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Erosion Risk Management Tool (ERMiT) user manual (version 2006.01.18)

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-188 April 2007 Predict post-fire Erosion Risk Management Tool (ERMiT) User Manual (version 2006.01.18) Peter R. Robichaud, William J. Elliot, Fredrick B. Pierson, David E. Hall, Corey A. Moffet, and Louise E. Ashmun erosion Year 1 Year 2 treatment effectiveness Year 3 and recovery Robichaud, Peter R.; Elliot, William J.; Pierson, Fredrick B.; Hall, David E.; Moffet, Corey A.; Ashmun, Louise E. 2007. Erosion Risk Management Tool (ERMiT) user manual (version 2006.01.18). Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-188. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 24 p. Abstract The decision of where, when, and how to apply the most effective post-fire erosion mitigation treatments requires land managers to assess the risk of damaging runoff and erosion events occurring after a fire. To aid in this assessment, the Erosion Risk Management Tool (ERMiT) was developed. This user manual describes the input parameters, input interface, model processing, and output files for version 2006.01.18. ERMiT is a web-based application that uses Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) technology to estimate erosion, in probabilistic terms, on burned and recovering forest, range, and chaparral lands with and without the application of erosion mitigation treatments. User inputs are processed by ERMiT to combine rain event variability with spatial and temporal variabilities of soil burn severity and soil properties, which are then used as WEPP input parameters. Based on 20 to 40 individual WEPP runs, ERMiT produces a distribution of rain event sediment delivery rates with a probability of occurrence for each of five post-fire years. In addition, event sediment delivery rate distributions are generated for post-fire hillslopes that have been treated with seeding, straw mulch, and erosion barriers such as contour-felled logs or straw wattles. Key words: erosion prediction model, FS WEPP, post-fire assessment, BAER treatments The Authors Peter R. Robichaud is a Research Engineer in the Soil and Water Engineering Research Unit of the Rocky Mountain Research Station located at the Forestry Sciences Laboratory in Moscow, Idaho. He has developed and implemented research protocols for measuring post-fire runoff and erosion and post-fire erosion mitigation treatment effectiveness. William J. Elliot is a Research Engineer and Project Leader in the Soil and Water Engineering Research Unit of the Rocky Mountain Research Station located at the Forestry Sciences Laboratory in Moscow, Idaho. His research focuses on forest soil erosion processes and prediction. Fredrick B. Pierson is a Research Soil Scientist with the USDA-Agricultural Research Service at the Northwest Watershed Research Center in Boise, Idaho. His research focuses on rangeland hydrology and erosion. David E. Hall is a Computer Programmer/Analyst in the Soil and Water Engineering Research Unit of the Rocky Mountain Research Station located at the Forestry Sciences Laboratory in Moscow, Idaho. He has developed numerous interfaces and the network technology to provide public Internet access to the natural resource models produced by the project. Corey A. Moffet is a former post-doctoral associate with the USDA-Agricultural Research Service at the Northwest Watershed Research Center in Boise, Idaho. He is currently a research rangeland scientist with the USDA-Agricultural Research Service at the U.S. Sheep Experiment Station in Dubois, Idaho. Louise E. Ashmun is a Civil Engineer in the Soil and Water Engineering Research Unit of the Rocky Mountain Research Station located at the Forestry Sciences Laboratory in Moscow, Idaho. You may order additional copies of this publication by sending your mailing information in label form through one of the following media. Please specify the publication title and series number. Publishing Services Telephone FAX E-mail Web site Mailing address (970) 498-1392 (970) 498-1122 Publications Distribution Rocky Mountain Research Station 240 West Prospect Road Fort Collins, CO 80526 Acknowledgments The authors wish to acknowledge and thank the field crews who assisted with the data collection processes that provided the values to populate this model. We also wish to thank the many people who used ERMiT and provided valuable feedback during the development process. Funding for the project was provided, in part, by the Joint Fire Science Program (a collaborative program of the U.S. Department of Interior and U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service) and is greatly appreciated. Contents Preface....................................................................................................................................... ii Purpose of Erosion Risk Management Tool........................................................................... 1 Accessing ERMiT...................................................................................................................... 1 Input Data................................................................................................................................... 1 Climate................................................................................................................................ 1 Soil Texture......................................................................................................................... 4 Rock Content...................................................................................................................... 4 Vegetation Type and Range/Chaparral Prefire Community Description............................. 4 Hillslope Gradient and Horizontal Length........................................................................... 4 Soil Burn Severity Class..................................................................................................... 4 Process...................................................................................................................................... 5 Overview............................................................................................................................. 5 Initial 100-year WEPP Run................................................................................................. 5 Variability of ERMiT Input Parameters................................................................................ 7 Multiple WEPP Runs........................................................................................................... 8 Combined Occurrence Probability.................................................................................... 10 Erosion Mitigation Treatments...........................................................................................11 Output....................................................................................................................................... 14 Summary of Input Selections and Initial 100-year WEPP Run......................................... 14 Sediment Delivery Exceedance Probability Graph for Untreated Condition..................... 14 Mitigation Treatment Comparisons Calculator.................................................................. 15 Supporting Tables............................................................................................................. 17 Saving Results.................................................................................................................. 18 Management Implications...................................................................................................... 18 References............................................................................................................................... 21 Appendix A. Model Assumptions........................................................................................... 22 Appendix B. Example.............................................................................................................. 