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Compendium of Used Oil Regeneration Technologies

INTERNATIO NAL C ENTRE FO R SC IENC E AND HIG H TEC HNO LO G Y Co mp e ndium o f Use d Oil Re g e ne ra tio n Te c hno lo g ie s Pre p a re d b y F. Da lla G io va nna , O . Khle b inska ia , A Lo d o lo a nd S. Mie rtus UNITED NATIO NS INDUSTRIAL DEVELO PMENT O RG ANIZATIO N Trieste, 2003 PREFACE The present Compendium was developed as a part of the programme of the International Centre for Science and High Technology of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (ICS-UNIDO). The United Nations Industrial Development Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations dedicated to promoting sustainable industrial development in developing and transition-economy countries. It harnesses the joint forces of government and private sector to foster competitive industrial production and international industrial partnership and promote socially equitable and environmentally friendly industrial development. The International Centre for Science And High Technology is an institution within the framework of UNIDO, with headquarters located in Trieste, Italy at the AREA Science Park. The Centre’s mandate is the transfer of know-how and technology in favour of developing countries and is based on the premise that competitive industrial technological capability cannot be built-up without adequate scientific knowledge and commitment to a sustainable development approach based on new and environmentally friendly technologies. In the present work programme, ICS-UNIDO activities focus on specific sectors within the areas of chemistry, environment and high technology and new materials. The main tools for the implementation of the work programme in the ICS Area of Pure and Applied Chemistry are: organization of events for capacity and awareness building (EGMs, training courses and workshops); evaluation and development of project proposals: networking and participation of ICS in international projects and initiatives; fellowships and on-job training schemes and creation of databases and publication activities. Among the priority programmes which are being developed within the ICS-UNIDO Area of Pure and Applied Chemistry, there is a programme on Remediation and one on Catalysis and Sustainable Development. Remediation Technologies: One of the most urgent problems to be faced at a global level is the decontamination of soil and water due to domestic and industrial activities. Large polluted areas, beside having lost their eco-functionality, often represent a serious risk for human health. The policy for the restoration of natural resources is thus a priority in developing as well as in industrialized countries. The introduction and implementation of new remediation technologies for the restoration of natural resources, together with the introduction of environmentally friendly industrial technologies and a proper planning and management of environmental issues seem to be the only possible way to face these problems in developing countries. i Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry This is an important scientific and technological area for the development of environmentally friendly chemical processes, which in turn from the basis for cleaner industrial development and are also the key elements for an approach of industrial pollution prevention. New, less pollutant processes together with the optimization of existing processes, depend to a great extent upon the improvement of catalyst performance in the heavy and fine chemical production lines with a direct impact on the generated by-products or waste. One of the serious pollution problems worldwide is related to spent motor oil. There are two main issues to be solved, namely: the lack of a sound management of spent oil waste and the need of efficient technologies for spent oil regeneration and/or remediation. Referring to the mandate of ICS, it was decided to prepare an up-to-date compendium on spent oil treatment technologies, thus providing institutions and industries working in this field with updated information. This could be particularly useful to developing and in transition countries, in which the lack of such information was indicated to ICS. The present compendium also includes a directory of web sites dedicated to used oil refining and regeneration problems as well as a directory of companies operating in this field in various countries. Obviously, such lists cannot be complete and we would be pleased to receive further suggestions and comments which will be taken into consideration in the next edition of the compendium. I would like to express my appreciation to the ICS-UNIDO experts, Messrs. Fabio Dalla Giovanna and Andrea Lodolo, as well as to the ICS-UNIDO fellow Ms. Olga Khlebinskaia for their substantial contribution to the preparation of the present compendium. The secretarial assistance of Ms. Paola Volpi in the preparation of this publication is also appreciated. Trieste, February 2003 Stanislav Miertus ICS-UNIDO Area Director Pure and Applied Chemistry ii TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE i TABLE OF CONTENTS iii BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION 1 1. Background 1 2. Lubricating oil production 3 3. Used oil collection 7 4. Quality of used oil 10 5. Importance of used oil regeneration 12 6. Current used oil disposal options 14 6.1 Laundering 14 6.2 Reclmation 15 6.3 Direct burning options 15 6.3.1 Burining used oil in cement manufacure 15 6.3.2 Burning used oil in space heaters 15 6.3.3 Waste incinerators 15 6.4 Burning after “mild” reprocessing 15 6.4.1 Blending into fuel oil 16 6.4.2 Burning used oil in road stone plants 16 6.4.3 Power stations 16 6.5 Burning after “severe” reprocessing 16 6.6 Re-refining used lubricating oil back to a virgin base oil substitute 17 7. Legislation 18 USED OIL REGENERATION TECHNOLOGIES 21 ƒ Classification of technologies 23 ƒ Technologies for producing lubricants/base oil 25 ƒ Most advanced technologies with proven industrial application 27 - MOHAWK 28 - REVIVOIL 30 iii ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Other industrial applications 33 - ATOMIC VACUUM DISTILLATION 34 - BLOWDEC 36 - CYCLON 38 - DUNWELL WFE 40 - GARAP 42 - INTERLINE 44 - RELUBE 46 - MEINKEN 48 - PROP 50 - ACID/CLAY PURIFICATION 52 - RTI 54 - SNAMPROGETTI 56 - SOTULUB 58 - VAXON 60 Prototypes, pilot plants, or technologies not yet applied on the market 63 - BECHTEL MP REFINING 64 - ENTRA 66 - EXXON 68 - MRD 70 - ROSE 72 - ULTRAFILTRATION 74 Studies and patents 77 - BERC 78 - JAKE OIL 80 - PROTERRA 82 - RECYCLON 84 - REGELUB 86 - RWE-ENTSORGUNG AKTIENGESSSELLSCHAFT (patent) 88 - STP 90 - TIQSONS 92 - HYLUBE 94 Technologies for producing marketable fuel (fuel oil, diesel) or fuel for energy production iv 97 ƒ ƒ ƒ Technologies with industrial applications 99 - PROPAK 100 - TRAILBALZER 102 - ZIMMARK 104 - SOC 106 Prototypes, pilot plants, or technologies not yet applied on the market 109 - EOPT 110 - L.O.M.S. 112 - LUBRICLEAR 114 - MINIRAFF 116 - POLYMER MEMBRANE BASED FILTRATION 118 - FILEAS 120 - VSEP 122 Studies and patents 125 - 126 ELECTRIZATION PROCESS WEBSITE DIRECTORY 129 COMPANIES INVOLVED IN USED OIL REGENERATION 139 v BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION 1. BACKGROUND Waste mineral oils are the result of the use of lubricating oils: most of them are consumed during their use while the remaining part represents waste oil. Lubricating oil finds several applications in a technologically advanced economy. Particularly, according to the estimates of Europalub, the Association in charge to harmonize and publish European lubricants statistics, 49% is used in the automotive sector, 37% is used by industry, while the remaining 14% is represented by base oils used like raw materials. During its use, the lubricating oil undergoes chemical-physical transformations that make it no more suitable to perform the functions it was originally intended for and they require its replacement. Lubricating oil with greater amounts of such contaminants as organic oxidation products, aging materials, soot, wear debris and other dirt may not any more fully meet the demands and thus must be replaced. They are called used, spent or waste oils and should be collected and recycled in order to prevent the environment pollution and to preserve natural resources. In recent decades a number of innovative re-refining technologies have been developed that promise to solve technical, economic and environmental problems associated with used oil recycling. The current technology in re-refining is based on sophisticated unit operations, for example, special chemical pretreatment, specific vacuum distillation, extraction and hydrogenation.1 From an energy point of view re-refining of waste oil to manufacture a base oil conserves more energy than reprocessing the waste oil for use as a fuel. The energy required to manufacture re-refined oil from used oil is only one-third of the energy required to refine crude oil to produce virgin base oil. Therefore, re-refining is considered by many as a preferred option in terms of conserving resources, as well as minimizing waste and reducing damage to the environment. In Europe about 5 million metric tonnes of lubricating oil are put on the market each year, of which over 2,5 million tonnes remain after use as ‘used oil’. Of these, only 1.7 million tonnes are collected, while the remaining are unaccounted for. Of the quantity collected only 30% is re-refined into lubricating oil, while 70% is burnt as alternative fuel or disposed of in other ways. Therefore in Europe only 500.000 tonnes of waste oil are re-refined, that is about 10% of the total lubricants demand. The improper elimination of this product causes serious environmental pollution: 1 Prof. Kajdas, “3rd European Congress on Re-refining”, Lyon, October 1996 1 - if discharged into the land, the waste oil penetrates the ground and it poisons plants and animals; - if discharged into the water (through drains or rivers) it causes serious damages: 5 litres of waste oil (the oil changed in a car) cover, with a thin film, a sheet of water of a surface of 5 thousand square metres, preventing its oxygenation and changing it into a mortal blanket for all living organisms; - if improperly burnt, despite the laws in force, 5 litres of waste oil would release in the air polluting substances, which are the cause of possible intoxications and diseases.2 In this regard, EEC Directives 75/439 and 87/101 state that “used oils should be disposed of without causing damages to health and environment”. Lubricating mineral oil has a petroleum origin: therefore it is a precious product that can and must be ecologically recovered in order to save a non-renewable source of energy. Waste oil is almost totally reusable, even if it presents different characteristics according to its origin: for example, the waste oil coming from the automotive sector generally can be used for the production of re-refined base oil, and also the one coming from industry, even if in lower percentages. Particularly, if it is used for re-refining, 1 kg and a half of used oil produces 1 kg of high quality base oil besides other oil products (gasoil, fuels, fluxed bitumens, etc.), small quantities of not polluting residues disposed of in the observance of the environmental regulations. 2 C.O.O.U. – Consorzio Obbligatorio Olii Usati 2 2. LUBRICATING OIL PRODUCTION The production of finished lubricating oils accounts for less than 1% of crude oil consumption, and only a small proportion of the crude oil fraction suitable as feedstock for lubricating oil production. In Europe, 5,300 kt of virgin lubricants were sold in 1993, mainly for automotive and industrial uses. Approximately half was consumed in use and half was potentially collectable after use. Of that 2,600 kt of potentially collectable used oils, only 1,500 kt was reported as being collected; meaning that about 1,100 kt (about 20% of the original volume of virgin lubricants) were “lost”. The figure below shows the estimates made by the Task Force of CONCAWE (European Organization for environment, health and safety) in the report issued on 1996 relating to the waste oil disposal about the current situation of lubricating oil supply, use and disposal in Western Europe. Lubricating Oils in Europe VIRGIN LUBRICANTS 5300 thousand t/yr Automotive 2500 kt/yr (47%) Industrial 1700 kt/yr (32%) Marine / Aviation 500 kt/yr (10%) Process Oils 600 kt/yr (11%) CONSUMED IN USE 2700 kt/yr (51%) COLLECTABLE USED LUBRICANTS 2600 kt/yr (49%) Automotive 1600 kt/yr (30%) Industrial 1000 kt/yr (19%) Marine / Aviation < 100 kt/yr (-) “UNRECORDED” 1100 kt/yr (21%) COLLECTED USED LUBRICANTS 1500 kt/yr (28%) CURRENT DISPOSAL OPTIONS 3 Since the precise disposal methods for those “lost" volumes of used oil are not recorded, there is potentiality both a pollution threat and a risk of the considerable loss of a nonrenewable resource. Environmentally acceptable and energy efficient ways for disposing of used oil already exist within a wide range of options. A detailed study has been performed by Europalub both in Europe and in the world and the statistics concerning the lubricants consumption Country by Country have been reported herebelow. In Europe the lube oil consumption is about 5,3 millions of tonnes and in the world about 39 millions of tonnes. CONSUMPTION BY COUNTRIES 1996-1999 (1) (1 000 t) 1997 108 AUSTRIA 211 BELGIUM 128 CZECH REPUBLIC 85 DENMARK 97 FINLAND 900 FRANCE 1 159 GERMANY (3) 122 GREECE 175 HUNGARY (3) 39 IRELAND (2) 713 ITALY (3) 10 LUXEMBOURG 279 NETHERLANDS 90 NORWAY 217 POLAND 110 PORTUGAL 451 SPAIN (2) 142 SWEDEN 72 SWITZERLAND 872 U-KI (2) (1) Domestic market and bunkering (2) Excluding bunkering (3) Estimates 1998 1999 106 196 195 81 94 931 1 142 (3) 114 235 (3) 39 726 (3) 0 288 82 291 124 490 143 70 813 107 210 191 77 92 919 1 158 (3) 118 169 (3) 39 727 (3) 10 289 82 295 117 501 148 72 790 4 % change 98/97 99/98 - 1.9 + 0.9 - 7.1 + 7.1 + 52.3 - 2.1 - 4.7 - 4.9 - 3.1 - 2.1 + 3.4 - 1.3 - 1.5 + 1.4 - 6.6 + 3.5 + 34.3 - 28.1 + 1.8 + 0.1 + 3.2 + 0.3 - 8.9 + 34.1 + 1.4 + 12.7 - 5.6 + 8.6 + 2.2 + 0.7 + 3.5 - 2.8 + 2.9 - 6.8 - 2.8 WORLD CONSUMPTION 1994-1999 (1 000 t) E.U. C.I.S. (1) OTHER EUROPE UNITED STATES CANADA OTHER AMERICA JAPAN OTHER ASIA AFRICA OCEANIA WORLD 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 5 195 3 915 1 815 8 608 884 3 000 2 117 8 839 1 746 506 36625 5 362 3 602 1 565 8 551 900 3 015 2 139 9 296 1 828 508 36766 5 233 3 263 1 608 8 956 899 3 156 2 150 9 871 1 873 527 37536 5 298 3 233 1 655 8 423 981 3 296 2 187 10 393 1 907 530 37903 5 297 3 125 1 825 8 754 939 3 403 2 101 10380 1 961 529 38314 5 302 3 164 1 675 8 578 951 3 369 2 039 11112 2 018 519 38727 Partly estimated (1) Excluding "Asiatic" Republics 5 % change 98/97 99/98 + 0.1 - 3.3 + 1.2 + 10.3 - 8.2 + 3.9 - 2.0 - 4.3 + 1.3 + 3.2 - 1.0 - 3.9 - 3.0 - 0.1 + 7.1 + 2.8 + 2.9 - 0.2 - 1.9 + 1.1 + 1.1 In the last 20 years the lube oil consumption has been steady in Europe as well as in U.S.A. and Japan, while it has significantly increased in Asia/Far East. A European size of lubricant markets has been reported by CONCAWE taking an existing database and correlating the lubricants consumption with the population of each Country and its Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The European lubricants market of about 5320 kt/y can be divided up as follows: • • • 2520 kt of vehicle lubricants (47%) 2290 kt of industrial lurbricants (43%) 510 kt of marine and aviation lubricants (10%) The final result of this exercise is the conclusion that 76% of the total consumption can be attributed to the five countries with the largest populations: Germany France United Kingdom Italy Spain 22% 17% 15% 13% 9% The following statistics may help to put the relative size of the markets into perspective: - approximately 8 litres of automobile lubricating oil are used per year per passenger vehicle 6 - A total of approximately 154 million passenger vehicles were in circulation in Europe, i.e. 1 vehicle for 2.4 inhabitants 300 kg of industrial oils are consumed for each USD 1 million of GDP generated. 3. USED OIL COLLECTION Used mineral lubricating oils represent the largest amount of liquid, non-acqueous hazardous waste in the world. SOFRES assessments, made on behalf of European Commission DG Environment relevant to the potential theoretical recovery of used oil, is reported in the following graph: Source: TN SOFRES X 1000 tonnes 538 2 337 kt of Waste Oils Generated in the E.U. 410 368 272 223 84 79 76 62 60 48 46 45 20 D UK F I E NL SW B 7 PT GR FIN DK A IRL 5 LUX The collection rate in Member States in the year 2000 has been reported by Taylor Nelson SOFRES in the following graph: Source : TN Sofres 86% 86% 85% 82% 80% 80% 79% 74% 75% 74% 72% 64% 47% 39% 37% UK IRL D F SW FIN B A DK I NL PT E LUX GR It is estimated that approximately 1100 kt of lubricants disappear into unrecorded circuits and are disposed of in ways which may be against the principles of good environmental protection. That situation could be improved through increased recovery facilities and/or incentives and greater enforcement of existing regulations. Systems for the collection and disposal of used oil vary considerably; not only from country to country but often even within a single country. CONCAWE states that there are two distinct steps in the collection of used oil. STEP I covers the initial aggregation, collection and storage of used oil. That may be at the point of generation, such as factories or vehicle workshops, or at public points of collection, utilising receptacles into which individuals deposit their used oils. STEP II covers the removal and transportation from Step I collection points and includes the possible combination of the used oils prior to treatment using the various methods. The removal, transportation and aggregation of used oils for disposal or re-use is controlled by legislation in some countries with fiscal adjustments designed to ensure 8 safe and effective handling and disposal. Most countries now legislate to ensure that used oil from all recognised points of generation (e.g. factories, vehicle workshops, etc.) is correctly handled and disposed of. Most European countries have different laws and regulations for the collection of used oils, normally based on the European Union Directives. All, however, maintain the basic principle that the generator of used oil is responsible for its safe collection and storage on site and for the eventual authorised removal. Segregating the different types of used oils (and perhaps other used fluids from vehicles) does enhance the inherent value of the waste for reprocessing and reduces the levels of contamination in the final product. Uncontrolled collection of many different types and qualities of used oils makes reprocessing significantly more difficult and expensive, and it increases the levels of contamination in the final products of recycling. Throughout the EU, it is illegal for an individual to throw away used oil; it must be returned to a proper collection point. However, it is clear that used oil is still disposed of illegally in all European countries, although the situation varies considerably from country to country. Excluding government subsidies, the basic value of unsegregated used oils is broadly related to the cost of industrial fuel because used oil is often used as a substitute fuel. That value establishes a firm economic platform from which any environmentally beneficial improvements can be costed and calculated. Improvements in the segregation of used oils improves the value. Even if it is estimated that less than 30% of European motorists currently change their own car engine oil, Do It Yourself (DIY) oil changes represent a great potential risk for the environment because the correct disposal of the used oil is dependent on the behaviour of individuals and the ready availability of appropriate facilities. Yet there is little enforcement of regulations covering the used oil produced as a result of a DIY oil change. There is a need to maximise the volume of used oil being returned to authorised disposal sites from individual DIY oil changes. Logically, improvement could be achieved by encouraging the establishment of many more local collection centres for used oil. However, it should be noted that DIY oil changes are not the whole problem. To put this sector into context, we estimate that the total DIY market for engine oils is of the order of 300 kt/year. Of this, about 200 kt is potentially recoverable and this represents only about 20% of the 1.1 million tonnes of used oil unaccounted for. Currently only the lowest quality blending of used oils is collected at public facilities. The higher value, properly segregated collection of used oils is only possible at vehicle workshops, industrial businesses and other fully equipped facilities. 