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Conclusions was established after the findings was interpreted, showing that stigma from carinderias are true. Drinking water from it is not advisable. Additionally, seemed to be clean surrounding or sanitated utensils do not imply a safe and clean drinking water. Review of related literatures and studies agreed to the finding, whereas based on scientific studies, excessive presence coliforms and heterotrophic plate count can signify other pathogens or disease causing organism, but value of those alone do not really exhibits direct health risk to people. While E. Coli can cause mild illness like diarrhea and other bacterial infections such as UTI, and clinical infections (meningitis, pneumonia etc.).

LA CONSOLACION UNIVERSITY PHILIPPINES CATMON, CITY OF MALOLOS, BULACAN BASIC EDUCATION DEPARTMENT School Year 2019-2020 HEALTH 2 OPT: MICROBIOLOGICAL DRINKING WATER ANALYSIS FROM CARINDERIAS IN MALOLOS CITY Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of The Academic Requirements in Research Capstone Project Submitted by: Hernandez, Rema Grace E. Ortega, Vladymir C. Tanghal, Marlon A. Espino, Jon Mark A. De Arce, Kylyn B. STEM-17 March 2020 2 ABSTRACT Water is a fundamental part of life. It is solely needed by every living inhabitant of the earth. It is a god-given element where numerous purpose can be derived. Such abundancy was given, but abusive usage and negligence make it boundless. It is part of the people's everyday living. For sanitation, cooking and bathing. It is also a part of meal of each and every people around the globe. However, sanitation and quality of water are often neglected due to the less attention given to it, especially in low class establishments. Since Filipinos are indulgent to carinderias, the researchers opted to assess drinking water from those kind of establishments. They aimed to know if the potability and quality of drinking water from carinderias in Malolos City were in standard value which was set by Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water. Three carinderias were chosen pusposively because of its adjacency to the testing laboratory, in which they served as the participants of this study. Water sample from each were obtained by the researchers through the pre-orientation of a lab technician. Thereafter samples were analyzed and examined by the BSU Analytical Testing Laboratory using Potability Test and Heterotrophic Plate Count. After few days, the results showed that none of the carinderias passed neither the Water Potability nor the Heterotrophic plate count, signifying that water samples were non potable and did not pass the microbiological quality. Samples 1, 2 accumulated a number of 23 most probable number which exceeded the 1.1 MPN standard, for E. Coli and Coliform Count, while sample 3 got more that 1000 MPN. Results for Heterophic 3 plate count were all the same, where the three samples possessed 1000 colony forming units which is against the 500 cfus standard. Conclusions was established after the findings was interpreted, showing that stigma from carinderias are true. Drinking water from it is not advisable. Additionally, seemed to be clean surrounding or sanitated utensils do not imply a safe and clean drinking water. Review of related literatures and studies agreed to the finding, whereas based on scientific studies, excessive presence coliforms and heterotrophic plate count can signify other pathogens or disease causing organism, but value of those alone do not really exhibits direct health risk to people. While E. Coli can cause mild illness like diarrhea and other bacterial infections such as UTI, and clinical infections (meningitis, pneumonia etc.). 4 Acknowledgements The people behind this research who supported and assisted us during the course of this study are acknowledged and given gratitude. Also, the thorough consideration and dedication of Ma'am Cang to us-- the young researchers are valuable and unending. Her passion when it comes to checking research papers and entertaining researchers despite of load works are truly appreciated. She honed our young minds and changed the perception of the students about research. Her kindness and all the matter that she have taught us will truly be significant in conquering the next academic steps of the researchers. BSU Analytical Testing Laboratory are commended for being accommodative through the process of water sampling. We want to send regards to them for accurately and punctually giving results. Their contribution to this research is valuable, as it helped us to grant our main objective--to test potability and water