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Landscape, development, technology and drivers: The geography of drownings associated with automobiles in Texas floods, 1950–2004

2009, Applied Geography

More than 200 people have died in automobiles that have encountered flooded roadways in Texas from 1950 to 2004. This study examines the geographical processes that create flood hazards associated with automobile travel to discern the most important factors in their genesis. A database of drowning cases caused by motorists' interactions with flooded roadways in Texas was compiled for the study period. We examine the circumstances and spatial patterns of these events by addressing the following questions: where have motorists drowned? How did rates and spatial patterns of accidents change over the study period? To the extent that we can determine, what were the characteristics of the roads, the drivers, and the landscapes when and where deaths occurred? What factors appear to explain the temporal and spatial distributions of hazard? We conclude that roadway familiarity might have emboldened drivers to attempt to surmount water rushing across a road, that time of day was clearly an important characteristic of the accidents, and that roadway characteristics and sex and age of the drivers seem not to be key contributing factors. The most important factors, however, are associated with growth: increases in population and increased automobile registrations drive the propensity for increased automobile-flood hazards.

Applied Geography 29 (2009) 224–234 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Applied Geography journal homepage: Landscape, development, technology and drivers: The geography of drownings associated with automobiles in Texas floods, 1950–2004 Lauren Z. Maples a, John P. Tiefenbacher b, * a b Green Life Eco-Consulting, Austin, TX 78745, USA Department of Geography, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX 78666, USA a b s t r a c t Keywords: Hazard Flood Roadways Automobile Development Texas More than 200 people have died in automobiles that have encountered flooded roadways in Texas from 1950 to 2004. This study examines the geographical processes that create flood hazards associated with automobile travel to discern the most important factors in their genesis. A database of drowning cases caused by motorists’ interactions with flooded roadways in Texas was compiled for the study period. We examine the circumstances and spatial patterns of these events by addressing the following questions: where have motorists drowned? How did rates and spatial patterns of accidents change over the study period? To the extent that we can determine, what were the characteristics of the roads, the drivers, and the landscapes when and where deaths occurred? What factors appear to explain the temporal and spatial distributions of hazard? We conclude that roadway familiarity might have emboldened drivers to attempt to surmount water rushing across a road, that time of day was clearly an important characteristic of the accidents, and that roadway characteristics and sex and age of the drivers seem not to be key contributing factors. The most important factors, however, are associated with growth: increases in population and increased automobile registrations drive the propensity for increased automobile-flood hazards. Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Floods are the deadliest natural hazard in the United States (NOAA, 2005). Texas is among the most flood-prone state in the United States (Leopold, Wolman, & Miller, 1964) and has a long record of documented automobile-flood accidents (NCDC, 2005; Slade & Patton, 2003). Over the past 30 years, floods have killed an average of 140 people per year in the United States (NOAA, 2005). From 1994 through 2003, at least 156 people drowned in floods in Texas alone. An average of 15 automobile drivers drowns each year in Texas by driving into floodwaters flowing across roadways or beneath underpasses (Governor’s Division of Emergency Management for the State of Texas, 2005). The majority of flood-related deaths in Texas occurs in automobiles; ostensibly, most could have been avoided (Coates, 1999; NOAA, 2005; Texas Department of Public Safety, 2005). Drivers often fail to recognize the risk associated with flooded roadways and some ignore warnings or traffic-safety barriers. It is difficult to judge the depth and speed of water flowing across roads, particularly during storms and at night. Drivers are often unaware that it takes less than eighteen inches of water to float most vehicles (NOAA, 2005; USGS, 2005), and deaths during flood events are usually the result of insufficient caution (Jonkman & Kelman, 2005). Though automobile fatalities caused by drowning have been reported elsewhere (Agócs et al., * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 512 2458327; fax: þ1 512 2458353. E-mail addresses: (L.Z. Maples), (J.P. Tiefenbacher). 