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The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research Original Article V̇O2 decrease Before Exhaustion During Constant Load Exercise. Role of Respiratory Muscles Abderraouf Ben Abderrahman1*, Lotfi Bouguerra1, Fatma Rhibi2, Armel Cretual2, Mohamed Ansari4, Amel Chebbi3, Jacques Prioux2 1 Higher Institute of Sport and Physical Education of Ksar-Said, Tunisia, 2Movement, Sport, and Health Sciences Laboratory, University of Rennes 2, Rennes, France, 3Faculty of Medicine of Tunis, Tunisia, 4Dubaï Sports Council, United Arab Emirates ABSTRACT   VO Objectives: The aim of our work was to analyse the VO 2 2 kinetic during a constant load exercise, to check the existence of a decrease at the end of this kind of exercise and finally to study the respiratory muscles strength evolution, before and after this kind of exercise. Patients and Methods: Eight endurance trained athletes (20.6 ± 2.7 yrs) performed three field-tests until exhaustion: firstly  a maximal graded test to determine their maximal oxygen uptake ( VO 2max ) and maximal aerobic velocity (MAV) and secondly two constant velocity exercises on track at 100% (tlim100) and 95% of MAV (tlim95) until exhaustion. Results: Our study outcomes revealed a  VO 2 decrease before the end of exercise for three subjects. The mean decrease duration was 51.3 ± 13.4 s and represented 8.3 ± 2.1 % of the total exercise duration. Maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures (PImax and PEmax), measured before and after exercise were considered as respiratory muscle strength indices and were not significantly different before or after the exercise. Conclusion: The  existence of a VO 2 decrease before the end of the exercise, already highlighted in the literature is confirmed. Our results indicated  that respiratory muscle fatigue was not explicative for VO 2 decrease. However, further studies are necessary to confirm these results.  Keywords: Continuous exercises, VO 2 decrease, respiratory muscle strength, maximal respiratory pressures BACKGROUND  During exercise, muscle and pulmonary VO uptake 2  ) increase approximately exponentially to a steady ( VO 2 state until the end of exercise [1]. However, Perrey et al. [2] during a continuous exercise realized on  treadmill at 95% of v VO 2max (velocity associated with   VO ), observed a VO 2max 2 decrease before exhaustion  for 7 of their 13 subjects (54 %). This VO 2 decrease before exhaustion had been also found by Astrand Access this article online Website: ISSN: 2001-9211 and Saltin [3], Nummela and Rusko [4] and Heubert et al. [5] during a maximal constant load exercise. Nevertheless, this decrease is merely limited to an observation in these studies. More recently, Thevenet et al. [6] during intermittent exercise (105% of maximal aerobic velocity (MAV) alternated with passive recovery)  decrease with trained adolescents, also showed a VO 2 before exhaustion. According to these authors, this result could be explained by a minute ventilation ( V E ) decrease. In their study, Perrey et al. [2] also suggested that ventilatory system deterioration could explain  VO 2 decrease before exhaustion. Unfortunately, these authors did not highlight specific characteristics for  decrease. Considering respiratory subjects with a VO 2 muscles fatigue as a condition in which there is a loss in the capacity for developing force of muscle, which is reversible by rest [7], we hypothesized that the respiratory muscle strength loss could be the origin of Address for correspondence: Abderraouf Ben Abderrahman, Higher Institute of Sport and Physical Education of Ksar-Said, Tunisia. Tel: (00 216) 20 316 494, E-mail: The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research • Vol. 6 • Issue 1 • June 2019 1  Ben Abderrahman, et al.: VO decrease before exhaustion during constant load exercise 2  decrease during continuous exercise. Maximal VO 2 respiratory pressures are considered a good index of respiratory muscle strength [8]. Moreover, at the end of the exercise, respiratory frequency (fr) increase could be insufficient compared to tidal volume (VT) decrease and hence, according to the relationship V E = VT × fr, could be responsible for V E