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Norm and Actualization of Peace Education

THE NORM AND ACTUALIZATION OF PEACE EDUCATION OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD SAW IN THE PERIOD OF MEDINA: COMPARISON MATERIAL STUDY BETWEEN MA AND SMA Chaterina Puteri Doni. Arabic Literature Department Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Muhammadiyah Gorontalo Jln. Prof.Dr.H. Mansoer Pateda, Desa Pentadio Timur, Kec. Telaga Biru, Kab. Gorontalo, Prov. Gorontalo, Hp. 6281243357028 ABSTRACT Factually, the morality and character of the nation, especially among the students has started to show signs of falling appart. This is evidenced by the high rates of violence such as sexual harassment, brawls and fights in the world of education. The main issues are not something that could be considered trivial. Cases are occurring among current students have been entered in the category of very poor condition, some of them even deals with the legal authorities. In conditions like this, all it takes is through peace-based education. In this case the peace education is regarded as one of the alternative solutions of problems that occur at this time. The main problem of this research are as follows, first how is the concept of peace education. Second, to analyze the value and the implementation of peace education in the material of the Da’wah Muhammad in Madina Period between the MA and General high School. The method of this research is library research. The results of this research are: first, peace education is an educational concept that boils down to a generation of peace, the development of a culture of nonviolence and skills in resolving conflicts. Second, the value and the implementation in the material of the Da’wah of Muhammad in Madina Period is unity, solidarity of humanity, tolerance, compassion and empathy. Key words: Norms, Peace Education, Da’wah Material INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND Factually, the morality and character of the nation, especially among the students has started to show signs of falling appart. The collapse of morality and character of the nation has invited a variety of calamities and disasters in the country. Disasters have expanded not only in the realm of social and politics but had strayed into the world of education. Violence in the educational world today has become a major issue that cannot be underrated. Cases are occurring among current students and have entered the category of very poor condition. The above phenomenon has become one of the benchmark that the acts of violence that occuring is not a new thing, but it has been there and going around students in the environment of place of residence or work environment. On that basis, the anticipation of the major cases of violence among students or education in a larger scale needs prevention efforts through education. Based on this, peace studies have a very important role in shaping human behavior through education. THEORETICAL REVIEW Peace Education has two root words that is peace and education which have different meanings. Peace means freedom from war or violence; a peace plan or movement agreement (Hornby, 1995:852). While Education means a process of training and instruction. Therefore, it can be concluded that peace education is education for peace. It means that education will be directed to the development of the human itself and to respect and love peace. The above definition shows the importance of education in the context of human heterogeneity with the basic human right of everyone to be recognized and respected, then the need for mutual understanding, tolerance, regardless of different nation, race, or religion, but remained in the same circle that is peace. Due to peace that is considered important, then the UNESCO (United Nations of Education, Scietific, and Cultural Organization)in 1974, taking steps to develop it through educational path to become a mean of approach. The statement reads, " UNESCO recommendation concerning education for international, understanding, cooperation, and peace and education relating to human right and fundamental freedoms. This statement continued in the form of a Constitution which contains commands to build a culture of peace in every thought of people living in the world. Here also mentioned about the culture of peace according to UNESCO in 1992, namely value, attitude, behavior and ways of life based on non violence and respect for fundamental rights and freedoms, on understanding, tolerance and sharing, on the solidarity, and the free flow of information, and the full participation and empowerment of women (UNESCO, 2001:17). Peace education has been developed as the main goals to be achieved. This means education is directed to the development of the human personality and the strengthening of respect for the human rights and fundamental freedoms, the aim for mutual understanding, tolerance, and friendship between all Nations, racial, or religious group and the strengthening of activities to keep the peace. In conclusion, peace education is an education