23 Rocky Mountain Research Station Natural Resources Research Center 2150 Centre Avenue, Building A Fort Collins, CO 80526 Preface The Erosion Risk Management Tool (ERMiT) uses Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) technology as the runoff and erosion calculation engine. WEPP simulates both interrill and rill erosion processes and incorporates the processes of evapo-transpiration, infiltration, runoff, soil detachment, sediment transport, and sediment deposition to predict runoff and erosion at the hillslope scale (Flanagan and Livingston, 1995). The ERMiT interface uses multiple runs of WEPP over a range of input parameters to predict event sediment delivery in probabilistic terms on burned and recovering forest, range, and chaparral lands. This ERMiT User Manual provides the information needed to access, run, and interpret ERMiT output; however, the conceptual framework of the model has not been included. The reader is directed to Robichaud and others (in press) for details of the underlying assumptions and probability calculations of the ERMiT model. This technical article describes: 1) the components of the ERMiT model; 2) the variability of rainfall, soil burn severity, and soil properties (input parameters) that influence postfire erosion; and 3) how the input parameter variabilities are combined to produce a probability distribution of event-based erosion rates with and without application of mitigation treatments. ERMiT is a dynamic process-based model that can be readily updated as additional data and validation results become available. User feedback is greatly appreciated. Peter R. Robichaud ii Purpose of Erosion Risk Management Tool Erosion Risk Management Tool (ERMiT) (Robichaud and others 2006) provides a distribution of rain event erosion rates with the likelihood of exceeding these values. This is unlike most erosion prediction models, which typically have “average annual erosion” as output. ERMiT is a web-based application that uses Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) technology to predict erosion in probabilistic terms on burned and recovering forest, range, and chaparral lands, with and without the application of mitigation treatments (see Appendix A for model assumptions). ERMiT combines weather variability with spatial and temporal variabilities of soil properties to model the range of post-fire erosion rates that are likely to occur. Based on a single 100year WEPP run and 20, 30, or 40 ten-year WEPP runs, ERMiT produces a distribution of runoff event sediment delivery rates with corresponding exceedance probabilities for each of five post-fire years. In addition, sediment delivery rate distributions are generated for hillslopes that have been treated with seeding, straw mulch, straw wattles, and contour-felled log erosion barriers. ERMiT’s “event sediment delivery exceedance probability” output can help managers decide where, when, and how to apply treatments to mitigate the impacts of post-wildfire runoff and erosion on life, property, and natural resources. With ERMiT, managers can establish a maximum acceptable event sediment yield and use ERMiT to determine the probability of “higher than acceptable” sediment yields occurring. The maximum acceptable event sediment yield will vary within a burned area. For example, a short term decline in water quality may be more acceptable than damage to a cultural heritage site, and modeling the hillslopes above these two resources would likely have different user-designated exceedance probabilities and treatment criteria. By modeling various hillslopes within a burned area, managers can determine the probabilities of erosion-producing runoff events occurring, the expected event sediment deliveries, and rates of recovery for the post-fire conditions that exist. Accessing ERMiT ERMiT can be run from the Internet on the FS WEPP web page (, which is maintained by the USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. To run ERMiT, select metric or U.S. conventional units and click the “ERMiT” graphic. The “personality” field is used to maintain individual user information when groups of users share a single Internet Protocol (IP) address. Agencies are increasingly networking computer systems so that users within the same forest may have the same IP address. Input Data • • • • • • • User inputs for ERMiT are: climate soil texture soil rock content vegetation type (forest, range, chaparral) hillslope gradient and horizontal length soil burn severity class for range and chaparral, pre-fire plant community description (relative distribution of shrub, grass, and bare soil cover in percentages). User inputs are entered on a single interactive browser screen (fig. 1). When the cursor hovers over the input parameter name, short hints are provided in the status bar found in the lower left corner of the monitor screen (fig. 2). More extensive explanations related to the input parameters are found on linked pages accessed by clicking on the “ ” icon next to the parameter name. Climate ERMiT is linked to Rock:Clime (version 2004.04.26) (Elliot and others 1999; Elliot and Hall 2000), which provides climate parameter files for more than 2600 weather stations across the United States. These parameter files specify: • station name, latitude, longitude, and elevation • statistical characterizations of: historical daily precipitation  minimum, maximum, and dewpoint temperatures  solar radiation  • monthly probabilities of a wet day following a wet day, and of a wet day following a dry day • a time-to-peak distribution • wind data Rock:Clime allows the user to create a custom climate parameter file by making modifications to monthly precipitation depth, monthly maximum and minimum temperature, and monthly number of wet days in an existing climate parameter file. USDA Forest Service RMRS-GTR-188. 2007  Figure 1. The ERMiT input screen with example user selections. Figure 2. The browser screen “status bar” provides helpful hints as the curser moves over the input screen, in this case, over the hillslope top gradient box.  USDA Forest Service RMRS-GTR-188. 2007 Amount of monthly precipitation may be modified using data generated by PRISM (Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model) (Daly and others 1994; Elliot 2004) or user data. PRISM provides elevation and monthly precipitation values on a 2.5 arc-minute grid across the conterminous United States (PRISM gridded data, normals, 1971-2000. http://www. ERMiT uses the climate parameter file (with all user modifications) as input to CLIGEN (version 4.31) (Nicks and others 1995) to generate a WEPP formatted stochastic daily weather data file. This weather data file includes: Viewing climate station files using the “Climate” link Climate files—status designations Selecting and modifying climates using the “Custom Climate” button • daily precipitation amount, duration, time-to-peak, and peak intensity • minimum, maximum, and dewpoint temperatures • solar radiation • wind velocity and direction The input page for ERMiT displays a short list of standard climates and, in some cases, a list of “custom climates” generated by users of that IP address. The name of a climate station listed in the ERMiT climate selection list may be preceded by a “source of data” symbol. Lack of a preceding symbol indicates that the climate station is one of the standard stations available immediately to all users. • A leading asterisk (*) indicates that the climate file is a “custom climate” created by a user of the current IP address. Each custom climate, available only on the computer where it was created, is generally accessible for at least one week after creation. [Because the linkage is through the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the connection in place when the custom climate is created, America Online (AOL) users may encounter difficulties as their IP connects are not persistent, even within a single ERMiT run. Thus, AOL users may be unable to use custom climates once they are created. In addition, dial-in users may get different IP addresses each time they connect to the Internet, which limits the use of a custom climate to a single session.] • A leading dash (-) indicates that the climate file for the station has been made available, for a period of time, perhaps for an instructional session. • A trailing plus (+) sign indicates a modified climate file; in other words, some of the standard climate station parameter values within this file were modified. • Click the underlined title, Climate, to link to a new page. The new page contains a summary of the monthly mean maximum and minimum temperatures, precipitation, and number of wet days (in other words, days with precipitation) for the selected climate station. A table of the weather stations used to determine the wind, dewpoint, solar radiation, and time-to-peak parameter values is shown as well. From the climate page, the user may also view the entire climate parameter file and a simple line map (based on U.S. Census Bureau TIGER/Line® files) showing the location of the station based on the listed latitude and longitude. The climate parameter file can be saved as a *.par file in the WEPP Windows directory structure and used for other applications in addition to ERMiT. • Click “Custom Climate,” which opens Rock:Clime, to select a climate station that is not in the ERMiT selection list, or to generate a custom climate. • Select the state of interest. • Click “SHOW ME THE CLIMATES” to add a new climate. A list of available climate station parameter files for the selected state is displayed. The user has three choices: 1. Add any of the listed climate stations to ERMiT’s climate selection menu by selecting the climate station and clicking “ADD TO PERSONAL CLIMATES.” 2. View the parameters for the selected climate station by clicking “DESCRIBE CLIMATE.” 