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Should Fast Food Come With a Warning like Drugs? You can get fast food on almost any street nowadays. Fast food and junk food are everywhere you look, and the world is only creating more fast food shops around the globe. Fast food is more accessible than other food sources; it is also one of the most popular ways to get dinner. Business workers are ordering in either for lunch or dinner, and this is usually from fast food places with drive-throughs. Fast food companies use chemicals in their food that aren’t exactly healthy for the human to consume on a regular basis. So, why should fast food companies be allowed to hide all the chemicals and ingredients in their foods as well as hide any of the side effects that come with eating that food? The issue is that fast food isn’t healthy. Healthy foods don’t contain many of the chemicals that fast foods do, they don’t affect the body in the same way. Healthy foods come from wholesome ingredients and don’t have preservatives or other pesticides or growth hormones in them. We all know that that’s food ingredients are in exactly healthy, but many of us failed to read the list of ingredients for our favorite menu items. Because of this many of us lack the billet he to understand how bad the first food we consume is. Will you believe that fast food you come with a warning just like any other product you purchased? You want to know exactly what’s going to happen to your body and you have the right to know that information. It should not be hidden from you, and it should not be kept away as some company secret. Every person has the right to understand how that food will affect their body. From then on they can make their choices if they want to eat it or not. If you’ve looked at documentaries such as the McDonald’s documentary and other fast food documentaries you probably noticed that fast food as a long-term effect on a human’s health. Fast food isn’t bad as long as you eat it every once in a while, but many people choose to eat fast food every single day. This is not a healthy way of living and can end up causing you permanent damage to your body because of the chemicals you were introduced into your body every time you eat at fast food meal. There are many of people who don’t want to know what’s in their food. But that’s only a small population. Every person has a right to know how a product will affect them. Just as you see on labels such as pills, medications, and even products such as workout equipment for scans. All of these come with a warning on what could go wrong when you’re using it or consuming it. So why should fast food be any different? Just because a small population of people doesn’t want to know what’s in their food doesn’t mean that the rest of the population shouldn’t at least have a warning sticker. As you can see, everyone has the right to know what chemicals and products go onto their food. I don’t know me that, but they also deserve to know by consuming the fast food what kind of effects they should expect on their body. Many people think that fast food will only affect their calorie intake for the day, this is not true. Fast food can affect a person’s Brain, psyche, and body. This is why we believe the fast foods should come with a warning. Should Schools Switch to Electronic Textbooks to Save Money & Paper? If you noticed many students in college are getting their textbooks from either Amazon or another website which has their textbook listed online. Real textbooks are made up of multiple hundreds of pages of information, but this information is being written on paper. Writing A textbook on all paper takes so many pages that it can be harmful to the environment and cost more money. Which would you rather be using? Would you rather be using a textbook that is online or a textbook that has been printed into a real book? The issue here is that it takes so many pieces of paper to write just one textbook. A regular class of college students has at least 50 to 100 students in that class. If the average textbook takes around 300 to 400 pages or more, you can see how this can be damaging to the environment and end up costing a lot more money. Some students have a ready learned that by buying textbooks online through Amazon, Chega, Kindle and other websites you can save almost half the money you would originally be spending on a real textbook. We are advocating for all textbooks to be switched to being electronic textbooks. Not only will the switch help reduce the cost of textbooks, but it will also be saving the environment by reducing waste and reducing the amount of paper used. The only concern we have is some teachers refuse to allow their students to use textbooks online instead of real life textbooks. This is unfair and is only hurting the environment and the student’s wallet. What side would you be on? Do you support textbooks? Or do you support electronic textbooks? For every textbook that is bought and in stores you are essentially supporting at least 600 pages on average to be wasted. Many textbooks can only be used for that year as they are constantly being upgraded to new versions. All the old tax end up just going in the trash or are recycled, however, if you take a closer look at electronics textbooks they almost have zero waste and are quite affordable. So, why wouldn’t you want to make the switch? Electronic textbooks give you instant access to all of the same information, and you can even highlight, search, and bookmark any pages that you would a normal book. Many institutions argue that standard textbooks are still the way to go. One of the reasons for this is because many colleges make their income based off of their textbooks. So it only makes sense that they would want to continue selling their textbooks to you. But times are changing, and these institutions need to change their mind and want to comes to electronic textbooks. Sure they won’t be making as much money, but they can save money by not shipping those books and having them in print, or by keeping them in stock in their bookstores. Think about how much money they waste shipping in all of those textbooks and making sure that they are up to date and have all the information that you need to graduate. In conclusion, electronic tech books are the better option when it comes to learning. They save the environment and our eco-friendly. They are less expensive than traditional textbooks. And they do not cost as much money as regular textbooks. Not only they have all these benefits, but they also give you instant access to all the information you need. Perform searches, highlight, copy and paste all the information you need from your textbook into any other document to write your notes. This is why we believe electronic textbooks are the best way to go when it comes to purchasing textbooks. Economic Growth and Environmental Damage Though nowadays it is more often claimed that humanity can develop without causing damage to nature, there still are strong opposing arguments to this hypothesis. Development assumes economic growth, and economic growth is impossible without industry, which needs energy resources. Currently, the range of goods required by common people has expanded significantly compared to the times before modern industrial technology was employed on a mass scale. People feel the need, not only for primary essentials, such as a slice of bread and a roof over their heads, but also for various facilities and luxuries. Providing humanity with these objects involves the exploitation of natural resources. In turn, the conventional sources of energy we use today cause pollution, so economic growth is almost inevitably associated with environmental damage. One of the aspects of economic growth that affects the environment most of all is that in order to produce more goods and products at a faster rate, the construction of large industrial plants is required. These enterprises generate mass amounts of pollution in the form of liquid waste and gaseous fumes. Liquid waste is frequently dumped in fresh water bodies, while gaseous fumes are released into the atmosphere. Liquid waste leads to the pollution of water and the damaging of aquatic ecosystems (Jion 365). Gaseous fumes pollute the atmosphere, which may cause negative, long-term health effects to nearby populations of animals or people. They also lead to the degradation of the ozone layer, which is one of the main reasons for the acceleration of global warming. The conventional energy sources that are commonly used nowadays are considered to be the greatest polluters of the environment, and intensive rates of industrial manufacturing lead to constantly increasing energy consumption. One might say the solution lies in the usage of non-conventional sources of energy, such as tidal, geothermal, or wind energy. They are preferred due to their environmentally-friendly means of energy generation, but at the same time, they possess several critical drawbacks. The high installation cost is one of them. Besides, they are yet less effective than conventional ones, and need the accompanying political will to initiate. Transiting from one energy source to another also requires time, during which people have to make some sacrifices to support these undertakings. In a democratic country, making people accept this would pose a challenge (Robert 209). Simultaneously, even if implemented, non-conventional sources of energy still do not resolve the problem of inflicting damage to the environment. In order to produce economically viable energy—utilizing tidal and geothermal sources—a sometimes significant distortion of the natural site is often inevitable (Robert 201). This is expensive and has substantial harmful effects on the environment. The application of wind energy would necessitate blocking the airflows’ natural velocity, which is the reason for their decrease in strength after crossing the windmill. Consequently, the pressure balance that is brought about by this current will be affected, and it is important to remember that the environment and weather conditions are directly affected by atmospheric pressure. As one can see, economic growth is connected to environmental damage, and at the current level of development, humanity can hardly avoid harming nature. This is caused by a number of factors, such as the inaccessibility and costliness of alternative sources of energy. But the most significant reason is that constant economic growth leads to the increase in the rate of industrial production. With the expansion of industry, more conventional resources are needed, and since their usage causes severe pollution, it can be concluded that economic growth is inseparable from the damage inflicted on the environment. Personal Diet and Activity Plan essay nutrition / healthy lifestyle / food / Nutritional Pyramid / body Essay Topic: The analysis of an experience of a personal diet and activity plan. Essay Questions: What is the role of nutrition in the life of every man? What are the laws of healthy human nutrition? How can a young person cope with “passion” for food? Thesis Statement: The problem of healthy human nutrition is a vital question nowadays, because due to the contemporary lifestyle some people have a completely physically passive life and consume for more than they need to keep the correct balance in their organism. Personal Diet and Activity Plan essay Table of contents: • Introduction • Three main things about my nutritional habits • Weight reduction and plan to change • Conclusion 1. Introduction The fact that proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are indivisible. But the main question is that what kind of nutrition can be called a “healthy” one – this question has become the battlefield for numerous authors. The theories of rational nutrition appear everyday and everybody is always trying new diets. As for me, it was really hard to evaluate and choose which theory of healthy nutrition is the most advanced one, because each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. The first lesson I learned for the Human Nutrition course was that the strategy of nutrition is to be chosen according the health, the individual peculiarities of the person’s organism and even one’s tastes. That is the reason of one diet being effective for one group of people and completely useless for another one - and has to be planned for each given individual. The problem of healthy human nutrition is a vital question nowadays, because due to the contemporary lifestyle some people have a completely physically passive life and consume for more than they need to keep the correct balance in their organism. According to my personal experience, the majority of people simply do not know what they should and what they should not eat at all. An overindulgent “passion” for food is the beginning of a disease and this passion needs to be fought emphatically and patiently. Even young people face nutritional problems very early nowadays because the modern society requires having good looks in order to succeed and extra-weight is an indicator of an unhealthy way of life and therefore a lack of self-discipline. 