quality. Their adviced preventive measures promoted safety to the us which made us do the data gathering smoothly. Additionally, the community who will be one of the main beneficiaries of this research are recognized. The three purposefully chosen carinderias are also acknowledged. The researchers are silently thanking because they are not aware that they played a big part in this research. We are accepting our fault of not alarming the carinderias' owner or staffs 5 about the existence of the research and tests, thus suggesting the future researchers to not to do so because it is against the research ethics. Likewise, La Consolacion University Philippines are given gratitude for bearing the our stay in the school, the facilities, personnel and teachers became a part of the our growth. The welcoming and light ambience helped us to successfully finish our research. Lastly, parents as a financial giver and supporter are also worth-thanking. Their efforts in sustaining our needs for this research to materialize are cherished. Their willingness to allow us to meet and do necessary things regarding this subject are appreciated. Above all, we want to thank Almighty God, because He is the sole proponent, planner and wisdom-giver to us. His providence and mercy from the beginning up to the very last page of this research paper are given appreciation. This will not be made possible without him. 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Cover Page Abstract i Acknowledgements ii Introduction Introduction ………………………………………………………………….. 7 Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………...9 Hypothesis of the Study…………………………………………………….....10 Conceptual/Theoretical Framework…………………………………………...10 Relationship of Variables…………………………………………………......10 Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………....11 Methodology Respondents of the Study……………………………………………………..12 Methods and Techniques……………………………………………………....13 Instruments of the Study……………………………………………………....14 Statistical Treatment…………………………………………………………..15 Result and Discussion Tables and Graphs……………………………………………………………..16 Summary of Findings ………………………………………………………...20 Conclusions…………………………………………………………………....22 Recommendations……………………………………………………………..23 References……………………………………………………………………….........25 Appendix Appendix A.......................................................................................................29 Appendix B.......................................................................................................34 7 Introduction Carinderias are close to Filipino’s hearts. It existed even before fancy restaurants have become notable. Such establishment gives glimpse to Philippines’ culture and custom. It caters affordable filipino recipes which handed down through generations. It reflects an integral part of our country’s culture and social identity that has uplifted the lives of three million individuals and their families (Abunda. 2018). Eateries that cater on the go meals have been part of the lives of the Filipinos. Since Filipinos are very frugal to choosing their on-the-go meals, they ought to choose eating on cheap restaurants rather than on expensive ones. According Retana (as cited in Martinez, 2008), the etymology of ‘carinderia’ came from the word curry, which is 'kari' in tagalog form. This can be compared to buffet with obviously has very minimal effort of extravagance. It is the Filipino's cheap fast food chain. Due to its low cost offers, the probability of preparing it unhygienic is high. Since it can be found everywhere, those mini establishments are not all controlled by the government to be operated. Meaning to say, not all eateries passed their necessary health inspections. Nevertheless the researchers’ main concern is the potability and microbiological factors of water being offered in carinderias. A study on drinking water in restaurants was conducted by Tabekar et al. (2006) in India. A total of 340, samples were analyzed for bacterial contamination, 235 samples (69.1%) resulted to be non-potable, 249 (73.2%) were contaminated indicating presence of E. coli and a total 62 (18.2%) water samples were confirmed to be contaminated with coliforms. From those or any establishment, it is important to maintain the hygienic conditions of water and all other aspects for the health of the people not to be at stake. 