0143-6228/$ – see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.apgeog.2008.09.004 L.Z. Maples, J.P. Tiefenbacher / Applied Geography 29 (2009) 224–234 225 1994; Langley, Warner, Smith, & Wright, 2001; Marmor & Marmor, 2006; Wintemute, Kraus, Teret, & Wright, 1990), there is a paucity of analysis of the circumstances of these events. This study examines flood hazards associated with automobile travel in Texas. A database of drowning incidents resulting from motorists’ interactions with flooded roadways in Texas was compiled for the period from 1950 to 2004. We examine the circumstances and spatial patterns of these events by addressing the following questions: where have people drowned due to the immersion of their automobiles during roadway flooding in Texas? How did the rates and spatial patterns of accidents and deaths change over the study period? To the extent that we can determine, what were the characteristics of the roads, the drivers, and landscapes where deaths by drowning occurred? How proximate to home were the drivers? What factors appear to explain the temporal and spatial distributions of hazard? Background Landscape, development, technology and drivers In the most general sense, the systems contributing to this type of hazard derive from human interaction with nature, development and technology. Specifically, the natural environment yields the characteristics of the physical landscape upon which precipitation falls, roads are built, and people move. Development reshapes that physical landscape, necessitating the construction of roads through landscapes of varying flood potential, modifying the run-off regime, and generating new opportunities for encounters with surface-water flows. Technological processes create and modify human interaction with the natural and built environments by creating and changing the vehicles of transportation, the infrastructure constructed for their use, safety devices incorporated into motor vehicles, human vision and hazard communication systems (including signage and other visual warnings, and aural notification systems). Drivers interact with the technology to learn to operate the technology safely and develop cognitive adjustments through their experience. This human component of technology develops perceptions, judgments, actions, and abilities behind the wheel, while responding to varied pressures and influences on the social components of their lives (Ballard, Hayhoe, Salgian, & Shinoda, 2000). The outcome of rather rare encounters with water flowing rapidly across roadways presents an opportunity to examine some of the factors that contribute to deaths of automobile passengers. Automobiles and roadways have changed greatly over the past half of century, the ‘‘modern’’ period of automobiles and roadway engineering (Bardou, Chanaron, Fridenson, & Laux, 1982). Technological advances, safety features, and increasing familiarity with the technology have each generated personal, social, and physical comfort with the operation of automobiles on American roadways (Horswill & Coster, 2002; Slovic, Fischhoff, & Lichtenstein, 1979). Under normal circumstances this elevated level of comfort and ease of use may be viewed positively. However, when environmental conditions change, diligence and heightened care should replace relaxed, carefree operation of the motor vehicle. Occasionally, however, the need for greater caution is not recognized by drivers. The average person uses intuition – their risk perception – to judge and respond to a hazard (Slovic, 1987). The decision to commit to an encounter often occurs instantaneously upon encountering the hazard; indeed ‘‘the decision’’ may be essentially simultaneous to the encounter when there is no time for a decision to be made at all (Green, 2000; Kim & Bishu, 2004; Summala, 2000). When comfort with a technology grows, both diligence and risk perception may diminish (Slovic et al., 1979; Underwood, Crundall, & Chapman, 2002). Furthermore, different groups interpreting the same or similar hazards may possess different understandings of risk and different measures of probable outcomes (Brown, 2005; Recarte & Nunes, 1996; Scialfa, Guzy, Leibowitz, Garvey, & Tyrrell, 1991; Underwood et al., 2002; Weinstein, 1989). People accept a certain level of risk anytime they engage in a potentially hazardous activity such as driving in an automobile or smoking (Musselwhite, 2005). It is commonly pointed out that principal judgments about acceptable risk involve two components: the empirical and the normative (Lowrance, 1976). Empirical judgment is an attempt to identify and measure risk associated with some course of action. Normative judgment seeks to decide on reasonable grounds whether the risks of the action are warranted, given the alternatives (Von Magnus, 1984). The normative approach identifies the actions individuals are willing to take part in, given the perceived benefits of engaging in a particular risk. The normative evaluation may be another way to explain why individuals are willing to engage in potentially risky behavior in environments where they are relatively comfortable. Self-assurance and/or confidence prevail when an impending decision has a perceived benefit (i.e. they arrive at their destination sooner than if they were to take another route). Conversely, discomfort and/or self-doubt prevails when alternative behaviors are likely to yield severe costs (i.e. they take a longer or less familiar