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Recent SLOPE STABILITY PROBABILITY CLASSIFICATION (SSPC) Robert Hack Engineering Geology, ESA, International Institute for Geoinformation Sciences and Earth Observation (ITC), University Twente, The Netherlands Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, 8 April 2011 University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 1 Slope stability University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 2 Causes and triggers for in-stability of a slope University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 3 What causes in-stability of a slope ? • • • Wrong design (e.g. too steep, too high) Decrease in the future of ground mass properties (e.g. weathering, vegetation) Changes in future geometry (e.g. scouring, erosion, human influence – road cut) University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 4 What triggers in-stability of a slope ? • • Earthquakes (extra stress) Rainfall (changes the properties) These are not causes (!) because: • Should have been anticipated in design, or • For long standing slopes (e.g. natural slopes): There has been an earthquake or rainfall before and then it did not collapse University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 5 What is required to analyse the stability of a slope ? • • • • University Twente. ground mass properties present and future geometry present and future geotechnical behaviour of ground mass external influences such as earthquakes, rainfall, etcetera 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 6 ground mass properties In virtually all slopes is a considerable variation Therefore: First divide the soil or rock mass in: homogene “geotechnical units” University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 7 Homogene geotechnical unit? Is that possible ? University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 8 Variation Heterogeneity of mass causes: • variation in mass properties University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 9 Geotechnical unit: A “geotechnical unit” is a unit in which the geotechnical properties are the same. University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 10 geotechnical units are based on the experience and expertise of the interpreter University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 11 “No geotechnical unit is really homogene….” A certain amount of variation has to be allowed as otherwise the number of units will be unlimited University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 12 “The allowable variation of the properties within one geotechnical unit depends on:  the degree of variability of the properties   University Twente. within a mass, the influence of the differences on engineering behaviour, and the context in which the geotechnical unit is used. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 13 Smaller allowed variability of the properties in a geotechnical unit results in:  higher accuracy of geotechnical calculations  less risk that a calculation or design is wrong University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 14 Smaller allowed variability of the properties in a geotechnical unit:  requires collecting more data and is thus more costly  geotechnical calculations are more complicated and complex, and cost more time University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 15 Hence:   University Twente. the variations allowed within a geotechnical unit for a slope along a major highway is smaller the variations allowed within a geotechnical unit for a slope along a farmers road will be larger 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 16 Examples What are the implications if the units are wrongly assumed in a design? University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 17 Original situation University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 18 design error University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 19 Example 2: Many discontinuity sets with large variation in orientation (too many for the design engineer?) University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 20 Example 3: Many discontinuity sets with large variation in orientation University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 21 bedding planes Example 4: Variation in clay content in intact rock causes differential weathering April 1990 University Twente. Slightly higher clay content 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 22 Example 4: Variation in clay content in intact rock causes differential weathering April 1992 mass slid University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 23 Example 4: Variation in clay content in intact rock causes differential weathering University Twente. Characterizing and future stability of slopes - Robert Hack – Kota Kinabalu, 24 Uncertainty        University Twente. Uncertainty in properties Uncertainty (error) in measurements of properties Uncertainties in geometry Uncertainty (error) in measurements of geometry (often small) Uncertainty in failure mechanisms applicable Uncertainty in future environment (for