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Vertical integration and cost behavior in poultry industry in Ogun and Oyo States of Nigeria

2009, Agribusiness

In this article, the influence of vertical integration on cost behavior in poultry farming in southwestern Nigeria is examined. The study was based on primary data obtained in cross-section survey of 211 randomly selected poultry farms in the study area. An average farmer in the sample was 44 years old; 85% were males and 72% had tertiary education. An average poultry farm in the sample had 4,342 birds, about half of which were laying birds. A set of cost and revenue share equations estimated by Zellner's seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) method revealed that vertical integration (measured in proxy by value-added sales ratio) is feed and veterinary service using, labor saving, and output augmenting. However, the scale effect of vertical integration was found to be higher in layers production than what obtains in broilers and cock/cockerel productions. [EconLit citations: Q120, D240, R340]. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Vertical Integration and Cost Behavior in Poultry Industry in Ogun and Oyo States of Nigeria Olasunkanmi M. Bamiro Department of Agricultural Economics, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Yewa Campus, Ayetoro, Ogun State, Nigeria. E-mail: Adebayo M. Shittu Department of Agricultural Economics, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Yewa Campus, Ayetoro, Ogun State, Nigeria. E-mail: ABSTRACT In this article, the influence of vertical integration on cost behavior in poultry farming in southwestern Nigeria is examined. The study was based on primary data obtained in cross-section survey of 211 randomly selected poultry farms in the study area. An average farmer in the sample was 44 years old; 85% were males and 72% had tertiary education. An average poultry farm in the sample had 4,342 birds, about half of which were laying birds. A set of cost and revenue share equations estimated by Zellner’s seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) method revealed that vertical integration (measured in proxy by value-added sales ratio) is feed and veterinary service using, labor saving, and output augmenting. However, the scale effect of vertical integration was found to be higher in layers production than what obtains in broilers and cock/cockerel productions. [EconLit citations: Q120, D240, R340]. r 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 1. INTRODUCTION In recent times, poultry farmers in Nigeria have been suffering setbacks caused by rising cost of feeds and other inputs, significantly reducing net returns from these businesses (Aihonsu, 1999). For example, price of maize, a major ingredient in the production of poultry feeds, rose sharply from 3,318 per ton in 1991, to 17,560 per ton in 1996, and 25,824 in 2001. And following that, the price of eggs also rose from 23,555 per ton in 1991, to 241,451 in 1996, and 367,748 in 2001 (FAOSTAT data, 2007). A major outcome of such price increases, in a nation where at least two out of every three citizens (70.2% in 2002; UNDP, 2004) live in abject poverty, is a substantial decline in demand and a declining profitability (Aihonsu; Mbanasor, 2000). This has caused many poultry farms to exit and prospective investors are becoming increasingly reluctant to invest (Aihonsu, 1999). This situation threatens the survival of poultry industry and calls for concerted efforts to save the industry from total collapse. Failure to do so could lead to a serious reduction in poultry production and protein intake of people resulting in malnutrition and ill health, which, again, will transform into lower productivity and output. There is, therefore, the problem of finding adequate means of increasing net returns to farmers in the poultry business. The net returns must be sufficient to retain farmers in the business and attract more participants. Given the fact that the farmer has little or no control over the demand and prices of the products, because of the nature of the market which is more or less perfectly r 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Agribusiness, Vol. 25 (1) 1–15 (2009) Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/agr.20185 1 2 BAMIRO AND SHITTU competitive, a more plausible approach to increasing net return to farmers is to reduce the cost of production (Aihonsu, 1999). On the basis of the foregoing, poultry farmers need to seek means to reduce costs, risks, and thus increase the profitability of the poultry enterprise. According to Buzzel (1983) and Ouden, Dijkhuizen, Huirse, and Zuurbier (1996), the major objective of vertical integration is to eliminate or at least reduce the buying and selling costs incurred when separate companies own two stages of production. Kilmer (1986) also noted that vertical integration is a means of reducing risk and uncertainty. Vertical integration can be defined as the combination of two or more stages of a production marketing chain under single ownership. Vertical integration may be backward or forward. Backward integration occurs when a firm decides to make rather than buy an input from an independent supplier. Forward integration occurs when a firm decides to use rather than sell one of its products to independent customers. This article examines the implications of vertical integration on cost behavior in poultry industry in Nigeria. A set of revenue and cost share equations are used to analyze the impact of various inputs on cost of production, estimate the substitution ability of various inputs in poultry production, and assess the impact of vertical integration on the cost of production for Nigerian poultry farmers. 