decrease [9]. breath-by-breath portable metabolic system (Cosmed K4b2, Rome, Italy; [11]) in order to determine V E , VT, fr  . Further details about the system are provided and VO 2 elsewhere [12]. The K4b2 was calibrated before the beginning of each test according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. Heart rate (HR) was continuously monitored (Polar Electro, Kempele, Finland). Maximal Static Mouth Pressure Measurements OBJECTIVES  Then, the aim of our work was to analyse the VO 2 kinetic during a constant load exercise, to check the  existence of a VO 2 decrease at the end of this kind of exercise and finally to study the respiratory muscles strength evolution, before and after this kind of exercise. PATIENTS AND METHODS Subjects Eight male physical education students (mean age 20.6 ± 2.7 yrs) volunteered to participate in this study. All were from the same athletic club and regularly practised athletics for at least 3 years. Subjects were 19 to 27 years old. Their mean ± SD for mass, height and percentage of fat were 70.5 ± 3.1 kg, 180.2 ± 6.2 cm and 12.4 ± 2.2 %, respectively. Before testing, the subjects underwent a medical examination and were fully informed of the experimental procedures and a signed consent was obtained from the subjects. The inclusion criteria required for subjects was the absence of cardiovascular diseases; pre- or diabetes risk and hypertension (i.e., blood pressure > 140/90 mmHg) and absence of electrocardiogram abnormalities. This study had been approved by the University of Nantes Research Ethics Committee. Overview Subjects performed three field-tests until exhaustion on a 400-m outdoor tartan track at the same time of the day, with at least 48h rest between each test [10]. Atmospheric conditions were checked before each test ensuring that all sessions were carried out under similar environmental conditions (wind speed lower than 2.5 m.s-1; temperature between 18 and 23°C; humidity between 40 and 70%). Athletes first performed a maximal  graded test to determine VO 2max and MAV. Then, they performed in a randomized order two continuous exercises until exhaustion at 100% (tlim100) and 95% (tlim95) of MAV. During all tests, we used the Cosmed K4b2 Maximal respiratory pressures, considered as a good index of respiratory muscle strength, can be used in order to appreciate respiratory muscle fatigue [13]. Maximal inspiratory (PImax) and expiratory (PEmax) pressures were respectively measured at residual volume (RV) and total pulmonary capacity (TPC) with a ZAN betterflow portable device (Flowhandy ZAN 100, Messgeraete Gmbh, Germany) using the technique of Black and Hyatt [14]. This measure was realized in the athletics stadium, just next to the athletics tracks, by the same experimenter at rest and 3 min after the end of the test. In each case, PImax and PEmax were measured 5 times respectively. The highest and lowest values were rejected and the three others were averaged for data processing [15]. Maximal pressures were generated at the mouth as previously detailed [16]. Maximal Graded Test Red cones were set at 20 m intervals along the track (inside the first line). The initial speed of the maximal graded test was 8 km.h-1 and was increased by 1 km.h-1  every 2 min [17], to determine VO 2max , MAV, peak  minute ventilation ( VE max) and peak respiratory frequency (frmax). V E max and frmax were determined at  the corresponding time associated with VO 2max . The  determination methods of MAV and VO2max have been extensively described elsewhere [6]. Constant Load Exercises and Breathing Pattern Measurement Athletes performed two constant load exercises until exhaustion (tlim): a 100% of MAV constant exercise (tlim100) to confirm the MAV values and a constant load  exercise at 95% of MAV (tlim95) to study VO 2 decrease and its link with maximal respiratory pressures. For tlim95, V E , VT and fr values were averaged over a 2s period. Then, the values were averaged over 20 periods, each corresponding to 5% of the individual tlim duration. The time course of V E , VT, fr are presented on figure 1 for a representative subject. We also calculated the last minute V E and fr values for tlim95. The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research • Vol. 6 • Issue 1 • June 2019 2  Ben Abderrahman, et al.: VO decrease before exhaustion during constant load exercise 2 Speed Control The tests were performed on an athletic track equipped with cones every 20 m. During both constant load exercise and maximal graded test, running speed was maintained constant thanks to an experimenter on bicycle that the subject followed. Firstly, the latter experimenter was provided with a mp3 device (located in a bag carried across his shoulder by the experimenter and connected to him by headphones) giving an imposed time signal every 20 m and took care of the subject position on a level with the aft wheel. Secondly, another experimenter also paid attention to the subject position and to lap time. Statistical Analysis  Figure 1: VO 2 , breathing pattern and maximal respiratory pressures for tlim95 in subject S2  VO 2 : Oxygen uptake, VT: tidal volume, fr: respiratory frequency,  : minute ventilation; PI V and PEmax: Maximal inspiratory and E max  decrease begining expiratory pressures. The vertical line shows the V E (95% tlim) V̇O 2 Kinetic Modelling Exercise data before recovery were analysed using Matlab® (Mathworks, Natick, MA). The cardio-respiratory values were averaged on a 2 s periods and then smoothed thanks to a gaussian sliding mean processing along a 10 s wide window. The second order model also usually called a  kinetic mono-exponential function that best fits the VO 2 curve obtained was identified. Finally, a Kalman filter and a algorithm of abrupt changes detection [18] were used in order to detect a local loss of adequacy between the  kinetic. If such model estimated and the measured VO 2  kinetics, the a change was detected at the end of VO 2 algorithm computed the best linear approximation of this  slope), meaning the part of the curve after phase ( VO 2  slope values, we calculated the change. Based on VO 2 -1 amplitude (ml.min .kg-1) and duration (s) values to  decrease [2]. characterize the VO 2 Mean PImax and PEmax values were compared using a paired t-test. A linear regression model was used to assess the relationship between PImax, PEmax both measured at the end of tlim95 and the duration of tlim95. Normal Gaussian distribution of the data was verified with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (with Lilliefor’s correction). For all statistical analyses, the level of significance was  , V , V and fr set at p<0.05. Statistical analyses for VO 2 E T were not provided since they are not consistent regarding the weak number of subjects. Effect sizes (ES) were evaluated from the Cohen’s d. ES of ≤ 0.2, 0.21-0.60, 0.61-1.20, 1.21-2.0, ≥2.0 were respectively considered as trivial, small, moderate, large and very large [19]. RESULTS Maximal Graded Test   Mean values for MAV, VO 2max , Rmax, HRmax, VE max and frmax were: 18.4 ± 0.6 km.h-1, 58.1 ± 3.5, 1.2 ± 0.1, 192.1 ± 6.2 bpm, 151.8 ± 11.1 l.min-1 and 55.1 ± 6.5 min-1 respectively (Table 1). In subjects  decrease, mean values of MAV (18.5 ± with VO 2 -1 -1  0.9 km.h-1), VO 2max (56.3 ± 4.3 ml.min .kg ), Rmax  (1.2 ± 0.0), HRmax (190.7 ± 7.6 bpm), VE max (148.4 ± 5.7 l.min-1) and frmax (57.9 ± 5.6 min-1) did not present any particularly higher or lower values compared with  mean values of MAV (18.4 ± 0.5 km.h-1), VO 2max (59.2 -1 -1 ± 2.8 ml.min .kg ), Rmax (1.2 ± 0.1), HRmax (193.0 ± 5.9 bpm), V E max (153.9 ± 13.6 l.min-1) and frmax (53.4  decrease. ± 7.0 min-1) in subjects without VO 2 Constant Load Exercises Mean values for tlim100 were 363.4 ± 56.8 s and ensured the subjects MAV values. Mean values of tlim95 was The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research • Vol. 6 • Issue 1 • June 2019 3  Ben Abderrahman, et al.: VO decrease before exhaustion during constant load exercise 2 564.7 ± 75.3 s. Table 2 shows last minute V E and fr values during tlim95. The higher last minute V E (149.4 ± 10.3 l.min-1 vs 147.3 ± 12.4 l.min-1) and fr (54.4 ± 79 min-1 vs 55.0 ± 6.9 min-1) values were not  decrease. systematically observed in subjects with VO 2 V̇O 2 Decrease Characteristics The model used did reveal a slope at the end of exercise for subjects 2, 3 and 5 during tlim95 (Table 3),  decrease for these subjects. The illustrating a VO 2  decrease (DD) was 