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Journal of Construction Project Management and Innovation, 9 (2): 83-104, 2019 ISSN 2223-7852 © Sustainable Human Settlement and Construction Research Centre A COMPREHENSIVE BIM IMPLEMENTATION MODEL FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Oluseye OLUGBOYEGA1 and Abimbola WINDAPO2 1&2 Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Department of Construction Economics & Management, Level 5, Snape Building, University of Cape Town, Upper Campus, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7701, South Africa Email:, ABSTRACT BIM implementation in the construction industry can be used to build the quality and competitiveness of AEC practices in the construction industry. However, to ensure significant and sustained BIM implementation in developing countries, it becomes important to investigate the appropriate models for significant and sustained BIM implementation in developing countries. Therefore, this study investigated the strengths and shortcomings of the BIM implementation models in use in the developed countries so as to identify a comprehensive set of BIM implementation model that will bring about a significant and sustained BIM implementation in the developing countries. The study developed a comprehensive BIM implementation model based on a theoretical background that was built from a meta-synthesis of studies on BIM adoption and theoretical perspectives from Implementation Process Theory. The model features top management commitment strategies, motivation strategies, capacity development strategies, and application strategies as the constructs for achieving a successful and sustained BIM implementation. The findings of the study are useful for stimulating the growth and technological development of construction industries in developing countries. Keywords: BIM; BIM in the developing countries; BIM implementation; BIM implementation model; BIM adoption; BIM implementation strategies. 1. INTRODUCTION The efficient construction industry is a pre-requisite to effective national development (Oyewobi and Ogunsemi, 2010). However, construction industries in developing countries are not efficient and not globally competitive (Isa et al., 2013). This ineffectiveness is substantiated by the presence of international firms and expatriates who dominate over the indigenous construction firms and professionals in the developing countries. As a way to neutralize the negative effects of globalization and domination of indigenous construction firms and professionals, Mbamali and Okotie (2012) recommend that strategies should be developed for enhancing the global competitiveness of indigenous construction firms and professionals in the developing countries. BIM implementation provides the opportunity for the enhancement of global competitiveness of indigenous construction firms and professionals in the developing countries. According to Yori (2011) and Yussuf et al. (2016), BIM implementation determines the quality, efficiency, and competitiveness of a construction industry which makes it the best way to ensure quality works, workers efficiencies, and competitiveness of firms and professionals in the developing countries. In addition, the potentials of BIM in addressing the needs of construction industry has made BIM the international standard of project design, construction and management systems; and its implementation in a construction industry can be used to build the quality and 83 Olugboyega and Windapo JCPMI, 9(2): 83-104 competitiveness of architectural, engineering and construction practices in the construction industry (Bryde et al., 2013; Jung and Joo, 2011). BIM implementation is the process of ensuring BIM adoption in the construction industry (that is, the process of mandating or making BIM a formal or acceptable working system in the construction industry) (Arayici et al., 2011; Eadie et al., 2013; Smith, 2014). While BIM adoption is an act carried out by organizations or construction project supply chain (CPSC) networks operating in particular construction industry, to take up or follow the provisions and guidelines of BIM as given in a BIM implementation requirement (Gu and London, 2010; Succar and Kassem, 2015). BIM adoption also refers to the formal acceptance of BIM by organizations and CPSC as a working system (technology, process, and management) in the construction industry (Newton and Chileshe, 2012). BIM awareness is rapidly increasing in the developing countries on account of BIM implementation being touted as having the potentials to meet the needs of the construction industry (Rogers et al., 2015; Enshassi et al., 2016). Recently, pockets of BIM adoption have been reported among the large and international firms that are operating in the developing countries (Mehran, 2016; Gray et al., 2013). The pockets of BIM adoption for projects by large and international firms in developing countries is as a result of abundant resources and availability of BIM competent professionals in these firms, but it could suppress the growth of the indigenous firms in the developing countries (Mehran, 2016; Bensalah et al., 2018). Similarly, this form of BIM adoption is an apparition and unworthy of celebration because it doesn’t translate to BIM implementation, nor does it give a true representation of the local market in the developing countries. Additionally, the adoption of BIM for projects by large and international firms in the developing countries, if not curbed may force the indigenous small and medium organizations to imitate the large and international organizations which could frustrate the growth of these small and medium organizations, as well as the growth and development of the construction industry (Olatunji, 2011). This implies that there are no significant BIM implementation initiatives in developing countries. Nonetheless, several attempts have been made to investigate the current state of BIM implementation in the developing countries (Bui et al., 2016; Bensalah et al., 2018; Wong et al., 2010; Mohd-Nor and Grant, 2014; Rogers et al., 2015; Olugboyega and Aina, 2018; Gerges et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2015; Usman et al., 2016; Kekana et al., 2015; Hamma-adama et al., 2018; Akintola et al., 2017; Hosseini et al., 2016; Froise and Shakantu, 2014). Studies have also reported the barriers to BIM implementation in developing countries (Ahmed et al., 2014; Olugboyega and Aina, 2016; Kiani et al., 2015; Kekana and Aigbavboa, 2015; Saleh, 2015; Hamada et al., 2017) and the facilitators and benefits of BIM implementation in the developing countries (Mehran, 2016; Olugboyega and Aina, 2016; Ozorhon and Karahan, 2016; Masood et al., 2014; Enegbuma et al., 2014; Ezeokoi et al., 2016; Hatem et al., 2018). These previous studies have provided information on awareness, readiness, and BIM adoption efforts in developing countries. However, ensuring a significant and sustained BIM implementation in developing countries requires more than the investigation of BIM awareness and readiness for BIM adoption in developing