8 Contamination is found out at any point of collection, storage, handling or serving practices of drinking water. According to World Health Organization (2018), contaminated water can transfer diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, typhoid and polio. It is the culprit for causing 485 000 death each year due to diarrhea. Even if water goes through processes to become usable and potable, contaminated water can trigger diseases. Consequently, excessive presence of bacteria like Escherichia coli, and coliform, make the water non-potable and not safe to drink. Additionally heterotrophic bacteria that utilize organic carbon as food which can be classified as yeast, mold and bacteria are found in almost all type of water and can be determine its probable number through heterotrophic plate count. Soft drinks, juice, carbonated drinks, water are part of a meal, but the study have focus on the latter one. The researchers aimed to know if the water or water sources from carinderias was really safe to drink by running some microbiological tests, specifically water potability test (can determine if E. coli and coliform are present), and heterotrophic plate count (can determine colony formation of yeast, mold and bacteria). The researchers wanted to know if bacteria’s colony formation is in standard value (less than 500 colony forming units/ml sample). As well as E. coli and coliform count in carinderias’ drinking water (standard value of less than 1.1 Most Probable Number). Where both of the standard values are set by Philippine National Standards of Drinking Water (PNSDW). They sought if health is being at stake due to the stigma about carinderias and if they opt low quality drinking water, same goes as the preparation of their meals. 9 Statement of the Problem This research purposefully aimed to know if drinking water in three particular carinderias in Malolos City, without certain identifying factors were in the excessive presence of microbes. This proposed topic sought to answer the following questions at the end of the research. 1. Does drinking water from their jugs and container has normal heterotrophic plate count? a) Sample 1 b) Sample 2 c) Sample 3 1.1 Among the three carinderias, which one has the highest HPC? 2. Do E. coli and coliform count from the three water sample obtained from chosen carinderias in standard values/count (less than 1.1)? a) Sample 1 b) Sample 2 c) Sample 3 2.1 Which water sample exceeded the standard value for E. coli and coliform count? 3. What are the observations made by the researchers which can add to probable results? 3.1 Cleanliness of container; 3.2 Cleanliness of surroundings; and 3.3 Sanitation of utensils? 4. Which carinderia has potable drinking water? 10 a) Sample 1 b) Sample 2 c) Sample 3 5. What possible diseases can get if the microbes in water exceed its standard value in the analysis results? Hypothesis of the Study Carinderias meet the standard value set by Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water’s (PNSDW). Conceptual Framework Independent Variable Microbiological Drinking Water Analysis Dependent Variable Carinderias in Malolos City Figure 1. Conceptual Model of the Study Relationship between Variables Scientific research as corresponds to words of Dr. Cheprasov (2018), helps the people to believe something rational, objective, testable and disprovable questions or methods. Using this, one must not necessary believe what the researchers are implying. The falsification and verification are always open by trying what previous researchers made just to satisfy one's curiosity. The sole purpose of the study was to interpret microbiological drinking water analysis. Since the researchers have chosen or controlled this specific field to be analyzed and it has an explicit relationship with carinderias, it served as the independent variable. While the three eateries stood as the dependent variable because the results which will be 11 obtained from them will have variation depending on what specific fields to be examined, but in this case it was in the field of microbiology. In this study, it aimed to identify the quantity of heterotrophic, coliform and E. coli microbes present in the chosen carinderias, regardless of similar countless studies published since the researchers wanted to prove it themselves. Moreover, this current research was participated by three carinderias in Malolos City. Factors such as business permit from the government, previous sanitary inspections, number of customer each day were not considered, the only thing reasoned was the sample water that was be obtained. The process was exhibited through a laboratory testing, and results were waited by the researchers. They cannot perform the laboratory procedure themselves, for the reason that materials were not ample in LCUP's laboratory to perform such analysis. The results after received are later interpreted leading to the microbiological drinking water analysis from three eateries in Malolos City. Definition of Terms Potable- a liquid that is suitable for drinking (Merriam Webster Dictionary, 2020). Microbes- an extremely small living thing that can only be seen with a microscope (Merriam Webster Dictionary, 2020). Escherichia coli- Type of fecal coliform bacteria commonly found in the intestines of animals and humans. The presence of E. coli in water is a strong indication of recent sewage or animal waste contamination (APEC Water, 2016). 