2. METHODOLOGY This study was based on primary data obtained in a cross section survey of poultry farms in the Ogun and Oyo states in the southwestern part of Nigeria. The data were collected by personal administration of a set of questionnaire/interview schedule. This was designed to obtain information on socioeconomic characteristics of the farm owners, characteristics of the sampled farms, as well as cost data for the 2003/ 2004 production season. Because no comprehensive list of poultry farms in the study area could be obtained ab-initio, the study resorted to the use of a purposive, snowball sampling process: Starting with the few farms originally identified based on information obtained from the two states’ Ministry of Agriculture, identified feed milling centers and commercial feed sellers, other farms were identified through information obtained from those already sampled and interviewed as well as from sellers of poultry products identified in the major markets in the two states. The process yielded a total of 211 poultry farms covered by the study. We feel that the sample is a fair representation of the poultry industry in the study area. The study data were analyzed by descriptive and quantitative (econometric) techniques. The quantitative analyses entailed specification and estimation of a transcendental logarithmic (translog) cost function of the poultry farms. The theoretical model underlying the analysis has its foundation in the neoclassical theory of cost and duality principles, which represent the implications of optimization in competitive markets (Dalton, Masters, & Foster, 1997). Detailed specifications of the theoretical framework are common in literature (e.g., Binswanger, 1974) and are widely used by related studies like Akridge and Hertel (1986), Kuroda (1995), and Dalton et al. (1997), among others. Agribusiness DOI 10.1002/agr VERTICAL INTEGRATION AND COST BEHAVIOR IN POULTRY INDUSTRY 3 3. MODEL SPECIFICATION For the purpose of analyzing the influence of vertical integration on costs behavior as well as estimate factor demand/substitution elasticities for poultry businesses in the study area, the following translog cost function is specified following Binswanger (1974) and Kuroda (1995): lnC ¼ b0 þ 3 X bh ln Qh þ 5 X bi ln Pi þ i¼1 h¼1 5 X 5 1X b ln Pi ln Pj 2 i¼1 j¼1 ij 3 X 3 X þ 3 X 3 X 5 5 X X 1 bhm ln Qh ln Qm þ bhi ln Qh ln Pi þ bki Zk ln Pi 2 h¼1 m¼1 h¼1 i¼1 k¼1 i¼1 þ 3 X 3 X bkh Zk ln Qh þ E ð1Þ k¼1 h¼1 where * * * * * * * C is the total cost of production (/farm). Pi or Pj is the unit cost (price) of the ith or jth (i, j 5 1, 2,y,5) input, including P1 average cost of birds stocked (/bird), P2 wage rate (/worker per month), P3 average cost of feed used (/kg), P4 unit cost of veterinary services (/bird), and P5 unit cost of other intermediate inputs, including water, energy, maintenances expenses, transportation, etc. (/bird). Qh or Qm is the quantity of the hth or mth (h, m 5 1, 2, 3) output, including Q1 for quantity of eggs (trays of average size eggs equivalent), Q2 for quantity of broilers (number of average sized bird equivalent), and Q3 for quantity of cock/cockerel (number of average size cockerel equivalent) produced. Please note that averagesized quantities were derived by dividing total value by average price of the referenced product in the entire sample. This standardization was considered necessary because of wide variation in sizes, weights, and other qualities (e.g., whole eggs or cracks) of products and absence of standard measures. Zk is the kth farm characteristic associated with vertical integration, defined as follows: Z1 is the dummy variable for type (age) of laying birds stock, 1 if ‘‘point of cage’’ and 0 if day old chicks. Please note that a good number of poultry farms in the study area buy their stock from other farms at point of cage (about 12–16 weeks), rather than raising the birds from day old (a form of vertical integration). Z2 is the dummy variable for type of feed used: 1 if the farm used privately compounded and 0 if the farm used only packaged feeds purchased from commercial feed-millers. Traditionally, poultry farms supply commercial feed to their birds. As a cost-saving strategy, however, increasing numbers of farms in the study area now result to the use of privately compound feeds (Shittu et al., 2004; Bamiro, Shittu, & Kola-Olutokun, 2001), which is a form of vertical integration. Some of these farms had feed mills installed on their farms, while others patronize commercial feed milling centers where they purchase desired feedstuff and get them milled into feed of various types and nutrient composition at a fee (Bamiro et al.). Z3 is the value added over sales ratio (VAR), computed following Buzzel (1983) as VAR 5 (salespurchases) n 100/sales. Please note that beside vertical integration Agribusiness DOI 