3. Modify climate parameter values by clicking “MODIFY THE CLIMATE,” which will open an interactive screen with access to PRISM monthly precipitation values based on latitude and longitude input, and will also allow the user to enter and modify climate data from an existing parameter set. Hint—after using a linked climate page, click “Retreat” or “Return to input screen” from any climate screen. The current ERMiT session will be lost if you close the browser window. To create a climate parameter file for areas outside the Rock:Clime coverage area (in other words, outside the United States), select a similar available climate within USDA Forest Service RMRS-GTR-188. 2007  the United States and modify it to more closely match the climate of the area to be modeled. For climates that are substantially different from an existing parameter file, it is best to start with a climate that is drier than the target climate. Soil Texture Users can select from among four soil textures: clay loam, silt loam, sandy loam, and loam (fig. 1), based on the USDA soil texture classification system. Click the “ ” icon next to the “Soil Texture” title to view soil descriptions and the corresponding ASTM Unified Soil Classification System group symbols. Click the “Soil Texture” title to view the soil parameter values used for ERMiT’s initial 100-year WEPP run. [The available ranges of soil parameter values and the use of these values for the different WEPP runs are discussed in the Process section of this User Guide and in Robichaud and others (in press).] Rock Content In ERMiT, rock content refers to the proportion of rocks found in the upper soil profile. Values up to 50 percent may be specified within the “Rock Content” box (fig. 1). There is no mechanism to adjust soil parameters for rock outcrops or surface rock cover. Vegetation Type and Range/Chaparral Pre-fire Community Description The user can select one of three vegetation types to model: forest, range, or chaparral. If the user selects “range” or “chaparral,” he or she may specify the proportion of shrub, grass, and bare soil in the “Range/chaparral pre-fire community” boxes. The default values for range communities are 15 percent shrub, 75 percent grass, and 10 percent bare ground. The default values for chaparral communities are 80 percent shrub, 0 percent grass, and 20 percent bare ground. For values other than the default values, the user enters percent shrub and grass cover and ERMiT adjusts percent bare ground to total 100 percent, if possible—if not, ERMiT adjusts shrub or grass values to total 100 percent. These input fields are inactive when “forest” vegetation is selected. Hillslope Gradient and Horizontal Length The topographic inputs for ERMiT are hillslope horizontal length and hillslope top, middle, and toe gradients. Hillslope horizontal length is the length of the  Figure 3. Hillslope profile illustration viewed by clicking the “explain” button on the hillslope gradient or hillslope horizontal length box titles. hillslope being modeled and includes the three slope sections—top, middle, and toe (fig. 3). Top gradient is the steepness, in percent, of the upper 10 percent (by length) of the hillslope. Middle gradient is the steepness of the main portion (central 80 percent) of the hillslope. Toe gradient is the steepness of the lower 10 percent of the hillslope. These values may be obtained from field surveys, digital elevation models (DEMs), topographic maps, or geographical information system (GIS) data layers. Enter zero for top gradient if the top of the slope being modeled starts at the top of the hill. The maximum allowable hillslope horizontal length is 1000 ft (300 m) with a gradient between 0 and 100 percent (45 degrees). ERMiT sediment delivery predictions refer to the amount of sediment that leaves the modeled hillslope profile. Soil Burn Severity Class Soil burn severity is a description of the impact of a fire on the litter, forest floor, and soil. The soil burn severity of a fire varies widely in space, depending on fuel load, moisture conditions, weather (at the time of the fire), and topography (Robichaud and Miller 1999), and creates a mosaic pattern of low, moderate, and high soil burn severity across the landscape. However, analyses of post-fire soil properties (using rainfall simulation experiments) only differentiate two soil burn severity classes, high (H) and low (L) (Brady and others 2001; Pierson and others 2001; Robichaud 1996; Robichaud 2000). In other words, in terms of soil parameter values, only two “levels,” or sets of values, can be distinguished. For modeling purposes, the H and L parameter values are USDA Forest Service RMRS-GTR-188. 2007 steps were used to incorporate parameter variability into the model: Figure 4. ERMiT input page graphic shows the four, six, or eight spatial arrangements of high and low soil burn severity overland flow elements (OFEs) that are modeled based on the user-selected soil burn severity classification. Red represents high and yellow represents low soil burn severity with bold color arrangements modeled for the first post-fire year and faint color patterns modeled in subsequent years. arranged on the hillslope in multiple configurations to model the three possible user-designated soil burn severity classifications (low, moderate, high). A hillslope segment with uniform soil, vegetation, and topography is called an overland flow element (OFE), and each hillslope is conceptually modeled with three OFEs—each representing about one-third of the slope. The red and yellow graphic displayed under the “Soil burn severity class” box in the burn severity portion of the ERMiT input page represents the four (low), six (moderate), or eight (high) spatial arrangements of high and low soil burn severity parameters that are modeled based on the user-selected soil burn severity classification (fig. 4). In figure 4, each OFE is represented as a single square in the rectangular strip of three squares for the hillslope. Red represents high (H) and yellow represents low (L) soil burn severity soil parameter values. Patterns with bold colors are modeled for the first year following fire. Patterns with faint colors are modeled for succeeding years (fig. 4). Process Once the input data selections have been made and entered, click “Run ERMiT” to begin the calculations. The following is a description of the erosion calculation processes that occur with each session. Overview ERMiT uses WEPP as its erosion calculation engine. WEPP models the processes of interrill and rill erosion, evapotranspiration, infiltration, runoff, soil detachment, sediment transport, and sediment deposition to predict runoff and erosion at the hillslope scale (Flanagan and Livingston 1995). In addition, spatial and temporal variability in weather, soil parameter values, and soil burn severity are incorporated into ERMiT. Three general 1. Establish a range of possible parameter values from field measurements. 2. Select five representative values from within the range. 3. Assign an “occurrence probability” to each selected value. Temporal variation, the change in soil parameter values over time due to recovery, is modeled by changes in the occurrence probabilities assigned to the selected values for each year of recovery. Initially, ERMiT runs WEPP for the user-specified climate, vegetation, and topography using the “most erodible” soil parameters and soil burn severity spatial pattern with the 100-year weather file. ERMiT selects the single event with the largest runoff value in each of the 100 years. From the 100 selected runoff events, the 5th, 10th, 20th, 50th, and 75th largest runoff events (and the year those events occurred) are chosen for further analysis. Each selected event year and its preceding year is run through WEPP multiple times using all combinations of the 10 soil parameter sets and four, six, or eight soil burn severity spatial arrangements. The three sources of variation (climate, soil burn severity, and soil parameters) are each assigned an independent occurrence probability. These independent occurrence probabilities are combined to determine the occurrence probability associated with each of the 100, 150, or 200 sediment delivery predictions (fig. 5). Initial 100-year WEPP Run A 100-year weather file, generated using CLIGEN, is used by WEPP to produce a 100-year runoff record for the combination of soil and burn severity conditions that have the greatest potential to generate runoff for the site—three high soil burn severity OFEs that use the “most erodible” soil parameter set (Soil 5) values for interrill erodibility (Ki), rill erodibility (Kr), effective hydraulic conductivity (Ke), and critical shear (τc). ERMiT selects the single event with the largest runoff value in each of the 100 years. From those 100 selected runoff events the 5th, 10th, 20th, 50th, and 75th largest runoff events (and the year those events occurred) are chosen for further analysis. The runoff values are not representative of the modeled scenario; rather, these values are predicted runoff under the most extreme high severity burn conditions. However, the precipitation characteristics of the selected runoff events are representative of the range of events that have the potential to generate runoff. USDA Forest Service RMRS-GTR-188. 