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The Awkward EU Policy in the Syrian Imbroglio.pdf

The EU is one of the leading international powers, which has ability and capability to play an influential role in the humanitarian crisis of Syria. Nevertheless, the EU authorities did not deal effectively with the Syrian issues on solving the emerging difficulties at the very beginning. Such reluctant acts were contradictory to those basic EU principles, which were envisaged by the establishment of the institution. The Syrian security authorities usage of severe violence against those peaceful protestors in 2011 has changed the EU policy towards Syria. The EU’s initial steps were suspension of the cooperation with the Syrian Government under the European Neighbourhood Policy and extending the restrictive measures for political solution of the conflict. The EU has condemned human rights violations in Syria but its policy implementation was not enough for effective desired results. The EU has tried to keep the Syrian people within their country and/or outside of the EU border. The EU is taking part of the International Syria Support Group in order to stabilization of Syria and a peaceful solution of political delicate situation within the country. The Foreign Affairs Council adopting new strategies regarding the humanitarian disaster in Syria as emerging problems within the neighbouring areas. The EU and some of its member states are trying to help Syrian humanitarian crisis by providing financial assistance as a result of direct affects of refugees and related issues within the European borders. This paper will highlight above matters by using official papers, media outlets and academic papers. Key words: F22, F51, F52, F54, F55.

HONORARY CO-PRESIDENTS OF THE CONGRESS / KONGRE ONURSAL EŞ BAŞKANLARI PrШП. Dr. AСmОt KОmКl ÇEδEBİ (PrОsТНОЧt ШП εКЧТsК CОlКl BКвКr UЧТvОrsТtвΨ Prof. Dr. Muzaffer ELMAS (President of Sakarya University) PrШП. Dr. YüМОl τĞURδU (PrОsТНОЧt of International University of Sarajevo) PrШП. Dr. FКНıl HτCA (PrОsТНОЧt ШП IЧtОrЧКtТШЧКl VТsТШЧ UЧТvОrsТtвΨ Prof. Dr. Yusuf ULCAY (President of Uludag University) PrШП. Dr. KОrТm ÖZDEεİR (PrОsТНОЧt ШП BКlıkОsТr UЧТvОrsТtвΨ COORDINATORS OF THE CONGRESS / KONGRE KOORDİNATÖRLERİ Prof. Dr. Mustafa MIYNAT(Manisa Celal Bayar University) Prof. Dr. Ahmet Vecdi CAN (Sakarya University) PrШП. Dr. HüsОвТЧ AKTAŞ (Manisa Celal Bayar University) Assoc. Dr. AЛНülmОМТН σUREDİσ (IЧtОrЧКtТШЧКl VТsТШЧ University) AssШМ. Dr. εОЧsur σUREDİσ (IЧtОrЧКtТШЧКl VТsТШЧ UЧТvОrsТtвΨ ORGANISATION COMMITTEE / ORGANİZASYON KOMİTESİ PrШП. Dr. HüsОвТЧ AKTAŞ (Manisa Celal Bayar UniversityΨ, DШç. Dr. TuЧМОr ÖZDİδ (Manisa Celal Bayar University), YrН. DШç. Dr. CШşkuЧ ÇIδBAσT (Manisa Celal Bayar University), YrН. DШç. Dr. SüСКl ŞEεŞİT (εКЧТsК CОlКl BКвКr UЧТvОrsТtв), YrН. DШç. Dr. Serkan CURA (Manisa Celal Bayar University), YrН. DШç. Dr. BurКk ÖZDτĞAσ (εКЧТsК CОlКl BКвКr University), YrН. DШç. Dr. AНОm AKBIYIK (SКkКrya University), YrН. DШç. Dr.KКmТl TAŞKIσ (SКkКrвК UЧТvОrsТtвΨ, εОsut RКmКгКЧ EKİCİ (SКkКrвК UЧТvОrsТtвΨ, Arş. Gör. PОlin εASTAR ÖZCAσ (εКЧТsК CОlКl BКвКr UЧТvОrsТtв), Arş. Gör. AЧıl GACAR (εКЧТsК CОlКl Bayar University), Arş. Gör. DОЧТг DİRİK (εКЧТsК CОlКl BКвКr UЧТvОrsТtв), Arş. Gör. Tuna CКЧ GÜδEÇ (εКЧТsК CОlКl BКвКr UЧТvОrsТtв), Arş. Gör. τsmКЧ GÜδDEσ (εКЧТsК CОlКl Bayar University), AssТst. PrШП. HКlТl İЛrКСТm ÖZεEσ (BКlıkОsТr UЧТvОrsТtвΨ SCIENTIFIC COMITTEE / BİLİM KURULU ÜYELERİ PrШП.Dr. AСmОt KОmКl ÇEδEBİ (CОlКl BКвКr UЧТvОrstвΨ, Prof.Dr. Ahmet Vecdi CAN (Sakarya University), Prof.Dr. Birol KOVANCILAR (Manisa Celal Bayar University), PrШП.Dr. HüsОвТЧ AKTAŞ (Manisa Celal Bayar University), PrШП.Dr. BüЧвКmТЧ DURAσ (Manisa Celal Bayar University), Prof.Dr. Canan AY (Manisa Celal Bayar University), Prof.Dr. Cengiz YILMAZ (Manisa Celal Bayar University), PrШП.Dr. CüЧОвt YОЧКl KESBİÇ (Manisa Celal Bayar University), Prof. Dr. DШğКЧ UYSAδ (Manisa Celal Bayar University), Prof. Dr. EkrОm GÜδ (Sakarya University), Prof. Dr. ErmКЧ CτŞKUσ (SКkКrвК UЧТvОrsТtвΨ, Prof. Dr. FКНıl HτCA (International Vision University), Prof. Dr. FlШrвК εİFTARİ (Fτσ UЧТvОrsТtвΨ, Prof. Dr. GültОkТЧ YIδDIZ (SКkКrвК UЧТvОrsТtвΨ, Prof. Dr. Halil KALABALIK (Sakarya University), Prof. Dr. Hamza AL (Sakarya University), Prof. Dr. Hasan TUTAR (Sakarya University), Prof. Dr. HТlmТ KIRδIτĞδU (SКkКrвК UЧТvОrsТtвΨ, Prof. Dr. İЛrКСТm ERτδ (Manisa Celal Bayar University), Prof. Dr. KКНТr ARDIÇ (SКkКrвК UЧТvОrsТtв), Prof. Dr. εОСmОt SARIIŞIK (Sakarya University), Prof. Dr. Musa EKEN (Sakarya University), Prof. Dr. Mustafa MIYNAT (Manisa Celal Bayar University), Prof.Dr. Muzaffer ELMAS (Sakarya University), Prof.Dr. Orhan BATMAN (Sakarya University), Prof.Dr. RamazaЧ GÖKBUσAR (Manisa Celal Bayar University), Prof. Dr. RОМКТ CτŞKUσ (SКkКrвК UЧТvОrsТtвΨ, Prof. Dr. RОmгТ AδTUσIŞIK (Sakarya University), Prof. Dr. SКlТС ŞİεŞEK (SКkКrвК UЧТvОrsТtвΨ, Prof.Dr. Selehattin KARABINAR (Sakarya University), Prof. Dr. Serkan BAYRAKTARτĞδU (SКkКrвК University), PrШП.Dr. SОmrК ÖσCÜ (Manisa Celal Bayar University), PrШП.Dr. SОvТЧç KÖSE (Manisa Celal Bayar University), PrШП.Dr. SТЛОl SEδİε (Manisa Celal Bayar University), Prof. Dr. Sasho KOZUHAROV (University of Tourism and Management), PrШП. Dr. AsılЛОk KULMIRZAEV(Kyrgyz Turkish Manas University), Prof. Dr. Mirko TRIFUNOSKI (Fon University), Prof. Dr. Anarkul URDALETOVA (Kyrgyz Turkish Manas University), Prof. Dr. Halit YANIKKAYA(Technical University of Gebze), Prof. Dr. Zoran Filipovski (International Vision University), Prof. Dr. KОrТm ÖZDEεİR - BКlıkОsТr UЧТvОrsТtв, PrШП.Dr.