10.1002/agr 4 * * BAMIRO AND SHITTU with respect to the type of birds stocked and feed (partly captured by Z1 and Z2), a wide range of cost saving strategies amounting to vertical integration was adopted by farms in the sample: Some farms had borehole/deep wells sunk on their farms to supply water (versus purchasing water from vendors); some recruited or trained some of their staff to handle routine veterinary operations (versus consulting external veterinary doctors); and many adopted direct product sales strategies (versus reliance on wholesalers/other middle men). Ceteris paribus, it is expected that the more and deeper the extent of these various vertical integration strategies adopted by a farm the higher the value added over sales ratio. bs are parameters associated with various explanatory variables in the model, which are distinguished by use of subscripts associated with related variables. These include h and m relating to the hth or mth output(s), i and j relating to the ith or jth input price(s), and k relating to the kth farm characteristic. e is a stochastic error term. Neoclassical theory suggests the matrix of second-order terms implicit in Equation (1) are symmetric (bij 5 bji and bhi 5 bih; note that i and j as well as h and m are similar). In addition, the cost function is homogenous of degree one in input P P P P prices such that bi 5 1 and bji 5 bhi 5 bhi 5 0. Note that homogeneity of degree one in input prices does not impose homogeneity of degree one on the underlying production function, and almost no other constraints are imposed on elasticity of substitution or the factor demand derivable from the translog cost function in Equation (1) (Biswanger, 1974). Logarithmic differentiation of the cost function and the use of Shepard’s lemma yield the following cost share and revenue share equations: Si ¼ Rh ¼ 3 3 5 X X X @ ln C bki Zk ; bhi ln Qh þ bji ln Pj þ ¼ bi þ @ ln Pi j¼1 k¼1 h¼1 3 3 5 X X X @ ln C bmh ln Qh þ bjh ln Pj þ bkh Zk ; ¼ bh þ @ ln Qh m¼1 j¼1 k¼1 i ¼ 1; 2; 5 ð2Þ h ¼ 1; 2; 3 ð3Þ where Si (i 5 stock, labor, feed, veterinary services, and other intermediate inputs) and Rh (h 5 eggs, broilers and cock/cockerels), respectively, are the share of production costs and farm income associated with the ith input and hth output. By imposing revenue share equations on the system, we are assuming that in addition to cost minimization behavior, the farms are maximizing profits. Imposing homogeneity forces one of the input prices to be a nume`raire price (Akridge & Hertel, 1986). Hence, unit costs (prices) of labor, feed, veterinary services, and other intermediate inputs (P2–P5) are expressed in terms of the stock price (P1), and the share equation for stock (S1) is dropped, yielding the following system of estimating equations. Si ¼ 3 3 5 X X X @ ln C bki Zk ; bhi ln Qh þ bji lnðPj =P1 Þ þ ¼ bi þ @ ln Pi j¼2 k¼1 h¼1 i ¼ 2; 3 . . . 5 ð4Þ Agribusiness DOI 10.1002/agr 5 VERTICAL INTEGRATION AND COST BEHAVIOR IN POULTRY INDUSTRY Rh ¼ 5 3 3 X X X @ ln C ¼ bh þ bjh lnðPj =P1 Þ þ bmh ln Qh þ bkh Zk ; h ¼ 1; 2; 3 @ ln Qh j¼2 m¼1 k¼1 ð5Þ Translog cost functions, such as in Equation (1), may be estimated directly or in its first derivatives (Biswanger, 1974). Joint estimation of the translog cost function with the cost/revenue share equations is also common, given that the indirect cost/revenue share approach does not provide estimate of the intercept term (b0 ). An example of the latter approach is in Dalton et al. (1997). Despite this limitation, however, this study chose the indirect approach because the intercept term (b0 ) is not required in our analysis of the influence of vertical integration on cost behavior as well as in estimating elasticities of factor demand and input substitutions. Parameters of the system of Equations (4) and (5) were estimated jointly by the iterative seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) procedure in SHAZAM (Windows Professional edition), with the symmetry conditions implicit in the bs imposed during estimation. The constant output own-price and cross-price elasticities of factor demand were then estimated, following Biswanger (1974) and Johnston (1985) as follows: Zij ¼ bij þ Si Sj Si Zii ¼ for all i; j; i ¼ 6 j bii þ Si2  Si Si for all i ð6Þ ð7Þ where Zii is the constant output own-price elasticity of demand for the ith factor. Zij is the constant output cross-price elasticity of demand for the ith factor due to changes in price of the jth factor. bij is the parameter of the jth input price in the ith cost share equation. bii is the parameter of the ith input price in its own cost share equation. Si and Sj are respectively the shares of the ith and jth input in the production cost. * * * * * Although Allen partial elasticities of substitution, as derived by Uzawa (1962), are more commonly presented in literature and was earlier used in this study, the measure seems to ‘‘have fallen out of favor given the lack of information they communicate.1 Moreover, they do not indicate the curvature or ease of substitution between factors (Blackorby & Russel, 1989), which is what the study seeks to assess. Thus, elasticities of factor substitution reported finally in the study were the Morishima elasticities computed as follows: dM ij ¼ bij þ Si Sj bjj þ Sj2  Sj  Sj Si for all i and j ð8Þ where dM ij is the Morishima elasticity of substitution of factor i for j. bij, bii, Si and Sj are as earlier defined. * * 1 Attention of this study was drawn to this fact by an anonymous reviewer. Agribusiness DOI 10.1002/agr 6 BAMIRO AND SHITTU Note that the Morishima measure is the difference between the constant output cross-price elasticity of demand Equation (6) and the own-price elasticity of demand Equation (7) of the denominating factor price. Thus, Blackorby and Russel (1989) noted that the effect of varying the jth input price can be clearly decomposed into two parts: the proportional effect on the ith input of varying the price of jth input (Zij) and the proportional effect on the jth input for varying its own price (Zii). 