51.3 ± mean duration of the VO 2 13.4s and corresponded in mean to 8.3 ± 2.1% of total exercise duration. Respiratory Muscle Fatigue  , V , fr and V expressed relatively to time VO 2 E T to exhaustion for tlim95 are shown in figure 1. Only representative subject S2 is represented in this figure. This figure also shows individual values of PImax and PEmax measured before and at the end of the exercise. Table 1: Maximal graded test parameters Subjects MAV (km.h‑1) VO2max (ml.min‑‑1) Rmax HRmax (bpm) VEmax (l.min‑1) frmax (min‑1) S2 19.0 61.1 1.2 196.0 145.1 61.1 S3 17.5 52.9 1.2 194.0 145.0 51.5 S5 19.0 54.8 1.2 182.0 155.0 61.3 Mean±SD (n=3) 18.5 0.9 56.3 4.3 1.2 0.0 190.7 7.6 148.4 5.7 57.9 5.6 S1 19.0 58.0 1.2 185.0 156.7 55.8 S4 18.5 63.3 1.2 196.0 141.7 45.6 S6 18.5 59.6 1.0 200.0 150.6 57.8 S7 17.5 59.6 1.3 195.0 144.5 46.5 S8 18.5 55.7 1.2 189.0 176.0 61.3 Mean±SD (n=5) 18.4 0.5 59.2 2.8 1.2 0.1 193 5.9 153.9 13.6 53.4 7.0 Mean±SD (n=8) 18.4 0.6 58.1 3.5 1.2 0.1 192.1 6.2 151.8 11.1 55.1 6.5 ES (Cohen’s d) 0.17 0.83 0.00 0.37 0.50 0.69   V MAV: maximal aerobic velocity; VO E 2max : maximal oxygen uptake; Rmax: maximal respiratory exchange ratio; HRmax: maximal heart rate; ventilation; frmax: maximal respiratory frequency. ES: effect size (Cohen’s d) max : maximal minute Table 2: Minute ventilation and respiratory frequency values during tlim95 Subjects tlim95 (s) Last minute VE (l.min‑1) %VEmax fr (min‑1) %frmax S2 510.0 151.3 104.3 61.5 100.7 S3 624.0 138.3 95.4 45.8 88.9 S5 742.0 158.6 102.3 55.9 91.2 Mean±SD (n=3) 625.3 116.0 149.4 10.3 100.7 4.7 54.4 7.9 93.6 6.3 S1 474.0 143.9 91.8 52.4 93.9 S4 586.0 127.7 90.1 44.3 97.1 S6 632.0 159.9 106.2 60.4 104.5 S7 648.0 154.9 107.2 57.7 124.1 479.0 149.9 85.2 62.2 101.5 Mean±SD (n=5) S8 563.8 82.9 147.3 12.4 96.1 9.9 55.4 7.2 104.2 11.8 Mean±SD (n=8) 564.7 75.3 148.1 10.9 97.8 8.3 55.0 6.9 100.2 11.0 ES (Cohen’s d) 0.82 0.19 0.55 0.14 0.96    : mean last minute ventilation expressed in l.min‑1 and relatively to V V V E ); fr: mean last minute E max (determined during maximal graded test ‑ % E max respiratory frequency expressed in min‑1 and relatively to frmax (determined during maximal graded test ‑ % frmax). ES: effect size (Cohen’s d) The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research • Vol. 6 • Issue 1 • June 2019 4  Ben Abderrahman, et al.: VO decrease before exhaustion during constant load exercise 2  Table 3: VO decrease characteristics during tlim95 for subjects S2, S3 and S5 2 Subjects tlim (s) TD (s) DD (s) %DD ∆ (ml.min‑‑1) %∆ S2 510.0 474.0 36.0 7.1 2.7 5.6 S3 624.0 546.0 78.0 12.5 2.5 5.8 S5 742.0 702.0 40.0 5.4 5.6 12.8 Mean±SD (n=3) 625.3 67.0 574.0 67.3 51.3 13.4 8.3 2.1 3.6 1.0 8.1 2.4  tlim95: time to exhaustion performed at 95% of MAV; TD: time delay of VO2 decrease beginning; DD: decrease duration; %DD: percentage of decrease duration   VO  tlim95; ∆: decrease amplitude; %∆: percentage of 2 decrease amplitude relatively to the total VO 2 amplitude A, considered as the difference between VO 2  plateau and VO 2 at rest (t=0) The vertical line in the figure represents the onset of V E decrease and is linked to the other parameters. Despite the lack of statistical analyse in the three subjects with  decrease, V and V seemed to decrease and fr a VO 2 E T seemed to increase at the end of tlim95. Mean values of maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures values (PImax and PEmax) measured at rest (rest) and at the end of the exercise (end) are shown in figure 2. Statistical results did not highlight any significant evolution of PImax (d = 0.21) and PEmax (d = 0.20) values between the rest and the end of the exercise during tlim95. No significant relationship was found between PImax [=83.8 + (0.063 × tlim95), r2 = 0.05, p=0.587], PEmax [=-6.96 + (0.27 × tlim95), r2 = 0.19, p=0.27], both measured at the end of tlim95, and the duration of tlim95. DISCUSSION  The aim of our work was to analyse the VO 2 kinetic during a constant load exercise, to check the existence  of a VO 2 decrease at the end of this kind of exercise and finally to study the respiratory muscles strength evolution, before and after this kind of exercise. Our  study outcomes reveal a VO 2 decrease before the end of exercise for