9 It may transpire that market forces will determine the lowest quality mixtures to be best suited for treatment or re-use as an industrial fuel substitute. Only those properly segregated used oils, collected from fully equipped facilities, would be certain to provide the specific and guaranteed qualities of used oils for some of the more sensitive recycling processes. 4. QUALITY OF USED OIL Usually the term “used oil” is understood to include only those oils which arise from the use of lubricating oils. Slop oils recovered from drainage systems, refineries, fuel storage sites, etc. are not included, although they are generally mixed in used oil collection systems and decrease the value of the material. The largest potential source of used oils is from vehicle use, particularly engine oils. In general, the additives (particularly metals) remain in the oil after use. In addition, used engine oil contains a range of other impurities which affect the final re-refined base oil quality and cause problems to the re-refining activity. Metals from engine wear build up in the oil as does water formed from combustion of the fuel. A certain amount of unburned fuel (gasoline or diesel) also dissolves in the oil. Light hydrocarbons (HC) also arise form breakdown of the oil and heavier hydrocarbons, including PAH, from polymerisation and from incomplete combustion of the fuel. Chlorine in used lubricating oils is a potential problem as on combustion there is the possibility of dioxin formation. Chlorine in used oils arises: • • • from contamination (either accidental or deliberate) with chlorinated solvents and transformer oils, both of which are now becoming closely controlled from lubricating oil additives from the lead scavengers added to leaded gasoline. The concentration of chlorine in used oils is reducing as the use of chlorinated solvents for industrial cleaning applications is reduced and the use of leaded petrol declines. Used oil often becomes contaminated by all kinds of materials such as brake fluid and antifreeze at garages and paint, vegetable oils, etc. at public collection points. Such contamination can only be prevented by better segregation of oils on collection, through the provision of receptacles for other “oily” material and better policing. Such actions should be supported by monitoring of collected used oil for chlorine content. Lead in used lubricating oil arises almost entirely as a consequence of the lead added to gasoline which peaked in the first half of the 1970s. The lead elimination initiatives already in place and still working through will reduce the lead content of used oils to low levels and there is the prospect of total elimination of gasoline lead thereafter. The lead pollution problem is, therefore, already on the road to being solved. 10 Even without further contamination on collection, used oils thus often present a varied and poorly defined cocktail of compounds of which at best, 80% is lubricant base oil. This explains why re-refining is a complex task. The key problems due to the contamination of used oil are: CAUSE SOURCE EFFECT Vegetable oils Solvents Water Metals Rape oils/sunflower oils/fried foods/Esters Laudries/spent solvents disposal Combustion/handling Mechanical wear/additives PCAs Incomplete combustion and long drain interval Tranformer oils Antifreeze/industrial oils/ brake fluids/textile industries…. Solvents/chloro-paraffins Fuel slops disposal Styrene byproducts disposal Additives/fuel engine leakage Cracking/fouling/Off-gas Disposal costs/corrosion Energy costs/waste waters Wear/by-products pollution Toxicity PCBs Silica Chlorine Waxes/paraffins Styrene Sulphur Toxicity Catalyst poisoning Corrosion Lube opacity Toxicity/fouling Pollution/Costs/out of spec’s There isn’t an international specification of used oil worldwide accepted; the quality varies Country by Country, according to the collection system adopted. In Italy, for instance, the Consortium in charge of the waste oil collection has defined different types of waste oil cathegories: SPECIFICATION OF USED OILS TO DETERMINE THE QUALITY Starting from: 1st January 2000 METHOD OF ANALYSIS WATER CONTENT NOM. 7-70 ASTM D 95 DENSITY AT 15 °C NOM 42-83 ASTM D 1298 TOTAL SEDIMENTS NOM 112/71 ASTM D 2273 VISCOSITY NOM 46-71 ASTM D 445 PCB/PCT CEI 10/19 ASTM D 4059 UNIT OF MEASURE % weight Kg/l % weight °E 50°C ppm RE-REFINABLE USED OILS USED OILS FOR COMBUSTION DARK TRANSF. CLEAR DARK COD. 01 max 15 max 0,920 max 3 min 1,8 max 25 COD. 02 max 2 max 0,895 max 0,5 max 2 max 25 COD. 06 max 10 max 0,900 max 0,5 min 2,1 max 25 COD. 03 max 15 max 0,980 max 3 - 11 max 25 TOTAL CHLORINE NOM 98-72 ASTM D 1317 SULPHUR NOM 97-80 ASTM D 1552 DILUENTS NOM 39-90 ASTM D 322 LEAD-ZINC IRSA 64, VOL 3, N. 10 CD+CR+NI+V IRSA 64, VOL.3, N.10 NEUTRALIZATION NR. NOM 86-88 ASTM D 864 SAPONIFICATION NR. NOM 81-71 ASTM D 94 FLASH POINT NOM 83-71 ASTM D 92 LEAD IRSA 64, VOL. 3, N. 10 COPPER IRSA 64, VOL. 3, N. 10 FLUORINE NOM 98-72 ASTM D 1317 ASHES NOM 12-88 ASTM D 482 COLOUR ASTM D 1500 % peso % weight % volume mg/kg mg/kg mg KOH/g mg KOH/g max 0,5 max 1,5 max 5 max 4000 max 50 max 3,5 max 18 - max 0,2 max 1,5 max 3,5 max 4000 max 50 max 3,5 max 15 - max 0.5 max 1,5 max 5 max 4000 max 50 max 3,5 max 18 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - max 8 max 8 °C mg/kg mg/kg ppm % weight - max 0,6 max 1,5 max 100 min 90 max 2000 max 500 traces max 1,5 - 5. IMPORTANCE OF USED OIL REGENERATION Re-refining offers significant energy savings and fewer environmental impacts than other reuse options that generate such products as fuel, distillate oils, or gasoline. Capital cost is major hurdle to re-refining waste oil. This could be overcome if waste oil re-refining was integrated into existing lubricating oil refineries. Capital costs for hydrotreatment, product storage, sour gas processing, and pollution prevention would be minimized if existing refinery equipment could be employed for these services. A leading lubricating oil company endorsing re-refined oil by putting its brand name to it would have a significant positive impact on customer perceptions of product quality. Re-refining within a lubricating oil refinery is not commercially practiced. Research is needed in the following areas to commercialize this option: (1) to develop and demonstrate pre-treatment technology required to integrate re-refining into a virgin lubricating oil refinery; and (2) to identify used oil contaminants that deactivate hydrogenation catalysts, and if needed, develop technology for their removal and/or develop catalysts that are immune to deactivation by the contaminants. To ensure commercial viability of this technology, research and development work should be conducted in partnership with a lubricating oil manufacturer. Recycling, re-refining and reuse of contaminated resources are obviously much more preferable to their improper disposal or destruction. By doing so, we can help 12 preserving our natural resources, and also address the problem of environmental pollution in a positive, meaningful way. The United States Department of Energy of the University of Chicago has developed the hyerarchy of waste oil reuse options, as shown here below considering both environmental and economical aspects. Re-refining in Lubricating Oil Refinery Re-refining in Dedicated grass-root Unit Reprocessing in Primary Refinery Reprocessing to Fuel Burning Untreated Disposal Because of the energy savings associated with multiple use, re-refining is ranked higher than other consumptive reuses. Re-refining in a lubricating oil refinery is ranked above re-refining in a dedicated grass-root stand alone unit because of the opportunities for capital cost reductions, existing facilities and utilities utilization, recovery of highervalue by-products, and more efficient pollution control. Also for these reasons, reprocessing in a primary refinery is ranked above reprocessing in dedicated equipments. Reprocessing in dedicated equipment and burning in space heaters sometimes are ranked equally because they didn’t find clear basis to rate the trade-offs. Burning in space heaters, when heat is needed, avoids the energy consumption and environmental impacts associated with transporting and reprocessing oil. However, the uncontrolled emissions from space heaters, particularly in populated areas, may be more harmful than burning reprocessed oil at an industrial site that may be equipped with pollution control equipment. Finally, used oil disposal or dumping is the least desirable alternative because the energy value of the oil is lost and the oil can potentially contaminate soil, groundwater and surface waters. Used oil disposed of in landfills or discharged to the ground or into sewers can contaminate soil, groundwater or surface waters. Like many petroleum products, used oil contains organic toxic compounds (e.g., benzene, toluene, naphthalene, phenols, and PNAs such as benzo[α]pyrene) at levels higher than health-based standards. Although the environmental impacts of used oil disposal have not been definitively determined, 13 recovering this oil can be defended on the basis of energy savings alone, so extensive studies on environmental impacts are not required to justify promoting waste oil recovery and recycle. Waste oil represents an important energy resource that, if properly managed and reused, would reduce dependence on imported fuels. 6. CURRENT USED OIL DISPOSAL OPTIONS These are the current recorded disposal options: LAUNDERING RECLAIMING NDUSTRIAL LUBRICANTS RECLAMATION CEMENT KILNS DIRECT BURNING OPTIONS WASTE INCINERATORS COLLECTION No collection = pollution and loss of nonrenewable resources SPACE HEATERS REPROCESSING MILD BURNING IN ROAD STONE PLANTS BURNING WHEN BLENDED WITH FUEL OIL SEVERE RE-REFINING DUMPING AND ILLEGAL DISPOSAL 6.1 LAUNDERING Oils of a known source and composition (such as hydraulic and cutting oils) are processed and then returned to the user. The laundering process usually involves heating, filtration (to remove solids), dewatering under vacuum and, after testing, addition of fresh additives. This returns the oil to its original form and it is then again fit for use. 14 6.2 RECLAMATION Reclamation is a route for recycling segregated used industrial oils, especially hydraulic oils. These oils are simply centifuged and/or filtered and then used, for example, as: • • mould release oil base oil for the production of chain saw oil 6.3 DIRECT BURNING OPTIONS Burning used oil without any pre-treatment is one disposal option with several different methods of energy recovery. These vary in popularity across Europe depending on local economic and legislative circumstances. 6.3.1 Burning used oil in cement manufacture For heat input, used oils are burned either on their own or together with other organic constituents including paints, solvents and cleaning agents. The cement industry has estimated that over 400 kt of used oil are used in cement manufacture in Europe. 6.3.2 Burning used oil in space heaters This route of disposal is usually carried out on a small scale except in UK where burning is said to account for the disposal of approximately 200 kt of used oil per annum. It is believed that this oil is burned in small space heaters in garages, workshops and greenhouses. Special stand alone heaters are manufactured for this purpose. This disposal method provides an economic heating source and the used oil is disposed of at the point of generation. However, it creates localised air pollution which is potentially significant. 6.3.3 Waste incinerators Chemical waste incinerators are known to accept bulk loads of used oil, often used oil which is too contaminated to be re-refined, laundered or burned for energy recovery. Some domestic waste incinerators recover energy for power generation or district heating. 6.4 BURNING AFTER “MILD” REPROCESSING Used oil destined for road stone drying or fuel blending requires a simple cleaning process before further use. Water and sediments are settled in a tank after mixing used oil with a demulsifier. Settling is facilitated by heating the tank up to 70/80°C. If necessary, the clear oil is decanted and passed through a series of filters. The waste water and sediments are treated before disposal. 15 6.4.1 Blending into fuel oil The processed oil may also be blended into fuel oil. In this case the maximum amount of processed used oil which may be blended with other heavy streams is limited by a specification on ash content (generally about 0.1% max.) and subject to meeting a viscosity range specification. Details of the extent of this route in Europe are unclear but it is likely that the combined fuel oil may be sold as bunker fuel, for road stone plants and power stations. 6.4.2 Burning used oil in road stone plants The processed oil is used as fuel in burners to dry limestone and hard stone for the manufacture of road surfacing materials. The stones are dried, then sized, after which they are mixed with bitumen and filler. Where limestone is dried, some acid contaminants are likely to be captured by the chips. Used oil has been an effective substitute for light gas oil in the road stone industry for several years, lowering operating costs and providing a disposal route for used oil. This process is in common use in the UK. However, in Italy this process is not permitted by some environmental authorities. 6.4.3 Power stations Used oil is utilised in pulverised coal power stations, mainly as furnace start up fuel, but it is also used sometimes as an addition to the main fuel where heat input is restricted. 6.5 BURNING AFTER “SEVERE” REPROCESSING So called “severe” reprocessing transorms used oils into fuels which can be burned with similar emissions to those from burning other oil fuels. The used oils are treated in a process unit including: • • • a flash column to remove water a distillation column operating under light vacuum to remove light ends and gas oil, a high vacuum distillation column to produce: - distillates - vacuum residue containing sediments, heavy hydrocarbon metals and additives The efficiency of the vacuum column may enable the production of distillates with metal content of less than 1 ppm. Organic chloride compounds may still remain in the distillate. 16 6.6 RE-REFINING USED LUBRICATING OIL BACK TO A VIRGIN BASE OIL SUBSTITUTE. The re-refining of used oils, first introduced in the 1930s, saw a significant increase during World War II, and thereafter up to the end of the 1970s. The second oil crisis engendered fierce competition between burning and re-refining. Used oil provided a low-price fuel oil substitute, but the environmental impacts were not always considered. At the same time used oils offered an alternative raw material for the production of base lubricating oils. Subsequently, the increased environmental consciousness in the 1980s has had a number of consequences: • • • the shut down of many acid/clay re-refining plants, mainly in the US, for both economic and environmental reasons the use of improved equipment and devices to reduce the potential pollution from burning used oil the development of improved re-refining technologies for both environmental and product quality reasons. Presently in the world there are around 400 re-refining facilities, with an overall capacity of 1800 kt/y. Although most of these plants are located in East Asia (Inida, China and Pakistan), their individual capacity is mainly low, 2 kt/y each, on average. The share of re-refined oils accounts for less than 10% of the overall base oil demand in Europe. Reference documents: - Concawe report n° 5/96: “Collection and disposal of Used Lubricating Oil” Europalub statistics Taylor Nelson Sofres report: “Critical Review of Existing Studies and LCAs on the Regeneration and Incineration of Waste Oils” (Dec. 2001) USA Energy Department - University of Chicago, “Assessment of Opportunities to increase the recovery rates of Waste Oils”. 17 7. LEGISLATION In the European Community the disposal of waste oils is ruled by Directive 75/439/EEC, later modified by Directive 87/101/EEC. These Directives, whose main objective is the environment protection, aim to guarantee the waste oils collection and innocuous disposal: that’s the reason why the Directives favour recycling instead of destruction, and particularly Directive 87/101/EEC has given priority to re-refining, which represents “the most rational valorization of waste oils, keeping into account the energy conservation that it enables to realize”. The following directives were issued later, which are strictly connected to the main EEC Directives on waste oil (75/439 and 87/101): • Directive 91/692/EEC standardizing and rationalizing reports • Directive 92/81/EEC on the harmonization of the structures of excise duties on mineral oils • Directive 96/59/EC on the disposal of PCBs and PCTs • Directive 2000/76/EC on the incineration of waste On the other hand, the EC Directives concerning wastes in general but always making reference to the two previous Directives on waste oil (75/439 and 87/101) are the following: • Framework Directive on Waste 75/442/EEC • Directive on Hazardous Waste 91/689/EC • Waste Shipment Regulation EEC 259/93 The main provisions of Directive 75/439/EEC on the disposal of waste oils modified by 87/101/CEE are:3 • Article 2: waste oils have to be collected and disposed of without causing any avoidable damage to the environment • Article 3: the priority should be given to the regeneration of waste oils if technical, organizational and economic constraints allow so • Article 4: Member States shall take the measure to ensure the prohibition of: - any discharge into inland surface waters, groundwaters, sea water and drainage systeMember States - any deposit or discharge harmful to the soil, or uncontrolled discharge of residues of processing 3 Claudia Olazabal, Desk Officer of European Commission DG XI 18 - any processing of waste oils causing air pollution • Articles 5 and 6: establish a system of registrations and permits for undertakings collecting and disposing of waste oils • Article 7: states the obligation for Member States to exert control measures upon regeneration plants • Article 8: establishes limit values for undertakings that incinerate waste oils • Articles 10 and 11: impose the obligations of record keeping and reporting • Article 14: allows Member States the possibility of granting indemnities to collection and/or disposal undertakings • Article 17 and 18: require Member States to provide the Commission with periodical reports The main provisions of Directive 91/692/EEC standardizing and rationalizing reports on the implementation of certain Directives relating to the environment are: Article 5: - Every three years Member States shall send information to the Commission on the implementation of Directive 75/439/EEC - The report shall be drawn up on the basis of a questionnaire - The first report shall cover the period 1995 to 1997 inclusive - The Commission shall publish a Community report on the implementation of the Directive The main provisions of Directive 92/81/EEC on the harmonization of the structures of excise duties on mineral oils are: • Member States may apply total or partial exemptions or reductions in the rate of duty to mineral oils • Council Decision 97/425/EEC authorizing Member States to apply and to continue to apply to certain mineral oils when used for specific purposes exemptions from excise duty Countries applying the derogation: Germany, Spain, France, Ireland, Portugal, UK, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, Austria, Finland 2001 the Council and the Commission decided: • almost all derogations not only the ones on waste oil will be prolonged for 6 years (except the ones for fuel for hauliers in Italy and France) • same status from a procedural point of view for all derogations, no more open ended derogations 19 Directive 96/59/EC on the disposal of PCBs and PCTs: • This Directive establishes the provisions for the disposal of waste oils containing more than 50 ppm of PCBs • The Commission Decision 2001/69/EC adopts the standard EN 12766 (part 1 and part 2) as the reference measurement method for the determination of PCBs in waste oils and petroleum products (Article 10 a) of 96/59/EC) Directive 2000/76/EC on the incineration of waste: • The Directive was adopted on November 2000, enters into force 1st January 2003, for existing installation 2005 • Article 18: repeals Article 8 and the annex of Directive 75/439/EEC. Therefore it takes over the incineration of waste oils • The new Directive has emission limit values for the incineration of waste oils that are 5 or 10 times more stringent. Thus many small installations will not be able to incinerate waste oils anymore 20 USED OIL REGENERATION TECHNOLOGIES 21 22 CLASSIFICATION OF TECHNOLOGIES TECHNOLOGIES FOR PRODUCING LUBRICANTS/BASE OIL Most advanced technologies with proven industrial application MOHAWK REVIVOIL Other industrial applications ATOMIC VACUUM DISTILLATION BLOWDEC CYCLON DUNWELL WFE GARAP INTERLINE RELUBE MEINKEN PROP ACID/CLAYPURIFICATION RTI SNAMPPROGETTI SOTULUB VAXON Prototypes, pilot plants or technologies not yet applied on the market BECHTEL MP REFINING ENTRA EXXON MRD ROSE ULTRAFILTRATION Studies and patents BERC JAKE OIL PROTERRA RECYCLON REGELUB RWE-ENTSORGUNG AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT STP TIQSONS HYLUBE 23 TECHNOLOGIES FOR PRODUCING MARKETABLE FUEL (FULE OIL, DIESEL) OR FUEL FOR ENERGY PRODUCTION Technologies with industrial applications PROPAK TRAILBALZER ZIMMARK SOC Prototypes, pilot plants or technologies not yet applied on the market EOPT L.O.M.S LUBRICLEAR MINIRAFF POLYMER MEMBRANE BASED FILTRATION FILEAS VSEP Studies and patents ELECTRIZATION 24 TECHNOLOGIES FOR PRODUCING LUBRICANTS/BASE OIL 25 26 Most advanced technologies with proven industrial application • MOHAWK • REVIVOIL 27 Technical principle: Vacuum distillation/WFE/Hydrofinishing Technology name: MOHAWK Licensor/process owner: Chemical Engineering Partners (CEP) – San Francisco Process description: Used oil is chemically pretreated to avoid precipitation of contaminants which can cause corrosion and fouling of the equipment. Pre-treated used oil is first time distilled for separation of water and light hydrocarbons. Water is treated and sent to waste water treatment facility. Light hydrocarbons are used at plant as fuel or sold as a product. Free-of-water oil is high vacuum distilled in a thin film evaporator for separation of diesel fuel, which can be used at plant or sold as fuel; heavy materials such as residues, metals, additive degradation products, etc. are passed to a heavy asphalt flux stream. The distillate is hydropurified at high temperature and pressure in the presence of catalytic bed (this process removes nitrogen, sulphur, chlorine, oxygenated organic components). Used catalyst of hydropurification is disposed of off-site. Obtained products, which can be additionally separated into desired cuts by fractionation under high vacuum, are used as components of motor, industrial and hydraulic oils. Residue of vacuum distillation is used for producing road and roof bitumen. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Used catalyst of hydropurification - disposed off-site. Development stage: Technology is used on industrial basis. Working plants in North Vancouver, BC, Canada (600 Bbl/day), Evergreen, Newark, California USA, Wiraswasta Gemilang Indonesia (50.000 TPA), Southern Oil Refineries, Australia (20.000 TPA) Main features: Good quality of the product. Accepts used oil from different sources: transmission fluid, gear oil, grease, hydraulic oil, metal working oil and motor oil. Mechanical vacuum generation Notes: 28 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Chemical Pre-treatment Light Hydrocarbons Distillation Vacuum Distillation Wiped-Film Evaporation H2 Catalyst Hydrofinishing Fractionation Components of Base Oil 29 Water Diesel Fuel Asphalt Flux Gas of Destruction Diesel Fuel Technical principle: Thermal De-asphalting/Hydrofinishing Technology name: REVIVOIL Licensor/process owner: Viscolube S.p.A./Axens Process description: Filtered used oil coming from storage tanks is pre-heated and mixed with additives for fouling reduction. Heated to temperature 140 ºC, the mixture is sent to a preflash column. Removed from the top of the separation column the mixture of water and light hydrocarbons is then condensed with separation of components. The dehydrated oil coming from preflash unit is sent to Thermal De-Asphalting unit (TDA), where the oil is separated from the substances, which can provoke fouling, in an intermediate tank; oil heated to 350 °C is fractionated in the TDA distillation column under vacuum (15 Torr) with separation of diesel fraction from the top of the column and the asphalt fraction – from the bottom. At the same time, oil is fractionated into three different lubricant cuts with different viscosity grades. The cuts are stripped in the stripping column and cooled down. For the improvement of the product quality, oil cuts after TDA are finished by contact with hydrogen over the catalyst that allows removal of metals and metalloids, organic acids, sulfurand nitrogen-containing compounds, and improving colour and thermal stability of the oil. According to the operating parameters of hydrofinishing, the final base oil quality can be upgraded till the achievement of content of sulphur and saturated compounds, that complies with the API Group II definitions. Optionally, to increase yield of the base oil fractions, additional propane deasphalting unit (PDA) of the heavy asphaltic residue coming from TDA can be added. In the process, 80% of brightstock is recovered, which allows increasing of base oil yield from 72 to 79%. In the process the bottom of TDA is mixed with propane and sent to extractor, where bright-stock is separated from the asphaltic residue. Propane is stripped off from the fractions and recycled into the process. Bright-stock is mixed with oil cuts from TDA and hydrotreated. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Bottoms from TDA and/or PDA - used as asphalt extender and in bituminous membranes Development stage: One plant working in Italy (Pieve Fissiraga) 100.000 tonnes/year; one in Poland (Jedlicze) 80,000 tonnes/year; one in Indonesia (Surabaya) 40,000 tonnes/year; two plants under Used hydrotreatment catalyst - regenerated and re-used in the process 30 construction in Spain (20,000 tonnes/year each); process engineering/licence committed by BP for Indonesia (20,000 t/y); process/licence committed by UNIDO for Pakistan (10,000 tonnes/y). Main features: Acceptance of all used mineral motor oil feedstocks; High yield of the process; Simplified version without second stage can produce a demetalized product suitable as an industrial or marine diesel fuel. Possibility to achieve API Group II requirements Notes: Products quality comparable to virgin base oils. Base oil coming from this technology has been approved by API, ACEA, Mercedes-Benz and is accepted by major OEMs. Flow-diagram: Waste oil Water Diesel Fuel Pre-Flash Gas Oil TDA Residue optional PDA Residue Bright-stock H2 Catalyst Hydrofinishing Base Oil 31 Gas of Destruction 32 Other industrial applications • ATOMIC VACUUM DISTILLATION • BLOWDEC • CYCLON • DUNWELL WFE • GARAP • INTERLINE • RELUBE • MEINKEN • PROP • ACID/CLAY PURIFICATION • RTI • SNAMPROGETTI • SOTULUB • VAXON 33 Technical principle: Short-path Vacuum Distillation/Clay treatment Technology name: ATOMIC VACUUM DISTILLATION Licensor/process owner: Atomic Vacuum Company Process description: Used oil is pre-treated to remove carbon sludge by flocculation using two natural polymers and separation by centrifugation and filtration. The pre-treated oil from the previous steps is passed through a TFE under medium vacuum and temperature for diesel, emulsified water and light hydrocarbons separation. After this stage, lighter oil fraction is separated by molecular distillation (high vacuum short path distillation). Residue from this process is high vacuum distilled under temperature over 350 °C and pressure 0.13 Pa. The distilled oil is treated with Fuller’s earth for removing metals and producing base oil with required viscosity and then mixed with additives. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utlization Bottoms from high vacuum distillation and residue from filtration - used for producing soft asphalt, off spec. fuel oil or briquettes Used clay - reclaimed, re-activated 3-4 times, by using solvent extraction and high temperature activation process Development stage: The main manufacturing facility is at an industrial area near Mumbai (Bombay) W-146 B, MIDC (Near Deepak Fertilizers) Taloja, Navi Mumbai - 410 208. INDIA Main features: The technology does not use acids. Notes: Necessity of used sorbent (clay) regeneration or disposal. 34 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Natural Polymer Flocculation Centrifugation Filtration Water Residue Light Hydrocarbons Distillation Molecular Vacuum Distillation Clay Adsorption Components of Base Oil 35 Water Residue Used Clay Technical principle: Cracking/Separation Technology name: BLOWDEC (BLOWing DEComposition) Licensor/process owner: Konzeko Ltd. – Slovak Republic Process descritption: The process is based on the separation of hydrocarbons from the waste oil in a hot whirling bed created by solid particles (hot sand) in a BLOWDEC reactor. Simultaneously with the separation, visbreaking process of hydrocarbons occurs. The process reactor operates on the principle of intensive mixing and crushing of mixture oil/water/solids in a special “ventilator-mill”, in a manner which results in internal friction and hydrodynamic forces generating heat. Solid inorganic material (i.e. sand) forms fluidized hot bed on which chemical (cracking) and physical processes take place. Most of the heavy hydrocarbons are cracked into lighter components and simultaneously all present organic compounds evaporate. Independently from the organic material composition entering the process, the products of the process are: hydrocarbon gas and base oil with a low content of aromatic hydrocarbons and low sulphite contents. Waste producend and relevant treatment/ utilization Development stage: One plant of 3500 tonnes/year capacity is operating in Markušovce, Slovak Republic. Main features: Technical issues not sufficient for evaluation Notes: Maintenance: high probability of mechanical corrosion because of use of fluidized bed of solid particles. The process gives product with low quality, which requires additional final treatment. 36 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Hydrocarbon Gas BLOWDEC ventilator-mill Water Solids Separator Base Oil 37 Technical principle: TFE/PDA/Hydrofinishing Technology name: CYCLON Licensor/process owner: KTI/IFP Axens Process description: Used oil from the storage is pre-treated for water removal and distilled under vacuum, with separation of emulsified water and light fuel hydrocarbons. Heavier fraction is sent to high vacuum distillation, where most part of base oil components is evaporated from the heavy residue. The residue from the high vacuum distillation is then treated in propane deasphalting unit and the product is hydrotreated together with lighter fraction obtained from high vacuum distillation. Hydrotreated oil is fractionated to desired base oil cuts, blended and packaged. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Wastewater - separated from the oil in conventional gravity separator, ultra-filtrated through ceramic membrane, stripped with air, and sent to biological treatment Used catalyst –regenerated Light hydrocarbon fuel - used as fuel in oil heaters on the plant or in boilers Development stage: There is one plant working with this technology in Greece. Main features: Notes: 38 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Water De-watering Light Hydrocarbons Vacuum Distillation High Vacuum Distillation Water Residue Propane H2 Catalyst Hydrofinishing Fractionation Components of Base Oil 39 PDA Asphalt Flux Gas of Destruction Technical principle: Wipe Film Evaporation Technology name: DUNWELL WFE Licensor/process owner: Dunwell Enviro-Tech Process description: Used oil from collectors is separated from water and solid particles by centrifuging, then heated to temperature around 150 ºC and sent to a flash evaporator for removing water and light hydrocarbons. Water from these stages is sent to water treatment plant and separated light hydrocarbons are sent to storage tank. De-watered oil is then vacuum distilled (T=232 ºC, p= 40 mmHg) for separation of light ends, which can be used as fuel for boiler. Oil, free-of-water and of light hydrocarbons, is sent to wipe film evaporation (WFE), where it is distilled under pressure 0.5 mmHg and temperature 343 ºC. Oil is vaporized and, after condensation and quality control, is mixed with additives and used as lube oil. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Heavy residue from WPE and centrifuging residue - used as bitumen components Development stage: One plant in Yuen Long Industrial Estate, Hong Kong, works from 1993 Main features: Distillation for waste oil de-metallization Notes: Quite low quality of produced oil. For its improving, oil requires to be mixed with clay or to undertake other finishing steps. Water from separation- sent to wastewater treatment plant 40 Flow-diagram: W aste oil W ater C entrifugation R esidue Light H ydrocarbons D istillation W ater Vacuum D istillation W iped-Film Evaporation Base O il 41 G as O il R esidue Technical principle: Centrifugation/Vacuum Distillation/Acid-Clay Treatment Technology name: GARAP Licensor/process owner: Matthys Process description: The difference of the process from the traditional acid/clay process is vacuum distillation of the oil after it’s pre-flashing, thus obtaining oil cuts and bottoms before acidification and clay treatment. The process is carried out as follows: Used oil is centrifuged or decanted at 80 °C for separation of large solid contaminants and flash-distilled under temperature 180 °C for removing water, solvents and light hydrocarbons. Beside this some additives are added for decreasing deposits and reducing corrosion of the equipment. Pre-treated in this way, oil is then distilled in a vacuum column under temperature around 360 °C with separation of gas-oil, oil cuts and bottoms (heavy hydrocarbons and contaminants). The bottoms are used as asphalt production after centrifugation for metal components removal. Oil cuts from the column are cooled and mixed with acid. Acid tar formed during the reaction is separated by centrifugation and oil is neutralized and treated over the clay bed and finally filtered. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Acid Tar - neutralized and regenerated Bottoms/Residues - used for asphalt production Spent clay – disposed of Development stage: The process was used in France by Sopaluna Society (region of Paris) and by Imperator Society of Baisieux (Lile) Main features: In comparison with traditional acid/clay treatment, Garap process allows destruction of additives due to thermal shock in vacuum distillation column. Notes: The process’s acid tar by-product is quite environmentally dangerous and requires regeneration/disposal. Extensive centrifugation of the oil with high viscosity leads to damage of the sensitive equipment. In industrial applications the operation is quite complicated. 42 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Residue Centrifugation Light Hydrocarbons Pre-Flash Water Gas Oil Vacuum Distillation Bottoms Centrifugation Acid Chemical Treatment Centrifugation Clay Asphalt Flux Residue Used Clay Adsorption Filtration Components of Base Oil 43 Technical principle: PDA/Distillation/Clay treatmen Technology name: INTERLINE Licensor/process owner: Interline Resources Corporation Process description: Used oil is pre-treated with a basic solution, containing ammonium hydroxide and/or potassium hydroxide for neutralization of undesirable compounds. Pre-treated in this way, oil is mixed with propane, which has a high selectivity for hydrocarbons and rejects metals and other contaminants. The mixture is then sent to the solvent mixing and extraction vessel and subjected to the patented Interline Process where most of the additives, water and solids, are separated in an asphalt residue and propane/oil mixture which is then pumped through a series of heat exchangers for separation of the propane in the flash separator. The propane is re-condensed with cooling water and returned to the solvent vessel. Free of solvent oil is then stripped for removing light hydrocarbons and the rest of propane. The oil is then vacuum distilled. In this process, single untreated base oil is produced. If necessary, the process can be improved by adding distillation column as well as finishing steps like clay treatment or hydrofinishing. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Mixture of bottoms from the vacuum distillation and the solids from the extraction stage – used for producing asphalt modifier (the mixture is pre-heated for removing water) Water vapor - condensed and then sent to the waste water treatment facility Spent clay - disposed of by specific techniques. Development stage: There are some plants using this technology in UK, USA, South Korea, Spain. However, all of them, except Spain, are presently closed because of environmental reasons and low quality of oil produced. Main features: Solvent extraction system operates without extensive heat or pressure. Relatively low operating and capital costs. Notes: Low quality of produced base oil. 44 Flow-diagram: Waste oil NH 4OH/KOH Chemical Treatment Propane PDA Propane Flash Separation Distillation Vacuum Distillation Clay Residue Adsorption Components of Base Oil 45 Light Hydrocarbons Residue Used Clay Technical principle: Distillation/TFE/Hydrotreatment Technology name: RELUBE Licensor/process owner: KTI Process description: Water and light hydrocarbon fraction is removed from the waste oil in atmospheric distillation column and gas oil is separated in stripping column. Vacuum distillation separates oil fraction from the heavy residue containing impurities and other heavy undesirable components. Vacuum distillation is carried out under temperature 320 °C in thin film pass evaporator to avoid thermal stress. Treated oil is mixed with hydrogen and passed over the catalyst layer in hydrotreatment stage to remove sulphur, oxygen and nitrogen containing compounds and to improve the color of the product. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Residue – used for asphalt production Development stage: Some units have been installed in USA, Greece, Tunisia, all subject to subsequent improvements/modifications becoming respectively MOHAWK, CYCLON process, SOTULUB process. Main features: Product of good quality Exhaust gases - used as fuel on the plant Notes: 46 Flow-diagram: W aste oil Light Hydrocarbons Distillation Defueling Thin Film Distillation H2 Catalyst Hydrofinishing Fractionation Components of Base Oil 47 W ater Gas Oil Residue Gas of Destruction Technical principle: Distillation/Clay Treatment Technology name: MEINKEN Licensor/process owner: Meinken Engineering Process description: Used oil is pre-filtered in coarse filter for the removal of large solid impurities. In the first stage of the process oil is dehydrated and predistilled at the temperature around 150 °C (top part of the column)-350 °C (bottom part of the column) and atmospheric pressure for light hydrocarbons and water removal. Oil is entering from the upper part of column to remove water before oil enters the bottom part. The vaporized (in the top part) water and gasoline are condensed in water-cooled condenser and separated. All used oil flows into the bottom part of the column where oil (~85%) is evaporated under vacuum 50 kPa and sent to further treatment. Non-evaporated part of the oil (~15%) forming residue contains heavy oil and solid contaminants. Before the de-watered oil is sent to evaporator (WFE), 4-5% of activated clay is added to the oil. WFE is working under temperature around 290 °C and pressure 10-15 kPa. In this process, gas-oil fraction (~15%) is separated from the oil, which is then mixed with the activated clay in the changing tank for color improving. Clay, separated by filtering in a filterpress, forms filter cake, which is sent to regeneration, or disposed of. Oil is mixed with additives and can be used as base oil for lubrication. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Spent Clay – disposed of in cement factory or other facilities Development stage: The latest Meinken plant is a development of the previous acid/clay Meinken process. There are 6 plants in operation: 3 in Germany, 1in USA, 1 in Taiwan and 1in Brazil Main features: Medium quality regenerated oil Notes: The original application of the process with acid use is now decreasing because of ecological reasons. Residue from distillation - Oil part of the residue leaving the distillation column separated and returned into the process; the rest, containing solid contaminants, used in asphalt manufacturing. The process cannot remove sulphur compounds, PAHs. Final product quality is related to the quality of raw material. 48 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Filtration Light Hydrocarbons Distillation Wiped-Film Evaporation Water Gas Oil Asphalt Clay Adsorption Filtration Components of Base Oil 49 Used Clay Technical principle: Chemical Treatment/Distillation/Clay Treatment/ Hydrofinishing Technology name: PROP Licensor/process owner: Phillips Petroleum Company Process description: In this process, used oil is treated by water solution of diammonium phosphate for separation of metals and ashforming components. For this purpose, preheated mixture of used oil and treating agent is sent to contactor where water solution salt is dispersed into the oil. Metallic phosphates formed in the chemical reaction are removed by filtration. The phosphates are neutral with no potential disposal problems. The filtered oil is stripped with separation of light hydrocarbons and water, which can be used for plant purposes. After stripping, oil is mixed with hydrogen and filtered through diatomaceous earth for separation of traces of compounds which can poison the catalyst of hydrotreatment. Filter cake is generally burned and diatomaceous earth is sent to waste disposal facilities or recycled. Finally oil is passed over the Ni/Mo catalyst in the hydrogenation reactor, where sulfur-, oxygen-, chlorine-, nitrogen-containing compounds are removed and oil’s colour is improved. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Used clay – recycled or disposed of Used catalyst – regenerated Filter cake - burned Diatomaceous earth - sent to waste disposal facilities or recycled. Development stage: Process has been industrially applied. Some plants were built, but now they are not in operation because of financial difficulties. Main features: Good quality of base oil with less than 10 ppm of metals content. Notes: The process is quite expensive. It needs both adsorbent treatment and hydrofinishing. Disposal issues are associated with filter cake and spent clay production. 50 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Diammonium Phosphate Demetallization Filtration Filter Cake Light Hydrocarbons Flash separation Clay Adsorption H2 Catalyst Hydrofinishing Base Oil 51 Water Used Clay Gas of Destruction Technical principle: Acid/Clay Purification Technology name: ACID/CLAY PURIFICATION Licensor/process owner: Meinken + others Process description: Used oil is pre-treated (pre-flash or vacuum distillation) for separation of water and light hydrocarbons. De-watered oil contains some heavy undesirable components, such as sulphur-, nitrous- and phosphorus containing compounds, which can be destroyed by treatment of the oil fraction with sulphuric acid (10-15 wt.% to used oil). Separated acid sludge contains products of the undesirable compounds destruction, like heavy metals etc. Oil, after acid treatment, has to be neutralized. In the next stage, oil, after neutralization, is filtered through clay for color improving and separation of residue. Filtered oil is distilled for producing base oils with various characteristics and gas-oil. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Acid sludge - neutralized, requires special treatment for deactivation Spent clay - disposed of Waste water - treated before disposal. Development stage: It is the first process used for used oil regeneration and the most widely used process with around 90% of total capacity. Main features: Relatively low capital cost Relatively simple process Notes: Very low product quality Very environmentally unsafe: used clay and acid sludge byproducts require difficult and expensive deactivation. The process cannot treat large amounts of used oil. 52 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Dehydration Flash Separation H2SO4 Clay Contactor Adsorption Distillation Components of Base Oil 53 Water Light Hydrocarbons Acid Sludge Used Clay Gas Oil Technical principle: Vacuum Cyclone Distillation/Clay Treatment Technology name: RTI Licensor/process owner: Process description: Waste oil is dewatered, heated and flashed and then distilled for water and light hydrocarbons removal. Pre-treated oil is distilled under vacuum (13 kPa) for separation of heavier hydrocarbon fraction which, after clay-treatment, can be sold as a bas blending oil (100N). Remaining part is transferred to a cyclonic vacuum distillation tower, operating at vacuum of 2.6 kPa. The oil flow is injected into the column at high velocity generating an extremely large centrifugal force, which aids in the separation of additives and contaminants from the used oil. Such design allows elimination of the conventional internals such as trays or packing and allows minimization of the coke formation. In the column more than 80% of the feed stream is vaporized and sent overhead, then condensed and treated by the activated clay and diatomaceous earth. Filtered oil is the 220N base blending oil. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Oily clay filter cake - disposed of in landfill. Development stage: Several plants in the United States were transformed from acidclay technology to RTI. Main features: Cyclonic distillation decreases coke formation and, as a result, reduces fouling of the equipment and increases the stream factor. Vacuum tower bottoms – without further processing, used in asphalt industry. Cyclonic distillation column does not need conventional internals such as trays or packing Notes: The quality of the product is not very high, because technology uses clay treatment but not hydrofinishing. 54 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Water De-watering Light Hydrocarbons Flash-Distillation Light Base Oil Water Vacuum Distillation Residue Cyclonic Vacuum Distillation Clay Adsorption Components of Base Oil 55 Used Clay Technical principle: Propane-Deasphalting/Vacuum Distillation/ Hydrofinishing Technology name: SNAMPROGETTI Licensor/process owner: Snamprogetti Process description: Preheated oil is sent to a pre-distillation column for separation of water and light hydrocarbons. Then oil is treated by liquid propane at the temperature 75-95 °C in a Propane-Deasphalting section (PDA I) for removing the major fraction of the impurities (i.e. asphaltic components, oxidized hydrocarbons, suspended solids, etc.), which are settled down and removed from the bottom part of the column. After stripping the propane, the oil is heated again and vacuum distilled at a temperature of 300 ºC. In this stage lubricating bases having lower viscosity free of impurities are separated. Bottom fraction consisting of heavier lubricating base in which impurities remain, is heated to temperature 300-450 ºC under adiabatic conditions. The product is treated in PropaneDeasphalting section a second time (PDA II). After extraction, the propane is stripped and recycled in the process. All produced base oils are separately sent to a hydrofinishing stage. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization PDA bottoms - used in asphalt production Waste water - sent to treatment Propane - recycled in the process. Losses of propane in the process about 5-10%. Development stage: One plant of 55,000 tonnes/year capacity is working with this technology in Italy. Main features: Possibility to produce several base oils with various characteristics. Notes: 56 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Light Hydrocarbons Distillation Propane Water Asphalt Flux PDA (I) Vacuum Distillation Heavy Fraction Asphaltic Residue PDA (II) H2 Hydrofinishing Catalyst Light Fraction Medium Fraction Gas of Destruction Light Base Oil Medium Base Oil Heavy Base Oil 57 Technical principle: Chemical Treatment/Vacuum Distillation Technology name: SOTULUB Licensor/process owner: SOTULUB Process description: The process is based on the treatment of used oil with an alkali additive called Antipoll and high vacuum distillation. Used oil is pre-heated to temperature about 160 °C and mixed with a small amount of Antipoll-additive, that allows the decrease of fouling of the equipment. In the next step, oil is drawn into the flash-drum where water and light hydrocarbons are separated from the lubricating base. The dehydrated oil is additionally heated to 280 °C and stripped under vacuum for removing the gas-oil fraction. Then oil is distilled under high vacuum in thin-film evaporator. In the process asphaltic residue, containing heavy metals, additives, polymers and degraded products, is separated from the bottom of the column. Distilled oil is condensed and treated again with small amount of Antipoll to eliminate all traces of undesirable compounds. This allows obtaining final product with acceptable quality without additional finishing stage. Oil can be additionally fractionated for obtaining various base oil cuts. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Development stage: The plant is an originally KTI installation modified by a Tunisian Company. There is a plant with a capacity of 16,000 t/year working since 1979 in Tunisia and one of 20,000 t/year in Kuwait. Main features: No finishing step required, which decreases investment cost of the process, but low quality base oil produced. Notes: In order to improve the final quality, a finishing step is necessary 58 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Antipoll Antipoll Treatment Light Hydrocarbons Flash Distillation Stripping Vacuum Distillation Antipoll Antipoll Treatment Fractionation Components of Base Oil 59 Water Gas Oil Asphalt Flux Technical principle: Cyclonic Vacuum Distillation/Chemical Treatment Technology name: VAXON Licensor/process owner: AVISTA – USA Process description: Used oil from the collection tank is pre-treated for conditioning. For this purpose, oil is filtered, centrifuged for separation of most part of large particles (up to 100 microns) and not-emulsified water, and then pre-heated before further treatment. Pre-treated oil is tangentially injected into cyclonic vacuum evaporator operating under temperature 160-180 °C and vacuum 40kPa. The principle allows improving the speed of oil fractions evaporation and separation. The evaporated lighter part, consisting of light hydrocarbons (gas, diesel fuel) and water, is condensed in the upper part of the chamber, from where it is separated. The heavier oil part, circulating in the bottom, are heated, thus increasing heat transfer and decreasing coke formation in the chamber. The process can be carried out in several evaporators operating under various temperatures and pressure (i.e. from 160 to 345 °C and vacuum from 40 to 0.5 kPa) that allows separation of several oil cuts. Oil from the distillation can contain some undesirable components (S-containing compounds and products of additives destruction) and should be additionally treated by chemicals for quality improvement. Treated oil can be additionally distilled to obtain various base oil cuts. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Waste water - undergoes physico-chemical and biological treatment and then filtered and used in the plant’s cooling system (self-consumption). Salts (from the final treatment) - suitable for fertilizers production. Residue – asphalt extender Development stage: The process is an originally Enprotec Vaxon technology installed in Denmark by Enprotec itself for fuel oil production with capacity 28,000 t/year. Subsequently a second operating plant has been installed in Spain with capacity 42,000 for base oil production. Currently Avista is the official licensor of the technology having bought the technology from the previous licensor. Another plant has been recently installed in the Middle East whose performances are not yet disclosed. 60 Main features: Medium quality of the produced oil. The chemical final stage does not allow the production of high quality base oil, although in Spain the Catalonia refinery produces basestocks accepted by OEM. Notes: Flow-diagram: Waste oil Residue Filtration Water Residue Centrifugation Cyclonic Vacuum Evaporator (160-180 oC, 40 kPa) Bottoms Light Hydrocarbons Water Diesel Fuel Gas Oil Cyclonic Vacuum Evaporator (260-290 oC, 4-10 kPa) Bottoms Cyclonic Vacuum Evaporator (290-330 oC, 1.5-2.5 kPa) Bottoms Cyclonic Vacuum Evaporator (320-345 oC, 0.5-1.5 kPa) Light Base Oil Asphalt Flux Heavy Base Oil Chemical Reagent Chemical Treatment Distillation Base Oil Fractions 61 Salt 62 Prototypes, pilot plants or technologies not yet applied in the market • BECHTEL MP REFINING • ENTRA • EXXON • MRD • ROSE • ULTRAFILTRATION 63 Technical principle: MP Extraction Technology name: BECHTEL MP Refining Licensor/process owner: Bechtel Process description: The process utilizes n-methyl-2-pyrolidone (MP) solvent to selective removal of undesirable aromatic (PCBs) and heterocomponents (oxygen-, nitrogen-, sulphur-containing compounds). Used oil and solvent are put in contact in the extraction tower under appropriate temperature and pressure. Raffinate and most part of the solvent are removed from the top of the column and routed to a solvent recovery section. Extract part is removed from a bottom of the tower and routed to the solvent recovery section. In the solvent recovery section MP is separated from the bottom fraction (extract oil) by multiple-effect evaporation at various pressures, followed by flash separation and steam stripping under vacuum, and from the raffinate product by steam stripping under vacuum. MP separated from the strippers is condensed and mixed with the MP recovered in the evaporation section. The mixture is distilled at low pressure to remove water from the solvent, which is then cooled and recycled to the extraction section. MP does not form azeotrope with water and can be removed in a single tower. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Waste water - contains trace quantities of MP, which is biodegradable. Development stage: Process is used as a step for virgin lube oil production on 13 licensed units. For waste oil treatment the technology has been tested on pilot unit in a German down-stream flash distillation column as final bleaching/de-aromatization unit. Main features: In comparison with phenol and furfural extraction MP is: Extract - Has high aromatic content and can be used for carbon black feedstock, rubber extender oil, and other non-lube applications. • A more selective solvent, that decreases solvent circulation to 25-50 % and energy consumption to 20-40 %. • Unlike phenol, MP is a non-toxic solvent. The product is characterized by high viscosity index, good thermal and oxidation stability, light color, and good additive response. Notes: Lubricants have a good aromatic removal but the process yield 64 is affected by the aromatic extract production that has to be disposed of. Flow-diagram: Waste oil MP-solvent Extract+MP Extraction Flash-separation Raffinate+MP Steam Stripping MP+water Steam Components of Base Oil Stripping MP MP+water Extract MP-solvent 65 Distillation Water Technical principle: Linear Tubular Reactor Technology name: ENTRA Licensor/process owner: ENTRA - Germany Process description: The process is based on the difference between bond energy in molecules of hydrocarbons and between carbon atoms and heteroatoms; in this case molecules can be forced to “drop” heteroatoms before being destroyed by thermal cracking, in condition of very careful temperature regulation – 300+0.1ºC and of minimal oil staying time in the heated zone – several sec.-3. The process is carried out in a tubular reactor consisting of a single tube in which used oil is continuously transferred into phase by means of increasing temperature, followed by fractional condensation. The evaporation process and/or chemical reaction takes place in exactly tempered zone of the tubular reactor. Obtained after cracking, oil needs to be afterpurified with 1% sulfuric acid and 1% Fuller’s Earth. Environmentally dangerous components are removed by using Na and natural sorbent. Some auxiliary agents can be used for obtaining a product with various qualities. For example: • Direct oil reclaiming without auxiliary agents can give heating oils, low quality lubricants for simple using (agricultural machinery) with yield up to 95% • Used oil reclaiming with lime produces heating oils, lubricants for higher working conditions (diesel motor oil, gear oils, hydraulic fluids) with yield up to 90%. • Waste oil reclaiming with 0.4 % of sodium dispersion gives high quality turbine or motor oil with yield of about 85%. The breeze and residue sludge contains only environmentally irrelevant compounds because heavy metals and additives are chemically bound. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Residue sludge - included in bitumen. Development stage: One ENTRA prototype plant is working in Germany in cooperation with Suedoel AG since 1988 Main features: Removing PAH is possible only if some additional finishing units are installed. Oil containing more that 2% of Cl can be treated without corrosion of the equipment thanks to chemical injection. 66 Notes: A very careful regulation of the temperature during thermal cracking stage to prevent the destruction of useful components is necessary. Selectivity and segregation of raw material is necessary for the application of the technology. Disposal of dangerous by-products is needed. Flow-diagram: Waste oil Gas Fraction Dispersion of Na in petroleum oil Evaporation Linear Tubular Reactor Water Thermal Cracking Clay Fractionation H2SO4 Acid Purification Clay Adsorption Filtration Base Oil 67 Residue Used Clay Acid Tar Used Clay Technical principle: Distillation/Hydrotreatment Technology name: EXXON Licensor/process owner: Exxon Research and Engineering Process description: In this process, used oil is introduced in filter system for removing any solids, metal filings and other substances which may be present in used oil. After filtration, used oil is sent to a dewatering/defueling unit in which the level of water and fuel can be decreased to the required level so as not to be detrimental to the overall process. This process can be carried out by atmospheric or vacuum distillation (preferred for economic and environmental reasons) for water removal and defueling. Free-of-water-and-fuels oil is passed through a heat soaker (I) and a distillation unit (distillation conditions don’t allow coke up the oil). Distillate from this unit is sent through heat soaker (II) to an adsorption (guard bed) unit for reducing contaminants (halides, trace phosphorus, sludge). This unit could use various adsorbents but the most effective one is the activated alumina. Effluent from guard bed is hydrotreated for producing oil, which is suitable as base oil for lube oil, transformer oil, turbine oil, etc. Process of is applicable for treatment of used lubricating oils, as well as any type of used oil. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Residue from heat soaker - disposed of by blending with asphalt without adversely affecting the asphalt product quality. Catalyst to be disposed of when poisoned - H2S streams have to be treated in proper sulphur recovery unit Development stage: Pilot plant. No evidence of industrial plants. Main features: Process uses advanced techniques. Notes: Industrial installation capital costs and operating costs have not been evaluated by the licensor. 68 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Filtration Residue Light Hydrocarbons Pre-Distillation Heat Soaker (I) Distillation Heat Soaker (II) Water Residue Residue Residue Guard bed H2 Catalyst Hydrofinishing Base Oil 69 Gas of Destruction Technical principle: Vacuum Distillation/Solvent Extraction Technology name: MRD-KERNSOLVAT-EXTRAKTIONS-VERFAHREN Licensor/process owner: MRD-Mineraloel-Raffinerie Dollbergen GmbH Process description: In the process pre-treated for water removing oil is vacuum distillated and sent to a special extraction column, where base oil fraction is separated from the extract by specific solvent, which allows quantitative removing of PAH and preservation of the positive impact of low temperature viscosity behaviour of these groups of oils. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Extracts – can be used as fuel Development stage: Plant with annual capacity of 230 000 tons is working near Hannover, North Germany (Mineraloel-Raffinerie Dollbergen GmbH), with final Clay treatment. A glass pilot plant has been installed in the laboratory . Main features: Significant PAH removal/reduction The process does not use hydrofinishing stage. Synthetic additives are not destructed or removed from the oil. Notes: From solvent extraction unit an aromatic extract is produced; final destination has to be defined, usually as fuel is if allowed. The yield of the process is mainly connected with the colour of the intermediate products and final spec. required. If solvent extraction unit is stressed for colour requirements, the yield decreases and aromatic extract becomes a large quantity. Patent : Germany No. 158 52 007 “Verfahren zur Wiederaufarbeitung von Altoelen” from 13-06-2002 (field 11.11.1998). 70 Flow Diagram: Waste oil Water De-watering Vacuum Distillation Solvent Light Hydrocarbons Extraction Solvent Extract Solvent Recovery Solvent Recovery Solvent Narrow Cut Solvate 71 Technical principle: Supercritical Extraction by Hydrocarbon Gases Technology name: ROSE (Residue Oil Supercritical Extraction) Licensor/process owner: Kellogg Brown & Root Process description: In the first stage of the process, used oil is filtered for separation of solid impurities and distilled under atmospheric pressure at a temperature of 120 °C for water and light hydrocarbon separation. Then, it is mixed with ethane or propane and sent to a packed tower where oil is extracted from the contaminants under supercritical conditions (pressure 5-15 MPa and temperature 20-80 °C). The contaminants are separated from the bottom of the column while oil-laden solvent is sent to next column operating under temperature 40200 °C and pressure 1-100 kPa for separation of the solvent from the lubricating oil. Free-of-solvent extract is hydrotreated for its quality improving. The residue from extraction column is separated from the solvent at temperature 40-200 °C and pressure 1-100kPa and gasified. The solvent recovered from oil and residue is collected and reused in the process. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Residue - Thermal decomposition (gasification). Development stage: This process has been used in several plants for virgin lube oil production. For waste oil application the process, originally Krupp Koppers, has been evaluated at pilot plant level, but it has not been commercialized yet. Main features: Process allows production of marketable base oil. Notes: Scale-up on industrial application is unknown under the operating cost point of view and troubleshooting. 72 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Residue Filtration Light Hydrocarbons Distillation Propane/Ethan Supercritical Extraction Water Residue Distillation Distillation Solvent Gasification H2 Catalyst Hydrofinishing Base Oil 73 Gas of Destruction Technical principle: Ultrafiltration Technology name: ULTRAFILTRATION Licensor/process owner: GERTH - France The process is based on ultrafiltration of waste oils on second generation barriers with carbon support. The difference between these barriers and the first generation barriers relays in their smaller diameter (0,6 cm instead of 1,5 cm), which should imply a reduction of the electric energy consumption. Process description: The technology includes centrifugation of used oil at low temperature to eliminate water and large size deposits and predistillation, for water and solvents removing. Pre-treated oil is treated by chemicals for collecting scattered compounds and transferred to a fractionation column where gas-oil is separated. Key stage of the process is ultrafiltration at high temperature to separate oils, polymers and fine particles, where tubular barriers with smaller diameter are used. A catalytic hydrotreatment is used for improving the color of the final product. This step produces gaseous fuel. A final vacuum distillation allows the production of various base oil cuts. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Water from pre-treatment - sent to water treatment plant Development stage: Pilot plant was built and tested under different conditions in 1987 at Compagnie des Bases Lubrifiantes (CBL) at Lillebonne (Seine Maritime, France). No industrial applications are known. Main features: The process has higher treatment capacity and lower energy consumption in comparison with other processes of this type. High yield of the final product (more than 90%) Concentrate from ultrafiltration - used in asphalt production Total demetallization of the ultrafiltrate. Notes: The process has higher treatment capacity and lower energy consumption in comparison with other processes of this type. High yield of the final product (more than 90%) Total demetallization of the ultrafiltrate. 74 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Water Centrifugation Distillation Residue Solvents Water Chemical Treatment Fractionation Ultrafiltration H2 Catalyst Hydrofinishing Vacuum Distillation Base Oil Fractions 75 Gas Oil Concentrate Gas of Destruction 76 Studies and patents • BERC • JAKE OIL • PROTERRA • RECYCLON • REGELUB • RWE-ENTSORGUNG AKTIENGESSELLSCHAFT • STP • TIQSONS • HYLUBE 77 Technical principle: Distillation/Extraction/Hydropurification Technology name: BERC Licensor/process owner: Goldmark Chemical Enterprises - Ghana Process description: In this process used oil from a tank, which is being heated at 250 ºC, is pumped through a stainless steel 2-micron filter plate to remove particulate matter. The filtered oil is then distilled for separation of water and light hydrocarbons and stripped from the fuel fraction in a vacuum column. De-watered and free of fuel oil is sent to extraction unit, where oil is purified from coking and fouling components. In this step, solvent mixture containing isopropanol/butanol/2-butanone in ratio 1/2/1is added at ambient temperature. This solvent extracts the good useable oil to form a solvent-oil phase and a sludge phase, which is separated by settling. The solvent-oil phase is sent to another vacuum distillation stage to remove the pure solvent at 180/200 ºC and at 10 mm Hg pressure. The recovered solvent is directed to a solvent tank for its reuse in the system. Treated oil is fractionated under vacuum and sent to hydrofinishing for quality improving. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Sludge - is quite neutral and can be used in asphalt manufacturing Development stage: No industrial application. Various units and components are commercially available but process has not been completely engineered. Good yield of the product is expected Main features: Notes: 78 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Light Hydrocarbons Distillation Water Vacuum Distillation Solvent Extraction Sludge Solvent Stripping Vacuum Distillation H2 Catalyst Hydrofinishing Base Oil 79 Residue Gases of Destruction Technical principle: Distillation/Clay treatment Technology name: JAKE OIL Licensor/process owner: JAKE OIL s.r.l. – Bolivia Used oil from the storage tank is pumped into an autoclave reactor where it is heated and passed over bleaching and filtering clay. Fuller’s earth or bentonite can be used as bleaching agent and diatomite can be used as ancilliary filtering agent in the process. In the reactor, the removal of light part (consisting of water and fuel fraction) by evaporation takes place as well. Water is discarded from the mixture and the fuel can be used in the same plant. Process description: Once the distillation process is finished, the oil is passed through a press filter, using canvas as filtering element. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Spent clay – disposed of or used as an aggregate for paving, or used to manufacture bricks Development stage: Unknown Main features: Filtration process in stages Notes: Very low quality of final product PCBs are not eliminated Necessity of waste oil segregation for its treatment 80 Flow diagram: Waste oil Clay Autoclave Light Hydrocarbons Distillation Water Adsorption Base Oil 81 Used Clay Technical principle: Vacuum Distillation/NMP Solvent Extraction Technology name: PROTERRA™ Licensor/process owner: Probex Corporation/Bechtel Process description: Collected used oil is pre-treated for de-watering and de-fueling in a pre-flash column and mixed with anti-fouling additives. Subsequent vacuum distillation under temperature about 250 °C allows separation of gas-oil and asphaltic residue from the oil. The distillate from the column is condensed and sent to liquid/liquid extractor operating under temperature 40-65 °C, where it is mixed with 25-100% of n-methyl-2-pyrrolidone solvent. The solvent extracts aromatic compounds, unsaturated hydrocarbons and compounds containing heteroatoms (i.e. sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen). The solvent is then separated from extract and raffinate by stripping and returned into the process. In the finishing stage, base oil can be upgraded to quality required by GF-3 quality standard. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Waste water - treated in waste water treatment plant. Development stage: Probex is in the process of obtaining financing to build its first plant with a capacity of approximately 54 million dry gallons of used lubricating oil per year. The location is in Wellsville, Ohio, on the Ohio River, northwest of Pittsburgh. Main features: The technology uses proven steps already adopted by other licensors. The combination of these steps produces a good base oil quality but the absence of the hydrofinishing unit does not allow to upgrade the base oil to Group II of API definitions. Notes: Company expertise not industrially proven. Aromatic extract - disposed of or burnt. 82 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Light Hydrocarbons Pre-Flash Water Gas Oil Vacuum Distillation n-methyl-2-pyrrolidone Extract Extraction Stripping Asphalt Flux Solvent Stripping Solvent Base Oil 83 Residue Solvent Technical principle: Chemical treatment/Vacuum Distillation Technology name: RECYCLON Licensor/process owner: Degussa/Leybold Heraeus Engineering Process description: The process is based on the treatment of used oil by sodium for removing poly-aromatic compounds, PCBs, additives. The reaction produces sodium salts with high boiling temperature that allows separation of oil components by distillation. In the first step of the process water and solids are mechanically separated from the oil and the oil then distilled for removing emulsified water and other low-boiling components. The subsequent step is the treatment of oil with sodium in a reactor under temperature about 200 °C. The treatment eliminates Sand Cl-containing compounds. Light products of the reaction are separated by flash-distillation before separation of base oil mixture by TFE (Thin Film Evaporation). In the last step base oil is distilled for separation of various oil cuts. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Residue - used in production cycle as a fuel. Development stage: Industrial application of this process for used engine oil is unknown Process does not require high pressure. Main features: Notes: Waste water from first distillation - May be slightly acidic, but after neutralization can be sent to a local sewer system No clay or hydrogenation steps are used, therefore the base oil quality might be acceptable only if the waste oil is very well segregated. High operating cost of the process. Quite complex equipment. The use of metallic sodium requires very careful handling and operating as it is dangerous in the storage and use. 84 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Mechanical Separation Na Water Solid Impurities Chemical Treatment Flash-Distillation Light Hydrocarbons Residue TFE Distillation Components of Base Oil 85 Technical principle: Distillation/Thermal Treatment/Ultrafiltration/ Hydrofinishing Technology name: REGELUB Licensor/process owner: Process description: It is a complex process for secondary treatment of used oil using ultra-filtration. It is a process for treatment of motor and industrial oil. The technology includes centrifugation of used oil for removing large particles, pre-distillation for removing water, fuel fraction and solvents, thermal treatment (under temperature of 380 C) for destruction of additives, additional centrifugation under high temperature for separation of heavy fraction from previous thermal treatment, hot ultra-filtration (under temperature 250300 ºC) on mineral membrane and catalytic hydropurification. Vacuum distillation is used in last stage for producing oil with necessary viscosity. During the ultrafiltration step agglomerated particles of destroyed additives as well as compounds leading to fouling of the equipment are separated from the oil. The process is carried out on ceramic membranes which can resist working temperature range of 250-300 °C Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Concentrate from ultrafiltration - used in asphalt manufacturing Development stage: Main features: Process has many steps and, under the theoretical point of view, can produce a medium quality base oil, but the industrial application seems to be difficult for continuous operation, particularly for medium and large plant sizes. Notes: Membranes are quite expensive and should be changed quite often because of fouling. 86 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Centrifugation Solid Particles Light Hydrocarbons Distillation Water Thermal Treatment Centrifugation Ultra-filtration H2 Catalyst Hydrofinishing Vacuum Distillation Components of Base Oil 87 Residue Concentrate Gas of Destruction Technical principle: Combination of different techniques Technology name: (Patent) Licensor/process owner: RWE-Entsorgung Aktiengessellschaft - Germany The process is based on the developing of a combined method, which permits the removal of harmful substances and other undesirable components from used lube oils and other used oils. Process description: Used oil after filtration is heated in a closed stirrer and preheated to temperature about 50 ºC with aqueous solution of alkali water-glass (Na2Si4O9.xH2O) and an aqueous solution of polyalkylene glycole. Obtained mixture is settled in a decanter at temperature 70÷90 ºC. During this step 50÷80% of free water present in the used oil is removed. Further distillation allows removing residual water and light ends. Special treatments such as hydrogenation or treatment with sodium can be included in the method, with the aim of simplifying the processes and decreasing costs (e.g. by avoiding catalyst poisoning when hydrogenation step is used). However, integration of these processes is economically feasible only if this process is used in an already existing hydrogenation plant. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Development stage: Patent Main features: Great significance of this process is that PCBs do not enrich in the light end and water because relevant boiling points are above the stripping temperature. Some improvement of the process could be achieved by including second coagulation stage after first distillation. This process allows removing of most part of PCBs from used oils. Notes: 88 Flow-diagram: Used oil Residue Filtering Water solution of water glass Water solution of polyalkylene glycol Heating Coagulation Setteling (dehydration) Solvent Water Distillation Residue Dispersed Na Reactor Solid fraction Separation Solvent Extraction Residue Setteling Sorbent Adsorption Regenaraton Distillation Used sorbent Lube oil 89 Light fractions Technical principle: Vacuum Distillation/Hydrofinishing Technology name: STP Third Generation Vacuum Distillation Licensor/process owner: STP (Studies Technologies Projects) Process description: Pre-heated used oil is mixed with neutralization agent and sent to a pre-flash column, where light fractions (solvents, lighter hydrocarbons) and water are separated. Free-of-water oil is stripped to separate gas-oil fraction, which can be additionally hydrotreated for improving its quality. In the next stage of the treatment oil is high-vacuum distilled in thin-film evaporator to separate heavy contaminants, such as metals, heavy polymers, carbon, dust, which form heavy residue removed from the bottom of the evaporator. Final fractionation of vacuum distillate improves the product quality and produces treated gas oil and two lube fractions, a light cut (SN-150) and a heavy cut (SN-500). Hydrofinishing step allows improving of treated oil quality. As an alternative, the bright-stock recovery section can be provided to recover bright-stock from the residue by propane extraction. Technology uses advanced vacuum system, based on the combination of steam ejectors and vacuum pumps and on the use of tubular condensers, specific antifouling agent and devices to reduce plant fouling and maintenance/cleaning operation to one shut down per year. Two-stage hydrofinishing (demetallization + desulfurization) and high activity hydrofinishing –catalyst are also used, in order to upgrade the product quality in accordance with specifications on sulfur content and aromatics content, and to increase the run length of the operation. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Development stage: Main features: The process is based on technologies already available on the market by other licensors. Theoretically, the final product might be of good quality, but there are no similar installations which can prove the expertise of the licensor, except for the thin film evaporator already installed in other applications and/or other used oil processes adopting TFE (Thin Film Evaporator). The proposed installation is patented by others. Notes: 90 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Pre-Flash Stripping Vacuum Distillation H2 Catalyst Hydrofinishing Fractionation Components of Base Oil 91 Water Gas Oil Residue Gas of Destruction Gas Oil Technical principle: Vacuum Distillation/Hydrofinishing Technology name: TIQSONS Technology Licensor/process owner: Tiqsons Technologies Inc. - Canada Process description: It is a six-step process consisting of pre-treatment for corrosion and fouling decreasing, water and light hydrocarbons removal, fuel oil extraction, separation of lube oil by distillation, conversion of lube oil through hydrotreatment to base stock, followed by splitting of base stock into desired cuts using fractionation. For prevention of choking and corrosion of equipment, used oil is pre-treated for separation of solids additives. Pre-treated oil is flash-separated from water and light hydrocarbons under atmospheric conditions and vacuum distilled for separation of fuel oil fraction. This fuel fraction can either be burned within the plant or sold. Waste water is purified by Tiqsons technology within the plant. For separation of heavier hydrocarbons and heavy metal containing additives, oil is evaporated under very high vacuum conditions in a wiped film evaporator. Bottoms from the evaporator can be used as an asphalt flux product. Condensed distillate (lube oil) is sent to finishing step where it is treated with hydrogen at high pressure and temperature for removing sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen, halogens, and other undesirable components, destruction of color bodies, and stabilization of the oil. For producing base oil with desirable characteristics, such as viscosity, base oil is distilled under moderate vacuum conditions. A minimum of 95% of the lube content of the incoming used oil is recovered in two or three base oil product streams. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Distillation column residue - used as asphalt extender Development stage: No evidence of industrial application. Main features: The process is based on technologies already available on the market by other licensors. Theoretically, the final product might be of good quality, but there are no similar installations which can prove the expertise of the licensor. The proposed installation is patented by others. Notes: Based on the experience of other similar installations, the final product might be equivalent to virgin base oil. Used catalyst - recyclied and re-used in the process 92 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Pre-treatment Residue Light Hydrocarbons Flash-separation Vacuum Distillation High-Vacuum Distillation H2 Catalyst Hydrofinishing Vacuum Distillation Components of Base Oil 93 Water Fuel Oil Asphalt Flux Gas of Destruction Technical principle: DCH (Direct Contact Hydrogenation) Technology name: HYLUBE Licensor/process owner: UOP Differently from other re-refining processes the technology is not a set of blocked out operations but one continuous unit operating with greater than 90% annual onstream efficiency. Filtered used oil is mixed with heated hydrogen containing gas and sent into a flash-separator, where metals, solid admixtures and a small quantity of heavy fraction are separated (heavy residue is removed after stabilization). The aim of the pretreatment is to heat the temperature-sensitive used oil in presence of hydrogen only and to avoid its contact with hot surfaces (to prevent fouling). Process description: Pre-treated oil is treated in hydroprocessing reactor. In the reactor oil is hydrotreated over the proper UOP catalyst under pressure about 800 psi and temperature 450 °C. The oil from the reactor is moved into a flash-separator where water and gases are separated from the oil fraction, which is used as highquality base-stock for lube oil production. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Development stage: Light products - fractionated to obtain low-sulfur fuels. Water - purified by special process Heavy residue - is very stable and is acceptable for asphalt blending Non-reacted hydrogen - recycled back into the process Main features: Technology is not commercially available. First plant is under construction in Egypt and will be started in 2002-2003. Notes: Fouling, coking, corrosion and catalyst deactivation are aspects that need to be checked on industrial application. The capital investment and operating costs of the process are minimized by eliminating superfluous equipment. Effective dechlorination including PCB’s destruction) and desufurization (content in fuel is less than 0.03 wt.%) Quite high quality of produced oil 94 Flow-diagram: Waste oil H2 Make-Up Flash-Separation Residue Reactor Hot HPS H2 Cold HPS Product Recovery Section Base Oil 95 Fuel 96 TECHNOLOGIES FOR PRODUCING MARKETABLE FUEL (FUEL OIL, DIESEL) OR FUEL FOR ENERGY PRODUCING 97 98 Technologies with industrial application • PROPAK • TRAILBALZER • ZIMMARK • SOC 99 Technical principle: Thermal Cracking/Distillation/Stabilization Technology name: PROPAK Thermal Cracking Licensor/process owner: PROPAK/PAR Excellence Developments - Canada Process description: The used oil is passed to the cracking section which consists of a fired process heater and a thermal cracking section. The product is heated and exposed to appropriate pressure, temperature, residence time and other conditions that favor the conversion of the used oil to gasoil boiling range hydrocarbons. The cracking section discharges a hot heavy residual product that concentrates ash, heavy metals and other undesirable components. This product exits to storage after preheating the used oil that enters the plant (as previously mentioned). The vaporized hot gas stream is also emanating from the thermal cracking section. This hot gas stream contains a mix of hydrocarbons that are gasoil boiling range and lighter. Because of the exit temperature of the thermal cracking section, these hydrocarbons are all in a vapor state. The hot gas stream proceeds to the distillation or separation stage where the lighter boiling range naphtha is separated from the gasoil. In certain plant configurations, a heavy boiling fraction is recycled back to the fired process heater. Gasoil in liquid state is routed to the stabilization section from distillation. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Development stage: Some industrial installations are running in Canada and one in Belgium. Main features: Can produce fuel oil or gas oil. Notes: The quality is poor, the sulphur content cannot be reduced and remain the same of the feed, olefins are not removed and the smell is rather intensive. Sometimes the flash point has to be adjusted because out of spec. Some fouling problems are expected in the critical parts of the plant. Thermally cracked gasoil is unstable. It will discolor rapidly and precipitate gums and tars. The gasoil can be treated with one of several stabilization methods available. The thermal cracking technology has been developed by different Companies/licensors under different trade names. Most of those technologies come from Canada and Poland, i.e. WORS (Waste Oil Refining System), FFC (Flexy Fluid Cracking) etc. 100 Flow-diagram: Used oil Gas fraction Naphtha Wast water Dehydration Heating Gas fraction Residuum Thermal cracking ROBYS process Naphtha Distillation Stabilization Diesel fuel 101 Technical principle: Pre-Flash/Vacuum Distillation Technology name: TRAILBALZER Licensor/process owner: TEXACO Process description: In the process, pre-filtered used oil is pre-flashed for removing most part of water, hydrocarbon gases and light fuel fraction. Then, the oil is processed by vacuum distillation to produce three product streams: light hydrocarbons (gasoline, kerosene, diesel boiling range material), vacuum distillates and residual bottoms. Distillate fuels are used as industrial or marine fuel; bottoms are used as asphalt extender. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Bottoms from the Vacuum Distillation - used for asphalt production Development stage: One plant is working in USA to recycle approximately 170,000 tonnes/year of used oil. Main features: The process removes metal and additives from the contaminated oil for fuel oil production. Notes: The adopted process is similar to others used by vacuum deasphalting licensors. 102 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Pre-flash Light Hydrocarbons Water Diesel Fuel Vacuum Distillation Fuel Oil 103 Bottoms Technical principle: Coagulation/Distillation/Precipitation on-site Technology name: ZIMMARK Licensor/process owner: Zimmark Inc. - Canada Process description: Technology is based on precipitation of impurities that build-up in lubricating oil. Chemical coagulation, heat and time are the main factors of the process. It includes distillation, chemical treatment, filtration and addition of chemicals. Usually precipitation processes require a too long time, and this generally makes them economically not profitable. To shorten processing time, oil’s viscosity is reduced by heating the oil in vessel, which allows the uniform heating of the oil. The heating significantly improves coagulant performance and reduces by twice the duration of the precipitation process (from 15 to 8 days). Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Residue from precipitation – disposed of Development stage: Company installed 6 mobile units for Canadian railway. Other units are operating in USA, Mexico and Asia as well. Main features: Units operate on-site, so no need of oil transportation Process is relatively simple The quality of the product is very poor and it is usually mixed with new oil in order to make the final product acceptable. Notes: Process does not remove some undesirable compounds (e.g.: PCB’s and other polluting materials) Works with limited used oil types 104 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Light Hydrocarbons Distillation Heating New oil Precipitation Mixing Base Oil 105 Residue Technical principle: Thermal Cracking Technology name: SOC Licensor/process owner: Springs Oil Conversion Inc. - Canada Process description: The process cracks used lubricating oils and does not recycle the used oils into lubricating base stocks. Used oil is filtered for separation of solids and sediments (usually less than 1%) and de-watered (up to 15%) in flash separator. The waste water is sent to treatment. Free of solids used oil and water are fed and thermally cracked in a fired kiln. Conditions of the process and characteristics of the processor depend on the feedstock to be processed, and the desired products. Treated product is distilled for producing various cuts and for the separation of solids and fuel gas, which can be used for the plant needs. SOC-1 units are used for processing of mineral based used lubricating oils. SOC-2 plants apply more severe conditions at higher throughputs (12,000-60,000 tonnes/year). The size of the plant is dictated by the availability of used oil within an economical radius. SOC-2 operates at a 100 ºC higher temperature than SOC-1. It can therefore process oils which are more refractory to cracking such as synthetic lubricating oils. It also can accept higher carbon residue feedstocks such as bunker fuel, tank bottoms, or small refinery residues. SOC-2 employs an indirectly fired rotary kiln as the cracker. This process was initially developed to convert used lubricating oils into environmentally friendly, marketable products. However, it can also treat other waste oils. SOC-2 is a continuous process. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Fuel gas from distillation - used as fuel for de-watering and thermal cracking processes. Development stage: SOC-1: There are 18 units in 7 plants operating around the world. They vary in capacity from 3,000 to 12,000 tonnes/year. Main features: The process can produce only fuel/gas oil and the quality expected is rather poor due to the sulphur content that cannot be reduced and remains the same of the feed. Olefins are not removed and the smell is rather intensive. Sometimes flash point has to be adjusted because out of spec. Besides a final stabilization system to reduce tar and gums is not foreseen. Notes: 106 Flow-diagram Waste oil Residue Filtration Water De-watering Thermal Cracking Fuel Gas Distillation Residue Heavy oil Naphtha Diesel Fuel 107 108 Prototypes, pilot plants or technologies not yet applied in the market • EOPT • L.O.M.S. • LUBRICLEAR • MINIRAFF • POLYMER MEMBRANE BASED FILTRATION • FILEAS • VSEP 109 Technical principle: Thermal Cracking Technology name: EOPT Licensor/process owner: Environmental Oil Processing Technology - Nevada The used oil from the storage tank is transferred to a pretreatment for de-watering by adding of chemicals and heating. In this process, water content in the used oil is reduced to less than 1%. In the subsequent step the used oil is pumped to the thermal cracking section. The thermal cracking section includes a gas-fired tube heater, various pumps, and holding vessels. In this stage the long chain hydrocarbon molecules are broken or converted into smaller molecules. Process description: The cracked oil is fractionated for separation of three marketable products, naphtha, diesel fuel, and a burner type fuel residue. The fractionating section includes a fractionation column, pumps, exchangers, and various vessels. The naphtha products are sent directly to storage for marketing. Diesel fuel from the fractionating section is hydrotreated or treated for stabilization. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Waste water (from de-watering and process) - Collected in a waste water storage tank and transferred to the water treatment system for heavy metals and hydrocarbon removal. Off-gas - fuel for plant or burnt Residue - Used as low quality burner fuel for commercial furnaces and kilns Development stage: One plant is operating with this technology in Nampa, Idaho (USA) Main features: The possibility to install a plant to serve a smaller geographical area than a re-refinery; Producing diesel fuel which is more widely marketable product and has higher value and lower environmental impact; Diesel fuel produced by the process can supply gas turbine generators to provide electrical power Notes: 110 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Filtration Coagulant Chemical Treatment (de-watering) Thermal Cracking Fractionation Fractionation Residue Condensate Fuel Gas Gas Oil Water Diesel Fuel 111 Technical principle: Laser Cracking Technology name: L.O.M.S. - Laser Oil Molecular Separator Licensor/process owner: S.E.C.I – Servizi Ecologici Chemicals Industria Process description: Process is based on using of photon energy to dissolve intermolecular connections in large hydrocarbon molecules. In the process, ultraviolet light of a laser “cuts” hydrocarbon molecules on pieces sized according to its wavelength. Laser cracking can be applied after standard used oil treatment process for destruction of oily fraction into gas-oil. In the process laser beam is positioned into the section of passage of the hydrocarbons to treatment. Waves of various lengths allow cracking of molecules to desirable size. The process can be applied to treatment of crude oil, used oil and oily residue. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Development stage: Technology does not have industrial application yet. Verification of the process was made on Department of Physics of the University of Lecce. Main features: Possibility to manage the “rate of cracking” by changing of laser’s wavelength. High yield of product. Notes: The technique cannot be used separately. Feed oil and product must be additionally treated, because cracked oil without additional hydrogenation can contain large amount of olefins, which are easily polymerized with formation of tar. 112 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Residue Treatment Laser Cracking Gas Oil 113 Technical principle: Ceramic-membrane separation Technology name: LUBRICLEAR Licensor/process owner: NCER (National Centre for Environmental Research) Process description: The process employs proprietary ceramic membrane technology to convert pre-treated waste oils into lubricant basestocks. Carbon membranes have been proposed and used because of their unique performance properties, like: • permeation of heavy hydrocarbons diffusion and pore condensation, • molecular sieving ability, • thermal and chemical stability, etc. via surface Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Concentrate from the filtration – disposed of Development stage: Demonstration facility and small-scale unit (75 gallon/day) were built in USA and Canada. Main features: In order to produce basestocks of low/medium quality, an adsorbent has to be added in the final stage, i.e. activated alumina, zeolite, silica gel, clay. Variability of product quality (from dark low-ash fuel oil to low/medium quality basestock). Notes: Fouling of the membrane Membranes are relatively expensive Possibility to adopt this technology only for small scale plants. 114 Flow-diagram: Waste Oil Purified Oil Pre-treatment Membrane Filter 115 Technical principle: Fractionation/Hydrotreatment Technology name: MINIRAFF Licensor/process owner: Minitec Engineering GmbH - Germany Process description: Used oil is treated in destructor for the separation of heavy oil fraction and water. In this stage various salts are separated from oil as well. Pre-treated oil fraction is then hydro-treated for its quality improvement and sent to the separator where gas fraction is separated from the oil. The produced oil is used as fuel and can have various qualities according to the requirements. Separated gas fraction is purified by a solution of NaOH. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Waste water – (quantity depends on water content in used oil) is sent to waste water treatment plant. Development stage: This new technology has been developed as demonstration unit. First mobile mini-plant with capacity 500 kg/hour is under construction Main features: Quite cheap used oil disposal process Heavy oil - used as fuel for cement kiln, furnaces, power plants Mobile unit The product is almost free from compounds containing heteroatoms and PCBs. Notes: The feeding waste oil must be de-metallized by means of a decanter or other systems for the separation of the particles and metals. Destructor principle unknown. 116 Flow-diagram: De-metallized waste oil Heavy Oil Water Salts Destructor H2 Catalyst Gas of Destruction Hydrotreatment Separation Gas Fraction NaOH Fuel Oil 117 Chemical Treatment Gas Technical principle: Membrane filtration Technology name: POLYMER MEMBRANE BASED FILTRATION Licensor/process owner: Environmental Technology Institute - Singapore Process description: In the process used oil is pre-filtered for separation of most part of impurities and then filtered under pressure through membrane, made of polymer-base material. Membrane allows hydrocarbon (oil) molecules to pass through and hold up large molecules and solid particles. The process requires pre-distillation of the used oil before filtering trough membrane. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Membrane reject - incineration, bio-remediation or landfill subject to local regulation Development stage: Pilot plant scale ready to be commercialized and R&D studies available Main features: Acceptable for fuel production Notes: Very expensive to operate. Low solvent affordability of polymer-based membrane and low operation temperature constraint. Low quality base oil production. 118 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Residue Filtration Light Hydrocarbons Pre-Distillation Membrane Filter Base Oil 119 Water Concentrate Technical principle: Supercritical CO2 membrane filtration Technology name: FILEAS Licensor/process owner: CEA (Commission Energie Atomique) - Pierrelatte (France) Process description: The process is based on property of CO2 beyond its critical points (pressure 74 bar and temperature 31 °C) to be a natural and clean solvent, which has solvent properties close to hexane. The adding of 15% CO2 in oil results in decreasing the mixture viscosity by 5 to 10.times. Used oil is mixed with 10-20% of supercritical CO2 at temperature 40-80 °C and pressure around 150 bars. Viscosity of the mixture is 3 centipoise only, that is 17-25% of the untreated oil viscosity. This allows the oil to pass more easily through membrane when separation of the used oil impurities occurs. The CO2 is easily recovered by lowering pressure. Filtered oil needs to be hydrotreated for improving its properties. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Residue (5%) - suitable for asphalt production Development stage: Pilot plant. Main features: Removal of various metals (zink, chromium, iron) up tp 90100%. CO2 is environmentally clean solvent. Easy separation of CO2 from oil by pressure lowering. Notes: The final product can be used as a fuel/front-end for refinery or, with a proper final bleaching stage, re-refined base oil. The process is quite expensive due to the use of membrane. Membranes fouling needs to be verified and, subsequently, the stream factor as well. The process needs to be tested on industrial scale unit to verify the operation on continuous running. A final bleaching/stabilization treatment is necessary for base oil production. 120 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Supercritical CO2 12 o C, 150 bar Residue Filtration Loop Membran e Oil/CO2 separion Intermediate demetallized oil 121 Technical principle: Vibratory Membrane Separation Technology name: VSEP® Licensor/process owner: Dunwell Enviro-Tech - Hong Kong Process description: The process was developed to treat engine or machinery waste oils by filtration through a vibratory membrane. Membrane area is 97.5 m2 (1.05 sq. ft.), with a life warranty of 1 year. Used oil from storage is preheated to the temperature of 105 ºC and sent to VSEP unit, where it is filtered into 50% oil fraction, (which can be used as low grade lubricant or quality fuel oil) 40% concentrate and 10% water and scrap. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Concentrate from vibratory-membrane separation Development stage: One unit is working in Yuen Long Industrial Estate, Hong Kong Main features: Does not use chemicals High flux rate Compact design Notes: Quality of purified lube oil is low. Process has not very high capacity and treatment efficiency. Used oil needs to be segregated in order to treat only the best quality. Fouling problems are expected. 