2007  Figure 5. Flow chart of the ERMiT modeling process used to calculate probabilistic sediment delivery using the CLIGEN weather generator and the WEPP erosion prediction engine.  USDA Forest Service RMRS-GTR-188. 2007 Variability of ERMiT Input Parameters Climate variability ERMiT re-runs WEPP using shortened weather files to predict event sediment deliveries. The shortened weather file includes the years with the selected runoff events, plus the preceding year, if they have not already been selected. This ensures that, when the shortened weather file is run, the modeled soil water content on the day of the event is similar to what it was during the 100-year run. The assigned runoff event occurrence probabilities are 7.5, 7.5, 20, 27.5, and 37.5 percent for the 5th, 10th, 20th, 50th, and 75th largest runoff events, respectively. For the selected runoff events, ERMiT records the date, runoff and precipitation amounts, and duration, and calculates the 10- and 30-min peak intensity values, which are displayed in the output. Spatial (soil burn severity) variability ERMiT uses two different sets of soil parameter values—one set for low soil burn severity (L) and one set for high soil burn severity (H). Hillslope topographic, vegetation, and soil parameter values are applied in combination for each overland flow element (OFE). ERMiT models each hillside with three overland flow elements, and to incorporate spatial variability due to soil burn severity, several patterns of OFEs are modeled. [For computational efficiency, ERMiT combines contiguous OFEs of the same burn severity and conceptually models the hillslope as either one or two OFEs (for example, HHH=one OFE of H; LLH=one OFE of L and one OFE of H).] For the user-selection of High soil burn severity, four spatial arrangements of OFEs are modeled for the first post-fire year: HHH (10 percent occurrence probability) LHH (30 percent occurrence probability) HLH (30 percent occurrence probability) HHL (30 percent occurrence probability) The first letter of the triplet represents the upper OFE, the second represents the middle OFE, and the third represents the lower OFE (fig. 6 and table 1). A user selection of Moderate soil burn severity (table 1) models the first year following a fire with the three OFEs arranged as: HLH (25 percent occurrence probability) HHL (25 percent occurrence probability) LLH (25 percent occurrence probability) LHL (25 percent occurrence probability) A Low soil burn severity user selection (table 1) models the first year after a fire with OFEs arranged as: LLH (30 percent occurrence probability) LHL (30 percent occurrence probability) HLL (30 percent occurrence probability) LLL (10 percent occurrence probability) To model post-fire recovery (post-fire Year 2 to Year 5) for a High soil burn severity user selection, changes in assigned occurrence probabilities are applied and the LLH, LHL, HLL, and LLL spatial arrangements are added. For a Moderate soil burn severity user selection, post-fire recovery is modeled by changes in assigned occurrence probabilities and the addition of HLL and LLL spatial arrangements (table 1 and fig. 6). Thus, eight OFE arrangements are modeled for a High soil burn severity user selection, six for a Moderate soil burn severity user selection, and four for a Low soil burn severity user selection to predict the event sediment yield for each of the five post-fire years (fig. 6). For each successive year of post-fire recovery, changes in assigned occurrence probabilities decrease the likelihood of the higher erosion parameters and increase the likelihood of the lower erosion parameters (table 1). Soil property variability The variable effects of post-fire ground cover, soil water repellency, and soil erodibility are modeled by using selected values from a range of measured values for interrill erodibility (Ki), rill erodibility (Kr), effective hydraulic conductivity (Ke), and critical shear (τc). The range of values for each parameter depends on soil texture and a high or low soil burn severity designation (table 2). From each value range, a cumulative Figure 6. Graphic viewed by clicking on “explain” from the soil burn severity class box. The bold colored squares (red is high and yellow is low soil burn severity) represent the upper, middle, and lower OFEs that are modeled for the first year following a fire. The faint colors indicate OFE arrangements modeled in subsequent post-fire recovery years. USDA Forest Service RMRS-GTR-188. 2007  soil parameter values that correspond to highly erodible soil conditions. In range and chaparral environments, field data indicate that post-fire values for Ki and Ke vary by the proportions of shrubs Hillslope -----------Occurrence probability (%)----------and grasses in the pre-fire vegetation and burn severity OFEs Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 by burn severity. This is accounted for by weighting Ki and Ke soil parameter values User selected High soil burn severity within each value range based on the userHHH 10 0 0 0 0 LHH 30 25 0 0 0 specified proportions of pre-fire shrub and HLH 30 25 25 0 0 grass cover with bare soil accounting for HHL 30 25 25 25 0 the remainder of the 100 percent pre-fire LLH 0 25 25 25 25 LHL 0 0 25 25 25 cover. HLL 0 0 0 25 25 To model change over time, the occurLLL 0 0 0 0 25 rence probabilities of Soil 1 and Soil 2 (the less erodible soil parameter sets) are User selected Moderate soil burn severity HHH 0 0 0 0 0 increased, and Soil 3, Soil 4, and Soil 5 LHH 0 0 0 0 0 (the more erodible soil parameter sets) HLH 25 0 0 0 0 are decreased for each year of post-fire HHL 25 25 0 0 0 LLH 25 25 25 25 25 recovery (table 3). Post-fire recovery is LHL 25 25 25 25 25 slower in areas affected by monsoons HLL 0 25 25 25 25 than in other environments because monLLL 0 0 25 25 25 soon rains usually come in short bursts User selected Low soil burn severity of rainfall and do not provide dependable HHH 0 0 0 0 0 wet cycles for seed germination. ERMiT LHH 0 0 0 0 0 HLH 0 0 0 0 0 uses an empirical relationship (total preHHL 0 0 0 0 0 cipitation is less than 600 mm per year LLH 30 25 25 25 25 and total July, August, and September LHL 30 25 25 25 25 HLL 30 25 25 25 25 precipitation is greater than 30 percent LLL 10 25 25 25 25 of the annual precipitation) to determine if a particular climate is monsoonal. If distribution function is created and the 5th, 20th, 50th, 80th, rainfall data fit the monsoon rainfall definition, then and 95th percentile values are selected. The selected val- the post-fire Year 2 occurrence probabilities for the soil ues for all four soil parameters are grouped by percentile parameter sets remain similar to Year 1 to reflect the slower recovery in these climates (table 3). ranking into five soil parameter sets: Table 1. With each successive year of post-fire recovery, the assigned occurrence probabilities and the selection of soil burn severity overland flow element (OFE) arrangements (H=high soil burn severity overland flow element; L=low soil burn severity overland flow element) are shifted toward lower soil burn severity. • 5th percentile values are grouped in Soil 1 (10 percent occurrence probability) • 20th percentile values are grouped in Soil 2 (20 percent occurrence probability) • 50th percentile values are grouped in Soil 3 (40 percent occurrence probability) • 80th percentile values are grouped in Soil 4 (20 percent occurrence probability) • 95th percentile values are grouped in Soil 5 (10 percent occurrence probability) The two soil parameter value ranges—one for low and one for high soil burn severity—result in five soil parameter sets for high soil burn severity and another five parameter sets for low soil burn severity (table 2). The current version of WEPP may internally limit some  Multiple WEPP Runs ERMiT re-runs WEPP, using the shortened weather file, for 10 soil parameter sets (High—Soil 1 through Soil 5 and Low—Soil 1 through Soil 5) and for eight soil burn severity spatial patterns. From the WEPP event output, ERMiT determines an event sediment delivery from each combination of rain events, soil parameter sets, and soil burn severity spatial patterns. For the first post-fire year, 100 event sediment delivery predictions are used (table 4). To predict sediment delivery in postfire Year 2 through Year 5 (recovery), two additional soil burn severity spatial patterns are used for the user-selection of Moderate soil burn severity and four additional spatial patterns are used for the user-selection USDA Forest Service RMRS-GTR-188. 