ŞКkТr SAKARYA- BКlıkОsТr UЧТvОrsТtв, Prof. Dr. Cevdet AVCIKURT - BКlıkОsТr UЧТvОrsТtв, Assoc. PrШП. AlТ TAŞ (SКkКrвК UЧТvОrsТtвΨ, AssШМ. PrШП. AsОЧК AδTIσ GÜδτVA (Manisa Celal Bayar University), Assoc. Prof. Aykut Hamit TURAN (Sakarya University), Assoc. Prof. Aylin ÜσAδ (Manisa Celal Bayar University), AssШМ. PrШП. AвşО YEREδİ (Manisa Celal Bayar University), AssШМ. PrШП. BuğrК ÖZER (Manisa Celal Bayar University), Assoc. Prof. BurСКЧОttТЧ ZEσGİσ (SКkКrвК UЧТvОrsТtвΨ, Assoc. Prof. Cevdet KAYALI (Manisa Celal Bayar University), AssШМ. PrШП. ÇОtТЧ YAεAσ (SКkКrвК UЧТvОrsТtвΨ, AssШМ. PrШП. ÇТğНОm SτFYAδIτĞδU (Manisa Celal Bayar University), Assoc. Prof. Erdem HEPAKTAN (Manisa Celal Bayar University), AssШМ. PrШП. FКtТС DEεİR (Manisa Celal Bayar University), Assoc. PrШП. FОrruС TUZCUτĞδU (SКkКrвК UЧТvОrsТtвΨ, Assoc. Prof. Garip KARTAL (International Vision University), Assoc. Prof. Hakan TUNAHAN (Sakarya University), Assoc. Prof. HКвrОttТЧ ZEσGİσ (SКkКrвК UЧТvОrsТtвΨ, AssШМ. PrШП. KКНТr KARAGÖZ (Manisa Celal Bayar University), Assoc. Prof. Koray KAYALIDERE (Manisa Celal Bayar University), Assoc. Prof. Mahmut AKBOLAT (Sakarya University), AssШМ. PrШП. εКСmut KARĞIσ (Manisa Celal Bayar University), AssШМ. PrШП. εustКПК CКСТt ÜσĞAσ (SКkКrвК UЧТvОrsТtвΨ, Assoc. Prof. σОМНОt BİδGİσ (Manisa Celal Bayar University), AssШМ. PrШП. τğuг TÜRKAY (SКkКrвК University), AssШМ. PrШП. τsmКЧ Eεİσ (IЧtОrЧКtТШЧКl VТsТШЧ UЧТvОrsТtвΨ, Assoc. Prof. Rabia AKTAŞ (Manisa Celal Bayar University), Assoc. Prof. Sashko GRAMATNIKOVSKI (University of Tourism and Management), AssШМ. PrШП. SОlТm İσAσÇδI (SКkКrвК UЧТvОrsТtвΨ, AssШМ. PrШП. SОrСКt BAŞTAσ (Manisa Celal Bayar University), Assoc. Prof. Sibel KARĞIσ (Manisa Celal Bayar University), AssШМ. PrШП. TКkТ DEεİR (SКkКrвК UЧТvОrsТtвΨ, Assoc. Prof. TuЧМОr ÖZDİδ (Manisa Celal Bayar University), AssШМ. PrШП. TülТЧ CAσBAY (Manisa Celal Bayar University), AssШМ. PrШП. YКsОmТЧ ÖZDEεİR (SКkКrвК UЧТvОrsТtвΨ, Assoc. Prof. Elias BOUKRAMI (δШЧНШЧ RОРОЧt’s UЧТvОrsТtвΨ, AssШМ. PrШП. İlkКв DİδBER(Manisa Celal Bayar University), Assoc. Prof. Burak KARTAL (Manisa Celal Bayar University), Assoc. Prof. AЛНülmОМТН σUREDİσ (IЧtОrЧКtТШЧКlVТsТШЧ UЧТvОrsТtвΨ, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fariz Ahmadov, (Azerbaijan State Economic University), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elena Mihajloska, (St. Kiril and Metody University), AssШМ. PrШП. Dr. KКlТЧК SШtТrШskК İvКЧШskК, (IЧtОrЧКtТШЧКl VТsТШЧ University), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alpay Recep, (International Vision University), Assoc. Prof. Dr. EЛrКr İЛrКТmТ, (IЧtОrЧКtТШЧКl VТsТШЧ UЧТvОrsТtвΨ, AssШМ.PrШП. ε.CОm KIRAσKABEŞ (BКlıkОsТr University), Assoc.Prof. Yusuf AYMANKUY (BКlıkОsТr UЧТvОrsТtв), Assoc.Prof. Murat DτĞDUBAY (BКlıkОsТr UЧТvОrsТtвΨ, AssШМ.PrШП. τğuгСКЧ İδBAσ (BКlıkОsТr UЧТvОrsТtв), AssШМ.PrШП. εОСmОt EmТЧ AKKIδIÇ (BКlıkОsТr UЧТvОrsТtв) EDITORIAL BOARD / EDİTÖR KURULU Prof. Dr. Mustafa MIYNAT PrШП. Dr. ŞКkТr SAKARYA Prof. Dr. Ahmet Vecdi CAN PrШП. Dr. HüsОвТЧ AKTAŞ Assoc. Dr. AЛНülmОМТН σUREDİσ CONGRESS SECRETARY / KONGRE SEKRETERYASI YrН. DШç.Dr. BurКk ÖZDτĞAσ ArКş. Gör. Dr. PОlТЧ εASTAR ÖZCAσ ArКş. Gör. Dr. AЧıl GACAR ArКş. Gör. DОЧТг DİRİK ArКş. Gör. TuЧК CКЧ GÜδEÇ ArКş. Gör. τsmКЧ GÜδDEσ KAPAK Sefa ARSLAN E – ISBN: 978-975-8628-47-6 Yayın Tarihi: 04.11.2016 Kamu Ekonomisinde Çevresel Dışsallıklar ve Sürdürülebilirlik Muhasebesi…….……………….………………...1395 Doç.Dr. İlkay Dilber, Doç.Dr. Mustafa Kırlı, Öğr.Gör. Yunus Purtaş Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Petrol Arz ve Talebindeki Değişimlerin Petrol Fiyatları Üzerindeki Etkisi….………….………….………….……….1404 Prof. Dr. Hüseyin AKTAŞ, Doç. Dr. Koray KAYALIDERE, Arş. Gör. Tunacan Güleç Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Suggestion of a Framework for The Concept of Financial Literacy….…………….…………….………………….1414 Arş. Gör. Tunacan Güleç Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Attempts For Reform In Turkish Public Administration After 1950 ….……………….……………….……………….1418 Arş.Gör.H.Salahaddin Gezici, Arş.Gör.Yasin Taşpınar, Arş.Gör.Selçuk Aslan Selçuk Üniversitesi The Awkward EU Policy in the Syrian Imbroglio….……………….……………….……………….……………………1430 Doç. Dr. Halil ERDEMİR, Doç. Dr. Hatice Erdemir Celal Bayar Üniversitesi EU Principles Under Strain by the Syrian Refugees….………………….……………….……………….…………...…1441 Doç. Dr. Halil ERDEMİR, Doç. Dr. Hatice Erdemir Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Enflasyon, Döviz Kuru ve Faiz Oranı Arasındaki Nedensellik İlişkisi: Türkiye Örneği….……………….……….…1452 Prof.Dr. Bedriye Tunçsiper, Arş.Gör. Ömer Faruk Biçen Balıkesir Üniversitesi Entansif Hayvancılık İşletmelerinde Tamsayılı Programlama Modeli İle Kapasite Planlaması Uygulaması…..1456 Hasan Kara, Prof. Dr. Abdullah Eroğlu Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi How Does Pecking Order Theory Explain Determinants of Corporate Cash Holdings? Evidence from BIST Listed IT and Software Companies….……………….……………….……………….……………….……………….…………..1472 Kartal Demirgüneş Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Makedonya Çalışma Yaşamında Çalışma Psikolojisi ve Motivasyonun Önemi….……………….………..……1484 Doç.Dr. Osman EMİN Uluslararası Vizyon Üniversitesi Önlisans Düzeyinde Turizm Eğitimi Almakta Olan Öğrencilerin, Yükseköğretim Kurumu Seçiminde Etkili Olan Faktörlerin Değerlendirilmesi….……………….……………….……………….……………….……………….………....1493 Arş. Gör. Özge Güdü Demirbulat, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Şimal Aymankuy, Doç. Dr. Yusuf Aymankuy Balıkesir Üniversitesi Dijital Oyunların Vergilendirilmesinde “Corlett-Hague Kuralı” Nın Bir Günah Vergisi Olarak Uygulanabilirliği………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..1508 Öğr. Gör. Esra HANBAY KAHRİMAN Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Bosna Hersek, Kosova ve Makedonya’ nın Makro Ekonomik Performanslarının Türkiye ile Dış Ticaretleri Üzerine Etkileri……….