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For henry kissinger Created on 5/12/2017 10:02:25 AM 02 Joey Yap's Bazi Profiling System™ Your BaZi Profiling Chart henry kissinger 27 May 1923 05:30 Male 男 Hour 時 庚 Geng (Yang Metal) Day Master : Main Structure : Supporters (Influence Structure) Main Profile : The Warrior (Seven Killings) Day Pillar : 庚子 (Geng Zi) Celestial Animal : 亥 Pig Noble People : 未 Goat, 丑 Ox Intelligence : 亥 Pig Peach Blossom : 酉 Rooster Sky Horse : 寅 Tiger Solitary : 寅 Tiger Day 日 1 Month 月 Year 年 Ji Yin Earth Geng Yang Metal Ding Yin Fire Gui Yin Water Mao Rabbit Yin Wood Zi Rat Yang Water Si Snake Yin Fire Hai Pig Yin Water Yi Rabbit DW Gui Rat HO Elemental Values 金 木 水 火 土 Metal 2 Wood 2 Water 3 Fire 2 Earth 2 5 Structures Geng Snake F Bing Snake 7K Wu Snake IR Ren Pig EG Jia Pig IW 10 Profiles Strength Main Structures : Influence Structure Sub Structures : Output Structure 2 10 Profiles Main Profile : Seven Killings (丙) Sub Profile : Direct Officer (丁) Base Profile : ­ Social Profile : Hurting Officer (癸) Intimate Profile : Hurting Officer (癸) Seven Killings (丙) The Warrior 83% Direct Officer (丁) The Diplomat 76% Indirect Resource (戊) The Philosopher 60% Hurting Officer (癸) The Performer 57% Direct Wealth (乙) The Director 52% Direct Resource (己) The Analyzer 48% Eating God (壬) The Artist 42% Indirect Wealth (甲) The Pioneer 41% Friend (庚) The Friend 29% Rob Wealth (辛) The Leader 0% 3 1 2 3 Your Day Master Your Structure Your Profile Who you are How You Approach The World What You Do Copyright © 2016 Joey Yap Research International. All rights reserved worldwide. Please take note that the charts, designs and terminologies used are Joey Yap’s original literary expression and are copy protected. Reporduction of terminolgies, layouts and designs in any form without the express written consent from JoeyYap International Limited is prohibited. 03 Joey Yap's Bazi Profiling System™ Name : henry kissinger Time of Birth : 05:30 Gender : Male Self Element : Yang Metal Day of Birth : 27 May 1923 庚 Geng Yang Metal Altruistic, Willful, Adventurous ANALYSIS Being Yang Metal, Geng Metal is akin to the strong, raw metal of a powerful sword or axe. Your Day Master The Great Executioners Like the coarse, solid ores mined from the earth, the Geng Metal people want results to their liking. Geng Metal personality is straightforward and tough Therefore, they prefer to take matters into their own ­ they are able to withstand adversity. hands and do things themselves. This means that With the forging of fire, the Geng Metal element becomes a hardy axe or sword. Being unyielding they will not hesitate to roll up their sleeves and slog it out in order to achieve their goals. and action­oriented, they prefer the direct and no­ Possessing strength and stamina, they are diligent frills approach when it comes to any kind of and can endure hardship like a real trouper. They relationship. are also courageous and decisive, which means Similar to a sharp, two­edged sword that can cut that others cannot influence them easily. both ways, Geng Metal individuals are also fiercely An interesting flip side to the Geng Metal type is loyal and altruistic. they are righteous, dependable and magnanimous. They value highly their personal relationships with family, friends and loved ones. In spite of being energetic and able to multi­task, they can be rigid. Hence, they may miss out on opportunities. Recommended Path to Personal Growth Geng Metal people often have the ability to think strategically and rationally. But only when he/she is cool. When the metal gets hot, their wits and their sharpness become clouded. So they should not let anger distort your thinking. Copyright © 2016 Joey Yap Research International. All rights reserved worldwide. Please take note that the charts, designs and terminologies used are Joey Yap’s original literary expression and are copy protected. Reporduction of terminolgies, layouts and designs in any form without the express written consent from JoeyYap International Limited is prohibited. 04 Joey Yap's Bazi Profiling System™ At Work Given their strong and resilient character, the Geng Metal type thrives on commanding power and would rather lead single­mindedly than follow. They do not cower in the face of challenges or dissenting points of view. Always ready for battle, they will gladly stand their ground. Being competitive and always aiming for the finishing line, the Geng Metal person tends to rush through his or her proposal or research report and does not pay too much care or attention to doing perfect work. Recommended Path to Professional Growth When Geng Metal individuals lose their cool and are impulsive, their wits and sharpness can be become clouded. Winning a fight but losing the war is a bad strategy. Famous Geng Metal Personalities Steve Ballmer Steve Ballmer is the CEO of Microsoft Corp and is one of the richest people in the world. Muhammad Ali He is a former boxer who is widely considered one of the greatest heavyweight championship boxers of all time. Tiger Woods Tiger Woods is an professional golfer whose achievements to date rank him among the most successful golfers of all time. Find out more about other aspects of your unique personality profile. Get the BaZi Profiling™ DYD Career Report to help you aware of your full scope of strength and weaknesses, and take action to improve your life! Get the BaZi Profiling™ DYD Career Report Now! Visit Copyright © 2016 Joey Yap Research International. All rights reserved worldwide. Please take note that the charts, designs and terminologies used are Joey Yap’s original literary expression and are copy protected. Reporduction of terminolgies, layouts and designs in any form without the express written consent from JoeyYap International Limited is prohibited. Call us today for more information and appointments 19­3, The Boulevard, Mid Valley City 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia  +603­2284 8080  