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Noname manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) MOMOSE A Mobility Model Simulation Environment for Mobile Wireless Ad-hoc Networks Stefano Boschi · Pilu Crescenzi · Miriam Di Ianni · Carlo Nocentini · Gianluca Rossi · Paola Vocca 14 December 2008 Abstract This paper describes MOMOSE, a highly flexible and easily extensible environment for the simulation of mobility models. MOMOSE not only allows a programmer to easily integrate a new mobility model into the set of models already included in its distribution, but it also allows the user to let the nodes of the MANET move in different ways by associating any mobility model to any subset of the nodes themselves. The environment allows the user to define and to subsequently use configuration windows, whose content depends on the mobility model, and its GUI includes a simulation window that allows the user to manage and control the execution of a simulation. Moreover, MOMOSE allows the user to simulate the movement of the nodes within a “realistic” environment, where obstacles (such as buildings and barriers) are present This work was partially supported by the EU under the EU/IST Project 15964 AEOLUS. Stefano Boschi Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Viale Morgagni 65, 50134 Firenze, Italy, E-mail: Pilu Crescenzi Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Viale Morgagni 65, 50134 Firenze, Italy Miriam Di Ianni Dipartimento di Matematica, Università degli Studi di Roma II, Viale della Ricerca Scientifica, 00133 Roma, Italy, E-mail: Carlo Nocentini Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Viale Morgagni 65, 50134 Firenze, Italy, E-mail: Gianluca Rossi Dipartimento di Matematica, Università degli Studi di Roma II, Viale della Ricerca Scientifica, 00133 Roma, Italy, E-mail: Paola Vocca Dipartimento di Matematica, Università del Salento, Via per Arnesano, 73100 Lecce, Italy, E-mail: 2 and limit the movement of the nodes. Finally, MOMOSE can be easily adapted in order to record, during the simulation time, all the data necessary for the evaluation of the performance of any communication protocol or of any MANET-based application. As far as we know, MOMOSE is the only mobility model simulation environment that has all these features and which is currently available as a free software project. Keywords MANET · mobility model · network simulator · simulation environment 1 Introduction A mobile wireless ad hoc network (in short, MANET ) is a computer network in which no pre-existing communication infrastructure exists, communication links are wireless, and nodes are free to move and organize themselves in an arbitrary fashion. These networks are expected to have several applications because of the minimal configuration and the quick deployment they require: natural or human-induced disasters, intervehicular communication, law enforcement, military conflicts, and emergency medical situations are just a few examples of application areas in which MANETs are expected to play an important role. Since the nodes of a MANET are mobile, the network topology may change rapidly and unpredictably over time. It is then important, in order to evaluate the performance of any communication protocol or of any MANET-based application, to be able to accurately simulate the mobility traces of the nodes that will eventually utilize the protocol or the application. To this aim, we need a mobility model that describes the movement pattern of mobile users, and how their location, velocity and acceleration change over time. We can distinguish two basic approaches in order to obtain a mobility model. The first approach consists of constructing the mobility model on the ground of accurate information about the mobility traces of users: however, obtaining real mobility traces is usually a great challenge. For this reason, various researchers proposed different kinds of mobility models that are not trace-driven and that are called synthetic mobility models. A great variety of such mobility models have been proposed in the literature, which differ according to at least one of the following criteria [12]: the geographic constraints that a mobile node has to deal with, the scale the model is designed to work for, and the individuality which is determined by the node aggregation level of the model. Some examples of mobility models that have been proposed in the past are1 the random walk model [17, 20, 31, 32], the random waypoint model and its many variations [25], the random direction model and its many variations [6, 33], the boundless simulation area model [11], the Gauss-Markov model [11], the city section model [11], the exponential correlated random model [19], the column model [34], the nomadic community model [34], the pursue model [34], the reference point group model [19], and, more recently, the real-world environment model [23], the virtual track group model [41], the ripple model [13], the clustered model [26], the social model [28], and the TCP-based worm spread model [1]. In this paper we describe the MOMOSE tool, which is a highly flexible and easily extensible environment for the simulation of mobility models. Indeed, MOMOSE not only 1 This list is certainly not exhaustive: our goal, however, is just to give a flavor of the huge quantity of mobility models that have been proposed in the literature and of how important the mobility simulation topic is within the MANET research area. 3 allows a programmer to easily integrate a new mobility model into the set of models already included in its distribution, but it also allows the user to let the nodes of the MANET move in different