………….………….………….………….………….………….………….………….………….………….…1522 Doç.Dr.Selim İNANÇLI Sakarya Üniversitesi The Awkward Eu Policy In The Syrian Imbroglio HКlТl ERDEεİR* HКtТМО P. ERDEεİR** Abstract The EU is one of the leading international powers, which has ability and capability to play an influential role in the humanitarian crisis of Syria. Nevertheless, the EU authorities did not deal effectively with the Syrian issues on solving the emerging difficulties at the very beginning. Such reluctant acts were contradictory to those basic EU principles, which were envisaged by the establishment of the institution. The Syrian security authorities usage of severe violence against those peaceful protestors ТЧ β011 СКs МСКЧРОН tСО EU pШlТМв tШаКrНs SвrТК. TСО EU’s ТЧТtТКl stОps аОrО suspension of the cooperation with the Syrian Government under the European Neighbourhood Policy and extending the restrictive measures for political solution of the conflict. The EU has condemned human rights violations in Syria but its policy implementation was not enough for effective desired results. The EU has tried to keep the Syrian people within their country and/or outside of the EU border. The EU is taking part of the International Syria Support Group in order to stabilization of Syria and a peaceful solution of political delicate situation within the country. The Foreign Affairs Council adopting new strategies regarding the humanitarian disaster in Syria as emerging problems within the neighbouring areas. The EU and some of its member states are trying to help Syrian humanitarian crisis by providing financial assistance as a result of direct affects of refugees and related issues within the European borders. This paper will highlight above matters by using official papers, media outlets and academic papers. Key words: F22, F51, F52, F54, F55. I. INTRODUCTION Russian invasion of Crimea and continuing assault on Ukraine and Syria has forced tСО rОluМtКЧt EU’s ТЧvШlvОmОЧt with the crisis. The EU member states found themselves in an awkward position to reconsider their future relations with Russia not only in Ukrainian but also in Syrian issues. Since the emergence of new geopolitical situation in the Eastern Mediterranean the EU policies needs to be accorded to developments in the region. The EU consideration should be focused on the understanding possible purposes and causes of the IЧtОrЧКtТШЧКl pШаОrs’ КРРrОssТvО pШlТМТОs ТЧ SвrТК. IЧtОrЧКtТШЧКl pШаОrs’ РrКНuКllв КltОrОН their Syrian policy as a result of their internal political and economic requirements. The EU has failed to understand on reading rapid political shifts in Syria. The lack of rapid response and shortsightedness of the EU on the Russian aggressiveness in Ukraine and Syria has potentials for creating long-term confrontation and competition in political and economic fields of the involving areas. This has potentials to significant consequences not only for the EU but also for the region. The EU is reluctant to produce a collective analysis and a concrete authoritative response towards Syrian developments. This became evident during the influx of Syrian refugees to Europe and continuing crisis. The EU member states is forced to a position to decide whether the currОЧt RussТКЧ КЧН ШtСОr ТЧtОrЧКtТШЧКl pШаОrs’ ОбpКЧsТШЧТst pШlТМТОsТЧ SвrТК Тs КММОptКЛlО Шr ЧШt. TСТs ТssuО ШuРСt tШ ЛО НОКlt ЧШt ШЧlв ПШr tСО EU’s аОllЛОТЧР Лut КlsШ ПШr tСО rОРТШЧКl stКtОs. σОаlвОmОrРОН РОШpШlТtТМКl МШmpОtТtТШЧ КЧН tСrОКt tШ tСО EU’s * Assoc. Prof. , Manisa Celal Bayar University, School of Applied Sciences, Lecturer of International RОlКtТШЧs, εurКНТвО KКmpüsü/εКЧТsК-TURKİYE,; 0554 6928367 ** Prof. Dr. , Manisa Celal Bayar University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of History, εurКНТвО KКmpüsü/εКЧТsК-TURKİYE, 1430 future is on the test. The limited influential capacity of the member states of the EU will disappear by their lack ofefficient coordination and cooperation to act actively. One has to be acknowledged the reality of Syrian geographic, geopolitical and strategic position of the current requirements. Economic, political and shared strategic interest must be maintained in multilevel dialogues between the partners. This paper will analyse how those issues given above affects and directs the EU policies towards Syria and the region. The European Union tried to extend its influence on the Eastern Europe, Southern Mediterranean region and Caucasus region in which Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia. In these areas Russian influence was dominant up to the early 1990s through the Soviet Union. European policy-makers thought that they are in an upper hand position in many areas. The EU and NATO wanted to extend their sphere of influence in the East through inviting Ukraine and Georgia to become a member of NATO and close cooperation with the EU. The west used democracy and human rights issue to achieve their aims The Russian Federation resisted western policy in the former Soviet states and Syria. Russian invasion of Crimea and continuing assault on Ukraine, Georgia and Syria was a rОspШЧsО tШ tСО rОluМtКЧt EU’s ТЧvШlvОmОЧt аТtС tСО МrТsТs ТЧ tСО rОРТШЧ. TСО EU mОmЛОr states found themselves in an awkward position to reconsider their future relations with Russia not only in Ukrainian but also in Syrian issues. Since the emergence of new geopolitical situation in the Eastern Europe, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean new policies have to be adopted accordance to the new developments. Due to the geopolitical considerations the Russian Federation involved with Georgia in 2008, Crimea in 2014 and southeastern Ukraine in 2014 and 2015 and in Syria in 2015.152 