2. Three main things about my nutritional habits The perfect beginning of changing nutrition habits is to observe the present ones. My personal nutritional habits sometimes included overeating when I could not fight the hunger anymore. After this observations and the knowledge I obtained for the course of Human Nutrition I understood that all I need to do in order to get the necessary calories, vitamins and minerals for my organism I need to need to consume various types of food. Not to eat simply fruits or dairy products, but all the elements of the Nutritional Pyramid. Another important thing I learned is that I need to keep the balance between the amounts of food I eat and my physical activity for this is the only way to be always of a necessary weight. My food needs to be low fat and include more fruit, vegetables and croups. My nutrition habits also included the consumption of high quantity of sugar. At the present moment I acknowledge that I need to prefer fish and white meat and eat as less red meat as possible.The third main principle of healthy nutrition is consuming a moderate amount of food at a time and I general. A person needs to eat exactly the amount of food he needs to cover his “energy expenses”. It is also very important to remember about the biorhythm of the organism when counting the potential “energy expenses” of the organism. For instance a person that prefers to work at night and sleep during the day needs only a small cup of tea in the morning, while a person that wakes up early needs a more considerable breakfast.As I prefer to wake up early my day now start with the “elixir of health” which is a 0.5 l of decoction from vegetables (containing potatoes, carrots, parsley and dill). My body gets all the required vitamins to start the day with this “elixir”.Another fact that was of a great use for me was eating according the internal biological “clock” of my organism. For instance taking anything “fat: in the morning is very hard for the digestive system and eating at 15 p.m. will make the meal more tasty as in this time of day the organs of feelings are increased to their limit, especially the smell and taste abilities. 3. Weight reduction and plan to change The individual need of my body is to lose some weight that prevents me from being more physically active. The course taught me that even following a diet requires providing necessary substances for the organism. They include: the amount of calories, amino acids, fatty acids, minerals and vitamins. It goes without saying that a diet reduces the consumption of fat but if the amount of calories is insufficient the organism starts experiencing a crisis which results in it storing all the fat is gets. The amino acids are the ones that help the body to produce proteins and cannot be synthesized by the organism itself when it is on a diet. So even being on a diet does not mean that the organism does not need its nine vital amino acids. The body cannot also live without minerals because a physically active body needs calcium, zinc and other minerals. The lack of all the listed substances may cause a significant irreversible damage for the body. I try to maintain a balance between the required element and my diet. My nutrition plan is the next: I have a snack every two hours and at the same time, so my organism works out the needed components for the process of digestion right to the time of my meal. My first meal is at 8 o’clock and the last one at 18-00, because I give my alimentary canal the required twelve-hour rest so it completely recovers. I eat each different product at a time during each meal including, fruits, vegetable and dairy products. I also remember that the most compatible products are vegetables, fruits and honey. I do not consume eggs before 14-00, for they are very “hard” for the digestive system and never eat eggs with butter at the same time. I also do not take salt because the only case when the organism needs it in case of the exhaustion of adrenal glands. My Family has been affected by my new nutrition habits. Now, when they know some vital nutritional facts they try to eat a healthier food and not to eat to late. Ever since I started to implement my nutrition plan the problem of occasional overeating has left me and now I feel completely healthy. My plan also includes 30 minutes of exercises in the morning in order to wake up my muscles for the day and trade-mill running three times a week. Conclusion It is very important to remember that personal activity and energy balance is the vital part of healthy life now and in the future. Nevertheless it is not the only vital thing to remember. There is even one more important thing that a nutrition plan will not work without: each product has its own “energetic charge”. If a person is in a bad mood it is better to take a shower, to listen to light music and to start having a meal in a good mood. If a person starts a meal in a bad mood he neutralizes all the positive energetic charge of the products and the organism gets a lifeless mass instead of life vitamins and other necessary minerals. Another important thing is to eat what a person likes with a true appetite. So I based my nutrition plan on the fruit and vegetable I prefer to eat for the organism instinctively feels what products it needs. My new nutrition plan is completely based on the information I got the Human Nutrition course and it has quite changes my general health state. I am happy with my personal results and the results of my family and I know that a deeper analysis of the aspects of correct nutrition will make me a very healthy person with a proper lifestyle. War Against Terrorism Essay Example of a Argumentative essay on Politics about: terrorism / homeland security / international security / september 11 / government / World Trade Cente / middle east / united states / globalization / human rights / george bush Title: US Homeland Defence Terrorism by its very nature disrupts international peace and security through premeditated, political violence. The 11th September attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon disrupted the global economy. The attacks spawned and facilitated widespread personal fear, panic and economic dislocation (Bergen, 2002). According to the United Nations Security Council, one of the objectives of the terrorists was to create a state of global anarchy by means of influencing the conduct of government's vis-a-vis intimidation and coercion (United Nations Security Council, 2001). There are no efforts to integrate conflict and consensus paradigms of social process, which are rooted in the intuitive insight that in all human interaction one can discover patterns of both collaboration and conflict. The task for government is to discover when people will collaborate and when they will fight. In other words, the control and regulation of collaboration and conflict in the common interest posed a significant problem pre-11th September, 2001. Law and the conceptions of law within the society post-11th September suffered a serious set back. Make no mistake, law is a major - indeed a massive - instrument of social control. The relationship of law to the process of effective power is an entirely relevant datum. Critical, however, is belief that the formal foundations of the process of checks and balances of effective power arc reflected in constitutive arrangements. The relevance of power over constitutionalism was accentuated post-11th September, 2001. Since 9/11, political tensions between the Middle East and the United States have increasingly been described in hostile international terms. As the fear of terrorism becomes a part of life for many around the world, various nations become implicated in these fears. Questions of the role of Islam in terrorist activities and accusations against the United States, perceived as a Christian nation, of abrogating the human rights of political detainees cannot be avoided at all. Particularly since 9/11, official United States discourse has tended to deploy simultaneously universal human rights rhetoric to justify actions outside the United States and an idea about U.S. sovereignty as uniquely (culturally) democratic or particular in its constitutional structure to deny the legitimacy of international scrutiny of the actions of the United States. Economic liberalization and subsequent inequality due to expanding globalization motivates terrorists by providing them with sufficient preconditions for terrorism attacks. To name a few, faster and cheaper communications, accessibility to informational resources, elimination of trans-national borders, advanced transportation and transfer capacities in fact enable the spread of powerful technologies. At that, globalization really worsens the threat of terrorism attacks (Smith, 2004). At that, no single state has acquired immunity guarantee from either overseas or domestic bio-terror attacks, and particularly US security agencies permanently monitor densely populated and highly visible targets to prevent any attempt of possible terror attack (Gwerder, Beaton, 2001). For instance, in recent years, anthrax hoaxes consisting of letters with powdered substances enclosed, and mailed to various facilities, endangered numerous US communities (Cole, 1999). After September 9/11 attacks the security measures in the United States are tough than ever. One of the first measures taken by USA was passing the USA Patriot Act on October 26, 2001, and later Homeland Security Act of 2002, in response to the terrorist attacks against the United States, which dramatically expanded the authority of American law enforcement for the stated purpose of fighting terrorism in the United States and abroad. It has also been used to detect and prosecute other alleged potential crimes, such as providing false information on terrorism. Nonetheless, Homeland Security Act of 2002 is deemed unconstitutional, since it had imperiled a number of civil liberties, including: the rights to freedom of speech, religion, assembly and privacy; the rights to counsel and due process; and protection from unreasonable searches and seizures. Concerns about curtailment of civil liberties by the HSA were given a heightened sense of urgency by media revelations in 2002, about another Bush administration initiative, which created a new Pentagon agency under the direction of John