directed to the development of the human personality, respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms, mutual understanding, tolerance and friendship with all Nations, races, and between groups that leads to peace. Through the process of education of peace that there could be built with a solid foundation in recognition of the above differences that exist. Refering to the description of the education, then the acts of violence committed by human beings is a heinous actions and self-defeating as well as others. In other words, violence is a manifestation of emptiness of existence as a responsible human being. This awareness needs to be inculcated through education. Education should not only serves as an arena of the transfer of knowledge, but also as a vehicle to foster awareness of identity and the role of human beings that must be managed. Based on this, the efforts to realize peace not only to reduce acts of violence, but also the existence of the endeavor to bring about a sense of peaceful, harmonious, and peaceful in the reality of social life. In the Islamic Da'wah of prophet Muhammad SAW, Islamic education is divided into two periods, namely, Mecca and Medina, the essence of Islamic education in that period were stationed in Al-Quran and Sunnah which is teacher, the pioneer of Islamic education. there begins the starting point for the development of Islamic education. Law No. 20 of 2003 on the national education system, stated that the function of national education is to develop the ability to form character and the civilization of the peoples also the dignity in order to educate the nation's life, aimed at the development of potential learners in order to become a man of faith and piety to God Almighty, with noble morale, healthy, educated, accomplished, creative, independent, and become democratic and accountable citizens. To achieve that goal, one of the areas of study that should be studied by students at the madrasah is Islamic education, which are intended to shape the learners become a man of faith and piety and noble character. Islamic education in Madrasah Aliyah consisted of four subjects, namely: Al-Quran-Hadith, creed-Morals, Fiqh and history of Islamic culture. Each of these subjects are essentially interlinked, and completemntary. Al-Quran-Hadith is the main source of Islamic teachings, in the sense that it is the source of morals, creed-Shari'ah, worship, muamalah or faith is the root or the subject matter of religion. Syaria'ah and moral rooted from creed as a manifestation and consequences of belief. Syari'ah is system norms (rules) governing the relationship of man with God, our fellow human beings and with other creatures. Morals is an aspect of the attitude of life or personality of the human life, in the sense of how the system of norms regulating the relations of man to God and human relationships with humans and other it becomes the attitude to life and personality of human life in running system of life such as political, economic, social, educational, family, culture/arts, science, sports/health which is based on a firm belief. Islamic culture is a direct development of the life journey of the moeslim man from time to time in an attempt to be Syari’ah as well as characterized in developing a system of life which is based by creed itself. Islamic education at Madrasah Aliyah which consisted of four subjects has its own characteristics. Al-Quran-Hadith, emphasizes on capability to read and write, to understand the meaning in textual and contextual, as well as practice it in everyday life. This aspect of the rule emphasizes on capability to understand and defend the true faith/beliefs as well as live and practice the values of al-asma ul-husna. Moral aspect emphasize on conditioning to implement attitudes, commendable and deplorable morals away from in everyday life. Aspects of the history of Islamic culture emphasizes on capability of taking ibrah of historic events (of Islam), imitating the accomplished figures to associate it with the phenomenon of social, cultural, political, economic, science and technology, and art and others to develop the culture and civilization of Islam. History of Islamic culture in the Madrasah Aliyah is one of the subjects that talks about the origins, development, role of culture/society of Islam in the past, ranging from calling the Prophet Muhammad from Makkah and Madinah period, the leadership of the faithful after the Prophet's death, until the development of the classical period of Islam (the golden age) in 650 M-1250M, medieval period decline (1250M-1800M), and the modern era/period revival (1800 – present) , as well as the development of Islam in Indonesia and in the world. Substantially the subjects history of Islamic culture have contributed to motivating learners to know, understand, living up to the history of Islamic culture, containing the values of the wisdom that can be used to train intelligence, forming attitudes, character, and personality of the learners. The subjects history of Islamic culture in the Madrasah Aliyah aims so that learners have the