Russia shifted and changedits policy towards Russian sphere in the recent years.153 Recent Russian intensive involvement in Syria began on 30 September 2015. Russian backed BОsКr EsКН ШЧ tСО ШЧО sТНО, sШ МКllОН DКаlКС Оl IslсmТвКС ПТ’l-IrКq аК’sС SСКm (IslКmТМ State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS)) on the other are killing Syrians and creating enormous problems not only for the region but also wider world such as Europe. Russia has intervened militarily Ukraine and Syria, where revolution and extreme political polarization threatened the governments of pro-Russian leaders, Viktor Yanukovych and Beshar Asad. These two countries have the similarities and differences between them. Both, Syria and Ukraine are home to Russian naval bases in Tartus and Sevastopol, respectively. Warm-water ports foreign policies have long played important roles throughout history of the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation periods. Through these naval ports Russia was/is not a landlocked country.154 Russia has fought throughout the past several centuries for its naval bases and the Turkish Straits. For the Russian security in the Eastern Europe, which was used as a buffer zone between the European powers and Russians, the Black Sea and its coastline for militarily and economically. Russia always tried to avoid to being a landlocked country by avoiding various ways.155Russia tried every way to expand its border by adjusting necessary policy of its geopolitical requirements. Vladimir Putin announced its naval 2020 strategy is the prТmКrв mШtТvКtТШЧ ЛОСТЧН RussТК’s ТЧtОrvОЧtТШЧs tШ suppШrt prШ-Russian separatists in Valenta, J. & Valenta, L.F., “WСв PutТЧ WКЧts SвrТК”, Middle East Quarterly, Spring 2016, p.117,, (Retrievd 3 April 2016), p.11. 153 IЧШгОmtsОv, V., “US КЧН WОstОrЧ PШlТМв TШаКrНs RussТК” the CSIS Russia and Eurasia Program, Washington 3 December 2015, (Retrieved 4 April 2016). 154 EНаКrН DОlmКЧ, “TСО δТЧk BОtаООЧ PutТЧ’s εТlТtКrв CКmpКТРЧs ТЧ SвrТК КЧН UkrКТЧО”, β October 2015,, (Retrieved 5 April 2016). 155 İЛТН. 152 1431 Ukraine and Assad in Syria.156 Whatever Russian economic and strategic situation requires either expansionist or contractionist political understanding will be in use. The port of Tartus was opened to the Russian fleet in 1971. Moreover, Russia was able to continue to sell more military materials and weapons to Syria during the Soviet Union era.157 Russians worked on turning Tartus into a full port for providing logistical facility in materials and technical capacity for the maintenance of the needs for the Russian fleet. So, the military relations between Russia and Syria were/are a reflection of Russian penetration to the South Western Asian Countries (SWAC, the Middle East) in general, Arab countries in particular, in and around of the Mediterranean Sea. Russians are using every available method to influence on the targeted areas within ‘maskirovka’policy which is the military deception for Russian intervention as camouflage, disinformation, traps, blackmail and diplomatic cunning.158 What happened in Abkhazia is happening in Syria and Ukraine.159 Russia has continually sought to effect regime change whenever and wherever the leaders of the non-Russian republics/peripheral states leaning toward the West. Such political environment, Russian speaking Abkhazians were/are used as a lever for the Russian invasion of Georgia in August 2008,prior to the war, Russians аОrО “invited” Кs “pОКМО-kООpТЧР” Лв tСО AЛkСКгТКЧs аСТМС tСО sКmО ЧШtТШЧ ШП invitation will be repeatedly used in both, Ukraine and Syria in 2014 and 2015, respectively. In the Mediterranean Sea, Russia announced its military contracts with Syria on the renovation and coastal infrastructure of Tartus with an amount of $19.4 billion in 2005. Mobile coastal missile systems, anti-ship and boats missiles, warehouse barracks and many other military steps were taken under the contract. Russia began to move boldly on its strategic moves in the Black Sea and the eastern Mediterranean against the interests of the west, namely the US and the EU. WОstОrЧ МШuЧtrТОs’ СОsТtКtТvО strКtОРв КЧН НТsuЧТtОН pШlТМТОs tШаКrНs tСО RussТКЧ invasion of Abkhazia and Ossetia was/is one of the major encouragement for the Russians to decide invasion of Crimea and involvement in Syria. American policy was not decisive as like the heavy-handed policy-making of the EU. Russian Duma, on the other hand, permitted Putin to take any action anywhere to protect Russian speakers and Russian interests. Duma authorizedPutin to direct operation for Russian interests.160Russian assets, influence and political leverages were/are affected by this so-called western oriented civil war in Syria. Why Russia became furious within the developments at Syria is directly linked with the Russian realist perspective of international relations. Putin, V., Pr-1γ87, “εКrТtТmО DШМtrТЧО ШП RussТКЧ FОНОrКtТШЧ β0β0”, β7 Julв β001, p.1-7, available at:, (Retrieved 6 April 2016). 157 DКТlв StКr stКПП, “Russia writes off $9.8 billion of Syrian debt”, β6.01.β005,, (Retrieved 7 April 2016); Solovieva, D., “WСв RussТК Is BКМkТЧР AssКН’s RОРТmО IЧ SвrТК”, 10/0β/β01β, Сttpμ//ааа.ТЛtТmОs.МШm/аСвrussia-backing-assads-regime-syria-799087, (Retrieved 8 April 2016). 158 BОrНв, ε.A., “RussТК’s ‘εКskТrШvkК’ KООps Us GuОssТЧР”, the Moscow Times, 31 July 2014,, (Retrieved 9 April 2016). 159 FКТЧ, S., “RussТКЧ PШаОr BrШkОrТЧР, PОКМО-making, and Medling in the Georgian-Abkhaz CШЧПlТМt”, LBJ Journal of Public Affair, Vol.18, p.25-37, Russia and the Georgian-Abkhaz Conflict, Spring 2006, aking_and_Meddling_in_the_Georgian-Abkhaz_Conflict.pdf (Retrieved 10 April 2016). 