Poindexter, known as the Office of Total Information Awareness. In 2003 President Bush charged the Department of Homeland Security with determining how sensitive but unclassified information will be identified, shared, and safeguarded. However, the Homeland Security Act does not indicate the mechanism of development of such procedures. Then, 75 organizations sent a letter to the Department of National Security to allow public comment on the matter. Herewith, the Homeland Security Act allows sensitive but unclassified information to be shared with “appropriate state and local personnel. Yet the administration can direct these personnel how to handle this information and force them to sign nondisclosure agreements - which are deemed as enforcement of information-sharing restrictions. According to Scott Armstrong of Information Trust, “It is still unclear how restrictive these agreements will be or whether state and local personnel will have much choice in signing them. Potentially, refusal to do so could lead to termination, and violation of these agreements could carry heavy penalties including some criminal liability” (OMB Watch, 2006, p. 3). Keeping state and local officials in the loop regarding terrorist threats, potential vulnerabilities, and issues of disaster response is certainly desirable. “In this case, however, the four million people who could be granted access to sensitive but unclassified information may view this privilege as a burden due to the corresponding restrictions” (OMB Watch, 2006, p. 4). Worse than that, the Act promotes the creation of a global security system controlled by the United States. Apparently, this agenda falls neatly in line with the plan for American global dominance endorsed by a number of experts, namely Cheney, Wolfowitz, Powell, and Rumsfeld. Finally, the Homeland Security Act was structured on the recommendations of a special commission that was closely connected to, if not derived from, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which has had its hand in every major twentieth century conflict (Bergen, 2002). From the above evidence, it is clear that the analyzed acts are to a large extent unconstitutional, though passed in response to terrorism threatening American society. More than that, the drawbacks of both acts concern international community as well since by implementing these acts the US reinforces its global dominance. As is seen no anti-terrorism action could justify unlawful restriction of human rights and civil liberties. The current state of affairs indicates that legislative measures should be amended and altered to the extent where human rights and civil liberties are violated. This is an issue which is high on the agenda since September 2001. National governments, NGOs and civil champions should take best possible effort to eliminate terrorism without limiting citizens’ legal rights and freedoms, no matter what consequences were caused by the terror. 9/11 act of terror and subsequent anthrax letter attacks necessitated the reconsideration of the US homeland security policies, which implied offensive approach in combating terror on both domestic and international levels. Therefore, homeland security measures were mainly aimed at prediction and prevention of a possible terror act before it actually occurs by pursuing potential terrorists and identifying, disrupting, and preventing future terrorist attacks (Robert 1). Consequently, the war on terror widely supported by international community necessitated every country of the world to stay alert and develop anti-terror measures in close cooperation with its counterparts. Such measures cannot remain declarative for long as the threat is just around the corner. Therefore, firm multilateral actions are much needed to pursue and prevent the causes of global terrorism. Conclusion Economic liberalization and subsequent inequality due to expanding globalization motivates terrorists by providing them with sufficient preconditions for bioterrorism attacks. To name a few, faster and cheaper communications, accessibility to informational resources, elimination of trans-national borders, advanced transportation and transfer capacities in fact enable the spread of powerful biotechnologies. At that, globalization really worsens the threat of bioterrorism attacks (Smith, 2004). Apparently, bioterrorism presents global threat to all world countries, including domestic communities, households, and workplaces. At that, no single state has acquired immunity guarantee from either overseas or domestic bio-terror attacks, and particularly US security agencies permanently monitor densely populated and highly visible targets to prevent any attempt of possible terror attack (Gwerder and Beaton, 2001). Birth order essay Example of a Argumentative essay on Social issues about: birth order / first-born / last-born / children / parents / Adler Essay Topic: The importance of the birth order and its impact on the personality of the child and its future. Essay Questions: Why is the birth order so important for the personality of the child? What does the “fight for “ power has to do with the birth order in one given family? What do Adler and Toman say about birth order importance? Thesis Statement: Adler believed that the true reason for such differences between siblings is the “fight for power”: the desire to control the situation, the desire to be different, to be individual, to stand out from the crowd of other children and to get the love of the parents Birth order Essay Table of contents: 1. Introduction 2. Birth order importance 1. First born children and only children 2. Middle born children 3. Last born children 3. Twin children and other positions. 4. Girls and boy in different birth orders. 5. Conclusion "Whatever your family was, you are". Dr. Kevin Leman 1. Introduction Birth order is rather significant in different cultures all over the world. In some cultures the most preferred position – was and still is the position of the eldest child. Some cultures consider the youngest child to be the dominant one. It goes without saying that the birth order has a lot to do with the further social status of the newborn. The reasons of this social status within and outside the family have a lot of premises. Different positions of birth order create certain differences between children belonging to this or that position. These differences altogether explain why siblings are not alike. The term “siblings” is used to identify children that were born from the same parents or in other words children who are brothers and sisters. The widely spread word-combination “sibling rivalry” may be interpreted as a phenomenon caused directly by the birth order. Alfred Adler was the first to speak about the meaning of the birth order for the future life of a child and the differences between the children in accordance with their birth order. According to the research of Alfred Adler, who was also the founder of individual psychology and the second child in his family1, the birth order of a child is the predictor of his future characteristics and peculiarities [Adler, 1998]. Adler believed that the true reason for such differences between siblings is the “fight for power”: the desire to control the situation, the desire to be different, to be individual, to stand out from the crowd of other children and to get the love of the parents 2. Birth order importance As Walter Toman confirms – the patterns of behavior and reactions are very often defined through their birth order and depend on whether the person was the eldest, middle, the youngest or the only child in the family [Toman, 1993]. Each child in his development imitates certain models of behavior. The first-born will imitate grown-ups, as they his significant close persons, who are the only participants of his social interactions. The second child gets an opportunity to choose whom to imitate. This is primarily due to the fact that the eldest children in the family often actively take part in the process of bringing up younger children so can also become a model. These birth order positions do not simply separate brothers and sisters according to their year of birth, but predict the further lifestyles of these siblings. 2.a. First-born children and only children The first child converts the marriage of two people into a real family. Ordinarily, the parents are young and rather inexperienced and sometimes even not ready for the child. Parents try to dedicate all their free time to their child and to apply as many educational techniques as it is possible, nevertheless these techniques often contradict each other and it may result is the constant anxiety of the child. First-borns are very often over-protected, as their parents make the majority of decisions for them. These children are very parent-oriented; they want to meet expectations of their parents and behave as “small adults”. A standard situation of the first-born and only children is when they are in the center of attention of the adults [Stein, 2003]. As a result they are very confident and organized. They are constantly in a need for parental and social approval and do everything possible to avoid “problematic” situations. The eldest child easily takes responsibility. The only child has a problem sharing anything within his social contacts. Some children remain the only ones for their whole life, put some of them at a point turn into the eldest child. This position changes some characteristics, because the birth of another sibling causes trauma for the first-born. The child does not understand why parents do not pay as much attention at him as they used to do before. Being the first to be born he feels he has the right to have all their attention. First-borns are very determined and become true leaders, as they need to prove the adults that they are the best and the “first place” is still after them. The eldest child is more likely to follow the family traditions and it more conservative. If it is a boy, they may inherit their father’s professions. The problem of the eldest child is that originally being the only child in the family he loses all the advantages of this position and as Adler stated - “power”, when the second child is born. So basically, the first-born children go through two major stages: the child is the only one in the family and is in a privileged position, than the second child is born and the first-born competes for being better. As the result first-borns are emotionally unstable. 2.b. Middle born children The middle child in the begging of his life is the second child in the family. For this child there is always somebody ahead of him. The major goal of the second-born is to overtake the first-born. It is obvious that this type of siblings may have problems with self-determination due to the fact that they are at the same time the older and the younger child. The only exception is when the middle child is the only girl or the only boy in the family. In this case they also occupy a “special” position for their parents. Middle children combine the qualities of the eldest and the youngest child in the family. These children often have troubles finding their true place, because adults forget about them, paying special attention to the eldest child (the smart one) and to the youngest child (the helpless one). Middle siblings learn how to live in harmony with everybody, are often friendly, and make friends without difficulties. They do not feel too guilty for their failures as the fist-born children do but cope easily with any loss. Middle children are capable of seeing each aspect of live from two opposite sides, which results from the ability to live between two other birth order positions and are great negotiators. 