abilityability as follows: a. Build awareness about the importance of learners to learn the Foundation of religion, values and norms that have been built by the Islamic prophet Muhammad SAW in order to develop Islamic culture and society. b. Build awareness about the importance of learners time and place which is a process of the past, present, and future c. Train learners to be critical and to understand historical facts that are based on a scientific approach. d. Fostering appreciation and awards learners toward relics of the history of Islam as evidence of civilization of the Muslims in the past. e. Developing the ability of learners in taking ibrah of historic events (Islam), the imitation of overachievers, and associate it with the phenomenon of social, political, economic, cultural, science and art and others to develop culture and civilization of Islam. The material about the life of the Prophet Muhammad, is a matter that concerns with the history of the life of the Prophet, which were included in the study of the history of Islamic culture, history of the life of the Prophet intended in this research is the material regarding the Da’wah period Medina of the Prophet Muhammad. In the material of Madrasah Aliyah (MA) includes some of the core subjects are: step-and for calling the Prophet Muhammad in Medina and Medina community’s response against the Muslim Prophet Muhammad. Standards of competence to be achieved in the material concerning da’wah of prophet Muhammad in Medina period is: understanding the example Prophet preaching in fostering the people during Madinah period, while competence indicator can be seen from the following table (Murodi, 2008): Standard Basic competency outcome indicator Materials competency understand the 1. To describe the Understand Dawah of the history of the da’wah of da’wah Prophet Prophet Muhammad in Prophet Muhammad Medina the Students are able to : of the 1. explain the history da’wah during of the da’wah Madina Period during Medina during period 2. Description of the Understand the 2. mention substance and strategies of Muhammad the substance Prophet strategy in the da’wah of of Da'wah Islamic prophet propagation Medina madina period the durring materials the of the da’wah in medina period in Prophet’s Medina Period medina period and The prophet’s period 3. mention media of the prophet’s 3. Identify the results of Understand the da’wah in medina the struggle of Islamic result the period propagation Prophet period in of of the struggle Medina prophet his of the 4. mention the efforts through da’wah Medina period in of the prophet in the development of da’wah in medina period 5. explain the strategy of the prophet’s da’wah in Medina period 6. explain the steps and results of the struggle of the prophet in delivering da’wa in Medina Period 7. mention the challenges and pitfalls faced by the propher during Medina period 8. explain responce the of the people of Medina toward the prophet’s da’wah 9. take ibrah of the prophet’s struggle during medina period to be used now and for the future. From the above table, it can be seen that at the material with the theme of da’wah ofthe Prophet Muhammad SAW Medina period in madrasah Aliyah has three basic competencies and nine indicators to be achieved in learning. The material level of Madrasah Aliyah about the da’wah of the Prophet Muhammad during medina period also has subsection of the chapter which is the elaboration of the core themes, those includes: The map of sirah nabawiyah material concept on Madrasah Aliyah level, The steps of the prophet’s da’ ah during Medina period Da’ ah of the prophet duri g Medina Period The responce of the people of Medina to ard the prophet’s da’ ah From concept map above, it can be seen that MA materials regarding the theme of Prophet Muhammad’s da’wah during Medina period has two subject matter. And from two of the subject matter there is also a subsection of discussion that becomes the subject matter itself. The scope of the material of MA with the theme of Prophet Muhammad SAW’s da’wah durina period of the Medina are outlined in the form of the following chart: 1. Bulding mosque 1. the steps of the prophet’s da’ ah in Medina 2. Creating new companionship 3. Making arrangements with Je ’s i Medi a 4. Creating social institution 2. the responce of the people of Medi a to ard the prophet’s da’ ah 1. 2. 3. 4. The Badar war The Uhud war The Khandaq war The Hudaibiyah testament As for the level of secondary school (HIGH SCHOOL) has its own characteristics in presenting educational material about Islam. Where the scope of Islamic religious education in high school level include several aspects, namely: 1. The Quran and the Hadith, 2. Aqidah 3. Ethics 4. Principles 5. The date and Islamic culture These fifth aspects are embodied in the materials to be presented in a customized learning with standards of competence and basic competence of such material. High school level of islamic education emphasizes the will balance, harmony and the harmony between the human relationship with God Almighty, human relationships with fellow human beings, human relations with themselves and the relationship of humans with the natural surroundings. Islamic education in high school level aims to: 1. Develop creed through the grant, fertilization, and development of the knowledge, practice, appreciation, conditioning, as well as the experiences of the learners about the religion of Islam so that they becomes the moeslim with faith and godfearing. 