160 BШrвsПОЧ IЧtОl, “DОvОlШpmОЧt ШП tСО GОШpШlТtТМКl SТtuКtТШЧ ТЧ tСО WШrlН ТЧ β014 (γΨ, β4 JКЧuКrв 2014,, (Retrieved 24 April 2016). 156 1432 Tartus, Banias and Homs are important for the Russians. Pro-Russian Beshar Asad refused to sing a gas agreement which аТll trКЧsПОr QКtКr’s lТquОПТОН РКs tШ TurkОв. 161 RussТК’s МlШsО МШЧЧОМtТШЧ КЧН Тts ТЧПluОЧМО ШЧ SвrТК plКвОН ТmpШrtКЧt rШlО ШЧ tСТs РКs НОКl to cancel it. Russia does not want to lose Turkey as an ever-growing market for its energy costumer.162 Russians vetoed all military related resolutions against Syria and Asad.163 RussТКЧs аШrrТОН ШЧ ПТРСtТЧР КРКТЧst tСОТr ШаЧ ПrООНШm ПТРСtОrs ТЧ CКuМКsus. RussТК’s Federal Security Service (FSB) arranged their travels to Syria. Russians are hoping to dwindle the fightersin Caucasus. Russians fear of their return to Caucasus as more trained and skilled in fighting in Syria.164 What happen in Syria seems to spill over other areas. It spreads and effects at first to neighbours, then Europe and finally the world.165 Both sides, Russia and the US have continued to do what they were doing with their allies, however, somehow they agreed not to escalate the tension further.166 It seems the time was ready to change the situation in SвrТК. TСО EU’s pШlТМв НОМТsТШЧ КЧН Тts prКМtТМО СКs РrОКt ОППОМt ШЧ RussТК’s pШlТМв ШЧ tСО ground in Syria. II. HOW AND WHO DECIDES WITHIN THE EU? The European Council is the main decision-making body of the EU. The EU Council comprises heads of state and government from the 28 memberscountry which meets 4 times a year to define policy principles and general guidelines. The High RОprОsОЧtКtТvО ШП tСО EU, FОНОrТМК εШРСОrТЧТ, trв tШ mКkО tСО ЛШНв’s ПШrОТРЧ КЧН sОМurТtв policy more consistent which will be defined as a result of the monthly meeting of the 28 memЛОr МШuЧtrТОs’ FШrОТРЧ εТЧТstОrs аТtСТЧ tСО FШrОТРЧ AППКТrs CШuЧМТl. τЧО ШП tСО НutТОs of Mogheriniis to attend the European Council and reports on foreign affairs issues. She is the person who words the foreign and security policy decisions,which require the agreement/consent of all EU countries. The High Representative is supported by the External Action Service (EEAS) which Тs tСО EU’s НТplШmКtТМ sОrvТМО МШЧsТstОН ШП 1γλ DОlОРКtТШЧs КЧН ШППТМОs КrШuЧН tСО аШrlН. The main duty of the EEAS is promote and prШtОМt tСО EU’s vКluОs КЧН ТЧtОrОsts, аСТМС were defined by the agreements, contacts and accords since the institution established. The EU is trying to boost its closer cooperation and interaction within the member states while trying to influence on neighbouring areas. The EU launched several partnership programmes namely Eastern Partnership, South and Mediterranean Neighbourhood Policies which covers 16 countries. Eastern Partnership was launched in 2009 in which Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia in the Caucasus area and Belarus, Ukraine and the Republic IЧtОrЧКtТШЧКl EЧОrРв AРОЧМв, “RussТКЧ FОНОrКtТШЧ”, “RussТК β014-Energy Policies Beyond IEA CШuЧtТrОs”,;, (Retrieved 20 April 2016). 162 BОЧКmmОr, E., “SвrТК МШЧПlТМtμ WСв Тs RussТК’s prОsТНОЧt Vladimir Putin supporting Bashar alAssКН’s rОРТmО?”, 6 SОptОmЛОr β01γ,, (Retrieved 11 April 2016). 163 BrШаЧО P.K. & HОrrТНРО, C., “WКs SвrТКЧ аОКpШЧs sСТpmОЧt ПКМtШr ТЧ КmЛКssКНШr’s BОЧРСКгТ vТsТt?”, Fox News, 25 October 2012,, (Retrieved 12 April 2016). 164 VКtМСКРКОv, ε., “TСО IslКmТМ StКtО КЧН SКlКПТsm GКТЧОН GrШuЧН ТЧ σШrtС CКuМКsus δКst YОКr”, Eurasia Daily Monitor, Volume 13, Issue 4, 7 January 2016, D=7&cHash=eb2e2fed5997f358cdc8fd1915842fab#.VyEiGyOLTZt, (Retrieved 13 April 2016). 165 TКlОv ε. & RКггШuk, σ., “WОКpШЧs UsО Лв SвrТК ‘RОН δТЧО’ ПШr U.S.”, β1 AuРust β01β,, (Retrieved 14 April 2016). 166 Gertz, B., “U.S. WКrsСТps SОt ПШr CruТsО εТssТlО StrТkОs ШЧ SвrТК”, The Washington Free Beacon, 27 August 2013,, (Retrieved 16 April 2016). 161 1433 of Moldova in the Eastern Europe. The Southern Neighbours are consisted of Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria and Tunisia. The EU launched its European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) towards the Arab МШuЧtrТОs pКrtТМulКrlв ТЧ σШrtС AПrТМК КЧН tСО EКstОrЧ εОНТtОrrКЧОКЧ КrОКs ТЧ аСТМС “tСО ArКЛ SprТЧР” СКs Лegan as defined in the mass European media. The EU named its σОТРСЛШurСШШН PШlТМв Кs ‘tШ prШvТНО ЛОttОr suppШrt ПШr pКrtЧОrs ТЧstТtutТЧР rОПШrms tСКt ПКvШur НОmШМrКМв, tСО rulО ШП lКа КЧН СumКЧ rТРСts.’ TСО pШlТМТОs КlsШ ТЧМluНО ОМШЧШmТМ development and partnership with a variety of groups and organisations in the line of the EU values and interests. While the EU is trying to shape the targeted areas under the European Neighbourhood Policy, externally manipulated conflicts and crisis started in North Africa and Syria. So, the EU is obliged to support the victims of the crisis in Syria. It is declared Лв tСО EU tСКt tСО EU КutСШrТtТОs МШЧtrТЛutОН ШvОr €γ.β ЛЧ sТЧМО β011.167The EU is one of the Quartet powers which consisted of the United Nations, the United States of America and Russian Federation. The relations with Syria became one of the challenging issues to the sincerity of the EU policies and promises to Syria. When the peaceful demonstrations started in March β011 ТЧ SвrТК, tСО SвrТКЧ rОРТmО’s sОМurity and military forces used extensive powers its own people. The EU responded as unacceptable use of power by the military and security forces against peaceful protestors. Consequently, the EU suspended its relationon cooperation with the Syrian Government under the ENP. The decision was reached in the Council of the EU on 23 May 2011. According to the two paged and 8 pointed documents168‘tСО EU МШЧНОmЧОН tСО SвrТКЧ sОМurТtв КЧН mТlТtКrв ПШrМОs’ vТШlОЧМО. TСО violence led hundreds of fatalities and injures. It is urged that those responsible people should be held accountable for their crime while