12 Coliform- Coliform bacteria are organisms that are present in the environment and in the feces of all warm-blooded animals and humans. Coliform bacteria will not likely cause illness. However, their presence in drinking water indicates that diseasecausing organisms (pathogens) could be in the water system (Washington State Department of Health, 2013). Methodology This section tackled the procedures on how the research has been carried out. The respondents of the study in the preluded part was discussed. As well as the actual methods and techniques applied, for the research to be distinct was indicated. Thereupon, it was followed by the instruments of the study which explained what laboratory tests were performed to the obtained water sample. Lastly, this section concluded on how the researchers succeeded to get the samples which can be found on statistical treatment or analysis. Respondents of the Study Eateries that participated to this study were limited to three. Since the researchers' financial capability to provide larger sample and additional analytical services were bounded, they assessed the probable expenses and determined three samples only. Three eateries were chosen without certain significant factors. No such discrimination to the establishment's appearance was made, but the adjacency of its location from the BSU Analytical Testing Laboratory was considered. Hence they were chosen according to purpose. 13 The researchers utilized anonymity. The chosen eateries were labeled as Eatery 1, 2 and 3, for the reason that, the only goal of this study was to analyze drinking water sample and not to ruin the name of those eateries except for that recommendations were added without name-dropping. Table 1 shows the distribution of respondents according to location. Table 1. Distribution of the Respondents According to Location Name of Eatery Location Percentage Eatery # 1 Adjacent to Bulacan Medical Center 33.33% Eatery # 2 Adjacent to Malolos Crossing 33.33% Eatery # 3 Adjacent to Puregold Malolos 33.33% Total Respondents: 3 100% Methods and Techniques Used Scientific method is defined as using measurable and empirical evidences. It is done systematically and is commonly based on objective reality. Observations was made and then tentative hypothesis will be formulated from the observation. Predictions can be inferred from the hypothesis which it must be testable and falsifiable. Scientific method is used to conduce, develop and prove a stated hypothesis from a chosen phenomenon (Dr. Partidar, 2016). The researchers wanted to test drinking water from eateries because they observed that water potability is a growing concern nowadays. However they formulated 14 hypothesis wherein they stated carinderias meet the standard value set by Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water’s (PNSDW). Since that they want to falsify the common perceptions of people about carinderias. From this hypothesis, they were determined to test the water with the help of a laboratory which led to proving or disproving their hypothesis. Technique used were the analytical services itself because it served as the process on how the researchers secured data and result through the BSU Analytical Testing laboratory. Instruments of the Study Since this research was in the scientific field, the approval of the research adviser to the instrument was not necessary but consultation from the adviser was a big help when suggesting or choosing the respondents and actual approaches. The drinking water sample from three eateries served as the tool for the process to take place. The BSU Analytical Testing Laboratory was responsible for revealing results because they administered the analysis. The validation of instrument in this case corresponded to the procedures and suggestive advice of the laboratory technician on how to obtain water sample. The researchers made sure to follow these parameters to avoid aberration. It included that laboratory container must only be opened once and must be capped tightly after getting a sample. The laboratory technician specify certain height in the bottle that must be met when getting