2.c. Last-born children The last-born child is carefree, optimistic and ready to taken someone’s protection, care and support. Very often he remains a baby for his family. He does not have to meet the high parental expectations, which the eldest child experiences, because the parents become less demanding to the child’s achievements. He has a lot of people to support him: his parents and his elder brothers or sisters. This exceeding support often spoils this sibling. The major problem the youngest child faces is the lack of self-discipline and difficulties in the sphere of decision-making. The last-born child is often manipulative. He may get offended or try to “enchant” in order to get what he needs. Ass these children get plenty of attention they ordinarily do not have troubles in socialization. The last-born child may have enormous ambitions. The youngest child has two alternatives of developing any relations with the surrounding enviroment, and especially with his brothers and sisters. He needs either to pretend to be a “baby” his whole life, or find a way to overtake the other siblings [Sulloway, 1997]. This type of children is usually very hard to understand, as they seem to completely contradict the other children. They are often very creative. It is believed that the parents will have a more consequent approach to the education of their youngest child than to the eldest or the middle child. As a result he becomes emotionally stable. They break rules easily and are often what people call a “rebel”. Last-born siblings usually make other people laugh and need to be in the center of attention. They do not feel uncomfortable when people look at them – that is why the stage is a perfect place for these children. 3.Twin children and other positions. For twins the position of the eldest or youngest child are also very important and depend on the group of children they were born in. For instance, twins who have an elder sister or an older brother will behave as the youngest children. If the adults emphasize that one of the twins was born earlier, than the position of the eldest and the youngest children are divided automatically. Twins usually tend to communicate with each other than with other children and are less adult-oriented. They major problem for twins is the identity problem. Twin children experience difficulties in separating from each other. The situation when there is only one boy in the family changes the meaning of the positions, because the boy gets a “special” position for being not a girl. In a situation when there are two girls and one boy in the family. No matter what position the only boy occupies he will either always use all possible ways to prove that he is a man or become effeminate [Leman, 1998]. If there are only boys in the family, the youngest one, being a rebel, and trying to be different may also be effeminate. In a situation where there is only one girl among boys in a family the girl gets a lot of “protectors”. The typical reaction to these positions is either very feminine girls or tomboys. If a girl becomes a tomboy she needs to be better than her brothers at least in some activities or physical abilities. 4. Girls and boy in different birth orders The attitude of the adults towards the sex of the child is of a great importance. The majority of the families prefer sons. The older sister very often takes responsibility for bringing up younger children and takes a part of parental functions. In such a position if the youngest child is a boy than he is the one to get the “glory” and high parental expectations. There is also a high probability that the families that have only girls will continue their attempts to give birth to a son, while the families with only sons will stop at a fewer amount of children. A very significant factor to mention is that if the age difference between the children, no matter what sex they are, is more than six years, each of the children will have the traits of the only child and some characteristics of the positions he is close to. For instance, the brother that is ten years elder than his little sister will probably remain the only child but will also have the trait of the first-born child. The more the age difference among the siblings is the less is the probability that they will compete. 5. Conclusion Each child in any family want to ensure his individuality, occupy his own place, a place that is designed for him only. Each child needs to emphasize that his is unique and there is nobody else like him. This is the main reason why birth order has such a big importance – it explains why children are the whey they are according to what they have to overcome to prove that they are unique. So if a senior child who is serious and responsible will be set as an example for the younger one, then the younger child at least from the desire to be different will become noisy, restless and naughty. The birth order does psychologically influence the child. The literature on this topic is wide but it all claims the importance of the birth order for the further life of the child. Alfred Adler was definitely right to say that the desire to be unique is the major leading force for children in the family. So parent would be more democratic and let the children be successful in different fields so they do not compete. It goes without saying that these birth order regularities are not fatal, but only point out some trends of development of the children depending on their order of birth. Knowing these tendencies will help adults to avoid a lot of undesirable consequences to which the mentioned above roles of the children in the family may lead. China’s market Example of a Argumentative essay on Business about: china / market / consumer / product / company Essay Topic: The analysis of China’s politics in the world market. Essay Questions: What China’s politics is as referred to world market? What is China’s strongest potential in terms of world market? How is China technologically developed? Thesis Statement: Though China has a very potential market owing to its size and quantity of consumers it is connected with several risks. This risks deal in the first place with the position of China in the world’s political relations and the functioning risks of its market. China’s market Essay Introduction: China’s politics in the world market has always been rather “open”. “Open” in a way that China always tries to be the pioneer in the technological battle between global western companies and at the same time its communist government tries not to hold up this process by giving all the required conditions for companies that tried to work with China. They have to conquer the world’s market and whether or not to deal with China depends in the first place on the kind of product the company produces and is very individual. Though China has a very potential market owing to its size and quantity of consumers it is connected with several risks. This risks deal in the first place with the position of China in the world’s political relations and the functioning risks of its market. Still its popularity among western companies is quite high and many of them seek for establishing manufacturing operations in China. The reason of this level of popularity is very simple – if the company stars producing something in China it automatically gets high demand on its products. The rate of the return of their investments is very high and everybody seems to be in gain. But… The main point is that China gets way more.Chinese companies get western technologies and this becomes the leading power of their economics for the moment. Let us suppose that there is one very well known company that decides to start manufacturing in China. China provides all the conditions and the company’s sales rise to the sky. At the same time China gets to know the technology of creation of the company’s product. Another Chinese company starts producing the same product. Does this mean that the original company looses? In a way – yes, but on the other hand it is a healthy economical competition. Western people will not start buying the Chinese equivalent of the products they trust and have been purchasing for years. And in addition to that technologies do not stand on one place. Constantly adding something technologically new will make it safer to work with other companies. Modern progress makes its input in their quick irrepressible development. Conclusion: Companies that want to co-operate with China should restrict their company’s politics on technological divulgence and get the major advantages from their joint work. It is absolutely obviously that each market has its own particularities and for a successful work it is necessary at least to know these particularities and take them into account. And by these means form favorable circumstances for business. The realization joint projects with China can allow different, especially young enterprises to realize their research potential, get the real return of investments, earlier embedded in creation of their product and use China’s market experience. Greater companies, such a Boeing should go at the minimum risks and not exchange industry knowledge for sales. China is a place for young companies that need support and experience. Such companies as Boeing already have a wide world known name and are trusted by thousands of consumers. If they ever take this risk this is to happen only in a critical situation for the company. Women rights essay (Justice vs. environment) Example of a Argumentative essay on Law about: justice / society / gender / women / legal system / rights / rape / patriarchy Justice vs. environment with patriarchal overtones It is very hard to underestimate the role of the society for people. It does not only form what is known as “personality” but also dictates a set of rules and postulates for its members. Society has two genders – male and female gender and it is common knowledge that the argument of priority distribution has been always topical in terms of this fact. As a matter of fact the role of women in the society has always been artificially reduced with the help of various factors and historically as a consequence of the notion that man is physically stronger and therefore can perform more work. Therefore the men have been always valued more than women and correspondingly obtained more privileges, opportunities and possibilities. And women in their turn are always doubted in their ability to manifest a correct decision-making ability. What is a woman in an environment with patriarchal overtones? Women there are actually instruments for the satisfaction of the required needs of the “valuable man” who is believed to be superior to women. The environment with patriarchal overtones has its own justice which has nothing to do with the principle of equality. In such patriarchal societies the notion of justice is based not on human right but on the local interpretation of law with the transformed principles of morality, dignity and law complied with universal values. There are patriarchal societies where justice is the synonym of the dominance of men over women, the defense of human rights and equality is a myth. One of the examples is the status of the women who live in Nepal. The country has the 1990 Constitution which is based on the principles of defending the human rights of each and every Nepal. Nevertheless, the justice does not present any law which supports this fundamental principle (Martin, 2008).Historically, this patriarchal society has harshly limited the human rights of the women as the legal system is based on the principle of patriarchy. Correspondingly women in Nepal have rather insignificant possibilities to have any type of property and any types of assets. This automatically converts