ways by associating any mobility model to any subset of the nodes themselves. Moreover, MOMOSE can be easily adapted in order to record, during the simulation time, all the data necessary for the evaluation of the performance of any communication protocol or of any MANET-based application. The paper is structured as follows. In the rest of this section we introduce our simulation tool and the technical motivations behind our primary design choices. In Section 2, we describe the software architecture of MOMOSE and we briefly explain how a programmer can use MOMOSE in order to develop a new mobility model and/or a new data recorder. In Section 3 we present the experiments that we have executed in order to evaluate the performance differences between the two simulation engines included in MOMOSE. In Section 4 we summarize some of the tools that, according to our opinion, are the most related to our application and we present some experimental performance comparisons. In Section 5 we briefly describe three case studies, while we conclude in Section 6 by presenting some research directions. 1.1 A Description of MOMOSE Features While developing MOMOSE we have taken into account the following basic principles. Extensibility. Within the MOMOSE framework, a programmer can easily implement new mobility models: we believe this is an interesting feature of the framework, since research on mobility models is still very active and new models are continuously introduced in the literature (see, for example, [14]). Observe that there are basically no limits on the complexity of the mobility model the user wants to implement: for example, it is not difficult to implement models with more complex trajectories (the authors have already implemented a variation of the random waypoint model in which the trajectory followed by the nodes is a Bezier curve) or in which the nodes follow external mobility traces obtained by any trace repository. The user can also define and easily implement appropriate data recorders, that is, sets of data structures and methods, in order to collect, during the simulation, the data necessary for the evaluation of a mobility model or of a specific protocol. Observe that this feature does not really make MOMOSE a network simulator (such as the ones cited in Section 4), since many aspects of the simulation of a computer network mainly related to the lower levels of the network architecture are not taken into account by the MOMOSE framework. Adaptability. Two kinds of adaptability features have been mainly considered. On one hand, we believed it was important to allow different mobility patterns to be used within the same simulation and that it was not plausible to assume all nodes moving according to the same mobility model. For this reason, by using MOMOSE and without writing any line of code, the user can easily simulate the movement of a set of nodes by using any combination of the mobility models included in the MOMOSE distribution and of the newly implemented mobility models. On the other hand, we believed that the same simulation should have been used in order to analyze different aspects and consequences of the node mobility. For this reason, during a simulation, one or more data recorders can be used, which allow the user to collect the interesting data (see Figure 1). For example, a data recorder could 4 Fig. 1 The MOMOSE flow diagram compute the distribution of the nodes during the simulation time in a given area, while another data recorder could compute the degree of each node (that is, the number of active connections for each node): both data recorders could store this information into the same output file, which could be subsequently used in order to produce statistics or reports. The current distribution of MOMOSE includes a data recorder that produces trace files compatible with the ns-2 network simulation environment [16], which is one of the most popular network simulators within the research community. As far as we know, the mobility modules produced for this simulator include only very simple mobility models, such as the random waypoint model [21] and the random walk model [27]: MOMOSE can hence be used in order to produce more realistic mobility patterns, which can be subsequently used by ns-2 while simulating and evaluating any network protocol. Efficiency. This is quite an obvious requisite of any simulation tool. Even in this case, two different kinds of efficiency have been identified. On one hand, while evaluating the characteristics of a mobility model, we have considered very important to visually and efficiently analyze the behavior of a set of nodes moving according to the model itself. The graphical user interface (in short, GUI) of MOMOSE is based on the Java Swing classes and on the OpenGL standard [38]: as we will state in a later section, using the OpenGL libraries makes our framework extremely performant for what concerns the visualization of a simulation. On the other hand, an efficient simulation engine turns out to be useful whenever massive simulations have to be performed in order to collect sufficient data for successive elaborations. The MOMOSE simulation engine has been developed both in Java and in C++ (see Figure 1): the former one is deeply integrated with the GUI and allows the user to interactively control the simulation and its visualization, while the latter is optimized from a performance point of view and is accessible only by means of command lines. The reason why we decided to include two different simulation engines is strictly connected to the main characteristics of the two programming languages. Java is highly portable and the Swing classes behave