route to their destination, a route that may indeed be more risky because of the unfamiliarity) (Chapman & Groeger, 2004; Griffeth & Rogers, 1976; Taubman-Ben Ari, 2000; Weinstein, 1989). To obtain information about risk/benefit preferences that can be considered rational, it would be necessary to disregard observations of willingness to take risks under conditions where individuals are not likely to perform well (Von Magnus, 1984). Willingness to take risks must then be assumed to involve a certain level of comfort (or familiarity). This comfort comes from routine or commonplace involvement with the environment where the individual may be confronted with risk. While decisions to get behind the wheel of an automobile cannot be said to be continuously ‘‘normal’’ across all circumstances, it could be said that they are not irrational in any obvious sense. The benefits of the action are clearly believed to be worth the possible costs of engaging in risky behavior. With regard to flooded roadways, this would indicate that, 226 L.Z. Maples, J.P. Tiefenbacher / Applied Geography 29 (2009) 224–234 wherever a fatality occurred, drivers saw no other possible alternative, viewed the perceived benefit of crossing water better than the option of finding another route, or had no time to consider the options (Green, 2000; Summala, 2000). A contextual model of automobile-flood deaths A specific model is needed to help recognize details and contexts that are important for hazards that occur as discrete incidents such as drowning in a vehicle trapped in floodwaters. In order to fully understand the factors that contribute to a motorist or passenger drowning in such cases, an event-specific contextual model considers all components that contribute to the hazard and helps us to identify those that are unique to a specific event. A conceptual model for drowning in automobiles during flood events has been developed and is comprised of four primary interacting parts: drivers activate their decision-making system in the context of personal pressures, cognitive processes and perceptions and interact with the technology of their automobiles to traverse a slowly changing landscape in which development responds to forces of growth and change and risk mitigation (Fig. 1). The ‘‘natural’’ component (upper right) includes the short-term and long-term hydrologic, climatologic, and temporal factors that have bearing on both the flood risk and the cognitive processes of the driver (upper left), the built environment, the engineering of and economic decisions behind development (top center), and the nature of the particular flood event (lower right). The nature of the flood event itself influences and interacts with the built environment (center). This interaction produces risk in terms of the potential for flooded roads. Within the ‘‘constructed landscape,’’ economic decisions guide spatial patterns of the built environment, and the built environment eventually produces the context in which the technology and its driver move, subsequently modifying the confidence and comfort of the motor-vehicle operator. The ‘‘technological’’ component (lower left) includes characteristics and quality of the technology (design, condition, and up-keep of the automobile) that feed awareness and confidence in drivers’ personal abilities to operate the technology, but also contains the social factors, or pressures, that can influence and be influenced by a driver’s cognitive processes during travel and in their technological choices and interactions. When drivers of automobiles interface with the built environment in the context of natural processes, the floodedroadway hazard is generated. This hazard varies both temporally and spatially. The ‘‘hazardscape’’ (or landscape of hazard) may be both visible and invisible due to the ranging circumstances within the triumvirate of processes discussed in the model. Where roadway flooding does occur, drivers may or may not encounter the real danger. Four potential outcomes may be Fig. 1. A conceptual model to represent the factors influencing the risk of automobile deaths on flooded roadways. L.Z. Maples, J.P. Tiefenbacher / Applied Geography 29 (2009) 224–234 227 generated: the driver may stop and turn the vehicle around; the driver may attempt and successfully surmount the flooded roadway; the driver may unsuccessfully attempt a crossing and find themselves trapped in water, but driver and all occupants are able to escape; or the vehicle is trapped or washed off the road into a stream and the driver and any occupants drown. This last circumstance is the focus of this research as it is the only of the four listed outcomes that is regularly, fairly reliably recorded, and reported in either news media or public records. It should be noted that, as with any database that records events that have happened, there are many possible impediments to capturing all events that happen, not the least of which are factors such as isolation (i.e. events happen in a rather overlooked part of a region and go unrecorded in the database), miscommunication (events are not accurately reported to the people developing the database), and reduced news-worthiness in the context of a