2. To form Indonesian people who is knowledgeable, obedient, intelligent, productive, honest, Fair, ethical, disciplined, tolerant (tasamuh), maintaining harmony in personal and social as well as to develop religious culture in the school community. Based on the purpose and scope of the above, it can be seen that the material history of the life of Prophet Muhammad SAW embodied in aspects of the tarikh of the history of Islamic culture. HIGH SCHOOL level material with themes about the ideals of the prophet through Medina period. The theme of Prophet's Medina period has two principal discussion, as well as subsection of the material which is the elaboration of the subject matter, as contained in the following: Conceptual map of Sirah Nabawiyah in high school level The history of the prophet’s da’ ah i medina period 1. the meaning and purpose of the prophet in moving to Medina 2. da’wah of the prophet during medina period 3. isla ic da’ ah o e e t out of Arabs The ideals of the prophet in Medina Period The strategy of the prophet da’ ah in medina period 1. building mosque 2. companioned the Muhajirin with the Anshor 3. the agreement of the moeslim and the nonmoeslim 4. to pave the basic of islamic politic, economy and social A standard of competence, the basic competencies and indicators contained in HIGH SCHOOL level material embodied in the Prophet da’wah Medina period are as follows: date of the Islamic and Cultural Aspects. Standards of competence: understanding the Example of Prophet Muhammad in fostering people during Medina period (Syamsuri: 2007). Standard Basic competency outcome indicator Materials competency 1. understandi ng the prophet’s way of 1. tell stories Understand the The students are able to; about the prophet’s da’wah of the 1. explains the history of da’wah in medina prophet during the prophet’s da’wah period in medina period fostering medina period and explains it the da’wah of the Medina prophet Understand the strategy of the 2. describe the prophet’s strategy of the da’wah during prophet’s medina period da’wah prophet’s da’wah in medina period 2. show the profile of the umah in period 1. history of the 2. strategy of the 3. explains the strategy prophet’s da’wah of the da’wah prophet’s during in medina medina period period 4. able to emulate the strategic da’wah of the prophet during medina period Based on the description of the material above, it can be seen that there are similarities between the two materials. The second equation from the material can be reviewed in terms of the concepts of the material offered in the elaboration of the themes of such material. The researcher analyzes the similarities of material between MA and high school there in one line theme of discussion i.e. steps or strategies used by the prophet’s da’wah during medina period. Where the points of the title of the material does not have the difference in core concepts nor the sub materials. It can be seen more clearly in the following chart; The concept of subject material of the MA and Highschool MA Highschool the steps of the prophet’s da’wah in Medina Strategy of da’wah of the prophet 1. Bulding mosque during Medina period The strategy of the prophet da’wah 2. Creating new companionship in medina period 3. Making arrangements with Jew’s in 1. building mosque 2. companioned the Muhajirin with Medina 4. Creating social institution And government the Anshor 3. the agreement of the moeslim and the non-moeslim 4. to pave the basic of islamic politic, economy and social to the realization of Madani society Based on the table above, it can be seen that the difference between the level of material in MA and high school located on the materials of the da’wah itself, nonetheless, it also shares similarities. THE DIFFERENCE OF THE MATERIAL The subjects material is the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be learnt by learners in order to achieve the standards of competence that have been determined. In detail, the kinds of learning materials consist of knowledge (facts, concepts, principles, procedures, skills, and attitudes or values) (Kasidi: 2011). Learning material occupies a very important position of the overall curriculum. Therefore, the material must be well prepared so that it can achieve the learning objectives. The target must be in accordance with the standards of competence and basic competence to be achieved by learners. That is, the specified material for learning activities should be material that really support the achievement of standard of competence and basic competence, as well as the indicators. On the material level, MA and high school have differences in some aspects, in addition to the fundamental difference lies in the