them into a “not so valuable element” of the countries society and the “social meaning” is rather low. In other words, legally, women do not have the possibility to function and live as without no right for education, healthcare, property or credit they become social handicaps. The fundamental rights are substituted by patriarchic severe demands. Another example that justice in the environments with patriarchal overtones is based on the notion that women are less valuable than men is Pakistan. Just like Nepal all human rights for women are neglected and any “international standards of justice” are ignored (Mirza, 2008). The law does not protect them, as when the woman is raped it is necessary to present at least four witnesses of a male gender otherwise the rapist is not returned guilty. This is very often simply impossible, though according to the statistics “rape occurs approximately every three hours” in Pakistan (Mirza, 2008). Here the patriarchy comes from the Islamic postulates which dictate the legal system of the country. The legal system of the environments with patriarchal overtones is not objective and does not protect the human right of women as it is dictated by the “fact” that men are more valuable for the society. World Hunger Essay Example of a Argumentative essay on Economics about: low-income nations / crisis / hunger / modernization theory / dependency theory Essay Topic: The problem of hunger within the ”low-income” nations. Essay Questions: How has the crisis influenced the life of the “low-income” nations? Do representatives of the First World countries know what hunger is? What does have the dependency theory deal with the world hunger? Thesis Statement: No matter how wealthy is the First World the problem of hunger and death in “underdeveloped” countries is not to be forgotten. World Hunger Essay Introduction.”Another year of poor agricultural production has left… in urgent need of food aid” - this is one of those titles that are ordinarily seen in the last updates on the situation in “developing” countries. The crisis, which these countries find themselves in, seems to be never-ending and only aggregating from year to year with rare improvements. No wonder that so many people nowadays live beyond the borderline to poverty and do not have basic needs in order to survive. Global stratification has put these counties in the lowest division and has called them “Third World countries” or if to speak in financial terms “low-income nations”. Second World nations are nations with moderate development patterns. The major condition in order to belong to the First World is wealth. This hierarchy is inevitable as it reflects the nature of relations between the nations of the world. According the UN data - 1 billion people suffer from starvation. That is a great number of people as it is 1\6 of the population of the planet. So, no matter how wealthy is the First World the problem of hunger and death in “underdeveloped” countries is not to be forgotten. Different theories-interpretations of the global stratification in their context offer suggestions of these “poor” nations. Modernization Theory vs. Dependency Theory The modernization theory is one of the points of view on the way the global stratification works. According to this theory the process of development of “weak” counties occurs throughout the help they get from the First World. It emphasizes the beneficial influence of economically developed countries over underdeveloped nations. Within this theory advanced nations provide different help but primarily technological aid to those countries that need it and therefore provide a stimuli for their further development. Dependency theory is an opposition to the above-mentioned theory. It claims that the First World simply exploits the countries of the Second and the Third worlds. That it takes advantage of its uneducated population, cheap labor-force and inexpensive raw materials. According to this theory that kind of dependency prevents the countries from their potential development as the counties are almost completely controlled by the “powerful” nations technologically, economically and even politically. Elimination of starvation is not a synonymy of global stratification elimination. The utopia of “equality” remains a utopia, until the Third World countries start understanding the advantages they can get from the external aid. And the first step to the elimination of starvation is starting educating the populations of these “nations”. As the economic giants build their enterprises, Second World countries need to start offering corresponding specialists. 70% of the starving population consists of women and children. The Second and Third World countries need to copy the patterns from their “powerful” friends. The welfare programs would allow women to prevent their children from early labor and children would start schooling and therefore becoming valuable professionals. The contemporary economic world requires changes and people and nations that are not eager to take the advantages that other countries offer in order to become “attractive” for financial inputs are doomed. Another important factor is the necessity to maintain the fertility on the same level, which means – sexual education for the populations of these counties. Conclusion. Of course the word ”dependency” produces the discontent of various nations. Nevertheless, the modernization approach also offers dependency, as its core is an external stimulus, too. Any help may b interpreted as dependency because without it no changes would have been done. But is it really so? The modernizations of the dependency theories are “two sides of the same coin”[]. The nations that are not so advanced as the First World countries need to realize that simple technological help is not sufficient in order to maintain the development of the country on a proper level. Such fields as education and politics need to prosper, too. And if they can be developed in exchange for using these counties as a supplier of raw materials then why not? The prevention of World Hunger can be set through “mutual dependency” that can be accumulated from both of the theories. Rich nations need poor nations to prosper as much as poor nations need rich nations in order to develop. The main conclusion for the countries that can be made on the basis of both of the theories is the necessity of the ability to state what the country wants in exchange for what they take. This is a clearly tactical step that the government should follow. Money as a motivator at work essay Example of a Argumentative essay on Management about: motivation / money / employee / manager / salaries Essay Topic: The strengths and weaknesses of money as a motivator at work. Essay Questions: In what ways can a worker be motivated at work? Can money be an effective motivator at work? How can be the personnel motivated? Thesis Statement: It goes without saying that money is an “engine” of everything but sometimes it may not be enough to keep this “blaze” in the eyes of an employee. Money as a motivator at work essay Table of contents: 1. Introduction 2. Money and motivation 1. Motivation of the personnel 2. Money, stimuli and employers 3. The true “picture” 3. Conclusion Does “If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys” principle still work? Introduction. The word “motivation” in this essay will be used in order to indicate the interests, desires and internal readiness of a worker to apply certain efforts, take necessary steps to satisfy the career needs that are significant for him. If there had been an opportunity to ask the company leaders, owners of different companies, HR-managers or specialists what kind of employees they want to have in their companies, the answer would have been unambiguous. All of them would be unanimous about such qualities as the ability to think and act independently, the ability to show personal initiative, take reasonable risks and ability to take responsibility for actions, professionalism, be picky to the quality of personal work and many other qualities. The question how motivated an employee should be to correspond to this list of qualities-demands and is money an effective motivator at work to make each of them to become an “outstanding” employee. How does a company find itself in a situation when a worker that has been chosen exactly by the company authorities starts being lazy and his work turns into a “satisfactory” one? Any malfunctions during the process of employee-selection? Could be. But what about the skill that the majority of the company leaders are proud of – the skill to chose only those with an “eyes blazing”? It goes without saying that money is an “engine” of everything but sometimes it may not be enough to keep this “blaze” in the eyes of an employee. 2. Money and motivation Managers apply a lot of effort to make the working places of their companies look attractive for professional and skillful employees. It is not enough just to pay the salary now! Money nowadays is not a factor that can make the employee work at his full both at work and even continue working at home. It is simple as that – if a person works in a company only because of money, or is other words is money-motivated, he can be easily “purchased” by a rival. No existing company is interested in letting a valuable employee to work for another company, because it can inflict a considerable damage to the companies. So this is the primary reason why employers should understand that a only money-motivated employee is a potential “vermin” of the company. Money by itself is obviously not a sufficient motivator at work. An employee working for money only will leave work at the very minute of its end and never do anything above his “duty regulations”. He will never work with the company but always for it. And therefore will not see the difference between working for this or that company because it will be only the matter of the salary-issue. This is the point when the authorities of any company think with tension about the motivation of their personnel. As the matter of fact the majority of contemporary employees search other benefits from work, except their wages. 2.a. Motivation of the personnel It is possible to identify four main motivational-factors. In the first place it is the “compensational plan” which is the collection of material goods, which are given by the company to the employee. The word compensation is the most appropriate because in exchange for these material goods, the employer expects honest labor, time and many other things from the worker. The mentioned above “material goods” provided by the employer includes salaries, bonuses, extra-pays and other financial encouragements. So as it may be understood from the very beginning – money is only one the four major motivational factors and therefore has a ¼ impact on the motivation of the employee. The next factor that keeps the personnel motivated is the condition of their labor. To make a long story short, it goes about making the working place comfortable for the worker and making the atmosphere well disposed. The third factor influencing motivation is the possibility to achieve self-actualization, to go in for a favorite occupation, the possibility to grow personally and professionally. These possibilities ordinarily result from the investments that the company makes into its personnel, or in other words the material and other embeddings into the development of the competency and loyalty of the employees. And the fourth factor is the literal behavior of the company’s management of all levels, promoting professional inspiration, conscious and productive work of the personnel. All these factors are guarantors of the protections of the company’s interests, represented through the employees of the company. So the main question remains the same – how much an employee should be paid in order to make him reveal his whole professional potential? In order to analyze the capability of money as a motivator at work it is very important to understand the existing general system of payments or in other words the existing way of the “compensation plan”. 