three subjects. From a methodological  point of view, firstly, VO 2 data were averaged on a two seconds period. Data were analysed with Matlab®  software and a second order model was applied to VO 2 kinetics. An ad-hoc filtering process, based on Kalman filter was then used in order to detect the changes of  model relatively to VO 2 kinetic. When, and only when,  a series of changes was detected at the end of VO 2 kinetic, the software applied a linear phase. This latter  was only applied after a VO 2 steady state detection. As the linear phase is based on several decreasing plots, we conclude that the decrease observed is not due to  measurement artefacts. Secondly, the VO 2 decrease observed in our three subjects also cannot be explained by running speed variations. Indeed, running speed was maintained constant for each intensity thanks to four controls. Therefore, according to these methodological  decrease considerations, we concluded that the VO 2 could be only explained by physiological process.  Moreover, the proportion of subjects with a VO 2 decrease (47%) are close to those reported by Perrey et al. [2]. Respiratory Muscle Fatigue One hypothesis put forward in order to understand this  before exhaustion during continuous decrease in VO 2 exercise concerns respiratory muscle fatigue [2]. During short intermittent exercise (30s at 105% of MAV alternated with 30s passive recovery) we have  decrease before exhaustion. We also shown [6] a VO 2  decrease was partly connected suggested that this VO 2 with respiratory muscle fatigue. Maximal respiratory pressures, considered as a good index of respiratory muscle strength, can be used in order to assess respiratory muscle fatigue [13]. However, according to Hayot et Matecki [20] maximal respiratory pressures used as a fatigue index should be coupled with other fatigue evaluation methods. Thus, in our study, two approaches were used to appreciate the respiratory muscle fatigue. The first was related to maximal respiratory pressures (PImax and PEmax) measurements and the second one depended on the use of VT, fr and V E kinetics [9]. Maximal respiratory pressure measurement fell within the range described by Leech et al. [21] and Chen et al. [22], and our results (Figure 2) did not present a significant difference between these two parameters at rest (rest) and at the end of the exercise (end). Since  was not present the phenomenon of a decrease in VO 2 in more than half of the subjects, it seems logical that there was no systematic fatigue of the respiratory muscles in the total group. But that does not necessarily mean The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research • Vol. 6 • Issue 1 • June 2019 5  Ben Abderrahman, et al.: VO decrease before exhaustion during constant load exercise 2 Figure 2: Mean values (± SD) for maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures for the whole population during tlim95 PImax and PEmax: Maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures. NS : no significant difference that respiratory muscles fatigue was not the cause of  in those three subjects. Moreover, the decrease in VO 2 PImax and PEmax values seemed to be lower at the end of the exercise (Figure 2). We could hypothesize that even without a significant decrease, 95% of MAV intensity seems to induce respiratory muscle fatigue. Thevenet et al. [6] during intermittent exercise observed a longer decrease (30% of time to exhaustion) during a longer exercise duration (around 35min). Whereas our mean tlim95 was shorter than ten minutes, mean time to exhaustion during intermittent exercise in Thevenet et al. [6] study was much longer because of the exercise modality. If decrease is linked to respiratory muscle fatigue, it could confirm results of Jonhson et al. [23] who recommended exercise intensity and duration at less of 85% of MAV and ten minutes respectively to induce respiratory muscle fatigue. We thought that 95% of MAV was an appropriate intensity in order to run longer than ten minutes, but it seems to be necessary to choose lower intensities or other exercise modality to run longer and then support the respiratory muscle fatigue hypothesis. These observations are consistent with conclusions of Romer et Polkey