water. Third is that water from jugs must be directly transferred to the laboratory's sanitated container. If sample exceeds thirty minutes after being taken, it 15 must be subjected to ice. Lastly, the researchers were properly briefed that it is necessary to know what type of water sample it is. However, the researchers sneekingly got water sample because the research teacher adviced to do so. Statistical Treatment The results were processed using Water Potability Test and Heterotrophic Plate Count in Bulacan Analytical Testing Laboratory. Water samples were submitted to the Laboratory on the 27th of January and the tests were performed on the same day. After a few days the results on paper materialized including the interpretations, so no such complex statistical treatment was applied because test results were of complete package. Yet, review of related literatures and further explanation were added to strengthen and elaborate the claims. The first analytical service performed was the Water potability test. It ensures the safety of the water supply. The testing included checking for Coliform and presence of Escherichia coli (Clear Water Pump Service, 2017). The second one was the heterotrophic plate count, or formerly known as the standard plate count. The interpretation and information about these tests was thoroughly tackled in the next chapter. The value set by Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water (PNSWD) For Most probable number of Coliform and E. Coli Count per 100ml is less than 1.1 while the standard value for heterotrophic plate count is less than 500 colony forming units (cfus)/ml sample. 16 Results and Discussion This part presented and analyzed the results and the interpretation of microbiological drinking water analysis from carinderias in Malolos City. Additional discussion and information in behalf of interpretations were employed to convey explicitly. Hence, results of data analysis were arranged and anchored based on the order of the statement of the problem. Tables Heterotrophic Plate Count of the Water Samples Obtained Heterotrophic Plate Count indicates the concentration and number of live heterotrophic bacteria in a water sample. Heterotrophs from this test (which can be microorganisms like yeast, mold and bacteria), are not specified but a high concentration or count of those can indicate the overall bacteriological quality of drinking water (Hach, 2015). Graph 1: Exhibits the heterotrophic plate count of water samples per milliliter Eatery Actual Value 1 more than 1000 cfus/ml sample 2 more than 1000 cfus/ml sample 3 more than 1000 cfus/ml sample Standard Value less than 500 cfus/ml sample *Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water (PNSDW) 2017 ** cfus- colony forming units NOTE: Interpretations, limitations and references that will be concluded on the following statements are rooted from BSU Analytical Testing Laboratory. Table 2 shows all eateries accumulated more than 1000 colony forming units/ml sample. It is clearly shown that all samples have Heterotrophic Plate Count 17 that is not within the less than 500 cfus/ml sample standards of PNSDW. All sample did not pass the microbiological quality. HPC limitation is that this microbiological results are not indicative of microbiological quality of samples over a prolonged period of time. References from performing this test is from AOAC Official Methods of Analysis and Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water. Department of Health, 2017. Coliform Count and Fecal Coliform (E. coli) Count of the Water Samples Obtained Presence of any of those group of bacterias (E. coli, coliform) pertaining to the contamination of water supply. If E. Coli is present, there is a contamination of the water source from sewage (waste such as human urine and feces that is carried away from homes material, and other buildings in a system of pipes) (Merriam Webster, 2020). On the other hand, if Coliform is present contamination of water from the surface and surface water is implied. Table 3: Shows the number of positive tubes in Coliform count and E. coli count Parameters No. of Positive Tubes (out of 15 tubes) Sample Most probable Number (MPN) per 100 ml MPN PNSDW* standard Eatery #1 Coliform count : E. coli count : 5/0/0 5/0/0 23 23 less than 1.1 less than 1.1 Eatery # 2 Coliform count : E. coli count : 5/0/0 5/0/0 23 23 less than 1.1 less than 1.1 Eatery # 3 Coliform count : E. coli count : 5/5/5 5/5/5 more than 1600 more than 1600 less than 1.1 less than 1.1 * Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water (PNSDW) 2017 18 NOTE: Interpretations, limitations and references that