condolences were expressed to the families of the victims. Moreover, the EU salutes and encourage those protestors and Syrian pОШplО.’TСО EU urРОН tСО SвrТКЧ lОКНОrship to agree and grant access to an urgent mission of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to the country, as requested by the United Nations Human Rights Council on 29 April 2011.169 The EU expressed its concern on continuing mass arrests, intimidations and tortures which were called to halt whereas release of those arrested for their participation in peaceful protests, political prisoners and human rights defenders. It is expected that the Syrian authority must abide by its international commitments and obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and uphold the right to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression. The EU condemned the refusal of the Syrian authorities to grant access to foreign media and the arrests and intimidations of Syrian journalists.170 The EU worried of the Syrian military closure and hindrance of access to medical and humanitarian basic services in and around of Deraa, Banias and Homes. It is called on the Syrian regime to guarantee free and independent access to humanitarian issues. It is also urged the Syrian regime to respond to the legitimate demands of the Syrian people. This response should include a genuine national dialogue immediately with a concrete 167 (Retrieved 17 March 2016). Full tОбt Тs КvКТlКЛlО vТК CШuЧМТl ШП tСО EU, “CШuЧМТl МШЧМlusТШЧs ШЧ SвrТК”,, p.1-2, (Retrieved, 18 March 2016). 169 “RОsШlutТШЧ КНШptОН Лв tСО HumКЧ RТРСts CШuЧМТl Кt Тts sОvОЧtООЧts spОМТКl sОssТШЧ”,, (Retrieved 21 March 2016). 170 GlШЛКl TrОЧНs ТЧ σGτ δКа, VШlumО 6, IssuО 1, “TСО RТРСt tШ FrООНШm ШП EбprОssТШЧμ RОstrТМtТШЧs ШЧ К FШuЧНКtТШЧКl RТРСt”,, (Retrieved 22 March 2016). 168 1434 timetable and political reforms as requested by the people for the people to achieve a peaceful transition to democracy and stability in Syria. As a result of the ongoing situation in Syria all aspects of the EU bilateral and multilateral cooperation with the regime has decided to suspend under the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI)171 and the Mediterranean Development Aid (MEDA)172 instruments. The Council invited the European Investment Bank (EIB)173 to not approve new EIB financing operation in Syria. The EU stopped to take further action on signing with regard to the Association Agreement with Syria. The EU imposed restrictive measures against those people who are responsible for the violent repression against the civilian population. It is also announced that this list of restrictive measures might designate additional persons who might have the highest level of leadership in the Syrian regime if the requested changes has chosen not to be applied by them.174 TСО SвrТКЧ КutСШrТtв НТН ЧШt МШmplв аТtС tСО EU CШЧsТl’s КНКpted conclusion. Consequently, further restrictive measures extended by the EU into the line ending violence of the Syrian regime for a peaceful political solution and democracy in Syria.175 The EU continued to condemn atrocities perpetuated by Esad regime towards its own people as it was done so at the very outset of the conflict. The Council Decision was made throughout since 2011 on listed persons (179 individuals), entities (53) and bodies (1).176 According to the Treaty on European Union the Council agreed to adopt for a period of 12 months restrictive measures against Syria in different fields on 27 May 2013.177 The restrictive measures are listed as export and import restrictions with the exception of arms and related material and equipment which might be used for internal repression; on financing of certain enterprises; on infrastructure projects; financial support for trade; financial sector; transport sector; restrictions on admission; freezing of funds and economic resources.178 The Council requested the member states of “EurШpОКЧσОТРСЛШurСШШНКЧНPКrtЧОrsСТp IЧstrumОЧt”, (Retrieved 24 March 2016). 172 “εEDAPrШРrКmmО”, Сttpμ//О (Retrieved 24 March 2016). 173 “EurШpОКЧ IЧvОstmОЧt BКЧk”, (Retrieved 24 March 2016). 174 EurШpОКЧ CШmmТssТШЧ, “EU RОstrТМtТvО mОКsurОs (sКЧМtТШЧΨ ТЧ ПШrМО”,, p.2, (Retrieved 25 March 2016). 175 European Commission, ibid., p.2, 77-87, (Retrieved 25 March 2016). 176 τППТМТКl JШurЧКl ШП tСО EU, “CШuЧМТl DОМТsТШЧ β01γ/β55/CFSP ШП γ1 εКв β01γ МШЧМОrЧТЧР rОstrТМtТvО mОКsurОs КРКТЧst SвrТК”,, (Retrieved 29 March 2016). 177 2013/255/CFSP: Council Decision 2013/255/CFSP of 31 May 2013 concerning restrictive measures against Syria, (Retrieved 26 March 2016). 171 “EmЛКrРШ ШЧ МОrtКТЧ РШШНs аСТМС mТРСt ЛО usОН ПШr tСО mКЧuПКМturО КЧН mКТЧtОЧКЧМО of products which could be used for internal repression; ban on provision of certain related services; control of export of certain other goods which might be used for the manufacture and maintenance of equipment which might be used for internal repression; import ban on arms and related materiel; embargo on telecommunications monitoring and interception equipment; import ban on crude oil and petroleum products; embargo on key equipment and technology for the oil and natural gas industries; ban on provision of new Syrian banknotes and coins; ban on trade in gold, precious metals and diamonds with the Government of Syria; embargo on luxury goods; ban on certain investment (in the oil and natural gas industries, in construction of power plants for electricity production); restraint on commitments for public and private financial support for trade with Syria and ban on new long term commitments of Member States; ban on new commitments for grants, financial assistance and concessional loans to the Government of Syria; prohibition for the European IЧvОstmОЧt BКЧk tШ mКkО МОrtКТЧ pКвmОЧts; rОstrТМtТШЧs ШЧ ТssuКЧМО ШП КЧН trКНО ТЧ МОrtКТЧ ЛШЧНs.” 