who suggested that exercise intensity is important but also that exercise duration plays a major role in diaphragm fatigue [24]. The second approach was based on the use of VT, fr and V E kinetics [9]. Let us first note that the filtering  process used to analyse VO 2 kinetics cannot be used  in those cases. Indeed, VE and fr kinetics do not fit a second order model. For example, no stable state is reached before exhaustion. Our results showed that the decrease in V E began at around 95% of tlim95. This result could be explained by a VT decrease. Indeed, after 95% of tlim95, the increase in fr seemed to be insufficient to prevent the VT decrease, that can be considered as an indirect sign of respiratory muscle fatigue [9]  and can partly explain the VO 2 decrease [6] before exhaustion. Nevertheless, the absence of significantly different results on respiratory muscle fatigue and the impossibility of statistical processing V E , VT and fr values, lead us to consider our results with caution and to partly reject our hypothesis. Another hypothesis has been advanced by Perrey et al. [2] to explain the  origin of the VO 2 decrease before exhaustion. This hypothesis is related to a cardiac output decrease and to an O2 arterio-veinous difference decrease. The latter hypothesis seems to be more likely during a maximal exercice and could have an influence on the locomotor  muscles perfusion and VO 2 for trained athletes. Indeed, during a maximal exercise, respiratory muscles  O2 consumption corresponds to 10-15% of VO 2max . It induces a greater respiratory muscle blood flow, which could in turn induce locomotor muscle vasoconstriction. Then, it could compromise the blood flow, necessary for a good perfusion of locomotor muscles, and decrease the O2 arterio-veinous difference [25]. An exerciseinduced hypoxaemia (EIH) could also explain an O2 arterio-veinous difference decrease. EIH is defined as a reduction in the arterial pressure O2 (PaO2) by more than 1kPa and/or a haemoglobin O2 saturation (SaO2) below 95% [26]. The ability to maintain a high alveolar O2 pressure (PAO2) is critical for blood oxygenation and this appears to be difficult in large individuals. A large lung capacity and, in turn, diffusion capacity seem to protect PaO2. A widening of the PAO2-PaO2 difference does indicate that a diffusion limitation, a ventilation-perfusion mismatch and/ or a shunt influence the transport of O2 from alveoli to the pulmonary capillaries. A marked increase in cardiac output induces a faster transit time. When the latter is combined with diffusion limitation previously described, the O2 transport problem is accentuated.  decrease before To conclude, the existence of a VO 2 the end of the exercise, already highlighted in the literature [2, 3, 4], seems to be confirmed. However, the respiratory muscle fatigue hypothesis seems to be partly rejected to explain our results. We suppose, indeed, that the exercise duration was insufficient to induce a respiratory muscle fatigue in the subjects. It could be interesting hence, to test other exercise intensities or modalities, in order to study respiratory muscle fatigue  and its link with VO 2 decrease over a longer period. The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research • Vol. 6 • Issue 1 • June 2019 6  Ben Abderrahman, et al.: VO decrease before exhaustion during constant load exercise 2 Limitations Whilst this study examined only eight male physical education students, studying more high-level middle and long-distance runners is certainly warranted to get a better understanding of the nature of the associations  decrease and the respiratory muscle between the VO 2 fatigue. Aknowledgement In memory of Delphine Thevenet. Conflict of Interests The authors have no conflicts of interest that are directly relevant to the content of this article. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Poole DC, Ferreira LF, Behnke BJ, Barstow TJ, Jones AM. The final frontier: oxygen flux into muscle at exercise onset. Exerc Sport Sci Rev. 2007;35(4):166-173. Perrey S, Candau R, Millet GY, Borrani F, Rouillon JD. Decrease in oxygen uptake at the end of a high-intensity submaximal running in humans. 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