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A total of 211 poultry farms supplied the data used in this study. This consists of 115 farms drawn from Oyo state and 96 farms drawn from Ogun state. The following subsections present results of various analyses carried out on the study data. 4.1 Socioeconomic Characteristics of Sampled Farms The socioeconomic characteristics of poultry farmers and farm characteristics considered in this study include the age, sex, educational status, occupation of the TABLE 1. Characteristics of Poultry Farm Owners Oyo State |(n 5 115) Ogun State (n 5 96) Entire sample (n 5 211) Description No % No % No % Ownership structure Sole proprietorship Family based enterprise Others 93 20 2 80.9 17.4 2.7 74 14 8 77.1 14.6 8.3 167 34 10 79.1 16.1 4.8 Gender of farm owners Male Female 94 21 81.7 18.3 86 10 89.6 10.4 180 31 85.3 14.7 42 34 18 21 36.5 29.6 15.7 18.3 36 26 24 10 37.5 27.1 25.0 10.4 78 60 42 31 37.0 28.4 19.9 14.7 8 4 20 25 58 7.0 3.5 17.4 21.7 50.4 – – 22 8 66 – – 22.9 8.3 68.8 8 4 42 33 124 3.8 1.9 19.9 15.6 58.8 32 36 24 12 11 27.8 31.3 20.9 10.4 9.6 36 20 16 16 8 37.5 20.8 16.7 16.7 8.3 68 56 40 28 19 32.2 26.5 19.0 13.3 9.0 Age of farm owners (years) Below 40 40–o50 50–o60 60 or more Highest education No formal education Primary Secondary Diploma/NCE Degree Experience in poultry farming 1–5 6–10 11–15 16–20 Above 20 Agribusiness DOI 10.1002/agr Farm Characteristics Oyo state State Ogun state Entire sample Agribusiness Mean Std. error Mean Std. error Mean Std. error Bird population Laying birds Stock type (point of cage 5 1) Feed type (private feed 5 1) Has feed mill (yes 5 1) Number of farm employees Gross revenue Cost of birds stocked Cost of feeds Annual wages of employees Cost of veterinary services Other costs Total cost 4,686.78 2,344.35 0.47 0.67 0.21 3.37 9,671,816.45 812,331.44 4,610,436.54 229,382.61 66,023.99 59,554.78 5,777,729.35 699.78 355.35 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.23 1,489,667.50 94,908.70 618,041.66 33,086.82 9,550.95 8,165.47 722,562.05 3,929.65 1,937.67 0.71 0.35 0.17 4.21 6,434,000.07 910,105.72 3,244,595.33 191,927.08 52,237.00 77,109.65 4,475,974.78 791.27 258.59 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.30 808,395.37 142,574.56 408,401.78 22,542.37 9,938.71 8,705.40 541,354.00 4,342.30 2,159.32 0.58 0.53 0.19 3.75 8,198,686.72 856,816.42 3,989,011.15 212,341.23 59,751.24 67,541.83 5,185,461.87 523.86 226.54 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.19 896,355.23 82,826.60 386,713.73 20,739.99 6,895.26 5,974.03 465,610.06 Gross margin Value-added sales ratio Net benefit cost ratio 3,894,087.10 31.82 51.68 844,245.39 1.14 2.75 1,958,025.30 27.54 42.90 307,994.61 1.34 2.83 3,013,224.86 29.87 47.69 484,594.70 0.88 1.99 7 DOI 10.1002/agr VERTICAL INTEGRATION AND COST BEHAVIOR IN POULTRY INDUSTRY TABLE 2. 8 BAMIRO AND SHITTU poultry farmers, the flock size, as well as the extent of vertical integration. The results are presented in Tables 1 and 2. A sizeable percentage, 37% of the poultry farmers in both states are below 40 years of age. Poultry business in both states is gender biased. Occupational distribution of the farmers indicates that 38.3% and 46.8% of poultry farmers in Oyo State and Ogun state, respectively, have their main occupation as farming. The farming experience of the bulk of poultry farmers (about 68%) in Oyo state spans between 1–10 years, while about 58% of their counterparts in Ogun State have farming experience that spans between 1–10 years. A relatively high percentage of farmers in both states have tertiary education. The ownership structure in both states indicates that sole proprietorship dominates the poultry industry. The poultry farm characteristics show that most poultry farms in Ogun State have flock size that is less than 1,000 birds while that of their counterparts in Oyo State ranges between 1,000 to 3,000 birds. The gross margin analysis and profitability indices value-added sales ratio and net benefit cost ratios indicate that poultry farms in Oyo State have higher economic performance than poultry farms in Ogun State. Poultry farms are classified into three categories: nonintegrated, partially integrated, and fully integrated poultry farms. Nonintegrated poultry farms are commercial feed users. Partially integrated poultry farms are users of privately compounded feeds that are milled at commercial feed milling centers. Fully integrated farms use privately compounded feeds that are milled in their own feed mills. In Oyo State, 46% of the farms are partially integrated, and nonintegrated poultry farms dominate poultry industry in Ogun State. The overall analysis signifies that about 47%, 34%, and 15% of poultry farms in both states are nonintegrated, partially integrated, and fully integrated, respectively. 