2.b. Money, stimuli and employers The longing for finding a compromise between the interest of the company and the interests of the employees should imply the principle of simplicity and transparency. This means, that the personal of the company has to have a clear “picture” of the system of payment of the company, in other words to know what actions and result should be financially encouraged and what – not. So, basically saying – money can be a good motivator if this system is clearly set and understandable to the employee. If the model of payment is too complicated, in this case it confuses both the employer and the employee, and becomes the reason of misunderstandings between them. Complicated schemes do not stimulate, but truly confuse the personnel. Each employee should feel that he is very important for the company, even if his work belong to the undermost category. These are the conditions that do make money a good motivator, but it is important to remember that it is not the only necessary motivator that will bring results at work. If the leaders of the company fail to combine all the listed above factors, they turn to the easiest and quickest, but the most unproductive way of motivation – money motivation. It may be in some way compared to negative reinforcement – brings results immediately, but in the long run causes a lot of trouble. According to Jim Clemmer, only weak leaders use money as a motivator [3]1. Basically saying is an employer does not want to invest into the employees in the long run and is interested in the instant, short-live result – than he may be called a weak leader focused on money as a motivator. When it comes to the motivation of the employees it is very important to understand the difference between a stimulus and a motive. Everything is rather easy. A stimulus – is an external impetus to any activity and a motive- is an internal one. So for instance, the salary – is a stimulus, but the desire to achieve a certain level of professionalism is a motive. The level of motivation strongly depends on the managers of the company. The level of motivation for every company is the statistical feature, defining in what degree the given motive is capable of influencing the respondent’s choice either to do or not to do the given work. “…But the big problem is that managers have consistently listed money as the number one factor that they think motivates people. So they keep fiddling with pay, bonus, and financial incentives in a futile attempt to find the elusive combination that will motivate people to higher performance” – the words of the Clemmer’s article completely reveal the true situation concerning to question “money as a motivator”. 2.c. The true “picture” Maslow’s hierarchy of needs has already become legendary. The Journal of Extension has applied this hierarchy to the sphere of employment2. According to Maslow’s theory and the possible critical analysis what can be made on its basis of the problem of money as a motivator leads to the understanding that a worker will never reveal his full potential only because of the monetary motivation. There is a time in the life of every employee when motivation through money plays an extremely important part in his or her lives. The maximum level of the money-motivation is the age of 24-27 years and at the very end of the professional career or in other words the pre-retirement time. This happen due to the fact that in the beginning of the career a person strives to become independent financially. And during the pre-retirement age a person wants to provide a financially independent retirement. The most vital part of the information given above is that these two ages are the most sensitive periods, when money can be a sufficient motivator. So money as a motivator is productive only for a short period of time and the money-motive cannot move the person onward constantly. It should be never forgotten, that thought money are vital in the contemporary world they are no the only thing that matters to people, especially when it comes to their career and such things as recognition are much valuable for each given employee in particular. Conclusion. Money is definitely now a good and certainly not the only motivator that should be used at work. A number of misunderstandings occur when it is considered as the only motivator, because the individual peculiarities of each employee are not taken into account. In order to take into account the individual peculiarities of the personnel, add flexibility and controllability to the system of money-based motivation it is necessary to constantly provide additions to the salaries, but these additions should be clear and for certain reasons that the employee need to know. So the most important is that the system of motivation needs to be absolutely transparent and understandable for the employees and it has to react at the changes in the external and the internal situation of the company. Sometimes the authorities of the company need to think first before paying an employee because may be it is the time for a “thank your o for your outstanding work” letter. Money is not an effective motivator, because it cannot make the employee works at his full. There different types of employees. Some of them need power, some need authority, others prefer money, and another type will choose stability and many other preferences. And what is really important to remember that no money will change this needs and money by itself is not sufficient to make the person successful in his career. 1 “…Money always shows up as fourth or fifth on any list of motivational factors. Pay gets people to show up for work. But pay doesn't get many to excel. More important is interesting, challenging, or meaningful work, recognition and appreciation, a sense of accomplishment, growth opportunities…” – Jim Clemmer, leader of the Clemmer Group. 2 There five levels of needs: physiological, safety, social, ego, and self- actualizing Marriage and Happiness Essay Example of a Argumentative essay on English about: happiness / love / marriage / family Title: Everyday happiness is sharing commitments Have you ever wondered where love disappears after marriage? And why it does? What happens to it after two loving hearts united themselves in the bonds of matrimony? Probably, many different specialists - psychologists, sociologists, medical doctors, public servants, teachers and others will give you different answers. It may happen that all those answers will be correct. Let us consider several causes of such “light-minded” and stubborn behaviour of love - it does not want to be stored on the dusty shelves or dark corners of a family unit. Crucial challenges and changes in the modern society have affected the reasons for marriages and the challenges families face in the course of the past few decades - they have modified the traditional view on family and married life and are even threatening the existence of the institute of formal marriage thus generating special needs for strengthening the family. Reasons for creating a family can strongly influence its well-being, unity and moral atmosphere. For example, marriage for getting independence from parents may result in loosening bonds, since after a short period of time the couple realizes that, firstly, real independence was not gained (and possibly is very unreal at all) and, secondly, the reason for such marriage was only temporary and not powerful enough to keep two different people together. Likewise, marriage for financial reasons can turn out to be a disaster since money and riches are disappearing even sooner than love. Moreover, day-to-day survival of a couple shows that family cannot be considered as an enterprise or a successful financial investment. It simply does not work that way and does not obey the same laws as business. In addition, financial inequality of spouses in the beginning may lead to deep misunderstandings and disrespect. Instead, more and more people will find the solution of their financial problems and satisfaction of their material aspirations outside of marriage much more successfully. Marriage because of love is one of the most widely spread reasons for creating a family. A man and a woman feel deep attraction to each other and want to get together for good. However, sometimes they do not realize that those emotions of infatuation and sexual desires are just a very strong prelude of a deeper feeling that can be born later and only in marriage. So they are expecting that those nice moments of mutual intimacy and adoration will follow them automatically through cruel routine and turmoil of housekeeping, financial problems, illnesses, family relationship, child-bearing, etc. When they do not recognize their beloved ones who turned into grungy husbands and grumpy wives they say that love has disappeared and their marriage was a big mistake. As a result many people will look for love outside of marriage, which is a threatening factor by itself. Overall, only optimum combination of factors analyzed could guarantee the happiness in family life. For traditional family faced numerous changes over the recent decades, modern family does not follow purely conventional attitudes any longer. Neither does financial success guarantee internal closeness of two people united by family bonds. Therefore, love and mutual respect should be rationally combined with daily commitments. College Degree Necessity essay Example of a Argumentative essay on Personal about: education / college / degree / employment / student / knowledge / skills / success Is a College Degree Necessary to Become Successful Introduction The value of higher education cannot be underestimated considering the contemporary realities of the competitive marketplace. A higher education degree literally serves as the first impression of a jobseeker applying for employment. Namely a college degree is a person’s pass to the business world and so work-related opportunities are enormous. Truth is, college degrees are never the same if we take into account the reputation of higher establishment as well as the prestige of a particular field of studies. The today’s holders of college degrees have unprecedented opportunities of job search since the employment market has largely expanded throughout on-line domain offering freelance and part-time vacancies. Though, in both real and virtual employment, it is always a person’s CV (resume) that is initially considered by employer and in 95% of cases the inclusion of college degree is a must to get a well-paid job. The above mentioned proves that college degree always pays off, and therefore this essay aims to discuss the present-day realities in due respect. General discussion Overall, college education provides students with appropriate knowledge and skills to be used later in real life circumstances and working environment. At that career choices do not matter since the contemporary market is vast and enormous. In particular, college education enables students to gain preliminary information about many essential aspects required to cope with real-life challenges. At that students expand their knowledge and acquire practical skills by grasping abstract theories and concepts. A college curriculum teaches students how to clearly express personal standpoints and opinions both in conversation and writing. In most cases