level of education level of Madrasah Aliyah where matter is summed up in a single subjects taught individually i.e. the subjects history of Islamic culture. As for the high school level material concerning the history of Islamic culture in one subject, namely Islamic education as well as embodied in aspects namely culture and Islamic tarikh. Apart from the fundamental differences above, based on the analysis of the researcher that the other differences can be found in: MA material of sirah nabawiyah 1. In terms of standar competency, MA highschool material of sirah nabawiyah 1. In terms of standar competency, level has more detailed which divided highschool into 3 points. material with only 2 points 2. In terms of indicator, the MA level has 2. more indicators has general In terms of indicator, the highschool level has less indicators to be 3. in terms of materials, the MA has more specified materials level achieved 3. in terms of materials, the highschool’s material are in general 4. 4. time allotment used are more in term of frequency and not specified 5. less time allotment used Based on the table above, it can be seen that the differences of the material level of MA and high school. So it can be concluded that the degree of MA to the concept of the material has a more material coverage compared to the high school level. In addition to differences from both the material contained in the discussion of the war and the Treaty. Where in the material level of MA, material about the war as well as Treaty are discussed in detail and clear. As for the discussion at the high school level, according to the writer's analysis is still very lacking and not done in detail, so that writer’’s assume that material on the war and the Treaty on the high school level is still very lacking and is not discussed in detail. So the necessary additions or corrections from related parties. THE MATERIAL OF THE DA'WAH OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD IN MEDINA PERIOD ON MA THAT CONTAINS MATERIALS OF PEACE EDUCATION The material of the Da'wah of the prophet Muhammad in Medina Period that contains materials of peace education is as follows: Value of peace education On MA level Cognitive aspects Human rights In the value and the actualization of peace education concerning the value of human rights there is in the study of the battle of Badr, namely: “Prophet Muhammad's policy in addressing the detainees is that they should be treated as human, and their health should be maintained and unity given clothes” solidarity “.....The Prophet has created a new fraternal brotherhood based on religion that replaced the brotherhood based on the blood” “....The prophet assures the Muslims and Jews lived peacefully, freely embraced his religious teachings “ psicomotoric aspect love “....a pastor of the Jews of Bani Qinuqa named Husein Ibn Sallam, converted to Islam. Quietly he came to see the Prophet Muhammad and stating his vows to enter Islam. Because he was a prominent and influential pastor in his tribe, then the prophet hides him in his house. It is done to protect the pastor from the attacks of own kind” “ overcome the things that no one expected, the Prophet preferred the two steps of wisdom. First: the Treaty-Covenant with the Jews of tollerance Medina Bani Nadhir and Bani Quraidzah to ensur the realization of the principle of peaceful coexistence. Second: send expedition unit of area around Medina which consisted of Emigrants with two basic tasks: to prevent the possibility of an armed attack launched by the tribes that settled around the Medina, and observe what the mushrikeen Quraysh in Makkah as the central power of anti Islam and Muslims. “....the victory of the Muslims in the battle of Khandaq to make the Afective aspect name of Islam more respected. The Prophet set the conditions that apply Emphaty to all adherents of the Christian. They are not required to pay taxes that are not generally accepted. No one can be forced out of his monastery. Not a church shall be broken down into a mosque. A Christian woman in marriage by muslim men, stay assured freedom of religion. “....Muhammad works together with troops digging trenches while arranging defense strateg” “...then Prophet Muhammad delivered a few instruction to his troops. Comunication These instructions include: never get to leave the places of Defense, but rather be prepared in each place. Don't start attacking, but waiting for a command. Never launch a DART while the enemy is still strong, aim the dart on a clear enemy targets. When the enemy is near, throw the Javelin, a spear. The sword was only prepared as the last weapon if it must battle one on one”. Based on the above table, implementation of peace education contained in the material of the da’wah of the prophet Muhammad. Moreover, the concept of peace education in level of MA is explained in details as follows: The results of the analysis of the No Principal value of Implementation in the material Peace Education decent 1 Human right ✓ 2 unity ✓ 3 Solidarity ✓ 4 love ✓ 5 Tolerance ✓ 6 Emphaty ✓ sufficient less 7 communication ✓ Based on