garibaldi 55 47 3437-3827 / 199 ALDERMEN CHAMBER OFJOINVILLE Rua Hermann August Lepper, 1.100 Saguaçu 55 47 2101-3333 Fax 55 47 2101-3200 ACIJ Joinville Business Association Avenida Aluísio Pires Condeixa, 2.550 Saguaçu 55 47 3461-3333 AJORPEME Joinville and Region Association of Small, Micro and Medium Enterprises Rua Urussanga, 292 Bucarein 55 47 2101-4100 USEFUL / EMERGENCY NUMBERS CDL Chamber of Retailer Executives in Joinville Rua Ministro Calógeras, 867 Anita Garibaldi 55 47 3461-2500 FORUM OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF JOINVILLE Avenida Hermann Augusto Lepper, 980 Saguaçu 55 47 3461-8500 Site: FEDERAL INTERNAL REVENUE OFFICE OF BRAZIL IN JOINVILLE – 9ª Rua Mário Lobo, 180 Centro 55 47 3431-6300 Fax 55 47 3433-9399 JOINVILLE WATER COMPANY Rua XV de Novembro, 780 Centro 0800-7230300 CELESC Electric Power Stations of Santa Catarina Individuals Rua Marinho Lobo, 75 Centro 0800 48 0120 Companies Rua Timbó 1.630 Glória 55 47 3451-7000 SCGÁS Gas Company of Santa Catarina Rua Antônio Luz, 255 Centro Empresarial Hoepcke 55 48 3229-1200 Fax: 55 47 3229-1230 SÃO JOSÉ MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL Av. Getúlio Vargas, 238 Centro 55 47 3441-6666 Fax 55 47 3441-6563 INFANT MATERNAL HOSPITAL Rua Araranguá, 554 América 55 47 3145-1600 Fax: 55 47 3145-1666 TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS – 194 AIRPORT – 55 47 3481-4000 CENTRAL POST OFFICE – 55 47 3433-1574 WATER AND SEWAGE – 0800-6430195 AMBULANCE/EMERGENCY RESCUE – 192 FIRE DEPARTMENT – 193 CELESC/ ELECTRIC POWER – 0800480120 CONURB – 55 47 3431-1500 CIVIL DEFENSE – 199 TRANSIT POLICE PRECINCT – 55 47 3436-1961 REGIONAL HOSPITAL Rua Xavier Arp Iririú 55 47 3461-5500 SPECIALIZED POLICE PRECINCT FOR WOMAN – 180 DARCY VARGAS MATERNITY HOSPITAL Rua Miguel Couto, Anita Garibaldi 55 47 3461-5700 CRIME HOTLINE – 181 UNIMED HOSPITAL CENTER Rua Orestes Guimarães, 905 América 55 47 3441-9555 DONA HELENA MATERNITY HOSPITAL Rua Blumenau, 123 América 55 47 3451-3333 BETHESDA HOSPITAL Rua Conselheiro Pedreira, 624 Distrito de Pirabeiraba 55 47 3424-1311 REGIONAL LABOR OFFICES – 158 DETRAN – 154 BETHESDA HOSPITAL – 55 47 3424-1311 DONA HELENA HOSPITAL– 55 47 3451-3333 INFANT MATERNAL HOSPITAL – 55 47 3145-1600 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL – 47 3441-6666 REGIONAL HOSPITAL – 47 3461-5500 UNIMED HOSPITAL – 47 3441-9555 IBAMA – 152 – 152 DARCY VARGAS MATERNITY – 47 3461-5700 24H PA HEALTH POST / EAST – 47 3427-5406 24H PA HEALTH POST / NORTH – 47 3419-0404 24H PA HEALTH POST / SOUTH – 47 3466-0055 PROCON – 151 MILITARY POLICE / PARAMEDICS – 190 CIVIL POLICE – 197 FEDERAL POLICE – 194 HIGHWAY STATE POLICE – 198 HIGHWAY FEDERAL POLICE – 191 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICE – 55 47 3269-7111 TAXI SERVICES – 55 47 3433-4444 STATE REVENUE (ON CALL) – 1528 BUS STATION – 55 47 3433-2991 SECRETARY OF SOCIAL WELFARE – 55 47 3433-7717 SECRETARY OF PUBLIC SAFETY – 55 47 3451-8174 SECRETARY OF HUMAN RIGHTS – 100 8TH MILITARY POLICE BATTALION – 55 47 3431-8700 62ND INFANTRY BATTALION – 55 47 3433-2399 HEALTH SURVEILLANCE – 150 JOINVILLE I SANTA CATARINA I BRAZIL 2013 49 2013 50 JOINVILLE IN DATA is a Perini Business Park publication and made possible with support from the City of Joinville and production by EDM Logos Communication. The information is the result of extensive research from different sources to present the most current and reliable data available. This material will be updated periodically on the Internet and in new editions. For this, we count on your participation by suggesting or sending new information, since the more current and complete this material, the more it will promote our Joinville. Send your contributions to the email br or call 55 (47) 3433-0666. Translation by SPIN Traduções Sources • Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Census 2010, Gross Domestic Product by Municipalities 2010, IBGE / Cities) • Santa Catarina in Data 2012/Fiesc • Santa Catarina in Numbers / 2010 / Sebrae • IPPUJ Foundation - Joinville City in Data 2010/2011 • Diário Catarinense • A Notícia • Amanhã Magazine • Exame Magazine • Firjan - Municipal Economic Development Index (IFDM) • Santur • • • • • State Government of SC Celesc SC Gas State Secretary of Education Ministry of Labor and Employment / Rais 2010 • Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade / Foreign Commercial Service (Secex) • United Nations Development Program (UNPD/HDI) • Institute of Applied Economic Research (Ipea) • Joinville Water Company Photos: Sasse Professional Photography (cover and inside), André Kopsch, Santur, Itapoá Port, Docol, Tupy, Perini Business Park and Joinville City Hall 01234567890 01234567890 01234567890 01234567890 0124 01234567890 01234567890 01 01234567890 01234567890 01234567890 01234567890 01234567890 0124 Production Support