essentially in the same way, independently from the used processor/operating system platform: on the contrary, several different graphical libraries have been developed in C++, and it does not seem that any of them can be considered as the standard one. Hence, the Java version of 5 Fig. 2 The simulation and mobility model configuration windows the simulation engine is particularly appropriate during the development phase of a mobility model and/or of a data recorder: in this case, indeed, the GUI allows the user to easily configure the simulation parameters and to observe in real-time the node movement and the evolution of the simulation itself. On the other hand, the C++ engine, which has to be compiled for any possible platform/operating system platform, has the advantage of being significantly faster than the Java engine: hence, this version of the engine is more appropriate for the execution of simulations with a long simulation time and/or with a huge number of nodes (as we will see in a later section, its efficiency outperforms or at least compares with the one of similar mobility model simulation tools). Mobility model and data recorder configurability. During each simulation, the set of the nodes of the network is partitioned into an arbitrary number of subsets, each one corresponding to the specific mobility model governing the movement of the nodes in the subset: however, since each node has an own logic unit which is independent from the other nodes, different nodes in the same subset are allowed to play different roles within the same mobility model (for example, in the PursueModel [19] it is necessary to allow one node to act as the leader of the subset). The behavior of a mobility model is typically determined by the value of some model-specific parameters: for example, in the case of the Gauss-Markov mobility model [35] the parameter α which determines the randomness degree of the model has to be specified, while in several other models typical parameters are the acceleration value or the angular velocity value [7]. In general, a unique set of parameters which can be used for any mobility model does not exist: for this reason, MOMOSE allows the user to define and to subsequently use configuration 6 Fig. 3 The simulation window windows whose content depends on the mobility model (see the foreground window of Figure 2). In this way, it is very easy to tune all the parameters of a specific model, both the parameters common to all mobility models (such as the number of nodes moving according to the model or the maximum node transmission range) and the parameters which are meaningful for that specific model only (such as the attraction degree in the case of the nomadic model [35]): moreover, this parameter tuning can be saved in appropriate files, which can be successively reloaded. A similar approach can be also followed in the case of data recorders whose behavior depends on the value of specific parameters: even in this case the user can define and subsequently use specific configuration windows in order to set up parameters such as the name of the file into which the collected data will be written. Simulation configurability. By means of the MOMOSE GUI, the user can control any aspect of a simulation both before its beginning, by interacting with its configuration window, and during its execution, by interacting with the simulation window. The configuration window (see the background windows of Figure 2) allows the user to set up the simulation time and the simulation scenario (which can range from an empty area to any environment specified in an appropriate file). It also allows the user to select and configure the mobility models and the data recorders to be used during the simulation. Starting from the simulation configuration window, the user can directly start the simulation itself or can save the current configuration into an appropriate file, which can be subsequently used by one of the two engines previously described in order to execute the simulation and collect the required data (clearly, a configuration file can be reloaded and modified at any subsequent moment). 7 Fig. 4 The OpenGL player User friendly interface. The simulation window (see Figure 3) allows the user to manage and control the execution of a simulation: in particular, at any moment the user can pause and restart the execution, can stop it, can see log messages produced by the simulation engine, and can activate a graphical window which shows, in real-time, the movement of all the nodes within the specified scenario (along with other informations related to the simulation). Moreover, MOMOSE includes an OpenGL player which allows the user to visualize and graphically analyze the evolution of a simulation, which was previously saved into appropriate files by a default data recorder included in the MOMOSE distribution. Within the main drawing area of the player, the simulation scenario and the movement of the nodes are shown (see Figure 4): on the left of this area, some basic information about the scenario and the simulation time is given together with some tools for controlling the simulation itself (as with any other player, the user is also allowed to pause and restart the simulation and to fast advance it both forward and backward). During the simulation, some additional information can be visualized within the drawing area, such as the node IDs, the node transmission ranges, and the communication graph. Since long simulations with a large number of nodes might produce huge trace files, MOMOSE allows the user to save these files in a compressed form (in particular, by using the gzip standard): these compressed files