will be concluded on the following statements are rooted from BSU Analytical Testing Laboratory. PNSDW Standards shows that sample should not exceed the value of less than 1.1 MPN to be considered as safe for drinking MPN values that are NEGATIVE for coliform and fecal coliform organisms. The samples tested were POSITIVE for E. coli. Samples 1 and 2 showed 23 MPN (Most Probable Number) per 100ml of sample, while sample 3 showed more than 1600 MPN per 100ml/sample. From samples 1 and 2, five tubes out of 15 tubes are positive for each Coliform count and E. coli count. While 15 out of 15 tubes of sample #3 are positive for each count. The COLIFORMS ARE PRESENT. The three samples showed results that are not within the standards set by PNSDW. Samples are not suitable for drinking. Coliform count and E. coli’s limitations are microbiological results are not indicative of microbiological quality of the sample over a prolonged period of time. References from performing this test is from AOAC Official Methods of Analysis and Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water. Department of Health, 2017. Observations of the Researchers Eatery 1, is located in a crowded space along with other stores. The inside of the carinderia was clean but the old vibe was very evident. Its water container as well as the utensils (which the first water sample is obtained) were obviously used for a long time. Stains from the outside of the jug and its opening was observed by the researchers. 19 Eatery 2 is established along the high way, the stall is open for dusts and dirt since it is close to the road. The surrounding was cleaner and more spacious than the first assessed eatery. The store was not seemed to be old-opened, the utensils were more new. Their water jug resembled the jug of the first eatery, only that it was cleaner and it looked new. Eatery 3 is a newly-opened establishment. The inside of the eatery was very clean. The utensils were noticeably new as well as their water container. All water samples obtained were mineral, based on the knowledge of the workers. But the researchers did not find any jugs from water refilling stations. They keenly observed it because the space where workers prepare the meals and such were visible to the sight of the researchers inside the eatery. Microbes as Indicator of Diseases Microorganisms recovered through HPC (usually non-hazardous), but in some instances may also include organism from diverse pollutants. High level of HPC occurred specially in stagnant pipes of water sources. HPC can also be used to monitor performance of filtration or disinfection processes. However there is no evidence from epidemiological studies that the values of HPC alone are directly in pursuance of health risk. High HPC is thus unsuitable for public health target setting. Consequently, abrupt increases in HPC level might be associated with fecal contamination; wherefore E. Coli count or other fecal-specific indicators are essential to determine whether a health risk exists (World Health Organization, 2003). 20 According to ATS environmental (2016), Coliform are present in nature and is usually found in human and animal wastes. It is non-hazardous, but excessive presence of coliform when it comes to drinking water may be an indicator of harmful disease-causing organisms. These organisms are also called pathogens which may vary in type like viruses protozoa and bacteria. If disease-causing bacteria is present symptoms due to contaminated water may occure like gastrointestinal upset and general flu-like symptoms such as fever, abdominal cramps and diarrhea (Pennstate Extension, 2016). Escherichia coli bacteria normally live in the intestines of people and intestines. Most E. coli are harmless and can be identified as part of a healthy human intestinal tract. However there are types of it which can be pathogenic. E. coli that can cause diarrhea or other illnes are commonly found in contaminated food and water. It is one of the most frequent sources of bacterial infections including cholangitis, urinary tract infection (UTI), intestinal infections and other clinical infections neonatal meningitis and pneumonia (Medscape, 2019). Summary of Findings Filipinos are very fond of carinderias because of its affordable cheap meal offers, however sanitation and hygiene are often neglected due to its prior purpose—to serve at low cost. Furthermore drinking water from carinderias are not advisable to drink based on the findings of this study. It is agreed by the review of related studies by Tabekar et al. (2006) in India where they obtained 360 drinking water samples. After the analysis 235 samples resulted to be non-potable, 249 were contaminated indicating presence of E. coli and a total 62 water samples were confirmed to be contaminated with coliforms. 