4.2 Cost and Revenue Shares 4.2.1. Statistical results and theoretical consistency. Given the number of estimated parameters, the statistical results in Table 1 are quite reasonable. Sixty-one percent (79.2%) of the estimated parameters have t-statistics greater than 1.96 (0.05 level). The system R2 is 0.99: R2s is 0.82 for the feed share equation, 0.79 for the veterinary services share equation, 0.60 for the labor share equation, 0.63 for the operating expenses share equation, 0.86 for the layer’s output share equation, 0.82 for broiler’s output share equation, and 0.76 for cock/cockerel share equation. The F-test for the regression rejected the hypothesis that all estimated parameters are zero at the 5%; level for each of the seven equations. Several deductions were obtained from these results, including scale effect, effect of the extent of vertical integration (measured by value-added sales ratio) on cost share, as well as the effects of stocktype and feedtype on cost shares. Other deductions include estimates of elasticities of factor demand and elasticities of input substitution. In general, differences or changes in production methods often referred to as technological change or simply technical change does not affect all factors equally. When it does, technical change is said to be factor neutral. This implies that at constant prices, factor shares remain the same irrespective of the production method (e.g., extent of vertical integration) used. In other words, technical change is said to be a specified factor neutral if the demand for the factor falls at the same rate as costs. Technical change is said to be a specified factor using (e.g., labor using) if the Agribusiness DOI 10.1002/agr VERTICAL INTEGRATION AND COST BEHAVIOR IN POULTRY INDUSTRY 9 demand for this factor falls less rapidly than costs, and the specified factor saving (e.g., veterinary service using) if the reverse holds. In factor-using and factor-saving scenarios, the cost share of the specified factor rises and falls respectively, as more of a production method is used. 4.2.2. Scale effect. The coefficients for the egg variables are significant at 0.05 level in the feed, veterinary services, and wages equation and 0.1 level in the other operating expenses equation. This means that at constant factor prices, the factor share would have changed with more egg production, which implies a non-neutral output effect in poultry industry. The coefficient for egg in the feed share equation is positive (0.0313). Hence, the scale effect is feed using, which implies that the quantity of feed vis-à-vis the share of the feed cost increases with the output of egg as one would expect. On the other hand, the coefficients of eggs in the veterinary services, labor, and other operating expenses equations are negative. This means that as more eggs are produced, the share of veterinary services cost, wages, and operating expenses decrease. This implies a decrease in veterinary service cost with an increase in the scale of production, which might be due to bulk purchase of the drugs and vitamins. Also, almost the same numbers of workers that were employed at the brooding stage of the birds are maintained even at the peak of the laying period; hence, the share of labor cost declines. The coefficients of the other operating expenses are not significant. The coefficients of broiler in feed and other operating expenses equations are 0.0041 and 0.0062, respectively. Thus, the feed-saving and labor-saving scale effect. On the other hand, the positive coefficients of broilers in veterinary services and other operating expenses equations imply veterinary services-using and other operating expenses-using scale effects. This result, according to Bamiro et al. (2007), lends itself to theory and practice because farmers spend more money to buy growth stimulant, which will engender growth and development of flesh in broilers, so that they can reach market weight on time and thus attract high market value. Feed, veterinary services, and labor in cock/cockerel production are not significant. The coefficient of other operating expenses is significant and scale effect using. The positive sign of the coefficient implies that the share of other operating costs, especially the cost of transporting the cock to the market, always increases with increase in production. 