countries. To ensure significant and sustained BIM implementation in the developing countries, it becomes important to investigate the appropriate models for significant and sustained BIM implementation in the developing countries (Nagalingam et al., 2013; Chan et al., 2018). Therefore, this study seeks to understand the strengths and shortcomings of the existing BIM implementation models and establish whether this will lead to the identification of a comprehensive set of BIM implementation model that will bring about a significant and sustained BIM implementation in the developing countries. This study provides an important opportunity to advance BIM implementation in the developing countries because BIM implementation has become a necessity for any construction industry that wants to be effective, efficient and globally relevant (Arayici et al., 2011). However, BIM implementation becomes meaningless and onerous, if it is not 84 Olugboyega and Windapo JCPMI, 9(2): 83-104 successful and effective, hence it becomes imperative to investigate the strategies and theoretical approaches to BIM implementation models across the world with a view to drawing lessons and making recommendations for BIM implementation models in the developing countries. The strengths and shortcomings of the existing BIM implementation models serve as sources of recommendations for creating BIM implementation models in developing countries. This will enable the industry leaders and national policymakers in the developing construction industries to implement BIM for derivable benefits and development in their respective countries. Developing a specific BIM implementation model for developing countries is important because of the strong urge to comply with the BIM implementation trends which might lead to the imitation of the BIM implementation initiatives that have been put in place in the developed countries. Imitation of BIM implementation initiatives of the developed countries is not a practical way of implementing BIM in developing countries because of the differences in the structure, culture and market context of developed and developing countries (Gu and London, 2010; Miller et al., 2013; Silva et al., 2016; Cao et al., 2017). In addition, it is important to learn from the strengths and shortcomings of the existing BIM implementation models because of the need to maximize the scarce resources in developing countries. 2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Meta-synthesis of BIM implementation studies was selected for this study. This was done in order to achieve a better comprehension and interpretation of BIM implementation initiatives and strategies in the construction industry. The choice of meta-synthesis was informed by its usefulness in compiling qualitative evidence for achieving research objectives and gaining deeper insights into a phenomenon that might not be available in a single study (Walsh and Soo, 2005). According to Zimmer (2006), meta-synthesis research approach will generate a more complete understanding of the phenomenon because it offers an appropriate balance between a rigorous scientific approach to data analysis and the researcher’s subjectivity. The meta-synthesis approach in this study consists of five main stages: (1) selecting of relevant journals and articles; (2) identifying key concepts and themes; (3) establishing relationships that exist between the identified concepts and themes; (4) categorising the identified concepts and themes into major themes; and (5) summarising and ensuring the credibility of the major themes. The meta-synthesis procedure used in this study is outlined in Figure 1. Figure 1: Meta-synthesis procedure for this study 85 Olugboyega and Windapo JCPMI, 9(2): 83-104 2.1 Selecting relevant journals and articles BIM implementation is a broad concept that includes a large number of related constructs and themes. Therefore, a robust search of database provided by Scopus, Google Scholar, JSTOR, EBSCO, Mendeley, Elsevier, PubMed, Science Open, and Springer was undertaken using the following combination of search terms to match the focus of the study to the literature search: • BIM implementation/adoption in North America • BIM implementation/adoption in Europe • BIM implementation/adoption in South America • BIM implementation/adoption in Asia • BIM implementation adoption in Australia • BIM implementation/adoption in Oceania • BIM implementation/adoption in Africa • BIM implementation strategies/initiatives/theories The search generates 419 articles from the databases. Screening of the articles was done by reviewing their relevance using criteria such as the use of English Language, a reference to BIM implementation/adoption, and peer-reviewed articles and conference proceedings. At the end of this screening stage, 178 articles remained. Further screening of the articles for relevance was conducted by reviewing the titles and abstracts of these articles for specific relevance to the aim of this study. A total of 114 articles were screened out, which gives 64 relevant articles. 2.2 Identifying key concepts and themes The aim of this study is to identify BIM implementation strategies and initiatives so as to develop a comprehensive BIM implementation model for developing countries. BIM implementation efforts have been initiated in the developed countries, and there are several studies that have reported these initiatives. At this stage, the objective of the meta-synthesis is to identify the key concepts and themes that relate to BIM implementation strategies and initiatives in these studies. This stage is important because different studies employ different theoretical perspectives and methodologies to explain and report their findings. The key concepts and themes relating to BIM implementation strategies were identified from the selected relevant studies by setting apart phrases, concepts, and ideas that describe BIM implementation efforts or initiatives. 2.3 Establishing relationships that exist between the identified concepts and themes Meta-synthesis enables the understanding and identification of relationships among the concepts and themes in a group of similar studies (Lee, 2010). At this stage of the metasynthesis, comparing and contrasting of the identified concepts and themes to each other was done in order to examine the relationships between them. 2.4 Categorising the identified concepts and themes into major themes Major themes were determined by identifying and generating themes that apply to or explain two or more concepts. The major themes were generated by comprehending the similarities between the concepts and themes. Similar concepts and themes were linked so as to enable the generation of different categories or components for BIM implementation strategies. This procedure follows the recommendations by Jensen and Allen (1996) for capturing homogeneity among concepts. 