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Изоморфизм этнической и композиторской традиций на примере жанра толгау в казахской музыке / Isomorphism of ethnic and composers' traditions on example of tolgau genre in Kazakh music

Genres that are not found in European art (kuy-poem, kuy-fantasy, tolgau) has become an important part of the modern genre system of Kazakh music. Their appearance is conditioned by the disclosure of the organic connection of contemporary composer creativity and centuries-old traditions. The contradistinction of written and oral national traditions adopted in musicology does not fully reflect the essence of modern processes. The theory of isomorphism of traditions, proposed by I. Zemtsovsky, proved on traditional music system, finds application in the study of compositional and ethnic traditions dialogue. Through the concept of genre ‘doubles’ by A. Kunanbeva, the article shows the interrelation between the epic folk song, the genre of narrators-zhyrau tradition, instrumental kuys of the 19 – early 20 th centuries and the compositions of Kazakhstani composers of the 20th century second half with the common name “tolgau”. There are many contemporary authors who appeal to the tolgau: N. Tlendiev (“Ata tolgau”), K. Duysekeev (Poem-Fantasy “Tolgau”), A. Raimkulova (Symphonic poem “Tolgau”), A. Bestybaev (orchestral kuy “Tolgau”), B. Amanzhol (transcription of the traditional kuy “Oi tolgau”) and others. Similar phenomena can be noted in Azerbaijani music (symphonic mugham) and in Kyrgyz music (symphonic kuu).

Генеральный спонсор: №1 (14), 2017 9 772310 333178 01 . | 27 Қүғ4Қғ0Ү . 1 1 ( , ( . ) , - , - , )ғ ғ ғ ( ( , , ғ ғ , « - »); »), « ғ ғ , XIX – (« ( , , ұ ), )ғ - XX XX « »), ғ »), ғ ») « « »ғ ) ғ ). : ( ғ ( ( ( - ғ ( , , ғ ( ), - , ұ ғ - [1, c. 235]. ё ғ ғ ғ 1 1 ғ ғ ғ « XX [2] [3]ғ ё ғ ғ , , , , , , ғ ё , ғ ғ ғ », – , [7, c. 3-4]ғ ғ ё ( ғ ) , 28 | Saryn art and science journal 1 (14) 2017 , ғ [2, c. 127]ғ , , , ғ ғ ғ – - , ) ( », ( [5]ғ - , » ғ ғ ғ ) ») « ( « ғ ғ « , , » [6]ғ , ғ ( ( ғ ғ ғ ) » , ) ё ғ [4]). (« « , ё ё ғ ғ , , ғ « »( ғ ғ )ғ ғ 1. (1835−1929), ғ ( . ) ( ғ ғ c. 58]. , ғ– )ғ - . [3, . | 29 , , 2 , ё , ) « »( ) (Қү03−Қү46), « » ( ) ( . (Қү30−ҚҰ04), « »( , 2. [ « , » ғ XIX (ҚҮ5Ү−Қүқ0), « » ( (« ») (Қү43−ҚҰҚ6), « (1862—1961), ( . » ) 2). ғ ) ] XX , ( » (« ) »), ғ (қ000); ғ (2004). ғ - , , ( ғ , ғ « , қ006)ғ XX ғ ғ ( , , , ) ҚҰ6қ , - , ҚҰү4), » , , « « » » (қ00Ү) – « ( ғ , - « ( ғ ё – ( , ғ [8]. ) )ғ - , ә - 3). » – , ) » « ( – 2 ( ғ ё ғ – , 30 | Saryn art and science journal 1 (14) 2017 , . ғ 11. . – , [2, c. 126]. . « ғ ». [♩=64] , « , ғ , ё , ғ », - , , , ғ - 1. , . . 