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An uncertainty-managing batch relevance-based approach to network anomaly detection

The main aim in network anomaly detection is effectively spotting hostile events within the traffic pattern associated to network operations, by distinguishing them from normal activities. This can be only accomplished by acquiring the a-priori knowledge about any kind of hostile behavior that can potentially affect the network (that is quite impossible for practical reasons) or, more easily, by building a model that is general enough to describe the normal network behavior and detect the violations from it. Earlier detection frameworks were only able to distinguish already known phenomena within traffic data by using pre-trained models based on matching specific events on pre-classified chains of traffic patterns. Alternatively, more recent statistics-based approaches were able to detect outliers respect to a statistic idealization of normal network behavior. Clearly, while the former approach is not able to detect previously unknown phenomena (zero-day attacks) the latter one has limited effectiveness since it cannot be aware of anomalous behaviors that do not generate significant changes in traffic volumes. On the other hand, machine learning allows the development of adaptive, non-parametric detection strategies that are based on " understanding " the network dynamics by acquiring through a proper training phase a more precise knowledge about normal or anomalous phenomena in order to classify and handle in a more effective way any kind of behavior that can be observed on the network. Accordingly, we present a new anomaly detection strategy based on supervised machine learning, and more precisely on a batch relevance-based fuzzyfied learning algorithm known as U-BRAIN, aiming at understanding through inductive inference the specific laws and rules governing normal or abnormal network traffic, in order to reliably model its operating dynamics. This proposal appears to be promising both in terms of identification accuracy and robustness/flexibility when coping with uncertainty in the detection/classification process, as verified through extensive evaluation experiments.

An uncertainty-managing batch relevance-based approach to network anomaly detection Gianni D’angeloa , Francesco Palmierib,∗, Salvatore Ramponea , Massimo Ficcob a Department of Sciences and Technologies, Sannio University, Via dei Mulini 59A, I-82100 Benevento, Italy. b Department of Industrial and Information Engineering, Second University of Naples, Via Roma 29, I-81031 Aversa (CE), Italy. Abstract The main aim in network anomaly detection is effectively spotting hostile events within the traffic pattern associated to network operations, by distinguishing them from normal activities. This can be only accomplished by acquiring the a-priori knowledge about any kind of hostile behavior that can potentially affect the network (that is quite impossible for practical reasons) or, more easily, by building a model that is general enough to describe the normal network behavior and detect the violations from it. Earlier detection frameworks were only able to distinguish already known phenomena within traffic data by using pre-trained models based on matching specific events on pre-classified chains of traffic patterns. Alternatively, more recent statistics-based approaches were able to detect outliers respect to a statistic idealization of normal network behavior. Clearly, while the former approach is not able to detect previously unknown phenomena (zero-day attacks) the latter one has limited effectiveness since it cannot be aware of anomalous behaviors that do not generate significant changes in traffic volumes. On the other hand, machine learning allows the development of adaptive, non-parametric detection strategies that are based on “understanding” the network dynamics by acquiring through a proper training phase a more precise knowledge about normal or anomalous phenomena in order to classify and handle in a more effective way any kind of behavior that can be observed on the network. Accordingly, we present a new anomaly detection strategy based on supervised machine learning, and more precisely on a batch relevance-based fuzzyfied learning algorithm known as U-BRAIN, aiming at understanding through inductive inference the specific laws and rules governing normal or abnormal network traffic, in order to reliably model its operating dynamics. This proposal appears to be promising both in terms of identification accuracy and robustness/flexibility when coping with uncertainty in the detection/classification process, as verified through extensive evaluation experiments. Keywords: Network Anomaly Detection, Machine Learning, Supervised Classification, Fuzzy-based techniques, Inductive Inference. ∗ Corresponding author. Email addresses: (Gianni D’angelo), (Francesco Palmieri), (Salvatore Rampone), (Massimo Ficco) Preprint submitted to Journal of Applied Soft Computing March 7, 2015 1. Introduction Together with the astonishing deployment of network technologies and the consequent increment in traffic volumes, the importance of network misuse detection and prevention frameworks is proportionally growing in almost all the modern organizations, in order to protect the most strategic resources from both external and internal threats. In this scenario The task of identifying and categorizing network anomalies essentially consists in determining all the circumstances in which the network traffic pattern deviates from its normal behavior, that in turn depends on multiple elements and considerations associated to the activities taking place every day on the network. However, the main difficulty related to a really effective detection is associated to the continuous evolution of anomalous phenomena, due to the emergence of new previously unknown attacks, so that achieving a precise, stable and exhaustive definition of anomalous behavior, encompassing all the possible hostile events that can occur on a real network, is practically impossible. Nevertheless, detection systems must not be limited by the a priori knowledge of a specific set of anomalous traffic templates or be conditioned by a large number of complex operating parameters (e.g., traffic statistic distributions and alarm thresholds), and hence have to be able to recognize and directly classify in any previously unknown phenomenon that can be experienced on the network. As a consequence, the ultimate goal of modern anomaly detection systems is behaving in a adaptive