can be directly loaded and visualized by the player. Adherence to reality. MOMOSE allows the user to simulate the movement of the nodes within a “realistic” environment, where obstacles (such as buildings and barriers) 8 are present and limit the movement of the nodes.2 The definition of a scenario is flexible enough to allow the user to define significantly different situations, ranging from people moving within a building or a campus to robots moving within a disaster recovery environment or to vehicles moving within an urban environment. Indeed, a scenario is defined by means of an XML file which contains the list of obstacles that are present in the simulation area. Each obstacle is formed by one or more polygons (in particular, squares, rectangles and/or circles): for each polygon, the XML code specifies its position, its rotation angle, its color, its name and its attenuation factor (which is a number between 0 and 1). A scenario can also contain a set of hot-spots, that is, specific points of the simulation area which are of particular interest for the nodes: by means of this feature, it is possible to define within the scenario a graph, which can be used by a mobility model while deciding the movement of a node (such as in the case of the pathway model [37]). The XML standard allows the user to easily define new scenarios: however, MOMOSE includes the possibility of generating a scenario starting from a Scalable Vector Graphics (in short, SVG) file. Hence, the user can create the scenario by using any drawing program, in order to subsequently export it in the SVG format and, hence, to translate it into the XML code required by the MOMOSE simulation engine. Portability. As we already noticed, choosing Java and C++ as development languages, makes MOMOSE easily portable both in terms of user interface and in terms of simulation engines. It is also worth noting that, since the simulation configuration files, the scenario definition files and the player trace files are written by using the XML technology and they are all independent from each other, they can be immediately ported on different processor/operating system platforms, provided that an instance of MOMOSE has been installed. 2 The Software Architecture and the Simulation Execution Flow Apart from the GUI, the main software components of MOMOSE are the simulation engine,3 the models, the nodes and the data recorders. Each of the latter three components is represented by means of an abstract Java class. The MOMOSE distribution includes several template classes that can be extended by the programmer in order to develop personalized mobility models and data recorders. The simulation engine contains several components managing the following different aspects of a simulation. – The mobility model manager is in charge of the nodes and of the mobility models during the simulation. – The physical engine manager computes the collisions between the nodes and the obstacles which are present into the scenario and, hence, moves the nodes within the simulation area. 2 Even though this is not strictly related to the simulation of mobility models, MOMOSE also allows the user to let the obstacles attenuate the transmission signals sent by the communication units: this features can be useful for developing specific data recorders. 3 From a functional point of view, the Java and the C++ simulation engines are equivalent: all the classes that represent the different simulator components have the same interface and do the same task. In this way, the programmer can switch from one engine to the other without having to modify a single line of the code. 9 – The scenario manager is in charge of the logical representation of the simulated environment and of all the objects which are contained in the environment itself. – The data recorder manager allows the data recorders to store the data collected during the simulation. – The time manager is in charge of the advance of the simulation clock. A simulation execution is divided into three phases: the simulation setup phase, the simulation cycle phase, and the simulation end phase. During the setup phase all the data structures necessary for the simulation execution are initialized: the behavior of this phase is determined by the information read from the simulation configuration file, produced by means of the GUI or directly written by the user. The different components of the simulation engine are initialized one after the other starting from the time manager data structures and, subsequently, the scenario and all the objects that are contained within it. Successively, the mobility models and the node generation are initialized: during this step, each model can setup its own data structures and create the nodes that will move into the simulation area. The nodes have some common properties (such as the ID, the transmission range, and the velocity vector); moreover, each node can be defined as a physical object, so that it can collide with other nodes. During their generation, the nodes are also assigned an initial position: to this aim, the mobility model can analyze the scenario, if necessary (for example, in order to position a node onto an hot-spot or to avoid to position a node onto a wall). At the end of this step, all the information concerning the models and the nodes are passed to the initialization step of the mobility model manager and of the physical engine manager. The last step of the setup phase consists of the initialization of the data recorders and of their manager: similarly to the mobility model initialization, each data recorder setup its own data structures (such as the output file or counter