very large disaster. These issues may certainly have affected the completeness of the databases at our disposal. Methodology To determine the total number of incidents along with event details, a search was made of the National Climatic Data Center Storm Events database (NCDC, 2005) and the Spatial Hazard Events and Losses Database for the United States database (SHELDUS, 2005) from 1950 through the end of 2004 for Texas. All floods that caused at least one death were noted. The details of each flood were then searched to determine whether the death(s) occurred in an automobile. These data yielded reports of the numbers of deaths, causes of deaths, and locations of each event. Additionally, regional online newspapers were searched using the NewsBank–Texas Newspapers database, the Dallas Morning News Historical Archive (1885–1977), and the NewsBank Retrospective (1970–1991) database to identify heavy rain and flood events that produced drowning deaths. These sources were compared with and augmented by the list of flood events reported in the U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 03-193 to generate the most complete data set possible. The conceptual model was used to identify the factors that were most often associated with these incidents and was employed, in conjunction with the incident reports and newspaper articles, to determine the factors that were most frequently detailed in reports. A database was compiled, and it included: the year, month, and day of each flood death; the county and/or city where the death occurred; the nearest roadway intersection where the incident occurred; the location of residence of the driver; the distance between the location of death and the driver’s residential address; the number of deaths per incident; the sex and age of driver; the vehicle type (i.e. car, truck, van, etc.); other event details; and data sources. Largescale maps, contemporaneous to the event occurrences, were used to determine whether accident sites were in urban or rural areas and the level of development that surrounded these areas. Cross-tabulation based on the conceptual model’s components was performed. An examination of the correlations between the temporal and spatial frequency patterns of the models parts was undertaken to study the relationships between the decadal counts of incidents per county, decennial county populations, the population of automobiles on roads (Texas Almanac 1950, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991, 2001), and the size of road networks in counties (The County Information Project, 2000). Further, the relationships between these variables in the subset of counties (in specific decades) where flood-related deaths occurred produced another perspective on the production of flood-death potential. Additionally, for a small subset of the events, a sample field survey of the eight 2004 drowning locations was conducted to determine the quality, characteristics, and design of the roadways by assessing the following: visibility of the water crossing (was the crossing visible from a distance that would allow a driver to safely stop on a slick road?); signage (were visible, permanent warning signs posted so that a driver who uses the road frequently would know of the potential flood hazard?); construction (does the road have guardrails, curbs or shoulders?); number of lanes; type of road surface (dirt or asphalt?); presence or absence of water at crossing (when it is not raining, would a driver recognize that the area has water that could potentially flood the roadway?); traffic rate/frequency under ‘‘normal’’ conditions; apparent relief (topography) in area around low water crossing; level of development (urban, suburban, rural.); and general road density in the area around low water crossing (are there roads in the area that offer alternative routes for drivers?). Results A minimum of 216 deaths were caused by automobile immersion on flooded roadways in Texas during the study period (Fig. 2). The deaths occurred in at least 140 separate incidents. A decadal examination shows increasing frequency of roadway-drowning deaths in Texas. The number of incidents remained relatively low and consistent from the 1950s through the 1980s; however, there has more recently been a sharp increase. When the number of incidents makes a sharp increase in the decade of the 1990s, some patterns in the distribution of incidents among counties begin to emerge (Table 1). Three main clusters can be discerned around the large metropolitan areas of Dallas-Fort Worth, Austin-San Antonio, and Houston (Fig. 3). To determine whether there was a relationship between the number of incidents per county by decade and other factors, two separate evaluations of correlations were conducted. The first data set included a compilation of statistics regarding each county in Texas for each decade from 1950 to 2000 (N ¼ 1524: 254 counties  6 decades). For each case, eight variables were compiled: county population, population change from previous decade, the number of motor vehicles registered in the county, the increased number of vehicles since the previous decade, the percentage change from previous decade, the number of miles of roadway