4.2.3. Effects of extent of integration on factor cost share. Value-added sales ratio was used as a measure of the extent of vertical integration. The coefficients of the value-added sales ratio are significant at 5% level in all the share equations with the exception of other operating expenses equation. The coefficients are positive in all the share equations with the exception of labor equation. The implication is that vertical integration (measured by value-added sales ratio) is feed using, veterinary services using, and labor saving. This means that the greater the extent of integration the higher the shares of feed and veterinary costs. This may be due to the large flock size in vertically integrated poultry farms, a situation in which overcrowding cannot be ruled out and thus render the birds susceptible to diseases and pest attacks. The negative sign of the coefficient of value-added sales ratio in the labor equation implies that share of labor cost or wages decreases with the extent of vertical Agribusiness DOI 10.1002/agr 10 BAMIRO AND SHITTU integration. This is plausible because as a farm combines two or more stages of production and marketing under a single ownership, the same set of workers that work in the poultry farms are also used in the feed mills and for other farm activities, hence the reduction in the labor cost. In the layers’ output, broiler’s output, and cock/cockerel output equations, the value-added sales ratio (the measure of extent of vertical integration) coefficients have the expected positive signs with a significant effect on output. This implies that the more vertically integrated a farm is the greater the level of output in the poultry industry. 4.2.4. Effects of stocktype and feedtype on share of factor cost and output in the poultry industry. The effects of stocktype and feedtype in the share equations were evaluated using dummy variables. The coefficient of the dummy variable for stocktype is only significant at 0.05 level in the labor share equation. The negative sign of the coefficient is in consonance with a priori expectations, and it implies that stocking Point of Lay birds in the egg-based poultry enterprises (versus day-old chicks) is labor saving. This means that there is reduction in the share of labor cost for farms that stocked Point of Lay birds. Practically, this is expected because it requires fewer number of days and man days of labor to raise the Point of Lay to egg production stage than what is required when day-old chicks are raised. Moreover, farms that stocked point of lay begins to gather eggs as soon as the farms are stocked, unlike the farms that stocked day-old chicks, which cannot reap from egg sales until the eighteenth week rather the farms expend money on labor and drugs. In the layers’ revenue share equation, the coefficient of the dummy for stocktype is positive and significant at 5% level. This means that poultry farms that raised their birds from Point of Lay tend to have significantly higher layers of revenue share than those that raised their birds from day-old chicks. Note that revenue shares are defined as the fraction of the total cost that was realized as the revenue from layers enterprise expressed as a fraction of the total cost. With respect to broilers’ revenue share equation, the coefficient of the dummy variable for stocktype is negative and significant at 5% level. This signifies increase in output of broilers when farms stock day-old chicks. The coefficient is not significant in cock/cockerel output equation. The second variable for which dummy variable was used as proxy in the share equations is the feed type. The coefficients are significant at 5% level in share of feed and share of labor equations. It has no significant effect in share of veterinary services and share of other operating expenses equations. The coefficient of feed type in the feed equation is 0.0159; hence, the scale effect is feed type saving. This implies that utilization of privately produced feed reduces the share of feed cost, while the share of feed cost increases in farms that use commercial feeds. While poultry farms that used privately produced feed are able to reduce the share of feed cost, their share of labor cost increases. In other words, the scale effect is labor using because the coefficient of feed type in labor equation is positive. This may be due to the fact that farms employed more labor to handle the production of feed or increase in the salary of the workers because of additional jobs, with a consequential effect of high share of labor cost. In the egg and cock/cockerel production enterprises, the coefficients of feed type are positive and significant at 5% level. This implies that privately produced feed leads to high production of eggs, byproducts, and cock/cockerel in sole egg poultry production enterprises and cock/cockerel production enterprises, respectively. On Agribusiness DOI 10.1002/agr VERTICAL INTEGRATION AND COST BEHAVIOR IN POULTRY INDUSTRY 11 the other hand, the coefficient of the feedtype in broiler’s output equation is negative. This implies that output of broiler declines with privately produced feed. This could be attributed to high cost of producing broiler’s mash, which includes broiler’s starter and broiler’s finisher. Therefore, it is more productive, profitable, and advisable for farmers in broiler production to use commercial feed than using privately produced feed. 4.2.5. Economies of scale. Economies of scale or increasing return to scale exits when long-run average cost curve is decreasing. These economies can come from a number of sources, including the spreading of total fixed cost over a large amount of output. Full utilization of labor, machinery, and buildings is another factor. Diseconomies of scale, on the other hand, exist when the long-run average cost curve is increasing, and this combination discourages further increases in farm size. The results in Table 2 show that coefficients associated with layers’ output, the broilers’ output, and cock/cockerel’s output are significant at 5% level. The results also reveal that the production cost of layers, broilers, and cock/cockerel increases with the level of output, hence the three forms of poultry enterprises in both Ogun and Oyo states experienced diseconomies of scale. This could be due to the underutilization of labor, machinery, and buildings. 