this table, it can be seen clearly that the principle of peace education values in the MA material in terms of decency have aspect of the desired achievements. THE MATERIAL OF HIGHSCHOOL ON THE DA'WAH OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD IN MEDINA PERIOD THAT CONTAINS MATERIALS OF PEACE EDUCATION Material of highschool level on the da’wah of the prophet Muhammad in Medina period that contains materials of peace education is as follows; Analysis of value and implementation of Peace Education Values of Peace Education On Highscool level Cognitive aspects In the value and the actualization of peace education concerning the value of human rights on highschool level are Human rights “ terms of social community, the prophet has put the basis on the human right, and equality”. unity “....the prophet reasoned with Abu Bakar r.a and Umar r.a about uniting the Anshar and Muhajirin to form a stronger union. ” solidarity “....any tribe who wants to join the Quraish or the moeslim will be allowed” psicomotoric aspect - love “....every citizen in Madinah are given privilage in practicing their tollerance religion. Afective aspect - Emphaty “....there is an agreement on the moeslim and the jew that is Comunication known as the agreement of Hudaibiyah” Based on the above table, implementation of peace education contained in the material of the da’wah of the prophet Muhammad. Moreover, the concept of peace education in level of highschool is explained in details as follows: The results of the analysis of the No Principal value of Implementation in the material Peace Education decent 1 Human right ✓ sufficient less 2 unity ✓ 3 Solidarity ✓ 4 love 5 Tolerance 6 Emphaty 7 communication ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Based on the given data, the writer then formulate the degree of comparison between the da’wah of the prophet Muhammad in medina period on MA and highschool as follows: Table of comparison analysis of subject materials on Ma and Highschool Result No Principal value peace education on the analysis of of implementation in subject materials MA D highschool F L D 1 Human right ✓ ✓ 2 unity ✓ ✓ 3 Solidarity ✓ ✓ 4 love ✓ 5 Tolerance ✓ 6 Emphaty ✓ 7 communication ✓ F L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Based on the table above, it can be concluded that the value and implementation of peace education in MA have many important roles. It can be proven from the way subject materials are presented descriptively. In contrast, the subject material on highschool level is still lacked. Due to the subject materials that are viewed as less than complete or clear. Moreover, the subject materials relies solely on cognitive area, very little are given to the other areas. CONCLUSION Based on the findings and result focusing on Sirah nabawiyah on highscool level and Madratsah Aliyah level about the actualizations of the value of peace education, the conclusion drwan are as follows: 1. The concept of peace education is the type of education that is directed to building individuality, respecting human rights, freedom, mutual understanding, tollerance, and relating to all nations regardless of race and groups toward achieving peacefullness. Only through education there can be peace and respect toward differences. 2. The material of da’wah of the prophet Muhammad during Medina period on MA level was compiled in a single subject which is called Islamic History. On the high school level, it was in the islamic subject on tarikh and culture. It makes the subject material on the high school level is less adequate and brief. It also lacked on specification and details. Meanwhile, on MA level, the subject materials focuses on the history of the Prophet’s da’wah regarding to his way of taking terms into hand and also his actions, the steps that the prophet take in establishing peace and unity. 3. Based on the findings, the writer find that MA subject materials to have more values and actualization of peace education compared to the high school subject material. Moreover, the subject materials in MA are presented in details compared to the high school subject materials that are presented in general. The writer appreciates that the ministry of religion put the peace education values on the MA subject materials. Nonetheless, there still gaps and that the some of the materials are still in general. SUGGESTION AND RECOMENDATION Based on the conclusion above, the writer would like to give some suggestions and recomendation for further research on actualization of the value peace education, those are as follows: 1. The effort to socialize peace education in the study of islamic study should not put schools or educators as the object to be criticized. There need a concept of peace education in Islaam that contains the principal of peace that known by the teachers and the students. the needs of reforming the education to integrate the peace education into general education taht can accomodate the needs of peace, for instance is making books that have peace education values in it. 2. 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