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Design, construction and performance evaluation of cowpea thresher

See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Design, construction and performance evaluation of cowpea thresher Article · January 2005 CITATIONS READS 0 80 2 authors, including: Segun R Bello Federal College of Agriculture, Ishiagu 47 PUBLICATIONS 26 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Wood: A Facinating Resources View project All content following this page was uploaded by Segun R Bello on 03 May 2015. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. F -XChange PD c u -tr a c k DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF A COWPEA THRESHER A.S. Ogunlowo1and R. Bello2 Department of Agricultural Engineering Federal University of Technology, PMB 7004, Akure, Ondo State. 2 Engineering Programme, Federal College of Agriculture Ishiagu,, Ebonyi State. E-mail: 1 ABSTRACT The effective threshing of cowpea with minimum grain loss, improved threshing capacity and efficiency was achieved with a dynamically stable thresher designed and fabricated with a power rating of 2.9kW, belt speed of 12m/s and cylinder speed of 5.03m/s. A horizontal centrifugal fan was used with straight blades. The spike tooth (rubber beaters) were arranged spirally to serve as conveyor. The machine has an efficiency rate of 96.58% and the threshing capacity of 27.58kg/hr for cowpea; at an average moisture content of 13.16 %. (dry basis), and concave-beater clearance of 9mm  0. 5. Separation losses were minimal. KEYWORDS: Threshing capacity, cracking efficiency, separation losses, cowpea. 1. INTRODUCTION Cowpea threshing (which involves the detachment of grain kernels from the panicles) is one of the most critical post-harvest operations. Grain losses are experienced during threshing. Cowpea is the most susceptible leguminous crop to impact of loading, due to the di-cot nature of its kernels and is most affected in threshing with iron beaters. Threshing of cowpea is achieved mechanically or traditionally (manually). Manual threshing is mostly applied using cocoa bags, or spreading large clean cloth or tarpaulin on the floor, laying a bundle of cowpea on the cloth and beating with heavy sticks and clubs. Alternatively, animals (horses and bullocks) are allowed to trample on them (Igbeka and Oluleye, 1986). Mechanical threshing of cowpea employs various thresher mechanisms such as spike tooth, rasp bar and angle-bar mechanisms. (Claude Culpin 1987). The performance of a machine is determined (to some extent) by the properties of the crop it is designed to handle. (Ige, 1978). Most designs in existence use a cylindrical drum, while others use drums with square cross section. It was felt that the cylindrical shape gave a little or no fanning effect to the discharge of the particles, also there are lots of carry over effect in such designs and this may encourage damage and high power consumption. (Ige, 1978). Large, portable threshing machines are suitable mainly for contracting and for large commercial farms. It is uneconomical for a small farm to have such a machine unless it produces between 250-300 hectares each season. Built-in threshers were designed for small farms with power requirement of 4HP and 28HP for larger machines. The axial flow threshing machine can effectively thresh rice, soybean, etc over a wide range of grain moisture levels with low grain losses. A 7-10hp air-cooled gasoline engine can power the thresher and power is transmitted through a series of v-belts to the major components. The institute of Agriculture Research and Training in 1985 developed a thresher that employed the combine actions of beating and rubbing. The use of star beater threshing drum has also been investigated (Bolufawi 1989). It has been widely reported that cylinder speed and concave clearance are major factors that determine the efficiency of a thresher (Ahaneku et al 2001). For efficient threshing, there are peripheral speeds and concave clearances specified for different crops along with the types and details of thresher cylinder and operating moisture level (Joshi 1981) In order to improve on the performance of the existing cowpea threshers, this paper reports a machine that employed the actions of impact, Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers © 83 .d o o .c m to C lic k m w w w .d o o C lic k to Journal of Agricultural Engineering and Technology (JAET). Volume 13, 2005 w w w bu y bu y N O W ! NO W ! F-XChange PD c u-tr a c k .c F -XChange PD c u -tr a c k rubbing and transport of the threshed product along the threshing drum with adjustable rubber beaters to vary the concave clearance. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS The materials of construction were locally sourced, the bearings (ball type) and the belts were the bought-out materials. The threshing chamber, fan assembly and hopper were made of mild steel (18 & 20 gauge). The frame structure and the engine seating were made of angle iron (11/2” x11/2” x1/4”). The beaters were made of rubber. The Construction of the machine was carried out by marking out the plate and sizing using scriber and share cutters. Shafts were turned on lathe machine while seams and various components were welded with gauge 10 electrodes; Assembly of parts was done with fasteners (bolt & nuts). Two varieties of cowpea were used for the tests at two different moisture contents of 13.16% and 15.43%. The varieties are Ife Brown and TVX3236 (with red eye). Two clearances were also used; 11mm and 9mm 2.1 Machine Description and Operation The machine consists of the following units: the hopper, threshing chamber, threshing unit, the delivery chutes, the fan assembly and frame (Figure 1 and 2). In operation, the material is feed into the threshing chamber through the hopper made of mild steel metal plate (gauge 18). Threshing and pre clearing (Grain/chaff separation) takes place within the threshing chamber. The threshing unit consists of the threshing drum, 76.2mm in diameter, the rubber beaters arranged in spiral form around the drum (to form a screw conveyor for transport of chaff and stalk) the lower concave screen and the side plate covers. The drum is 380mm long and 80mm in diameter. The beaters were space 40mm apart. The delivery chute houses the lower concave (screen) and also serves as support for the fan assembly. The fan is centrifugal type and has three straight blades, (279.4mmx80mm) arranged at 1200 to each other around the shaft. Threshed grains falls through the screen, while the chaffs were conveyed to the axial end of the threshing chamber where they were thrown out from the chaff outlet. Clean grains were collected through the outlet while the lighter particles were blown off from the fan assembly. The entire threshing components were mounted on a frame network made of angle iron, 844.6mm long. The overall height of machine is 869.6mm and the base area (153.0 x 460.0) mm2. 2.2 Design Considerations The following factors were considered in the design of the machine; a. Properties of the materials to be threshed dependent on type, variety, moisture content, addition of green matter etc. b. Technical conditions dependent on drum selection, peripheral speed of drum, number of beaters etc. c. Delivery of material to the drum dependent on feed rate, positioning, point of contact on delivery with the circumference etc. The design focused on reduction of power consumption and peripheral speed for threshing. A rubber beater with spiral arrangement round the drum (serving as conveyor) was selected because of the low resistance of cowpea to loading impact. A beater – screen clearance suitable for threshing was considered. The beaters have provision for adjustments to suit variety of crops (grain sizes) to be threshed. The clearance can be adjusted between 25.4mm and 9.5mm at a belt speed of 12m/s. Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers © 84 .d o o .c m to C lic k m w w w .d o o C lic k to Journal of Agricultural Engineering and Technology (JAET). Volume 13, 2005 w w w bu y bu y N O W ! NO W ! F-XChange PD c u-tr a c k .c F -XChange PD c u -tr a c k Chaff Outlet Hopper Ball Bearing Threshing Drum Frame Delivery Chute V- Belt Fan Housing Fan Shaft Grain Outlet Engine Seat Fig. 1. Details of the thresher Feed rate adjuster Threshing Drum Double Grooved Pulley Bearing Engine Seating Figure 2: Isometric drawing of thresher 2.3 Design Calculations Machine components were designed according to the procedures outlined in Design Data compiled by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering P.S.G College of Technology, Coimbatore 641004 India (1982). 