178 1435 the EU to proceed in their national policies in agreement with the Council Declaration adopted on 27 May 2013. While assessing the export license application should be taken account on a case-by-case basis accordance to the full account of the criteria set out in Council Common Position 2008/944/CFSP of 8 December 2008.179 The total 35 articles were adopted in 9 chapters. The chapters consisted of (1) Export and Import Restrictions (1-13 articles), (2) Restrictions on Financing of Certain Enterprises (14-16), (3) Restrictions on Infrastructure Projects (17), (4) Restrictions on Financial Support for Trade (18), (5) Financial Sector (19-24), (6) Transport Sector (25-26), (7) Restrictions on Admission (27), (8) Freezing of Funds and Economic Resources (28), (9) General and Final Provisions (29-35). There are a number of notices added to the original list in various times since the first adoption of the conclusion.180 These articles targeted issues are detailed in restrictions on various different matters regarding the relations between Syria and the EU. Establishment of branches and subsidiaries of and cooperation with Syrian banks are banned. Moreover, ban is extended to on provision of new Syrian banknotes and coins. Specific exception was made for Central Bank of Syria on freezing of its funds and economic resources. Prohibition was made for the European Investment Bank to make certain payments and on issuance of and trade in certain bonds related to Syria. Amendment of the exceptions to the freezing of funds and economic resources of certain persons, entities and bodies of Syria are regularized. Within this context certain provision of insurance and re-insurance of the Syrian regime assets are restricted and/or prohibited to satisfy claims made by certain persons, entities or bodies. This is further extended as embargo and ban implied on jet fuel and certain additives and services related to jet fuel and certain additives, with the air navigation. Restriction intensified on inspection and prior information requirement on cargoes to Syria. Those manufacture and maintenance of products which could/might be used for internal repression are banned alongside arms related materials. Some cultural goods trade are restricted. Telecommunications monitoring and interception equipment are banned.Import ban imposed on crude oil and petroleum products and related on key equipment and technology for the oil and natural gas industries. So, prohibition on equipment used in the construction of new power plants for electricity production is applied. It is suspected that some Syrian officials and influential persons involved with the assassination of Refiq Hariri. Therefore, restrictions on admission of persons suspected of involvement in the planning, sponsoring, organising or perpetrating of the murder of former Prime Minister of the Lebanon, Rafiq Hariri on 14 February 2005.181 Freezing of funds and economic resources of those persons who have somehow commitment to cooperate with international investigation into that murder. The EU is defined its objective to bring an end to the conflict and enable the Syrian people to live in peace in their own country. Therefore, the EU made its position made it clear with its statement in the Foreign Affairs Council Conclusions of 12 October 2015. The EU is trying to take participation as a full member of the International Syria Support Official Journal of the EU, “CШuЧМТl DОМТsТШЧ β01γ/β55/CFSP ШП γ1 εКв β01γ МШЧМОrЧТЧР rОstrТМtТvО mОКsurОs КРКТЧst SвrТК”,, 1.6.2013, L147/14, p.1, (Retrieved 27 March 2016). 180 Notice to certain listed persons, entities and bodies: (OJ C 373, 21.10.2014, p. 8); (OJ C 92, 19.3.2015, p. 1); (OJ C 142, 29.4.2015, p. 3); (OJ C 154, 9.5.2015, p. 3); (OJ C 175, 29.5.2015, p. 5); (OJ C 402, 4.12.2015, p. 2). 181 UN Security Council, Resolution 1595 (2005), 7 April 2005,, (Retrieved 28 March 2016). 179 1436 Group. It fully supports the UN-led process, notably the efforts of the UN Special Envoy for Syria. The EU argued for Syrian stability and peace only achieved through accepting the prТЧМТplОs ШП tСО GОЧОvК МШmmuЧТquц ШП γ0 JuЧО β01β КЧН Uσ SОМurТtв CШuЧМТl resolutions 2254 (2015).182 In the line with these internationally agreed principles peaceful political process of inclusive transition will be possible. The EU is trying to make a kind of response to the continuing conflict and its humanitarian consequences. The Foreign Affairs Council adopted a comprehensive regional strategy for Syria, Iraq and the ISIS in March 2015 which will be planned to applied in Syria and in neighbouring countries.183 The Syrian humanitarian disaster and conflict is one of the impressive examples in recent history of the area which affected the west. So far, the EU seems willing to help to international response to solve the problem due to its direct and indirect effects on their sШТl. TСО EU НШЧКtОН КrШuЧН €5 ЛТllТШЧ ТЧ СumКЧТtКrТКЧ КТН sТЧМО tСО МШЧПlТМt ЛОРКЧ tШ SвrТК and related areas, Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey. Nevertheless, there are debates have taken places for and against the practice on the usage of these donations made by the EU. There are EU Delegations were prepared for Syria from Brussels, Beirut and Amman.184 The EU announced its continues engagement in the Global Coalition to encounter terrorist organisations which have НТrОМt ОППОМt tШ EurШpО. At tСТs stКРО ISIδ/DК’ОsС Тs tСО one which are dealt with under the Counter-Terrorism/Foreign Fighters Strategy endorsed in October 2014.185 Federica Mogherini made a statement in the European Parliament during plenary session in Strasbourg on 8 