example, weathering) Magnitude of external influences such as earthquakes, rainfall, etc. not certain 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 25 Options for analysing slope stability Analytical Numerical Classification University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 26 Analysing slope stability  analytical: only in relatively simple cases  University Twente. possible for a discontinuous rock mass numerical: difficult and often cumbersome, (however, possible with discontinuous numerical rock mechanics programs such as UDEC & 3DEC) Characterizing and future stability of slopes - Robert Hack – Kota Kinabalu, 27 Analysing slope stability(2) Extra work for deterministic numerical methods is justified if: Quantity and quality of input data is high E.g.: - representative tests of discontinuity (i.e. joint) shear strength of each discontinuity family - orientations of each discontinuity - etcetera, etcetera. University Twente. Characterizing and future stability of slopes - Robert Hack – Kota Kinabalu, 28 Analysing slope stability(3) High quality and quantity of data not only of the rock mass at the slope face but also in the slope! Hence: excavate the side and rebuilt (then it is exactly known) or many large-sized borehole samples required University Twente. Characterizing and future stability of slopes - Robert Hack – Kota Kinabalu, 29 Analysing slope stability(4) High quality and quantity of data of rock mass inside the slope rock mass are virtually never available because far too expensive to obtain University Twente. Characterizing and future stability of slopes - Robert Hack – Kota Kinabalu, 30 Analysing slope stability(5) Solution often used: Use a numerical program and estimate the input parameters University Twente. Characterizing and future stability of slopes - Robert Hack – Kota Kinabalu, 31 Analysing slope stability(6) How can properties be estimated: rock mass classification University Twente. Characterizing and future stability of slopes - Robert Hack – Kota Kinabalu, 32 Slope classification systems University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 33 Classification systems are empirical relations that relate rock mass properties either directly or via a rating system to an engineering application, e.g. slope, tunnel University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 34 Classification systems: For underground (tunnel): • Bieniawski (RMR) • Barton (Q) • Laubscher (MRMR) • etcetera For slopes: • Selby • Bieniawski (RMR) • Vecchia • Robertson (RMR) • Romana (SMR) • Haines • SSPC • etcetera University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 35 Development of many rock mass classification systems  First developed for underground excavations  Most slope systems are based on underground systems adjusted to be used for slopes Therefore a legacy in parameters from underground (read “tunnel”) systems University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 36 Development of many rock mass classification systems   University Twente. Most systems that are used at present are based on systems developed some 30 years ago At that time “state-of-the-art” and new, but this is no reason not to investigate whether the systems are still as applicable or that new methodologies (for example, with the use of computers) allow for better systems 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 37 Many rock mass classification systems  Wide variation in rating systems,   University Twente. methodologies, parameters, calculation methods, boundaries, etc. Wide variation in the influence of parameters on the final result In some un-understandable ratings and relations 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 38 Strange influence parameters in some systems For example: A slope in a rock mass with a high intact rock strength and one thick clay filled (gauge type) discontinuity set that will lead to sliding failure. UCS = 150 MPa 35º clay-filled discontinuity University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 39 Strange influence parameters in some systems In some systems the intact rock strength will partially determine the stability rating, while the slope will be unstable due to the presence of the thick clay filled discontinuity and not at all be UCS = 150 MPa influenced by the intact rock strength. How valid is such a system? 35º clay-filled discontinuity University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 40 No clear differentiation between “as is” and “as will be” External influences as weathering and method of excavation will have influenced the site characterized but will also (and likely differently) influence the new slope in the future University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 41 Slope Stability probability Classification (SSPC) University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 42 SSPC • three step classification system • based on probabilities • independent failure mechanism assessment University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 43 Three step classification system (1) proposed new road cut old road river 1 slightly weathered 2 fresh 3 Reference Rock Mass moderately weathered 1: natural exposure made by scouring of river, moderately weathered; 2: old road, made by excavator, slightly weathered; 3: new to develop University road cut, made by modern blasting, moderately weathered to fresh. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack Twente. 44 Three step classification system (2) EXPOSURE ROCK MASS (ERM) Exposure rock mass parameters significant for slope stability: • Material properties: strength, susceptibility to weathering • Discontinuities: orientation and sets (spacing) or single • Discontinuity properties: roughness, infill, karst Exposure specific parameters: • Method of excavation • Degree of weathering Factor used to remove the influence of the method excavation and degree of weathering REFERENCE ROCK MASS (RRM) Reference rock mass parameters significant for slope stability: • Material properties: strength, susceptibility to weathering • Discontinuities: orientation and sets (spacing) or single • Discontinuity properties: roughness, infill, karst Slope specific parameters: • Method of excavation to be used • Expected degree of weathering at end of engineering life-time of slope SLOPE GEOMETRY Orientation Height Factor used to assess the influence of the method excavation and future weathering SLOPE ROCK MASS (SRM) Slope rock mass parameters significant for slope stability: • Material properties: strength, susceptibility to weathering • Discontinuities: orientation and sets (spacing) or single • Discontinuity properties: roughness, infill, karst SLOPE STABILITY ASSESSMENT University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 45 Excavation specific parameters for the excavation which is used to characterize the rock mass • Degree of weathering • Method of excavation University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 46 Rock mass Parameters • Intact rock strength • Spacing and persistence discontinuities • Shear strength along discontinuity: - Roughness • University Twente. - large scale - small scale - tactile roughness - Infill - Karst Susceptibility to weathering 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 47 Slope specific parameters for the new slope to be made • Expected degree of weathering at • University Twente. end of lifetime of the slope Method of excavation to be used for the new slope 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 48 Intact rock strength By simple means test: hammer blows, crushing by hand, etcetera University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 49 Spacing and persistence of discontinuities Determine block size and block form by: • visual assessment, followed by: • quantification (measurement) of the characteristic spacing and orientation of each set University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 50 amplitude roughness: ≈ 5 – 9 cm wavy i = 14 - 20° ≈ 5 – 9 cm slightly wavy i = 9 - 14° ≈ 3.5 – 7 cm i = 4 - 8° Shear strength curved slightly curved ≈ 1.5 – 3.5 cm i = 2 - 4° roughness large scale straight ≈1m (i-angles and dimensions only approximate) University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 51 stepped undulating amplitude roughness > 2 - 3 mm amplitude roughness > 2 - 3 mm Shear strength roughness small scale planar ≈ 0.20 m (dimensions only approximate) University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 52 Three classes:  rough  smooth  polished University Twente. Shear strength roughness tactile 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 53 Infill: - cemented - no infill - non-softening (3 grain sizes) - softening (3 grain sizes) - gauge type (larger or smaller than roughness amplitude) - flowing material University Twente. Shear strength Infill 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 54 Shear strength karst Options: karst or no karst University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 55 Shear strength - condition factor Discontinuity condition factor (TC) is a multiplication of the ratings for: - small-scale roughness - large-scale roughness - infill - karst University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 56 Orientation dependent stability Stability depending on relation between slope and discontinuity orientation For example: • Plane and wedge sliding • Toppling University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 57 Orientation dependent stability Discontinuity related shear strength failure Plane sliding(1) University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 58 Orientation dependent stability Discontinuity related shear strength failure Plane sliding(2) Conditions: - discontinuity must daylight - downward stress > shear strength along discontinuity plane University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 59 Orientation dependent stability Discontinuity related shear strength failure Wedge sliding University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 60 Orientation dependent stability Discontinuity related shear strength failure Wedge sliding Conditions: - intersection line must daylight - downward stress > shear strength along discontinuity planes