86 Olugboyega and Windapo JCPMI, 9(2): 83-104 2.5 Summarising and ensuring the credibility of the major themes Dimensions were assigned to summarise the various categories of the major themes (BIM implementation strategies) for BIM implementation. The dimensions were defined based on new concepts that emerged from the categories. The summary of the synthesis is illustrated in Figure 2. The summary of the synthesis was reviewed independently by the authors in order to facilitate an accurate interpretation of the studies and ensure the credibility of the major themes. 3. MODELS OF BIM IMPLEMENTATION IN THE DEVELOPED COUNTRIES 3.1 motivation model for BIM adoption Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) Theory is a popular approach to planning the adoption of Information Technology (IT) innovations. The theory predicts the diffusion phenomenon of IT innovations among IT innovations adopters by conceptualizing diffusion phenomenon as consisting of diffusion arena, diffusion forces, IT innovators and IT innovation adopters. IT innovation adopters are classified into forerunners and followers, while diffusion forces are classified into communicating force and imitative force. The postulation explains that IT innovators and IT innovation adopters interact in a homogeneous diffusion arena, where communicating force allows IT innovators to transfer new IT innovations to the forerunners. The transfer leads to the forerunners adopting the new IT innovations, while imitative force spreads the IT innovations to the followers (Lyytinen and Damsgaard, 2001; Miettinen and Paavola, 2014; Cao et al., 2015). Several countries have developed BIM implementation strategies based on the presumptions of DOI Theory (Succar and Kumar, 2015; Cao et al., 2015; Papadonikolaki, 2017). This model of BIM implementation relates to motivation strategies. Motivation strategies give reasons and inducements for BIM adoption by making use of imitative and coercive forces to set BIM adoption goals for the construction industry and to create internal competition among the organisations in the industry towards BIM adoption. According to Papadonikolaki (2017), this model of BIM implementation will create an institutional requirement that will provide a long-term inducement for BIM adoption and would contribute to the competitive advantage of the organisations in the construction industry. The general motivation strategies for BIM implementation include BIM pilot projects (Mihindu and Arayici, 2008; Sebastian et al., 2009; Silva et al., 2016; Cheng and Lu, 2015; McAuley et al., 2017), BIM guidelines and standards (Papadonikolaki, 2017; Wong et al., 2010; Silva et al., 2016; Cheng and Lu, 2015; McAuley et al., 2017; Shou et al., 2015), and mandatory requirement of BIM in contractor selection process and application for building permit (Silva et al., 2016; Cheng and Lu, 2015; McAuley et al., 2017; Ho and Rajabifard, 2016; Wong et al., 2010; Hermund, 2009; Adillah et al., 2015). However, the power of this model of BIM implementation in driving BIM adoption is limited due to the use of a theoretical perspective that treats BIM as technology and employs the use of imitation and coercion to drive its adoption (Miettinen and Paavola, 2014; Cao et al., 2017). 3.2 Motivation – Education model for BIM adoption The principles of DOI theory are not adequate for the development of BIM implementation strategies because the theory did not put the characteristics of diffusion arena, IT innovators and IT innovation adopters into consideration (Cao et al., 2017). According to Lyytinen and Damsgaard (2001) diffusion arena, innovation, and adopter decisions are influenced by industry structure, cultural structures, economic (macro, meso, and micro) constraint, market context, technological constraints, and technical constraints. There are different kinds of activities, professionals, projects, clients, and firms in the construction industry that make the industry a complex arena for IT innovation diffusion. As a result of the inadequacy of 87 Olugboyega and Windapo JCPMI, 9(2): 83-104 DOI Theory to drive BIM implementation, authors like Kassem and Succar (2017) and Cao et al. (2017) suggested the use of Institutional Theory or the combination of DOI Theory and Institutional Theory to extend the scope of BIM implementation strategies. Ho and Rajabifard (2016) describe Institutional Theory as the use of legal, social and cultural structures to control the thinking, actions, and behaviours of individuals, groups, and organizations. The compelling forces available in Institutional Theory include coercive, imitative and normative force. Coercive force compels individuals, groups, and organizations to act in line with the expectations spelt out in guidelines and regulations, imitative force makes small organizations to follow the examples of large firms; while normative force causes them to strive for identity, survival, and legitimacy in the society. The combination of DOI and Institutional theory pilots a BIM implementation model that features the blend of motivation strategies and education strategies for driving BIM adoption in the construction industry. This form of BIM implementation model employs the use of communicating force (BIM awareness), imitative force (adoption of BIM by large and international firms), coercive force (government institutions mandating the use of BIM), normative force (development of BIM guidelines and standards), and knowledge or literacy force (acquisition of BIM-related skills by ensuring the access to BIM knowledge and technologies) to drive BIM adoption in the construction industry (Forsythe et al., 2011; Wu and Issa, 2013; Chan, 2014; Yusuf et al., 2016). The main advantage of this form of BIM implementation model is that it has prompted some universities across the globe to update existing courses using BIM education or create discrete BIM education courses (Abbas et al., 2016; Abdirad and Dossick, 2016). However, the shortcoming is that the theoretical perspectives provided by the combination of DOI and Institutional Theory are inadequate for developing the strategies to address the legal, cultural, and social dimension of BIM implementation (Cao et al., 2014; Miettinen and Paavola, 2014; Succar and Kassem, 2015; Kassem and Succer, 2017; Cao et al., 2017). Hence, a theory that provides multi-dimensional perspectives to the implementation process is required for a comprehensive BIM implementation. 