4.3. Elasticities of Factor Demand and Substitution The results of the elasticities of factor demand are reported in Table 2. All own price elasticities of factor demand have the correct sign. They are all negatives, implying that the demand for these resources decrease with increase in their respective prices. This result is consistent with the law of demand, which states that ceteris paribus, the quantity demanded of a commodity is inversely proportional to the price of the commodity. The low elasticities of demand for feed and other inputs, such as water, could be due to the fact that a farmer who stocked his farms has no choice; he is under obligation to buy or produce feed and simultaneously supply adequate quantity of water to the birds. These factors could therefore be regarded as necessities; changes (increase or decrease) in the price of these inputs have a negligible effect on the quantity demanded. The elasticities of demand for labor and veterinary services are relatively high, which suggests that their demands are less inelastic than that of feed and other inputs. This implies that the degree of response of quantity demanded of the latter to price will be higher than that of the former. The demand for stock is elastic with the price elasticity of demand of the input being greater than one. This is plausible because farmers will greatly reduce their demand for either day-old chicks or Point of Lay in reaction to any increase in price. 4.3.1. The cross-price elasticity of demand for factors. Cross price elasticity of demand refers to the degree of responsiveness of quantity demanded of an input to the change in price of another factor. Positive cross price elasticity of demand means that the factors are substitutes, while negative cross price elasticity of demand implies that the inputs are complements. The results of cross-price elasticity of demand for the factors are presented in Table 2. The results reveal that feed-veterinary services pair; feed-labor and feed-stock pair are substitutes. The feed-other inputs Agribusiness DOI 10.1002/agr 12 DOI 10.1002/agr BAMIRO AND SHITTU Agribusiness TABLE 3. Parameter Estimates for the Share Equations of a Translog Cost Function Explanatory variables Prices/unit cost Share equation Vet. services R2 5 0.77 Feed R2 5 0.82 Wages R2 5 0.60 Other operating expenses R2 5 0.63 Stock Layers’ output R2 5 0.86 Broilers’ output R2 5 0.82 Co-ck/cockerel Output R2 5 0.76 Output Other variables Constant Vet Feed Labor Others Stock Eggs Broilers Cock VAS Stock type Feed type 0.0664 (12.46) 0.3478 (10.27) 0.1800 (6.01) 0.0588 (6.01) 0.3470 0.1787 (3.99) 0.6357 (16.03) 0.0780 (4.71) 0.0104 (17.44) 0.0057 (3.24) 0.0010 (1.22) 0.0009 (1.75) 0.0028 0.0020 (10.40) 0.0009 (5.66) 0.0002 (0.93) 0.0057 (3.24) 0.1611 (13.38) 0.0336 (4.93) 0.0159 (5.80) 0.1059 0.0313 (21.80) 0.0041 (3.61) 0.0018 (1.25) 0.0010 (1.22) 0.0336 (4.93) 0.0335 (5.42) 0.0054 (2.93) 0.0043 0.0185 (13.91) 0.0062 (6.14) 0.0005 (0.41) 0.0009 (1.75) 0.0159 (5.80) 0.0054 (2.93) 0.0186 (15.26) 0.0072 0.0008 (1.75) 0.0006 (1.61) 0.0011 (2.58) 0.0028 0.0020 (10.40) 0.0313 (21.8) 0.0185 (13.91) 0.0008 (1.75) 0.01 0.0683 (21.23) 0.0557 (26.10) 0.0049 (3.83) 0.0009 (5.66) 0.0041 (3.61) 0.0062 (6.14) 0.0006 (1.61) 0.0088 0.0557 (26.10) 0.0503 (21.42) 0.0044 (4.59) 0.0002 (0.93) 0.0081 (1.26) 0.0005 (0.41) 0.0011 (2.58) 0.0004 0.0049 (3.83) 0.0044 (4.59) 0.0282 (20.52) 0.0087 (2.08) 0.0983 (3.14) 0.2098 (7.30) 0.0085 (0.83) 0.0943 1.8161 (19.78) 0.2648 (2.98) 0.0598 (1.98) 0.0005 (0.22) 0.0107 (0.78) 0.0267 (3.01) 0.0029 (0.81) 0.0126 0.0594 (2.41) 0.0802 (3.36) 0.0050 (0.60) -0.0010 (-0.96) 0.0159 (2.00) 0.0268 (3.65) 0.0032 (1.24) 0.00701 0.0622 (2.67) 0.0683 (3.02) 0.0143 (1.83) Note: t statistics in parenthesis below each parameter estimate. 0.1059 0.0043 0.0072 0.1202 0.0100 0.0088 0.0004 VERTICAL INTEGRATION AND COST BEHAVIOR IN POULTRY INDUSTRY 13 pairs and all other factors and other inputs pairs, on the other hand, are complements. The same relationship exists between the remaining factors. These results are theoretically correct and practically plausible. The result implies that as the price of feed increases, less feed is purchased and more of veterinary services, labor, and other inputs are demanded and utilized. With respect to feed-veterinary services pair, a reduction in quantity of feed fed to the birds due to increase in price will compel the farmers to substitute the feed with drugs such as booster and vitamins that will boost growth in broilers and cockerel and egg production in layers. The cross-price elasticity of demand of all the inputs are inelastic, meaning that change in price of one input will lead to a slight change in demand for its substitutes. The complementarity of other inputs, feed, and all other factors considered in this study implies that an increase in the price of feed, for instance, will reduce demand for feed and a consequential decrease in demand for other inputs. This could be due to the fact that high demand for feed, labor, and stock necessitates high demand for water and transportation. 