University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 61 Orientation dependent stability TC (= discontinuity condition parameter) (-) How was it developed 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 TC = 0.0113 * AP (AP in deg) 0.2 University Twente. stable unstable 0 0 20 40 60 AP (= apparent discontinuity dip in direction slope dip) (deg) 80 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 62 Orientation dependent stability Sliding criterion sliding occurs if : TC < 0.0113 * AP University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 63 Orientation dependent stability Sliding probability 95 % 70 % 50 % 30 % 5% TC (condition of discontinuity) 1.00 discontinuity stable with respect to sliding 0.80 0.60 discontinuity unstable with respect to sliding 0.40 0.20 0.00 0 University Twente. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 AP (deg) 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 64 Orientation dependent stability Discontinuity related shear strength failure Toppling University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 65 Orientation dependent stability Toppling criterion TC < 0.0087 * (− 90° − AP + dipdiscontinuity ) TC = discontinuity condition factor AP = apparent discontinuity dip in direction of slope dip DIPdiscontinuity = dip of discontinuity University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 66 Orientation dependent stability Toppling probability TC (condition of discontinuity) (-) 1.00 95 % Fig. 9. Toppling criterion. 70 % 50 % 30 % discontinuity stable with respect to toppling 0.80 5% 0.60 0.40 discontinuity unstable with respect to toppling 0.20 0.00 0 University Twente. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 - 90 - AP + slope dip (deg) 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 67 Orientation independent stability University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 68 Orientation independent stability Slope instability not dependent on the orientation of discontinuities in relation with the slope orientation E.g. in situations: • No discontinuities • Too high stress for the soil or rock intact material strength (e.g. slope too high) • So many discontinuities in so many directions that there is always a failure plane (comparable to a soil mass) University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 69 Orientation independent stability In SSPC based on: • Intact rock strength • Block size and form • Condition of discontinuities University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 70 Orientation independent stability 1 Overall spacing of discontinuity sets 0.8 2 discontinuity sets minimum spacing maximum spacing 0.7 factor Block size and form relations from Taylor 1 discontinuity set 0.9 3 discontinuity sets minimum spacing intermediate spacing maximum spacing 0.6 0.5 factor1 0.4 factor3 factor2 0.3 0.2 bedding1 & joint3 0.1 0.1 1 joint2 10 100 1000 discontinuity spacing (cm) University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 71 Orientation independent stability Overall condition of discontinuity sets TC1 TC2 TC3 + + DS1 DS 2 DS3 CD = 1 1 1 + + DS1 DS 2 DS3 TC1, 2,3 are the condition, and DS1, 2,3 are the spacings of discontinuity sets 1, 2, 3 University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 72 Orientation independent stability Shear plane failure following MohrCoulomb for rock mass If the dip slope ≤ ϕ ’ mass : the maximum slope height ( H max ) is infinite else -4 = . * 1 6 10 * coh’ mass * H max sin dip slope * cos (ϕ’ mass ) ( ( ) 1 - cos dip slope - ϕ ’ mass University Twente. ) 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 73 Probability orientation independent failure 10 Das hed pr obabilit y lines indi c at e that the number of sl opes us ed f or the devel opment of the SSPC s ys tem f or t hes e s ec tions of the graph is limited and the pr obability lines may not be as c ert ai n as the pr obability lines dr awn wit h a conti nuous line. 95 % H max / Hslope probability to be stable > 95 % 90 % 70 % 50 % 30 % 1 10 % 5% (example) probability to be stable < 5 % 0.1 0.0 University Twente. 0.2 0.4 0.6 ϕ’mass / slope dip 0.8 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 1.0 74 Comparison between SSPC and other classification systems University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 75 80 a: SSPC 60 b: Haines 60 number of slopes (%) number of slopes (%) 80 visually estimated stability stable (class 1) unstable (class 2) unstable (class 3) 40 20 Haines safety factor: 1.2 40 20 0 0 <5 7.5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 92.5 > 95 -45 SSPC stability probability (%) stable 80 60 -25 -10 -5 5 15 25 35 45 unstable stable Percentages are from total number of slopes per visually estimated stability class. visually estimated stability stable (class 1) unstable (class 2) unstable (class 3) c: SMR -35 Haines' slope dip - existing slope dip (deg) unstable number of slopes (%) visually estimated stability stable (class 1) unstable (class 2) unstable (class 3) visually estimated stability: class 1 : stable; no signs of present or future slope failures (number of slopes: 109) class 2 : small problems; the slope presently shows signs of active small failures and has the potential for future small failures (number of slopes: 20) class 3 : large problems; The slope presently shows signs of active large failures and has the potential for future large failures (number of slopes: 55) 40 20 0 5 15 completely unstable University Twente. 