2.3.1 Power Requirement Power required to drive the drum is given by: Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers © 85 .d o o .c m to C lic k m w w w .d o o C lic k to Journal of Agricultural Engineering and Technology (JAET). Volume 13, 2005 w w w bu y bu y N O W ! NO W ! F-XChange PD c u-tr a c k .c F -XChange PD c u -tr a c k 3 Pd =F.v = mv /R ………… (1) 3 = 4.63 x 5.03 /0.04 = 2.9kw. (3.9HP) Where Pd = power required to drive the threshing drum (kW), F = mv2/R = centrifugal force, m = Total mass of the threshing drum = 4.6kg (45.38 N), R = Radius of shaft 0.04m. V= Velocity 5.03m/s g = acceleration due to gravity (9.81m/s.) From available motor standard sizes, a motor of 4.5HP was selected for the design. 2.3.2 Belt Design Angle of contact for pulley belts is given by equation:  =  ± 2 sin-1 (D-d / 2c) radian …... …………2 d= pitch motor diameter (m) selected from table for design purpose, diameter D for larger pulley is calculated from D = 60v/ n, n = Design rotational speed (rpm) for drum. c =centre distance between drum and motor shafts,  (rad) = 180 0 .The conventional negative and positive signs indicating the contacts in the smaller (motor pulley) and larger pulleys (threshing head pulley) respectively (Design Data, 1982) Centre distance is given by c = b+√ (b2 – 32(D- d/16)2) …………….. 3 b = ¼ (4L1 – 6.28 (D+d)) ………………4 Where 1 Where L = pitch length of the belt selected from data table (Design Data, 1982), Load Carrying capacity C is determined for both pulleys and the lowest value is taken to govern the design. C = e (μ/sin α/2) …………….5 For V- belts where C = Load carrying capacity (3.47), μ = Coefficient of friction (friction factor, 0.4) for rubber belts.  = Contact angle (2.8rad.) for smaller angle α= 400 (groove angle) degrees. Power transmitted by belt is given by P = (T1 – T2) V …………………6 Where V = belt speed (m/s) T1 = Tension in tight side (347.43N) and T2 = Tension in slack side (98.68N) is calculated from: T1 /T2 = e μ / (sinα/2) ………………. 7 (Design Data, 1982), Belt pull factor for V-belt is between 0.7 and 0.9 (above that, the belt will be unstable and wears at a faster rate). The belt pull factor calculated is 0.73 Stress in belt: Various portions of the belt were subjected to tension or stresses such as tensile stresses due to initial tension, tangential and centrifugal forces, bending stresses etc. 2.3.3 Shaft Design The shaft is subjected to two types of directional loading: vertical loading and horizontal loading. Vertical loads resulted from: Loads due to weight of pulley acting downward, Torque or radial force, load due to weight of drum and reactions at the supports (bearings) Horizontal loading resulted from; Load due to tangential force, reactions at the support due to the tangential force. These forces were determined as: Weight of pulley = 4.9N Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers © 86 .d o o .c m to C lic k m w w w .d o o C lic k to Journal of Agricultural Engineering and Technology (JAET). Volume 13, 2005 w w w bu y bu y N O W ! NO W ! F-XChange PD c u-tr a c k .c F -XChange PD c u -tr a c k Radial force Mt Weight of drum Tangential force = = = 23.28N 17.26N 243.75N These forces were resolved into resultant forces by the following equations. (Design Data, 1982), RA = √ (R2av+ R2 ah), RB = √ (R2bv + R 2bh), Tp = √ (Tt2 + Mt2 ) ……8 Where: Rav and Rbv are reactions at the bearings due to vertical loading Rah and Rbh are reactions at the bearings due to horizontal loading Torsional moment in threshing shaft is given by: (Ademosun and Olukunle 2003) Tm = P/2n = [9550 x P (Kw) / N (rpm)] (Nm) = 2.93 x 9550/1200 = 23.28Nm ..…9 Maximum bending moment was obtained was obtained from a bending moment diagram for the loadings as mB max = 25.85Nm with a factor of safety Kt = 1.5. The shaft diameter that will withstand the loads is calculated from the maximum shear stress theory and the combine stress equation is used thus d3s /16 = √ [(T2max + M2max)] / Sall …10 Where: Tmax = maximum torsional (twisting) moment (23.28Nm), MBmax = Maximum bending moment (25.85Nm) Sall = Allowable design shear stress = (34.5mpa) 3.7921 x 107 N/m2 , Ds = shaft diameter to be determined, the value of Ds calculated is 0.017 m. If a safety factor of 1.6 is assumed for the design the shaft diameter is 2.9cm. (Dobrovolski et al, 1974). Assume that the torque is constant within limits of each shaft step the angle of twist as a result of torsion is given by the expression below. ….11 n t = ∑ mt xli /Jti x G i=1 Where: Mt = critical torque applied to the shaft, Jti = πds4/32 Polar moment of inertia of shaft (cm4 ) G= shear modulus or modulus of rigidity (8.1 x 10 10 Nm2 for steel), li = shaft length, t = calculated is 2.33 x 10-3 rad (0.1620). This is within the acceptable value range of 00 – 50. 