way in order to flag in “real-time”, all the deviations from a model that is built dynamically and in an incremental way by capturing the concept of normality in network operations according to a learning by example strategy. These new systems, overcoming the known limitations of the more traditional ones based on pattern detection and statistical analysis, are empowered by flexible machine learning techniques. Accordingly, we propose a novel anomaly detection strategy, particularly suitable for IP networks, based on supervised machine learning, and more specifically on a batch relevance-based fuzzyfied learning algorithm known as U-BRAIN. This strategy aims at understanding the processes that originate the traffic data, by deriving the specific laws and rules governing it, in order to reliably model its underlying dynamics. This is accomplished by performing inductive inference (or better, generalization) on traffic observations, based on some empirical pre-classified “experiential” (training) data representing incomplete information about the occurrence of specific phenomena describing normal or anomalous network activities. In addition, the adopted learning scheme allows a certain degree of uncertainty in the whole detection process making the resulting framework more solid and flexible, in managing the large variety and complexity of real traffic phenomena. We evaluated the effectiveness of the presented detection framework within a widely known test case scenario, in order to make the achieved results comparable with those of other proposal available in literature. These results demonstrated a quite satisfactory identification accuracy by placing our strategy among the most promising state-of-the-art proposals. 2. Background and Related Work Network anomaly detection has gained a great attention in security research with about 40 years of experiences available in literature. The first approach to automatic detection has been proposed in [1], followed by a large number of contributions exploring many other solutions and proposals [2][3][4]. 2 The earliest and more traditional detection approaches, mainly aiming at spotting intrusion activities, work by matching specific traffic patterns, gathered from the packets under observation, against a list of predefined signatures, each associated to a known attack or hostile/anomalous behavior. Some well-known examples are SNORT [5] and BRO [6]. While ensuring very good response times and a quite satisfactory degree of effectiveness in case of previously known menaces, these approaches are almost totally clueless in presence of new (zero-day) attacks, or when, due to minor modifications in its behavior, an already known attack does not closely match the associated signatures. In both the cases new up-to-date signatures must be generated and added to the list as soon as more detailed information about the hostile behavior become available. Unfortunately, this implies human intervention, and hence too much time to ensure real-time response. On the other hand, other very common detection systems are based on a statistical idealization of the network behavior and process the traffic observations through statistical-analysis techniques by flagging the outliers as anomalous events. The most significant examples are NIDES (Next-Generation Intrusion Detection Expert System) [7], an hybrid system providing a statistical analysis engine, and SPADE (Statistical Packet Anomaly Detection Engine) [8] a statistical detection system based on determining anomaly scores, available as a plug-in for SNORT. However, while straightforward and robust in their formulation (they do not require prior knowledge of the security menaces nor need packet inspection) statistic detection approaches may result too simplistic in their basic assumptions and hence scarcely reliable in their results. In fact, being based only on the statistical properties of the involved traffic flows these approaches are too sensitive to he normality assumption, and really effective only against specific phenomena that imply significant variations in the statistical properties of the network traffic (Volume-based Attacks). More precisely, such detection techniques have to be based on extremely accurate statistical distributions that describe the traffic under observation. Unfortunately, modeling network traffic, typically characterized by an inhomogeneous usage pattern, by using only pure statistical methods may result in a poor choice in terms of real effectiveness. Furthermore, these solutions cannot be aware of hostile activities that only affect the packet contents (such as stack smashing or other kind of malicious code exploiting system/services vulnerabilities) or explicitly conceived to be undistinguishable from regular user activities (e.g., low-rate DoS attacks). As an alternative that may reveal extremely effective in coping with the above challenges, Machine learning provides the ability of a fully automated detection system to learn by example what are the anomalous events occurring in the observed traffic by also improving its performance over time with experience, as more examples (or training data), describing normal or anomalous behaviors, are provided in its knowledge base. In this way, the detection function, that is essentially a binary classifier working on the normal and anomalous traffic classes, is inferred from the aforementioned training data. Such data consist of a set of pre-classified traffic samples. In supervised learning, each sample is a pair consisting of an input object (typically a vector of traffic features) and a desired output value (the class value) also called the supervisory signal. The inferred classifier should assign the right output class value to any valid input sample. This implies that the learning paradigm should be reasonably capable to perform generalization from the knowledge contained in the training data to previously unseen situations. The use of machine learning in anomaly detection, with the development of generalization capabilities from past experiences for classifying future data as normal or anomalous has been exploited in many proposals [9], based on neural networks [10] [11], SVMs [12] and data mining techniques [13][14]. These approaches can be further subdivided into generative or discriminative. A typical generative approach (e.g., [15]) constructs a model by starting only from normal 3 training examples, then evaluating test instances in order to appreciate how well it fits such model. As an example, the ideas presented in [16] explore different machine