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Wells etal 2015 JRSocInterface Supplm


1 Supporting Information 2 3 Timing and severity of immunizing diseases in rabbits is 4 controlled by seasonal matching of host and pathogen dynamics 5 Konstans Wells1,*, Barry W. Brook1, Robert C. Lacy2, Greg J. Mutze3, David E. Peacock3, Ron G. 6 Sinclair3, Nina Schwensow1, Phillip Cassey1, Robert B. O’Hara4, Damien A. Fordham1 7 8 1 The Environment Institute and School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of 9 Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia 10 2 Chicago Zoological Society, Brookfield, Illinois, United States of America 11 3 Department of Primary Industries and Regions, Biosecurity SA, Adelaide, SA 5001, Australia 12 4 Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BIK-F), Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt am 13 Main, Germany 14 * Author for correspondence: 15 16 17 Demographic and epidemiological model 18 An individual-based model of seasonal rabbit demography and two co-circulating diseases 19 in a meta-model framework – overview and specification 20 Overview 21 To build our individual-based model of rabbit demography and coupled epidemiology of rabbit 22 haemorrhagic disease (RHD) and myxomatosis we used the freely available software packages Vortex 23 10.0 and Outbreak 2.1, which were linked through the software Meta-Model Manager 1.0 [1, 2]. The 24 software and user manuals can be downloaded at In brief, a demographic 25 model in Vortex simulates the fate and reproduction of individuals over discrete time steps with 26 various deterministic and stochastic forces [3, 4]. The software was initially conceptualized to model 27 population viability over years as discrete time steps [3]. However, ‘days per year’ can be specified 28 for modelling shorter time steps, allowing parameters such as demographic rates to be varied over 29 shorter time steps. Linking epidemiological models in Outbreak through Meta Model Manager, Supporting Information 30 allows the disease state and individual fate (i.e. death through disease) of organisms to be modified 31 for discrete time steps encapsulated within the time steps defined in Vortex (typically, disease 32 transmission dynamics are modelled with daily intervals). The different models are linked through 33 defined state variables describing age, disease state, and other characteristics of individuals, and 34 Meta-Model Manager facilitates the matching of events in time and space. 35 36 We developed a seasonal model in which we varied reproductive efforts over weeks. We 37 defined ‘years’ in Vortex as 7-day time steps and allowed reproductive efforts to vary in different time 38 steps. We achieved this by modelling seasonal parameters as functions. For example, if reproduction 39 is assumed to vary among calendar weeks in Vortex, the parameter ‘PercentBreed’ can be specified as “= ((Y%52=0)*X1 *(K-N)/K) + ((Y%52=1)*X2 *(K-N)/K) +((Y%52=2)*X3, …, + 40 41 ((Y%52=51)*X52 *(K-N)/K)”, 42 with Xw being the weekly parameter value in week w and (K-N)/K) accounts for density-dependent 43 regulation of reproduction. 44 45 We modelled the increasing susceptibility of infants (1-90 days old) to rabbit haemorrhagic 46 disease virus (RHDV)[5] and the decreasing susceptibility to myxoma viruses (MYXV)[6] with a 47 logistic model as a function of age. For this, we assumed that the recovery rate from RHD after the 48 insusceptibility period declined from a maximum of 100 % (i.e. a fixed intercept μJuv,RHD = 6 in the 49 logit-link logistic regression model) to the recovery rates to those of adults (V). The regression 50 coefficient (Juv-RHD, ‘recovery adjustment factor’ for juveniles) for infant age, which measure the rate 51 of change in infant recovery with increasing age was sampled during simulations (Figure A.1) and 52 translates into the dynamic change in infant recovery rate with Juv,RHD: logit(Juv,RHD) = μRHD + Juv,RHD Ageadjusted . 53 54 Here, the variable ‘Ageadjusted’ accounting for the insusceptibility period, i.e. the onset for an 55 increasing RHD susceptibility is at an assumed age of 22 days for RHD (insusceptibility period for 21 56 days, [7]). 57 In Outbreak, the dynamic model for recovery rates can be expressed as a function for ‘probRecovery’ 58 as 59 60 61 “= ((Age<90)* RHD + (1 - RHD)* Juv,RHD) + ((Age>90) *RHD” whereby Juv,RHD = exp(μJuv,RHD + Juv,RHD *A - 21)/(1+exp(μ Juv,RHD + Juv,RHD *A - 21). 62 63 An inverse relationship was assumed for myxomatosis (the negative value of the logistic 64 model) to account for decreasing susceptibility of infants with increasing age. Here, we sampled the 65 regression intercept (μJuv,Myxo) rather than the slope as an unknown parameter; the model assumes 2 Supporting Information 66 maximum susceptibility to myxomatosis for juveniles after the insusceptibility period, which is 67 determined by μJuv,Myxo and thus assume to be the critical factor for disease dynamics (see Figure A.1). 