25 35 45 55 65 75 Romana's SMR (points) 'tentative' describtion of SMR classes: partially unstable stable stable 85 95 completely stable Comparison 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 76 Examples University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 77 Poorly blasted slope University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 78 Poorly blasted slope New cut (in 1990): Visual assessed: extremely poor; instable. (SSPC stability < 8% for slope height 13.8 m high, dip 70°, rock mass weathering: 'moderately' and 'dislodged blocks' due to blasting). Forecast in 1996: SSPC final stability: slope dip 45°. In 2002: Slope dip about 55° (visually assessed unstable). In 2005: Slope dip about 52° University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 79 Slope Stability probability Classification (SSPC) Saba case - Dutch Antilles University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 80 Landslide in harbour University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 81 Geotechnical zoning University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 82 SSPC results Pyroclastic deposits Rock mass friction Rock mass cohesion Calculated maximum possible height on the slope University Twente. Calculated SSPC 35° 39kPa 13m Laboratory / field 27° (measured) 40kPa (measured) 15m (observed) 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 83 Failing slope in Manila, Philippines University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 84 Failing slope in Manila (2) • tuff layers with near horizontal weathering horizons (about every 2-3 m) • slope height is about 5 m • SSPC non-orientation dependent stability about 50% for 7 m slope height • unfavourable stress configuration due to corner University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 85 Widening existing road in Bhutan (Himalayas) University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 86 Bhutan Method of excavation University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 87 Widening existing road in Bhutan (Himalayas) University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 88 Widening existing road in Bhutan (Himalayas) Above road level: • Various units • Joint systems (sub-) vertical • Present slope about 21 m high, about 90° or overhanging (!) • Present situation above road highly unstable (visual assessment) Below road level: • Inaccessible – seems stable University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 89 Widening existing road in Bhutan (Himalayas) Above road level: • Following SSPC system about 12 – 27 m for a 75° slope (depending on unit) (orientation independent stability 85%) Below road level: • Inaccessible – different unit ? – and not disturbed by excavation method University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 90 SSPC extensions: measuring discontinuities & future decay of slope material University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 91 Heterogeneity • even if uncertainty is included this is only up to • a certain extend – what extend is to the discretion of the engineer can heterogeneity be defined by an automatic procedure , e.g. for example Lidar University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 92 Heterogeneity (2) (modified after Slob et al, 2002) University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 93 Future degradation of soil or rock due to weathering, ravelling, etc. no reliable quantitative relations exist to forecast the future geotechnical properties of soil or rock mass University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 94 Future degradation (2) University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 95 Future degradation (3) 3.5 z [m] 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 7.0 7.5 Excavated 1999 8.0 8.5 y [m] May 2001 9.0 9.5 May 2002 Reduction in slope angle due to weathering, erosion and ravelling (after Huisman) University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 96 Degradation processes • • • University Twente. Main processes involved in degradation: Loss of structure due to stress release Weathering (In-situ change by inside or outside influences) Erosion (Material transport with no chemical or structural changes) 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 97 Significance in engineering • When rock masses degrade in time, slopes and other works that are stable at present may become unstable University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 98 University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 99 Erosion • Essentially: migration of solid or dissolved material • Weathering occurs usually before and possibly • University Twente. during erosion Transporting agents: - Water - Gravity - Ice - Wind - Man! 