learning techniques to construct detection models from past behavior. On the other hand, discriminative techniques (e.g., [12]), attempt to understand the difference between the normal and anomalous instance classes. A learning approach for reproducing packet level alerts for anomaly detection at the flow level has been presented in [17]. Several approaches rely on clustering techniques, such as ADWICE [18], performing unsupervised detection based on a fast incremental clustering technique. K-Means+ID3 [19], instead, is a supervised learning approach combining k-Means clustering and the ID3 decision trees in order to classify anomalous and normal network activities. Regarding the use of tree-based structures, the DGSOT+SVM [20] scheme is an iterative approach leveraging the dynamic generation of self-organizing hierarchical trees together with SVMs to be trained on the tree nodes, where support vectors are used as the basic knowledge to control the tree growth. Other approaches introduced the concept of uncertainty within the learning strategy. Notably, a detection solution based on weighted fuzzy matching over frequent episode rules is presented in [21]. In addition, the approach presented in [22] applied fuzzy logic-based rules to audit data in order to classify it as normal or anomalous. Starting from the above experience, our machine-learning based detection solution combines the strength of rule-based systems and the flexibility of fuzzy logic to reliably understand the fundamental properties of the network traffic in order to rapidly flag the occurrence of abnormal events. 3. A fuzzy rule-based detection strategy The basic idea is building a formal model that expresses the relations between all the fundamental variables involved in the traffic dynamics, and hence “understands” the notions of normal’ and anomalous behavior, from the available experience by learning the characteristics of the corresponding traffic classes and expressing them into laws and rules that are general enough to determine if any unseen instance belongs to the one or the other class. Obviously, the overall detection quality strongly depends on the accurateness and generality of the above model and hence of the completeness of the training data on which its “knowledge” about normal and anomalous phenomena is built. Starting from the previous considerations, we modeled our anomaly detection strategy according to a supervised machine learning scheme, specifically conceived for learning disjunctive normal form (DNF) [23] boolean formulas from partial truth tables, possibly with uncertain values or missing information bits. Such formulas, determined by using the U-BRAIN (Uncertaintymanaging Batch Relevance-based Artificial Intelligence) algorithm [24], describe the correlation rules between attribute conditions and class labels, modeling the normal and anomalous traffic profiles through boolean predicates on the observation attributes. Since the U-BRAIN algorithm works on boolean data, the above attribute values have to be quantized, in order to represent them in rules by using binary strings. The aggregation of all the determined correlation rules defines the behavior of an inductively learned classifier that is able to analyze the deviation from normal traffic profiles and the proximity to the known anomalous ones, as determined from the historical observations available in the training set. Clearly, by relying on a supervised approach where both the phenomena of interest are known in the training set, such a classifier should be potentially able to achieve better detection performance respect to semi-supervised and unsupervised solutions, since more information 4 are available in its training knowledge base. However, the unbalancing in the amount of training data representing the two classes, together with the presence of some noise in pre-classified samples, can significantly affect the final accuracy of the detection results. In particular, we have to consider that anomalies are rather infrequent when compared with the whole amount of observations, thus the available data used to model the concept of anomaly may be insufficient or lack of representativity. This may imply some accuracy problems (usually resulting in false alarms or missed detections). We faced these problems by improving the flexibility of rules through the introduction of fuzzy logic. In fact, allowing a certain degree of uncertainty at the binary classifier level makes the resulting detection strategy significantly stronger both in terms of flexibility and ability to cope with the variety and complexity of network traffic phenomena. In this way the detection approach considers a wider range of implications when making its decisions, resulting in a more effective and powerful approach in presence of incomplete training data. 3.1. Initial knowledge construction A fundamental preliminary task in a supervised network anomaly detection process is the initial “knowledge construction” where the most significant network utilization patterns, describing the fundamental traffic dynamics, should be described in terms of specific features gathered from traffic observations. This is a very slow and complex activity that implies collecting and preclassifying network traffic observations over a sufficiently long period of time, in order to build a quite complete training set, reliably describing the historical knowledge of the network behavior or “baseline”. The training data will thus consist in a parametric network traffic model that can be viewed as an approximation of reality, where a limited set of parameters is available in form of the most discriminant traffic features that are able to describe the traffic behavior. Such traffic model can be realized by looking at different dimensions of observation such as inter-arrival times of packet transmission and reception events, together with information about packet sizes, flags, source and destination addresses, ports/services involved, by also attempting to use the memory of recent past to identify persistent events like end-to-end connections (traffic flows). These observations are represented as a time series, that is, a sequence of scalar samples measured at uniformly spaced time intervals. More formally, the training set T = (t1 , t2 , . . . tN ) consists of N samples, each structured as an d-dimensional vector of traffic features si = ( f1 , f2 , . . . fd ). The training set is joined with a one-dimensional feature set C = (c1 , c2 , . . . cm ) associated to the supervisory signal, where ci represent the class (i.e., anomalous, not anomalous) to which each sample ti belongs. In this way, the knowledge base of the classifier is described by a set or rules that will be “inferred” from the aforementioned collection of pre-classified training samples, where p of them are associated to normal traffic observation and q to anomalous ones, with p ≫ q. 3.2. The U-BRAIN algorithm U-BRAIN is a machine learning algorithm able to infer explicitly the laws that govern a process from examples. In its latest version, U-BRAIN can also act on incomplete data. Originally, the algorithm, named BRAIN [25], was conceived for recognizing the borders of coding regions in human DNA. The algorithm was based on the Michalski’s STAR technique [26], on the candidate-elimination method introduced by Mitchell [27], and on the work of Haussler [28]. The BRAIN algorithm was later extended [24] to treat data with missing bits by using fuzzy sets. The resulting U-BRAIN algorithm keeps the computational complexity of the original one. The great versatility that characterize it, makes U-BRAIN applicable in every industry and science 5 field in which there are data to be analyzed, such as the financial world, the aviation industry as well as the biomedical scope. U-BRAIN models a process by a formula able to forecast the future process behavior. Specifically, the algorithm builds Boolean formulae F of n literals xi (i = {1, . . . , n}) in DNF form, made up of disjunctions of conjunctive terms, starting from a set T of training data. The data (instances) in T are divided into two classes, named positive and negative, respectively modeled by the n-sized vectors u~i with i = {1, . . . , p} and v~j with j = {1, . . . , q}, representing the issues to be classified. Each element ui,k or v j,k with k = {1, . . . , n} can assume values belonging to the set {0.1, 21 } respectively associated to positive, negative and uncertain instances. The conjunctive terms of the formula are carried-out in an iterative way by two nested loops (see algorithm 1 schema). The inner cycle refers to the selection of the literals of each formula term, while the outer one is devoted to the terms themselves. In order to build a formula consistent with the given data, U-BRAIN compares each given positive instance with each negative one and builds a family of fuzzy sets of conditions that must be satisfied by at least one of the positive instances and violated by all the negative ones formally defined as: o n o n S i, j = xk |ui,k > v j,k ∨ ui,k = v j,k = 21 ∪ xk |ui,k < v j,k ∨ ui,k = v j,k = 12 (1) In other words, the k-th literal belongs to the S i, j set if the elements in the position k, belonging to the i-th positive instance ui,k and to the j-th negative instance v j,k , are different or both equal to 12 . Starting from these sets S i, j , the algorithm determines for each literal xk belonging to them a set of coefficients Ri, j , Ri and R, called relevances, forming a probability distribution, where: Ri, j (xk ) = Ri (xk ) = µi, j (xk ) #(S i, j ) q 1X Ri, j (xk ) q j=1 (2) o R(xk ) = 1X Ri (xk ) p j=1 where µi, j is the membership function of the set S i, j (see [24]) and #(x) is the fuzzy cardinality P of a subset s of a set S defined as #(x) = x∈S µ s (x). This allows the selection of the literals on a maximum probability greedy criteria (the literal having maximum relevance value is selected).The goal of such greedy selection is simultaneously covering the maximum number of positive instances with the minimum possible number of literals. Each time a literal is chosen, the condition sets S i, j , and the corresponding probability distribution, are updated by erasing the sets containing the literal itself. The inner cycle is then repeated and the term is completed when there are no more elements in the sets of conditions. Then the new term is added to the formula and, in the outer cycle, the positive instances satisfying the term are erased. Then, the inner cycle starts again on the remaining data. The algorithm ends when there are no more data to treat. The algorithm has two biases: the instance set must be self-consistent, that means that an instance cannot belong to both the classes, and no duplicated instances are allowed. In fact, it may happen that the initial set of training instances contains redundant information. This may be due to repeated instances present from the beginning of the process or resulting from a reduction step, whose task is limiting the presence of missing bits, 6 by recovering them as possible. Such redundancy is automatically removed by keeping each instance just once and deleting all the repetitions, in order to avoid consistency violation that can halt the process. Algorithm 1 The U-BRAIN schema Require: p > 0. q > 0. T = {u~1 , . . . , u~p , v~1 , . . . , v~q } 1: F ← ∅ {Initialize F} ~i ∈ T do 2: while there are positive instances u 3: Uncertainty Reduction 4: Repetition Deletion 5: m ← ∅ {Initialize term m} 6: Build S i, j sets f rom T 7: while there are elements in S i, j do 8: Compute Ri, j for {xk , xk }, k = {1, . . . , n} 9: Compute Ri for {xk , xk }, k = {1, . . . , n} 10: Compute R for {xk , xk }, k = {1, . . . , n} 11: Choose literal x with max relevance R 12: m ← m ∪ {x} {Update term m} 13: U pdate S i, j sets 14: end while 15: F ← F ∪ {m} {Add term m to F} 16: U pdate positive instances u~i ∈ T, i = {1, . . . , p} 17: U pdate negative instances v~j ∈ T, j = {1, . . . , q} 18: Check consistency 19: end while 20: return F 3.3. U-BRAIN Algorithm Complexity and its Parallel implementation The overall algorithm time complexity is O(n5 ) and its space complexity is O(n3 ) for large n (where n is the number of variables). So, processing large amounts of data with a single computer may be prohibitive in terms of both space and time needed. Of course, such a complexity is only referred to the training phase where the set of classification rules is initially built from the training data. Once these rules are available the detection activity is extremely simple and fast and hence can be performed in real-time by operating on-line on live network traffic, by potentially including the resulting classifier within a next-generation firewall or IDS system providing limited processing capabilities. The whole operating scenario is depicted in Figure 1 where all the off-line activities, associated to the U-BRAIN framework, are reported into a grey box, whereas the other ones can be managed on-line within the context of a real-time detection system. However, in order to keep the classifier up-to-date with the evolving network traffic dynamics, periodical re-training