122 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Pre-heating Concentrate Vibratory-Membrane Separator Purified Oil 123 124 Studies and patents • ELECTRIZATION PROCESS 125 Technical principle: Electrostatic Separation Technology name: Electrization Process Licensor/process owner: S.E.C.I. - Servizi Ecologici Chemicals Industria Process description: The process is based on the principle of electrization of bodies because of electrostatic induction. Hydrocarbon part of the system is almost neutral but other parts (impurities) are very sensible to electrostatic induction and accumulate in the picking pole and because of their high weight go to the bottom from where they are separated. Used oil from a tank is sent by pumps to a pre-filtering system for separation of rough deposits and part of water. Filtered product is sent to “Reactor of Electrization” consisting of several couples of electrodes kept at a high difference of potential (10.000-15.000 V) by high-tension generator. Electrized by negative electrode impurities are picked up by positive electrode. Process provides decreasing of impurities-water content to 0,5% (from initial 20% of sediments, 10% of water). Efficiency of the process is 98%. Average residence time of oil in the reactor is 20 minutes. Waste produced and relevant treatment/ utilization Waste water (containing large amount of hydrocarbons and impurities – sediments - from oil) – sent to waste water treatment Development stage: Process does not have industrial application yet. Main features: Simple device. Plant does not require much space. Notes: The process cannot remove solvents, light hydrocarbons and other undesirable chemical substances (i.e. PCBs, heavy metals, nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus compounds etc.) from the waste oil. The industrial application is difficult. It doesn’t produce lube oil but second quality fuel. 126 Flow-diagram: Waste oil Filtration High-tension Generator Reactor of Electrization Purified Oil 127 Residue Water and Sediment 128 WEBSITE DIRECTORY 129 130 The following listing provides locations of various Internet sites dealing with Used Oil problems. The sites are providing information on used oil contamination, collecting, handling, storage, treatment and recycling. Some of the sites lead to other useful information on recycling companies and the most important events in the field. There are not many Internet resources, which are particularly related to the Used Oil Regeneration field. Nevertheless, the most important of them are described here. Unfortunately, most of the sites do not give technical information or any review of the technologies. These can be found in some of the articles on particular environmental sites. But there is a lot of information for auto-services and car-drivers giving advice on used oil changing, storage and handling for further treatment. Note 1: We did not include in the Website Directory any of the sites of particular companies working in used oil regeneration. If necessary, links on them are presented in descriptions of technologies and in the Companies directory. Note 2: In addition to a variety of information which can be found in the various web sites listed below, there are several publications (books) related to this matter, which are, however, not listed in this compendium. We would like to mention only one book which has recently been published in French on “Huiles usagées (les). Preraffinage et valorization énergétique” (F. Audibert, Editions Technip, 2002), which gives an overview on problems related to used motor oil. The book could provide good complementary information to the present Compendium. Used Oil Re-Refining and Regeneration Resources. Presents Internet sites, particularly dealing with used oil problems. Used Oil Recycling Program The Used Oil Recycling Program develops and promotes alternatives to the illegal disposal of used oil by establishing a statewide network of collection opportunities and undertaking outreach efforts to inform and motivate the public to recycle used oil. Main goals of the program are providing the public with convenient used oil collection centers, increasing of the demand for re-refined oil, developing methods to motivate the public to recycle their used oil, providing information on used oil recycling and management. This site provides various information for the public, local governments, and used oil generators and collectors on used oil events, grants, regulations, etc. 131 GEIR - European Re-Refining Industry Section Part of the “European Union of Independent Lubricant Companies” site. GEIR comprises the most important European re-refining companies active throughout the European Union in ensuring the increased collection of used oils and re-refining these back to valuable, high quality lubricant base oils. GEIR is committed to the principle that priority must be given to re-refining to base oils and supports the termination of all tax derogations on used oils burnt as fuel. American Petroleum Institute The American Petroleum Institute (API) is the trade association that represents over 400 companies involved in all aspects of the oil and natural gas industry. Concerned about the potential impact on the environment of improperly disposed used motor oil, API and its members voluntarily established a used motor oil collection and recycling program in 1991. As part of STEP - Strategies for Today’s Environmental Partnership – the used motor oil program works to educate the public on collection and recycling, making collection more convenient, and ensuring the correct handling of a valuable energy resource. The site includes useful information for either industry or public. Western Canada Oil Recycling Program The site is supported by three Western Canadian Used Oil Management organizations: AUOMA - (Alberta Used Oil Management Association) is a not-for-profit organization incorporated under the Societies Act (Alberta) with a membership open to all wholesale suppliers (first sellers) of oil materials in Alberta. It is managed by a multi-stakeholder Board of Directors with representatives from manufacturing, retailing, consumers, urban and rural municipalities, the Province of Alberta and other non-government organizations. MARRC (Manitoba Association for Resource Recovery Corp.) is a non-profit organization incorporated under The Corporation Act of Manitoba. It was formed April 1, 1997 by manufacturers and marketers of oil products in Manitoba and is managed by a Board of Directors comprised of industry and public representatives. Its mandate is to develop, implement and administer a cost-effective, sustainable, user-financed and province-wide stewardship program for used oil, used oil filters and used oil containers on behalf of its members. 132 SARRC (Saskatchewan Association for Resource Recovery Corp.) is a non-profit organization incorporated under The Non-profit Corporations Act of Saskatchewan. It was formed February 12, 1996 by manufacturers and marketers of oil products in Saskatchewan and is managed by a Board of Directors comprised of industry and public representatives. Its mandate is to develop, implement and maintain a single, costeffective, province-wide Used Oil Materials Recycling Program for used oil, used oil filters and used oil containers on behalf of its members. They represent the principles that consumers, industry and government share responsibility for eliminating negative environmental impacts of used oil materials and for making the Program viable. Junta de Residus - Tractament d'olis usats Information about public services for treatment of used oil in Catalunha, Spain. (The site is in Spanish) eHow to Change Your Motor Oil The site gives information on various problems and contains group of advices for changing of used motor oil (DIY). Oil Recycling Solutions Provides on-site oil recycling services and solutions. Used Oil Recovery in Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection The public site contains information and advises on used oil changing, recycling and handling. It can be very useful for teachers, because contains various guidelines on Used Oil Regeneration and, as well, has link to database of Used Oil Collecting Companies in USA. ORA (Oil Recycling Association) 133 e-mail Is the Trade Association representing 90% of UK waste oil collectors and processors (SME’s). AORA (Australian Oil Recyclers Association) e-mail: Oil Recyclers Association with the aim to promote and support waste oil collection and re-refining in Australia, contributing to the issuing of the Comprehensive Product Stewardship System for Waste Oil. Rose Foundation Operational since May 1995, the Rose Foundation, which stands for Recovery of Oil Saves the Environment, is a non-profit organisation which manages the environmentally acceptable collection, storage and recycling of used lubricating oil in South Africa. 134 Lubricating Oil Internet Resources. The part contains useful information resources on lubricating oil production, treatment and characteristics. The Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Emgineers. Technical Association Of The European Lubricants Industry ATIEL is a European Economic Interest Grouping, registered in Belgium and representing the common technical interests of lubricant manufacturing and marketing companies in Europe. ATIEL is a non-commercial, non-profit making, non-political, organisation. Summary of objectives • to promote the dialogue between its members and: (a) the automotive manufacturing industries and their professional bodies (b) relevant administrative bodies such as the European Commission on technical concerns and issues reflected in regulations, specifications and relevant self-imposed codes; • to monitor technical issues concerning product performance needs and environmental legislation and to: (a) develop, coordinate and adopt common positions of its members (b) inform relevant bodies, including Original Equipment Manufacturers and their associations and the press and general public of common positions. 135 Environmental and Recycling Internet Resources. This part of the Directory includes Internet resources, which are not particularly related to the used oil treatment, but where reader can find some useful information about recycling of various products, including used oil. An Association of Responsible Recyclers Mission statement of the organization is "To encourage and promote the proper recycling of used oil, oil filters, used antifreeze and other automotive and industrial materials through education and the development of legislation and regulations at the federal, state, and local levels which will protect human health and the environment." Recycler's World Recycler's World was established as a world wide trading site for information related to secondary or recyclable commodities, by-products, used & surplus items or materials. Site gives information on companies, working in various recycling fields. Green Pages The site includes very good database of companies, working in the wide range of environmental problems. The Database contains contact information of the companies, links to those Internet site. Site has very comfortable and useful search-engine and gives links on Environmental events and publications pages as well. Directory of Markets for Recyclable Materials This directory is produced by the North Carolina Recycling Business Assistance Center (RBAC), in the Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance (DPPEA). 136 European Recycling and the Environment This site is a comprehensive source for recycling in the UK, specifically, and Europe, in general. Find links to the Recycling World Magazine featuring detailed articles on current topics affecting UK recycling, learn the latest prices for recyclable materials, or browse a library of recycling articles spanning the range of industries. Also, see the Recyclers' Corner for a directory of recycling materials, machinery, and services. ASSURRE is the Association for the Sustainable Use and Recovery of Resources in Europe America Recycles Day The site is promoting America Recycles Day and it was established in cooperation with EPA. The aim of America Recycles Day is recycling of products and promoting of shop for recycled products. Site gives information on special events happening all over the country and main recycled products. There are also guides on buying recycled products and a collection of recycling companies, working in USA. WasteWise WasteWise is a free, voluntary, EPA program through which organizations eliminate costly municipal solid waste, benefiting their bottom line and the environment. WasteWise is a flexible program that allows partners to design their own solid waste reduction programs tailored to their needs. Registration information for joining the WasteWise partnership program is available on this site. As well site is giving some extensive services, such as the WasteWise Helpline and Resource Library and Waste Reduction Publications. On the site you can learn about waste prevention methods to help create less waste before recycling; get recycling ideas for your organization; or read about purchasing or manufacturing recycled products. WasteWise provides free technical assistance to help in development, implementation, and measurement of waste reduction activities. WasteWise offers publicity to 137 organizations that are successful in reducing waste through EPA publications, case studies, and national and regional events. Global Recycling Network Global Recycling Network (GRN) is a free-access public site dedicated to recyclingrelated information. It offers free Web-publishing and Advertising Services for all companies involved in the Recycling Industry. The Global Recycling Network (GRN) site is organized in several sections, each dedicated to a particular topic. It includes Events Calendar, Marketplace, Career Center, News, Waste Exchange Directory, Waste Equipment Directory, etc. 138 COMPANIES INVOLVED IN USED OIL REGENERATION 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 Australia Company, Address Contact person Arafura Oil and Fuel Technologies 87 Links Avenue South, Eagle Farm, 4009, Queensland, Australia Australian Institute of Petroleum GPO Box 279, Canberra, ACT 2601 Australian Resource Recovery Pty Ltd Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: +617 3268 7770 Fax: +617 3868 1021 Used technology/Activities V/U/D/P1 V Name ORCA Research Tel.: (07) 3803 6288 Fax: (07) 3803 6313 10 Platinum Street, CRESTMEAD QLD 4132 AWOR (Australian Waste Oil Refiners) Tel.: 02 9624 3055 Fax: 02 9674 5630 U TFE 27 Powers Rd Seven Hills 2147 NSW, Australia Coast and Valley Oil Distributors Tel.: 02 4388 5911 U Limited Distillation Tel.: 61 03 9369 7717 Fax: 61 03 9369 7790 Tel.: (07) 3803 6288 Fax: (07) 3803 6313 U Thermal cracking U Sydney: Interline Victoria and Queensland: Demineralization WA: Acid surfactant process 13 Apprentice Dr Berkeley 2506, NSW, Australia Environmental Oil Limited 166-170 Fitzgerald Road, North Laverton, 3026 Victoria, Australia Nationwide Oil Pty Ltd. 10 Platinum Street Crestmead QLD 4132, Australia P0 Box 1049, Toowong, Qid, 4066 1 Harold Grundell-General Manager Blake Senior Company is V-Vendor of the technology, U-User of the technology, D-Developer the technology, or P-producers of equipment for used oil treatment NQ Resource Recovery Pty Ltd 42 Enterprise Way, Townsville Queensland, Australia 4817 Southern Oil Refineries Pty Ltd Garth Jones General Manager Tel.: (07) 4774 7333 Fax: (07) 4774 7099 Wayne Southall Refinery Manger Tel.: 61-2-6931 9022 Fax: 61-2-6931 9005 Tel.: 1800 654 002 Fax: 08 9725 4847 Head Office: 42 Lewington St. Bomen NSW 2650 PO Box 140 Wagga Wagga 2650, Australia Wren Oil Lot 4/37 Harris Road, Picton WA 6229 Demineralization U Mohawk (plant in Wagga Wagga) U TFE Austria Company, Address BAUFELD-AUSTRIA GmbH Contact person Mr. Helmut Ogulin Margetinstrasse 8c, A-1110 Vienna/Austria Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: +43-1-769 20 21-0 Fax: +43-1-769 20 21-15 Used technology/Activities V/U/D/P1 Name Belgium Company, Address Mottay & Pisart n.v./s.a. Contact person August De Roo, General Manager Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: +32 22570110 Fax: +32 22517011 Used technology V/U/D1 Name Steenkaai 42, 1800, Vilvoorde, Brabant, België Tel : +32(0)4 2739989 Fax : +32(0)4 2751509 WATCO OIL SERVICES c/o RECYFUEL SA Traitement de produits industriels Zoning Industriel d’Ehein B – 4480 Engis Bolivia Company, Address JAKE OIL S.R.L. Contact person Lic. Nelson Avalos Parque Industrial Manzana No 16, Santa Cruz de la Sierra - Bolivia Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: 591-3-499478/79 Tel-Fax: 591-3-470140 ndexingles.htm Used technology V/U/D1 V Name Clay treatment/ distillation Brasil Company, Address LWART Lubrificantes Rodovia Marechal Rondon, km 303,5, CEP: 18682-970, Lençóis Paulista - SP – Contact person Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: 14 269 5000 Fax: 14 269 5001 Used technology V/U/D/P1 U Name Acid/clay purification Brasil Tel.: +51 489.1466 Fax: +51 489.1397 br Indústria Petroquímica Do Sul LTDA. Av. Arno da Silva Feijó nº 2777 - Distrito Industrial - Alvorada - RS – Brasil Caixa Postal 69 - CEP 94834-500 U TWE (Meinken) Canada Company, Address Contact person Canadian Turbo Inc. 815-8th Avenue S.W., Calgary Alberta, T2P 3P2, Canada Concorp International Ltd. Bakersfield, CA Masar T.C. Engineering Supplies 383 Assiniboine trail, Mississauga, On, Canada, L5R 2E6 Mohawk Lubricants Ltd RR#3 Site 1 Box 52, Grande Prairie Alberta, Canada T8V-5N3 Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: (403) 294-6400 Fax: (403) 294-6573 Used technology V/U/D/P1 Name Tel.: 06-5223693 Fax: 06-5223692 Issam Al yamani Tel.: 905 712 3374 Fax: 905 712 8755 Transfer technology (used oil recycling) to the Middle East Tel.: 780 513 4357 Fax: 780 532 8060 V/U Mohawk Newalta Corporation Ronald L. Sifton Senior Vice-President Suite 1200, 333 Eleventh Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta T2R 1L9 Ontario Centre for Environmental Technology Advancement 63 Polson Street, 2nd Floor, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5A, 1A4 OPCON Pacific Recycling Ltd. 19341 Zero Avenue, Surrey, British Columbia, Canada, V4P 1M7 Par Excellence Developments Inc. 440 East Lake Road, Airdrie, Alberta, Canada, T4B 2C3 Saskatchewan Association for Resource Recovery Corp. (SARRC) 2366 Avenue C North Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada S7L 5X5 Springs Oil Conversion Inc. 4380 South Service Rd., BURLINGTON, Ontario, L7L5Y6 U ROBYS™ U Coagulation/ Distillation V ROBYS™ U ROBYS™ V/U SOC Tel.: (905) 632-5410 ext. 114 Fax: (905) 632-5171 U Coagulation/ Distillation Tel.: (705) 669-1870 Fax: (705) 669-1998 Tel.: (403)-912-7000 Fax: (403)-912-7011 Tel.: 306 652-7277 Fax: 306 652-1705 Suite 229, 800 LaSalle Blvd., Sudbury, Ontario, Canada P3A 4V4 Propak Systems Ltd. 135 Silver Crest Cr. N.W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada T3B 3T8 Zimmark Inc. Tel.: (403) 266-6556 Fax: (403) 262-7348 Tel.: (416) 778-5264 Fax: (416) 778-5624 Tel.: +1 604 538-7535 Fax: +1 604 538-6019 Paul Bokrossy China Company, Address Chongqing Huaneng Oil Purifier Mfg Co (CQHl) 52, Dazhong Road, Dadukou, Chongqing, 400084, China Environmental Technology Institute Singapore Contact person Bonnie, Andrew, Han Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: (+86) 23 - 6808 0265 Fax: (+86) 23 - 6883 0864 Yi Tan, Yi Ma and Leslie Loke Ching Thin Used technology V/U/D/P1 Name D/P Vacuum Oil Purification and Regeneration D Membrane purification Czech Republic Company, Address OSTRAMO Contact person Ing.Kowala Used technology Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: 069/6221755 V/U/D1 Name Vlcek a spol. s.r.a, Nakladni 2, CZ-70225 Ostrava, Czech Republic Denmark Company, Address Enprotec International Group N.V. Contact person Used technology Phone number, Fax Number,E-mail, Web address V/U/D/P1 V Name Vaxon France Company, Address Contact person Compagnie Francaise Eco Huile ZI de port Jérôme, 76170 Lillebonne European Union of Independent Lubricant Companies Marcel Pedenaud President 8 rue Montesquieu 75001 Paris, France French Atomic Energy Commission, Direction des Technologies Avancees F. Dupont, Marketing Engineer CEA Grenoble – 17, Rue Des Martyrs, F38054, Grenoble Cedex 9, France French Petroleum Institute RUEIL-MALMAISON, 1 & 4, avenue de Bois-Préau, 92852 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex - France GERTH 232 Av. Napoleon Bonaparte, 92500, Rueil Malmaison, Ile de France, Hauts-de-Siene G.A.R.A.P. 177, rue Tabuteau BP 219, 78532 BUC cedex - FRANCE Technip France (ex-Kinetics Technology International) La Défense 6 - 92973 Paris -La Défense Cedex – FRANCE Rossarie J. Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: 02 35 39 58 47 Fax: 02 35 38 80 31 Used technology V/U/D/P1 U Name SOTULUB Tel.: (33) 142442620 Fax: (33) 142442621 Tel.: (33)476-88-43-47 Fax: (33)476-88-46-66 Used Oil Recycling Programs and Projects for Europe D/R Supercritical CO2 Filtration Tel.: +33 1 47 52 60 00 Fax: +33 1 47 52 70 00 D IFP Tel.: +33-147526139 Fax: +33-147526927 D Ultrafiltration Tel.:(33) 01 39 56 47 57 Fax:(33) 01 39 56 38 88 Tel.: 33 (0) V/P GARAP Ex-V KTI Ghana Company, Address Goldmark Chemical Enterprises Contact person Dr Kwame Ankoma Kwakye, MRSC, CCHEM West Coast Dye Building, Steelworks Road, Tema, Ghana Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: (233)-20-812-8506 Fax: (233)-22-308-298 Used technology/Activities V/U/D/P1 U Name BERC (without hydrofinishing) PO Box CE-11373, Tema, Ghana, West Africa Germany Company, Address Baufeld Oel GmbH Riesenfeld Str. 87, 80809, München, Germany Buss-SMS GmbH Verfahrenstechnik Kaiserstrasse 13-15, 35510 Butzbach, Germany Degussa AG Postfach 30 20 43, 40402 Düsseldorf, Germany Contact person Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: (+49) 89 - 35 48 80 Fax: (+49) 89 – 35 48 8999 Tel.: +49 6033 85 0 Fax: +49 6033 85 249 Tel.: +49-211-650 41-0 Fax: +49-211-650 41-555 Used technology/Activities V/U/D/P1 Name U V Lubrex V/D Recyclon Hese Umwelt GmbH (Minitec Engineering GmbH) E.E. Hammer, Dr.-Ing. Magdeburger Str. 16A D-45881 Gelsenkirchen Horst Fuhse Bernd Meinken, Ingenieurbüro Postfach 100316 D-45721 Haltern, Germany, Zum Stevertal 8 Krupp-Koppers GmbH Altendorfer Straße 120, D–45143 Essen Uhde GmbH (ex-Krupp-Koppers GmbH) Friedrich-Uhde-Strasse 15 - 44141 Dortmund/Germany Luwa GmbH Sontraer Str. 5-7 D-60386 Frankfurt/Main Mineraloel-Raffineire Dollbergen GmbH Joakin Poehler Detlev Bruhnke Bahnhofstrasse 82, D-31311 Uetze PURALUBE GmbH Hauptstrasse 30 Building 37 D – 06729 Tröglitz Miniraff Tel.: +49-2364-3467 Fax: +49-2364-4283 V Meinken Tel.: +49 (0) 2 01 / 8 28 01 Fax:+49 (0) 2 01 / 8 28 25 66 U BERC Tel.: +49-231/547-0 Fax: +49-231/547-3032 V Supercritical extraction by hydrocarbon gases. Tel.+49 69 40351 200 Fax +49 69 40351 386 Tel.: +49 517785 0 Fax: +49 517785 226 P WFE/TFE V/U MRD-Kernsolvate Future DCH (UOP) Tel.: +49 (0) 40 789196-0 Fax: +49 (0) 40 789196-30 Halskestr. 40-42, 22113 Hamburg, Bundesrepublik Deutschland Ingenieurbüro Bernd Meinken V/P Tel.: +49209-98099910 Fax: +49209-98099901 Tel.: +49 3441 842212 Fax: +49 3441 842217 RAG AG (ex-Ruhrkohle AG) Rellinghauser Strasse 1-11 45128 Essen RWE-Entsorgung Opernplatz 1, 45128 Essen, Germany Schiffs & IndustrieTechnik GmbH Wittenmoor 36 D-22525 Hamburg Südöl GmbH. Schloßstraße 20, 73054 Eislingen Westfalia Separator AG Werner-Habig-Str.1, 59302 Oelde, Germany Axel Schappei Tel.: 49-201-177-1 Fax: 49 (0) 201 1 77-29 11 Tel.: +49 (0)201/12-03 Fax: +49 (0)201/12-1 6128 Tel.: +(0)40 - 83 70 61 Fax: +(0)40 - 83 72 78 0-09.htm Tel.: +49 (7161) 802312 Fax: +49 (7161) 802300 Tel.: +49/25 22/77-0 Fax: +49/25 22/77-24 88 V V CD-WOR P Separators Great Britain Company, Address Greenway Orcol Limited Valley Road, Morley Leeds, United Kingdom LS27 8ES Lanstar Ltd (CSG) Liverpool Road, Cadishead Manchester, M44 5DT, United Kingdom OSS Group Ltd Stockpit Road, Knowsley Industrial Park, Merseyside, L33 7TQ, UK Petrus Oils Ltd. Sneyd Hill, Burslem Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire ST6 2DZ Revac Technology International Ltd. Baston Hall, Alfrik, Worcester WR6 5HF, England Whelan Environmental Birmingham, GB Contact person R A Sturdy, Managing Director Richard Starkey, Customer Service & Export Manager Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel: 0113 2533571 Fax: 0113 2527009 Used technology/Activities V/U/D/P1 U (+44) 161 - 775 55 02 (+44) 161 - 908 17 27 Name TFE/Solvent Extraction De-watering/ filtration Tel.: (+44) 151-477 14 34 Fax: (+44) 151-477 14 44 Tel.: 44 (0) 1782 819977 Fax: 44 (0) 1782 816466 Tel.: 088-64-511/2/3 Fax: 088-64-522 Tel.: 0121 359 8111 V/U Revac Greece Company, Address Cyclon Hellas SA Contact person Nikolaos Rebakos 12a Irodou Attikou Str., 151 25 Marousi, Aspropyrgos, Attica, Greece Used technology/Activities Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: 30-10-8093900 Fax: 30-10-8093999 V/U/D/P1 Name Vacuum Distillation, Extraction, Hydrofinishing Hong Kong Company, Address Dunwell Enviro-Tech (Holdings) Ltd. Contact person Wong Ming Fai, Leo 8 Wang Lee Street, Yuen Long Industrial Estate, Yuen Long, New Territories, Hong Kong Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: (852) 2391 0371 Fax: (852) 2789 3346 Used technology/Activities V/U/D/P1 U Name WFE India Company, Address Annpurna Flock Industries (ANMOL) Contact person Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: (+91) 260 - 64 11 67 Fax: (+91) 260 - 64 05 47 annpurnaflockindustries@rediffmail. Used technology/Activities V/U/D/P1 Name PO Box 128, Plot No 37, Nagar Haveli, 396 230 Silvassa, India Atomic Vacuum Company com Tel.: 91-22-522 2742 Fax: 91-22-522 8629 39/467, Shell Colony, Chembur, Mumbai - 400 071. INDIA Gadgil Western Corp. Dubai, U.A.E. India Lube Oil Reclaimary 85 II Street Nethaji Nagar, Tondiyar Per, Chennai Tamilnadu, India 6000081 WASTE OIL MANAGEMENT SOCIETY ( REGD ) Western India Petrochem Industries (WIPI) Umakanth Velusamy Tel.: +91-044-5984999 A. Bhargava Tel.: (+91) 278 - 42 58 48 Fax: (+91) 278 - 41 12 45 G/14, Aristo Complex, Waghavadi Road, 364 001 Bhavnagar, India V/U Atomic Vacuum Distillation U Interline Indonesia Company, Address Contact person Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Used technology/Activities V/U/D/P1 Name AGIP Lubrindo Pratama Jl. Raya Kebonsari, Desa Legok, Scatola 100 di Po - Gempol, Pasuruan 67155, Java Orientale PT. Wiraswasta Gemilang Indonesia Tel.: 0343-853308 Fax: 0343-853307 U Viscolube/IFP REVIVOIL Tel.: 021-8831241 Fax: 021-8830045 U Mohawk Gandamekar KM 24 Cibitung Bekasi, Indonesia Ireland Company, Address Atlas Ireland Contact person Gareth Kelly Clonminam Industrial Estate, Portlaoise Capital Oils The Old Mill, Drumaness, Ballynahinch, BT24 8LF ENFO Information on the Environment 17, St. Anderw Street, Dublin 2, Ireland Thompson Recycled Oil 33 Greenogue Road, Dromore, BT25 1RG Bart Coumlan Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: 0502-74747 Fax: 0502-74757 Tel.: 028-97-561574 Fax: 028-97-561576 Used technology/Activities V/U/D/P1 Name U Treatment of used oil for producing of fuel U Treatment of used oil for producing of fuel Tel.: 01-888-2001 Fax: 01-888-3946 Ireland Environmental Information Service Tel.: 028-92-692335 Fax: 028-92-699165 . Treatment of used oil for producing of fuel Italy Company, Address Contact person Distoms Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: +39 079 517087 Used technology/Activities V/U/D/P1 Name U TFE U Thin Film Evaporation D Electrization Laser cracking Via Marco Polo Zona Industriale 07046 Porto Torres (SS) EC.ENE.R. s.r.l. Zona Industriale Area del Salso 92029 Ravanusa (AG) Consorzio Obbligatorio degli Oli UsatiStatutory Consortium for Waste Oil Ing. Umberto Biasin, President Via Virgilio Maroso, 50 00142 Roma O.M.A. S.p.A. Sede legale: Via Papacino, 2, Torino, Via Papini, 53/55 - 10040 Rivalta TO RA.M.OIL S.p.A. Tel.: +39 011 90 38 555 Fax: +39 011 90 31 346 Maurizio Donnabella Via Filichito, 16/A 80013, Casalnuovo (NA) Servizi Ecologici Chemicals Industria V.le Teracati n.63, 96100 Siracusa, Italia Siro Spa Via Fogazzaro, 113, 20011 Soriano di Tel: (+39) 06 596931 Fax: (+39) 06 5413432 Mirella Robotti, Presidente Tel.: +39 081.519.51.11 Fax: +39 081.842.10.79 Tel./fax: +39-931-414150 Tel.: +39 02 97 271917 Fax: +39 02 97 270952 Acid/Clay Corbetta MI Snamprogetti Eni S.p.A., Piazzale Enrico Mattei, 1 - 00144 Roma, Italy S.T.P. Study Tecnologie Progetti S.r.l. Via Domenico Sansotta, 100 – 00144 Roma, Italy Viscolube S.p.A. Tel.: (0039) 6 59821 V Snamprogetti Lombardi Carlo Gustavo Tel.: 06-52201070PBX Fax: 06-52201078 V SOTULUB Renato Schieppati, Managing Director Tel.: +39/0371/2503.1 (Switchboard) Fax: +39-0371-98030 V/U REVIVOIL Via Tavernelle 19, 26854 Pieve Fissiraga Lodi, Italy Kuwait Company, Address Contact person Kuwait Lube Oil Co Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: 3261247 Fax: 3261240 Used technology/Activities V/U/D/P1 U Name Pre-flash, Chemical treatment, Vacuum distillation (TFE), Fractionation P.O. Box 9748 – Safat, P.C. 61008 Latvia Company, Address Contact person Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Used technology/Activities V/U/D/P1 Name Jelgava Engineering Plant Co. 40, Kr. Barona, Jelgava, LV-3001, Latvia Peteris Bila, President Nikolay Dubov, Sales Manager Tel.: 00371-3023879 Fax: 00371-3026214 P Filters for circulation lubrication system (in flow) Electromagnetic separators (in flow) Malaysia Company, Address Contact person Evirosafe Clean Sdn Bhd A-08-08, Plaza Mont Kiara, No 2, Jalan 1/70C, Kuala Lumpur, 50480, Malaysia Hoyl Co Sdn Bhd Used technology/Activities Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: (+60) 3 - 6201 8221 Fax: (+60) 3 - 6201 7448 Tel.: (+60) 3 - 7845 1829 Fax: (+60) 3 - 7845 1827 V/U/D/P1 Name Oil Reception Facilities and Waste Oil Recycling P Fuel Oil Sludge Reduction and Waste Oil Regeneration Equipment PO Box 8491, Kelana Jaya, Petaling Jaya, Selangor 46791, Malaysia Mauritius Company, Address Green Power Ltd. Gladstone Avenue, Quatre-Bornes, Mauritius Contact person Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: (+230) 424 23 53 Fax: (+230) 686 40 28 Used technology/Activities V/U/D/P1 Name Treatment of used oil for fuel production Mexico Company, Address Contact person Consorcio GHES Industrial SA de CV (GHES) Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: (+52) 8 - 431 33 25 Fax: (+52) 8 - 431 23 94 Used technology/Activities V/U/D/P1 Name Arroz 999, Col. Praderas tres, 25295 Saltillo Coahuila, Mexico Netherlands Company, Address North Refinery (Refining & Trading Holland BV) Kerkplein 3 NL – 4209 AC Schelluinen Kinetics Technology International B.V. Bredewater 26, 2715 CA Zoetermeer, The Netherlands Theo Wubben, General Manager Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel. +31 183 621183 Fax +31 183 623741 E.J.A. Schweitzer EJAS@KTIBV.NL Contact person Used technology/Activities V/U/D/P1 Name KTI New Zealand Company, Address Contact person NUPLEX Environmental 30 Neales Rd, East Tamaki, Auckland, New Zealand Used technology/Activities Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: 09 274 7963 Fax: 09 274 1065 V/U/D/P1 Name Physico-chemical treatment Nigeria Company, Address Lube Oils Limited Contact person M. B. K. Asaye, Project coordinator 11, Adeboye Solanke Street, Off Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos. Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: (234) - 1 – 4971127 Used technology/Activities V/U/D/P1 U Name Vaxon/Interline/ Viscolube Postal: P.O.Box 11279, Ikeja, Lagos. Poland Company, Address Altene Inc. PO Box 27, 61-956 Poznan, Poland Contact person Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: (+48) 61 - 877 25 27 Fax: (+48) 61 - 877 25 27 Used technology/Activities V/U/D/P1 Name Thermal Cracking/ Distillation Rafineria Nafty Jedlicze SA Mieczyslaw Markiewicz Trzecieskiego 14 PL – 38-460 Jedlicze Konsorcjum Olejów Przepracowanych – Organizacja Odzysku S.A. Tel.: +48 13 438 4511 Fax: +48 13 438 4666 Tel. (+48) 13 4384106 Fax: (+48) 13 4384522 U Viscolube/IFP REVIVOIL 38-460 Jedlicze, ul. Trzecieskiego 14, Poland Waste Technology & Trading Polska sp. Z o. o. Tel.: 48-77-4527-458 Tel./fax: 48-77-4527-212 45-641 Opole, ul. Oswiecimska 121, Poland Portugal Company, Address Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica Apartado 127 Av. da República (EAN), 2781-901 Oeiras, PORTUGAL Contact person Gourgouillon D. Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: +351-21-446 98 00 Fax: +351-21-441 12 77 Used technology/Activities V/U/D/P1 D, Research Name Russian Federation Company, Address Contact person 111116, Moscow, Aviamotornaye street, 6 OOO “KANC” (OOO “КАНЦ”) Oblonsliy E.V. Kantsel’arist D.V. Moscow ООО REOTEK (OOO РЕОТЕК) Kulakova pr. 8, Stavropol, 355000 Russia Pom-tek Moscow, Russia Quartec-ecology (Квартэк экология) 129329, Moscow, Ivovaya street, 2/8, off. 431 V/U/D/P1 Name D Mixing with fats and aikalis for lubricating greases production Tel.: 7-097-261-52-02, 7-095-361-34-70 Fax: 7-095-361-12-85 U Vacuum Distillation/ Hydrotreatment Tel.: 374-8282, Fax: 375-3523 D New technology for used motor oil regeneration Тel.: (8652) 94-72-65 Fax: (8652) 95-68-81 tml Tel.: (095) 279-84-32, 279-86-86 Tel/fax:(095) 742-05-44, 956-95-37 Tel/fax: (095) 189-72-12 D/P M10 Mini-plant for used oil regeneration Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas Leninskiy prospect, 65, Moscow, Russia OAO “BNII NP” (ОАО «ВНИИНП») Used technology/Activities Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: (095) 421-8255 Fax: (095) 422-2966 Vtornefteproduct 117463, Moscow, Proyesd Karamzina, 9 ЗАО "Академия Прикладных Исследований" Tel.: (812) 237-04-57, (812) 346-49-49. Tel./fax: (812) 237-04-45; 197136, S. Petersburg, Vs. Vishnevskogo st., 4 U Saudi Arabia Company, Address Contact person Used technology/Activities Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address V/U/D/P1 U Al-Manar Lube Oil Factory Name Vaxon Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Singapore Company, Address Institute of Environmental Science and Engineering Innovation Centre Block 2, Unit 237, 18 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 637723 Contact person Ma Yi, Senior Associate Research Scientist Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel (65)67941584 Fax (65)67926462 Used technology/Activities V/U/D/P1 D Name Polymer Membrane based filtration Technochem Private Limited Robert Lim, Operations Manager 23 Tuas Avenue 11 Singapore 639086 Tel: (65) 862 3130 Fax: (65) 861 1873 Fuel Oil Production South Korea Company, Address Contact person Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Used technology/Activities V/U/D/P1 U Dukeun Industrial Co. Name Interline South Korea, outside Seoul Slovak Republic Company, Address Konzeko Ltd. Konzenko spol.s r.o. Areal NPZ c. 510, 053 21 Markusovce, Slovak Republic Contact person Ivan Madar Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel/fax: +421 2 5557 6709 Used technology/Activities V/U/D/P1 V/U Name Blowdec Spain Company, Address European Recycling NETwork INSTITUT CERDA Numаncia, 185, 4th Fl., 08034 BARCELONA, Spain Tracemar Guzmán el Bueno, 133 Edificio Germania, 6° izq. 28003 Madrid ECOLUBE S.A. Avda. Cantuena 21 E – 28946 Fuenlabrada (Madrid) Cator (Catalana de Tractament d'Olis Residuals), S.A. CTRA. DE REUS A MONTBLANC KM 11.3, 43460 ALCOVER Mallorca 245, 4 2, 08008 Barcelona, Spain Contact person Pilar Amas, Project Manager Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel: +34 93 280 23 23 Fax: +34 93 280 11 66 Used technology/Activities V/U/D/P1 Name Recycling Network Viscolube Thermal DeAsphalting Jesus Fuente de Prada, General Manager Tel. +34 91 5359173 Fax +34 91 5351284 Juan Jesús Maldonado, General Manager Tel. +34 916 424580 Fax +34 916 420395 U Interline Tel.: +34 93.488.24.67 Fax:+34 93.488.24.67 U Vaxon Sweden Company, Address Contact person Alfa-Laval Box 73, S-221 00 Lund, Sweden Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: (+ 46) 46 36 72 31 Fax: +46 46 30 68 60 Used technology/Activities V/U/D/P1 P Name Centrifuges, filters Taiwan Company, Address FWU Kuang Enterprises Co.,Ltd. No.239,Lane 202,Chung Cheng W. Road,Jen-Te Hsiang, Tainan Hsien,Taiwan, Yi-Tzen Co. Ltd. Contact person Used technology/Activities Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: 886-6- 266-3221 Fax: 886-6- 266-5439 V/U/D/P1 U Name Meinken Thailand Company, Address Petroleum Institute of Thailand Contact person Dr. Somrat Yindepit 18th Floor, Petroleum Authority of Thailand Building, 555 Vibhavadi Rangsit Road, Ladyao, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: (662) 537-3592-8 Fax: (662) 537-3591 Used technology/Activities V/U/D/P1 Name Thailand's Used Oil Program Tunisia Company, Address Contact person SOTULUB Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Used technology/Activities V/U/D/P1 V Name SOTULUB United States of America Company, Address American Petroleum Institute 1220 L Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20005 Association of Petroleum Re- Contact person Reed Engdahl Used Oil Program Coordinator George Booth Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: 202-682-8490 Tel.: 716 631-8246 Used technology/Activities V/U/D/P1 Name Research, US Oil Recycling Program Fax: 716 631-8246 Refiners P.O. Box 584, Buffalo New York, USA 14231-0584 Bechtel Corp. San Francisco, California (Corporate Headquarters) 50 Beale Street San Francisco, CA 94105-1895 CeraMem Corporation 12 Clematis Avenue, Waltham, Massachusetts 02453, USA Clean Harbors, Inc. Bill Geary Vice President 1501 Washington Street, P.O. Box 859048, Braintree, MA 02185-9048 Environmental Oil Processing Technology, Inc. 2801 Brandt Ave., Nampa, ID 83687, USA Evergreen Oil, Inc. 2355 Main Street . Suite 230 . Irvine, CA, USA, 92614 Exxon Research and Engineering Co. 1545 Route 22 East 08801 Annandale, NJ Green Oasis Environmental Inc. 1500A Greenleaf St. Charleston, SC 29405 Melvin J. Westover, Manager of Engineering Tel.: (415) 768-1234 Fax: (415) 768-9038 V Solvent Extraction Tel.: (781) 899-4495 Fax: (781) 899-6478 Tel.: (781) 849-1800 (800) 282-0058 Tel.: 208-463-0063 Fax: 208-463-7601 D CeraMem U Heat separation/ filtration/ carbon adsorption or flocculation, Separation/filtration Thermal Cracking (EOPT) Tel.: (949) 757-7770 Fax: (949) 474-9149 Tel.: (843)722-5771 Fax: (842)722-5785 V U Mohawk V Exxon Great Northern Processing Inc. 4757 N US Highway 24 E, Huntington, IN, 46750 Heritage Environmental Services 4132 Pompano Road, Charlotte, NC 28216, Gene Kube Interline Hydrocarbon, Inc. 160 West Canyon Crest Road, Alpine, Utah 84004 USA Lubrication Systems Co. William Trinh TX Media and Process Technology, Inc. Paul K.T. Liu Pittsburg, PA National Institute for Petroleum and Energy Research (ex. Bartlesville Energy Research Centre) – now is closed P.O. Box 2565 Bartlesville, Oklahoma 74005-2565 National Oil Recyclers Association (NORA) 12429 Cedar Road, Suite 26, Cleveland, OH 44106-3172 Tel.: 219-356-1700 U ROBYSTM Tel.: (+1) 317 - 243 08 11 Fax: (+1) 317 - 486 50 85 Tel. (801) 756-3031 Fax (801) 756-8843 l Tel.: (412) 826-3711 U #4 fuel oil production Tel.: (918) 337-4531 Fax: (918) 337-4365 V Tel.: 800-799-7316 OR 216-791-7316 Fax: 216-791-6047 Interline V/U/P Thermojet Oil Purifier D LubriClear (Carbon Membrane Separation) BERC Tel.: (281) 276-3015 Philip Services 12946 Dairy Ashford, Suite 100, Sugarland, Texas, 77478 USA Philips Petroleum Company 4th and Keeler Ave., Bartlesville OK 74004 Perma-Fix of Dayton, Inc. 300 S. West End Avenue Dayton, OH 45427 Petroleum Rcovery Institute, Alberta Research Council 3608-33 Street NW, Calgary, AB Canada T2L 2A6 ProCycle Oil & Metals, Inc Blaine Hawkins, Manager Duplanty Gary 320 Scroggins Road, Springtown, 76082, Texas, USA Probex Corporation 400 The Safeguard Building 435 Devon Park Drive Wayne, PA 19087, USA Juergen Kremer, CFO V Tel.: 817-523-4938 Tel.: 972-788-4772 Fax: 972-980-8545 Tel.: (205) 348-4878 1-800-452-5901 One Galleria Tower, 13355 Noel Road, Suite 1200, Dallas, TX 75240 Project R.O.S.E. (University of Alabama) Box 870203, Tuscaloosa, AL 354870203 Puralube, Inc. Tel.: 918-661-6600 m Tel.: (937) 268-6501 Fax: (937) 268-5734 Tel.: 403-210-5249 Fax: 403-210-5277 Tel.: 610-293-5803 Fax: 610-254-9617 PROP Fuel oil & asphalt production V ProTerra non-profit energy conservation program U HyLubeTM Process (UOP) Quaker State Resources Salt Lake City, Utah, USA Safety-Kleen 6180 Old Mendenhall Road, Archdale, NC 27263, Randolph County Mailing Address: P.O. Box 7064, High Point, NC 27264-7064 Texaco Inc. 5800 Farrington Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22304, USA Wren Oil Lot 4/37 Harris Road, Picton WA 6229 Interline Mr. Daryl Crews (Branch Manager) Tel.: (336) 861-4149 Fax: (336) 861-4250 V/U Safety-Kleen C.M. Bandy Tel.: 914-253-7410 Fax: 914-253-6002 Tel.: (202) 457-6420 V Trailbalzer Keith Holder, Technology Manager V HyLube Alice Oehler Tel.: 703-370-8205, 800-673-8521 Fax: 703-370-8067 Tel.: 1800 654 002 Fax: 08 9725 4847 U #4 burner fuel 2000 Westchester Avenue, White Plains, NY 10650 Used Oil Management Association (UOMA) c/o Patton Boggs, LLP, 2550 M Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20037 UOP LLC (GB-USA) 25 East Algonquin Road Des Planies, Il 60017-5017 U.S. Filter Recovery Services U Karole Colangelo Used Oil-Fired Space Heaters Yugoslavia Company, Address Oil Refinery Belgrade YU – 11 210 Belgrade, Pančevački put 83 Contact person Goran Jakšić, Acting Director Phone number, Fax Number, E-mail, Web address Tel.: (+381) 11711099 Fax: (+381) 11711257 Used technology/Activities V/U/D/P1 U Name IFP - PDA