in the county (note: due to a paucity of historical data the mileage was assumed to be static and 1999 data were used) (The County Information Project, 2000), the number of road miles per 1000 county residents for each 228 L.Z. Maples, J.P. Tiefenbacher / Applied Geography 29 (2009) 224–234 Fig. 2. The distribution (N ¼ 140) of drowning incidents in automobiles on Texas roadways by five-year period from 1950 to 2004. decade, and the number of incidents per county per decade. In particular, we considered the strength of the relationship between accidents (dependent variable) and the others (Table 2). Incidents have moderately strong, statistically significant relationships with six of the other seven variables. Indeed, it appears that increasing population size and increasing motorvehicle registrations are the factors most directly related to increasing frequency of flood-death accidents and that the absolute increase of automobile registrations is more important than the proportionate increase. When considering only the ‘‘county-decades’’ during which flood-related deaths occurred, the number of accidents that occurred was rather strongly related to county populations during the specific decade, the number of auto registrations during that decade and the number of flood events during that decade (Table 3). The collinearity of population and auto registration however is reflected in a slightly higher level analysis of the data. A stepwise linear regression yielded an adjusted r2 value of .256 and only two variables enter into the predictive model: the number of automobiles registered and the number of linear road miles in the county. Flood frequency seems to have little relationship to the frequency of deadly flooding-related automobile accidents. Familiarity Of the 140 incidents, roadway familiarity (based on assumptions related to the proximity of the site of the accident to the driver’s residential address or when reports stated that the driver was ‘‘near their home’’ or was between their home and place of employment) was determined for thirty-eight of the drivers (or 27 percent of the total). Nearly a third (13 of 38) of the fatality-producing accidents in this small subset occurred within five miles of their homes. Of these thirty-eight drivers, twenty-seven (71 percent of the subset) were believed to have been familiar with their driving environment and only eleven (29 percent of the subset) were not. Development, visibility, signage, road quality Development is a temporal and spatial process that often leaves little evidence of the landscape that preceded the changes it wrought. Therefore, to examine some of the development characteristics contemporaneous to the death of the motorists in the data set, historical sources must be consulted. Usually, however, important details are lost from the archival record. In fact, the only easily acquired development data are those that are low resolution, such as a classification of the landscape as generally urban or generally rural. The level of development of the land around the accident sites was determinable for 109 of the 140 incidents (78 percent of the total). Of these, forty-eight (44 percent) of the incidents occurred in what were at the time urban settings and sixty-one (56 percent) occurred in rural settings. In order to provide a closer examination of landscape development factors, more contemporary accidents were examined. In 2004, nine motorists died on flooded roadways in the state of Texas. These incidents occurred at eight different locations. Of these eight sites, the visibility of the water crossing could be considered ‘‘good’’ (during the daytime and in fair weather) for a driver approaching the area and traveling at or below the speed limit on five of the roads. At the times when the incidents occurred, signs were posted on four of the eight roads warning of flood danger. However, one of these signs was small and 229 L.Z. Maples, J.P. Tiefenbacher / Applied Geography 29 (2009) 224–234 Table 1 Number of incidents by county by decade. Decade County Accidents 1950–59 Dallas 1 Floods 0 1960–69 Bexar Gillespie Gregg Kinney Midland Smith Travis 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 4 1 0 3 1 0 1 1970–79 Bandera Guadalupe Harris Hays Limestone Travis 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 5 6 1 3 6 1980–89 Dallas Howard Kerr Nueces Rockwall Tarrant Upton 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 5 7 1 1 4 3 1990–99 Bandera Bell Bexar Bosque Brown Caldwell Chambers Comal Dallas Denton Edwards Ellis El Paso Fort Bend Grayson Grimes Guadalupe Hardeman Harris Hays Kerr Lavaca Madison Milam Montgomery Moore Parker Polk Real Scurry Shelby Starr Tarrant Travis Uvalde 2 1 8 1 2 2 1 4 9 3 2 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 2 3 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 16 13 23 13 14 7 12 12 36 25 17 22 6 12 17 9 6 2 31 9 22 26 7 8 16 5 17 13 19 3 14 6 39 22 14 2000–04 Bastrop Bexar Blanco Ector Edwards Ellis Fort Worth Gillespie Harris Hays 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 8 1 24 63 25 30 25 11 NA 28 25 37 (continued on next page) 230 L.Z. Maples, J.P. Tiefenbacher / Applied Geography 29 (2009) 224–234 Table 