is necessary. Due to the above computing and space demands in the training phase, such activity can be performed off-line and independently from the running classifier, by eventually distributing its load among multiple cooperating runtime machines that provide high performance High-Performance Computing (HPC) capabilities. Accordingly, the main goal of a recent work [29] has been the construction of a new version of the U-BRAIN algorithm relaying on HPC capabilities, in order to overcome the limits related to its high computational 7 Figure 1: Detection system architecture complexity. The new version, using more clever mathematical and programming solutions, such as a Dynamic Programming and a new relevance representation, allows the algorithm implementation on parallel computing systems with reduced communication costs. To this aim an effective distributed computing and storage architecture has been specifically designed according to an high degree temporal and spatial locality principle [30]. The algorithm has been implemented by using a Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) [31] technique together with a Message-Passing Programming paradigm. Overall, the results obtained on standard data sets show that the parallel version is up to 30 times faster than the serial one. Moreover, by increasing the problem size, at constant number of processors, the average speed-up further increases. Recently, the U-BRAIN parallel version has been used in diagnosis of aerospace structures defects. In such a context, the algorithm demonstrated to be effective as a defect classifier in non destructive testing [32]. 4. Performance Evaluation In evaluating the performance of the proposed detection strategy our main aim was making our results comparable with alternative approaches already available in literature. Unfortunately, this is not immediate, in lack of a generally recognized benchmark for assessing and validating anomaly detection solutions. In fact, most of the publicly available data sets and taxonomies that can be used for benchmarking anomaly detection systems are generally known to be error-prone and of limited significance in their results. However, while strongly criticized [33] as being excessively “artificial” for the usage of synthetic simulated background data not containing the noise that characterize real traffic, the KDD’99 dataset [34], originally produced from DARPA 98 Lincoln Labs, is widely recognized 8 as the most used publicly available labeled dataset for comparing network anomaly detection systems, as it can be appreciated from a huge number of research works. It starts from several weeks of raw traffic data collected within a local-area network (LAN) simulating a typical U.S. Air Force LAN, in which 24 attack types have been identified and labeled, and all the data flow activity has been summarized into connections by using the Bro IDS [6], that extracted 41 distinct features for each connection. Observations are partitioned into two subsets representing respectively the training and the testing set, where the raw training data yielded about 5 million connection records and the test one around 2 million ones. The test set also includes specific attack types not present in the training data (that can be considered as zero-day attacks) in order to asses the classifier generalization capability. In order to avoid some of the known consistency problems of the KDD’99 data set [35] we used its preprocessed version known as NSL-KDD [36] that removed inconsistencies and redundancy in the training set, so that the performance of the classifiers will not be perturbed or biased by the methods which exhibit better detection rates on frequent records. Although the NSL-KDD data set is not a perfect representative of a real network scenario (it still suffers from some of the weaknesses reported in [37]), we believe it can be considered the best available compromise for comparing/benchmarking different anomaly detection methods. 4.1. Feature Reduction First of all, we are interested in investigating the relevance of the 41 features available in KDD’99 samples with respect to dataset labels. In order to ensure a satisfactory degree of performance, mainly in terms of responsiveness, the number of features constituting each sample should be kept as small as possible, by diversifying the features and making them discriminative as well as mutually independent. This is due to the fact that a group of highly independent features is more effective in discriminating between the two classes than any of them taken individually. Several techniques can be used for determining the best, and most relevant features that can be used for building robust learning models. Their goal is significantly improving the detection performance by eliminating irrelevant and redundant features from the available data and hence reducing the overall problem dimension. This transform our data representation into a shorter, more compact, and hopefully, more predictive one keeping only the really useful features from the original feature set. The simplest approach for selecting the really necessary features is trying to extract the more specific properties of the traffic under observation, by properly mining the pre-classified feature vectors in the training set. This implies searching the whole feature space, a component a a time, for the subset of features that is most likely to best characterize the normal and anomalous traffic classes, by ranking each individual feature according to the aforementioned considerations and identifying and removing useless features that may adversely affect the detection performance. 