68 69 70 Figure A.1. Illustration of the dynamic modelling of decreasing recovery rates of infants for RHD and 71 increasing recovery rates for myxomatosis. The rate of change in infant recovery towards the values of adult 72 recovery rats is models with a logistic function after the assumed time of insusceptibility (grey bars) to the age 73 of 90 days, when recovery rates are assumed to approach those of adults (V). For this, regression slopes 74 (RHD,Juv) are sampled for RHD and regression intercepts (μJuv,Myxo) are sampled for myxomatosis disease 75 dynamics. Dashed lines indicate of possible behaviour of the dynamic model across the sampled parameter 76 values (Juv,RHD, μJuv,Myxo). 77 78 79 We modelled waning maternal antibodies against RHDV and MYXV and the resulting 80 decrease in recovery rates from disease of infants (1-90 days of age) as an additional component for 81 ‘probRecovery’, assuming a linear and constant decline. 82 For the implementation in Outbreak, we assumed a state variable ImAB of value ImAB = 100 if infants 83 received antibodies from resistant does and ImAB = 0 otherwise. A is a function variable of individual 84 age (see Vortex/Outbreak software manual). Since the effect of maternal antibodies is additive to the 85 changes in infant recovery rates due to increasing/decreasing susceptibility the model for 86 ‘probRecovery’ changes to 87 “= ((Age<90)* RHD + (1 - RHD)* Juv,RHD + (1 -  RHD,Juv)* 0.01* (MAX(0;(ImAB - A)))) + 88 ((Age>90) *RHD)”, 89 whereby 90 RHD,Juv =RHD + (1 - RHDt)* Juv,RHD. 3 Supporting Information 91 92 Note that the actual effect of maternal antibodies in each simulation are also determined by 93 the simulated time period of full protection (tMRHD), during which no infections are possible. For the 94 sake of model parsimony and lack of detailed information, we assumed transmission probability βRHD 95 to be constant and not reduced by maternal antibodies after the time period of full protection. 96 Age of individuals in Vortex are counted as time steps (i.e. weeks in our model), while the age 97 of individuals in Outbreak are defined in ‘days’, so that the time periods of disease states such as 98 maternal antibodies can be flexibly accounted for. 99 Meta-Model Manager communicated all relevant information between the different software 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 components to fully take the changes in individual state variables over time into account. 4 Supporting Information 117 118 Figure A.2. Flow diagram for an individual-based epidemiological model, used for examining the effect of 119 seasonal timing of host reproduction and virus exposure (RHD and myxomatosis) on disease dynamics and 120 population persistence. Panel (a) shows the possible individual progression through different disease states (P: 121 Pre-/Insusceptible, S: Susceptible, E: Exposed, I: Infected, R: Resistant) for an individual without maternally 122 acquired antibodies, (b) the respective dynamics for individuals with maternally acquired antibodies (M: 123 Maternal antibodies full protection from infection and disease in juveniles) is illustrated in panel (b); The 124 subscript juv indicates that an individual is juvenile (< 12 weeks old), for which changes in susceptibility to 125 diseases is a function of age and the parameters  and  (i.e. increase in RHD, decrease in Myxo). Disease 126 exposure of susceptible individuals depends on the transmission rate β(I) and/or the probability [t] that a virus 127 is introduced at time t, capturing the seasonality of virus activity. For infected juveniles, the recovery rate is a 128 function of the dynamical state of juvenile susceptibility and adult recovery rate . For individuals with maternal 129 antibodies, changes in juvenile susceptibility and recovery rates are also dependent on the parameter , which 130 describes the linear decline of maternal antibodies of aging juveniles. The parameters P and I describe the time 131 length of transition steps. Note that individual fate in our model depends also on demographic dynamics and the 132 disease-induced mortality from the co-circulating virus. In particular, the interaction with seasonal birth rates 133 determines the phenological matching between demographic and epidemiological dynamics. 