1 (continued) Decade County Accidents Floods Howard Jefferson Kendall Kerr McLennan Mason Navarro Shackleford Tarrant Travis Uvalde Williamson 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 2 22 18 32 31 15 10 7 3 NA NA NA 25 only stated that the area is flood-prone, making no mention of the potential for water on the road. Two of the roads had no curbs, shoulders, or guardrails to help prevent a car from washing off of the road. Six of the roads had only one lane in each direction and the other two had two lanes. All of the roads were constructed of standard asphalt. Only two of the roads intersected with water bodies that flowed under ‘‘normal’’ conditions. The other six had little to no water present in drainage channels that may not be apparent to drivers when the weather is fair. In all cases, the land surrounding the creeks or rivers had very little relief. Three of the incidents occurred in urban settings, three occurred in suburban settings, and two occurred in rural settings. Only one of these sites had no alternative routes. Based on our model and evaluation of available data, it is evident there are many factors that contributed to these drowning incidents. The data collected allowed exploratory examination of four additional factors that may have contributed to these drowning incidents: time of day the incident occurred, the driver’s age, the driver’s sex, and the type of vehicle involved. Time of day One factor studied to determine its potential contribution to these fatalities is the time of day the incident occurred. Daylight influences both the driver’s capacity to see down the roadway and their ability to determine water depth before entering the flooded stretches of road. Other factors influence visible distance (e.g. glare from sun or streetlights, amount of rain on windshield, and curves in the roadway) and depth of water (e.g. muddiness of run-off, speed and turbulence of stream flow, and strength or weakness of light sources), but the amount of natural light is a major factor influencing visibility. Fig. 3. The distribution of drowning incidents associated with automobiles in Texas floods from 1950 to 2004. 231 L.Z. Maples, J.P. Tiefenbacher / Applied Geography 29 (2009) 224–234 Table 2 Pearson correlations between accidents in each county for each decade to other variables (N ¼ 1524). Variable Correlation Significance Number of automobiles registered Decadal increase of automobiles Percentage of decadal increase of autos Decennial population Decennial increase of population Linear mileage of roads (1999) Miles of road per 1000 people Number of floods during decade .340 .263 .033 .324 .273 .065 .084 .413 .000** .000** .241 .000** .000** .011* .001** .001** *Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). **Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Three diurnal divisions were established for classifying the time of the incidents: daytime, nighttime, and dawn/dusk. Out of 140 incidents, data were available to verify the time-of-day for forty-four (or 31 percent of the total) of the incidents. Eleven incidents (25 percent) occurred during daylight hours, six occurred at either dawn or dusk (14 percent), and twenty-seven incidents (61 percent) occurred at night. If this sample is representative of the total population of incidents included in our data set, then darkness might be a major explanation for why drivers drive into water on roads. Sex and ages of drivers The sex of the driver could be determined for 98 of the 140 (70 percent of the total) drivers involved in flooded-roadway accidents producing deaths. Of these, 57 (58 percent) were male and 41 (42 percent) were female. Ages were reported for 62 of these drivers (44% of the total). Sex ratios in age cohorts show that young adults, middle aged and elderly male drivers were the majority of those who had accidents on flooded roadways (Table 4). Males were the majority of drivers in five of the eight cohorts involved in flood-death accidents, females were more numerous in two groups, and males and females were equal in one. That the majority of drivers involved in these incidents were male might be explained by studies that have found women tend toward risk aversion compared to males of the same age groups (Levin, Snyder, & Chapman, 1988). A peak in the 20- to 29-year old cohort is aligned with reports that demonstrate that younger drivers are more likely to drive with greater risktaking behavior (Baxter et al., 1990; Musselwhite, 2005). However, it is interesting to note that of the six people younger than twenty in our data set, five cases involved teenaged female drivers and only one case involved a boy. Types of vehicles The type of vehicle involved in flood-related accidents is important because a pattern associated with specific vehicles might reflect drivers’ mistaken confidence in the inherent safety of certain types of vehicles. The SUV craze of the 1990s was in part a reaction to concerns about the safety of passengers due to the use of fuel-efficiency enhancing lighter materials in newer cars. SUVs and vans were larger, heavier, and had taller profiles and were thus more likely to protect drivers and passengers (particularly families) in