variables). Once the setup phase is done, the simulation cycle starts. At each cycle, the time manager updates the internal clock of the simulator and checks for the ending conditions. If the simulation is not ended up, the mobility model manager makes each node and model choose the next operation to be performed. Both models and nodes may perform any required operation: for instance, a model may generate a new target for its nodes, may change the role of some or of all its nodes and may interact with other models, while a node may switch on or off its own transmission device, may change its own role, may change its speed and direction, and may modify its transmission range (notice that, by modifying the transmission range, energy saving arguments can be also taken into account). While such operations are performed, the simulator keeps models and nodes informed about the simulation time, the scenario and the states of the other nodes in order to let them take the correct decisions. For instance, a node may need information about the scenario in order to determine whether collisions may occur while moving at a given speed and direction, or it may need information about the hot-spot list in order to choose its next target destination. After the mobility model manager step, the physical engine manager gets the simulation control and computes the new node positions, taking into consideration the collisions between nodes and scenario objects and among nodes. In order to speed up these operations, the physical engine manager represents the simulation area by a BSP tree:4 such a tree is built during the setup phase and it allows the physical engine manager to save computational time, since only the collisions between a node and its surrounding physical objects are 4 The Binary Space Partitioning [18] technique is a recursive partitioning of the space into convex sub-spaces, which is described by means of a binary tree (called BSP tree). 10 considered. At the end of any simulation cycle, each data recorder collects the required data and records system information at current time. Data recorders may access all simulation data (such as time, scenario, and system state) and may access all the information about models and nodes involved in the simulation: for instance, one data recorder might compute the communication graph and draw its diameter, the node degrees, and the number of connected components, while another data recorder might write the logs of node positions and states at the current simulation cycle. The last phase of a simulation is the simulation end, during which a procedure is invoked for any data recorder that allows it to execute some final tasks. For example, it is possible to close the open files, to evaluate some performance values by using the collected data, or to create reports and the similar. During this phase, the simulation engine erases all temporary data structures. Finally, the simulation ends and the output files created by the data recorders can be used for the analysis or can be exploited by other tools. 2.1 Extending MOMOSE As previously stated, MOMOSE allows the programmer to create new mobility models and new data recorders starting from a set of template classes. In order to develop a new mobility model, the programmer has to implement three classes, which manage the creation of the model, represent the model itself, and represent a node moving according to the model, respectively. Optionally, the programmer can implement two additional classes, which represent the model configuration window and whose task is reading all the necessary information starting from a configuration file, respectively: these two classes should allow the user to easily manage the model parameters. The structure of the classes that implement a data recorder is quite similar to the one of the classes that implement a mobility model. In particular, the programmer has to define two classes, which manage the creation of the data recorder, and actually implement the data recorder itself, respectively. Optionally, the programmer can implement a configuration window class and a class which collects the data recorder set up information starting from a configuration file. More details concerning the extension of the MOMOSE framework can be found in [9]. 3 Java and C++ Performance Comparison In this section a performance comparison is presented between the Java and the C++ simulation engines. The analysis is performed by comparing the running times of the two engines when executing on the same simulation framework (that is, the same simulation time and the same number of nodes). In order to evaluate the real performances, all additional I/O components have been removed. The simulations have been executed on a Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz processor, with 512 MB of RAM running a Linux (kernel version 2.6.17-10) operating system. The first comparison focuses on the number n of nodes. Ten different values of n have been considered: for each of them, twenty simulations have been executed and the average execution time has been computed. In particular, for each execution the simulation time has been set equal to 10800 seconds, while the n nodes have been partitioned into three equally sized sets moving according to the random waypoint, 11 250 4000 Java engine C++ engine 3500 Execution time (s) Execution time (s) 200 150 100 50 Java engine C++ engine 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Number of nodes 104 105 Simulation time (s) Fig. 5 A comparison of the average execution time of the Java and the C++ engines with respect to the number of nodes (on the left) and with respect to the