2007 Table 2. The post-fire value ranges for interrill erodibility (Ki), rill erodibility (Kr), effective hydraulic conductivity (Ke), and critical shear (τc) by soil texture and high or low soil burn severity are shown. For range and chaparral lands, user-designated pre-fire canopy cover proportions provide an additional level of classification for Ki and Ke values. Soil burn severity FOREST Clay loam Silt loam Sandy loam Loam Ki (X 10 ) low high 200 to 500 400 to 2,000 250 to 600 500 to 2,500 300 to 1,200 1,000 to 3,000 320 to 800 600 to 3,200 Kr (X 10-4) low high 0.010 to 2.5 2.0 to 8.0 0.020 to 3.5 3.0 to 9.0 0.030 to 4.5 4.0 to 10 0.015 to 3.0 2.5 to 8.5 Ke low high 25 to 8 13 to 2 33 to 9 18 to 3 48 to 14 22 to 5 40 to 18 27 to 4 τc low high 4 4 3.5 3.5 2 2 3 3 low high low high low high 13 to 170 39 to 170 1.9 to 15 6.6 to 85 39 to 170 39 to 170 16 to 230 49 to 230 12 to 150 40 to 840 49 to 840 49 to 840 75 to 930 230 to 930 50 to 650 170 to 3,600 230 to 3,600 230 to 3,600 3.4 to 93 11 to 93 2.6 to 63 9.0 to 350 11 to 350 11 to 350 low high 0.38 to 6.0 3.0 to 27 0.33 to 7.8 2.7 to 33 0.090 to 7.2 0.95 to 31 0.51 to 4.6 3.8 to 22 low high low high low high 15 to 6 11 to 5 13 to 5 10 to 4 10 to 4 10 to 4 22 to 8 16 to 6 26 to 10 21 to 8 21 to 8 21 to 8 29 to 9 21 to 6 17 to 8 14 to 7 14 to 7 14 to 7 22 to 8 16 to 6 15 to 5 12 to 4 12 to 4 12 to 4 low high 1.9 1.5 3.4 2.7 2.8 2.2 0.8 0.6 3 (kg-s m-4) (s m-1) (mm h-1) (N m-2) RANGE and CHAPARRAL Pre-fire cover shrub Ki (X 103) (kg-s m-4) grass bare Kr (X 10-4) (s m-1) shrub Ke (mm h-1) grass bare τc (N m-2) Table 3. To model untreated recovery over time, the assigned occurrence probability of Soil 1 and Soil 2 (the less erodible soil parameters sets) are increased and Soil 3, Soil 4, and Soil 5 (the more erodible soil parameters sets) are decreased for each year of post-fire recovery. Soil parameter set ---------------------- Occurrence probability (%) --------------------Year 1 Year 2 (monsoon) Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Soil 1 Soil 2 Soil 3 Soil 4 Soil 5 10 20 40 20 10 30 (12) 30 (21) 20 (38) 19 (19.5) 1 (9.5) 50 30 18 1 1 60 30 8 1 1 70 27 1 1 1 USDA Forest Service RMRS-GTR-188. 2007  of High soil burn severity (table 1). Thus, a total of 100, 150, or 200 possible predictions are incorporated for Low, Moderate, or High soil burn severity userselection, respectively. Combined Occurrence Probability Each sediment delivery prediction has an associated probability of occurrence, which is calculated as the product of the occurrence probabilities due to each source of variation. For example, the occurrence probability for the event sediment delivery prediction given the rain event associated with the 5th largest runoff (7.5 percent occurrence probability), the HHH soil burn severity spatial arrangement (10 percent occurrence probability), and the Soil 3 parameter set (40 percent occurrence probability) is (0.075)*(0.10)*(0.40)=0.003, or 0.3 percent (table 4). Sediment delivery predictions Table 4. The assigned occurrence probabilities for the runoff events, soil burn severity spatial arrangements (H=high soil burn severity overland flow element; L=low soil burn severity overland flow element), and the soil parameter sets are combined to provide 100 occurrence probabilities associated with 100 event sediment delivery predictions for post-fire Year 1. Ten of the 100 permutations are shown completely. Selected rain event [occurrence probability] (%) Rain event associated with the 5th largest runoff [7.5] Soil burn severity spatial arrangement [occurrence probability] (%) HHH [10] LHH [30] HLH [30] HHL [30] Rain event associated with the 10th largest runoff [7.5] HHH [10] LHH [30] HLH [30] HHL [30] Rain event associated with the 20th largest runoff [20] HHH [10] LHH [30] HLH [30] HHL [30] Rain event associated with the 50th largest runoff [27.5] HHH [10] LHH [30] HLH [30] HHL [30] Rain event associated with the 75th largest runoff [37.5] HHH [10] LHH [30] HLH [30] HHL [30] a Soil parameter set [occurrence probability] (%) Soil 1 [10] Soil 2 [20] Soil 3 [40] Soil 4 [20] Soil 5 [10] Soil 1 [10] Soil 2 [20] Soil 3 [40] Soil 4 [20] Soil 5 [10] Soil 1 [10] Soil 2 [20] Soil 3 [40] Soil 4 [20] Soil 5 [10] Soil 1 [10] Soil 2 [20] Soil 3 [40] Soil 4 [20] Soil 5 [10] Soil 1 [10] Soil 2 [20] Soil 3 [40] Soil 4 [20] Soil 5 [10] Soil 1 [10] Soil 2 [20] Soil 3 [40] Soil 4 [20] Soil 5 [10] Soil 1 [10] Soil 2 [20] Soil 3 [40] Soil 4 [20] Soil 5 [10] 100 permutations of the three sources of variability Combined sources of variability (5th RO rain event)a (HHH) (Soil 1) (5th RO rain event) (HHH) (Soil 2) (5th RO rain event) (HHH) (Soil 3) (5th RO rain event) (HHH) (Soil 4) (5th RO rain event) (HHH) (Soil 5) Combined occurrence probability (%) (0.075)*(0.10)*(0.10) *100=0.08 (0.075)*(0.10)*(0.20) *100=0.15 (0.075)*(0.10)*(0.40) *100=0.30 (0.075)*(0.10)*(0.20) *100=0.15 (0.075)*(0.10)*(0.10) *100=0.08 15 combinations 15 calculated occurrence probabilities 20 combinations 20 calculated occurrence probabilities 20 combinations 20 calculated occurrence probabilities 20 combinations 20 calculated occurrence probabilities 15 combinations 15 calculated occurrence probabilities (75th RO rain event) (HHL) (Soil 1) (75th RO rain event) (HHL) (Soil 2) (75th RO rain event) (HHL) (Soil 3) (75th RO rain event) (HHL) (Soil 4) (75th RO rain event) (HHL) (Soil 5) (0.375)*(0.30)*(0.10) *100=1.13 (0.375)*(0.30)*(0.20) *100=2.25 (0.375)*(0.30)*(0.40) *100=4.50 (0.375)*(0.30)*(0.20) *100=2.25 (0.375)*(0.30)*(0.10) *100=1.13 RO rain event=rain event associated with the ranked runoff event 10 USDA Forest Service RMRS-GTR-188. 2007 are paired with their respective combined occurrence probability, and sorted in descending order of sediment delivery amounts. The “exceedance probability” for each sediment delivery prediction is computed as the sum of the occurrence probabilities for all greater sediment yield predictions plus one percent (table 5). Table 5. The exceedance probability for each event sediment delivery prediction is computed as the sum of 1 plus the occurrence probabilities for all greater sediment yield predictions. The boxed example below shows that an event sediment delivery of 20.6 t ha-1 has an exceedance probability of 9.9 percent. Note, only a portion of the 100 sediment delivery predictions are shown. ---------- Occurrence probability ---------Event sediment delivery prediction (t ha-1) Permutation (RO rain eventa, soil burn severity OFE arrangementb, soil parameter set) 61.4 52.1 43.9 43.2 42.4 40.7 40.5 39.1 37.9 37.0 36.5 35.2 34.5 31.8 31.2 30.6 30.6 30.4 29.2 25.8 25.6 24.4 21.1 20.6 20.3 20.3 19.8 19.7 5, HHH, 5 10, HHH, 5 5, HHL, 5 5, HHH, 4 20, HHH, 5 5, LHH, 5 5, HLH, 5 10, LHH, 5 10, HHL, 5 10, HHH, 4 10, HLH, 5 5, HHH, 3 5, HHL, 4 20, LHH, 5 20, HHL, 5 20, HHH, 4 10, HHH, 3 20, HLH, 5 50, HHH, 5 5, HLH, 4 20, HHH, 3 10, HHL, 4 5, LHH, 4 20, HHL, 4 10, LHH, 4 10, HLH, 4 50, HHL, 5 10, HHL, 3 50 values 0.7 0.0 RO rain eventa (%) Soil burn severity OFE spatial arrangement (%) 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 20 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 20 20 20 7.5 20 27.5 7.5 20 7.5 7.5 20 7.5 7.5 27.5 7.5 10 10 30 10 10 30 30 30 30 10 30 10 30 30 30 10 10 30 10 30 10 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Soil parameter set (%) Permutation combined occurrence probability (%) Exceedance probability for event sediment delivery prediction (%) 10 10 10 20 10 10 10 10 10 20 10 40 20 10 10 20 40 10 10 20 40 20 20 20 20 20 10 40 0.075 0.075 0.225 0.150 0.200 0.225 0.225 0.225 0.225 0.150 0.225 0.300 0.450 0.600 0.600 0.400 0.300 0.600 0.275 0.450 0.800 0.450 0.450 0.450 0.450 0.450 0.825 0.900 1.08 1.15 1.38 1.53 1.73 1.95 2.17 2.40 2.63 2.78 3.00 3.30 3.75 4.35 4.95 5.35 5.65 6.25 6.53 6.98 7.78 8.23 8.67 ∑+ 1=9.88 10.33 10.78 11.60 12.50 50 permutations and occurrence probabilities 5, HLH, 1 5, HHL, 1 20 values of 0.0 7.5 7.5 30 30 10 10 20 permutations and occurrence probabilities 50 values 0.225 0.225 69.58 69.80 20 values of 69.80 Total of 100 permutations a b RO rain event=rain event associated with the ranked runoff event H=high soil burn severity overland flow element (OFE); L=low soil burn severity overland flow element (OFE) USDA Forest Service RMRS-GTR-188. 