students acquire global thinking as well as that relevant to the solution of specific problems. Furthermore, students learn how to work in teams and solve tasks in cooperation; this enables to establish team spirit and ability to make personal contribution to overall mutual achievement. Various case studies based on real-life experiences teach students to better presume and therefore adapt to further complexities. To this end, it goes without saying that a college degree always means more employment opportunities since it is the identification of one’s academic qualification. In comparison, high school education is not enough to meet the ongoing challenges of today’s market place, and therefore the overwhelming majority of jobs require a college degree. In addition to the expanded job opportunities, a bachelor’s degree means higher earning prospects compare to a person with a high school diploma. Therefore, our earnings initially depend on the quality of diploma we receive, and to a great extent college marks (grades) may be compared to the monthly salary rate in the future In actual fact, there is a problem concerning studying at a college. College education does not depend only on student’s talent, successfulness or willingness to study. The cost of education is therefore high issue on the agenda which indicates the affordability of college education. Many students cannot afford college education due to various reasons and/or particular life conditions. Hence, most students rely on loans and/or other means of financial aid to afford their college courses. Apart from financial reasons, of course, the initial factor is high self-motivation to study at college. Whenever there is no family tradition or lack of overall interest, or nobody to recommend college education, a young person may easily opt for other (alternative) choices. In addition to this, college education assumes preliminary determination meaning that a person should choose a single subject area (law; medicine; architecture) to master in college and therefore build his/her career. However, the initial indecisiveness does not mean a student should know everything in advance. A college education is therefore designated to provide a student with proper and substantial knowledge and skills; nevertheless, the major direction should be chosen well in advance. One other initial problem is that young people mistakenly assume that a college education is rather difficult. To this end, it is worthy to note that studying at college involves student support and tutoring. Most western colleges are equipped with the necessary technological devices and easily accessible academic database to assist students while performing their assignments. Certainly, there are alternatives (e.g. community colleges) to four-year colleges that provide sufficient level of education, though only bachelor’s and master’s degrees are genuinely valued on the competitive marketplace, and therefore most students try to complete their education at four-year colleges (College Board, 2008). Considering the aforementioned, the most important issue on the contemporary agenda would be not the importance of a college degree as such, but its real quality. This is actually the root answer to the problem of why some people are becoming more successful, while others not. Specifically, the quality of a college degree indicates that college graduates obtained certain amount of knowledge and managed to process and, most importantly, absorb it. A core subject, such as law or medicine whatever, requires proper understanding, a contribution of solid amount of time and additional resources to make it a future profession that would bring profits. This is to ay a college degree as such is not the panacea in a working world. A proper college diploma therefore assumes that a college graduate is able to prove it with a certain extent of academic knowledge. Regarding practical skills, they are further acquired within internship, practice and actually working environment. Many people, however, fail to prove their knowledge acquired during college years with practical skills and therefore are made to change profession/occupation. Historically education has been regarded as a key to prosperity, and college system of education starting from the 17th century has proved this approach to be right. Also, throughout historical evolution, conventionally males have gained better education compared to females. However, times have changed and starting from the second half of the 20th century the situation has been equalizing. The today’s working environment is highly diverse providing vast opportunities to the qualified specialists and therefore knowledge has been regarded as a decisive factor. Religious, sex, colour, socio-cultural diversities are more and more eliminated since companies need qualified college graduates that can prove their knowledge in practical conditions. This is the way most companies win a competitive advantage for qualified employees are regarded as an invaluable asset by most corporations. Such fair treatment based on professional qualities rather than individual features is reasonable and justified. Based on qualifications, there is hardly any difference between pay rates; nonetheless, in most industries men still earn more than women. This indicates that discriminatory issues are more and more tolerated and the quality of education approved by a college degree is a real value at the contemporary marketplace (Leonhardt, 2008). One more aspect to consider is the vast employment opportunities accessible to college graduates. The point is that the modern world has become flexible and changing as never before. Internet and cutting-edge technologies indicate the permanent progress and thus success is now associated with s permanent change. Successful people permanently adjust to changing circumstances and diverse environments to reap most benefits. Thereafter, the work-related relationships between employees and employers have also altered dramatically. There are millions of freelance job opportunities enabling people to work form the comfort of their home and rationally maintain work-life balance. To keep workforce loyal most companies need to establish flexible working practices, including part-time jobs, paternity leaves, childcare leaves, swapping shits etc. Therefore, HR departments lessen work stress and enable their employees to lead reasonable (normal) lives. In addition to this, employees are granted with numerous bonuses and incentives that often serve as sound motivators to keep loyal to the corporate policies (Walton, 1985). Due discussion might be continued and further expanded – though the core theme remains the same – only proper extent of knowledge and skills approved by a college degree enable a person to change jobs and seek better option for career-building and professional advancement. Conclusion A college degree is a precious asset we use during lifetime to properly build up our professional growth and development. Therefore, whenever there is a chance, a person should use four college years to acquire this asset and ensure his/her further career prospects. As a rule, college graduates make social strata regarded as elite and many of them are becoming very successful to donate money to charities and therefore reduce poverty. Hence, knowledge brings profit and profit is used for prosperity. In the 21st century this particular formula should be applied in all walks of life to make the world a better place. Mass media liberal bias essay Example of a Critical essay on Social issues about: mass media / liberal / audience / news Essay Topic: The analysis of the problem of the liberal bias of the mass media. Essay Questions: Can mass media be considered liberal? In what way the mass media is the mediator between the events and the audience? Why do mass media covers the news from the perspective which is “suitable” for its own purposes? Thesis Statement: Mass media claims to provide a diversity of different thoughts including political, religious, economic and other ones without thrusting the opinion of the audience. Mass media liberal bias essay "Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one. A.J. Liebling Introduction: “Liberal” comes from the words liberty. What is liberty for mass media? Mass media holds liberty as its primary value. The designation of mass media is to deliver an enormous amount of different message to a very large audience. It is supposed to play the role of the mediator between the events happening in the worlds around and the viewer in order to make the viewer’s opinion over the issue objective and suspended. Mass media claims to provide a diversity of different thoughts including political, religious, economic and other ones without thrusting the opinion of the audience. Do journalists, news producers and all the mass media representatives choose themselves the event they will report and the material they will cover? The reality says that the “liberal bias” of the mass media is nothing more than a myth. The nation sees and hears only what the mass media owners want it to perceive. Conclusion: The major mass media companies do a great providing almost all mainstream broadcasts and almost a half of the main newspaper publications. Mass media “nominally” does have liberal bias but in reality it is an illusion to make the audience feel safe while watching TV, reading newspapers and listening to the radio. The owners of the mass media companies have their own motives to cover the news in a specific way or from the side they are interested in. The liberalism ends at the point when it comes to the need of the company’s owner to impose his will on the audience. Technology in the radio industry of the 21st century essay Example of a Argumentative essay on Business about: technology / radio / inventions / business / consumer Essay Topic: The importance of the role of the technological development in the radio industry of the 21st century. Essay Questions: How have technological inventions influenced the development of the radio industry? What role does radio industry play in the lives of ordinary contemporary people? How the technology does helps the radio industry to reach maximum of its potential audience? Thesis Statement: Technological process started being the leading power in our world long ago and now it is in its blossom. So many things depend on it and it is very hard to imagine the existance of humanity without it. Technology in the radio industry of the 21st century essay Introduction: Things change a lot in cotemporary world. The world itself changes, becomes more advanced. Everything is made for the convenience of a man. And the main reason for many inventions – is to make man’s life easier. Inventions that save time and perform different actions as a substitute to the man’s actions. If it were not for progress we still would have been “cave” people. Progress, which nowadays is evaluated through technology. Technological process started being the leading power in our world long ago and now it is in its blossom. So many things depend on it and it is very hard to imagine the existance of humanity without it. Radio industry played an important part in the lives of modern people. Due to people’s business it was the only source from which a person could get vital information or is entertained by. It is not represented in a very high quality nowadays and there is a lot of competition between various companies for the best production concerning this matter. A large number of consumers seek high quality production and a lot of numbers of companies are eager to satisfy their demand. As the technology develops every company tries to catch up and be on top of the technological progress. The