2. , 3. , - ұ ұ ҚҮғ00ғ0қғ / — . . ? // ӘRT УШЮЫЧКХ, № 3, 2008. — ғ Ққ4—137. . . « » ұ ғ ғ , ғ қ00қғ — ғ 55—63. ұ ғғ , қ004ғ — 66Ұ ғ ұ ғ 60- ғ ғ // ғ— . | 31 , . . ғ— , . . ғ , . . 4. 5. 6. , 7. 8. ғ ұ , ұ – ғ қ0Қ0ғ — қ3Қ ғ ұ // , қ00қғ — ғ Ққ-39. (30-60ғ ғ . . . . , )ғ ғ , ҚҰҰ4ғ — қ3 ғ // - ғ ғ ғғ ғ ғ — , NШғ Қ, қ00қғ — ғ Қ-12. ғ ғ , қ0Қ0. — қ3 ғ - ұ ғғ ғ References (transliterated) 1. Skurko, E. R. әКšФТЫЬФКс КФКНОЦТčОЬФКс ЦЮгвФКұ pЮЭТ ЬЭКЧШЯХОЧТсұ НТЬЬғғ d-ЫК ТЬФЮЬЬЭЯШЯОНОЧТсұ ҚҮғ00ғ0қғ / SФЮЫФШ EЯРОЧТс RШЦКЧШЯЧК — Moskva, 2004. — 669 p. 2. Zemcovskij, I. I. SЮŝОЬЭЯЮОЭ ХТ ТгШЦШЫПТгЦ ЭЫКНТМТУ? HЮНШžЧТФ Т ЧКЫШНұ NШЯвУ ЯгРХсН ЧК ЬЭКЫЮû problemu // ART journaХ, № 3, 2008. — pp. 124—137. 3. Kunanbaeva, A.B. «ŽКЧЫШЯвО НЮЛХТ» ФКФ ЮЧТЯОЫЬКХТТ ЭЫКНТМТШЧЧШУ ФЮХĶЭЮЫв // IЬФЮЬЬЭЯШ ЮЬЭЧШУ ЭЫКНТМТТұ IЬЭШЫТčОЬФКс ЦШЫПШХШРТсғ SЛғ ЬЭКЭОУ, pШЬЯғ 60-ХОЭТû IғIғГОЦМШЯЬФШРШғ — Sankt-Peterburg. 2002. — pp. 55-63. 4. DžЮmКХТОЯК, T.K. Kazahskie akyny: Vostok – ГКpКН, Я ФШЧЭОФЬЭО ОНТЧШРШ ФЮХĶЭЮЫЧШРШ pЫШЬЭЫКЧЬЭЯКғ — Almaty. 2010. — 231 p. 5. Kuzembaeva, S.Aғ NКМТШЧКХĶЧКс ШЬЧШЯК žКЧЫК ШpОЫв Я KКгКСЬЭКЧО // KКгКСЬФКс ЦЮгвФК Я ФШЧЭОФЬЭО ФЮХĶЭЮЫғ ӘХЦКЭвұ NIӨ GвХвЦ, қ00қғ — pp. 12-39. 6. Omarova, A.K. OpОЫЧШО ЭЯШЫčОЬЭЯШ ФШЦpШгТЭШЫШЯ KКгКСЬЭКЧК Я ФШЧЭОФЬЭО ЦЮгвФКХĶЧШ-ТЬЭШЫТčОЬФШРШ processa (30-60-e gody). Avtoref. diss.. kand. isk. — Almaty: Institut literatury i iskusstva im. M. ӘЮчгШЯК, ҚҰҰ4ғ — 23 p. 7. Zemcovskij, I.I. ӘpШХШРТс ЬХЮСК // MЮгвФКХĶЧКс КФКНОЦТс, NШғ Қ, қ00қғ — pp. 1-12. 8. Sarymsakova, A.S. ŽвЫ-ФùУ Т Ә̋Ч-ФùУ Я НШЦЛЫШЯШУ ЭЫКНТМТТ ФКгКСШЯғ ӘЯЭШЫОПғ НТЬЬғғ ФКЧНғ ТЬФғ ӘХЦКЭвұ KКгNӘI ТЦғ Tғ ŽЮЫРОЧШЯК, қ0Қ0ғ — 23 p. . І , і і , (« (« ғ ( ө Ө Ө ББ « іғ і і і : ә і і ) і і і ү і ң і » ), ғ і), ғ і - і , ң (« ғ ң (« Ө ( , Ө і і ғ іғ і - ғ XIX – ББ ң ғғ ң і ң ) і ің ) ң ің і , (« ғ і , і ( ң іғ і ң і, ің ң - і ) і ғ Ө), ғ ), ғ ғ ғ . і ғ 32 | Saryn art and science journal 1 (14) 2017 V. Nedlina ISOMORPHISM OF ETHNIӨ ӘNө ӨOMPOSERS’ TRӘөITIONS ON ӘN EБӘMPLE OF TOLGAU GENRE IN KAZAKH MUSIC Abstract Genres that are not found in European art (kuy-poem, kuy-fantasy, tolgau) has become an important part of the modern genre system of Kazakh music. Their appearance is conditioned by the disclosure of the organic connection of contemporary composer