4.1.1. Ranking Ranking may be based on several criteria that are able to quantify the relevance of a given feature, and hence its role in determining the class label. The most used for this purpose is information gain, based on the feature’s entropy, and defined as: IG( fk , ci ) = P( fk , ci )log P( f¯k , ci ) P( fk , ci ) + P( f¯k , ci )log P( fk )P(ci ) P( f¯k )P(ci ) 9 (3) P where the P(·) are occurrence probabilities in S and i IG( fk , ci ) = H(C) − H(C|S ). When the feature fk is relevant, and hence necessary for an accurate detection of class ci , the associated entropies will assume values close to 0 and thus the information gain will be consequently close to 1. Also the well known χ2 test can be used as a good quality metric to evaluate the predictive properties of a specific feature, by computing the χ2 statistic for each combination of feature fk and class ci : χ2 ( fk , ci ) = N(P( fk , ci )P( f¯k , c̄i ) − P( fk , c̄i )P( f¯k , ci ))2 P( fk )P( f¯k )P(ci )P(c̄i ) (4) where N is the total number of observations in the training set. We obtained the same (and hence extremely coherent) results from both the Information Gain and χ2 tests on the whole training set, resulting in the ranking reported in Table 1. Table 1: Features ranking results Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Ranking Score 0.81620015 0.6715649 0.63304893 0.51938822 0.51868903 0.50984907 0.4759185 0.43821385 0.41091066 0.40596111 0.40475154 0.39806695 0.39273998 0.38358863 0.37912493 0.27083688 0.19803814 0.18887561 0.14155352 0.09424551 Feature src bytes service dst bytes flag diff srv rate same srv rate dst host srv count dst host same srv rate dst host diff srv rate dst host serror rate logged in dst host srv serror rate serror rate count srv serror rate dst host srv diff host rate dst host count dst host same src port rate srv diff host rate srv count Order 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Ranking Score 0.08826684 0.06263911 0.05674069 0.05217739 0.05156684 0.03672469 0.01155446 0.00960996 0.00650408 0.00371697 0.00215482 0.00116837 0.00091826 0.00051404 0.00032406 0.00010426 0.00006037 0.00003811 0.00000717 0 0 Feature dst host srv rerror rate protocol type rerror rate dst host rerror rate srv rerror rate duration hot wrong fragment num compromised num root num access files is guest login num file creations su attempted root shell num shells num failed logins land is host login num outbound cmds urgent 4.1.2. Feature Selection The top k features (resulting in a percentage of the number of original ones) can be chosen after ordering the whole feature set according to the ranking score. However, features’ quality may significantly vary, so that performing feature selection based only on the ranking order can potentially introduce in the set some low-discriminating features. Analogously, the features can be selected by introducing a threshold on the ranking score, (e.g., 0.01 for Information Gain) and including the features with a value over it. However, there is a time consuming but more effective alternative, exploring the predictive power of groups of features by using tree-based classification 10 algorithms such as C4.5 [38]. This may result in an automatic feature selection strategy based on an initial mining phase operating on a sufficiently large quantity of pre-classified data, that starting from a reasonably complete set of features removes one by one the least discriminants ones in terms of ranking by verifying that the classification accuracy does not fall under a predetermined value. Accordingly, we progressively removed a feature at a time in successive J48-based classifications, until the relative absolute error ε, remains under the 1% threshold. ε has been measured as as the total absolute error relative to what the error would have been if the prediction ϕi had been the average τ of the target values τi , so that: ε= n P i=1 n P |ti − oi | i=1 (5) ti − t The whole selection process results in only 6 (starting from the first in table 1) necessary features as it can be seen from the chart in Figure 2, that implies a significant reduction in the overall space and runtime complexity in both the training and testing phases. 6 Relative Absolute Error Acceptance Threshold 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Number of Features Figure 2: Feature selection results Quantization has been performed on all the six attributes (the first two are nominal/discrete, the other numeric/continuous) in order to transform them into binary data strings as required by the U-BRAIN algorithm. Since the service and flag attributes are respectively composed by 70 11 and 11 elements, we used 7 bits to represent the former one and 4 bits for the latter. Analogously, by considering their minimum and maximum values, we have chosen 12 bits for src bytes and dst bytes, while 8 bits were devoted to same srv rate and diff srv rate. So, 52 bits are necessary to represent each instance, where 51 bits are dedicated to the feature space and one bit is required for the label representing the target class (0=normal, 1=anomalous). Each connection has been labeled as either associated to normal activity, or as a network anomaly, regardless of the specific attack type reported in the KDD dataset. The individual instance layout is presented in table 2. Table 2: Generic instance layout Description destination network service connection attributes and error status bytes from source to destination bytes from destination to source % of connections to the same service % of connections to different services label Attribute service flags src bytes dst bytes same srv rate diff srv rate class Bits 7 4 12 12 8 8 1 4.2. Training and Testing In order to assess the potential of the proposed strategy for detecting network anomalies we provided a proof of concept using U-BRAIN to find rules and formulae for distinguishing between anomalous (intrusions, attacks) and normal connections/events. U-BRAIN has been properly trained on the NSL-KDD training set and its real effectiveness has been successively verified on the corresponding testing set. However, due to the U-BRAIN consistency bias, a data pre-processing/cleaning step has been necessary to remove the inconsistencies on both training and testing data. In particular, all the new duplicates introduced by feature reduction (the instances passed from 41 to 6 attributes) have been removed. The resulting dataset is composed by 21178 training instances (8757 positive and 12421 negative) and 6032 testing instances (2116 positive and 3916 negative), as reported in Table 3. Table 3: The NSL-KDD data set after preprocessing Positives 8757 Training Set Negatives 12421 Total 21178 Positives 2116 Testing Set Negatives 3916 Total 6032 First of all, 10-fold cross validation has been performed on the entire training set, in order to ensure results consistency and guarantee a better reliability to the whole process. Accordingly, all the training data have been randomly divided into 10 disjoint subsets (folders), each containing approximately the same amount of instances (see Table 4). In each experiment, nine folders have been used as training data, while the remaining folder is used as validation. This process has been repeated 10 times, for each different choice of the 12 Table 4: 10-fold cross-validation instance breakdown Test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Training Data Positives Negatives 7843 11218 7870 11191 7831 11230 7865 11196 7883 11178 7840 11221 7852 11209 7886 11175 7972 