March 2016. She said that humanitarian aid is delivered despite tСО НТППТМultТОs ОmОrРТЧР ШЧ tСО РrШuЧН МlКsСОs ЛОtаООЧ tСО pКrtТОs. TСО EU’s ТЧvШlvОmОЧt would be made accordance to the agreement of the international Syria Support Group. This is involvement in the ceasefire group, the humanitarian task forces and supporting political process. The representative acknowledge the situation in Syria is not perfect and need to be worked cooperatively and supportively of the involving parties. Mogherini declared that every effort towards Syrians means a life saving humanitarian act.186 Nevertheless, she also made a clear that a proxy war going on among regional and international powers in Syria. This war has a capacity to turn into a full war between the parties. This end creates more problems not only for the region but also for the wider world. The EU stated that the two-third of the humanitarian aids made by the EU. Nevertheless, the EU underestimated the aid and help was made so far by the neighbouring countries. The EU and UN aided only 150,000 Syrians in Madaya, Mouadamiyya al-Sham, Kafr Batna, Foua, Kafraya, Zabadani and Deir ez-Zour. On the other hand, they stated that the EU expects to aid further if the situation arouse for peaceful atmosphere. Opening of the ECHO humanitarian office in Damascus create an expectation to build trust between the conflicting parties. The office also helping to the UN Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura who is trying to bring the Syrian parties to the negotiating table in Uσ, “SОМurТtв CШuЧМТl UЧКЧТmШuslв AНШpts RОsШlutТШЧ ββ54 (β015Ψ, EЧНШrsТЧР RШКН εКp ПШr PОКМО PrШМОss ТЧ SвrТК, SОttТЧР TТmОtКЛlО ПШr TКlks”,, (Retrieved 29 March 2016). 183 EurШpОКЧ CШmmТssТШЧ, “EurШpОКЧ σОТРСЛШurСШШН PШlТМв КЧН EЧlКrРОmОЧt σОРШtТКtШЧs”,, (Retrieved 30 March 2016). 184 “DОlОРКtТШЧ ШП tСО EurШpОКЧ UЧТШЧ tШ SвrТК”,, (Retrieved 01 April 2016). 185 (Retrieved 02 April 2016). 186 EurШОКЧ UЧТШЧ EбtОrЧКl AМtТШЧ, “SвrТК НОЛКtО ТЧ EPμ εШРСОrТЧТ tКlks ШП МОssКtТon of hostilities & СumКЧТtКrТКЧ КТН”, 08/0γ/β016,, (Retrieved 03 April 2016). 182 1437 Geneva. Mogherini stated that, although Syrian governance should have to be inclusive all segments of the Syrian society but Asad, Daesh and Al Nusra who are presided so many years of civil war in Syria.187 III. CONCLUSION Russia is trying to save Asad without repeating the tragic errors of Muammar GКННКПТ КЧН YКЧukШvТМС. TСО SвrТКЧ rОРТmО “ТЧvТtОН” tСО RussТКЧs tШ SвrТК. TСО mТlТtКrв intervention for the protection of Russian interests, and restore the order for the regime in Syria is going on. Russia, Iran, Hizbullah and Syria have united against those regime rebels, whom were supported by the west for the west. Consequently, Syria became a battleground ПШr vКrТШus МШЧПlТМtТЧР lШМКl КЧН ТЧtОrЧКtТШЧКl pШаОrs’ plКЧs, ТЧtОrОsts КЧН mКЧШОuvrОs. Russia used Iranian relations against the west on the conclusion of US-Iran nuclear deal in July 2015. Continues battles between the conflicting parties in Syria generated enormous amount of human disaster and migrants for the neighbouring states and the EU. The EU tried to stop migrants arriving to Europe by making agreements with Turkey and Jordon. δТmТtОН КmШuЧt ШП НОspОrКtО SвrТКЧ Кsвlum sООkОrs аКs ОЧШuРС tШ ТЧtОrrupt tСО EU’s cohesion in many fields including of migration policy. The price cut on oil and energy hurt Russian deteriorating economy. Therefore, Russia became aggressive as situations remain as it is. Russia agreed and took approval of Iran and Israel before to bombing starts in Syria. Russian invasion of Crimea and intervention of Syria is a political plan implemented one by one by the Russian political leaders. Russia re-established its presence in the Black Sea and the eastern Mediterranean. Crimea was annexed and Russian existence in Syria was reinstated and stabilised in order to protect Russian national security, commercial and religious interests. Russia dwindled the potential fighters against the Russian presence in the Caucasus by inviting and encouraging them to join ISIS and bombing ISIS. Moreover, Russia gets somehow some help from the west for fighting against Islamists in the region, as a common enemy for future. Russia will do whatever secures its naval bases in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. So, Moscow has clearly demonstrated that restoring a strong presence on the high seas is a priority and therefore, Putin acting accordingly its strategic needs and interests of his state in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. The EU included Syria within the regional cooperation. It is rather difficult years ahead for Syrians in Syria as the Russian policy will continue to be as influential power in the area. The EU policy will not be changed if the EU is not affected directly by the policies carried out of the Russian authorities in Syria. Nevertheless, the EU members will feel at some point to change their policy towards Russia. The effects of Russia will not be the same in both in the Eastern European states and in Central European states. The political and commercial bounties were/are differed between the individual member state of the EU КЧН SвrТК. EvОrв МШuЧtrв Тs НТППОrОЧt tСКЧ КЧв ШtСОr mОmЛОr stКtО. TСОrОПШrО, tСО EU’s reaction will not be the same and unified compare to those individual member state on a single issue. Such situation will be a challenging one for the EU to create a unified concrete policy against the aggressiveness of international powers in the different part of the world. BIBLIOGRAPHY “DОlОРКtТШЧ ШП tСО EurШpОКЧ UЧТШЧ tШ SвrТК”,, (Retrieved 01 April 2016). “EurШpОКЧ IЧvОstmОЧt BКЧk”, (Retrieved 24 March 2016). 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