4. CONCEPTUALISING A COMPREHENSIVE BIM IMPLEMENTATION MODEL 4.1 Theoretical insights This study employs the Implementation Process Theory modified with postulations on BIM adoption requirements and challenges to facilitate the understanding of the concepts and variables associated with ensuring a successful and sustained BIM implementation. Implementation Process Theory (IPT) describes the efforts required to initiate and sustain adoption decision by individuals and organizations that operate in an industry. These efforts are affected by the influence of the organizations’ top management and cover the organizational and managerial resources to be expended to meet the implementation strategy requirements (Yetton et al., 1999; Al-Mashari and Zain, 1999; Jackson, 1997; Proctor et al., 2013). According to Klein and Knight (2005), achieving a successful and sustained implementation of innovation or practice, individuals and organisations that operate in the industry must possess the skills, competence, and training that are consistent with the innovation or practice. Fixsen et al. (2005), Aarons et al. (2011), Klein and Sorra (1996), and Khalfan et al. (2015) posit that while the skills, competence, and training will enable the adoption of an innovation or a practice by an individual; the adoption of an innovation or a practice in an organisation depends on the commitment and culture that will be established by the top management of the organisation towards the continued use of the innovation or the continuity of the practice. Similarly, studies on BIM adoption have shown that BIM adoption in organisations requires hefty investments of time and money in technology, training, and structural change 88 Olugboyega and Windapo JCPMI, 9(2): 83-104 (Andres et al., 2017; Usman et al., 2016; Bryde et al., 2013). In addition, a number of BIMrelated studies have postulated that BIM implementation is a complex process and that the justification for and the effectiveness of BIM implementation strategies depend on their capabilities in addressing a wide range of issues (Gu and London, 2010; Barlish and Sullivan, 2012; Love et al., 2013; Eadie et al., 2013; Cao et al., 2017; Zhu and Mostafavi, 2017). The implication of this is that BIM implementation process will not be successful and sustainable without putting in place measures that will bring about motivations for BIM adoption (Ding et al., 2015; Hong et al., 2016), BIM-enabled competitive edge for organisations (Arayici et al., 2011; Olatunji and Sher, 2014), and efficiency and effectiveness in the application of BIM on construction projects (Arayici et al., 2012; Arayici et al., 2011). Based on these perspectives, it is clear that a multi-dimensional approach is required to conceptualise a model that will adequately explain the driving forces required for BIM implementation, strategies required to achieve the driving forces and the outcome of these strategies. This is important for ensuring a successful and sustained BIM implementation in the construction industry. The insights from these perspectives also highlights the importance of the following dimensions to the success and sustainability of BIM implementation in the construction industry: (1) commitment, (2) motivation, (3) culture, (4) education and training, (5) skills and competence, (6) competitiveness, (7) efficiency, and (8) effectiveness. The theoretical perspectives from IPT and postulations on BIM adoption requirements and challenges are summarised in Figure 2. Figure 2: Theoretical framework for a successful and sustained BIM implementation 4.2 Theoretical grounding for a comprehensive BIM implementation 4.2.1 Strength of the BIM implementation models in the developed countries In countries such as the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Singapore, Spain, Portugal, and Sweden; BIM implementation models have manifested in form of the establishment of a national BIM program, mandatory use of BIM for spatial program validation of projects in 2007, development of a national BIM standard, development of BIM protocol and Integrated Project Delivery documents, and development of BIM guidelines (Cheng and Lu, 2015). BIM 89 Olugboyega and Windapo JCPMI, 9(2): 83-104 institute has been established, BIM guidelines and standards have been developed, and BIM has become a mandatory requirement in the contractor selection process (Powal and Hewage, 2013; Silva et al., 2016; Chew and Riley, 2013; Andres et al., 2017). BIM implementation initiatives in the United States and Canada relied heavily on BIM awareness, BIM adoption by government agencies, a mandatory requirement of BIM, BIM guidelines, and BIM standards to drive BIM adoption. The development of BIM library, the establishment of BIM centre and steering committee, mandatory BIM e-submissions for new projects, and BIM fund, with Industry Foundation Classes development and BIM classification standard initiatives. In addition, BIM Task Group, BIM academic forum, and Construction Industry Council have been established to drive BIM implementation in some countries such as the United Kingdom, Finland, and Norway. These groups and committees have developed specification framework for BIM commissioning, BS 1192 for collaborative working, BS 1192-4 for interoperability, Uniclass 2015 for classification systems, PAS 1192-5 for security, and BIM use specifications (Cheng and Lu, 2015; Jensen and Johannesson, 2013; Lindblad and Vass, 2015). The use of these BIM implementation strategies has contributed significantly to BIM adoption in these countries based on the number of reports on the application of BIM on various types of projects in these countries (Gledson and Greenwood, 2016; Kiviniemi and Codinhoto, 2014). 4.2.2 Shortcomings of the BIM implementation models in the developed countries The BIM implementation models in use in the developed countries are not all-inclusive and have brought about some setbacks such as non-realization of BIM benefits, lack of full-scale BIM projects, adoption bottlenecks, and economic liability to small and medium organizations (Porwal and Hewage, 2013; Kassem and Succar, 2017). The grounds for these shortcomings are discussed in the following sub-sections: BIM implementation model must be multi-dimensional A multi-dimensional BIM implementation approach is vital to ensuring the success of BIM implementation (Migilinskas et al., 2013; Miettinen and Paavola, 2014; Bui et al., 2016). BIM implementation model in use in the developed countries has been drawn primarily from the theoretical perspectives of Technology Acceptance and Diffusion of Innovation Theory. These theoretical perspectives provide strategies that are irrelevant to the capacity, macro and micro-economic dimensions of BIM implementation (Lyytinen and Damsgaard, 2001; Miettinen and Paavola, 2014; Cao et al., 2015; Cao et al., 2017). As noted by Succar et al. (2013) and Papadonikolaki (2017), capacity development and economic performance of organizations are key to the success of BIM implementation in the construction industry. Likewise, Jung and Joo (2011), Porwal and Hewage (2013), Morlhon et al. (2014), Cao et al. (2015), and Succar and Kumar (2015) concur that BIM implementation will be successful if BIM capability and applications, legal frameworks, as well as the macro, meso and microeconomy of the construction industry are considered in the BIM implementation strategies. BIM implementation model must drive BIM adoption at the industry, organisation, and project level The requirements for BIM implementation at the industry and organizational levels are not the same. There are three distinct levels in the construction industry, namely: macro, meso, and micro levels. The macro-level represents the industry level, meso level represents the organizational level, while project level is represented by the micro-level (Poirier et al. 90 Olugboyega and Windapo JCPMI, 9(2): 83-104 (2015); Papadonikolaki, 2017). Poirier et al. (2015) noted