simulation time (on the right, in a logarithmic scale). the random walk, and the nomadic mobility model, respectively: in the left part of Figure 5, the average execution time is shown. It is evident that the C++ engine is significantly more performing than the Java engine: it also seems that this better performance does not depend on the number of nodes. However, one might think that the execution time is too short and that the initial overhead, that a Java program has usually to pay for,5 cannot be compensated in such short execution times. For this reason, we have performed a second kind of comparison which focuses on the simulation time t. Ten different values of t have been considered: for each of them, twenty simulations have been executed and the average execution time has been computed. In particular, for each execution 900 nodes have been simulated, partitioned in a way similar to the previously described one: in the right part of Figure 5, the average execution time is shown (in a logarithmic scale). Even in this case, the better performance of the C++ engine is quite evident. Even though the performance relative difference slightly decreases while the simulation time increases, it seems that asymptotically this difference tends to a value close to 40%. Both the Java and the C++ engine can deal with a very large number of nodes: indeed, we have experimented up to 100 000 nodes. Clearly, the simulation execution time depends on the complexity of the used mobility models and of the used data recorders. Moreover, this time also depends on the number of obstacles which are present in a scenario: however, we have experimentally verified that the ratio between the execution time with no obstacles and the execution time with obstacles does not depend on the number of nodes (for instance, in the case of the scenario represented in Figure 8, this ratio is approximately equal to 0.1). 4 Related Work and Performance Comparison Several network simulators are available on the web and most of them include tools for the generation of node mobility patterns. Four popular examples of such simulators are ns-2 [48], the GloMoSim environment [42], GTNetS [43], and OMNeT++ along with its mobility framework [49, 45]. Within these frameworks the node mobility support is 5 For instance, the Java interpreter usually performs a code validity check, which is done only the first time a method is invoked. 12 90 1.2 Ratio MOMOSE 80 CanuMoboSim 70 MOMOSE/Sinalgo 1.1 400 50 40 Seconds Seconds 60 30 20 300 200 10 100 0 0 10 15 20 25 Number of nodes 30 35 40 MOMOSE Sinalgo 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Number of nodes Fig. 6 A comparison of CanuMoboSim, Sinalgo, and MOMOSE with respect to the simulation execution time (7200 simulated seconds and increasing number of nodes) only one of their several features and not even the most important one: indeed, these tools are mostly devoted to the simulation of network protocols and they take into account many aspects of a protocol execution, starting from the physical layer up to the application one. Clearly, this makes these tools much “heavier” than a simulator like MOMOSE, which is mainly focused on the development and the analysis of mobility models and whose goal is allowing a user to quickly determine the characteristics of a specific mobility pattern: this is true even in terms of the size of the software needed to be installed (basically, MOMOSE is two orders of magnitude lighter than the previously mentioned tools). Moreover, the complexity of these simulators usually makes harder the task of developing and testing new mobility models, both from a programming point of view and from a final user point of view. For all these reasons, we believe that the natural main competitors of MOMOSE are CanuMoboSim, a framework for user mobility modeling [36], and Sinalgo, one of the most recent network simulator developed in Java [50]. The CanuMoboSim framework includes a number of mobility models and parsers of geographic data in various formats, and it is based on the notion of extension module. In particular, a group of nodes can be extended by specifying the mobility model according to which all nodes in the group move during the simulation. Moreover, a simulation can be extended by specifying its spatial environment (which can also be loaded from a GDF file [22] and from which points of interests can be extracted) or the graph representation of the movement area (which can be used in the case of a graph-based mobility model). Several other extension modules are available in the CanuMoboSim framework: these modules, for instance, allow the user to produce different kinds of output (similarly to the data recorders of MOMOSE) and to visualize the simulation (similarly to the player of MOMOSE). The parameters determining the simulation behavior and the characteristics of a mobility model are specified within a XML file and no configuration window is available to the final user. Moreover, the simulation window seems to be quite basic and no control buttons are available within it. Finally, as far as we can see, the node have no communication range associated and the engine does not manage the collision between the nodes and the obstacles which are present in the simulation area (even though, clearly, these features can be added to the framework by defining suitable extension modules). Most importantly, MOMOSE significantly outperforms CanuMoboSim in terms of execution time, as we will show at the end of this section. A more recent simulation framework for testing and validating network algorithms is Sinalgo, which, in order to guarantee easy extensibility, offers a set of