motor-vehicle collisions. Indeed, built-in safety features were significantly important to the sales of SUVs and minivans. The collision-safety of these vehicles does not, however, translate directly to flood safety: they are not built to be amphibious craft, a vehicle’s mass does not prevent buoyancy, and the weight provides little inertia against the force of fast-moving water. The type of vehicle involved in the incident was recorded in the accident reports of 99 of the 140 cases (71 percent). The vehicle frequencies were as follows: sixty-nine cars, twenty-one pickup trucks, four sport utility vehicles (SUVs), three Table 3 Pearson correlations and stepwise linear regression of accidents (dependent) in each county in which flood-death accidents occurred (N ¼ 56). Variable Correlation Significance Number of automobiles registered Decadal increase of automobiles Percentage of decadal increase of autos Decennial population Decennial increase of population Linear mileage of roads (1998) Miles of road per 1000 people Number of floods during decade .440 .299 .034 .396 .308 .032 .173 .399 .001** .027* .805 .003** .021* .814 .201 .002** *Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). **Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Stepwise linear regression model summary: accidents ¼ 2.3  106 (decadal increase of automobiles) þ 6.9  104 (linear mileage of roads) þ 1.844; R2: .283, adjusted R2: .256, standard error: 1.35. 232 L.Z. Maples, J.P. Tiefenbacher / Applied Geography 29 (2009) 224–234 Table 4 Age and sex distribution of drivers involved in accidents in which flood deaths occurred (N ¼ 62). Age cohort 15–19 20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–69 70–79 80–89 Total Females Males Total 5 6 7 2 1 0 2 1 1 10 3 2 8 6 6 2 6 16 10 4 9 6 8 3 24 38 62 minivans, one bus, and one tractor. Of the nine incidents that occurred in 2004, four of the vehicles reported were cars, three were trucks, one was an SUV, and the final vehicle is unknown. The majority of vehicles involved in these accidents was cars. This may be a function of limited visibility and poor waterdepth perception from the height of a car, but this may simply be a result of timing: there are more large vehicles (trucks and SUVs) today then ever before; the probability that cars would encounter flooded roads in greater number was simply a function of the greater proportion of cars on the road throughout the study period, though the temporal and spatial distribution of vehicles is often in flux as fashion and economics influence the popularity of types. Until a recent and rapid rise in the price of gasoline in the United States (and particularly in Texas and the West), the popularity of large light trucks and SUVs seemed to continue unabated. During the recent recession of 2007–08, many drivers have begun to opt for smaller, more fuel efficient and more economical vehicles. This may be a trend (or perhaps a fad), but there is no doubt that driver behavior is somehow connected to their perception of and confidence in the safety of the vehicle they are driving. Discussion Why have deadly water-crossing encounters occurred where they have in Texas? The patterns of flood-related deaths in Texas have changed over time. But the more recent increase in frequency has exhibited a rather telling pattern. When mapping the data, clusters of incidents appear around large metropolitan areas in the 1990s. Here we report five hypotheses that may (individually or in combination) explain this distribution. The first explanation of this pattern relates to hazard (chance of the driver encountering a flooded road) itself: Texas, with its 79,535 centerline miles (miles covered by pavement measured in one direction regardless of the width of or number of lanes in a roadway), has the largest road system of any state in the United States (Federal Highway Administration, 2004; Texas Department of Transportation, 2005) and surrounding these urban areas is a dense network of roadways that are traveled with more frequency than they are elsewhere in the state. More roadways allow for more areas where water could potentially cross the road. More roads, more drivers, and more water crossings might explain the propensity for drowning accidents. A second hypothesis focuses on risk or the increased chance of flooding resulting from the impacts of development of infrastructure on the drainage regime. Highly developed suburbs and expanding urban areas are places with increasing amounts of new impervious cover that prohibits absorption of rainwater, increasing the likelihood of flash flood events. This not only adds water to the roadways where the rain falls, but the run-off also adds water to any surrounding areas that are at lower elevations; a higher volume of water leads to more flooded roadways. But, it should be reiterated, the relationship between the number of flood events and the automobile accidents that produce drowning deaths is very weak, if not nonexistent. A third proposed explanation for the pattern relates to interaction of people with development: road building has changed the drainage patterns, but drivers are still either unaware of or unfamiliar with ephemeral hazards. Formerly rural (and now suburban) areas experiencing increasing numbers of drivers (often young drivers) on roads built during less mobile eras (new encounters with old roads) or on entirely new roads (the danger spots are not yet apparent to anyone). More drivers on the roads increase the probability of drivers engaging with surface water on roads, and such settings might be highly unexpected from the perspective of the driver. A fourth explanation involves human interaction with technology in a dangerous circumstance: people have too much confidence in the safety of their automobiles. Indeed, increasing engineering and dedication to improving the safety of automobiles has led to an increasing belief of motorist invulnerability. The increasing size of vehicles, internal and external features that counter the problems most commonly encountered during routine driving, better roads and tires, better lighting and better visibility, among many other factors may have generated a gross overconfidence of drivers in their vehicles. Furthermore, distractions and detached attention, augmented by miles driven without incident may further exacerbate attentiveness problems that make surprise a more deadly circumstance. L.Z. Maples, J.P. Tiefenbacher / Applied Geography 29 (2009) 224–234 233 The last potential explanation, however, is that the pattern is wholly misrepresented within the public record. News media, it could be said, have spatial biases (Brooker-Gross, 1983). The areas that are showing more of these incidents are also areas that would have better/more media resources to cover such events. Drowning deaths occurring during flood events are highly newsworthy, but they may be particularly newsworthy when they occur within the metropolitan reading- (or viewingor listening-) area. News and weather journalists often employ such events to reach and to teach their consumers and this may have led to a misleading public record and misleading data set. Some events may be reported primarily for their sensational appeal. There is indeed no way to know how many close calls, rescues, and recoveries have actually happened, given the lack and dispersion of appropriate data sources. What role does human perception and decision making play in these cases? Over half of all the incidents occurred within ten miles of the driver’s home and just less than half (13 of the 27 or 48 percent of those for whom mileage could be obtained) occurred within five miles of the victim’s residence. Is it reasonable to infer that when people are familiar with their driving environment they are more likely to engage in the types of known risks that lead to deaths on flooded roadways? What of surprise? Many of the crossing sites have little to no water under ‘‘normal’’ conditions. A driver who is familiar with the area might be surprised by run-off flooding the road during a rare storm. The element of surprise must remain a key explanatory component of these events. It is anybody’s guess what is actually going through the mind of drivers that end up in this predicament and succumb. Survivors might be able to provide some insight, but it is difficult to know whether their psychology (beliefs, attitudes, behaviors, decisions, etc.) would be identical to those of the fatalities. Identifying survivors might also be a difficult task as they might not want to share their experiences or make themselves known. Conclusion This study describes the pattern of fatalities associated with automobile-flood encounters in Texas from 1950 to 2004. The frequency of deaths in such circumstances has increased in the last two decades and seems to have increased in frequency in areas on the fringes of large metropolitan areas of the state. We suggest that this change may be a function of the changing patterns of humans interacting with the other three primary components of the flooded roadway hazard: changing natural landscapes, changing patterns of development, and changing technologies. In fact, the constant change occurring in all four parts of this hazardscape produces a space in which people are constantly striving to ‘‘catch up’’: looking for constancy in the landscape within which they move and reading their paths for clues to the dangers present. An examination of some of the apparent and recoverable descriptive factors that might have contributed to past accidents yielded several key points: roadway familiarity might have had an emboldening influence on decisions to attempt to surmount water rushing across a road, and time of day was clearly a dominant characteristic of cases of drowning on flooded roadways, while roadway characteristics, and sex and age of the driver were not likely to have been key contributing factors. Flood-safety programs aimed at drivers need clarification of the underlying processes that contribute to roadway hazards. The focus here was on the factors that contribute to the occurrence of flood-related automobile-accident mortality in Texas. To be able to address the populations and the places that are susceptible to this type of event, we must definitively examine the salient issues that remain the most constant throughout time and across events. 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