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 100 University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 101 Quantify weathering: SSPC University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 102 Weathering in time • The susceptibility to weathering is a concept that is • frequently addressed by “the” weathering rate of a rock material or mass. Weathering rates may be expected to decrease with time, as the state of the rock mass becomes more and more in equilibrium with its surroundings. University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 103 Weathering rates University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 104 Weathering rates WE ( t ) = WEinit − R app WE log (1 + t ) WE(t) = degree of weathering at time t WEinit = (initial) degree of weathering at time t = 0 RappWE = weathering intensity rate WE as function of time, initial weathering and the weathering intensity rate University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 105 Weathering rates •Material: Gypsum layers Gypsum cemented siltstone layers Middle Muschelkalk near Vandellos (Spain) University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 106 Weathering rates - Balance between weathering and erosion (or generally) decay, and exposure orientation dependent features, such as: sunlight, wind, and rain. Middle Muschelkalk near Vandellos (Spain) University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 107 Weathering intensity rate siltstone (with gypsum cement) Weathering intensity rates R(appWE) for Middle Muschelkalk, siltstone (gypsum cemented), versus slope dip-direction (after Huisman) University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 108 Weathering intensity rate gypsum Weathering intensity rates R(appWE) for Middle Muschelkalk, gypsum, versus slope dip-direction (after Huisman) University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 109 Weathering intensity rate SSPC system with applying weathering intensity rate: - original slope cut about 50º (1998) - in 15 years decrease to 35º University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 110 Conclusions SSPC system in combination with degradation forecasts gives: • reasonable design for slope stability • with minimum of work and • in a short time University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 111 Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 112 Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia Side road: 5 years old slightly weathered SSPC stability: Sandstone: stable Shale: unstable University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 113 Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia Main road: 10 years old moderately weathered SSPC stability: Sandstone: stable Shale: ravelling University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 114 Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia SSPC friction & cohesion: friction (deg) cohesion (kPa) shale slightly (5 years) moderately (10 years) 4 2 2.4 1.1 sandstone slightly (5 years) moderately (10 years) 20 11 10.0 6.3 University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 115 Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia Expected stability when sandstone highly weathered: Main road: (30 deg slope dip; 6 m high) 10% (i.e. instable) Side road: (45 deg slope dip; 8 m high) < 5 % (i.e. instable) University Twente. WHEN ?????? 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 116 Literature Hack HRGK (2002) An evaluation of slope stability classification. Keynote Lecture & article. Proc. ISRM EUROCK’2002, Portugal, Madeira, Funchal, 25-28 November 2002. Editors: C. Dinis da Gama & L. Ribeira e Sousa, Publ. Sociedade Portuguesa de Geotecnia, Av. do Brasil, 101, 1700-066 Lisboa, Portugal. pp. 3 – 32. Hack HRGK, Price, D & Rengers N (2003) A new approach to rock slope stability - a probability classification (SSPC). Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. Springer Verlag. Vol. 62: article: DOI 10.1007/s10064-002-0155-4. pp. 167-184 & erratum: DOI 10.1007/s10064-002-0171-4. pp 185-185. Hack HRGK, Price D & Rengers N (2005) Una nueva aproximación a la clasificación probabilística de estabilidad de taludes (SSPC). In "Ingeniería del Terreno", IngeoTer 5. chapter 6. publ. U.D. Proyectos, E.T.S.I. Minas Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. ISBN 84-96140-14-8. pp. 418. Huisman M, Hack HRGK & Nieuwenhuis JD (2006) Predicting rock mass decay in engineering lifetimes: the influence of slope aspect and climate. Environmental & Engineering Geoscience. Vol XII, no. 1, Feb. 2006, pp. 49-61. Price, DG (2009) Engineering geology : principles and practice. De Freitas (ed), MH. Berlin, Springer, 2009. 450 p. ISBN: 978-3-540-29249-4. Slob S, Hack HRGK, Knapen B van & Kenemy J (2004) Digital outcrop mapping and determination of rock mass properties using 3D terrestrial laser scanning techniques In: Schubert, W. (ed.): Rock Engineering – Theory and Practice. Proceedings of the ISRM Regional Symposium Eurock 2004 & 53rd Geomechanics Colloquy. Verlag Glückauf, Essen, Germany, ISBN 3-7739-5995-8, pp. 449-452. University Twente. 2011-04-08 - Kota Kinabalu - Recent SSPC - Robert Hack 117