134 135 136 137 Using R for sampling and simulation in Meta Model Manager 5 6 Supporting Information 138 The utilised software can be both operated from ready-to-use user interfaces or, alternatively, via 139 command-line operation. We ran Meta-Model Manager from the freely available software R [8]. In 140 brief, we defined relevant parameters as either single numerical constants (i.e. fixed parameters) or 141 vectors with variable values for each simulation sampled from a latin hypercube with the R package 142 LHS [9]. We established template files for each submodel (1 Vortex, 2 Outbreak, and 1 Meta-Model 143 Manager for the study). From the R environment, we then loaded these template files, replaced the 144 values for key parameters for each simulation and saved the edited files with the simulation number as 145 an index. The full set of simulations was then operated with system commands, i.e. a command that 146 runs Meta-Model Manager and calls for each simulation. By scanning the output files with R, we 147 assembled output values such as the number of individuals in different disease states each day of the 148 different simulations into arrays that allowed a large range of subsequent analysis and graphical 149 display. The code for repeating our study is available in the Vortex library at 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 Model specification 157 Table A.1. First-order independent model parameters and their ranges (minimum/ maximum) used for 158 simulations. For each simulation, key parameters of most interest were drawn from a hypercube 159 (‘Sample’; abbreviation given as used in the main article). Some parameters are further varied over 160 time steps by sampling from uniform distributions over the defined ranges (indicated with ‘uniform’). Parameter name Range / Unit Sampling/ Description uncertainty Justification/ Reference Rabbit demography Survival probability juv: 0.42 subad: 0.55 ad: 0.75 Sample Survival probability (annual rate) depending on age with juveniles < 12 weeks, subadults 1224 weeks, adults > 24 weeks. [10] 7 Supporting Information Annual peak in reproduction (RepPeak) 20 – 50 Sample [calendar week] Calendar week of Field data, [11, 12] maximum reproduction (used as mean in normal distribution to fit relative reproductive efforts over weeks. Variation in reproduction (RepVar) 2 – 10 Sample [calendar week] Variation in relative Field data, [11, 12] weekly reproductive efforts in different simulations (used as SD in normal distribution). Annual reproductive effort (RepEff) Litter size 50 – 200 [% Sample Total reproductive female effort [%] in relation reproducing] to populations size N. 1-5 uniform Number of offspring [12, 13] Expert guess per litter. Reproductive age 26 [weeks] Age of first Field data reproduction. Maximum age 416 [weeks] Maximum lifetime of [14] rabbits in calendar weeks. Carrying capacity 500 Number of [individuals] Field data, [10] individuals defining carrying capacity; we assumed density dependent reproduction, scaled by (K-Nt)/K. Environmental stochasticity (EV) 0.01 – 0.5 [SD Sample Explorative of vital rates, weekly] Disease epidemiology Transmission probability (βV) 0.3 – 0.9 Sample Probability that a Explorative virus is transmitted from an infected individual. Maternal antibodies (tMV) 1 – 50 RHD: Sample Time period of Explorative 8 Supporting Information [ days] Myxo: none maternal antibody protection against infection and disease. Insusceptibility (newborns) RHD: 21 Time period before Myxo: 1 newborns may [days] Exposure period RHD: 1 [6, 7] become susceptible. uniform [6] uniform [6] Myxo: 1 – 4 [days] Infection period RHD: 1-2 Myxo: 8 – 12 [days] Recovery rate (V) 0.2 – 0.9 Sample Probability of Explorative survival of infected individuals > 90 days old. Juvenile susceptibility factor (Juv,RHD, μJuv,Myxo) Juv,RHD: - 0.1 – Sample Decreasing (RHD) / Explorative, -1 increasing (Myxo) similar dynamics μJuv,Myxo: -6 - 6 recovery of infants described in [5] aged 1-90 days, modelled as a coefficient in logitlink logistic model. Virus introduction rate (pIntrV) 0 – 0.1 [%] Sample Introduction of Explorative viruses from external sources such as arthropod vectors or carcasses. First calendar week of virus RHD: 1 – 52 introduction (wkIntroV) Myxo: 1 – 52 Sample First calendar week Explorative each year in which [calendar week] viruses are introduced/ host are exposed to the virus. Last calendar week of virus RHD: 1 – 52 introduction Myxo: 1 – 52 Sample Last calendar week a Explorative virus may be (value  [calendar week] first week of introduction). Exposure time RHD: 1 Myxo: 1 - 4 Infection time RHD: 1 - 2 uniform [15] 9 Supporting Information Myxo: 8 12 [days] Model initialisation Initial N 200 Initial population size arbitrary (first 5 for all simulations. years of simulation not considered in analysis) Initial infection rate 5% Proportion of arbitrary (first 5 individuals of N0 years of simulation infected. not considered in analysis) 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 References 169 [1] Lacy, R.C., Miller, P.S., Nyhus, P.J., Pollak, J.P., Raboy, B.E. & Zeigler, S.L. 2013 170 Metamodels for transdisciplinary analysis of wildlife population dynamics. PLoS ONE 8, 171 e84211. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0084211). 172 [2] Lacy, R.C. & Pollak, J.P. 2014 VORTEX: A stochastic simulation of the extinction 173 process. Version 10.0. (Brookfield, Illinois, USA, Chicago Zoological Society. 174 [3] Lacy, R. 2000 Structure of the VORTEX simulation model for population viability 175 analysis. 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