extension Seconds 13 200 150 100 50 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 600 CanuMoboSim MOMOSE Sinalgo 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600 Number of simulated seconds Fig. 7 A comparison of CanuMoboSim, Sinalgo, and MOMOSE with respect to the simulation execution time (increasing simulated time and 200 nodes) points, called models: among the models included in its distribution, the framework contains the mobility model, that describes how the nodes change their position over time. As in the case of MOMOSE, more than one mobility model can be used during each simulation. Moreover, the programmer can create new mobility models by implementing a subclass of the class MobilityModel, which must define the method getNextPos: the movement of the nodes during the simulation is shown within a simulation window, which allows the visualization of the simulation area that is either a two-dimensional or a three-dimensional rectangle. The framework also allows the programmer to refer to a simulation scenario containing obstacles by means of images representing maps: however, it is left to the mobility model to decide how these obstacles interfere with the movement of the nodes. In other words, there is nothing analogous to the physical engine manager of MOMOSE (which computes the collisions between the nodes and the obstacles which are present into the scenario) and, instead, this management is delegated to the specific mobility model. Moreover, the parameters determining the characteristics of a mobility model are specified within a XML file and no configuration window is available to the final user. Finally, Sinalgo does not allow the user to use multiple data recorders during one simulation, unless new code is written implementing all the desired recorders. We conclude this section by presenting some experimental results concerning the performances of MOMOSE (with the C++ engine), CanuMoboSim, and Sinalgo: these results are, in our opinion, particularly valuable whenever massive simulation data have to be collected. In particular, we have realized the following three experiments. 1. For a number of nodes ranging between 100 and 5000 (in the case of MOMOSE versus Sinalgo) and between 10 and 40 (in the case of MOMOSE versus CanuMoboSim), we let all the nodes move according to the random waypoint mobility model for 7200 seconds: the positions of the nodes have been recorded into a file according to the ns-2 syntax. The results of this first experiment are shown in Figure 6 14 (the values represent the average over 10 experiment executions):6 it is evident that both MOMOSE and Sinalgo outperform CanuMoboSim by at least one order of magnitude (observe that we were not able to deal with a much larger number of nodes with CanuMoboSim). On the other hand, MOMOSE and Sinalgo seem to have similar performances as it can be seen in the upper plot of the right part of the figure: indeed, the ratio between the performances of MOMOSE and of Sinalgo tends to be a value lower than 1.1 (by computing the linear regression for both value series, it turns out that this ratio is equal to 1.05). 2. For a simulation time ranging between 600 and 3600 seconds, we let 200 nodes move according to the random waypoint mobility model: the results of this second experiment are shown in Figure 7 (once again, the values represent the average over 10 experiment executions). Even in this case, both MOMOSE and Sinalgo clearly outperform CanuMoboSim: moreover, it seems that for short simulation periods (that is, shorter than 40 minutes), MOMOSE performs better than Sinalgo. 3. For a number of nodes ranging between 100 and 200, we let all nodes move according to the random waypoint mobility model and we used MOMOSE and Sinalgo to visualize the entire simulation. In this third experiment, MOMOSE clearly outperforms Sinalgo: indeed, during the same execution time MOMOSE is able to visualize a simulation time which is at least two orders of magnitude greater than the one visualized by Sinalgo. Hence, MOMOSE is able to visualize the simulation at a refresh rate much lower than real-time even in the case of a large number of nodes. We believe that this result is mainly due to the fact that MOMOSE uses the OpenGL libraries in order to implement the visualization. 5 Three Case Studies In the first case study we have replicated the experiments described in [5] concerning a localization algorithm based on the estimate of the received signal power: the localization problem is one of the most important research topic within the field of sensor networks, and it is strictly related to routing protocols and energy consumption. In order to replicate these experiments, we used the random waypoint model (which was already included in MOMOSE) and we designed a new parametric data recorder, which computes, during the simulation, the real position of a sensor, the position computed by the algorithm proposed in [5], and the error between these two values. Our experimental results strongly agree with the ones presented in [5], thus validating the correctness of our simulation tool and proving the easiness of using it in order to design and realize a new set of experiments. The goal of the second case study has been to evaluate the connectivity performance of part of the Blue pleiades protocol proposed in [15] in order to more efficiently perform the device discovery phase of the Bluetooth standard [24]. In particular, during this phase each Bluetooth device attempts at discovering other devices contained within its visibility range and at establishing reliable communication channels with them: however, since requiring each device to discover all of its neighbors is too time consuming [4], the Blue pleiades protocol forces each device to stop the device discovery phase as soon as a constant number of neighbors has been detected (typically, 6 As one might expect, the variance of all the experiments turns out to be very low and it is not shown. 