11089 7971 11082 Total 19061 19061 19061 19061 19061 19061 19061 19061 19061 19053 Positives 914 887 926 892 874 917 905 871 785 786 Test data Negatives 1203 1230 1191 1225 1243 1200 1212 1246 1332 1339 Total 2117 2117 2117 2117 2117 2117 2117 2117 2117 2125 validation folder. The results are reported in Table 5, resuming how well the model assigns the correct class value to the test instances. Table 5: 10-fold cross-validation classification performance Test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mean Confusion matrix TP FP TN FN 905 9 1194 9 880 14 1216 7 913 14 1177 13 880 19 1206 12 866 18 1225 8 905 11 1189 12 894 23 1189 11 856 21 1225 15 775 23 1309 10 778 19 1320 8 865 17 1225 11 Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity Precision 0.991 0.990 0.987 0.985 0.988 0.989 0.984 0.983 0.984 0.987 0.987 0.990 0.992 0.986 0.987 0.991 0.987 0.988 0.983 0.987 0.990 0.988 0.993 0.989 0.988 0.984 0.986 0.991 0.981 0.983 0.983 0.986 0.986 0.990 0.984 0.985 0.979 0.980 0.988 0.975 0.976 0.971 0.976 0.980 F1 Measure 0.990 0.988 0.985 0.983 0.985 0.987 0.981 0.979 0.979 0.983 0.984 Correlation Coefficient 0.983 0.980 0.974 0.970 0.975 0.978 0.967 0.965 0.967 0.973 0.973 ROC Area 0.991 0.990 0.987 0.986 0.988 0.989 0.984 0.983 0.985 0.988 0.987 Error Ratio 0.009 0.010 0.013 0.015 0.012 0.011 0.016 0.017 0.016 0.013 0.013 In detail, the first four columns, after the test number, represent the confusion matrix in terms of True Positives (T P: correct detections), False Negatives (FN: missed detections), True Negatives (T N: correct silence), False Positives (FN: false alarms). The following five columns report respectively:   (T P+T N) • Accuracy (T P+T N+FP+FN) , that is the portion of correctly classified instances.   TP • Sensitivity (T P+FN) , also called True Positive Rate, that is the portion of positive instances which are correctly identified as positives by the classifier.   TN • Specificity (T N+FP) , also called True Negative Rate, that refers to the classifier’s ability to identify negative results.   TP • Precision (T P+FP) , that is a measure of retrieved instances that are relevant. 13   2·T P , that is the harmonic mean of precision and sensitivity, hence • F1-Measure (2·T P+FP+FN) gathering into a single value both the metrics. In fact, evaluating precision and sensitivity also in a joint way may be very useful, since it is quite easy optimizing one of the metrics by declining the other.   T P×T N−FP×FN , correlating the • Matthews Correlation Coefficient [39] √(T P+FP)(T P+FN)(T N+FP)(T N+FN) observed and predicted binary classifications by simultaneously considering true and false positives and negatives. It can assume a value between -1 and +1, where +1 represents a perfect prediction, 0 no better than random prediction and -1 indicates total disagreement between prediction and observation. • ROC Area or Area under the ROC curve (plotting the detection rate against the false positive one), summarizes the total accuracy of the detector in a way that accounts for both the gains in True Positive Rate and the losses in False Positive Rate. More precisely, it represents the probability for the classifier of ranking a randomly selected positive instance better than a randomly selected negative one, by reflecting the inherent difficulty of the detection task in presence of noise. Accordingly, with a ROC Area value of 0.9, for example, there is an 90% probability that given two randomly selected alternatives, the correct one will be identified, so that a ROC Area value of 1 is associated to perfect detection while an value of 0.5 implies completely random results. Finally, the last column reports the error ratio referred to the per-folder classification process. Once the classification formulae have been built from the entire training set, the overall detection performance has been evaluated on the testing set. The results are reported in Table 6, where we can observe a significant classification accuracy associated to a very high precision in identifying traffic that is not affected by anomalies. This is also confirmed by the observation of the F1-Measure results, strongly reflecting the excellent combined performance in precision and sensitivity. In addition, both the Matthews Correlation Coefficient and the area under the ROC curve report respectively a very satisfactory score (0.87) and a value (0.93) quite near to a perfect prediction. In addition, the whole experiment resulted in a very limited error ratio. We can argue that the errors observable from the confusion matrix can be in most part due to specific kind of non-noisy attacks present in the testing set (e.g., buffer overflow), that due to their inherent structure in term if traffic pattern may be indistinguishable from normal activity and hence lead to contradictory results. However, this can be not considered a real problem in a network anomaly detection system, since the results show a good efficiency in identifying traffic patterns that can be considered “normal”, and we are essentially interested in distinguishing the occurrence of suspicious events (and eventually flagging them for further analysis) deviating from the “normal” traffic behavior. Table 6: Classification performance on the testing set Confusion matrix TP FP TN FN 1890 128 3788 226 Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity Precision 0.941 0.893 0.967 0.936 F1 Measure 0.914 Correlation Coefficient 0.870 ROC Area 0.930 Error Ratio 0.059 In addition, in order to evaluate our anomaly detection strategy also on real traffic data, we 14 tested it against a packet trace collected at the Federico II University of Napoli, containing all the (anonymized) traffic incoming from an 1 Gbps link to the Internet of the engineering Campus, collected on March 24, 2009 from 00:00 to 19:08. Only incoming traffic has been collected for traffic cleaning and purity reasons (filtering undesired anomalous events is much easier since the expected traffic pattern is known). The trace contains several anomalous events simulated through distributed SYN floods and port-scanning attacks occurring at various times (see table ??), properly chosen as representative of most of the anomalous traffic patterns that can be observed on a border connection to the Internet (inbound distributed denial of service attacks, bandwidth floods, single and multiple scans). The features of interest have been extracted by using the CAIDA CoralReef toolset. Start Time 01:15 02:15 03:15 04:15 05:15 06:15 13:15 Duration 60s 300s 600s 60s 300s 600s 600s Attack SYN flood SYN flood SYN flood SYN