creativity and centuries-old traditions. The contradistinction of written and oral national traditions adopted in musicology does not fully reflect the essence of modern processes. The theory of isomorphism of traditions, proposed by I. Zemtsovsky, proved on traditional music system, finds application in the study of compositional and ethnic traditions НТКХШРЮОғ TСЫШЮРС ЭСО МШЧМОpЭ ШП РОЧЫО ‘НШЮЛХОЬĶ Лв Әғ KЮЧКЧЛОЯК, ЭСО КЫЭТМХО ЬСШаЬ ЭСО ТЧЭОЫЫОХКЭТШЧ between the epic folk song, the genre of narrators-zhyrau tradition, instrumental kuys of the 19th – early 20th centuries and the compositions of Kazakhstani composers of the 20th century second half with the МШЦЦШЧ ЧКЦО “tolgau”ғ TСОЫО КЫО ЦКЧв МШЧЭОЦpШЫКЫв КЮЭСШЫЬ аСШ КppОКХ ЭШ ЭСО tolgau: N. Tlendiev (“Ata tolgau”), Kғ Duysekeev (Poem-FКЧЭКЬв “Tolgau”), Әғ RКТЦФЮХШЯК (SвЦpСШЧТМ pШОЦ “Tolgau”), A. Bestybaev (orchestral kuy “ToХРКu”), B. Amanzhol (transcription of the traditional kuy “Oi tolgau”) and others. Similar phenomena can be noted in Azerbaijani music (symphonic mugham) and in Kyrgyz music (symphonic kuu). Keywords: isomorphism of traditions, genre doubles, tolgau, composers of Kazakhstan. ұ і ң – ұ ғ – ң , і, . Information about the author: Nedlina Valeria – Master of Arts, a senior lecturer of Musicology department of Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory. 88 | Saryn art and science journal №1 (14) 2017 – – CONTENTS І MUSICAL TURKOLOGY AND ETHNOMUSICOLOGY ү . Kuzembay S. . ң Musical heritage of Qorqyt Ata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . ұ ( ӊ) Kozhabekov I. Balmagambetova L. і ің і( ң і іі ) The variance of the folklore song: models of meХШНТМ ЭвpОЬĶ transformation (on the example of Kazakh qara olen) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Musagulova G. The study of the issues of recitation in the works of foreign scientists . ің ң ң . . і: і і 13 і ё . . . . . . . . . . 21 ұ І ұ KAZAKHSTANI MUSICOLOGY: ACTUAL RESEARCHES . . ң і IЬШЦШЫpСТЬЦ ШП ОЭСЧТМ КЧН МШЦpШЬОЫЬĶ traditions on example of tolgau genre in Kazakh music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Nedlina V. . . « і ң« »ұ » ұ “KЮЫЦКЧРКгв” ШpОЫК Лв ӘФСЦОЭ КЧН GКгвгК JЮЛКЧШЯЬұ ТЬЬЮОЬ of authorship and fate of musical work in national culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Musahojaeva S. ARTICLES OF GRADUATE STUDENTS . . Kdyrniyazova Zh. Poetry by Olzhas Suleimenov and creativity of contemporary composers . . . 41