that BIM implementation should be active at three levels. BIM implementation initiative is a national issue (Liu et al., 2015), therefore it depicts formal acceptance of BIM by the industry leaders and policymakers in order to be globally relevant and competitive. BIM adoption, on the other hand, depicts initiatives at the level of organizations or projects based on the expectations of the organizations or the clients and within the provisions of BIM implementation initiative. This shows that BIM implementation is a product of political will or legislation and it requires strategies, plans, decisions, regulations, and guidelines to bring it into effect; while BIM adoption is a product of requirements by clients or organizational vision. Without BIM implementation, BIM adoption is not legally binding on organizations or construction project supply chains (CPSC), except it was demanded by clients. Even with BIM implementation, BIM adoption is still not legally binding on organizations or CPSC if the clients (public or private) do not mandate it. Mandatory BIM submission and development of national BIM standards, as found in the developed countries have provided the resources, authority, and control that are required to implement BIM at the industry level (Silva et al., 2016). However, this approach has limited the focus of BIM implementation to the industry level with little or no concerns for the cultural, structural, and economic impacts of mandatory BIM submission at the meso and micro levels. As a result, there are complications with BIM implementation strategies that are based on this approach. For example, Migilinskas et al. (2013) identified cost of investment, unavailability of BIM implementation framework, and structure of the industry as challenges of BIM implementation in Lithuania. In Sweden, Isaksson et al. (2016) reported a shortage of internal and external demands for BIM by team members and clients as obstacles to BIM implementation; and that reliance on coercive force alone won't drive BIM adoption among in the Swedish construction industry. Also, United Kingdom BIM implementation in the United Kingdom is experiencing complications such as resistance to change, BIM training and competency issues, BIM applications and tools problems, collaboration and integration issues, BIM workflow adaptation challenges, lack of client demand, cultural resistance, and reluctance of team members to share information (Arayici et al., 2011; Eadie et al., 2013). BIM implementation model must cater to the small and medium construction organisations The economic viability of small and medium firms is an important consideration in BIM implementation because the adoption of BIM by small and medium organizations is very important for the industry (Miller et al., 2013), and because not all the small and medium firms could survive economic liability of BIM adoption owing to poor financial base (Liu et al., 2017). This is because more than 96% of organizations in the industry are small and medium organizations which make the economic performances of small and medium firms vital to the macroeconomic performance of the construction industry (Olatunji, 2011; Miller et al., 2013). According to Barlish and Sullivan (2012), Miettinen and Paavola (2014), Isaksson et al. (2016), and Zhu and Mostafavi (2017), different organizations require different motivation for BIM adoption based on their respective organizational characteristics. However, nearly all the existing BIM implementation models lack supportive regulations, capacity development frameworks, and economic considerations such as financial support towards BIM adoption for small and medium firms in the construction industry. This has been a major challenge of BIM implementation in the developed countries (Yusuf et al., 2016; Cheng and Lu, 2015). 91 Olugboyega and Windapo JCPMI, 9(2): 83-104 BIM implementation model must have contextual, theoretical and empirical justification. A BIM implementation model becomes effective and provides multifaceted insights into BIM adoption when it has a contextual, theoretical and empirical justification. This will be achieved by incorporating considerations for organizational differences, culture, contingencies, commitment and capacities to sustain BIM adoption (Jung and Joo, 2011; Kim et al., 2005; Migilinskas et al., 2013; Miettinen and Paavola, 2014; Bui et al., 2016; Gu and London, 2010; Silva et al., 2016; Cao et al., 2017; Morlhon et al., 2014; Succar and Kumar, 2015; Cao et al. 2015; Zhu and Mostafari, 2017). It becomes important to justify the consensus of organizational perceptions of a BIM implementation model contextually, theoretically and empirically since the implementation process requires organizations to make adoption decisions; and since the willingness of the organizations to assume responsibilities for implementation strategies depend on their understanding and contributions to the choice of implementation strategies (Rapert et al., 2002). The consensus of organizational perceptions is important in the choice of implementation strategies in order to ensure cooperation from the organizations and to ensure harmony between the requirements of implementation strategies, as well as the efforts of the organization towards adoption (Rapert et al., 2002; Zmud and Cox, 1979). In the same way, the consideration of organizational differences, culture, contingencies, commitment and capacities in developing BIM implementation strategies is vital to ensuring the success of BIM implementation owing to the complexity of BIM adoption barriers, the complexity of the construction projects, and the requirements of project participants (Proctor et al. 2013; Migilinskas et al. 2013; Miettinen and Paavola, 2014; Bui et al. 2016; Kassem and Succar, 2017). This will enable organisations and project participants to strategically plan (that is, address the issues of economic liability, BIM competency, BIM value, and BIM workflow adaptation challenges) BIM adoption on construction projects (Porwal and Hewage, 2013; Arayici et al., 2011; Eadie et al., 2013; Migilinskas et al., 2013; Isaksson et al., 2016; Enshassi and Abuhamra, 2017; Btoush and Harun, 2017; Yusuf et al., 2016; Smith, 2014; Cheng and Lu, 2015; Succar, 2009; Cao et al., 2014; Cao et al., 2015). However, the BIM implementation strategies in use in the developed countries lack an operational structure that could strategically guide the utilization of BIM and the assessment of BIM performance on projects and in organisations in relation to the achievement of integration and collaboration as the ultimate benefit of BIM adoption, as well as economically justify investment in BIM and demand for BIM by clients on their projects (Aranda-Mena et al., 2009; Shusheng and Min, 2010; Barlish and Sullivan, 2012; Bryde et al., 2013; Succar et al., 2013; Miettinen and Paavola, 2014; Cao et al., 2015; Beaumont and Underwood, 2015; Abdirad and Dossick, 2016; Abbas et al., 2016; Ghaffarianhoseini et al. 2017; Sawhney et al., 2017; Liu et al., 2017). 