15 Fig. 8 The Florence’s historic centre scenario used while evaluating the Blue pleiades protocol 7). We have then implemented this protocol and we have evaluated its connectivity performance when used for a MANET formed by thousands of devices moving around the historic centre of Florence, Italy (see Figure 8). According to our experiments, if the number of selected neighbors is at least 5, the number of connected components produced by the Blue pleiades protocol does not increase too much with respect to the case in which all the neighbors are selected. The third and last case study has concerned the development of a new mobility model. Considering that different nodes may move according to different mobility models and that the mobility behavior of a node may vary during time because of changes of its environment, we let the nodes of a network move according to mobility models that are determined by the roles played by the nodes themselves: these roles, in turn, can be determined by computing colorings of the graph induced by the communication network [10]. Observe that prior applications of social network analysis to the development of MANET mobility models assume that the structure of the social network is known a priori and that this structure does not change over time [28, 29]: in the role assignment based approach, instead, the social network structure is determined by the topology of the MANET, which in turn changes over time due to the movement of the nodes. Our experiments show that the combination of a role assignment algorithm (called ecological [8])7 with a simple mobility model (that is, the random waypoint model) produce movement patterns with significantly higher mobility “values” with respect to some mobility metric [39] than the original mobility model itself. For example, let us consider the Topology Change Rate (in short, TCR) measure [30], according to which the number of link changes during a simulation is taken into account: a mo7 Informally, an ecological role assignment of a graph is a coloring of the nodes of the graph such that the colors present in a particular node’s neighborhood determine the color of that node. 16 r = 15% 14 r = 20% Ecological Random Waypoint Random Waypoint 12 8 TCR TCR 10 6 4 2 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 Number of nodes 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 25 Ecological Random Waypoint Random Waypoint 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 Number of nodes Fig. 9 Experimental results on the topology change rate of two different mobility models bility model is considered as more mobile as such a number is larger. Moreover, let us assume that different nodes may move according to different instances of the random waypoint mobility model and the instance associated to each node may vary during time, where an instance of the mobility model consists only of the region within which the target point is chosen (in other words, we assume that all nodes have the same speed characteristics). In this case, the experiments show that, for several values r of the communication range, there exists a threshold value nr such that the pure random waypoint model model is “more mobile” when the number of nodes is at most equal to nr , while its combination with the ecological role assignment is “more mobile” in the other case. Figure 9 summarizes these results in the case in which the communication range is equal to 15% and 25% of the side of a square simulation area (in the experiments, the role assignment algorithm use four roles and a quadrant of the simulation area is associated to each role). Note that these experiments allowed us to confirm the easiness of designing and developing new mobility models within the MOMOSE framework. 6 Conclusion and further research In this paper we have described MOMOSE, a new environment for the development and simulation of mobility models for mobile wireless ad-hoc networks, whose main characteristics are flexibility and extensibility. MOMOSE has already been applied in three interesting and non trivial case studies, thus showing how it can be used while analyzing different aspects of MANETs. These case studies seem to confirm the flexibility and extensibility of MOMOSE: for this reason, we believe that our framework can become a very useful tool for evaluating the effects of mobility on the performance of a protocol for MANETs and we hope that a wide use of the tool itself will allow us to further improve it. The current distribution of MOMOSE [46] includes an implementation of the random walk model, of the random waypoint model, of the nomadic community model, of the pursue model, and of all the models necessary to analyze the two last case studies described in the previous section: a first natural further step will be to integrate the distribution with the implementation of all the mobility models referred to the introduction. The distribution also includes a debug data-recorder, a ns-2 data-recorder, a real-time visualizer data-recorder, a player data-recorder, and all the data recorders necessary to analyze the case studies described in the previous section: a second fur- 17 ther step will be to develop a GloMoSim data-recorder and a data-recorder that can be used for simulations implemented within the Sinalgo framework. 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