21 The hypothesis of the study which stated that Carinderias meet the standard value set by Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water’s (PNSDW) was falsified. As the researchers have chosen three representative eateries purposefully based on its adjacency to the testing laboratory, all findings have resulted to not meet the standard of PNSDW for Heterotrophic Plate Count, Coliform and E. coli count. The researchers have proven it themselves with the help BSU Analytical Testing Laboratory. The following are the important findings that have been unmasked during the course of this study: 1. Does drinking water from their jugs and container has normal heterotrophic plate count? Sample 1, 2 and 3 resulted to have exceeded the normal or standard heterotrphic plate count (less than 500 colony forming units/ml sample). The actual value of the three water samples obtained were identically, and more than 1000 cfus/ ml sample. 2. Do E. coli and coliform count from the three water sample obtained from chosen carinderias in standard values/count (less than 1.1)? The most probable number (MPN) of E. coli and coliform of Sample 1 and 2 are 23, while Sample 3 has an MPN of more than 1600 for both counts. Meaning all samples overstepped the PNSDWS’ standard of less than 1.1. 3. What are the observations made by the researchers which can add to probable results? The researchers have observed the cleanliness of container, cleanliness of surroundings and sanitation of utensils but it did not add to the result. Eatery 3 was the cleanest for all the mentioned aspect but it accumulated the highest Coliform count and 22 E. coli count. Thereupon, the researcher did not find any direct relationship with the observable sanitation appearance and the microbiological quality of drinking water. 4. Which carinderia has potable drinking water? The three eateries possess drinking water that were entirely not suitable for drinking. It is validated by the Coliform count and E. coli count of each water sample analyzed by BSU Analytical Testing Laboratory. 5. What possible diseases can get if the microbes in water exceed its standard value in the analysis results? There is no epedemiological study that the value of Heterotrophic Plate Count alone can be associated to a serious health risk, but an abrupt increase to it can be associated to fecal contamination and can be an indicator of other disease-causing pathogens. Coliforms are non-hazardous but a high concentration of it in drinking water signify harmful disease causing organism, while E. coli that can cause diarrhea or other illness. It is one of the most frequent sources of bacterial infections including cholangitis, urinary tract infection (UTI), intestinal infections and other clinical infections neonatal meningitis and pneumonia (Medscape, 2019). Conclusions As rooted to the mentioned findings, the following counclusions were adhered: 1. Filipinos are fond of carinderias sanitation and hygiene are often neglected. 2. Water Potability Test and Heterotrophic plate count can be administered to know if the water is safe to drink. 23 3. The three purposefully chosen representative carinderia possess drinking water that have Heterotrophic Plate Count that are not within standards. 4. The three carinderias did not pass the Potability Test (Coliform and E. coli count) 5. Visible clean surrounding or seemed to be sanitated utensils and jugs do not mean good microbiological drinking water quality. 6. All drinking water in the chosen carinderias were not safe to drink validated by the BSU Analytical Testing Laboratory. 7. High Hetorotrophic Plate Count and high quantity of Coliform in drinking water can signify disease-causing pathogens. 8. E. coli can cause mild illness like diarrhea and other bacterial infections such as UTI, and clinical infections (meningitis, pneumonia etc.). Recommendations 1. A thorough water quality control of the Department of Health to the consumer’s public water system, taps and refilling stations must be observed. 2. Regular water quality monitoring and surveillance to sewarage systems by DOH or LGUs must be administered. 3. Frequent sanitary and hygiene inspections of DOH ar any Local Governement Units to carinderias and any food or non-food establishments. 4. Strict issuance of sanitary permit for food establishments is recommended. 5. A larger sample for future researchers to obtaine more accurate findings and result is endorsed. 6. Ethical standard in getting and informing the respondents must be observed. 