4.3.2 Elasticity of substitution. The relationships between the inputs discussed above are easier to evaluate by looking at the elasticities of substitution in Table 3 because the latter reflects the relative importance (change) of a factor while the former do not. Elasticity of inputs substitution measure the ease of substitution with which the inputs can be substituted for the other. Ease of substitution increases as elasticity of substitution (s) increases. The results in Table 3 show that the feed– veterinary pair have a high degree of substitutability. This is expected because sufficient quantity and good quality feed will reduce the susceptibility of the flock to diseases and pests attack. A large substitution possibility exists between labor and other inputs. This implies that if there is a relative fall in labor cost or a relative increase in the costs of other inputs, we can expect to see a greater intensity use of labor. But the degrees of substitutability between feed and other inputs and veterinary services and other inputs are relatively low. In the same vein, veterinary services and labor pair have a relatively low elasticity of substitution. This implies a low degree of substitutability. This is in consonance with a priori expectations because more workers might not completely eliminate diseases and pest attack; however, more dutiful and efficient workers can, to some extent, reduce diseases and pest attacks in poultry farms if a clean environment that is conducive for the healthy growth of birds is provided and maintained. The elasticities of substitution for stock and any other inputs are greater than one. This implies a high degree of substitutability between stock and all inputs. 5. CONCLUSION Vertical integration, most especially by privately producing own feed rather than purchasing packaged feed from commercial feed millers, has been an emerging strategy by which increasing numbers of poultry farms in Nigeria contend with sharply rising costs of raising poultry birds. In general, vertical integration is commonly aimed at improving efficiency and effectiveness of business operations, reducing risks and uncertainty, and lowering transaction costs (Buzzel, 1983; Ouden et al., 1996). This article presents empirical evidence, relating to the influence of Agribusiness DOI 10.1002/agr 14 BAMIRO AND SHITTU vertical integration on cost behavior in poultry farming in southwestern Nigeria. The study was based on primary data obtained from a cross section of 211 poultry farms drawn by snowball sampling from Ogun and Oyo states in the southwestern part of Nigeria. As much as 79.1% of these farms were run by sole proprietors, whose average age was 44 years of which 85% were males and 72% had been educated up to the tertiary levels. An average poultry farm in the sample had a total of 4,342 birds of which about half were laying birds, while the rest were replacement stocks, cockerels, or broilers. Evidence from a set of cost and revenue share equations revealed that vertical integration (measured in proxy by value-added sales ratio) is feeds and veterinary services using, labor saving, and output augmenting. In other words, factor shares do not remain the same as poultry farms become vertically integrated by privately producing its feeds, raising birds from day-old versus point of cage, or trying to produce some of its other inputs: Shares of feeds and veterinary services in the production costs tend to be raised, while labor shares tend to fall as poultry farms become more vertically integrated. The coefficients of value-added sales ratio in output equations were 1.82 for layers, 0.27 for broilers, and 0.060 for cock/cockerel. This implies that vertical integration has a higher positive effect on output in layer production compared with broilers and cock/cockerel productions. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank the reviewers for their valuable comments on an earlier draft of this article. REFERENCES Aihonsu, J.O.Y. (1999). Optimal laying period for profitable and sustainable egg production. Journal of Agriculture, 20(1 & 2), 67–80. Akridge, J.T., & Hertel, T.W. (1986). Multiproduct cost relationships for retail fertilizer plants. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 68, 928–938. Bamiro, O.M., Phillip, D.O.A., & Momoh, S. (2006). Vertical integration and technical efficiency in poultry (egg) production in Ogun and Oyo states, Nigeria. International Journal of Poultry Science, 5(12), 1164–1171. Bamiro, O.M., Shittu, A.M., & Kola-Olutokun A.S. (2001). 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Degrees earned: BAgric in agricultural economics from Ogun State University, (Now Olabisi Onabanjo University), Ago-Iwoye (1992); MSc in agricultural economics from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria (1995); and currently working on a PhD in agricultural economics program at University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. His research interests include applied microeconomic analysis, labor economics, and production efficiency in African agriculture. Agribusiness DOI 10.1002/agr