flood SYN flood SYN flood portscan Packet rate 500/s 500/s 500/s 250/s 250/s 250/s 250/s Table 7: The simulated attacks in the real traffic trace. The classification results reported in table ??, related to the 10-fold cross validation, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach also on real data. AGGIUNGERE TABLE 8 CON I RISULTATI SUI DATI REALI 4.3. Results Comparison 4.3.1. Classification Stage In order to obtain a clearer view about the quality of the above results on terms of classification performance we compared them with those obtained on the same data set by using several of the most common and effective supervised classification techniques whose implementation details are widely known. These techniques have been explicitly chosen to cover the fundamental categories of approaches available in literature, ranging from rule-based methods (in our case C4.5/J48 [40][41] ), to neural networks (with a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) [42]), Support Vector Machines (SVM) [43][44] or Bayesian networks (by using a Naive-Bayes classifier [45]). As comparison metrics, in addition to the more traditional accuracy and precision we used the Matthews correlation coefficient that is considered to be the most effective quality measure in binary classification, and in particular in anomaly detection where the amount of normal instances greatly surpasses the number of anomalous ones. In fact, such coefficient is significantly more stable, in presence of very different class sizes, than other widely used ones such as the area under the ROC curve. It also achieves an optimum balance of the types of errors over the two classes. As it can be easily appreciated from Figure 3 as well as from the detailed performance results reported in Table 8, the U-BRAIN-based strategy outperforms all the other methods on the NSL-KDD data. 4.3.2. Application Stage In order to compare the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed technique with other known anomaly detection approaches, not only in terms of classification performance, but also 15 Table 8: Classification performance comparison results U-Brain J48 SVM MLP Naive Bayes Accuracy 0.941 0.858 0.795 0.768 0.698 Sensitivity 0.893 0.962 0.966 0.905 0.977 Specificity 0.967 0.779 0.664 0.664 0.487 0.95 Precision 0.9362 0.767 0.685 0.671 0.591 Accuracy Precision Correlation 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 U-Brain J48 SVM MLP Naive-Bayes Figure 3: Classification performance comparison histogram 16 Correlation 0.870 0.736 0.639 0.571 0.508 at the final application stage, we performed a tentative comparison on the final accuracy of the results achieved on the same dataset by our scheme and several distinguished (supervised and unsupervised) anomaly detection methods such as the k-Nearest Neighbor outlier mining algorithm (K-NN) [46], fixed-width clustering (Cluster) [47], ADWICE [18], fpMAFIA [48], SVM+DGSOT [20], K-Means+ID3 [19], HDG-clustering [49] and RPCPAI [50], whose ROC graphs and Area measures are available in literature. The area under the ROC curve has been chosen for comparison since it is one of the most standardized accuracy metrics for anomaly detection algorithms, that consequently has been widely used in literature, so that many performance results referring to the KDD dataset are publicly available. Based on the comparison results reported in Figure 4, we can assert that the proposed detection method can compete with the other available techniques since its detection performance is located exactly on the average of all the examined ROC results, represented by the dotted line in the aforementioned Figure. 0.98 Area under the ROC curve 0.96 0.94 Average Value 0.92 0.9 0.88 0.86 fpMAFIA K-NN U-Brain Fixed ADWICE DGSOT K-means RPCPAI HDG Cluster +SVM +ID3 Cluster Figure 4: Application performance comparison histogram 5. Conclusions Identifying anomalous events is one of the best ways to discover a lot of existing malfunctions and handle most of the security and performance problems that may occur in modern networks. Hence, the availability of reliable detection devices and strategies becomes a fundamental prerequisite for next generation network-empowered infrastructures. We presented a new supervised 17 machine learning approach to anomaly detection, whose goal is understanding the dynamics and behaviors characterizing network traffic in order to generate a set of rules and criteria that can be used to effectively discriminate anomalous events in the normal traffic flow. Such approach couples the capability of inferring rigid decisional structures, represented as boolean formulas, from incomplete sample observations, with the flexibility introduced by a fuzzy-based uncertainty management strategy. This allows the detection engine to easily adapt to the very different kind of phenomena that can be experienced on a real network. The results of the experimental evaluation demonstrate the ability of successfully handling very different kind of events/phenomena within the context of a quite difficult selection of training and testing data, commonly used for assessing detection approaches. However, it must be considered that the detection capability is directly depending on accuracy of the self-learnt rules describing the traffic model, so that if the training data are not enough complete and realistic, i.e., they do not reflect all the aspects characterizing the real network traffic, the risk of false positives and/or negatives increases. This introduces the need of an incremental knowledge construction ad refinement process, implemented within the context of a continuous supervised re-training mechanism, managed trough human-driven results validation. Furthermore, while rule construction is a computationally heavy task that has to be managed off-line, on a periodic basis, by relying on properly crafted parallel computing environments, the on-line detection activity, based on the above rules, is extremely simple and effective in term of performance and can be easily implemented in most of the next-generation security equipments available on modern networks. Finally, it should be considered that, by relying on a native rule-based detection strategy, where the inferred rules have the main goal of reliably describing the model (ideally dynamically kept up-to-date through periodic re-training) that represents network traffic, this approach is potentially more effective against previously unknown phenomena and robust against obfuscation mechanisms. References [1] J. P. 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