2007 11 PSC = 1342 + 0.0029* (diameter)2 + 272 slope spacing Erosion Mitigation Treatments WEPP is not re-run to model mitigation treatments; rather, treatment effects are modeled by increasing the occurrence probabilities of the less erodible soil parameter sets and decreasing the occurrence probabilities of the more erodible soil parameter sets. Seeding Robichaud and others (2000) reported that seeding had little measured effect in reducing first year post-fire erosion; seeding effects are more evident in the second and subsequent years. In ERMiT, occurrence probabilities associated with the soil parameter sets are adjusted to reflect the increase in ground cover and subsequent small decrease in erosion after Year 2 (table 6). The seeding rate is assumed to be approximately 8 lb ac-1 (9 kg ha-1). Mulch Four straw mulch application rates are modeled by ERMiT. The sediment delivery predictions based on each mulching rate are produced by adjusting the occurrence probabilities associated with soil parameter sets (table 7), similar to the adjustments made for increases in natural ground cover during post-fire recovery years (table 3). Log erosion barriers (contour-felled logs or straw wattles) ERMiT models straw wattles and contour-felled log erosion barriers by applying a regression relationship, based on user-specified mean log or wattle diameter (in or cm), spacing between rows (ft or m) (fig. 7), and hillslope gradient as entered on the input screen, to determine the potential storage capacity (PSC) for the hillslope: where diameter is in cm, spacing is in m, and PSC is in m3 ha-1. Slope is in percent (0.05 to 100) and taken from the hillslope gradient entered on the input screen. Potential storage capacity (PSC) is converted to a weight per unit volume based on measured sediment bulk densities (table 8). Field observations indicate that the potential storage capacity is rarely fully utilized, and that sediment trapping efficiency (sediment stored by erosion barriers divided by the sum of the sediment leaving the hillslope and the stored sediment) varies with rainfall intensity. ERMiT calculates a weighted maximum 10-min rainfall intensity (I10-W) based on the maximum 10-min rainfall intensity (I10) estimated from each rain event associated with the 5th-, 10th-, 20th-, 50th-, and 75th-ranked runoff events. I10-W is calculated as the sum of the I10 for each storm multiplied by its respective occurrence probability, such that: I10-W = (I10­-5th rank*0.075)+(I10­-10th rank*0.075)+(I10­-20th *0.2)+(I10­-50th rank*0.275)+(I10­-75th rank*0.375) rank where I10-W (mm h-1) is the weighted maximum 10-min rainfall intensity and I10-5th rank, I10-10th rank, I10-20th rank, I10-50th , and I10-75th rank are the maximum 10-min rainfall intenrank sity (mm h-1) estimated from each rain event associated with the 5th-, 10th-, 20th-, 50th-, and 75th-ranked runoff events, respectively. Rainfall intensity for snowmelt events is taken to be zero. Field data were used to determine erosion barrier sediment trapping efficiency functions based on I10-W for the first two post-fire years: Year 1: EFFy1 = -0.84 (I10-W) + 114 Year 2: EFFy2 = -1.4 (I10-W) + 116 where EFF is the trapping efficiency (percent) of the erosion barriers and I10-W is the weighted maximum 10min rainfall intensity (mm h-1). Table 6. The assigned occurrence probability of the seeded soil parameter sets for each of five post-fire years. Soil parameter set Soil 1 Soil 2 Soil 3 Soil 4 Soil 5 12 --------------- Occurrence probability (%) --------------Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 10 20 40 20 10 50 30 18 1 1 60 30 8 1 1 70 27 1 1 1 70 27 1 1 1 USDA Forest Service RMRS-GTR-188. 2007 Table 7. The assigned occurrence probability for soil parameter sets in each year for four application rates of straw mulch. The percent ground cover due to straw mulch is indicated for each application rate. Straw mulch application rate = 0.5 t ac-1 (1 t ha-1) for 47 percent ground cover Soil parameter set Soil 1 --------------------occurrence probability (%)-----------------------Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 70 60 50 60 70 Soil 2 20 25 30 30 27 Soil 3 8 13 18 8 1 Soil 4 1 1 1 1 1 Soil 5 1 1 1 1 1 Straw mulch application rate = 1 t ac-1 (2 t ha-1) for 72 percent ground cover Soil parameter set Soil 1 ----------------------occurrence probability (%)---------------------Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 90 70 50 60 70 Soil 2 7 20 30 30 27 Soil 3 1 8 18 8 1 Soil 4 1 1 1 1 1 Soil 5 1 1 1 1 1 Straw mulch application rate = 1.5 t ac (3.5 t ha ) for 89 percent ground cover -1 Soil parameter set Soil 1 -1 ----------------------occurrence probability (%)---------------------Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 93 77 50 60 70 Soil 2 4 15 30 30 27 Soil 3 1 6 18 8 1 Soil 4 1 1 1 1 1 Soil 5 1 1 1 1 1 Straw mulch application rate = 2 t ac (4.5 t ha ) for 94 percent ground cover -1 Soil parameter set Soil 1 -1 ----------------------occurrence probability (%)---------------------Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 96 78 50 60 70 Soil 2 1 16 30 30 27 Soil 3 1 4 18 8 1 Soil 4 1 1 1 1 1 Soil 5 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 7. Erosion barrier diameter and spacing between rows. USDA Forest Service RMRS-GTR-188. 2007 13 Table 8. Observed sediment bulk density values used in ERMiT to convert erosion barrier storage volume (m3 ha-1) to mass (Mg ha-1). Soil texture Sediment bulk density (Mg m-3) clay loam silt loam sandy loam loam 1.1 0.97 1.23 1.16 The sediment trapping efficiency of erosion barriers continues to decreases with time because of reduction in potential storage capacity as well as settlement, decay, and movement of the erosion barriers. After the second year, efficiency is estimated as a percentage of the preceding year, such that: Year 3: EFFy3 = 0.75 * EFFy2 Year 4: EFFy4 = 0.55 * EFFy3 Year 5: EFFy5 = 0.45 * EFFy4 Output Summary of Input Selections and Initial 100-year WEPP Run Summary of user selections The top of the ERMiT output screen reports user inputs (fig. 8). The name of the selected standard climate station is listed. If the climate was user-modified, the climate summary output (fig. 8) includes: • maximum temperature by month (degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius) [T MAX] • minimum temperature by month (degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius) [T MIN] Figure 9. Precipitation and runoff values from the initial 100year high soil burn severity WEPP run. • mean precipitation by month (in or mm) [MEANP] • number of wet days by month [# WET] User inputs for soil texture, rock content, hillslope gradient and length, soil burn severity, and vegetation type are also reported. Precipitation and runoff values from the initial WEPP run The average annual precipitation and runoff values, as well as the total number of precipitation (rainfall and snowmelt) runoff events, generated in the initial 100year WEPP run, are reported in the output screen (fig. 9). This initial WEPP run used the “most erodible” soil parameters—in other words, soil parameter set High—Soil 5 and soil burn severity spatial arrangement HHH. Selected storm characteristics An output table shows some of the characteristics of the five rain events associated with the five runoff events selected for further analysis (fig. 10). The first table row also reports the largest (ranked 1st out of 100 for runoff) modeled runoff event, which is presented for user interest only. The storms listed on rows two through six (ranked 5th, 10th, 20th, 50th, and 75th for runoff) are used to determine input for the 5- to 10-year weather file WEPP uses for the multiple runs. Rain event descriptors include: • Storm rank—rank of the total runoff amount from the largest to smallest • Storm runoff (in or mm)—total runoff modeled by WEPP for the storm • Storm precipitation (in or mm)—total precipitation (rain or snow) for that event • Storm duration (h)—length of the storm event Figure 8. Summary of input parameters. 14 • 10-min and 30-min peak rainfall intensity (in h-1 or mm h-1)—estimated values of rainfall intensity for the given storm, calculated from information CLIGEN provides for the storm [“N/A” indicates that a value could not be calculated, and generally USDA Forest Service RMRS-GTR-188. 2007 Figure 10. Rainfall event rankings (based on runoff) and characteristics from the selected storms. indicates a snowmelt event in which no precipitation occurred]. • Storm date—month and day when the storm event occurred, and the nominal year (1 to 100). The storm date can be useful in helping to determine what type of event occurred—snowmelt, spring storm, etc. Sediment Delivery Exceedance Probability Graph for Untreated Condition Below the inputs and selected storm event summaries, a graphical output shows hillslope sediment delivery exceedance probabilities plotted against the predicted event sediment delivery amounts for each of the first five post-fire years (fig. 11). The spacing between the plotted lines represents the predicted natural (untreated) recovery rate for the hillslope being modeled. • Click on the graph to display the sediment delivery and exceedance probabilities in table format. USDA Forest Service RMRS-GTR-188. 2007 Interpreting the sediment delivery exceedance probability graph As an example, draw an imaginary horizontal line across the graph (fig. 11) at 10 percent probability. It crosses the 1st year (furthest right) curve at about 20.5 t ha-1 sediment delivery. Thus, there is a 10 percent probability that a single rain event will result in at least 20.5 t ha-1 sediment delivery to the base of the hillslope during the first year following a fire. The 2nd year curve crosses the imaginary horizontal 10 percent probability line at about 13 t ha-1 sediment delivery; the 3rd year curve at about 5.5 t ha-1; the 4th year at about 2.5 t ha-1; and the 5th year curve at about 2 t ha-1 (fig. 11). Thus, there is a decrease in predicted event sediment delivery (with a 10 percent chance of exceedance) for each year of post-fire recovery. Alternatively, choose a target sediment delivery value and observe the trends through time. Draw an imaginary vertical line through the 5 t ha-1 sediment delivery on the horizontal axis. The 1st year curve intersects the 15 Figure 11. Output graph showing exceedance probability versus event sediment delivery for five years after the fire from the modeled, untreated hillslope. 