2.4 Performance Evaluation The machine was evaluated using the following indicators: Threshing Efficiency was measured by the ratio of threshed grains to expected weight of clean grains in % Threshing Capacity was based on the ability of the machine to remove good and matured grains from the pods, measured by weight per unit time. Cracking efficiency was measured by the ratio of number of cracked grains to the total number of grains loaded. Unthreshed losses are the good grains not detached from the pod after passing through the thresher Loses are associated with the wastage recorded during threshing operation. Grain loss/ unit time is the weight of grains in the reject per unit time spent in threshing. Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers © 87 .d o o .c m to C lic k m w w w .d o o C lic k to Journal of Agricultural Engineering and Technology (JAET). Volume 13, 2005 w w w bu y bu y N O W ! NO W ! F-XChange PD c u-tr a c k .c F -XChange PD .c 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of performance evaluation indicators are listed below the test results. Tables 1 and 2 indicate the performance of the machine under the moisture content and beater – concave clearance variables. From the tables, the most suitable conditions for threshing cowpea are with 13.16% moisture content at 9mm beater – concave clearance and 11mm beater – concave clearance respectively. The threshing efficiency and threshing capacity reduced with increase in beater clearance and moisture content. The threshing efficiency and threshing capacity for Ife Brown reduces from 97.98% and 30.91kg/hr to 82.05% and 22.42kg/hr respectively at 13.16% and 15.43% moisture contents at 9mm and 11mm beater clearances. Grain loss in separation increased with increase in clearance and moisture content while unthreshed losses reduced with decrease in clearance and moisture content. A high percentage of grain is lost as unthreshed losses through the chaff outlet. Threshing capacity as a function of time increases as a result of a reduction in clearance hence, the capacity of the machine is a function of time of threshing, moisture content and beater- concave clearance. At higher moisture content, 15.43% performance efficiency of the machine decreases (Table 2) with an increase in grain loses irrespective of concave clearance. The di-cot nature and susceptibility to loading impact of the crop will make cracking efficiency significant (30%) above 15.43% moisture content and cracking efficiency less significant (6%) at 13.16% dry basis. Table 1. Performance evaluation of thresher at 9mm concave clearance with 13.16% and 15.43% moisture content dry basis 13.16% M.C 15.43% M.C Performance indicators IFE BROWN TVX 3236 IFE BROWN TVX 3236 Threshing efficiency % 97.78 95.38 78.89 81.06 Threshing Capacity (kg/hr). 30.91 24.25 19.26 20.00 Grain Loss/Unit time (kg/hr) 0.22 0.52 21.19 0.33 Cracking Efficiency % 6.00 3.33 30.00 18.33 Unthreshed losses (kg/hr) 3.21 5.15 0.93 0.97 Grain loss % 2.30 2.85 11.12 14.51 Table 2. Performance evaluation of thresher at 11mm concave clearance with 13.16% and 15.43% moisture content dry basis 13.16% M.C 15.43% M.C Performance indicators IFE BROWN TVX 3236 IFE BROWN TVX 3236 Threshing efficiency % 82.05 87.35 81.30 79.23 Threshing Capacity kg/hr. 22.42 0.36 18.75 17.89 Grain Loss/Unit time kg/hr 0.19 0.10 0.85 1.49 Cracking Efficiency % 1.67 1.67 14.00 6.67 Unthreshed losses kg/hr 48.52 16.55 1.60 8.16 Grain loss % 12.00 17.01 11.68 24.21 4. CONCLUSION The machine is dynamically stable and able to withstand vibration. The materials under test behaved in the same way under test conditions (parameters) but with slight variations due to size and some other parameters that often affect its mechanical properties such as resistance to impact loading etc. The Ife brown with bigger sizes suffered a higher percentage of grain loss in terms of cracking the grains. At relatively high moisture content above 15% more grains were lost, at lower clearance, Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers © View publication stats 88 m to C lic k .d o o o c u -tr a c k w w w .d o m C lic k to Journal of Agricultural Engineering and Technology (JAET). Volume 13, 2005 w w w bu y bu y N O W ! NO W ! F-XChange PD c u-tr a c k .c