question of technology rendering the regulation of the radio industry obsolete in the 21st century has different sides. It can be viewed from the point of view of producing and performing technological support to the radio industry. Spreading the broadcasting is also very important for it is one of the main characteristics of a radio industry to become popular. Of course it has to be on the background of a very qualified contents of what is broadcasted. Radio has a lot of competition, but it still remains one of the most popular informational sources. One of its advantages is that a person can keep doing whatever he was doing but at the same time he can listen either to news or to good music on the radio. People do not have to spend their time riveted to the screen of their TV’s and very limited in their possible actions. When it goes about radio people do not have to spent time of visual perception – it is all auditory. For example, the only time business people can listen to something is when they drive their cars. In this case radio carries the responsibility of giving checked and reliable information. In order to give such information radio industry has to be very up-to-date and high-speed. According to this, radio industry is a lot dependent on the technological progress and technology itself. Through technology radio industry realizes its primary goals, follows its priorities and reaches the audience. This is very important now, when industries hit the consumers not by quality, but by quantity. The demand on tested information is high, and the supply sometimes is sufficiently low. Technology becomes a method, a tool and a way of putting the radio industry on a proper level of development. Technology dictates a lot of rules to the radio industry. Thought at the same time it enlarges its borders and makes it accessible and suitable for a way bigger audience. The audience, which is adjusted to a necessary radio-wave listens to news, music. Interesting property of a broadcast is the ability to inform the audience about various information. All these features have allowed the broadcasts attract the largest audience. Though the broadcast is listened instantly and easily, process of its preparation, beginning from record of a sound before distribution in ether, requires the special responsibility, accuracy and efficiency. This essay is written to make it understandable that when someone says “ radio industry” it is not right to think only about radio stations, but unfortunately people sometimes do it. The beginning was about that stereotype and proved that it is really supported by the reality, but there is much more to radio industry than that. Radio technology is a thing that is connected almost with every aspect of our lives, whether we talk on the phone or doing anything else. For twenty years there seemed no prospect of innovation in radio systems but increasing complexity of silicon devices at falling cost. This has brought about a revolution in thinking and in opportunities for new communication systems. The borders of radio technologies are disappearing dramatically. Nowadays one of the most prosperous branches of the radio industry is wireless technology. Personal communications, business data distribution and computer-to-computer communication are only some of the significant areas already in the process of being developed by the new radio technology. Developments in linear technology and cellular techniques, together with the now recognized advantages of short-range radio, mean that new radio systems will support a far greater number of users from the available spectrum. All these innovations are on a very high demand and radio technology is expected to speed up the velocity of its development. Nevertheless, if we take for example broadcasting it is not possible to say its progress is realized very fast. What is made to make it better? All the work that is being done concerns the improving and upgrading the radio systems that already exist, though it definitely will be better to take the plunge and apply the computer industry even more into the world of radio superhighways. Create something new and do not get stuck on the old. Our radio industry environment needs a strong point and this strong point should be some new, unbelievable technology, a revolution in this industry. Digital audio broadcasting is one of the creations that start up this revolution. Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) offers a full-digital radio broadcast system for fixed, portable and especially mobile receivers. It brings a super sound quality and powerful data service to homes and cars. We consider this creation to be one of the most important technological innovations since the start of broadcasting. The quality of the sound is a result of using the “psycho-acoustic properties of the human ear”. It is leveled to a compact disc sound and it even includes picture transmission. This breakout in the radio industry owing to the new technology predestines the directivity of the radio technological progress. What is the most essential problem for the radio industry consumers? Transmission quality, no doubt. The new technology offers high spectrum efficiency and unimpaired reception in moving vehicles. This is a step that will definitely make modern people seek for this exact type of broadcasting when turning to the radio industry products. So broadcasting is one of the primary cares of the industry and depends on the technology. At the same moment the role of a broadcast in delivery of the important, necessary, urgent news to the audience is unchallengeable. Besides the radio was always the source of information necessary in education of growing up generation and spreading the knowledge of advanced experience. Today, despite the development of video engineering, radio industry is not going to give up its positions. Another technology that intensifies the radio industry is web radio. Nowadays Internet is a very popular and is an integral part of the lives of all the people of our planet. This technology offers a person an opportunity to start his “own global adventure in radio” owing to this new mean of audio communication. There is a lot of literature to help people to learn how to use the web radio and to get the best of it. A person can gain technical and practical know-how to enable the station to go live, but also an appreciation of the legal and copyright implications of making radio, potentially for international audiences and in the rapidly evolving environment of the web. Radio industry is changing: radio on the Internet, AM stereo, cable and satellite radio, niche formats, mergers and consolidation, future prospects, and digital technology – all these makes radio industry very attractive for the audience provides insight into this ever-changing field. If we take a smaller issue of the radio industry we can see that a lot of thing have been done to improve the old-fashioned technologies, too. This is fulfilled because a lot of people cannot afford expensive technological products and prefers stay with what they are all used to. We can take a radio receiver as an example. Radio receivers are obviously a very important part of radio and wireless technology. Their performance is critical to many applications. The basic radio receiver concepts including the superhet and other topologies such as the direct conversion receiver are of great interest. Elements such as selectivity, sensitivity, dynamic range, and many more are of great importance to any radio receiver. So too are some of the circuits and techniques employed. Mixers, demodulators and synthesizers are only three examples. The main technological step made concerning radio receivers is the issue of their dynamic range. Sensitivity is one of the main specifications of any radio receiver. However the sensitivity of a set is by no means the whole story. The specification for a set may show it to have an exceedingly good level of sensitivity, but when it is connected to an antenna its performance may be very disappointing because it is easily overloaded when strong signals are present, and this may impair its ability to receive weak signals. The overall dynamic range of the receiver is very important. It is just as important for a set to be able to handle strong signals well as it is to be able to pick up weak ones. This becomes very important when trying to pick up weak signals in the presence of nearby strong ones. Under these circumstances a set with a poor dynamic range may not be able to hear the weak stations picked up by a less sensitive set with a better dynamic range. Problems like blocking, inter-modulation distortion and the like within the receiver may mask out the weak signals, despite the set having a very good level of sensitivity. Ordinary people face these kinds of problems. And though it may be considered some kind of detailed description of what a receiver is the reason we described it all in detail is to allocate what qualities people are seeking for in one of the most popular products of the radio industry. This is the radio receiver technology and it is an integral part of the contemporary radio development. Everything that has once been invented in the radio industry has to gain a new life or a decent substitute. What is the reason of such a phenomena? The main reason is that the products of such a prosperous industry have to follow the progress in the outside world. The outside progress is strongly influenced by the demand of the current society. The society, in its turn, dictates the demand being influenced by lots of factors. One of them is that people need high quality service in a very small amount of time. People need to save their time and obtain qualified products at the same moment. It is all about demand and supply. People have numerous business connections and deals all over the world. What they need is a guaranteed any-minute connection to any place they what to connect to. They are ready to pay proper money for it because quality means – high prices, especially when it concerns technologies. Conclusion: It would be right to say that technology has rendered the regulation of the radio industry obsolete in the 21st century. Technology controls the development of the radio industry and without it this industry would be dead by now. It is not dead, but it is not the same anymore. Radio industry should be represented throughout technology. Technology- means changes, changes for something new and hopefully much better. Technology is a system that has been designed and realized on practice. It is a model of solving current technological issues. All the technologies persecute one goal – satisfaction and projection of possible demands and changes that may be needed in order to keep the industry up. As long as we talk about radio industry it becomes a “law”. Technology is the essence of every modern industry. Radio get alder andolder. That is the reason it does render the regulation of the radio industry obsolete. Every fact that was listed above proves it in its very core. Radio industry needs to change and even more than that it need a constant change, a constant spreading. It needs a constant offer of new techniques. In this case it will stay as up as it is. Million of people worked in the radio industry and dedicate their thoughts and lives to the creation of something we may be already consuming. Technology cannot be the heart of the radio industry, because technology is growing and reaching its blossom. Owing to technology our houses are more comfortable and completely serve to our convenience. And as for business people - they are the ones that will say without a doubt that that due to the technology the radio industry obsolete was inevitable. 17