5 t ha-1 line at about 42 percent probability—in other words, there is a 42 percent probability that the modeled hillslope will deliver at least 5 t ha-1 of sediment the first year following the fire. The 5th year curve intersects at about 1 percent probability. Thus, the likelihood of delivering at least 5 t ha-1 of sediment has decreased from 42 to 1 percent between the 1st and 5th year following the fire (fig. 11). Mitigation Treatment Comparisons Calculator The Mitigation Treatment Comparisons Calculator (fig. 12) is an interactive screen that allows the user to select an exceedance probability and have the corresponding event sediment delivery predictions displayed by year and by treatment. Values listed for the untreated hillslope are analogous to drawing a horizontal line across the 16 Figure 12. ERMiT Mitigation Treatment Comparison Calculator. USDA Forest Service RMRS-GTR-188. 2007 Figure 13. Text links to supporting tables. Sediment Exceedance Probability graph (fig. 11) at a selected exceedance probability value. The Sediment Delivery Prediction Calculator for treatment with erosion barriers (contour-felled logs and straw wattles) is embedded in the Mitigation Treatment Comparisons Calculator (fig. 12). Predictions for contour-felled log or straw wattle erosion barrier treatments require a user-designated mean diameter (0.15 to 3.3 ft or 0.05 to 1 m) and spacing between rows of erosion barriers (10 to 165 ft or 3 to 50 m) (fig. 7). By using the interactive input box in the upper left corner of the Mitigation Treatment Comparisons Calculator (fig. 12), the user may compare the predicted sediment delivery for a range of occurrence probabilities (1 to 99.9 percent). In addition, by clicking on the printer symbol to the right of each treatment label (or by using the text link further down the page), a full table of predicted event sediment deliveries and their occurrence probabilities by year for an individual treatment are displayed on screen. The tabular output screen allows for comparison of the predicted event sediment deliveries between the untreated hillslope and the treated hillslope, different treatment choices, and various treatment application rates for each of five post-fire years. Supporting Tables ERMiT provides supporting tables (four types—nine individual), which are accessible by clicking either on the small printer icons located within the Mitigation Treatment Comparisons Calculator, or on the textual links near the bottom of the output page (fig. 13). These supporting tables include: 1. Sediment delivery—probability table: individual WEPP sediment delivery predictions for each combination of parameters and individual parameter occurrence probabilities (untreated only) (fig. 14) 2. Sediment delivery statements (fig. 15) 3. Sediment delivery—probability of exceedance tables: Untreated  Seeding  Mulching at four rates:  USDA Forest Service RMRS-GTR-188. 2007 0.5 t ac-1 or 1 t ha-1 [47 percent ground cover]  1 t ac-1 or 2 t ha-1 [72 percent ground cover]  1.5 t ac-1 or 3.5 t ha-1 [89 percent ground cover] (fig. 16)  2 t ac-1 or 4.5 t ha-1 [94 percent ground cover] 4. Erosion barrier efficiency tables (fig. 17)  Each ERMiT run is assigned an identification number (Run ID wepp-000000), which is displayed on the screen with the graphs and supporting tables. This ID number allows the user to track results from a single run and compare results from different runs. In the footer at the bottom of the ERMiT output page, the ERMiT version, WEPP version, report on monsoon climate check, ERMiT run ID, and example citation are listed (fig. 18). Saving Results All results and supporting tables may be printed using the web browser’s print function. Alternatively, the user may copy and paste the ERMiT output into a word processing document or spreadsheet. Generally, the mitigation treatment comparison table will not be active in the applications where it has been pasted. Some browsers support “save as” “Web page, complete,” which will preserve the functionality of the mitigation treatment comparison table and retain the graphs and other images. If the output page is saved as a “Web page, HTML only,” the functionality of the mitigation treatment comparison table will be retained but the graph and other images will be lost. No log file for accumulating ERMiT results is available. Management Implications Federal land management agencies have spent tens of millions of dollars on post-fire emergency watershed stabilization measures intended to minimize flood runoff, peakflows, onsite erosion, offsite sedimentation, and other hydrologic damage to natural habitats, roads, bridges, reservoirs, and irrigation systems (General Accounting Office 2003). The decision to apply post17 Figure 14. The individual WEPP event sediment delivery predictions (untreated hillslope) are provided for each combination of three variability components—runoff event (arranged by section), soil burn severity spatial arrangement (arranged by row), and soil parameter set (arranged by column—Soil 1 through Soil 5 from left to right). Highlighted percentages are the individual occurrence probabilities for each component of the permutation by post-fire year. 18 USDA Forest Service RMRS-GTR-188. 2007 Figure 15. A portion of the sediment delivery statements from the ERMiT event sediment delivery table. fire treatments to reduce runoff and erosion is based on a risk analysis—assessing the probability that damaging floods, erosion, and sedimentation will occur; the values that are at risk for damage; the need for reducing the risk of damage; and the magnitude of risk reduction that can reasonably be expected from mitigation treatments. Potentially damaged resources can be identified and the costs of post-fire erosion mitigation treatment can be determined; however, the risk of damaging runoff, erosion, and sedimentation occurring and the effectiveness of mitigation treatments are not well established. Consequently, managers often must assign these probabilities and estimate treatment effectiveness based on past experience and consensus of opinion. Land managers need more information and tools to determine hazard probabilities and balance the costs and potential benefits of treatments. Unlike most erosion prediction models, ERMiT does not provide “average annual erosion rates.” Rather, it provides a distribution of event erosion rates with the likelihood of their occurrence. Such output can help managers make erosion mitigation treatment decisions based on the probability of high USDA Forest Service RMRS-GTR-188. 2007 sediment yields occurring, the value of resources at risk for damage, cost, and other management considerations. ERMiT is most useful when managers determine an event sediment delivery that can be tolerated without sustained damage to the resource(s) at risk and the probability of that event occurring (see example in Appendix B). This would likely vary throughout a burned area. For example, short term declines in water quality may be tolerated without sustained damage, but not damage to a unique cultural heritage site. Modeling the hillslopes above these two resources would likely require different user-designated exceedance probabilities and treatment criteria. Application of post-fire erosion mitigation treatments does not eliminate erosion, but treatments can reduce the hillslope response to many rain events. After wildfires, managers can use ERMiT to estimate the probabilities of erosion-producing rain events occurring, expected hillslope event sediment deliveries, and predicted rates of recovery for the burned area. In addition, realistic estimations of treatment effectiveness will allow managers to make more cost-effective choices of where, when, and how to treat burned landscapes. 19 Figure 16. Selected rows from the sediment delivery—probability of exceedance table for mulching at the 3.5 t ha-1 or 89 percent cover rate. 20 USDA Forest Service RMRS-GTR-188. 2007 Figure 17. ERMiT erosion barrier efficiency calculator. Figure 18. Output screen footer information. USDA Forest Service RMRS-GTR-188. 2007 21 References Brady, J.A.; Robichaud, P.R.; Pierson, F.B. 2001. Infiltration rates after wildfire in the Bitterroot Valley. Presented: 2001 ASAE annual international meeting: An Engineering Odyssey; 2001 July 30-August 1; Sacramento, CA. Paper Number 01-8003. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 11 p. Daly, C.; Neilson, R.P.; Phillips, D.L. 1994. A statisticaltopographic model for mapping climatological precipitation over mountainous terrain. Journal of Applied Meteorology. 33: 140-158. Elliot, W.J. 2004. WEPP internet interfaces for forest erosion prediction. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 40(2): 299-309. Elliot, W.J.; Hall, D.E. 2000. Rock:Clime Beta CD Version Rocky Mountain Research Station Stochastic Weather Generator Technical Documentation [online at http://forest. html]. Moscow, ID: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station [accessed 23 March 2006]. Elliot, W.J.; Scheele, D.L.; Hall, D.E. 1999. Rock:Clime Rocky Mountain Research Station Stochastic Weather Generator Technical Documentation [online at: http:// html]. Moscow, ID: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station [accessed 23 March 2006]. Flanagan, D.C.; Livingston, S.J. (eds.) 1995. WEPP user summary. NSERL Report No. 11. West Lafayette, IN: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory. 123 p. General Accounting Office. 2003. Wildland fires: better information needed on effectiveness of emergency stabilization and rehabilitation treatments. Report GAO- 22 03-430. Washington, D.C.: U.S. General Accounting Office. 55 p. Nicks, A.D.; Lane, L.J.; Gander, G.A. 1995. Weather generator. In: Flanagan, D.C.; Nearing, M.A. eds. USDAWater Erosion Prediction Project Hillslope Profile and Watershed Model Documentation. NSERL Report No. 10. West Lafayette, IN: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory. 2.1-2.22. Pierson, F.B.; Robichaud, P.R.; Spaeth, K.E. 2001. Spatial and temporal effects of wildfire on the hydrology of a steep rangeland watershed. Hydrological Processes. 15: 2905-2916. Robichaud, P.R. 1996. Spatially-varied erosion potential from harvested hillslopes after prescribed fire in the interior Northwest. Moscow, ID: University of Idaho. 219 p. Dissertation. Robichaud, P.R. 2000. Fire effects on infiltration rates after prescribed fire in northern Rocky Mountain forests, USA. Journal of Hydrology. 231-232: 220-229. Robichaud, P.R.; Miller, S.M. 1999. Spatial interpolation and simulation of post-burn duff thickness after prescribed fire. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 9(2): 137-143. Robichaud, P.R.; Beyers, J.L.; Neary, D.G. 2000. Evaluating the effectiveness of post fire rehabilitation treatments. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-63. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 85 p. Robichaud, P.R.; Elliot, W.J.; Pierson, F.B.; Hall, D.E.; Moffet, C.A. 2006. Erosion Risk Management Tool (ERMiT) Ver. 2006.01.18 [Online at < fswepp/>.]. Moscow, ID: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station [accessed 5 June 2006]. Robichaud, P.R.; Elliot, W.J.; Pierson, F.B.; Hall, D.E.; Moffet, C.A. [In press]. Predicting post-fire erosion and mitigation effectiveness with a web-based probabilistic erosion model. CATENA. USDA Forest Service RMRS-GTR-188. 2007 Appendix A. Model Assumptions ERMiT runs WEPP (version 2000.100) in cropland mode with the following parameter (WEPP variable names in parentheses) values in the management and soil files: • The model year begins the day after the wildfire occurs and ends on the anniversary day of the fire. • Ground cover effects are modeled by adjusting soil erodibility/cover values based on field measurements from a variety of soil types and soil burn severity conditions. • Management file:  No biomass ▪ “biomass energy ratio (beinp)” set to zero   No decomposition ▪ “decomposition constant to calculate mass change of above-ground biomass, surface, or buried (oratea)” set to zero ▪ “decomposition constant to calculate mass of change of root-biomass (orater)” set to zero Initial conditions set to give 1 percent cover ▪ “initial canopy cover, 0 to 1 (cancov)” set to 0.01 ▪ “days since last tillage (daydis)” set to 9999 ▪ “days since last harvest (dsharv)” set to 900 ▪ “initial interrill cover, 0 to 1 (inrcov)” set to 0.01 ▪ “initial residue cropping system (imngmt)” set to perennial ▪ “initial rill cover, 0 to 1 (rilcov)” set to 0.01 No surface effects  Annual planting date set to May 1 (Julian day 121)   Annual harvest date set to September 1 (Julian day 244) USDA Forest Service RMRS-GTR-188. 2007 • Soil Input file:  One soil layer  “percentage of organic matter (orgmat) in the layer” set to 5 percent by volume in forest vegetation type and 1 percent by volume in range and chaparral vegetation types  “albedo of the bare dry surface soil (salb)” set to 0.2  “Initial saturation level of the soil profile porosity (sat)” set to 0.75 m/m  “depth of soil surface to bottom of soil layer (solthk)” set to 400 mm  “percentage of sand in the layer (sand)” varies by soil texture  “percentage of clay in the layer (clay)” varies by soil texture  “cation exchange capacity in the layer (cec)” varies by soil texture  “rock fragment amount (rfg)” is user-specified, maximum 50 percent  “interrill erodibility (ki)” varies by soil texture and <bs> and <sp>1 (table 2)  “rill erodibility (kr)” varies by soil texture and <bs> and <sp>1 (table 2)  “baseline critical shear (shcrit)” varies by soil texture and <bs> and <sp>1 (table 2)  “effective hydraulic conductivity (avke)” varies by soil texture and <bs> and <sp>1 (table 2) 1 <bs> represents the discrete soil burn severity spatial arrangement (“HHH,” “HHL,” “LHH,” etc.) used in a WEPP run. <sp> represents the discrete soil parameter set (High “Soil 1” to “Soil 5” and Low “Soil 1” to “Soil 5”) used in a WEPP run. Individual runs of WEPP use each applicable soil burn severity spatial arrangement with each soil parameter set, generating a WEPP output file for each combination of these two variable sets for each selected rain event. 23 Appendix B. Example An example ERMiT run is presented to illustrate the user interface and model output formats and to describe the sediment delivery prediction analyses. The context for this example run is the 2000 Valley Complex Fires that burned in the Bitterroot National Forest of Montana. These large wildfires burned many steep hillslopes at high severity. The water quality of the streams and rivers within the burned area are highly valued resources that were at risk from large increases in sedimentation. This example run is for an 800 ft slope above Rye Creek, which has a sandy loam soil with 20 percent rock content. The hillslope gradients are 10 percent at the top, 40 percent at mid-slope, and 20 percent at the toe (fig. B1). The post-fire assessment team will determine the risk of post-fire erosion that exceeds a tolerable limit for event sediment delivery at the base of the hillslope. To use the Mitigation Treatment Comparisons Calculator, the post-fire assessment team established the following decision criteria: 1) 3 t ac-1 was the maximum tolerable single event sediment delivery in post-fire Year 1; and 2) straw mulch treatment will be applied if the Year 1 risk of exceeding the event sediment delivery limit (3 t ac-1) is greater than 10 percent and straw mulch application will reduce that risk to 10 percent or less. By setting the output table to 10 percent exceedance probability (circled in fig. B2), the post-fire assessment team was able to compare the effects of mulching at different rates. On the untreated hillslope, sediment delivery estimates with 10 percent exceedance probability are nearly 9 t ac-1, which is well above the 3 t ac-1 tolerable limit set by the assessment team. Mulching at a rate of 0.5 t ac-1 lowers the sediment delivery prediction with a 10 percent exceedance probability to 3.4 t ac-1, which is still above the tolerable limit set by the postfire assessment team. However, mulching at a rate of 1.0 t ac-1 lowers the predicted sediment delivery with a 10 percent exceedance probability to 2.4 t ac-1, which is within the acceptable limits set by the team. Mulching at 1.5 t ac-1 does not lower the predicted event sediment delivery enough to justify the additional mulch (fig. B2). These ERMiT predictions support the assessment team’s recommendation to apply straw mulch at a 1 t ac-1 rate on the burned hillslope. Figure B1. Input screen for example scenario. 24 USDA Forest Service RMRS-GTR-188. 2007 Figure B2. Mitigation Treatment Comparison Calculator for example scenario. USDA Forest Service RMRS-GTR-188. 2007 25 RMRS ROCKY MOUNTAIN RESEARCH STATION The Rocky Mountain Research Station develops scientific information and technology to improve management, protection, and use of the forests and rangelands. Research is designed to meet the needs of the National Forest managers, Federal and State agencies, public and private organizations, academic institutions, industry, and individuals. Studies accelerate solutions to problems involving ecosystems, range, forests, water, recreation, fire, resource inventory, land reclamation, community sustainability, forest engineering technology, multiple use economics, wildlife and fish habitat, and forest insects and diseases. Studies are conducted cooperatively, and applications may be found worldwide. Research Locations Flagstaff, Arizona Fort Collins, Colorado* Boise, Idaho Moscow, Idaho Bozeman, Montana Missoula, Montana Reno, Nevada Albuquerque, New Mexico Rapid City, South Dakota Logan, Utah Ogden, Utah Provo, Utah *Station Headquarters, Natural Resources Research Center, 2150 Centre Avenue, Building A, Fort Collins, Colorado 80526. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) 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