4.3 Synthesis and Discussion: A comprehensive BIM implementation model 4.3.1 The driving forces required for a comprehensive BIM implementation model The construction industry is a dynamic, diverse, complex sector owing to the interplay between market structure (macro, meso, and microstructures), socio-cultural structure, technical and legal contract structures (Tennant and Fernie, 2014). The complexity of the construction industry increases in developing countries because of the prevailing inefficiencies and ineffectiveness (Isa et al., 2013; Mbamali and Okotie, 2012). Hence, a comprehensive BIM implementation model is required for a successful and sustained BIM implementation in developing countries. A comprehensive BIM implementation model must complement the strengths and deficiencies of the existing BIM implementation models 92 Olugboyega and Windapo JCPMI, 9(2): 83-104 (Porwal and Hewage, 2013; Miettinen and Paavola, 2014; Cao et al., 2015; Zhu and Mostafari, 2017; Cao et al., 2017). This implies that the BIM implementation model to be initiated in the developing countries must be multi-dimensional; must be capable of driving BIM adoption at the industry, organisation, and project level; must cater to the small and medium construction organisations; and must have contextual, theoretical and empirical justifications (Miettinen and Paavola, 2014; Bui et al., 2016). A multi-dimensional approach to BIM implementation means that regulatory frameworks should be considered for economic viability of construction firms (small and medium firms in particular) to adopt BIM, BIM awareness and maturity, demand for BIM by both public and private clients, BIM standards and collaborative procurement guidelines, BIM capability of firms and professionals, BIM benefits and industry needs alignment. The demand for BIM by both public and private clients, most especially private clients is a function of the BIM value (that is, the business sense of BIM adoption on projects in relation to the cost implications of BIM adoption on projects) (Love et al., 2013; Lu et al., 2014. Eadie et al., (2013) observe that the fact that clients benefit the most from BIM adoption does not necessarily mean that clients should be made to bear the cost of BIM adoption alone; because BIM adoption also serves as competitive advantage and marketing opportunities for firms. Preferably, an acceptable BIM cost-benefit sharing framework should be developed as part of BIM implementation strategies (Liu et al., 2017). The BIM cost-benefit sharing framework must relate costs and benefits of BIM to BIM application levels, types and sizes of projects, and types and sizes of organizations; as this will provide flexibility in demands for BIM to suit the needs of the clients, project complexity and size, and BIM capacity of firms (Gu and London, 2010; Barlish and Sullivan, 2012; Love et al., 2013; Eadie et al., 2013). 4.3.2 BIM implementation strategies that are required to provide the driving forces for a comprehensive BIM implementation The strengths and shortcomings of the existing BIM implementation models in the developed countries have shown that BIM implementation becomes impactful at the project level. This implies that a comprehensive BIM implementation model must entail strategies for motivating organisations, professionals, and clients to adopt BIM; strategies for developing the BIM capacity of the present and future construction professionals and organisations; strategies for applying BIM effectively and efficiently on construction projects; and strategies for securing the commitment of top management of construction organisations to BIM adoption. Based on the theoretical framework and theoretical grounding, this study presents a comprehensive BIM implementation model for ensuring a successful and sustained BIM implementation in developing countries. The detailed description of the constructs and sub-constructs of the model is provided in Figure 3, Table 1 - 4, and in the following sub-sections. Capacity development strategies BIM implementation strategies require more than BIM education at the higher institutions to develop the BIM capacity of the present and future construction professionals and organisations (Succar et al., 2013; Abdirad and Dossick, 2016; Liu et al., 2017; Eadie et al., 2013; Sawhney et al., 2017). This is because education merely develops knowledge and skills (Hiton, 2010); while capacity development deals with the development of knowledge, skills, competence, and competitive edge for the reason that it enables individuals and organisations to strengthen and maintain their education (Browne-Ferrigno and Muth, 2004). Butcher et al., (2011) concurs that capacity development is the process through which individuals and organisations obtain, strengthen, and maintain the capacities to set and achieve their own development objectives over time. Therefore, developing the BIM capacity of organisations and professionals towards a successful and sustained BIM implementation in the 93 Olugboyega and Windapo JCPMI, 9(2): 83-104 construction industry requires BIM education, BIM experience, and BIM training (Sawhney et al., 2017; Peterson et al., 2011; Becerik-Gerber et al., 2011; Succar et al., 2013; Miller et al., 2013; Abdirad and Dossick, 2016; Eadie et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2017; Eadie et al., 2013). The use of BIM education, BIM experience, and BIM training for BIM capacity development will ensure the availability of BIM competent construction professionals and organisations for the present and future needs of BIM implementation (Mahamadu et al., 2017). In addition, these strategies will reduce the cost of BIM adoption and increasing the benefits of BIM adoption (Azhar, 2011). Figure 3: A comprehensive BIM implementation model Table 1. Capacity development strategies for a comprehensive BIM implementation in the developing countries BIM CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES BIM EDUCATION BIM TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE 2D and 3D CAD education in the secondary school Upbringing by BIM proficient parents BIM education at an undergraduate programme at Pre-labour market-influenced BIM training the university BIM technology educational programme in colleges, Self-initiated BIM training technical and vocational institutes BIM application and management programme at BIM workshops post-graduate level in the university BIM seminars BIM research and development On-the-job BIM training for the employees Corporate BIM training partners Peer-group-influenced BIM training Source: (Succar et al., 2013; Abdirad and Dossick, 2016; Peterson et al., 2011; Badrinath et al., 2016; Abbas et al., 2016; Miller et al., 2013; Becerik-Gerber et al., 2011; Hon et al., 2015) 94 Olugboyega and Windapo JCPMI, 9(2): 83-104 Top management commitment strategies Several studies have reported the importance of top management commitment regarding the initiation and sustenance of adoption decision in an organization (Mumford, 1995; Bashein et al., 1994; Al-Mashari and Zain, 1999; Jackson, 1997; Hammer and Stanton, 1995; El Sawy, 1997; Kettinger et al., 1997). For