24 7. A pre-interview and permission to get a sample from carinderia’s owner and workers are advisable. 8. Plan ahead of time and set uniform characteristics or factors on why carinderias are being chosen to be the respondents. 9. A longer time frame for the whole research itself is a good investment for the betterment of the study. 10. Additional analytical services for future researchers including physico-chemical tests such as pH, alkalinity, taste odor, color, water actvitty test etc. Are commended. 25 References Abunda. (2018, May 1). Retrieved from https://www-philstar\ 8/carinderias-are-close-our hearts/amp/?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQCKAE%3D#aoh=1579 9228520582& %251%24s& %2F2018%2F05%2F01%2F1810928%2Fcarinderias-are-close-ourhearts%2Famp%2F%23aoh%3D15799228520582%26referrer%3Dhttps%253 APEC Water. (2016). Drinking Water Contaminants - Escherichia Coli, E. Coli. 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An objective decision maker and risk taker. SKILLS PRESENT La Consolacion University Philippines | Malolos, Bulacan With High Honors 2018- present SECONDARY Partida National High School | San Miguel, Bulacan Valedictorian 2014-2018 -Short story/ poem writing -Microsoft editing -Copy/proof reading PRIMARY Partida Elementary School | San Miguel, Bulacan Valedictorian 2008-2014 PROFILE Date of Birth: Age: Civil Status: Religion: October 31, 2001 18 Single Born Again E X T R A C U R R I C U L A R E X P E R I EN C E Pre- Calculus Quiz Bee Third Place La Consolacion University Philippines 2019 30 VLADIMYR C. ORTEGA 0975-1484-004 San Vicente Apalit, Pampanga ABOUT EDUCATION I see myself as an individual who loves to communicate to the other people. I am willing to learn new things every now and then, to improve my skills and to widen my knowledge that I can use in the near future. PRESENT La Consolacion University Philippines | Malolos, Bulacan 2018- present 2014-2020 SKILLS -Easy to communicate with other people -Active Listener -Some Medical Routine PROFILE Date of Birth: Age: Civil Status: Religion: March 29, 2002 17 Single Roman Catholic SECONDARY Bro. Andrew Gonzalez Technical High School | Apalit, Pampanga 2014-2018 PRIMARY San Vicente Elementary School | Apalit Pampanga 2008-2014 31 MARLON A. TANGHAL +639100909502 San Francisco St. Poblacion, Pulilan, Bulacan ABOUT EDUCATION A hardworking student who is willing to learn new things that can enhance my skills and knowledge PRESENT La Consolacion University Philippines | Malolos, Bulacan 2018 to present SECONDARY Engr. Virgilio V. Dionisio Memorial High School | Pulilan, Bulacan 2014-2018 S K I L LS -Good in Mathematics -Good in self management and time PROFILE Date of Birth: August 08, 2001 Age: 15 Civil Status: Single Religion: Roman Catholic PRIMARY Pulilan Central School | Pulilan, Bulacan 2007-2014 32 JON MARK A. ESPINO #09355618519 555 Daang hapon, Pungo Calumpit, Bulacan ABOUT I am willing to cooperate, to be a kind an good member to my leader. I can do tasks under pressure and I ensure to do my best in everything. SKILLS -Excellent communication and service skills -Good in electronics -Highly adaptable with an exceptional attention to detail -Dependable, responsible and has the ability to work with a team -Energetic personality with a can-do and positive attitude PROFILE Date of Birth: Age: Civil Status: Religion: August 31, 2001 18 Single Born Again EDUCATION PRESENT La Consolacion University Philippines |Malolos, Bulacan 2019-2020 SECONDARY Dampol 2nd National High School |Pulilan, Bulacan 2014-2018 PRIMARY Pungo Elementary School|Calumpit, Bulacan 2008-2014 E X T R A C U R R I C U L A R E X P E R I EN C E Scie- Mathic Week Rocket Flying Contest (Champion) La Consolacion University Philippines 33 zcvz KYLYN JHEY NICOLE B. DE ARCE 09450-813-994 Caniogan, Malolos City, Bulacan EDUCATION ABOUT A career with a progressive organization where I can effectively contribute to operations in any capacity that best matches my skills and experience. SKILLS -Writer -Calligraphy -Can finish the task on time -Time lover -Microsoft typing -Flexible PROFILE Date of Birth: Age: Civil Status: Religion: August 30, 2002 17 Single Roman Catholic PRESENT La Consolacion University Philippines | Malolos, Bulacan Grade 12 STEM Student, with honors 2018 – present SECONDARY Ramona S. Trillana High School | Hagonoy, Bulacan Graduated 2018, with honors 2014-2018 PRIMARY City of Malolos Integrated School | Malolos, Bulacan Kinder to Grade 6 2008-2014 EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES MACIPRISA: SPOKEN WORD POETRY Holy Spirit Academy October 10, 2019 Appendix D 34 35 36 37 38 39