example, Al-Mashari and Zain (1999) suggest that top management is required to manage the transition, resistance, competency, organizational structure, and resources in the course of the implementation process. Mumford (1995) submits that top management are required to promote collaborative teamwork culture. Based on this understanding, it becomes clear that the total dedication of the top management of construction organisations to BIM adoption an adaptation is crucial to the success of BIM implementation (Chien et al., 2014). The implication of this is that the top management of construction organisations must be willing to allocate and commit organisational and managerial resources such as time, money, visions, culture, and structure to the process of BIM adoption in their organisations (Khosorowshahi and Arayici, 2012). The outcome of such a commitment is a successful and sustained BIM implementation. Table 2. Top management commitment strategies for a comprehensive BIM implementation in the developing countries TOP MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT STRATEGIES ORGANISATION STRUCTURE ORGANISATION CULTURE Coordination of the BIM process in the Sanctions (queries & demotion) for resistance towards organization BIM usage Provision of incentives (bonus & allowance) for Adaptation of BIM concepts to the organizational BIM usage culture Provision of incentives for BIM capacity Exploration of the usage of BIM on pilot projects development Provision of in-house BIM training Provision of infrastructures (BIM environment) for BIM Provision of technical support services in the Incorporation of BIM into the vision of the organization organization BIM consultant’s engagement Facilitate solutions to projects contingencies (incidents & challenges) brought about by BIM adoption Revision of the reward system Facilitate solutions to client’s contingencies (incidents & challenges) brought about by BIM adoption Revision of wage structure Facilitate solutions to organizations contingencies (incidents & challenges) brought about by BIM adoption Effective communication between stakeholders Documentation of the proceedings of BIM-based projects Stimulating BIM adoption with investments Introduction of collaborative teamwork culture in the organization Introduction of new roles and job titles Educating staff on the potentials of BIM Allowing staff members to participate in the Development of new values work process redesign process Increment in the staff development budget Development of management processes Creation of new organizational structure Development of communication styles Appointing BIM champions Development of performance measures for BIM adoption Appointing BIM managers Identification of business opportunities in BIM adoption Anticipating and planning for BIM adoption risk Ensuring effective use of BIM tools Adherence to BIM protocols management Adherence to the BIM process Source: (Ho and Rajabifard, 2016; Liu et al., 2017; Adillah et al., 2015; Cao et al., 2017; Hermund, 2009; Son et al., 2015; Jung and Joo, 2011) Application strategies The use of different construction management systems for project delivery will provide better project performance if the projects’ characteristics are the basis for selecting the 95 Olugboyega and Windapo JCPMI, 9(2): 83-104 management systems. The selection of project process is determined by the project characteristics such as clients’ expectations, project size, project complexity, team size and capability, and project expectations (Sauser et al., 2009; Howell et al., 2010). Several authors have argued that BIM is a construction management system and that its application on projects should be linked to projects characteristics and project expectations (Gu and London, 2010; Barlish and Sullivan, 2012; Porwal and Hewage, 2013; Miettinen and Paavola, 2014; Isaksson et al., 2016; Zhu and Mostafavi, 2017). The use of projects characteristics and project expectations in determining the extent of BIM application on construction projects describes a contingent and strategic BIM application and indicates an efficient and effective BIM application on construction projects (Lu et al., 2014). Table 3. BIM application strategies for a comprehensive BIM implementation in the developing countries BIM APPLICATION STRATEGIES EFFICIENT/STRATEGIC BIM APPLICATION EFFECTIVE/CONTINGENT BIM APPLICATION Sharing BIM cost and benefits between the client and Determining the extent of BIM application based on the supply chain members the level of project complexity Determining the appropriate level of development of Determining the appropriate types of professionals to building information models for different types of form the construction project supply chain network project complexities Assessing the performance of BIM adoption on Determining the required BIM capacity of the construction projects construction project supply chain members based on the types of project Determining the appropriate form of collaboration Determining the appropriate collaborative required for different types of project complexities procurement system for different types of project complexities Determining the appropriate intensity of Determining the appropriate import and export file collaboration required for different types of project format for different types of project complexities complexities Developing digital object identifiers for building materials manufacturers Developing digital object identifiers for supply chain Source: (Howard and Bjork, 2007; Son et al., 2015; Gerges et al., 2017; Lu et al., 2014; Linderoth, 2010; Barlish and Sullivan, 2012) Motivation strategies Motivation strategies are those initiatives that are targeted at stimulating the efforts and energy in construction professionals and organisations to adopt BIM (Coates et al., 2010; Memon et al., 2014). A number of initiatives that relate to motivation strategies for BIM adoption in the developed countries have been reported by studies such as Ho et al., (2016) and Ding et al., (2015). Table 4 provides a detailed description of motivation strategies for BIM implementation. 4.3.3 The outcomes of BIM implementation strategies BIM implementation model with strategies that provide the driving forces that are required for BIM implementation will be useful in addressing the complexity of BIM implementation, the complexity of BIM adoption decisions, and the complexity of the construction industry. The adoption of a comprehensive BIM implementation model will free the developing countries from the bottlenecks that are being experienced in BIM implementation models in the developed countries (Succar, 2009; Cao et al., 2014; Cao et al., 2015; Gu and London, 2010; Miller et al., 2013; Lyytinen and Damsgaard, 2001; Miettinen and Paavola, 2014; Morlhon et al., 2014; Succar and Kumar, 2015). 96 Olugboyega and Windapo JCPMI, 9(2): 83-104 Table 4. Motivation strategies for a comprehensive BIM implementation in the developing countries MOTIVATION STRATEGIES FOR BIM ADOPTION/IMPLEMENTATION BIM ADOPTION BY OTHER MANDATORY USE OF BIM DEVELOPMENT OF BIM FIRMS GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS Prevalent BIM adoption among BIM adoption as conformity to Availability of legalities and the top and successful firms regulations and rules copyright ownership of BIM BIM adoption by rival firms BIM adoption as part of clients’ Availability of guidelines on BIM requirement protocols BIM adoption among peer firms BIM adoption as part of project Availability of fund to assist small team requirement and medium firms to adopt BIM BIM adoption as a corporate Government-sponsored BIM- Availability of guidelines on BIM social responsibility strategy based pilot projects roles and responsibilities (BIM supply chain) BIM adoption as a way of Mandatory requirement of BIM Availability of information on encouraging development in the for building permit application BIM concepts construction industry BIM adoption as a marketing Mandatory requirement of BIM Advocacy and campaign for BIM strategy in the contractor selection process Report of BIM usage on a widely BIM adoption as a requirement in Advertisement and programs for acclaimed successful projects the company’s supply chain BIM awareness Marketing of BIM as professional network Availability of national BIM services standards Availability of BIM proficient graduates Need to be seen as being up-todate and technologically sophisticated Need to be socially acceptable to the clients Need to adapt to global best practices and trends Need to improve organizational performance and efficiency in short and long terms Need to improve competitiveness in project bidding Source: (Cao et al., 2017; Ciribini et al., 2016; Silva et al., 2016; Adillah et al., 2015; Cheng and Lu, 2015; McAuley et al., 2017; Ho and Rajabifard, 2016; Papadonikolaki, 2017; Shou et al., 2015) 5. CONCLUSIONS The prevalent implementation of BIM all over the world makes it a revolution that construction industries in the developing countries cannot afford to abstain from, nor commit to the private sector. In the same way, BIM implementation in the developing countries must avoid the complications of the BIM implementation models in the developed countries by learning from the strengths and shortcomings of BIM implementation in the developed countries. The Complications that resulted from the BIM implementation models in the developed countries have shown that the models were not comprehensive enough as some dimensions of the construction industry were not accorded their due importance in these BIM implementation models. The complications have also shown that BIM implementation process is not a linear phenomenon but a complex one and that if the appropriate strategies are not employed, the process will further widen the gap between the large and small firms, will fail to provide the necessary support, legitimacy, incentives, resources, and guidelines for BIM implementation. One of the reasons why BIM implementation process is complex is because the Construction industry is not a homogeneous arena but a complex and multidimensional industry with complicated activities, characteristics, relationships, and 97 Olugboyega and Windapo JCPMI, 9(2): 83-104 management requirements. This makes it clear why the capacity development and economic performance of organizations in the industry, as well as the growth of the industry, are some of the important considerations that must be incorporated into the development of BIM implementation models. The purpose of this study was to understand the strengths and shortcomings of the BIM implementation models in use in the developed countries and establish whether this will lead to the identification of a comprehensive set of BIM implementation strategies that will bring about a significant and sustained BIM implementation in the developing countries. The findings of the study informed the development of a comprehensive BIM implementation model based on the theoretical framework and theoretical background that come from Implementation Process Theory and postulations on BIM adoption. The model features four main constructs (top management commitment strategies, motivation strategies, capacity development strategies, and application strategies) and eleven sub-constructs (see Figure 3). In the model, the objective of the constructs is to achieve a successful and sustained BIM implementation. The model explains that a successful and sustained BIM implementation will be achieved when there is a significant reduction in BIM adoption barriers, a widespread application of BIM on construction projects, and integration and collaboration among construction project participants. The strategies to achieve a successful and sustained BIM implementation are illustrated in Figure 3 and outlined in Table 1. Top management commitment explains that change in organisation structure and culture are required in order to adopt and adapt BIM to the organisational work process. Motivation strategies are associated with efforts by industry regulators and leaders such as mandatory use of BIM in the industry and development of BIM guidelines and standards. The availability of these strategies will create an enabling environment and impetus for BIM adoption in the industry. Capacity development strategies as a construct define the capabilities that are required to function in a BIM environment or to participate effectively in a BIM-based construction project. As illustrated in the model, BIM-related capabilities of an organisation or a professional entail the skills, knowledge, and competence to participate on BIM-based projects, as well as bestow a competitive edge on the organisation and the professionals. Application strategies explain that an efficient and effective application of BIM on construction projects is important to the success of BIM implementation in the construction industry. Implications of this study include the possibility of developing the financial and production capabilities of the indigenous small and medium firms to reach the level of the large and international firms that are operating in the developing countries through the use of appropriate motivation strategies for BIM adoption. Furthermore, the evidence from this study has suggestions for stimulating the growth and technological development of construction industries in the developing countries. Further research needs to contextualize and investigate the applicability of the model to the needs and peculiarities of each of the developing countries. 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the University of Cape Town, National Research Foundation, and Tertiary Education Trust Fund. 7. REFERENCES Aarons, G. A., Hurlburt, M., & Horwitz, S. M. (2011). Advancing a conceptual model of evidencebased practice implementation in public service sectors. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 38(1), 4-23. 98 Olugboyega and Windapo JCPMI, 9(2): 83-104 Abbas, A., Din, Z. U., & Farooqui, R. (2016). Integration of BIM in construction management education: an overview of Pakistani Engineering universities. Procedia Engineering, 145, 151157. 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